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This just in…

Thursday, Aug 9, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 11:10 am - The House is debating the operating budget at the moment. Listen or watch here.

* 11:26 am - Rep. Jay Hoffman, the governor’s floor leader, warned members earlier that the operating budget under consideration now in the House will never be signed. The governor’s office, meanwhile, is dissing the document…

Spokeswoman Abby Ottenhoff says the revenue and expenses in the budget don’t add up. She says that could mean some services would have to be cut to make the budget balance.

She also complained that it contains about $200 million for legislative pork projects.

Ottenhoff stopped short of saying Blagojevich would veto the bill if it reaches his desk.

* 11:36 am - From a press release…

The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 31 will hold two news conferences today to announce details of its lawsuit seeking to compel the state of Illinois and Comptroller Dan Hynes to pay all state employees in full and on time, even absent a new state budget.

* 12:33 pm - Just nine House members voted “No” on the operating budget.

* 12:36 pm - Good news, I suppose. Speaker Madigan just announced that the Senate has finally agreed to put the now agreed operating budget on a House bill that’s sitting in the Senate, pass it today and send it over to the House, so the House can then vote on it today and send it to the governor right away.

Subscribers know what this means. The trust level between the House and Senate is growing and the governor will be on the spot.

* 12:34 pm - It’s not posted at the moment, but the House roll call of the budget bill can be found here.

* 12:55 pm - Remember this?

On April 15th this year, nothing had even started yet.

* 1:06 pm - The House is recessed until 4 o’clock, when they will vote on the 7 percent solution bill and, likely, the operating budget.

* 1:30 pm - House members voting against the operating budget today were Arroyo, Black, Dunkin, Granberg, Hoffman, McCarthy, Phelps, Reitz and Ryg.

* 1:40 pm - Some days have ups and downs. Today’s Alton Telegraph editorial quoted my line about the governor’s “flailing, wild-eyed, veto-threatening man behind the curtain” behavior, while an illiterate, barely readable hack at the Peoria Journal-Star who I never heard of before saw fit to call me stupid. She explained in a subsequent e-mail that she was just trying to get my attention. She succeeded. That Gatehouse Media crowd and I just can’t seem to get along this week.

* 1:55 pm - Something to consider… The House vote on the operating budget today and Jones’ intention to run a different but identical bill in the Senate means Jones now has a vehicle bill (the one that passed the House today) that he can shell out and use for other budgetary purposes, like the gaming/capital stuff or a one-month budget.

* 2:27 pm - OK, there’s quite a bit of confusion out there about the House passing a budget and then the Senate using a different bill to pass an identical budget. A friend of mine and I just had this conversation on AIM about what has happened so far today. I’ve slightly edited it…

FRIEND: hello
CAPITOLFAX: what’s up?
FRIEND: i need you to explain what happened today please
CAPITOLFAX: the house passed a budget. the senate couldn’t vote on that bill until sunday
CAPITOLFAX: so, the senate will use the vehicle bill that mjm sent over several days ago, amend it with the budget language, send it right back to the house and the house will pass it and send it to the guv
FRIEND: all today?
CAPITOLFAX: and emil has a new house vehicle that he can use after saturday for gaming or a 1-month budget
FRIEND: so the budget the house passed this am is useless at this moment
CAPITOLFAX: it’s useful for emil’s future
FRIEND: yes but not for paychecks
CAPITOLFAX: the budget will be passed today
FRIEND: thank you, that is what i understood but it is getting bogged down in rumors
FRIEND: and the gov wont sign?
FRIEND: and now the budget passes but emil has his opening?

Jones is now preparing a gaming bill, a capital bill and a bond authorization bill. Not sure what vehicles he will use yet, when the votes will take place, or what Madigan will do with them in the House if Jones can pass them.

* 2:52 pm - If you’re still confused, “Ghost” posted this in comments, for which he gets an A+…

Rich, if I understand your AIM explanation, the senate has a bill in front of it that under senate rules is immediately elligible to be called for a vote. The Senate takes that Bill, deletes all of its current contents, and replaces them with the budget. This then allows them to vote on it today in compliance with whatever the internal process stuff is for calling bills. If they did not use an existing bill there is a delay before it can be called for a vote. But the existing budget already passed by the house that has moved to the senate can have its language removed and replaced with whatever jones needs in the future.



  1. - Linus - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 11:27 am:

    Interesting that Gary Hannig is labeled “REP. PHELPS” on House video feed. Either that or Brandon’s gotten quite a promotion to House Dem budgeteer!

    Can anyone remember the bill number of the yet-unsigned FY07 supplemental budget?

  2. - Don't Worry, Be Happy - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 11:39 am:

    The Gov’s office is complaining about the $200 million in pork, yet they’re going around and offering even more than that in projects in order to get the healthcare proposal passed.

    Apparently the problem with the $200 million is that it’s not enough money.

  3. - Jaded - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 11:46 am:

    FY O7 Supplemental is SB 241.

  4. - Nickname - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 11:47 am:

    Abby knows we can spend into our end of year balance.

  5. - Linus - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 11:50 am:

    Thanks very much, Jaded.

  6. - Collin Hitt - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 12:09 pm:

    FYI…the IEA is urging legislators to oppose this budget. Here are the talking points they are supplying to their members:
    * This budget uses one-time money to fund education. Education needs and deserves a permanent, predictable and sustainable revenue stream. No more year-to-year Band-aid budgets!
    * This budget does little to address the inequities in the Illinois school funding system.
    * This budget diverts money from public schools to private schools.
    * Public dollars are for public schools.

    I’m not sure what they mean, private schools getting public money. For textbooks, previously unfunded mandates? It’s certainly not through vouchers, and probably not through tuition tax credits.


  7. - Undercover - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 12:09 pm:

    Good for AFSCME for refusing to have their members deal with this nonsense.

  8. - N - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 12:10 pm:

    Well if we are going to pay employees without a budget in place. . . why ever pass a budget? Apparently Rod thinks that we can just pay out money we don’t really have yet. Wow, I wish I could do that at home with my electric bill!

  9. - Nickname - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 12:19 pm:

    The IEA and IFT never support the budget.

  10. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 12:20 pm:

    Undercover - AFSCME doesn’t have a legal leg to stand on. The Comptroller doesn’t have the authority to disburse funds without an appropriations bill in place. And that’s a good thing, because while I like Dan Hynes, the Comptroller’s Office shouldn’t be able to spend money just because it feels like it.

    Wisconsin (and some other states) have a continuing appropriations statute in place that automatically appropriates last year’s budget absent a current budget. Perhaps that’s what AFSCME should push for, but even then they wouldn’t get this year’s pay raises, which I’m told total 9%.

  11. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 12:25 pm:

    Interestingly, the IEA is telling its members to use the A+ Illinois hotline to contact lawmakers.

    I guess anyone can use it.

    Dial 1-800-651-0315, enter your zip code, then press “3″ to tell the Governor he’s an idiot.

  12. - Bill Black fan - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 12:27 pm:

    It has been a hoot watching Bill Black rage against the machine today, on the house video feed, using a full-size ship’s life preserver as a prop.

  13. - Coronel Pumpkinhead - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 12:32 pm:

    Rep. Jay Hoffman soon to be promoted to Full Bird Coronel.

  14. - Anon - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 12:36 pm:

    Is there a way to see who those 9 are?

  15. - Wishful Thinking - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 12:43 pm:

    On the spot for what?

  16. - Here's a spin - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 12:49 pm:

    How about this?: The House passes, The Senate passes with an amendment, back to the House, the House passes, send to the Gov, he signs! This way he can walk in the parade with a new spin on how hard he worked for the people of Illinois. Otherwise - how in the world could he possibly walk in the parade in Springy?

  17. - Lost In Space - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 12:50 pm:

    Spokeswoman Abby Ottenhoff also complained that the operating budget contains about $200 million for legislative pork projects.
    It might be interesting to resurrect the total cost of Winston & Strawn legal bills for the governor resulting from dismissal of state employees. I’ll bet it’s now easily over $3 million.
    And while your at it ground all state air transportation, drive like everyone else.

  18. - Esteban - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 12:51 pm:

    I suppose that the nine votes against the
    operating budget tells us precisely how many
    friends Blago has in the House. Were they all

  19. - Muskrat - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 12:53 pm:

    I clicked through to look at the “bill text” — it appropriates $2 (two dollars!) for education. I’m presuming it was a shell/vehicle to which the real budget was/will be added, but for a minute there I thought WoW! Maybe they DO need to find more money for schools….

  20. - Crimefighter - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 12:54 pm:

    Even if somehow this is all over today I’m still gonna show up and boo and jeer the governor.

  21. - Tea Leaves - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 12:58 pm:

    Anyone know what Emil thinks of all this?

  22. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 12:59 pm:

    “Tea Leaves,” check the 12:36 update. He’s apparently on board.

  23. - GLT - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 1:04 pm:

    Isn’t there still a 2.2 billion FY07 supplemental bill sitting on Blagojevich’s desk, or did I miss something? Again, I know the dollars constitute FY07 dollars, and there are only a few weeks left to spend those dollars, but couldn’t spending those dollars ease the pressure on agencies a little bit while the stalement continues? I know they can’t pay employees with it, but agencies could pay some FY07 backlogged bills with it.

    If this FY07 supplemental bill is still awaiting the governor’s signature, why doesn’t he sign it and use the money?

  24. - Bluebyrd - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 1:09 pm:

    Jay Hoffman realizes he represents the people of Illinois and not the governor, right? When did he become such a freaking tool?!?

  25. - L.S. - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 1:11 pm:

    Thats the same Abby Ottenhoff who told us a $200 electric rate increase would only get $12 in relief? These people cannot/should not/ are not trusted. and for good reason.

  26. - Mr. Progressive - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 1:16 pm:

    Whats the big deal? If the state doesn’t have a budget and the state is still running, who needs government. Just close the whole shop down right now and let everyone go home.

  27. - jwscott72 - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 1:17 pm:

    Rich, I’m slightly confused about the operating budget. What did the House just pass 99-9? Wasn’t that the budget? Your update says they will be back at 4 to vote again. Please help. :)

  28. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 1:19 pm:

    read the 12:36 post.

  29. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 1:21 pm:

    I don’t know how good of leg it is, yellow dog, but AFSCME does have a leg of sorts. Their argument is that under the Federal Fair Labor Act, an employer MUST pay employees for work done, period. And under the supremacy clause in the US Constitution, federal law trumps state law, even state constitutions (unless the 10th Amendment is in play). Back in 1991, the Federal law didn’t apply to state employees, but AFSCME argues that now it does, so the 1991 case that Hynes/Madigan are relying upon is outdated. At least, that’s their argument.

  30. - Belle - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 1:22 pm:

    Rich - I remember. I have questions. Wasn’t the current law prohibiting the Comptroller from cutting checks unless there were monies appropriated a result of budget ’sessions’ taking a ridiculous amount of time to conclude? Back under Thompson or early Edgar years? Anyone remember? Also, the supposed California precedent the Gov used to justify his position that Comptroller Hynds can just cut checks at will, wasn’t that an issue of the state just being chronically late in issuing paychecks not because there was no budget in California? I’m trying to keep the insanity facts in order…

  31. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 1:29 pm:

    What a thumping….JayMagoo did not get nine. Bill “Outbound” Black voted “no” too. He did get all the guys who are sniffing around for jobs or were protecting kin folk.
    Wonder what kind NixNonsense we’ll see now. Have they all headed for the Insane Clown Posse pajama party yet?pjama

  32. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 1:32 pm:

    99-9 SMACKDOWN.

    Good luck preventing that veto override, Governor.

  33. - Blagojevich End Game - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 1:36 pm:

    Looking at that April 15, 2000, photo, one can only sit and feel sad about the absence of Laura Donahue and Stan Weaver like we will soon miss Bill Black.

  34. - Squideshi - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 1:41 pm:

    “Rep. Jay Hoffman, the governor’s floor leader, warned members earlier that the operating budget under consideration now in the House will never be signed.”

    How exactly did Hoffman become Blagojevich’s floor leader anyway? What does he get out of the deal, or what is Blagojevich holding over his head?

    “She also complained that it contains about $200 million for legislative pork projects.”

    Is she willing to indicate precisely which expenditures Blagojevich considers pork?

    “The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 31 will hold two news conferences today to announce details of its lawsuit seeking to compel the state of Illinois and Comptroller Dan Hynes to pay all state employees in full and on time, even absent a new state budget.”

    Kudos to AFSCME on this. I’m looking forward to eventually reading the decision.

    “Just nine House members voted ‘No’ on the operating budget.”

    Anyone know why the members, other than Hoffman, voted ‘No’ on this bill?

    “Speaker Madigan just announced that the Senate has finally agreed to put the now agreed operating budget on a House bill that’s sitting in the Senate, pass it today and send it over to the House, so the House can then vote on it today and send it to the governor right away.”

    I’m confused. I thought that the House already passed a bill for an operating budget.

    “The Comptroller doesn’t have the authority to disburse funds without an appropriations bill in place. And that’s a good thing, because while I like Dan Hynes, the Comptroller’s Office shouldn’t be able to spend money just because it feels like it.”

    There’s a difference between having the authority to do something and having a responsibility to do it. It is possible that the State of Illinois would have a legal responsibility to pay employees (according to federal law) yet the Comptroller would not have the legal authority (according to state law) to make the payments. In this circumstance, the State may still be liable for the failure, as it has voluntarily implemented a system under which the Comptroller is not legally authorized (according to state law) to make payments that are required (according to federal law). The State does have the option of adopting a different system, and it can not avoid its responsibility to comply with federal law simply by voluntarily maintaining a system which makes such compliance impossible.

    “Wisconsin (and some other states) have a continuing appropriations statute in place that automatically appropriates last year’s budget absent a current budget.”

    This is an EXCELLENT idea, and it’s the first thing that legislators should start working on after a budget is adopted. In my opinion, legislators are not doing their job if they don’t see that we have a problem here and try to do something, like this, to improve the system in an effort to prevent this from happening again.

    “It has been a hoot watching Bill Black rage against the machine today, on the house video feed, using a full-size ship’s life preserver as a prop.”

    Good to see that Illinois House members are still allowed to use props. I wonder how long that will continue to be the case, as Democrats and Republicans are now making agreements with each other not to use props during debate.

    “And while your at it ground all state air transportation, drive like everyone else.”

    Is Blagojevich still flying IDOT? He now has to pay a portion of that out of his own pocket, right; or does that come out of the Executive? If Blagojevich didn’t have the option of flying, like most of us, maybe he would see the need for investment in high-speed rail here in Illinois.

  35. - lake county democrat - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 1:44 pm:

    So is this, like, a better budget than the Gov’s? From what I hear it does next to nothing on education and health care but ups the pork. I don’t know — all I read on the blogs is Blago bashing and comments on the political implications. I guess four years from now we can ask if we were better off under Mike Madigan than under Blago when Lisa is running.

  36. - So Ill - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 1:46 pm:

    My theory, Squid, is that the House passes one bill, the Senate passes another, then the House votes to accept the consolidated bill. But I agree, the language isn’t clear.

  37. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 1:46 pm:

    A $600 million increase for schools is next to nothing? Hardly.

  38. - True Observer - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 1:47 pm:

    Who are the Magnificent Seven with Pate?

  39. - A Citizen - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 1:50 pm:

    Rich, 2 things:
    1)When they recess where do they go to play?
    2)If this passes and they adjourn, what are we going to do for the rest of the summer for entertainment?

  40. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 1:51 pm:

    They’ll be back to do the rest of the governor’s agenda in a couple of weeks… or less.

  41. - Ghost - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 1:54 pm:

    Rich, think of it as a compliment. A reporter who is so unknown that instead of letting their work speak for itself, they have to call you names for their 15 minutes of fame.

  42. - jwscott72 - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:02 pm:

    Thanks Rich! I got a tad confused by the House/Senate bill mess.

    The 1:55 update is very interesting. Madigan gives Jones an extra bullet in exchange for? Let the conspiracy theories begin! :)

  43. - A Citizen - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:03 pm:

    Media reporters (PJS, SjR) should be more respectful of someone who buys gigabytes by the barrel!

  44. - Squideshi - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:08 pm:

    “The House vote and Jones’ intention to run a different but identical bill in the Senate means Jones now has a vehicle bill (the one that passed the House this morning) that he can shell out and use for other budgetary purposes, like the gaming/capital stuff or a one-month budget.”

    Rich, any idea why Jones decided to introduce a new bill in the Senate, rather than simply using the House bill that passed this morning? Also, what do you mean by vehicle bill? If the Senate amends the bill, that amendment would still need to be passed by the House, correct?

  45. - Bluebyrd - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:10 pm:

    * 1:40 pm —

    This may be hard to believe, but there are some other papers and journalists who know what is going in Springfield.

  46. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:10 pm:

    Squid, you really need to subscribe.

  47. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:12 pm:

    Bluebyrd, that’s why I link to them all the time.

  48. - Lainer - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:14 pm:

    The “illiterate, barely readable hack” to whom you refer has been at the PJS at least 15, maybe 20 years… I’m not sure why.

  49. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:20 pm:

    Squid, Jay Hoffman served with Rod in the GA. Hoffman is close to many labor leaders, so when the AFL-CIO and other groups still got along with G-Rod, there was that connection. And Jay used to be a part of the Lakin Law Firm - or maybe he still is part of the firm - and he is close to SimmonsCooper, so there is a strong trial lawyer connection. The Metro East does get its fair share of projects and funding, so there is an incentive for Rep. Hoffman to cozy up to Blago.

    $600 million extra for education when we seemingly have no money and have a “dire need” for healthcare is a pretty good coup.

  50. - Jackson - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:25 pm:

    I really don’t understand what the hubbub is all about.

    I thought the debate this whole session was about finding the revenue to meet the spending plans.

    All the house did was just pass a budget that implements the spending plans, but didn’t back it up with the revenue side of the debate.

    I mean - if they can just spend whatever they want, why the heck were they here all summer? They could have just passed whatever spending they wanted back in May, and skipped all that discussion of GRT, gaming, loopholes, income tax, etc.

    Is this confusing to anyone else but me!?

  51. - downhereforyears - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:27 pm:

    Hey Rod, “check mate”!

  52. - Jaded - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:36 pm:

    Huh, The House passed HB 3860 so Emil can shell it and now he can send the HB 3866 over to the House so they can pass a budget in one day. Wish I would have been smart enough to think of that!

  53. - Lower Wacker - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:40 pm:

    Rod’s real busy right now, he’s working on trying to get free health care for the American Girl dolls.

  54. - Linus - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:44 pm:

    T.O. - Those pictured w/Pate are senators John Maitland, Laura Kent Donahue, Stan Weaver, Walter Dudycz, Frank Watson, Doris Karpiel (I think) and Adeline Geo-Karis. All of them now retired except of course for Frank, who probably wishes that he were.

  55. - Slug - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:46 pm:

    Stupid question - what is the 7 percent solution bill I saw mentioned earlier?

    * 1:06 pm - The House is recessed until 4 o’clock, when they will vote on the 7 percent solution bill and, likely, the operating budget.

  56. - DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:47 pm:

    A little more insight Jay was Rod’s college roommate and the best man at his wedding.Still good friends and a guy like Rod needs all the friends he can get.

  57. - JWGIKE - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:47 pm:

    That IM chat you posted was good, thanks. Things were getting a bit confusing I must admit.

  58. - A Citizen - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:48 pm:

    Personal opinions of Emil aside I can’t imagine he would fail to follow through on a handshake deal with Madagin. Their word is their bond, something upon which trust is based. The gov. lost that trust long ago hence the MOUs. But these two . . . I would be very disappointed if the “deal” fell apart.

  59. - Ghost - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:50 pm:

    Rich, if I understand your AIM explanation, the senate has a bill in front of it that under senate rules is immediately elligible to be called for a vote. The Senate takes that Bill, deletes all of its current contents, and replaces them with the budget. This then allows them to vote on it today in compliance with whatever the internal process stuff is for calling bills. If they did not use an existsing bill there is a delay before it can be called for a vote. But the exisitng budget already passed by the house that has moved to the senate can have its language removed and replaced with whatever jones needs in the future.

    Am I following this correctly? Thanks.

  60. - Jaded - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:51 pm:

    Downstate, you are confusing Lon Monk and Jay Hoffman. Hoffman and Rod did not attend the same college. They did not meet each other until the both got to Springfield.

  61. - Lazyboy - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:51 pm:

    Two Pepperdine campus studs.

  62. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:51 pm:

    Ghost, you get an A+

  63. - A Citizen - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:54 pm:

    Have Madagin and Jones ever teamed up to present the Abbot and Costello “Who’s on First” routine? I really think it would be a fitting end to this session.

  64. - jwscott72 - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:54 pm:

    Anyone want to take odds on someone handing the Governor the budget bill at the parade this afternoon? LOL

  65. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 2:57 pm:

    Punkinhaid and Rod were roommates for about a year in Springfield, along with Tom Dart. Now, let’s move on.

  66. - Jaded - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 3:08 pm:

    Ghost gets an A+ for that! I wish I had you for a college professor.

  67. - Ghost - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 3:13 pm:

    Thanks! Rich did all the work, just making sure I had my eye on the right bouncing ball.

  68. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 3:13 pm:

    How about some suggestions for signs to hold up at the parade when/if Blago walks by?

  69. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 3:14 pm:

    My suggestion is:
    Hey Gov, show us your testicular virility!

  70. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 3:17 pm:

    Let’s start a new thread.

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