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This just in… Part 3

Thursday, Aug 9, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** 5:39 pm - Various updates after tracking down numerous rumors ***

* There are lots of rumors flying around that Senate President Emil Jones is somehow playing around with the budget bill. Those appear to be wrong. The changes appear to be technical in nature, mainly due to drafting errors.

* Also, once the gaming bill is finally drafted (which could be from any minute to who knows when), the Senate will assign it to committee, wait the hour for the posting, bring it to the floor and vote on it. That’s the intention, at least. The gaming/capital bill might be voted on tomorrow, depending how late it gets, but the gaming bill is said to be completely separate from the operating budget bill, contrary to rumors.

* Speaker Madigan is not expected to call the gaming bill for a vote, of course. He prefers to wait a couple of weeks to do anything more, except perhaps a veto override of the budget.

* We can probably expect a floor vote this evening on the cigarette tax in the Senate.

* 5:59 pm - Remember that letter I wrote about a little while ago in Part 2 from labor leaders to the Senate President? An identical letter was sent to the governor, as well. Both letters urged opposition to the budget bill passed by the Illinois House today.

Well, one of those unions didn’t agree to sign the letter. A spokesman for the Illinois Education Association said a few minutes ago that Ken Swanson, the top dog at the IEA, was asked to sign but declined.

By the way, guess who was asking labor leaders to sign a letter to the Senate Prez and the governor? If you answered “the governor’s office” you win the Buick.

So, apparently, the governor’s office pasted Swanson’s signature onto the letter even though Swanson said he didn’t want to sign it. Brilliant.

* 7:15 pm - The governor is doing an availability right now. I’ll see if I can get audio for the blog in a bit.

* 7:18 pm - I received this e-mail from AARP hours ago and didn’t see it. Oops…

Rich, The budget passed by the House contains severe under funding for Social Services - hitting many vulnerable groups too hard when it comes to the services they need and rely on. I’m hoping you can post the following letter from advocate groups to legislators on the blog. […]


August 9, 2007

HB 3860 HA 2 currently before the General Assembly strikes at the very fiber of Illinois. It reverses our state’s long history of providing for the needs of all of its citizens. After spending over two months in overtime session, we are now faced with a budget that does not meet the needs of those who need help the most. Our working men, women and cherished retirees expect and deserve more from our elected officials.

* 7:40 pm - Senate honchos are attempting to round up their members as I write this to get them ready for floor action. So, it may not be long now.

The Senate Dem leaders are still telling members that their intent is to do the operating budget, gaming/capital bill and the governor’s health insurance bill tonight.

* 7:44 pm - Rep. John Fritchey (verified) just posted this in comments…

The House just adjourned until tomorrow at 10. The Speaker made some interesting comments including the fact that the City of Chicago is now against the gaming bill proposed in the Senate.

* 7:48 pm - The governor wouldn’t answer questions about whether he would sign the operating budget bill or whether he would veto the pay raise out of the supplemental. He also didn’t answer a question about Madigan’s statement that Chicago is against the Chicago casino bill.

Last night, by the way, the governor stunned the other leaders by claiming that Daley was “irrelevant” to the casino negotiations.

* 8:04 pm - Madigan’s spokesman just told me that Chicago’s lobbyists down here told the Speaker that they were informing Democratic Senators that the City is against the gaming bill.

The governor’s chief of staff, however, is reportedly telling people that Chicago will register in favor of the bill at committee. The governor’s press office is saying the same thing.

* 8:10 pm - The Senate is reconvening. Listen or watch here.

* 8:21 pm - Senate Exec and State Government and Veterans Affairs committees are meeting at 9:25 tonight. Judiciary Civil Law and Local Government will meet at 9:40. Education is meeting at 9:55 tonight. Approp 2 meets at 10:10.

* 8:28 pm - As predicted earlier, while they’re waiting for committees to meet, the Senate is now taking up Sen. John Cullerton’s cigarette tax hike proposal.

* 8:32 pm - Here’s the audio of the governor’s media availability, provided by my great pal Ryan Hermes at WLS Radio


* 8:34 pm - Sen. Cullerton’s cigarette tax hike bill, HB 556, has just passed, 34-24.


  1. - Moderate Repub - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 5:57 pm:

    I wouldn’t march this evening if I was Blago. I would use the justufiable excuse that he needs to be at the capitol with everything going on. Hes lucky thats the case.

  2. - Jaded - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 5:59 pm:

    What about implementation bills? I have not seen them anywhere, and when I ask folks about their status, I don’t get encouraging answers.

  3. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:05 pm:

    The Senate moved bimps in place a few days ago. Not sure at the moment of their current status.

  4. - Absolut Power - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:08 pm:

    AWESOME! I answered “the governor’s office” Where do i pick up my new wheels? I’m so excited! :-)

  5. - Jaded - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:08 pm:

    How does Ken Swanson’s signature get on a letter that he did not agree to sign? If it was someone working at the IEA, I hope they have another job lined up.

  6. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:09 pm:

    Jaded, I don’t know for sure, but I’m assuming the guv’s office has the signature on file.

  7. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:10 pm:


    Asking union leaders to send a letter to you is crazy.

    Forging their signature on a letter to you….well, that’s just criminal.

    WTF is Rod Blagojevich’s staff doing with an electronic version of the signature of the IEA President, anyway?

  8. - Lost - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:12 pm:

    Rich: What’s the bill number for the House budget?

  9. - downhereforyears - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:14 pm:

    Like I said earlier, Hey Rod ” CHECK MATE” give it up finally, you’re only making yourself look more foolish.

  10. - Jaded - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:18 pm:

    I started to respond, but YDD pretty much said it all, so I’ll just say Ditto YDD.

  11. - Danny - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:19 pm:

    The forgery on that document is quite frankly criminal. No two ways about it. Simply unbelievable story.

  12. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:20 pm:

    BTW, Rich, if you watch the second clip with Flannery about casino gaming, there’s a Daley clip that makes it pretty clear that Daley is still holding out for a Chicago-operated casino. Daley mentions “all of the profits” going back to Chicago.

    Not only did Flannery’s tie not match his shirt, the shirt’s about two sizes too big.

  13. - Thinking - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:21 pm:

    House budget is HB3860 Amend2, which is here:

    As for the IEA letter, wish it could be proven and out into the media. People would think sending a letter to yourself is very strange… and forging the signature…. well, that’s the icing on the cake.

  14. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:21 pm:

    HB3860 is the bill that passed the House, but the Senate isn’t using that bill for the budget.

  15. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:23 pm:

    Rich is busy assessing the Senate’s evolving agenda
    Budget was HB 3866
    Did I just see Jill & Tressa in the crowd weeping that Blaggo skipped the parade?
    Sounds like Chicago Casino has just rolled C—Ps
    Veryyyyy little return for all the aggravation
    better luck next year gamers.

  16. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:24 pm:

    Thinking, it’s proved that his signature was not his doing or his wishes. It’s up to other reporters to follow through.

  17. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:25 pm:

    Jaded - I’ve been with you all day. Let Emil send over a 30 day budget, a cigarette tax, a casino bill if he wants. The legislature has a deal for an operating budget, and if the Governor decides to take his ball, go home, and shut down state government instead of either vetoing the bill or signing it, no one should look to Madigan to bail Rod out.

    Instead, to call the Governor toll-free and tell him to sign the budget, veto the budget, but don’t do nothing, call 1-800-651-0315 and press “3″.

  18. - Macbeth - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:26 pm:

    I’m sure the media will give Blagojevich a pass on the letter and the forgery.

  19. - GettingJonesed - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:29 pm:

    Tick Tock
    6 p.m. has came and went
    Lets get going, there is a lot of luke warm draft beer to drink at the fair tonight.

  20. - Southern Illinois iPhone - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:32 pm:

    Wow. This state really needs an enema. My goodness, I’m siding with Speaker Madigan on all this. Forging union head signatures? Wow, is Rod so delusional that he must bite the only hand left to feed him.

    Get recall in this state NOW.

  21. - Anon - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:32 pm:

    If you write a letter to yourself, forging one of the signatures, have you defrauded yourself?

    Can you then conduct a grandstanding investigation of yourself, then fire yourself as the scapegoat, then bring an administrative claim against yourself for reinstatement?

    Geez, I sure hope so.

  22. - Thinking - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:33 pm:

    Rich, I thought the Gov would have been in his element at the parade:

    “The part of the tour that most impressed me was just how much the governor thrives on a tough fight. He draws strength from negative press coverage, intransigent political opponents and booing crowds.”,091MLR1.article

    Is this still holding true?
    “So, does this bus trip change the coverage Blagojevich will get from me in the coming weeks, months and years? I’m sure it will. I now have a much better understanding of where he’s coming from. And, frankly, he gets a lot more blame than he should on some things and not nearly enough credit for others.”

    BTW, probably enjoy that column more today than when I first read it months ago.

  23. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:36 pm:

    Booing crowds is one thing. Marching in that parade could’ve been physically dangerous.

    And, of course I stand by everything I write until I say that I’ve changed my mind.

  24. - curious george - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:37 pm:

    I’m gonna sit right down and wite myself a letter… sounds like an old song to me … can’t wait for the new song and dance…

  25. - Idiot - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:42 pm:

    So is the pork that’s spelled out in HB3860 going to be altered/deleted by the Senate?

  26. - Lefty - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:44 pm:

    I am just so excited to see how our Governor scrfews this whole process up. You all know he will, right? Also, it will be great once it is finally done (it ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings, and I don’t see her warming up yet) to watch him somehow take credit for everything and blame everyone else for whatever he doesn’t get.

  27. - Thinking - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:44 pm:

    I think the pork in HB3860 is about a clone of what will get out of the Senate. It sure won’t get smaller.

  28. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:50 pm:

    Idiot, didn’t you read the update at the top? There were some drafting errors. No big deal.

  29. - So Ill - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:53 pm:


    I hope to hell I read about the forged signature in the SJ-R, Trib, or S-T tomorrow. I hope.

    I feel like Red at the end of Shawshank. Except I’m still in the prison.

  30. - Idiot - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:54 pm:

    Rich - Sorry, your 6:21 comment “HB3860 is the bill that passed the House, but the Senate isn’t using that bill for the budget.” threw me for a loop.

  31. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:56 pm:

    Idiot, go read the rest of the updates. Take a few minutes to look something up yourself rather than ask me questions that I really don’t have time for. Thanks.

  32. - I wonder... - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 6:56 pm:

    if Bradley Tusk was still the Dep. Gov. would this have taken place?

  33. - Anon - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 7:00 pm:

    Please Mister Postman, look and see,
    If there’s a letter in your bag for me.
    Who cares if Ken signed it,
    Since I am behind it,
    To support my BS on TV.

  34. - Lefty - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 7:02 pm:

    Very good anon. Where is Vanilla Man by the way?

  35. - Lt. Guv - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 7:09 pm:

    To quote Teddy Leventz or Harold Murphy and a large cast of others I must ask the following question:

  36. - Lt. Guv - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 7:10 pm:

    Oops - sorry about the name mispelling.

  37. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 7:10 pm:

    Not now.

  38. - GettingJonesed - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 7:10 pm:

    BlunderBoy doing a press conference right now
    Probably throwing in a towel and saying Madigan was right all along.

  39. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 7:20 pm:

    Let’s not forget that his health care plan isn’t the only thing that Blagojevich is losing out on.

    Typically, agreed bills not only contain generous funding for member initiatives, but big-ticket initiatives of the Governor’s office as well.

    The Governor’s refusal to budge an inch on his health care proposal left him out of the room for getting other items in the budget. No shooting complexes, no baseball fields, nada this year for Rod.

    Blagojevich bet the house on “00″, but when the wheel stopped spinning, it came up “99″.

  40. - Thinking - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 7:23 pm:

    Maybe the sweet smell of flowers can bring them all together. Notice there’s a little more than 2 mil in there for landscaping the Capitol Complex.

  41. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 7:24 pm:

    Perhaps reporters will get a chance to ask Ken Swanson about the forgery at the state fair parade, where he’s serving as a GRand Marshall.

  42. - Moderate Repub - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 7:28 pm:

    It doesn’t matter how much you give people they always want more. Now $2 billion in new spending is not enough. There are no Social Service appropriations that i can find in this bill that have gone down from FY07. You give them $2 billion they want $4 billion, you give them $4 billion they want $6 billion. THese are the same advocates mind you that the GOvernor leaned on to support his budget. The largest spending increase in years on a operational budget and they say its not enough. Shame on them.

  43. - Rep. John Fritchey - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 7:37 pm:

    Rich and all,

    The House just adjourned until tomorrow at 10. The Speaker made some interesting comments including the fact that the City of Chicago is now against the gaming bill proposed in the Senate.

  44. - Lefty - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 7:39 pm:

    Status of the Senate?

  45. - schenked - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 7:41 pm:

    Moderate republican - while I have not gone over the human service line items in this iteration of the budget, flat funding is a cut. Unless the budget has some fascinating mechanism to keep all costs from rising, flat funding is a cut.

  46. - Moderate Repub - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 7:50 pm:

    schenked - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 7:41 pm:

    Moderate republican - while I have not gone over the human service line items in this iteration of the budget, flat funding is a cut. Unless the budget has some fascinating mechanism to keep all costs from rising, flat funding is a cut.

    In some cases you are correct, but not in most. Most of these are grant programs, there is room in them, and many have been the same appropriation for several years because of that fact or they have been expanded greatly by the current administration and Democrat General Assembly.

    Unviersities, for example, have been operating from disasterous cuts by your logic, they still are not at the funding level provided by the 2002 budget. Social Services are the bread winners of this administration, so trying to tie level appropriations as a cut of some sort is rediculous. Social Services under this governor have expanded more than any other budget catagory period. The expansions of Medicaide alone acount for for almost all (excluding education) budget expansions since Blago has taken office. Thats almost $3.5 BILLION in new expansions and increases in eligibility. Thats why the letter from AARP gets no simpathy from me.

  47. - Impatient - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 7:52 pm:

    Hey Rich-
    Would you please get HB804 signed by the Gov tomorrow?

  48. - So Ill - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 7:53 pm:

    I’m sure this has been covered elsewhere, so I apologize for asking, but I can’t find it right now. Ignore if it’s obvious.

    Do the SenDems have the votes for the Gov’s Healthcare proposal?

  49. - Lefty - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 7:55 pm:

    Do we know exactly what the healthcare proposal contains?

  50. - Chi Mike - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 7:59 pm:

    Can any tell me who really is in charge down there…I realize many people do a spectacular job in “Springfield” but this is really beginning toi remind me of the show “F-Troop” or maybe rename the capitol Camp Run- a Muck.

  51. - DuPage Dave - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 8:00 pm:

    Rich, you seem to be defending the Guv more and more often these days. Has any other governor been physically in peril at the twilight parade? So why would Blago be in such danger? I think you should take a look at some of your recent comments and reflect on your position.

  52. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 8:04 pm:

    As I pointed out in comments earlier, Daley’s comments from the second Flannery clip here make it pretty clear that The Mayor still wants the City to be the Casino operator.

    Mayor Daley: “All the profits come back to the taxpayers of Illinois. That is very, very important in my view.”

    That still leaves room for the city of Chicago to share the wealth with the state and other communities, but it doesn’t leave room for a private operator.

  53. - So Ill - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 8:05 pm:

    DuPage, tonight’s a bad night for questions. I’m sure Rich will say ‘if you don’t like it, go someplace else’.

    I actually think he’s been harder on the Governor. Which probably means, all things considered, that he’s pretty neutral — as most of us always thought.

  54. - Anonymous ZZZ - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 8:12 pm:

    DuPage Dave - I am no fan of Blago’s, but if you’ve been reading the hysterical, rabid comments on the SJ-R’s website, you will see that there is pure hatred for the Gov down there. Remember, this is a town with thousands of state employees who may not get their paychecks later this month…

  55. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 8:12 pm:

    DuPage Dave -

    The Governor went from 43% of the vote in Sangamon County in 2002 to 21% of the vote in 2006. That’s an epic drop in popularity, and that was before he started jerking around with people’s paychecks by threatening to shut down state government.

    Rich isn’t defending the Governor, he’s just allowing that the man occasionally shows some common sense.

  56. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 8:14 pm:

    DuPage Dave, bite me.

    Now run along somewhere else. I’m busy.

  57. - Lefty - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 8:18 pm:

    The paycheck issue, a critical one for thousands, is a good example of voters not paying attention to government until they can DIRECTLY relate it to their own personal lives. Otherwise it’s out of sight out of mind for the business being done in Springfield for the vast majority. Too bad that is what it takes.

  58. - Nickname - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 8:23 pm:

    Rich is right. I aam from Springfield, born and raised. I do not like the Guv, but he made the right decision.

  59. - Shallow Pharnyx - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 8:24 pm:

    I did not think he would show (not that he is needed at the Camp Run Amok). This was the first and probably last parade I will ever attend. I, like many others came prepared. Lisa Madigan and Dan Hynes laughed at my hand stenciled T-Shirt,on the front “BLAGOBUSH- MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY”, on the back “STOP FOOT IN MOUTH DISEASE QUARANTINE BLAGO”. Other paraders gave me the thumbs up, Blago’s group looked the other way. All in all, it made me feel better and I am NOT a state employee.

  60. - Nickname - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 8:26 pm:

    Lefty, even if paychecks were not involved it would still be a bad decesion to walk in the parade this year. Springfield has no love for this guy.

  61. - Fashion Man - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 8:28 pm:

    Is the Senate President wearing the same jacket that Jack Nicholson wore when he played the Joker?

  62. - South of I-80 - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 8:42 pm:

    There’s a difference between protecting the office than the individual. We’re laughing stocks with-in the state, why move it to the national level if something were to happen to Blagojevich, while he’s walking in a parade?

    The state is out of control, it’s like we’re running down hill without a way to stop safely! I suppose we can dovetail the over time session into the veto session, but what I’m I thinking………………………………we still will have to wait 60 days!

    The Capital is beautifully decorated during the Holidays………………………….Merry Christmas!

  63. - Don't Worry, Be Happy - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 8:44 pm:

    What’s with SB 1110, the bill assigned to Approps II tonight. It looks like another one month budget, and where is the HB that was supposed to be amended with the 12 month budget?

    More games.

  64. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 8:53 pm:

    OK, let’s close this one out, too. I’ve started a new one, of course.

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