This just in… Part 4
Thursday, Aug 9, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * 8:52 pm - OK, this will hopefully be the last thread of the evening. In case you missed it from Part 3, Sen. John Cullerton’s 90 cents per pack tax hike on cigarettes, which also allows counties to raise their taxes by a buck a pack, passed the Senate tonight, 34-24. It now moves to the House, which has adjourned until tomorrow morning. Lots of stuff may still happen in the Senate, but not until after committee hearings end at, I’m guessing, eleven o’clock or so. I figure they might just try everything tomorrow, but who knows. It’s up to commenters to keep track of things on the blog from here on out. Audio and video are here. I’ll try to get back to you later on whether Mayor Daley does or does not support the Chicago casino bill. * 9:52 pm - Chicago registered as ‘no position’ in Sen. Exec. SGOPs have walked out of committee, angry at the way the SDEMs were jamming bills thru without time to look at them. The SDEMs say that’s not true. SGOP staff & nenbers were fully informed and involved they claim.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 8:55 pm:
Have fun.
- Anonymundo - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 9:01 pm:
SB1327 passes with 3/5 majority, raising authority for bond debt by $1.45 Billion.
- A Citizen - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 9:01 pm:
Rich, you have fun too. This is where you earn the big bucks. Have some Black Label while you’re out. And thanks for all the effort and hard work!
- Anonymous ZZZ - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 9:05 pm:
Rats! No debate on the budget ’til after my bedtime.
I hope I wake up to find we’ve finally passed a budget. I don’t think I’ve been this excited about what I might find in the morning since I was a kid on Christmas eve!
- sitting and watching it unfold - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 9:11 pm:
is anyone else getting audio
- Albert - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 9:11 pm:
I know this is late but, I am kind of wondering about the whole Ken Swanson thing. Because at around 5:30 a email went out to all of us IEA members. With important message from Ken Swanson written all over it call your state rep and tell them to vote no on the budget and how the IEA is against it. If Ken’s signature was false but the IEA is saying no it sounds like the left hand doesn’t know what the right one is doing.
- sitting and watching it unfold - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 9:13 pm:
this is weird…i am going to have my wife check her email…she IEA
- A Citizen - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 9:17 pm:
Well yes it is getting late. Does anyone know if the tooth fairy pays off on permanent teeth? I may have to turn in before the big payoff and hope there is at least a silver half dollar under my pillow in the morning.
- State Employee on Last Leg - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 9:21 pm:
Anybody know where we can all start donating plasma for cash?
- Cubs Fan - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 9:23 pm:
Excellent job today Rich! Currently there is no audio b/c Senate is in Committees. Cubs are winning 9-1 in the 3rd!
- vise77 - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 9:25 pm:
Thank you, Rich. Your hard work is appreciated.
- Lainer - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 9:27 pm:
All the technical changes in the budget bill on the Senate side should remind us of the fact that a LOT of other people besides the members themselves have been forced to work overtime this summer…. the Legislative Reference Bureau people (who actually write the bills), the Legislative Information System people (who post them on the GA website, the approp and other committee staffers… the list goes on and on. Their summer has been basically ruined, AND they also are going to have to wait for their paychecks if this isn’t settled VERY soon. I feel really sorry for the poor soul(s) who had to proofread that 1,300 page budget bill, print it off, scan it into the computer, etc.
If any of you see grossly overworked GA staffers running around carrying reams of paper or whatever on the chamber floors tomorrow, smile at them and say “Thanks” or “Good job.”
- anon - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 9:29 pm:
Great job today Rich. Have read capitol fax for some time while employed at the gov’s office of management of budget but never really paid attention to the blog. Just glad i am no longer employed there during this mess…
- Lainer - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 9:30 pm:
From the way things are going I should be grateful I stocked up on canned goods recently.
- sitting and watching it unfold - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 9:32 pm:
The staffers do a great job and are greatly UNDER appreciated…it pays off in the end when they become big time lobbyists making REAL money
- Kent Steinkamp - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 9:34 pm:
This may be alarmist, but does it seem to anyone other than me that this whole process may be Blago and Jones ambushing Madigan, in a battle for control of the whole Mugilla?
- sitting and watching it unfold - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 9:34 pm:
the legislators who voted no on the budget or will vote no on the budget…are they winners or losers in this deal
- Papa Legba - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 9:41 pm:
In all of this hoopla, I didn’t see any comments regarding Rezko and the Judge wanting to move up the trail date to Feb., 2008.
Sounds like we can expect a good blood letting sooner rather than later. Oooooo, I can’t wait.
- A Citizen - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 9:46 pm:
I think Madagin gets the last say tomorrow. That may well be why he adjourned til then. Never ever play blood chess with the master. He’ll gut you out in half a heart beat and you will thank him with your last breath.
- Monet - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 9:56 pm:
Rich, great job. As a long time public servant at the state of Illinois I really appreciate the work you do and the light you shine on our legislative circus. Keep it up.
- Reality Check - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 10:01 pm:
Lainer — Great sentiments about the staff that does all the heavy lifting aryork to ound here. Can’t wait to get to the floor new and say thanks. I now know why the Gov went to NY to get Bradley Tusk. It appears he was the one person who kept the Governor from self-destructing. The old saying is true: “you don’t know what you got ’till it’s gone”
- Anonymous ZZZ - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 10:09 pm:
Lainer - as a former legislative staffer, I want to say thank you for acknowledging the “behind the scenes” crowd. Working on legislative staff is a thankless job, with long hours and usually bad pay. The payoff, I guess, is the knowledge you gain, and the networking. I have to say that I’ve been following the debates online, and it’s the best of both worlds: seeing the debate up close, yet being able to do it from the comfort of my own home and being able to go to bed when I want. Those poor staff people who work for each caucus, I imagine, are tired, cranky, and want nothing more than to just be able to crawl into bed and get a decent night’s sleep.
- Tired of It - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 10:12 pm:
Great job by all four staffs. Any one talked to any of state agency legislative liaisons yesterday or today? They are all wiped out too. I saw one of them getting verbally undressed by a member today. I know they work for the gov., but they take a beating from members for a lot of what the gov. says or does.
- Fed-up Staffer - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 10:13 pm:
Will somebody please tell the national media to give the Gov. some airtime so this can all end soon!
- A Citizen - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 10:16 pm:
The empty suit was on the news and said blah blah blah. And that was the “intelligent” part. He looked like a whipped dog.
- sitting and watching it unfold - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 10:22 pm:
respect the office…the office is more important than the man or woman in the office…and that’s every elected position
- 312 - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 10:23 pm:
Did Governor Irrelevant’s comments about Mayor Daley make it onto tonight’s newscasts?
- sitting and watching it unfold - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 10:24 pm:
i find it terrible that people actually root for our elected officials to do bad…as a democrat i still actually want bush to do well, because it means well for everyone…we should not be happy or giddy as some of you appear to be that any of our elected officials appear as “empty suits”
- A Citizen - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 10:25 pm:
The incumbent Animates the office and that animation may not be up to acceptable standards. To say otherwise would be a lie. You wouldn’t want that I’m sure.
- sitting and watching it unfold - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 10:29 pm:
isn’t anyone going to slam me for being so optomistic or naive…
- Anonymous ZZZ - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 10:32 pm:
sitting and watching it unfold…LOL. We might slam you if we weren’t so tired. Had you posted that comment in the morning, after everyone had gotten a good night’s sleep and had their 3-4 cups of coffee, you might well have been a target!
- A Citizen - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 10:33 pm:
No, not me! I applaud your positive attitude. I hope you are right and I am not. There, keep up the optimism, we can all use a healthy dose of idealism.
- Justice - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 10:40 pm:
Better than a spy novel….just can’t stop following it all. History ion the making and being kept in the loop with one of the very best. Rich, you are da man!!!
- parade watcher - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 10:40 pm:
The Governor was not there but his agency heads and liaisons got boo-ed. I don’t think that shows any class but I understand the sentiment. They Governor’s folks all looked hot and exhausted. You could sort of tell their hearts weren’t in it but once you are on the path, it is hard to change course. The other consitutionals got some cheers. Bomke and Poe supporters did better than any of them where I was standing.
- Lefty - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 10:45 pm:
Maybe the House and the Senate should start meeting about this time from now on so their frustrations and bickering are less obvious to the few observers still awake.
- Down State Dem - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 10:46 pm:
Great coverage and reporting of an insane situation. Thanks for keeping me up to date on the budget procedings. This tale is almost better than any who done it novel.
- Lefty - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 10:49 pm:
We can call these the “Midnight Special” Sessions.
- Unemployed - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 10:51 pm:
I have first hand knowlege of an agency Manager and Office assistant who violated agency policy on phone usage. Manager owes back in excess of $10,000 and assitant just under $5,000. Other than payback of money, Manger got 5 days off without pay and assistant 3. Manager’s included weekend. Of course offical outcome is confidential, and therefore non-transparent. I know because I am the whistle blower. How could this occur and with so little punishment? Both still maintain their current positions. Why even bother reporting?? Any suggestions?
- Justice - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 11:00 pm:
To Unemployed: F….B….I 312-421-6700. These folks will take you seriously and investigate. One of the problems facing Lisa Madigan is that her appointment of an Inspector General was nothing more than a way to get at the whistle blowers information without really being held accountable by public opinion. Everything was kept “confidential.” Good luck
- WAITer - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 11:12 pm:
aaaaaaand we’re back - Senate is back in…
- anon - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 11:20 pm:
Caucus - - God Love em
- concerned citizen - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 11:23 pm:
WAITer….i guess they decided now was not the time…i just heard them say they will be back at 11:30……will it EVER get over? My family is one of those “state worker” families caught up in this mess….hard to go about daily life while your worrying about if your spouse will get his next check.
- A Citizen - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 11:25 pm:
Holy cow, and Emil was really on a roll - had his steam up and all. Bet he still gets that steamroller going though. Tomorrow Madagin will run it into the ditch if he’s not careful.
- WAITer - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 11:30 pm:
GOP always caucuses before a big bill debate - this is standard. They’re back again.
- WAITer - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 11:40 pm:
Operating Budget
- Sad Staffer - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 11:50 pm:
The House will not concur on this. . . this is forever and ever and ever. . .
- WAITer - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 11:52 pm:
Why wouldn’t they - it’s the same language as their bill.
- I know the man - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 11:52 pm:
the house will concur. Please don’t make statements you know nothing about.
- A Citizen - Thursday, Aug 9, 07 @ 11:52 pm:
Bill, you smellin the bacon yet?
- I know the man - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 12:07 am:
budget passed big time–now back to the house this morning for concurrence.
- WAITer - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 12:08 am:
Yeah - and now the REAL fun begins…
- concerned citizen - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 12:09 am:
- A Citizen - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 12:10 am:
Do you know what time the House convenes?
- LIL BLAGO - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 12:22 am:
emil may have just burned a bridge
- LIL BLAGO - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 12:25 am:
Madigan would never call someone out like that
110 members in the house needs protections against the GOvs discertion as well
- LIL BLAGO - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 12:26 am:
A Citzen, steamroller? Really?
- anon - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 12:27 am:
whoops, maybe he had the votes before the speach??
- PJ - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 12:28 am:
Senate just adjourned
- A Citizen - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 12:29 am:
Looks like the steamroller done got a flat.
- LIL BLAGO - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 12:34 am:
Another impressive effort from the senate dems. good job guys. trying to isolate the senate gop with a bad vote only works if there is no capitol bill in the end. Do you think Watson will call 300 first thing in the morning or knock?
- Southern Illinois Democrat - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 12:35 am:
Watson is my Senator and I enjoyed Emils speech towards him. All I ever hear from him is how bad everybody else is and everything is their fault. He does try to play politics with issues all the time and I think Emil is fed up with it. Angry Frank got back what he has given many times before.
- LIL BLAGO - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 12:40 am:
If your from southern illinois then you should want protection against the govs discertion as well.
There will be a capitol bill, be patient. SB 572 (CTA/RTA)is a big deal in the house. The house has put a lot of time in to negotiating that bill in 115.
It needs votes and a fair capitol bill will most likely provide them. 2 dealines to consider: 8/31 (people are more worried than they are now)and 9/15 (doomsday)
- Southern Illinois Democrat - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 12:45 am:
I do want protection and dont trust the gov. But then who does? I just got a kick out of Emil giving Frank a good ole talking to. Thanks for the house info. I didnt realize SB 572 was that big of a deal. Hopefully they can actually sit down as adults and work it all out but tonite wont make it any easier.
- LIL BLAGO - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 12:48 am:
not to mention S. ILL that there are better ways to come to an agreement than insulting someone on the floor. The dems fighting is one thing but if you are trying to build a coalition with the other side then watch your mouth. You find partisan fighting/complaining in the house not partisan insults. Excluding talk of the gov of course
- directly effected - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 1:04 am:
The house will concur on the budget and send it to the gov. What will the gov do? who knows, but I know he can not like what has just happened. It appears to me Madigan with help from Cross and Watson got the budget passed and snuffed Jones on any wild capital bill. I may be wrong, but I will bet any capital bills that get that get passed will come from the house. I also do not think Chicago wants nor will get a Casino.
Any impeachment proceedings planned in the near future, if the gov does not act on the bill in a timely manner.
- Dale Righter - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 1:12 am:
Rich - FYI. We (Senate Republicans)didn’t storm out of Executive Committee. The committee started before we had a chance to go through the gaming and capital bills with our staff, which we insisted on doing before going in. Nobody was mad, but we were disappointed that the language we had requested insofar as assurances on where and when the money would be spent was not in the bills, which were drafted by the Senate Democrats. Hopefully we’ll be provided with that and we can move forward with a meaningful capital bill. Thanks for your coverage.
- snidely whiplash - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 1:29 am:
Balancing (ha-ha!!!) the budget on the backs of smokers AGAIN??? Hey, why not spread the joy (and get tons more $) by putting a tax on franchise fast food? Artery-clogging fat is just as unhealthy, and it’s not really a “health” issue, anyway, as the money just goes into general revenue and never makes it into any prevention or medical programs. Same goes for alchohol; oh, wait, then their 3-drink lunches would cost them more!
Smokers are just an easy target.
- Miss Manners - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 2:17 am:
(Senate Rule 7-3)
7-3. Decorum and Debate
(a) When any Senator is about to speak or deliver any matter to the Senate, he or she shall rise and address the Presiding Officer as “Mister President” or “Madam President”, as the case may be. Upon being recognized by the Chair, the
latter will address the Senator by name and thereupon, and not until then, the engineer in charge of operating the microphones in the Senate will give the use of the microphone to the
Senator who has been so recognized. The Senator in speaking shall confine himself or herself to the subject matter under discussion and avoid personalities.
(c) If any Senator in speaking (or otherwise) transgresses these Senate Rules, the Presiding Officer shall, or any Senator may, call him or her to order, in which case the Senator so
called to order shall sit down, unless permitted to explain; and the Senate, if appealed to, shall decide on the case without debate. If the decision is in favor of the Senator called to order, he or she is at liberty to proceed. If
otherwise, and the case requires it, he or she is liable to the censure of the Senate.
(d) If any Senator is called to order for words spoken in debate, the person calling him or her to order shall repeat the words excepted to, and they shall be taken down by the Secretary.
No Senator shall be held to answer or be subject to the censure of the Senate for words spoken in debate if any Senator has spoken in debate or other business has intervened after the words spoken and before exceptions to them shall have been taken.
- Miss Manners - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 2:21 am:
The Senate session ended with harsh words from Senate President Emil Jones, who was angry that Republicans wanted to postpone action on a bond program to provide construction money for roads, bridges and schools.
“My patience has worn thin because there is not one sincere bone in your body,” he told Republican leader Frank Watson. “You’re not interested in doing anything about the roads, you’re not interested in doing anything about bridges and you don’t give a damn whether our schools have a capital bill.”
- Anon - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 5:46 am:
If Emil could have finished this off before they ran into over time he could have passed all the funds he wanted for roads, schools and what ever the heck he wanted too. He has only himself and the other Dems to blame.
- Mr. W.T. Rush - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 6:51 am:
Rich does provide a valued service. So do the staff.
Let’s try to clear up the assertion the BlunderBoyBlaggo is not insane. Here is Rich’s sun-times column. More evidence he is true whack job.
“Aside from his unhealthy Nixonian penchant for secrecy, political revenge and personal isolation, and all the corruption investigations targeting his administration, what really bothers me about Gov. Blagojevich is his failure to grow as a leader. “
- Teresa - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 7:41 am:
Devine is going to announce, maybe today, that he is not going to run for re-election. The Burge torture issue is playing a big role in that.
- Fan of the Game - Friday, Aug 10, 07 @ 8:33 am:
Anon 5:46,
Exactly. Sen. Jones has delayed this budget as much as anyone has, and his reproach of Sen. Watson is hypocritical.