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More on pork

Monday, Aug 13, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Usually, my weekly syndicated column is an off-shoot of something I’ve written in the Capitol Fax. This time, however, I got the idea from a blog post last week.

llinois Comptroller Dan Hynes said last week that Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s hypocrisy “knows no bounds.”

Man, was he ever telling the truth.

The other day, Blagojevich was complaining about “pork barrel” projects that legislators inserted into the state budget they passed. […]

But the governor has been doing everything he can to prevent the General Assembly from passing a budget, in order to create a crisis situation that helps him achieve his grand dream of providing insurance to some of the uninsured. So he used the relatively small projects to attempt to demonize the budget in the public’s mind. While briefly visiting the Illinois State Fair on Friday, Blagojevich called the budget, “pork, politics and false promises.”

Blagojevich is the same man, mind you, who tried to “encourage” one legislator, Sen. Mike Jacobs (D-East Moline), to vote for his health insurance bill by offering him a $75 million project in his district. Jacobs turned him down, but Blagojevich’s offer was just a few bucks shy of the total amount received by all Senate districts in all of Illinois in the budget the Senate passed last week.

* And the Tribune had this interesting bit…

Reps. Brandon Phelps (D-Harrisburg) and Kevin McCarthy (D-Orland Park) made it clear to Democratic leaders they were going to vote against the budget, they were treated differently.

“I did not get offered any member initiative money whatsoever,” Phelps said, adding he was told by other lawmakers he shouldn’t expect the $650,000 allotment because of his position against the bill. […]

Steve Brown, Madigan’s spokesman, did not dispute the idea that lawmakers who indicated their lack of support for the budget weren’t given a chance to land $650,000 for their districts.

“If they are saying the state doesn’t need to spend any money, why would you waste any time asking for their spending ideas?” Brown said. “It seems completely illogical to me.”


  1. - Squideshi - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 7:31 am:

    ‘If they are saying the state doesn’t need to spend any money, why would you waste any time asking for their spending ideas?’ Brown said. ‘It seems completely illogical to me.’”

    This is the old style money and power politics that we need to eliminate in Springfield. It doesn’t matter if you’re progressive or conservative, this type of bullying should be universally condemned (This is not to say that I agree with so-called “member initiatives.”)

  2. - It's Broken - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 8:31 am:

    Squideshi hit it on the head.

    Also, the Trib pointed out that Senate President Emil Jones put over $7 million in the budget for Chicago State University, which had named a facility after Jones and his wife. I think I’m going to be sick.

  3. - On the Other Hand - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 8:55 am:

    I quite agree with Steve Brown. Why should the budget include member iniative money for those who believe the budget is out of whack and therefore not worthy of their support.

    And, how much money did the house dems out into McCarthy over the years? He should support his leaders who supported him.

  4. - Napoleon has left the building - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 9:13 am:

    Whether or not you agree with pork. Everyone should be able to agree that using state dollars to fund a project that you name after yourself is plain wrong and inappropriate. The Jones building at CSU, The Thompson Center, and Stroger Hospital come to mind.

    The practice of naming buildings that are paid for by the taxpayers after a legislator is disgusting to me and it should be flat-out illegal. Step two would be removing Blago’s name from the Open Road Tolling signs. He didn’t pay for the roads, we did . . .

    I actually think there is some merit to pork, but the self-naming is part of it that makes me want to vomit. Doesn’t make it any better that it’s Emil’s late wife either.

  5. - It's Broken - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 9:14 am:

    ‘If they are saying the state doesn’t need to spend any money, why would you waste any time asking for their spending ideas?’ Brown said.

    The statement assumes that people voted against the budget because they felt “the state doesn’t need to spend any money”. That’s a good political spin, but it’s a ludicrous claim. The state doesn’t need to spend money? Who are you trying to kid, Brown?

  6. - Steve Brown - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 9:24 am:

    When is a”no” vote something other than a vote against spending money.?
    I wonder if It’s Broken” thinks the closed door is really open or the unlit lamp as bright as the sun? Great logic. Hope you don’t work in public safety.
    BTW GRod called yet another special —w/o legislation — for 2:15 p.m. today on the CTA.

    Perhaps IB also thinks the legislature can create programs or fund services without voting to enact legisaltion. I think I may be understanding the “action plan” while LOL Loudly

  7. - It's Broken - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 9:48 am:

    So when Black voted no stating he didn’t know what was in the budget, he was lying. What he meant to say was “the state doesn’t need to spend any money”. And if Blago vetoes the budget he’ll be doing it because “the state doesn’t need to spend any money” despite his calls for universal healthcare coverage, etc…

    Spin Spin Spin

  8. - FED UP - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 9:50 am:

    & million for chicago state they must be running up a big bar bill there. The last audit at chicago state showed that the school admin spent money on bar bills, cruises, first class air fare, tickets to musicals and large amount just not accounted for at all. Emil Jones must have family employeed there. Emil knows no shame a senate revolt is in order.

  9. - BLAH - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 10:05 am:

    So what he is saying is that if you disagree with Madigan you get zip for your people.

    What happened to encouraging people to be independent thinkers…oh wait, this is Illinois, we go along with everything that two families say - the Madigan’s and the Jones’.

  10. - It's Broken - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 10:14 am:

    In some parts of the world they call it blackmail.

  11. - FED UP - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 10:38 am:

    Calling money for votes blackmail is the same as calling campaign contibutions bribes true enough but just buisness as usual in illinois

  12. - operator 63 - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 10:40 am:

    I’m so mad I made mistakes…

    Here’s what I meant to say…It’s too bad the Gen Assembly doesn’t have people that can think and vote for themselves. Madigan’s blackmail tactics show just why it is bad to allow a man that has only been elected to a state rep seat have so much influence. Shame on the lazy members who do not create their own identities and war chests. As for the Senate repubs, why deny us a capital budget? Watson should have been thrown out when he lost so many races to Jones. Now, that he is being lead around by a Chicago democrat, we should recall HIM now.

  13. - cicero - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 10:43 am:

    How are member projects different from federal earmarks? Almost all members of Congress want and get earmarks for their districts. Is that somehow immoral too, or is it only when state legislators do it?

  14. - steve schnorf - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 10:47 am:

    A legislative leader’s job is primarily to exercise his caucus’ will on legislation. He didn’t seize power. They elected him Speaker, and they re-elect him, so they must believe he does a decent job of reflecting and advancing their will. To do this he must pass or defeat bills and that takes votes.

  15. - Steve Brown - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 11:14 am:

    On Black:
    The budget was drafted by the four caucuses I believe staff kept members advised. I also believe a certain rep from Danville made a late breaking recommendation for a spending increase and the request was accomodated — a suggestion that he might had some inkling.
    On free thinking lawmakers & blackmail:
    I have always found it amusing to listen complaints about member spending ideas that make it in the budget versus agency spending ideas that make it in the budget.
    Which police car, fire truck, park, not for profit grant is better? Member or Agency?

    Some might think legislators care about a few local ideas. The ones I know make recommendations on billions of dollars or spending year and year out.
    Some might think Agency spending is pure and wholesome.
    As you can guess I don’t buy it.

  16. - Sad - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 11:30 am:

    This overtime session has really shown how sad it is that this State is really run by just three men (Blagojevich, Madigan and Jones). Okay if that’s the way it really is then let the voters elect not just the Governor but the Majority Leaders also. Forget minority leaders, reps, and senator their really irrelevant.

  17. - MOON - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 12:22 pm:


    You are sadly mistaken. The Gov.has nothing to do with running this state. If he did he would be looking for compromise and working with the other leaders. Stop and think the harm the Gov. plan would have on the economy of this state if it was enacted. Jones only interest is himself. I forsee the Dems in the senate changing leadership. With regards to the Speaker, he is a realist and pragmatic. Madigan’s interest are for what is best for the entire state, not a few selfish people. I would agree he has his own self interest to consider, but, I have never know him to put his interest before what is best for Illinois.

  18. - Eliot Ness - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 12:50 pm:

    It’s a shame Steve Brown has nothing better to do with his time than defend the indefensible. Just like with the IPA bill that they shoved down the General Assembly’s throat with no time for analysis or debate, this kind of mafia (make you an offer you can’t refuse) tactic is just what you’d expect from the Capo regime of Don Madigani.

  19. - It's Broken - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 1:12 pm:

    If I’m CSU I’m naming my next building after Madigan just to hedge my bet.

  20. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 1:59 pm:

    The discussion seems to be missing the point of the “earmarks.” For years, Gov Rod has insisted on doling out the dollars himself; some districts did quite well, others, not so much. It wasn’t based on need, unless you count the Gov’s need for control. He’s just mad because the Reps and Sens finally got fed up and put in a list that spreads the money around the state.

  21. - Way Down State - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 2:08 pm:

    Don’t feel too sorry for Brandon Phelps, at least his support for the governor will help Uncle Dave keep his cushy job at IDOT (where he and his brothers can be heard singing in the background of the latest Be Safe in Workzones PSA), Brother Brock as he goes back and forth between state jobs and the Laborers Union, and of course don’t forget about Cousin Luke’s contracts with IDOC.

    I’m probably missing a relative or two, but you get the point.

    All he’s doing is trying to keep up with the Joneses. So what if he screws his district with his vote. It won’t be the first time he put family first.

    At least State Rep. Dan Reitz, whose wife got a job with DNR shortly after Hot Rod took over, got the $50 million plus World Shooting & Recreation Complex now operating in his district.

    Who needs these minor pork projects when a “Branson-like” development is looking at his district. The governor will certainly support whatever is needed for a project that big.

    Too bad for Brandon. At least he’s announced his re-election already rather than take on Gary Forby for the state senate. Smart move since Gary will have plenty of pork dollars to spread over the south half of his district, each time a reminder as to who it was really able to bring home the bacon.

  22. - BLAH - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 2:11 pm:

    It’s not that member initiatives aren’t necessary. Of course I think they should get funding for fire equipment, libraries and parks. It’s the fact that there is NO debate on a $60 billion budget and if a member votes no they get nothing for their district.

    How exactly is Madigan looking out for the people of Illinois if his spokesperson comes out and says - if they vote no their people get nothing??

    Last time I checked one person shouldn’t be in that much control of 12 million.

  23. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 2:28 pm:

    BLAH — We gotr what you say you want. One person, Gov Rod, WAS insisting on controlling all of those $$$. The Reps and Sens took back the control. If you look at the items listed in the budget, most are for very specific projects, and the work is spread pretty evenly around the state, as it should be. If the 8 who voted no did not see the need for projects in their district or wanted to count on the governor’s largess, so be it.

    Now we have the capitol bill…the real road block to that is the gov does not want to list any projects so can can hand out the money to the few friends he has left. The Leg wants to know where the money is going. That’s what we send them to the patch to do.

  24. - A Citizen - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 3:03 pm:

    To provide the gov with a Lump Sum capitol budget of 6 or 7 billion would be simply incompetent. He can’t be trusted. They will carefully craft a cap. budget bill with all elements directed and nailed down so gov can’t play his usual games. I am pleased they did not RUSH to give him billions in a lump sum. Maybe that was Emil’s deal with the gov, maybe not. So far the gov has zero flexibility with the funds in the budget and that is prudent. Of course he can go haywire on the veto game, but the only power he seems to have left is negative and potentially very destructive of the state’s best interests.

  25. - True Comparison - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 4:30 pm:

    For those of you blaming only Madigan for this, get real. You are showing where your interests lie. No mention of the Gov’s or Jones’ “pork”.

    Madigan would be in good company. How do you think Springfield became the capitol? Anyone hear of the “Long Nine”?

  26. - It's Broken - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 5:06 pm:

    I’m an Equal-Opportunity Blamer. Wouldn’t really miss any of ‘em.

  27. - anon - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 9:11 pm:

    repubs. got member money too…funny how that was not mentioned. i guess their projects are not pork.

  28. - Southern Illinois iPhone - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 10:01 pm:

    Phelps, Reitz, and Granberg… you stand with Blago, you stand against Southern Illinois, not to mention the rest of the state.

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