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Question of the Day

Monday, Aug 13, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson

You receive a call today from your preferred party’s chamber leader. He has read your comments on The Capitol Fax Blog and is impressed.

There is a vacancy in your district. He asks that you run in the upcoming election for the Illinois General Assembly.

Question: Do you do it? Why or why not?


  1. - Squideshi - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 7:47 am:

    My preferred party does not have a “chamber leader.” Nonetheless, if asked, my first response would likely be, “I will consider it.” This having been said, it is usually me that is asking people to run whom I think would make good candidates.

  2. - Don't Worry, Be Happy - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 7:57 am:

    Run for the hills! Run for your life!!

  3. - Bridget Dooley - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 7:59 am:

    I would say, “hell no” then recommend someone I know who I think would be a good bet.

  4. - Way Northsider - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 8:00 am:

    No - the Illinois chamber is a zoo, not a legislative body at this point.

  5. - Anon - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 8:04 am:

    I would do it, of the same party as the Guv, but oppose his behavior. Incumbent rep is a republican and the position is just really “vacant” — he needs to be replaced. In reality I wouldn’t be asked, because a strong candidate has already been tapped to face off against the Republican.

  6. - Pat Collins - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 8:11 am:

    Of course. I have as much ego as the next guy, and suspect as much intellegence as the average Member.

  7. - No way - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 8:17 am:

    If you want to be a lap dog for one of the leaders, then go for it. If you want to accurately represent your district on all issues, then stay far away!

  8. - He makes Ryan Look like a Saint - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 8:28 am:

    I find out how much financial backing I get and if I get enough I go for it. I figure if you are going to criticize and they offer you a spot you should take it or stop criticizing them

  9. - Just Because - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 8:30 am:

    I “ditto Pat Collins”, we may even have more intelligence then the average member. I am so disappointed in their behavior this session. Educated grow adults acting worse then My 10 year old son

  10. - Downstater - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 8:35 am:

    Go for it Rich:-)

  11. - Enemy of the State - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 8:38 am:

    No. I have too much self respect.

  12. - Commonsense in Illinois - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 8:41 am:

    …WHAT, and leave behind the ability to really speak one’s opinion without having to consider the political implications? Perish the thought! (Plus this is waaaaay more fun.)

  13. - fedup dem - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 8:42 am:

    I have better and more productive things to do during the Memorial Day weekend, like attend the annual COMPEX Postage Stamp Show out in Arlington Heights (at the Forest View Educational Center; free admission and free parking).

  14. - Wumpus - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 8:50 am:

    What you got on my race dawg? How much money wil you contribute. Staffers? etc

  15. - opie - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 8:51 am:

    First, you’d have to sell your boat because you’d be in Springfield for the rest of your life.

  16. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 9:02 am:

    Only if my wife agrees.

  17. - Truthful James - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 9:02 am:

    The key is not running, but winning. Figure the financial backing, look at the District organization and determine if it can be energized by my energy and my ideas. I do not have the financial resources to be self financed, especially if a divisive primary battle is expected. I have no appetite for self immolation.

    There is a bundle of about four issues that would make one electable in an winnable general election.

    Having been elected, these issues would become the basis for my presence in Springfield and I would make sure that the District voters would have a scorecard on my progress.

  18. - Not a chance - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 9:03 am:

    I go back to a saying I heard years ago relating to being president, “Anyone smart enough to have the job should be smart enough not to want it.” I wish I knew who to attribute it to.

  19. - The Horse - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 9:03 am:

    sorry dude, cant afford the pay cut … oh, there’s extra $? ahhh.. well in that case…

  20. - VanillaMan - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 9:06 am:

    Yes. This is what being a citizen within a democracy is all about - sacrifice and hard work. Just as jury duty disrupts your life, being called to public service can be a disruption.

    If we all turn our backs on public service, we have no right to be served.

    Do it!

  21. - washmyhands - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 9:19 am:

    Mr. Miller: You can provide some much needed common sense and statesmanship. I’ll send you a clothespin and a shovel…you are gonna need it.

  22. - Dark Fawn Fletch - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 9:35 am:

    Sorry No. I intend to run as a delegate to Con Con.

  23. - Super Mega - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 9:36 am:

    For $300K and the ability for me to choose my staff, absolutely.

  24. - Fan of the Game - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 9:41 am:

    If the resources are in place to vie for victory and my party believes in me and my core values, then yes. As VanillaMan says, ths is what participatory democracy is all about.

  25. - jwscott72 - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 9:42 am:

    It’s Paul’s question, so I think he should go for it!

    I live in a very secure seat for my party, so if I had the requisite backing, I’d do it.

  26. - R.A. - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 9:42 am:

    Yes. I’m betting Lisa Madigan is going to be the next governor. In order for that to happen, her father will have to retire. Add to that mix the Lee-Daniels-indictment-scare, and the fact that Emil Jones is rumored to want out after a few more years, and it seems the leadership vice grip that has bound the General Assembly since the end of proportional representation might be relaxed a bunch soon. In three or four years it might actually mean something to be a regular member.

  27. - Tom - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 9:43 am:

    I would run only if Mike Thomson was running my race.

  28. - keep up with the jones - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 9:46 am:

    If you want to be a robot and not your own person;then it is your job. I want to make my own choices so no way.

  29. - pickles!! - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 10:01 am:

    That’s the problem. Everyone complains how bad and ineffective their government is, but very few want to step up and work for change.

    Sure, i’d run. Although i may only get 20 votes or so.

  30. - Jerry - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 10:25 am:

    I’m not insane enough to consider running.

  31. - Lucinda - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 10:27 am:

    Unforunately, money and quality campaign staff is too important. I would not want to be controlled by the party chair or to be give up all that I care about to appear as a conservative repub because I live in a swing district.

  32. - Diamond Dog - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 10:28 am:

    Are you kidding me?! I’m not married, enjoy free booze and food and would love a job where I get pasi $60,000 for sharing blame. Sign me up.

  33. - Miranda - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 10:33 am:

    I would be up for it….not for any idealistic dream of making a difference…but for the really cool license plates on the cars.

  34. - cermak_rd - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 10:34 am:

    While I like to think I’m as honest as Adlai, I have the charisma of Al Gore, so I’d ask the leader what he’s smoking and suggest he look to someone electable.

  35. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 10:37 am:

    Who cares if there’s a vacancy? All in.

  36. - Mr. Ethics - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 10:43 am:

    I would accept and run on a platform of rolling back these feel good useless laws they keep passing and a promise to vote no on all future ones.

  37. - Levois - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 10:51 am:

    Yup and only to see if I could do it and suceed. Raise the money and build the organization. Maybe the powers that be will notice.

  38. - Anon - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 10:58 am:

    I would be happy to run for a seat in the house, but only for Speaker Hoffman. I would be glad to run for a seat in the Senate, but only for Senate President DeLeo or Senate President Claybourne.

    New leadership would spark the sense of duty Vanilla Man referred to. The current house and senate leadership are horrible — just horrible. Blame the governor all you want, but the fact remains that the ILGA lacks respect, courage, and a general sense of bi-partisan cooperation (and I’m not talking about the combine).

  39. - No Way - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 11:09 am:

    Absolutely not - I do not understand why anyone runs for elected office these days. First the “perks” of the past are gone for all practical purposes. Being a state elected official is not a part time job anymore. Most legislators work day and night and weekends attending functions, meetings, etc. Next you have to invest large sums of your own money initially for a job that does not pay that much. You have to subject yourself and your family to constant scrutiny, criticism, smear campaigns, whisper campaigns and even outright lies. Next you are constantly running and asking for money. Campaigning never ends especially if you are a two year term elected official. Then on top of all this even if you were to win most of the time your in session you just sit back and wait to vote the way the leaders tell you. Wait a minute sounds fun sign me up.

  40. - Team Sleep - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 11:15 am:

    Yes - but only if I wanted a springboard to a higher office or pay scale. I’m enough of a political and policy junkie to admire or at least understand the lifetime pols, but this year shows that the lifers who aren’t in leadership on either side of the aisle have little say-so or input. They can carp all they want and raise a stink, but it’s the four tops and their “lieutenants” who call the shots.

    Then again, the pay isn’t bad, your name gets out and, if the leadership could get along, the budget normally gets done on time. It isn’t the worst gig to have. In Illinois, you truly can be what the founding fathers called a “citizen legislator”. And if you are in a safely-drawn district and you want to buck leadership, it’s possible to hold off challengers picked by the upper brass.

  41. - Team Sleep - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 11:19 am:

    Truthful brings up a great point. If you are younger with a family and a mound of bills, running for state rep or senator probably would be prohibitive to your livelihood. You have to dedicate the time, energy and sometimes your own cash to compete, and none of that actually guarantees you anything. At this point in my life, running for a state-level office would probably get me divorced and force me to live with a friend or my parents! It’s a non-guarantee guarantee.

  42. - Bluefish - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 11:28 am:

    I’d love to but it would not fit in with where I am in life right now.

  43. - Ghost - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 11:33 am:

    Yes. I beleive in the old addage don’t complain you have a headache if you haven’t taken an aspirin.

    The best way to deal with complaints/problems with Government is to take it beyound discussion and comments and become a doer.

  44. - A Citizen - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 11:35 am:

    First I’d have to have a serious talk with Rich to find out why he thought me worthy enough to dig into his internet addresses and figure out just who I am. And then in spite of knowing that went ahead and recommended me. Aside from that, sure, if Rich made the recommendation what higher praise and encouragement could I have?

  45. - Lainer - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 12:03 pm:

    If my husband were deceased, my daughter (now 11) were grown and on her own, and I had had some experience at the local level as a mayor, city council member, etc. then I might consider it. Otherwise, I’d have to say no.

  46. - Slugo - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 12:25 pm:

    Too many skeletons waiting to be freed……

  47. - bluedog demo - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 12:26 pm:

    First I would want to see how much graft, pay to play, golf outings , vacation homes , golden parachutes, etc. etc. one could garner before jumping into such an endeavor. Then I could be ” like Mike ” or Rod or Emil or pick out your favorite legilator.

  48. - lake county democrat - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 12:27 pm:

    Absolutely you run — I’m with the “put up or shut up” crowd (how many get a chance to “put up”?)

  49. - A Citizen - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 12:50 pm:

    Oh! And Bill would have to be my PR guy !

  50. - Highland Online - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 12:51 pm:

    If asked why wouldn’t someone at least consider it. It’s an honor to even be considered, especially if you think about how many people live in Illinois. Talk about being on the short list.

  51. - Eliot Ness - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 12:53 pm:

    Not as long at Mike Madigan is speaker.

  52. - dan l - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 1:02 pm:

    Unfortunately, my preferred party would call me an extremist. then again, so would the other guys.

  53. - Moody - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 1:04 pm:

    Not as long at Mike Madigan is speaker.
    Not as long at Mike Madigan is speaker.

    “Not as long at Mike Madigan is speaker. ”

    Eliot Ness sounds like a person who is challenged by the English language. Hey Eliot Ness maybe you should call Emil Jones. Based on your comment I don’t think you qualify to be Speaker Madigans pool boy.

  54. - zatoichi - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 1:07 pm:

    Leave the past buried unless I am with friend who were there.

  55. - Better than county board - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 1:15 pm:

    You mean I can make three times the federal poverty level for an 80-hour a week job as a mushroom (AKA toady, lapdog, cog in the machine), I get to spend 9 months a year in Springfield, sit in on all those scintillating committee hearings, listen to soaring and poetic floor speeches for hours on end, and all I have to do is shell out 25k of my own savings and survive the pride-swallowing yearlong ordeal of an election process? Well, kick me in the groin and sign me up.

  56. - Huckleberry - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 1:15 pm:

    My ego isn’t that big. I can still fit it under the capitol dome so I would have to say no.

  57. - Ivory-billed Woodpecker - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 1:30 pm:

    Would be honored to serve.

  58. - capitol view - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 1:34 pm:

    a surprising number of legislators ran for the purpose of addressing a specific issue - I remember Steve Rauschenberger telling me his, relating to how businesses were taxed.

    Would I run? Sorry, I like my privacy and free time too much. I’ve never been dragged to a Sunday morning pancake breakfast for some church or non-profit, where I didn’t see either my state senator, my rep, or both of them there. Part time job, but full time networking and fund raising.

  59. - Crimefighter - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 1:34 pm:

    Any news on the state budget today?

  60. - Eliot Ness - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 1:46 pm:

    What’s your problem moody? The question was: “would you do it?” The answer, in proper Engligh, was “Not as long as Mike Madigan is speaker.” Noun…verb. Or was my blasphemy simply too much to take?

  61. - RMW Stanford - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 1:55 pm:

    I would say, hell yes

  62. - countryboy - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 2:01 pm:

    No, I wouldn’t. I’d point the leader to my first choice for candidate. I’m a bit short on the acting ability - too transparent. It’s difficult for me to deal very long with a horse’s ass before the assessment shows…

  63. - Moody - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 2:20 pm:

    Hey Eliot Ness, I might be splitting hairs, but it looks to me like you typed- Not as long at Mike Madigan is speaker. The use of the word “at” makes your statement sound moronic. I don’t even think Speaker Madigan would let you wash his car.

  64. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 2:20 pm:


    Unfortunately, in your original response you didn’t write, “Not as long as Mike Madigan is speaker.” Instead, you wrote, “Not as long at Mike Madigan is speaker.” In most instances, typos aren’t mocked. I guess Moody wasn’t as forgiving as most.

  65. - Siyotanka - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 2:24 pm:

    After running a campaign in the 60’s…I would have to humbley say thanks…but no thanks. I have better things to do with my $$…

  66. - Anonish - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 2:32 pm:

    “Mr. Leader I’m very flattered and will think about it over the next couple days, where can I reach you.”
    Then I’d call the vacating member and get his/her read on the situation and district. I’d be inclined to run on a non-fool’s errand.

    Not a Chance,
    I know of this quote from Douglas Adams: “Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”

  67. - Eliot Ness - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 2:33 pm:

    Well I guess his hero the Speaker has never made a mistake. Just to be clear, what was OBVIOUSLY meant by my statement was, “Not as long AS Mike Madigan is speaker.”

    It’s funny how Moody chose not to address the problem of the Speaker’s stranglehold on Illinois government, as opposed to an obvious and insignificant typo. Sorry that I don’t genuflect to your god.

  68. - Will County Wiseguy - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 2:39 pm:

    No. I would be flattered, at first. But then reality would sink in. Why would anyone want to go through the financial, physical and emotional ordeal of a campaign when the “prize” is to serve at the will of the egomaniacs and control freaks now running the legislature? If rank-in-file members had a meaningful role in the entire process, money had less of a part to play, and the goal was to craft sound public policy and not just to get the same people re-elected, it would be a privilege to serve. There are many talented, creative and public-spirited people who are justifiably turned off by the process. This awful 2007 session has made things much worse.

  69. - Mongo - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 2:45 pm:

    Oooooohhh, the natives are restless today.

    No sycophant myself, it would be an honor to be asked. I agree with the other posters that public service is indeed an honor. I also agree that unless someone has stepped forward, it is hard to outright complain about an incumbent or candidate. Everybody posting here knows how small the margin is between political success and political failure. Those who are not involved by circulating petitions for signatures, or hosting events, or in some other way, are missing a great opportunity.

    But…go in with your eyes open. Other posters have said it right…people to help campaign, money, help with position statements, money, and yes, money. And realize that if there is a skeleton, how will you feel when it is dragged out into the light of day?

    But in the end, if asked, and if support is there, do it.

  70. - North of I-80 - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 2:53 pm:

    Related but off-topic: my brother, life-long liberal Democrat living in CA sent me some observations of what IL looks like to others….. when we were growing up, New Jersey was the joke state where the only things that worked, did so because of corruption and illegal activities. Now Illinois has taken over that spot and is referred to as the new National Lampoon State.

    Nice huh?

  71. - 312 - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 2:54 pm:

    Depends, but it would be an honor to be considered. Would need to do a thorough analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities + threats.

    Can keep all those skeletons in my closet from rattling?

    Would I be a ’sacrificial lamb’ (ie, only on the ballot if the opposition self destructs)? Who’s my competition, primary and general?

    How much money/support would I get from said leader? Can I have Mike Noonan?

    Can I keep my day job? I don’t want to take a pay cut.

    Could be a cool line on the resume..

  72. - amy - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 3:04 pm:

    “You receive a call today from your preferred party’s chamber leader. He…..”

    imagine if the party’s chamber leaders were
    Barbara Flynn Currie, Renee Kosel, Christine
    Radogno, and Debbie Halvorson. THAT would
    change my opinion on how I would answer the

    time to make some changes in the leadership
    of each chamber. there are no where near
    enough women in leadership in any of the
    chambers let alone a woman in any top post.
    time to change that.

  73. - one of the 35 - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 3:28 pm:

    Having served as a local elected official for 12 years, I would say that there were parts of that job that I thoroughly enjoyed and parts that were repulsive. The repulsive parts make up the majority of what you must do as a state legislator. With elections every 2 years, you are never “not running”. If you had asked me while I was a local official if I would consider state office, I probably would have said yes. Looking back, 10 years after local office, there is no way I would consider it.

  74. - A Citizen - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 3:34 pm:

    There is a picture of a very cute baby in the Sunday update. She just turned 21 and has the best campaign organization available. I would pass on the recommendation to her, with her upbringing I’m sure she can think things through quite intelligently.

  75. - A lobbyist - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 4:14 pm:

    All this “leader” bashing is ridiculous.

    Every elected legislative body has leaders, and always has, going back to George Washington and the Constitutional Convention, and probably beyond.

    Like or dislike Madigan, the man is a leader. He runs an efficient ship of government, keeps his members largely protected from stupid votes, keeps his eye on the ball, and seems to completely outfox everyone who takes him on.

    Compare that to the Senate President, who has strung out his caucus on some horrific votes this year, and may have killed the career of his own caucus-member, Gary Forby before all is said an done.

    Or compare Madigan to the Governor…(which is no comparison unless you are taking your Kool Aid intravenously)

    Madigan is good at this game. It makes him a strong leader. The bashers are essentially pleading for leaders who are weak. That makes no sense to me.

    Can you imagine the mess if the House was run by someone like Blagojevich???

  76. - Squideshi - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 4:32 pm:

    Okay. I can’t help myself anymore. I’m not a “chamber leader” but nonetheless:

    I have read many of your comments on The Capitol Fax Blog and am impressed. There are vacancies in many of the districts throughout the state. I ask that you run as the Green Party candidate in the upcoming election for the Illinois General Assembly.

    I’m serious. We have more ballot lines than we have candidates available; so if you want to run for elected office as our candidate, chances are that we can guarantee you a spot on the ballot. As an established party, we can now even simply certify you for placement on the ballot should an objection be sustained to your nominating petition.

    So there you have it–an official invitation (as official as it gets for a grassroots, decentralized party without chamber leaders) to run in the upcoming election for Illinois General Assembly and have your name printed on the ballot.

    If interested, please contact Phil Huckelberry, Chair of the Illinois Green Party’s Government and Elections Committee.

  77. - Tony - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 4:37 pm:

    If there’s some free White Castle in it for me…

  78. - Fan of the Game - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 4:37 pm:

    Another question is this:

    Of the usual posters on The Capitol Fax Blog, who would be your candidate of choice to run for such a vacancy?

  79. - Second Round - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 4:45 pm:

    I would definitely do it for two main reasons: 1. To try and bring some sanity back to the process, and 2. I want the retirement plan!

  80. - Eliot Ness - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 5:05 pm:

    A Lobbyist,

    I take no issue with any of your observations of Madigan vs. Jones vs. Blago. But geez, can’t we set our aspirations a little higher? I absolutely have applauded the Speaker for his ability to protect his members, but at this point the price to our democracy is simply too high.

    The Speaker’s primary motivation these days is no longer about his members. It’s about two things:

    1) Force Rod (and to a lesser extent Emil) into submission; and

    2) Do everything possible to position Lisa Madigan for the Governor’s office in 2010, especially if it also does #1 above.

    I’m sorry, but once the legislative process is subverted by the desire to promote one’s daughter, it has gone too far. It’s time for him to go.

  81. - Disgusted - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 5:42 pm:

    No. I prefer to associate with people with more integrity.

  82. - Tortured Soul - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 5:45 pm:

    No way! Why subject your life to public scrutiny? Your life will be under a microscope 24/7/365. I’d rather be the ‘architect’.

  83. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 5:54 pm:

    People, take a look who posted this QOTD. It was Paul, not me. I would never run for office. Are you nuts? lol

  84. - It's Broken - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 5:57 pm:

    Well said, Eliot Ness.

    To All - Please consider Squideshi’s invitation.

  85. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 6:05 pm:

    And Vanessa knows better than to run for the state legislature. Governor? That’s another story. Maybe she can find a spot for Andrew on the ticket.

  86. - Linus - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 6:08 pm:

    I like the 4:37 question posed by “Fan of the Game.” My vote goes to Yellow Dog. Turn the Illinois House into the Illinois DOGhouse! Woof Woof!

  87. - Reddbyrd - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 6:38 pm:

    If my leader called…
    I would say “sign me up Capt. Fax; I’ll try to be the best intern I can”

  88. - Little Egypt - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 8:18 pm:

    The whole legislative process has been an assault on our comedic senses this year. Since Bill Black is retiring, I suggest that Lewis Black, the comedian, run for that office. The House would not lose a great orator and Lewis Black is definitely a heart attack/stroke waiting to happen. I love the guy. If we couldn’t talk Lewis into moving to Illinois and running, perhaps he could at least be hired to host a roast of Bill Black before Bill’s retirement. Wouldn’t we all pay big money to see that show!

  89. - Roy Slade - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 8:22 pm:

    Though I would be honored, I also lived in a “glass house” for too many years (in my 30’s & 40’s). Lol. I would decline to run- though I could be convinced to be appointed!

    Of course, I adhere to the old saying: “I don’t want to BE a state rep/senator- I want to OWN one”!

  90. - Captain America - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 8:30 pm:

    Fan of the game,

    I’d nominate Yellow Dog Democrat for office with the stipulation that he would designate Steve Schnorf and Ralph Martire as the primary legislative budget gurus. Schnorf and Martire can negotiate bipartisan budgets without necessitating overtime sessions.

  91. - ChicagoDem - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 8:53 pm:

    Mango you are right. The natives are getting restless…..I would run if asked, with one condition. All contributors to this blog…would have to pitch in with free advise as the campaing progresses. Yes, Tony…there is a “slider palace” in your district, and you will certainly be covered.

  92. - Daxx - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 9:27 pm:

    Way down south, unless you weren’t a yes man for the “establishment” you wouldn’t be asked in the firt place. I wouldn’t make a good yes man.

  93. - Mongo - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 10:29 pm:

    Hey CDem…it’s Mongo, as in Blazing Saddles, not Mango, the fruit.

    But, that said, yes, the posters here would be valuable allies (critics!) whether one of us is running at the behest of Emil, Mike, Tom, or Frank, or for that matter, Barbara Flynn Currie, Renee Kosel, Christine Radogno, and Debbie Halvorson.

    BTW, Speaker Hoffman? Totally LOL.

  94. - Hoffman for Speaker - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 10:41 pm:

    i would run if Hoffman was speaker…or it would be the first vote i would cast….

  95. - Dundee - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 10:46 pm:

    I would hire Jon Zahm and Joe Weigland to run my campaign.

  96. - Mongo - Monday, Aug 13, 07 @ 10:49 pm:

    Hoffman for Speaker, please, my goodness, Julie Hamos whips him hands down!

    Speaker Hamos!

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