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Checkmate on Madigan? Maybe not. *** Numerous updates ***

Tuesday, Aug 14, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

I’ve been away. Silly me. Big news today

Gov. Rod Blagojevich today said he would use his amendatory veto powers on a long-delayed state budget, diverting $500 million from programs including pork barrel projects for lawmakers and spending it instead on expanded health care coverage.

But the biggest news, of course, is this…

“We do not plan to move to override the cuts on spending that would put the governor into a position where he could not do anything for health care,” [Senate President Emil Jones] said. “That’s our position. That’s what we’re going to do. Case closed.” […]

The governor’s action on the $59 billion, full-year spending plan will send the legislation back to the House, where Blagojevich has been caught in a monthslong feud with Speaker Michael Madigan. But Jones’ announcement appears to foreclose the chance that lawmakers can reverse the governor’s changes to the budget.

Now, we see why the guv signed that pay raise.

…Adding… From the state Constitution… Highlights are mine…

(c) The house to which a bill is returned shall immediately enter the Governor’s objections upon its journal. If within 15 calendar days after such entry that house by a record vote of three-fifths of the members elected passes the bill, it shall be delivered immediately to the second house. If within 15 calendar days after such delivery the second house by a record vote of three-fifths of the members elected passes the bill, it shall become law.

(d) The Governor may reduce or veto any item of appropriations in a bill presented to him. Portions of a bill not reduced or vetoed shall become law. An item vetoed shall be returned to the house in which it originated and may become law in the same manner as a vetoed bill. An item reduced in amount shall be returned to the house in which it originated and may be restored to its original amount in the same manner as a vetoed bill except that the required record vote shall be a majority of the members elected to each house. If a reduced item is not so restored, it shall become law in the reduced amount.

(e) The Governor may return a bill together with specific recommendations for change to the house in which it originated. The bill shall be considered in the same manner as a vetoed bill but the specific recommendations may be accepted by a record vote of a majority of the members elected to each house. Such bill shall be presented again to the Governor and if he certifies that such acceptance conforms to his specific recommendations, the bill shall become law. If he does not so certify, he shall return it as a vetoed bill to the house in which it originated.

In other words, I don’t think he can do what he says he’s gonna do. Also, word’s going around about a constitutional crisis and a lawsuit.

By the way, the veto is not yet a done deal. We won’t have the actual veto message language until later this week, according to the guv’s office.

This looks like it may be a way to get everybody back to the bargaining table.

Stay tuned.

…Adding more… From a friend and Constitutional expert…

An amendatory veto only applies to substantive lanquage, not appropriations. Even if they did apply to line items, amendatory vetoes have to be approved by the legislature in order to take effect. Line items vetos eliminate spending authority. If the Gov line item vetoes $500 million he reduces his spending authority, he does not transfer it. He can move appropriated money around - remember stem cell research - but he can not create new spending authority. So he can not move $500 million directly from pork to healthcare.

[Emphasis added.]

…And more… This time, from the Governor’s press release (which was better for our purposes than the SJ-R story originally linked here)…

Using his executive authority, Governor Blagojevich will bolster state healthcare programs and give 500,000 more Illinoisans access to affordable health coverage and services, including;

* Every uninsured woman in Illinois will be eligible to get screened and treated for breast and cervical cancer, greatly improving cancer outcomes and saving lives.

* Poor adults who are not eligible for Medicaid will have the chance to see a doctor regularly and get the prescription medications they need.

* By changing eligibility limits for the FamilyCare program, more working and middle-class uninsured parents will receive access to health coverage at affordable rates.

* Working with the Comprehensive Health Insurance Program (CHIP), the State will make sure children in the All Kids program who have pre-existing conditions will continue to have access to affordable health insurance up to age 21.

* Families struggling with the high cost of health insurance premiums will be able to apply for yearly subsidies worth 20% of their annual premiums, up to $1,000.

…And a bit more… From a friend in the know…

Basically, Rod’s saying… If you want your pork, you better get back to the bargaining table or I’ll take it out.

…And here’s some more… Krol offers up an explanation of how the guv can do this…

Here’s how he gets around the fact that he cannot by law spend the $500 million in special projects he plans to veto:

Blagojevich spends the Medicare money lawmakers have authorized and then lets the bills pile up. The governor either comes back and asks for more money when the Medicaid spending power runs out before the end of the fiscal year, or the bills get paid out of the next year’s budget.

The governor can do this because most of his health care expansions were passed into law without a lot of details. The specifics were hashed out at an obscure rules-making body later. That same body will consider Blagojevich’s new health-care expansions.

“That same body”… JCAR… is comprised of legislators who just had their pork taken away from them. No way would JCAR approve any new expansions. But the idea of just spending money without authority until it runs dry is an interesting take.

…But, wait, there’s more… From Rep. Fritchey’s blog

There was a reported understanding among the leaders to stick together on the budget vote and any subsequent veto overrides. So Emil’s standing with the Governor on this issue today would appear to be an outright 180 degree flip on the other leaders. Going back on an agreement is never good form, that truism is magnified exponentially under the dome.

And muses about how the governor might try to do what he says he will do…

One way that I think that he might try to do this (and I’m simply thinking out loud here, sort of) is via an agency reorganization. This would be an extraordinarily convoluted means of attempting to reach his goal, and I’m not sure that it would work in any event, but I just can’t think of another means by which he could do it. (Another reason that this wouldn’t make sense is that, if I am interpreting this section correctly, the House could nullify the Executive Order with a simple majority.)

Again, this looks more like a negotiating posture than reality.

…More, more, more… From Democratic blogger ArchPundit

…Blagojevich is saying he is appropriating money–something he is forbidden to do. His new rules will be hit with injunctions and then heard in court. The evidence is clear that he’s trying to appropriate money contrary to what the Legislature passed. He cannot do that and a court can use this sort of strategy as evidence of intent and thus, evidence that it was not simply delegated authority.

Larry also points out in comments here

He’s making up powers. He’s now in the same Constitutional fantasyland as the Bush signing statements and if we were to try and spend that money, it’s an impeachable offense. This isn’t about the person or the policy, it’s about the integrity of the institution. He cannot do this and if he tries, he must be stopped by the other two branches.

…More to consider… One additional observation by myself…

The governor can’t just take $500 million from other parts of the budget and spend it on healthcare. He has a 2 percent transfer authority in this budget, but the transfers have to be germane.

Again, we have a press release that wasn’t accompanied by any official language - which is his usual modus operandus. Until we see that actual language, I gotta figure this is pure posturing.

…Reaction starts to come in… From the AP

Democratic Senator Kwame Raoul says health care is important and the governor is doing everything possible to cover people who lack insurance. But he wishes the maneuver had been discussed with rank-and-file Senate Democrats.

There has been no reaction yet from House Speaker Michael Madigan, the leading opponent for most of Blagojevich’s proposals. The Illinois Campaign for Better Health Care is applauding Blagojevich.

…Audio clips… The Illinois Farm Bureau has two very brief audio clips and a short story online. Go there or just listen to them here…

* Senate President Emil Jones…


* Governor Rod Blagojevich…


…JCAR Update… Rep. Fritchey has added this update

For those that don’t know, I happen to be one of the members of the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR). I have been advised that HFS will likely be filing rules for coverage expansion of both the ‘Family Care’ and ‘Assist, Primary Care, Rx, Hospital’ provisions of the Governor’s plans. HFS counsel is maintaining that the Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment and Working Families Premium Assistance programs will not require rules, a position not necessarily shared by JCAR staff. Any expansion of All Kids would likely require new rules for Comprehensive Health Insurance Program.

When one looks at the members of JCAR, it’s hard to tell how these rules are going to be received. Same fight, different battleground.

…More analysis… Chicago Public Radio has a report online now that makes a brief mention of the governor’s lack of Constitutional authority to redirect spending…



  1. - Esteban - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:34 pm:

    Will this end up in court?

  2. - Balance - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:35 pm:

    Also, now, we see why the Senate Democrats did not itemize their member initiatives.

    With the veto power, can the governor actually change where dollars are going?

  3. - This Guy - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:36 pm:

    Con-con, baby. That one person can use the state budget to finance his own personal agenda is nothing less than insane.

    Why bother having a legislature when one person apparently knows what’s best for Illinois?

    Disgusting. Pathetic. Shameful. Etc.

  4. - Jim - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:38 pm:

    “No more business as usual.”

  5. - Siyotanka - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:39 pm:

    Now Jones is on the MJM’s S-list for backsliding and twisting the knife on the way in. Should make for a VERY interesting fall session, let alone the Gov’s Day tomorrow at the fair.

  6. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:40 pm:

    Gov and Emil may have spoken, but I haven’t heard the Fat Lady sing,yet. I heard Madagin was auditioning senators for the performance.

  7. - Don't Worry, Be Happy - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:40 pm:

    No more Mr. Nice Guy.

  8. - Crimefighter - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:40 pm:

    Question is will the other Senate Democrats go along with Emil Jones?

  9. - pchappel - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:41 pm:

    Wow, every time I think that the corruption level is at the maximum, somehow it just goes higher… So it will not be overridden because one Senator decides whether it goes to the floor?

  10. - Miranda - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:42 pm:

    maybe the Senate GOP will get enough people behind them from the Dem side to knock Emil Jones off his pedistal a little bit and override the veto anyways, so that everyone can finally go home!!!

  11. - Dan, a voter and taxpayer - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:43 pm:

    I just pray that Adolf Blago has moved his King into a space were MJM can call checkmate. This guy has GOT to be stopped. Come on MJM, your move and God Speed Man.

  12. - Helm - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:43 pm:

    Where does this put the overall budget ? The House will certainly vote to override the Gov’s veto and it appears the Senate will not override. Does this mean that the Gov’s amendatory veto/changes become the budget ?

    I would imagine Emil may use this as a trump card to also kicksta

  13. - capitol view - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:43 pm:

    “can the Governor change where dollars are designated?”

    Most or all of the Medicaid program is funded across fiscal years and reimbursements are paid as bills are presented. If the State changes the eligibility for health care coverage administratively (JCAR blockable?), then the bills get paid as they come in from health care providers.

    Yes, he probably can do it. But it is an absolute violation of Constitutional intent in the scope of the Veto powers. The General Assembly may have only itself to blame for how they set up Medicaid bills payments, but a court order challenge or at least an Attorney General’s opinion is warranted.

    THe Governor forum shopped, going to Taylorville, on employee salary payments in this limbo period. I wonder if he will run back to that favorable jurisdiction to have that same judge issue an approval for this outrage.

  14. - Ike - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:44 pm:

    Wow…looks like Emil pulled a Watson.

  15. - A lobbyist - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:44 pm:

    I don’t see how this changes anything.

    The House overrides the veto, and Jones and Blago wear the shirt for a shutdown

    Madigan covered his back by line iteming the “pork”. Lots of Senators will have to vote against specific projects in their own district in favor of the Governor’s health care plan.

  16. - been there - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:45 pm:

    Way too soon to say checkmate on Madigan. The legislature, not the governor, appropriates money. So vetoing $500 million does only that. It doesn’t spend it on health care.

  17. - Helm - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:45 pm:

    I would imagine Emil may use this as a trump card to also kickstart negotiations re: a casino & capital bill.

  18. - Levois - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:46 pm:

    Hmm did he act like a baby for nothing?

  19. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:49 pm:

    The picture of the dapper duo is quite stunning. And the caption that Emil is the one on the left . . . probably more a political statement than to help us tell Emil and gov apart.

  20. - Economist - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:49 pm:

    I am just an interested bystander but did the Gov and Jones just fire the first shot in a political equivalent of W W III?

  21. - Dan, a voter and taxpayer - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:53 pm:

    Maybe and I hope I’m right we now know why Adolf Blago received a grade of “C” in constitutional law?

  22. - PJ - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:53 pm:

    Makes one wonder how long Blagojevich and Jones have been planning this little surprise. And what kind of lies Jones was telling MJM the whole time. And he has the nerve to say Watson can’t be trusted! I’m all for cutting pork, but not all of the initiatives were wasteful and you can bet that Jone’s un-itemized pork projects will not be affected. What a joke!

  23. - Moderate Repub - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:54 pm:

    lobbyist - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:44 pm:

    I don’t see how this changes anything.

    The House overrides the veto, and Jones and Blago wear the shirt for a shutdown

    No if the Speaker overrides, then Jones sits. The Budget stand as the Gov has changed it.

    I have seen a lot of the Senate Dem members who are NOT happy and did not sign up for this. THe so the question is, Does the Gov veto all pork but the Sen Dem lump? TO let Emils members spend the pork (that some have already promised)?

  24. - ArchPundit - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:56 pm:

    The latest update appeared as I started to write–the Governor of Illinois has no authority to appropriate money period. That is strictly the purview of the Legislature.

    He’s making up powers. He’s now in the same Constitutional fantasyland as the Bush signing statements and if we were to try and spend that money, it’s an impeachable offense. This isn’t about the person or the policy, it’s about the integrity of the institution. He cannot do this and if he tries, he must be stopped by the other two branches.

  25. - Moderate Repub - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:01 pm:

    Also the Gov office has the statatory authority to trasfer 2% of the budget around as he pleases for need. However, I don’t know that JCAR will allow it, because i think it willhave to be ruled on by them.

  26. - Crimefighter - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:02 pm:

    Are you saying if 3/5ths or more of the Senate want to vote to override but Emil doesn’t he can unilaterially block any attempt to override the veto???

  27. - Moderate Repub - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:05 pm:

    yes, Emil just has to sit on it. Remeber, he runs the rules committee. If he doesnt call the override for a vote, there cant be one, no matter who wants it. An example of this is the ethics bill, it has over 40 sponsors in the senate, but Emil wont call it, therefore, there can’t be a vote becuase it isn’t sent to rules committee to be heard.

  28. - Moderate Repub - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:08 pm:

    ArchPundit - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 3:56 pm:

    The latest update appeared as I started to write–the Governor of Illinois has no authority to appropriate money period. That is strictly the purview of the Legislature.

    Untrue. A lot of expansions (an example would be the grants the GOv is talking about), he is thinking he can set these by rule. Technically he is correct, however, JCAR has the ultimate authority IF they decide to rule on it. WHich i think they will do, and shoot him down. But, he will get some of the money through rule at the agency that distributes money for the already existing program. As much as i hate to think it will happen, and think it is a run around the system, the Gov has demonstrated this in the past (stem cell research), and he will probably get away with some of it. He is an embarasement to ILLINOIS.

  29. - anon - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:11 pm:

    This is government by decree. No matter how meritorious the Gov’s spending plans are, he must have the legal authority for the plans. A benign dictatorship is still a dictatorship.

  30. - Gracie - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:12 pm:

    Oh my word! We need score cards! This is just, just, insane!

  31. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:17 pm:

    Rich, I am hoping you can secure an audio clip or two from Madagin.

  32. - South Sider - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:17 pm:

    If this were baseball, what inning are we in? Eighth? Ninth? 15th?

  33. - annon - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:20 pm:

    sign it !!!!! will ya’ blago so the gov’t can keep turning. and if you are that passionate about these issues then come to work the 1st day of the spring session in jan. 08′ with a plan & work towards those goals & meaningful legislation if that’s possible. this is insane !! people are really getting tired of this non-sense!!!

  34. - Commonsense in Illinois - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:24 pm:

    South sider…if this were baseball, everyone would have gone home except the kid with the bat and ball who would immediately hit a home run and declare himself the winner.

  35. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:24 pm:

    Emperor Rod meets King Mike in a cage for a fight to the death. Meanwhile Lord Emil focuses on keeping his restless vassals in check. Wow - such entertainment for August!

    The reality is that this is a pretty sharp rebuke by Rod for all those who declared him irrelevant. Whether you like him (surely there are some who fit in this category) or not, the governor of the state has a lot of power and he’s demonstrating this now.

  36. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:26 pm:

    Transfer authority is limited to germane items. He couldn’t transfer $10 mil from IDOT and give it to HFS, for instance.

  37. - MOON - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:27 pm:

    One has to ask themself “what’s in it for Jones”.Does his stepson get more state contracts? Do they change the name of U of Ill. to Jones Univ.This man and the Gov. are a disgrace. I can only hope the Dems in the senate find the backbone to throw Jones out of his leadership post. Also , the action taken by Jones and the Gov. will only lead to “no trust between the house and senate”. The Speaker is an honorable man, but rest assure “its not nice to fool mother nature”. The speaker and the citizens of Illinois will now be heard from.Goodbye and good riddance Mr. Jones and Gov.

  38. - j - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:28 pm:

    Am I not correct that as soon as the Governor takes action, the parts of the budget that he didn’t touch essentially become law?

    That means that everything except the “pork” can start being spent. School money, state workers salary, etc.

    So, this essentially keeps Gov’t running, but then they argue over “pork” vs. healthcare.

    And whatever else they want to argue about, I guess.

  39. - ArchPundit - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:31 pm:

    ===Untrue. A lot of expansions (an example would be the grants the GOv is talking about), he is thinking he can set these by rule. Technically he is correct, however,

    The Governor can change the rules if JCAR goes along. However, that does not appropriate money for that purpose. If he’s going to play a game of chicken with the health care provision rules he can try, but I will still say that the Court is likely to take a very dim view of regulations that specifically try to appropriate money not appropriated by the General Assembly.

    This is like a scheme thought up by a bunch of stoned guys in a dorm room.

  40. - Moderate Repub - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:31 pm:

    MOON - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:27 pm:

    One has to ask themself “what’s in it for Jones”.Does his stepson get more state contracts? Do they change the name of U of Ill. to Jones Univ
    No they change Chicago State to Jones Univ :)

  41. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:32 pm:

    Just when I thought things were going to get boring.

    Just so folks are familiar with how things play out, the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, or JCAR, can essentially veto any proposed rule changes from the administration with the support of 8 out of the 12 members on the bipartisan, bicameral committee. For the arithmetically-challenged, each caucus has 3 votes on the committee, meaning President Jones does not have enough votes to block JCAR from blocking the Governor.

  42. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:34 pm:

    Emil cant be trusted he is stalling an ethics bill that would expose his familys connection to sub contractors and pouring more and more money into chicago state for bar bills and cruises for administrators Emil Jones needs to be removed from his position. I believe more thn enough votes can be found for new leadership.

  43. - washmyhands - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:35 pm:

    Taken to its furtherest extent, a governor could line item veto an ENTIRE budget and decide how to spend ALL of the money? That does not sound like a fully baked plan….

  44. - Jones Waves Good-Bye - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:37 pm:

    This is simply more proof that Emil Jones is prepared to pack it in and retire. Wife is on the public dime, kids are taken care of, and good money says that Emil will get a nice, cushy state job (better that Streets & Sanitation manager) to boost his pension.

    Too bad he will leave before accomplishing his goal of education reform because it could have been done this year if he didn’t jump in bed with the Governor. He is throwing 30 years of service away.

  45. - Moderate Repub - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:38 pm:

    Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:34 pm:

    Emil cant be trusted he is stalling an ethics bill that would expose his familys connection to sub contractors and pouring more and more money into chicago state for bar bills and cruises for administrators Emil Jones needs to be removed from his position. I believe more thn enough votes can be found for new leadership.

    Can not be done till the 95th GA is closed (January, 09).

  46. - jwscott72 - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:38 pm:

    As I understand it, the unvetoed portions of the budget become law once the veto messages are filed. Presumably, these portions include the operating budgets for state agency ergo no shutdown and the state will pay its bills.

    What does Emil gain by this? I’m hard pressed to think of anything. He stands to lose a lot and I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t hear rumors about him retiring in 2008 leaving the mess for his successor. SDEMs are probably thanking Emil for selling them down the river as we speak.

  47. - Gracie - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:38 pm:

    Chicago Cynic , don’t forget Dan he is holding the purse strings, at least for 15 more days.

  48. - GettingJonesed - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:39 pm:

    Gosh I was just recalling all the rants about the House’s May budget when the Governor was whining about longer Medicaid cycles…This stunt should take them out to about 120 days — from the current “average” of 57.
    Sports fans that means the number of doctors willing to treat the poor is going to be thissss small.
    Nice job guys.

  49. - game plan - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:39 pm:

    How can anyone ever trust these people? Well, does that mean that Governor State loses it’s cash? Does he have line item veto powers? But I guess these aren’t line item but the lot of them are. Will he be using a red chisel tip sharpie or a fat red permanent marker? Come on Franks and Quinn get that con con going for recall.

  50. - South Sider - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:40 pm:

    Chicago Cynic — “Whether you like him (surely there are some who fit in this category) or not, the governor of the state has a lot of power and he’s demonstrating this now.”

    The Guv. has a lot of cojones, unfortunately he’s using them in a losing battle. I think that between the Speaker, the AG and the Supreme Court, if necessary, we’re about to find out where the real power lies.

    In this situation, I like the line from the “Untouchables”:

    “He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue! That’s the Chicago way!”

  51. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:43 pm:

    I didn’t think Rod’s earlier actions rose to the level of impeachment, only justified a recall vote, but I’m with Larry on this one.

    Blagojevich is taking a hammer to the Constitutional balance of power.

    I don’t expect Hynes will go along with the Governor as Appropriator.

    But the folks who should REALLY be freaking out are the CTA and Cook County Hospital, not to mention the Laborer’s Union and everyone else who was hoping for agreement on other budget issues.

    How can anyone hope for agreement on a plan to do anything else between the Four Tops?

    If I were Senate Democrats, I’d be shopping for a new leader. From the AP:

    Democratic Senator Kwame Raoul says health care is important and the governor is doing everything possible to cover people who lack insurance. But he wishes the maneuver had been discussed with rank & file Senate Democrats.

    Ya think?

  52. - More to Infitity - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:44 pm:

    There is flexibility in each state agency to reappropriate funding, some as low as 2%, some as high as 10%. This authority could be used to generate signficant GRF. However, it still means the money is coming out of somebody’s backside

  53. - L.S. - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:46 pm:

    Cynic - This does not show his rellevance, it shows his utter desperation. There is no way this plan works and even if it does it’s nothing close to his original health care goal. This is a last minute, face saving attempt. At best it’s impratical, at worst it’s impeachable. Why would anyone want to go back to the negoiating table with these dishonest hacks.

  54. - More to Infitity - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:46 pm:

    eek, sorry Rich, didn’t see your last post, ignore my last statement.

  55. - ArchPundit - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:47 pm:

    ===There is flexibility in each state agency to reappropriate funding, some as low as 2%, some as high as 10%. This authority could be used to generate signficant GRF. However, it still means the money is coming out of somebody’s backside

    But that’s within an agency–hence it’s nearly impossible to move from health care programs from a pork program that is likely to be in another category of spending.

  56. - Say it with me - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:47 pm:

    Hate to say it, but there is a remedy for somebody deemed incapable of doing their job as Governor - impeachment.

  57. - MOON - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:48 pm:

    Moderate Repub.

    Jones ego far exceeds naming Chicago State after him. Considering Jones twisted logic it must be U. of Ill. that will now be renamed Jones Univ.

  58. - wndycty - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:50 pm:

    Not sure about the outcome of this will be what I’m concerned about is all of the organizations and institutions whose funding is tied up as they sort out the budget.

  59. - the Other Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:52 pm:

    Once again, the Governor is stabbing one of his closest allies on Illinois Covered, the hospitals, in the back.

    I would also say that if this Governor is even thinking of a third term, it will be awfully hard to overcome the targeted direct mail resulting from such line item vetoes. He took money away from kids, old people, the local library . . . you name it.

    What’s mystifying to me, though, is how little of this garbage sticks to Emil Jones in the public eye. He bears at least as much responsibility for the gamesmanship as the Governor does.

  60. - toby keith - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:54 pm:

    “But, I love this bar.
    It’s my kind of place.
    Just twirlin’ around on the dance floor puts a big smile on my face.
    No cover charge.
    Come as you are.
    Mmmm, I love this bar.”

  61. - j - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:56 pm:

    God, you guys must REAAAAAALLLLYYY like your pork!

  62. - j - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:58 pm:

    Again - the other news is no more shutdown talk.

    The rest of the budget becomes law AS SOON AS the Governor does his item vetos. That means we have a budget, minues the pork, in a day or two.

  63. - Sponge! - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:01 pm:

    read the budget. it’s not pork. it’s funding for a city handicapped van, it’s a heating system for town hall, it’s fixing a city park. that’s not pork — that’s stuff that lawmakers have to ask for becuase they aren’t getting the necessary funding.

    it’s a sad sad state of affairs.

    and you should do your homework.

  64. - Gracie - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:02 pm:

    j - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 4:58 pm:

    Again - the other news is no more shutdown talk.

    The rest of the budget becomes law AS SOON AS the Governor does his item vetos. That means we have a budget, minues the pork, in a day or two.

    I’m not sure anyone knows!

  65. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:05 pm:

    “j,” please. Instead of defending the guv’s move, you attack the motivation of his critics? Try again.

  66. Pingback ArchPundit » Blog Archive » Stupid or Insane - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:06 pm:

    […] had with this kind of authority. Rich is, of course, tracking most of the reactions–forgot to link as I started to fire off missives.  [link] […]

  67. - Unless... - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:06 pm:

    somebody files suit alleging the Governor’s actions to be unconstitutional, and potentially, for a declaratory judgment okaying the budget.

  68. - Really? - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:08 pm:

    something I haven’t seen discussed yet is Dan Hynes.
    If he thinks that the Gov. does not have the statutory authority to spend in this way, then he won’t process the warrants/vouchers.

  69. - Capitalist Pig - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:08 pm:

    No. That means the gov is trying to replace the existing pork with his own pork. Quite frankly, the gov’s pork is a much larger waste of resources than many of the so-called pork/pet projects. I have absolutely no problem with reducing wasteful spending, but replacing all the spending on firehouses police equipment etc. with bigger and far more intrusive healthcare pork without any authority from the GA is rather disgusting.

    Is it obvious only to me that the gov has some nasty pictures of Emil tucked away somewhere?

  70. - j - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:08 pm:

    Gracie -

    “I’m not sure anyone knows! ”

    Good point! LOL. He DOES have 60 days, right?

  71. - j - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:09 pm:

    - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:05 pm:

    “j,” please. Instead of defending the guv’s move, you attack the motivation of his critics? Try again.

    Rich, I wasn’t being serious. I thought it was obvious. Sorry.

  72. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:09 pm:


    Don’t misunderstand, I’m not applauding this move. But as a practical matter, while I agree with those who say he can’t spend the $500 million, he certainly can line out the $500 million. It’s just like a child who is ignored and doesn’t get what he wants so he throws a temper tantrum. Rod is jumping up and down and promising to hold his breath until he gets his way.

  73. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:10 pm:

    Is there anyone who can get through to this guy and tell him to move on? Durbin, Rahm Emanuel, Obama? Maybe a Jim Thompson or a Jim Edgar? Anyone inside his admininistration? If there’s another CTA fire, or a bridge collapses, and there’s no capital budget, he, as the face of Illinois government will pay a dear price.

  74. - Southern Right - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:11 pm:

    I don’t think we need to hear how bad Ryan was. He has been out done by these two slime. Five months ago I said it would be a race between the Governor and some health plan and a Federal indictment. They are still neck and neck. Why, if this whole plan works out, didn’t they do their damage in May? Why all the wasted time and drama?

  75. - Thinking - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:12 pm:

    Since the pork was specifically allocated, people and the press know where it was supposed to go and for the most part, they were seen as needed projects. Over in Jacksonville the high school needed a sprinkler system and was provided in the “pork”. See who gets blamed if something tragic could have been prevented by the “pork”. Somewhere out of all of those “pork” projects something will happen that will lay at the Gov’s feet.

  76. - Ellinoyed - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:16 pm:

    J, what exactly is “pork” about money for libraries, schools & EMTs? The only “pork” in that budget was the SDems approps, and they’ll still get theirs.

  77. - j - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:19 pm:

    Ellinoyed - again, see above.

    I was being facetious (not serious).

  78. - Really? - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:21 pm:

    The Senate just passed the BIMP’s for Education and Human Services….they now go to the House? What happens if the House does not pass them?

  79. - Give Me A Break - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:32 pm:

    So let me get this correct. All the gov’s enemies say the “pork” the House had in the budget was “good pork”. Providing heath care to a family who does not have it is “bad pork”. You people are beyond belief.

    I don’t doubt that some of the House members projects do good things, but I wonder if any of those blasting health care for families have ever gone without health care?

    Let the House members defend each and everyone of their projects. I suspect more than a few won’t look forward to their pet projects being debated on the chamber floor. The spotlight might get a little too bright for them.

  80. - Truthful James - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:33 pm:

    JCAR had better meet quickly if it is to be effective.

    I didn’t know that Emil could bend over that fsr to kiss the Governor’s mistletoe, but I guess I was wrong. He has sucked the State dry for his own family’s aggrandizement, and nobody in the black caucus will stand up to him.

    The Governor’s carnal assault on the State had changed the definition of the offense from the traditional: any penetration no matter how slight. The knew one is the Bryllcream version: a little dab’l do you.

    Why, if you were a growing business seeking to expand would you in your right mind want to submit the well being of your company and the workers to this Colloqium of Dunces. All this and we have the bite mites too.

  81. - Roger Ebert - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:33 pm:

    I think I’ve seen this movie before: Rod and Emil have just decided to re-make the ending of “Thelma & Louise”.

  82. - Hot Rod vs. JCAR - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:36 pm:

    This is by no means the end: Hynes, Alexei, and Lisa Madigan will have some things to say about this. Knowing this is all going to wind up in court, why would Rod continue to go there, seeing the STELLAR tack record his minions have had so far?

  83. - Silent Majority - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:40 pm:

    Blago will veto, or threaten to veto, much more than just the pork. Anything that can be used to pressure any member of the GA or make him look like a hero in the press. He will hold it hostage to get his health plan. The pork will all be back….as soon as he gets what he wants. When the GA passed the budget last week, it wasn’t the end of the budget battle, just the beginning.

  84. - Orion Samuelson will be sad - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:41 pm:

    Expect all the Chicago TV stations to mob the Sale of Champions tonight and Democrat Day tomorrow, peppering the Governor with questions. The focus will be off the hard-working young men and women and all on the scandal and malfeasance and gamesmanship. Sa, but if he runs away from press conferences, he can’t complain about getting hammered wherever he DOES appear.

    Gov and Emil just walked away this afternoon after dropping their bomb, taking no questions, and the shrieks of complaint from the media rattled the dome rafters. They are NOT going to let Blago get away without answering the hard questions.

  85. - plutocrat03 - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:42 pm:

    Well, I was waiting to see what fireworks Elvis was going to create.

    It was worth the wait.

    I tend to agree with our host’s interpretation of the constitution regarding the Gov’s ability to create spending authority. However we live in the world of defining what the meaning of is is by a bunch of self centered flacks.

    I can see so far the Mr. Jones will do what he can to skewer any good will from the Madigan clan.

    I hate to say it, butI’m starting to feel wisful about the type of government that Ryan (mis)managed.

    At least this makes the Gov’s transportation bills look small.

  86. - Gregor - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:46 pm:

    How can Jones face the public or his members if Rod vetos every member initiative except the ones Jones protects? or all of them regardless of hopuse or party? It’s like writing a fat check to the future republican senate campaign, to set up his loyal members this way. I think Jones is closer to losing his position than he’s been in a very long time.

  87. Pingback McLean County Pundit » THE ILLINOIS BUDGET: WHAT HAPPENED TODAY IN SPRINGFIELD - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:54 pm:

    […] I found this perfect caption for this photo from information on Capitol Fax (THE source to go to for all the details.) […]

  88. - Macbeth - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:57 pm:

    I think it’s fair to say — at this point, particularly — that this governor is one subpoena away from going down as the worst, most problematic governor of Illinois — ever.

    Blagojevich believes his administration is squeaky clean. He better hope so — because a single sobpoena — one — will sink this adminstration completely.

  89. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:59 pm:

    - Macbeth -
    Prove it - Please!

  90. - grategul - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 6:01 pm:

    Once Again I SAY !!! This is the GOV. Words???

    I am Ethical / I am Honest / I am Hard Working

    NOT !!!! NOT !!!!! NOT !!!!

  91. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 6:07 pm:

    Rich, Would you release the profanity ban for just tonight, please?

  92. - Fed up State Employee - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 6:08 pm:

    Just saw Bozo and Clarabelle in their press conference or should I say press release presentation. He said he’s going to remove $500 million dollars in spending from the budget. Didn’t mention that he was going to spend the $500 million on his own pet project.

  93. - Upshots - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 6:18 pm:

    If the Rod & Emil team follow through as promised, some obvious upshots:

    1. Emil’s stock as a leader plummets. This will be one huge reniging on a deal with his fellow leaders. What will really burn the other leaders is Emil having agreed to cut their stuff, while leaving in SenDem stuff. That’s what will happen, just watch.

    2. The House will hold hearings (perhaps a committe of the whole) to learn more about this “pork.” The “member iniatives” account for $200 million (or only $150 million if Emil’s stuff is preserved), so the bulk will come out of road fund projects, university and community college projects, etc. This will all be solid, needed stuff…probably even some critical bridge repairs. A House override will be easy (especially since that’s the legislative deal), and the district heat on Senators to follow the House lead with an override will be intense. Emil may have caucus trouble in following the course he outlined today.

    3. The best Rod can get is for his reductions/line item vetoes to stand (there is neither a Constitutional nor legislatively viable way to increase appropriations for health care). [Madigan was so, so, so right on insisting that the budget be placed on a HB as a “check” on the word of his Senate counterpart.] In this “best case for Rod senario” you get all pain, no gain. More folks to be unhappy with Rod. Madigan can live with that.

    4. Rod will end up an even bigger loser, even before Patrick Fitzgerald fully weighs in, and Emil could become the lamest of lame ducks.

  94. - Blah - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 6:20 pm:

    Saw that press conference. Typical, Blago saying he is removing “pork” and “special interest” and giving half a million more people health care - like he’s some kind of saint.

    In the mean time I hope it gets report just what type of “pork” he’s cutting. Libraries, police, fire.

    Just because he didn’t get his way he whines and takes some kind of power. I mean who is this guy. I wish more people paid attention and realized what is going on in Springfield.

    In the meantime we still can’t pay our Medicaid bills or fund transit. Just when you think it can’t get any worse.

  95. - Totally and Utterly Disgusted - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 6:20 pm:

    Can anyone tell me where it says that healthcare is supposed to be provided people by the government. I was under the impression that this country, and this state as it is a part of the once blessed union, provided the pursuit of happiness to it’s people. If you are unhappy because you don’t have healthcare, by all means, pursue your happiness.

    Our representatives in government should be doing what the voters have told them they want. Reform our education system, pay for the promised pensions of governmental workers, quit borrowing money, and pay the bills.

    The representatives and senators who are lucky enough to get pork in this travesty should provide some sort of healthcare screening and treatment for their constituents with their share of the “pork” if that is what their district’s voters demand.


  96. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 6:22 pm:

    Truthful James: JCAR actually did have a scheduled monthly meeting this morning, during which some members asked an official from HFS if the agency had any plans in the works for emergency rulemaking on the universal healthcare issue. The official insisted that she wasn’t aware of any such rules in the works. The Gov’s announcement took place several hours later.

  97. - Norseman - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 6:22 pm:

    First - Dan, I dislike Blago as much as you do, but please refrain from the “Adolph” reference. It detracts from legitimate criticism of this disaster on the 2nd foor - or should I say the 16th floor.

    Second - Who’s going to make Frank Watson a T-shirt that says, “What’s that about a sincere bone in your body.”

  98. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 6:22 pm:

    Emil should choose his “friends” more carefully, lest he becomes complicit in unlawful acts!

  99. - Blah - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 6:25 pm:

    - Totally and Utterly Disgusted

    Blago knows:

    Health Care = Good. It gets him a lot of press. He saw Romney do health care in MA, get tons of press and run for president.

  100. - It's Broken - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 6:27 pm:

    Somebody ought to make a movie out of this legislative session (a comedy, obviously).

  101. - amy - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 6:29 pm:

    surely his lawyers looked at this and said it
    is worth a shot. and why not. Pork or
    healthcare? That’s an easy call. and if Lisa
    Madigan has to weigh in on the legal dispute and
    does not side with health care, woe to her. this
    looks good for the people of Illinois.

  102. - It's Broken - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 6:34 pm:

    Norseman - Thanks for remembering the Watson quote. This is just all so hilarious/sad/pathetic/unbelievable.

  103. - DeepFriedOnAStick - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 6:41 pm:

    Maybe Blagojevich knows that his plan to force more health care through executive authority is bunk, and that it’s nothing more than a distraction. The real point seems to be that he is punishing lawmakers - even the rank and file Senate Democrats - for not supporting his health care plan. It’s rule or ruin.

  104. - Totally and Utterly Disgusted - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 6:42 pm:

    Did Blago not get the memo regarding what happens to a politician’s popularity when they completely ignore the constitution?

  105. - NIEVA - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 6:42 pm:

    Can you say injunction?

  106. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 6:51 pm:

    - NIEVA -
    Yes, but I prefer Indictment.

  107. - sitting and watching it unfold - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 6:58 pm:

    will the House Dems vote to override thinking the Senate will not call for a vote…they don’t get their project and at (least possibly press related) vote against health care…

  108. - Huh? - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 7:09 pm:

    Isn’t there anybody in the administration who will sit on blago’s head until he realises how wrong he is?

    I understand that blago didn’t do very well in constitutional law, passing with a “C” and all, but he still passed the course and show understand the limits on his authority and powers as governor.

  109. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 7:15 pm:

    - Huh? -
    Yes, but he got an A+ in his Megalomania Class.

  110. - Inquiring Mind - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 7:28 pm:

    This is just about what I said he’d do. I exaggerated with the $5 billion in new taxes through an amendatory veto, but I could see this coming.

  111. - Lainer - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 7:30 pm:

    The message Blago is trying to send is not to the public but to the GA members: “I’m going to get my health care plan one way or another. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. If any of you House members want to save your projects, you had better give me the funding I need for health care, or else I will just take that money away from you. You can’t count on an override vote to save you now.” He probably wants the House members to come crawling back to Springfield this week and get down on their knees and beg him to restore their initiatives… for a price, of course.

  112. - KantStandit - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 7:33 pm:

    1. Whether or not it’s “pork”, I’m sure the Illinois Constitution did not anticipate the member initiative, so concern about unconstitutional behavior can cut both ways.

    2. It seems to me that Blago has never been interested in an agreement on a budget. He could not have been so stupid as to think that a 9 per cent tax on corporate revenues (a siezure of assets for those businesses not in the black)would ever be accepted by Illinois legislators.

    3. I continue to believe that the Governor is after some big game and that he’s not alone in the hunt. Playing good chess requires a long view. Let’s start considering who might profit from the terminal embarrassment of the Speaker.

  113. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 7:40 pm:

    …the Governor is after some big game … In this era of open and transparent government, why is he keeping it a secret? Don’t Overestimate him, it can be wasteful of time and treasure.

  114. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 7:40 pm:

    did anyone consider that Bill’s recent absence from the Blog might have been related to the crafting of this brilliant plan? LOL

    Just when you think it can’t get any worse…

  115. - Southern Right - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 7:43 pm:

    Madigans not done yet. Either one. I watched Jones lay into Watson on the Cap bill. What a show. What a fraud Jones is. He con’d everyone including the SenDems. Jones and Blagojevich will put the Republicans back in the seats in the next election.

  116. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 7:44 pm:

    I think Bill has been in rehab to get off that addictive Kool-Aid, got religion, and soon will return as the new improved Bill.

  117. - KantStandit - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 7:49 pm:

    Citizen, I admire your innocence.

    Nothing has been kept secret. When you call a veteran Democrat leader a “conservative Republican”, I think you’ve said a lot about your intentions. We’re used to intemperate remarks from our politicians, but I see Blago’s as dangerous threats.

    A narcissistic personality cares only about his goals.

  118. - Thinking - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 7:50 pm:

    Taking a look at the overall type of “pork” in the member initiatives I’m not positive that the GA members are going to get too bent out of shape if they get cut. These aren’t construction or similar projects where the politician is going to gain a lot in contributions or political capital. For the most part, these are going to local governments were the local officials know who to blame, know the process, and still know that their guy was trying.

    I’m just not positive that you are going to find a ton of GA members willing to make stupid deals to save these types of projects. I’d rather tell the locals “I tried but the Gov took your money away” than be held hostage for a deal I don’t like.

  119. - Cassandra - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 7:52 pm:

    Did anybody over in the guv’s back room notice the financial markets jumping around. Let’s hope they don’t get too overconfident about “natural revenue growth” as a way out of the budget morass. Could be cruising for a bruising.

  120. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 7:53 pm:

    You are probably right, a Megalomaniacal Narcissist is a very dangerous entity. You can sprain your tongue just saying it.

  121. - downhereforyears - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 7:58 pm:

    Sad to say, Emil signed his resignation today as a leader. I hope his step-son appreciates what he has done for him. Despite the clamor about how Blago keeps Madigan on his toes, Hey Gov. Check mate. You’ll never learn, Madigan’s smarter than you are. Plain and simple

  122. - Skeptical Optimist - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 8:07 pm:

    Just a reminder, with all of this talk about cutting pork, that apparently only about $200 million is coming from member initiatives. That leaves another $300 million coming from other items in the budget.

  123. - Gregor - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 8:11 pm:

    Silly rabbit. Trix are for kids.

  124. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 8:13 pm:

    None of these cuts mean anything IF the individual senators show some statesmanship! We know what the House will do, it’s the Senate with Emil as the “leader” that is uncertain. Let’s hope the senate membership finds their collective backbone and demonstrates they are and deserve better than Emil Jones.

  125. - Blue Dog - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 8:16 pm:

    How many members of the GA got thrown under the bus?

  126. - formerGOPstaffer - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 8:24 pm:

    So, if he keeps ignoring the Constitution can we please start to talk impeachment. It seems an obvious violation of his oath to uphold the Constitution. (Maybe from now on we need a Constitution test before they take that oath.)

  127. - Thinking - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 8:25 pm:

    I actually think Madigan can do nothing and claim complete victory. He can say that Gov came around to his way of thinking and agreed to a budget without all of the Gov’s pet projects. “I’m happy to see the Governor agreed to our plan of fiscal responsibility and didn’t hold the state hostage for his big spending and tax increases.”

    The member initiatives can be used by individual Reps back home to badmouth the Gov. Once the budget is in place, the house doesn’t have to pass any other measure the Gov. wants. Madigan isn’t under any deadline to do anything. He can let the courts sort out the “reappropriation” and say NO every time the Gov or Emil call.

    What part of the Governor signing the budget and vetoing the initiatives is a “loss” for Madigan? On the other hand, which part of no health care, capital bill, GRT is a “win” for the Gov?

  128. - Holdingontomywallet - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 8:41 pm:

    I know Blagojevich had a “C” average in law school. Did he hire all of his drinking buddies he went to school with as lawyers? They must have received “D” averages…

  129. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 8:48 pm:

    Cassandra, good point there. Just imagine what would have also happened if another great Blago plan, selling $15 billion more in pension bonds, had zoomed right through. The pensions would be upside down at least a billion based on the market movements since mid-July. That guy from the Investment Board who testified with Filan in front of the House and said “it was a great time to invest” is probably as hard to find as Bill right now.

  130. - Korn Fed - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 8:55 pm:

    There’s are LOTS of good comments here…I agree that the healthcare initiatives could be pulled off without additional appropriation authority. The play in the Medicaid budget would allow viable programs to get started on the various fronts.

    BUT remember BIMP bills are still pending…Will session resume?

  131. - No end in sight - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 8:56 pm:

    Great move on Emil’s part. Madigan should stop messing in his caucus plain and simple. Madigan doesn’t put up with that. Now Emil is saying he’s not going to tolerate it either.

    Who on jcar is going to vote against breast and cervical cancer screenings for all women in Illinois?

  132. - Just My Opinion - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 9:05 pm:

    I know there are people on MMadigan’s staff who are a lot smarter than me and I have to believe Madigan saw this as a possibility, along with other scenarios. I agree this is a huge chess game; however, Madigan has already thought through his game for several more moves ahead of Blago. From now until the beginning of the next GA will be very interesting. This ain’t over ’till the fat lady sings and she’s not even warming up. Peter PressRelease has had his day today but I’m fully confident that MMadigan gave Lisa a heads for what happened today. I’m also wondering if Dan Hynes legally has to cut checks for something that is completely out of the bounds of proper appropriation and appears at first blush to be unconstitutional.

    This is war folks and it’s going to get a lot better before it’s over.

    Happy Dem Day Guvna. Gloat while you can but you have just opened up a big can of whup a.

  133. - Sick Of It! - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 9:07 pm:

    So will that be $300+ million taken out of pension funding for state employees and downstate teachers?

  134. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 9:11 pm:

    - No end in sight -
    Sometimes I sense that Blago posts this kind of tripe, just to be cute - Ain’t working, buddy.

  135. - Give Me A Break - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 9:15 pm:

    If the “projects” of the house members are so worthy, why can’t the Speaker simply make them part of his budget he works out with the Gov and other three leaders? I know this is long-time tradition, but why should Madigan (Mr. that’s my money) need to bribe his members with their own little pork pies.

    Two years ago, the Black Caucus walked off the floor mins. before the budget was called. They went into the Speaker’s office and came out with more projects.

    If these projects are so good, how about a little light on them in the form of a floor debate on each one during the House’s override votes.

    The mushrooms are getting off too easy here folks. And when did Speaker Madigan become the patron saint of Illinois? I’m sure you GOP members love this but keep in mind, he will be working to hand your butts in the next election.

  136. - Might Be. Could Be. It is! - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 9:21 pm:

    “Thinking” has it right. The budget, without the MIs, is not far from what the Speaker and Tom Cross offered up in May.

    The Speaker may not even try an override here.

    “I accept the governor’s constitutional authority to veto these lines. We have a budget. See ya’ in a few months”

    He lets Lisa, Dan Hynes, the courts and JCAR take on the idiotic notion that the Governor can appropriate money as he sees fit.

    And the Speaker and Tom come back only if for a plan that covers a capital budget and mass transit.

  137. - Budget Watcher - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 9:22 pm:

    The Governor’s press release indicates the costs would be $463 million in FY2008…assuming JCAR passed the administrative rules necessary to implement in an expeditious manner, we’re probably looking at cost assumptions based upon maybe 60% of a full-year’s liabilities. These expansions would have a huge annualized impact in FY2009, perhaps more than $1 billion total.

    Of course, JCAR is going to be a big impediment to getting the rules through. BTW, HFS clearly lied to JCAR this morning when asked if they planned to implement new rules regarding healthcare initiatives. They said no this morning, and yet within hours the Governor’s had indicated they would file rules tomorrow. Unfortunately, integrity is in short supply for those who serve in this administration and this is especially evident at HFS.

  138. - Reverse field - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 9:25 pm:

    Emil is leading the Governor out of this meltdown but his word is good and he will live up to his bargain with the other leaders. Emil gave Madigan his version of the operating budget, but without embarassing a Democratic Governor w/ an override..Madigan eventually gets his members projects back through negotiating a capital bill. Rod has declared “victory” on health care and he can move straight to capital. Takes 8 to stop emergency rules on JCAR so that is not an option for Madigan. Plus these are poor people w/out insurance! Without the employer payroll tax–Madigan has to do the capital bill or look like an obstructionist. Madigan retrieves the member intiatives and Rod gets his long sought capital bill. Frank Watson’s letter today is further proof that the Governor is moving on capital and is likely to move on Frank’s individual members soon. If a capital bill zooms out of the Senate Madigan has little choice but to negotiate. Give the Goernor credit he is finally taking the advice of his legisaltive allies.

  139. - The Guild of Calamitous Intent - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 9:28 pm:

    To “It’s Broken”:

    The already did make a movie out of it! It was called “Duck Soup”!

    /”Hail, hail Freedonia!”
    //Rufus T. Firefly lives!
    ///Seriously, someone needs to stop the madness.

  140. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 9:30 pm:

    - Reverse field -
    Really, gov, go tuck the kids in - it’s time for them to be in bed.

  141. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 9:32 pm:

    The JCAR members who questioned HFS this morning — I believe they were Sen. Rutherford and Rep. Leitch — hinted that the committee would be willing to schedule an emergency meeting if necessary should HFS attempt to pull a fast one on them.

  142. - NimROD - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 9:34 pm:

    “I’m sure you GOP members love this but keep in mind, he will be working to hand your butts in the next election.”

    At least Madigan is working. The only thing Jones works at is getting his name engraved on every state building and sign that the governor missed.

    I am not a fan of Madigan but, compared to the likes of Jones and PeterPressRelease he is a breath of spring air.

    By the way - each of the House member initiatives are spelled out. Most deal with grants to public safety, schools, etc. There are some items that don’t pass the smell test but most look OK. Compare this to the dripping, lump-sum pork-fest that the Senate sent over and you can see why criticism of Madigan on this is unwarranted.

    Can someone explain to me how - not two days ago - Blago was railing on Madigan for a ‘technically out-of-balance budget’ when it appears he is going to strip $500M in ‘pork’ and then restore it (thus maintaining the out-of-balance state)? What is the difference? Would a $500M reduction at least get the budget closer to balanced?

    This governor makes so many promises and tells so many lies he can’t keep them all straight.

  143. - WWDMD - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 9:36 pm:

    what its coming down to is rank and file members’ project vs the WAY the gov. is going about to get health care…(not health care itself). this method of “my way or the highway” by the gov. casts a larger cloud then the the “pork” of members. In addittion. looking at the list of JCAR members that may even be sympathetic, its gonna be hard to swollow supporting $500 million dollar plan in this manner.

  144. - DuPage Dave - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 9:40 pm:

    The sad thing to me is that if the Guv had come out with this as a plan in March- increase breast cancer screening, expand CHIP, and other tinkering with the health care system as steps toward a more “universal” system- and with a price tag of only $500 million- he would have had it approved very easily, I think. Instead we had lots of bluster about Armageddon and being on the side of the Lord, etc., demonizing any opponents of his poorly defined, multi-billion dollar scheme. This whole ordeal has been embarrassing, but it is not even remotely amusing. It’s just sad, sad, sad.

  145. - Holdingontomywallet - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 9:41 pm:

    “Reverse Field” - I actually like your analysis, but you didn’t factor in that the Governor and more importantly, the people around him are not very bright. This is a disaster. To quote a guy named Emil, “Case Closed….”

  146. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 9:45 pm:

    Madagin’s got gov on the hook and is letting him play out the line. Ooooh! This won’t be pretty. MM doesn’t play catch and release - he guts em out and fries em up.

  147. - Lainer - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 9:56 pm:

    What does “WWDMD” mean? I assume it means “what would (someone with the initials DM) do” but for some reason I can’t think of who that would be. I’ll probably slap myself in the head V-8 style when I find out, it will be so obvious.

  148. - Concerned Voter - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 10:00 pm:

    Thank you comrade Blago for our healthcare.

    Seriously, do I smell more of a reason to push for recall powers and a constitutional convention? Oh wait we don’t need a constition, Blago can do whatever he wants.

  149. - Holdingontomywallet - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 10:03 pm:

    Seriously, what happened to Bill? Did the Gov throw him under the bus with everyone else? I miss his misguided comments and the way he was able to push everyone’s buttons…..

  150. - wild stab - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 10:05 pm:

    DM: Da Mare?

  151. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 10:06 pm:

    Budget Watcher,

    Don’t disregard the possibility that the Gov sprung this on HFS in the same way that he’s been governing by press release all along. The HFS people I know are pretty straight shooters, so I doubt they’d have lied outright this AM if they knew when they testified.

  152. - Korn Fed - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 10:12 pm:

    Kudos to Might be, could be (9:21)…You’ve probably nailed it.

  153. - Concerned Voter - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 10:13 pm:

    The gov didn’t throw anyone under the bus, the state can’t afford a bus, he threw them under the landing gear of his plane back to Chicago.

  154. - Holdingontomywallet - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 10:26 pm:

    “Concerned Voter” - If you are really Bill, just say, “The Chicken is in the Pot”….

  155. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 10:37 pm:

    I think Bill has left the darkside, gone through rehab, gotten off the magic mushrooms and is working with Madagin, Cross and Watson. Welcome aboard Bill.

  156. - It's Broken - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 10:41 pm:


    What would Dean Martin Do? That’s an excellent philosophy to live by. I’m off to have a nightcap.

  157. - the Other Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 10:45 pm:

    This is not a battle of health care vs. pork, even though that’s a nice sound bite.

    The pork is not pork to the people who live in the 118 House Districts and 21 (or is it 22?) Senate Districts that will see projects cut.

    And, I’m a big supporter of universal, single payer health coverage, and any other expansion of health care coverage. But this is not the right approach; and it harms any long term prospects for real reforms.

    This is the same Governor who screwed up on prescription drug price relief; his program ended up costing more than it saved the individuals. This nutty plan looks like it’s heading in the same direction. Moreover, if the Governor implements this plan as a direct slap to the GA, why would the fund it next year or the year after?

    I’m not surprised the Campaign for Better Health Care supports this. Those guys have hindered the movement for universal health care coverage at least as much as they help it.

  158. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 10:51 pm:

    Wonder when the Budget Bill w/ veto notations will make it back to the G.A.? After the dust settles or a few minutes before midnight almost 60 days out?

  159. - George - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 10:55 pm:

    This mess will work itself out, soon. The governor does not have many trump cards to play. He is threatening the state constitution for his own political end-game. He is staring down Federal indictments for hiring practices and doing his all to delay that end.
    The Gov has virtually one friend on the hill that plays both sides of the fence, and his staff is too weak to tell him otherwise.
    This entire situation reminds me of not only a Shakespeare play called “Macbeth” but also of a Greek tragedy involving a character named Oedipus sans the whole eye and mother thing and replaced by a hair and illigitmate child thing.

  160. - Disgusted - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 11:02 pm:

    “Give Me A Break - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 5:32 pm:

    So let me get this correct. All the gov’s enemies say the “pork” the House had in the budget was “good pork”. Providing heath care to a family who does not have it is “bad pork”. You people are beyond belief.

    I don’t doubt that some of the House members projects do good things, but I wonder if any of those blasting health care for families have ever gone without health care?

    Let the House members defend each and everyone of their projects. I suspect more than a few won’t look forward to their pet projects being debated on the chamber floor. The spotlight might get a little too bright for them.”

    TO “Give Me A Break”:

    It’s not about healthcare for all being looked at badly. It’s because the Governor has promised so many things with state money that never come to fruition. $500 to each college sophomore; money for schools (sent a check to one school - it bounced!); huge sums to All Kids before it is determined that any medical services will accept it; money for infrastructure and our roads and bridges are a mess; funding pensions plans fully, then turning tail and robbing them instead; and on and on.

    The man cannot keep his word and no one trusts him. And all the a–kissing in the world will not change that fact.

  161. Pingback WurfWhile » Blog Archive » Rod Blagojevich Power Grab Just Making Crap Up - Tuesday, Aug 14, 07 @ 11:07 pm:

    […] Now Rod’s gone off the deep end. […]

  162. - ritab - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:36 am:

    I believe that the gov is going for a combo of (d) and (e) from the constitution listed below (originally from Rich’s post). 1. He’s line-iteming the “pork”. 2. He’s making “specific recommendations”. He’s using the line-item and then forcing the originating body, the House in this instance to vote on his recommendations. It’s on the House now to figure this out–while they can likely trump his move, it means a vote against health care. All the while, Emil (and the Senate) gets to sit back and stay out of the direct line of fire (at least when it plays out initially) of this move. While we geeks have watched this all transpire for months, many will just be tuning in to see Blago take his mighty stand on healthcare and only see it play out from here.

    From this geek’s perspective, I’m saddened that I have to be vehemently opposed to a healthcare increase, but I am because I understand that is not the subject at hand in this little play.

    (d) The Governor may reduce or veto any item of appropriations in a bill presented to him. Portions of a bill not reduced or vetoed shall become law. An item vetoed shall be returned to the house in which it originated and may become law in the same manner as a vetoed bill. An item reduced in amount shall be returned to the house in which it originated and may be restored to its original amount in the same manner as a vetoed bill except that the required record vote shall be a majority of the members elected to each house. If a reduced item is not so restored, it shall become law in the reduced amount.

    (e) The Governor may return a bill together with specific recommendations for change to the house in which it originated. The bill shall be considered in the same manner as a vetoed bill but the specific recommendations may be accepted by a record vote of a majority of the members elected to each house. Such bill shall be presented again to the Governor and if he certifies that such acceptance conforms to his specific recommendations, the bill shall become law. If he does not so certify, he shall return it as a vetoed bill to the house in which it originated.

  163. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 3:36 am:

    Bill is on vacation.

  164. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 4:26 am:

    I highly doubt that Blago and Jones have OUtsmarted either Madigan. But time will tell. These guys are friggin crazy and need to be stopped. I hope the GOP is taking notes, gaining momentum and remembering who tucked tail and ran!

  165. - Norseman - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 5:59 am:

    The Sun Times opines the Governor’s action is a ploy to get the leaders back to the negotiating table. Unfortunately, it’s hard to be optimistic about a negotiation where 2 of the 5 negotiators have a proven track record of breaking their promises.

    We’ll see if this enhanced level of mistrust will lead to an agreed solution for a capital bill and a bailout for the CTA/RTA.

    I’m not betting the farm on it!

  166. - Norseman - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 6:02 am:

    It’s early. Perhaps I should have said that the Sun Times hopes this is a ploy to get folks back to the negotiating table.

  167. - Budget Watcher - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 7:17 am:

    As the Governor has stated, these healthcare expansion initiatives apply to programs already in place, although the proposed premium assistance initiative is significantly different than what’s currently done with the HFS Rebate program.

    All expansions will require administrative rule changes to implement, and it’s not likely that any of the new rules can be filed as emergency rules, since no budgetary or programatic emergency exists. The Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR)who will approve or deny these rules is comprised of 3 members from each legislative caucus, so the Senate Dems have only 3 out of 12 members. It takes 8 votes to reject administrative rules, so the JCAR can absolutely stop these expansions with 6 Republican votes and 3 House Dem votes. However, can stop and will stop are two different concepts. One thing is for certain, it’s certainly not boring with this Administration.

  168. - Justice - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 7:39 am:

    Power can be obtained through the ability to lead, ability to plan, motivate, create, and inspire to excellence. Then of course there is the leader who initially lies about his real motives to become elected, connives, subverts, plays the get-even game, and pits one against the other. This is not who we are, but the perception is that we have sunk to the bottom in Illinois politics. I personally think we still have a way to go and the governor is piling on weights in a race to the bottom. Unfortunately we are busy living our lives, looking the other way, and not one single sign of protest on the Capitol lawn. He needs to go! So where do we meet with our signs?

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