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This just in…

Wednesday, Aug 15, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 11:43 am - From the AP

House Speaker Michael Madigan today called [the governor’s plan to veto pork and increase health care spending] “contrary to the Constitution.”

Madigan contends the governor can use his veto powers to cut spending, but it would be unconstitutional for him to increase spending in areas where the legislature had designated less.

Madigan adds that he hasn’t decided what, if any, action should be taken to block the governor.

There’s little Madigan can do to “block” the governor except try to renegotiate the budget. That might be tough to do, considering Senate President Jones’ stance.

* 1:40 pm - Hillary Clinton’s people brought 2 busloads of people here today. Kind of a cool reception on such a hot day.

* 1:55 pm - Speaker Madigan was loudly booed when he was introduced - mostly by people wearing Blagojevich t-shirts. Towards the end of his speech a handful began chanting loudly “Veto Madigan!” over and over again. They refused to identify themselves to reporters.

* 2:05 pm - Some of the disruptors went back to a bus with a United Services of Chicago sign on it. One protestor said they were “working” for the governor. Another said the governor paid for the bus. One said that Madigan is “against the people.” A few tried to prevent anyone from talking to the press.

* 2:20 pm - Jones just said that Madigan called Frank Watson during the SGOP caucus meeting and got him to pull votes off the capital bill at the last minute. So that’s why Jones broke the budget deal.

Also the guv’s campaign says they didn’t pay for any buses. Labor paid for it, they said.

* 2:40pm - SGOP spokesperson flatly denied that Madigan had anything to do with the vote on capital. It was purely the lack of trust in the governor for holding off votes from the bond authorization bill.

* 3:45 pm - The governor’s office finally won something. lol… Rebecca Rausch won the celebrity race. I was 2nd.

* 5:23 pm - Sorry for the typos in the above posts. Treo blogging in 100 degree heat while trying to talk to various friends and pals is difficult, to say the least.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention my driver today. Jamaica Patton is the best. What a cool guy. And even though we didn’t have nearly the best horse today, he gave it a real run for the money. Man, is that racing some fun stuff.


  1. - gulag - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 11:48 am:

    Wouldn’t the AG’s office have to represent(at least initially) the Executive branch in a lawsuit?

  2. - Gathers No - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 11:48 am:

    A body block.

  3. - Tom - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 11:53 am:

    Oh Rich, there is plenty he could do. Manybe not on this topic, but the Irish have long memories.

  4. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 11:54 am:

    True, Tom, but I was referring to the budget. This is a four-year fight. Eight if the guv is reelected.

  5. - Question - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 11:59 am:

    Can the Senate elect a new president during the session or can it only be done at the beginning?

    Or, is it a case that they can do it at any time, but the President could just use parliamentary procedures to block a vote?

  6. - Guy Fawkes - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 12:00 pm:

    Although outlawed in the NFL, a chop block would be entertaining.

    But seriously, it would be interesting if one of the legislators were to request an Opinion from the Attorney General re the Gov’s ability to “re-allocate” funds. Sure, it’s a slow process, has no legal force or effect,and nobody is going to wait around for the answer, but dragging Lisa into this adds another dimension we haven’t seen yet.

  7. - Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 12:02 pm:

    With Jones blocking, it doesn’t appear there’s much the Speaker can do other than a lawsuit. The conflicts of interest between the Speaker and the AG just keep on coming.

  8. - jaundiced eye - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 12:08 pm:

    Anybody else getting the feeling that Pat Quinn is about to become involved in all this? It’s time for the “other shoe” to drop …

  9. - babs - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 12:11 pm:

    This would seem to be right up Lisa’s alley - Isn’t one of her major duties to enforce the constitution of the State of Illinois?

  10. - capitol view - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 12:12 pm:

    do as the Speaker has done on substantive bills with more than technical changes, making them inconsistent with the veto authority under the Constitution — pass the legislation again, but as everyone wants.

    What the Governor is proposing now is vastly differnet from his earlier stance — no mandates to employers, no new program - just an incremental increase of existing programs and services. Scale it back a bit, or delay its implementation to the last half of the year (it would have taken than long to get through JCAR anyway), and the money saved restores the Member Projects and most of the cuts.

  11. - StatehouseWag - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 12:14 pm:

    All due respect to Madigan, but it is premature for him to say the governor’s action is “contrary to the constitution” when we do not know exactly what the governor is going to do.

    If the governor uses line-item/reduction veto to cut the pork, that is perfectly constitutional and Madigan can’t do anything about it without Emil’s consent. If the governor shifts dollars within the Medicaid program, there is little Madigan can do about that, either.

    It sounds like Madigan is trying to drum up another day of news coverage focused on the governor’s questionable methods; he is reinforcing the media’s view that Blago is out of step with the constitution.

  12. - Garp - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 12:19 pm:

    What is the procedure for electing a new Senate President? Can they remove him? It appears that he is working contrary to the wishes of the Senate majority.

  13. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 12:25 pm:

    Garp, I highly doubt the majority of his caucus would agree.

  14. - Budget Watcher - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 12:29 pm:

    I would assume the House could amend the Senate Human Services BIMP once it gets to their chamber, putting restrictive language that requires HFS to file administrative rules for any eligibility expansions. This removes any ambiguity regarding the need for rules. Then block the admin rules in JCAR.

  15. - MOON - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 12:30 pm:

    The Speaker is never one to broadcast his plan of action.For sure you can bet he will be heard from in a most pronounced way…. Stay Tuned!

  16. - Lula May - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 12:37 pm:

    Unlike the Governor, I don’t think Madigan is going to have a press conference to signal his intentions.

  17. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 12:42 pm:

    After having the pork protected from doom, the SDems caucus would be silly to try and remove Emil now.

    What can Madigan do? If he keeps dragging this out, his members will suffer and some of the hot races in 2008 could tilt to the HRO. If he gives in and lets Rod dance at his birthday party, the governor will have the high ground for 2008, 2009 and 2010 - and perhaps beyond. Rod winning now will give the mindset that he can do whatever he wants until he leaves office.

    Perhaps MJM should just sue the governor and not worry about the consequences. People may disagree with me, but do all parties involved really want to be in session through the rest of the year?

  18. - Budget Watcher - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 12:55 pm:


    The failure to sign the FY2007 Supplemental Appropriations bill in a timely manner has really screwed hospitals. This has gone un-noticed on this blog, but it’s a big big lost opportunity. Absent an FY08 supplemental, hospitals stand to lose $470 million and the State $130 million.

  19. - Siyotanka - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 12:59 pm:

    It will be interesting when the Gov presents his “cuts” in writing. I just wonder from which side of the Hog (hall) the pork will fall. It will be REAL interesting to see if Jones pork gets fried, or any of the Senate for that matter.

  20. - fedup dem - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 12:59 pm:

    A parliamentary inquiry of sorts: Assuming the Illinois House overrides the Governor’s veto of the appropriations bill and Senate President Jones refuses to permit a vote to override the veto in the Senate, could a State Senator appeal Jones’ action? I would think that IF a majority of the State Senate wanted to take a vote, they should have that right.

    At that point you would need 30 votes to force action by appealling the ruling of the chair. One can assume the 22 Republicans would be willing to act. The question is whether Mike Madigan can convince at least eight Democrats in the Senate to stick it to Blagojevich and Jones. I believe that can be done.

  21. - Lula May - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 1:16 pm:

    I could have sworn I saw Rod and Emil in a press conference yesterday stating exactly what he has going to do. He’s going to take from the rich(downstate schools,roads,sewers and fire Dept.)and give to the poor(don’t even get me started). All he needs now are the tights and a feather in his cap. Oh I forgot he doesn’t wear hats(it will mess up his bouffant hair do).

  22. - Helm - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 1:16 pm:

    Budget Watcher, I agree with you. What is the effect of the money in SB 241 (Supp Approp), allocated for FY07, not being signed into law until FY08 ?

    I have been told that the Comptroller’s Office may not release money because it is now too late, i.e., we are in FY 08. Would this apply to to the legislative pay raises as well ?

    Rich, we desperately need your expertise on this!

  23. - the patriot - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 1:16 pm:

    I don’t think the AG is obligated to represent the Governor if she believes his position is not based in Law. It would be best for her to take the position she represents the people first and that she cannot find a good faith argument based on law to support the Governor’s position and therefore defending his position is unethical.

    If Blago is King irrelevant, Jones is Prince irrelevant. The fact is Mr. Madigan holds the keys to the party coffers. If the Senators side with Jones, the will find themselves challenged in the primary against a better financed candidate. Jones lost control of his Senate. If the Dems have any hope of saving face they have to find a new majority leader next year.

  24. - It's good to be king - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 1:18 pm:

    Oh boy! It’s hard to believe these guys are from the same party.

  25. - Paddy's Pig - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 1:25 pm:

    He could evoke the old Irish curse: “May the cat eat you, and may the cat be eaten by the devil.”

  26. - PJ - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 1:27 pm:

    I think everyone should take a break from all this, go the fair this weekend, clear their heads of all things political and just relax for a change. I know I’m going to!

  27. - MTP - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 1:34 pm:

    I’ve seen some hyperventilating in the other threads about Madigan being outmaneuvered here or his inability to “block” the Governor. I just don’t see it.

    First, I seriously doubt Madigan cares one bit what the Governor does with admin rules to expand health care. It’s all PR, and everyone knows it. Money alone doesn’t provide health care — you have to get people to enroll in new or expanded programs so they can access the cash. That is a thousand times harder then getting an appropriation, and I doubt the Governor can pull it off effectively. Remember the smashing success of All Kids and I-Save Rx?? The Governor can make all the effort in the world, and I bet he doesn’t spend 1/20th of what he’s talking about on health care for expanded populations.

    Second, I think it’s clear that Madigan fully expected the “pork” veto, and almost certainly considered that Jones was lying to him all along — which is why he wanted a House bill to control the veto process. Its also likely why he wanted to line item every single project – because if it gets cut out of the budget, then Rod, Emil, and every Senate Democrat can be made to wear the shirt for every local project cut out of the budget in the upcoming campaigns.

    That veto document is going to be an opposition researchers dream. Remember that every single House item has a corresponding State Senator who represents the same area. Every Senate Democrat running will have to watch their back next year while their opponent spends their entire campaign bashing them because they – or their legislative leader who sends them lots of campaign money – was responsible for the political games that cost Smalltown, IL their sewer project.

    In the meantime, Madigan got a budget not all that different from the one passed in May, and they have a clean break from the most unpopular man in the State.

    In short, politically speaking, the House is sitting pretty — the Senate, not so much.

  28. - Esteban - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 1:37 pm:

    Please, someone correct me if am wrong here. Blago first said the budget on his desk was
    “unblanaced”. Now, wouldn’t he be spending
    money for health care that he previously said
    was NOT in the state coffers?

  29. - unclesam - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 1:45 pm:


    I’m surprised you haven’t made it more clear that this session is now, virtually, perpetual with the House calendar set through the end of October (with veto session to follow in November).

    This will not end for at least three years or substantive federal indictments, whichever comes first… and the underlying issues will not be resolved until this Governor is no longer in office.

    The evolution (or de-evolution?) of this Governor from his first term to this current term is one to take note of.

  30. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:00 pm:

    Unclesam: Not even indictments will be enough to get Rod out of office. Remember, state law says you have to be CONVICTED of a felony to be disqualified for public office. I remember the case of the mayor of Pekin who used a city credit card on a gambling boat. He did not leave office when he was indicted for official misconduct, only when he was found guilty by a jury months later. In Rod’s case, getting the case to trial could take years. Look how long it took with Ryan. I think we’re stuck with him until January 2011 no matter what happens.

  31. - Lucky Mike - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:02 pm:

    Budget Watcher -

    Yoy say, correctly I’m sure, the Gov.’s failure to sign the FY 2007 (sic) Supplemental Appropriations bill has really screwed hospitals. You mean the way hospitals really screw patients and, for that matter, the state? Blatant collusion with private insurers and the so called HMOs, double billing, routinely inflated billing, e.g., the $5 aspirin, and on and on.

  32. - Jaded - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:03 pm:

    My guess is the House overrides the line item vetos only to watch the motions wither on the vine in the Senate, and the Speaker gets his revenge another place and another time.

    As far as session goes, I’m guessing the House comes in and overrides the Governor’s veto soon, veto session is in October, and the members get their much anticipated break in November and December in time to walk some precints for the February primary.

  33. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:05 pm:

    am impressed that hillary’s people had 2 bus loads of people there.

  34. - L.S. - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:07 pm:

    I hope all the state workers that booed the Speaker punched out of their tax payer funded jobs.

  35. - Jaded - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:09 pm:

    Veto Madigan, huh. I think Rod already tried that through the House Rules process earlier this year, and the response to that has been reverberating throughout the Statehouse ever since.

  36. - Moderate Repub - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:15 pm:

    Typical Blago stunt. So low class.

  37. - scoot - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:21 pm:

    Keep up the good work Dems!

    The Guv is really desperate & classless by pulling something off like that. He has such great leadership.

  38. - I know the man - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:24 pm:

    So Rod pays these people to come to the fair to boo the Speaker. If you want to point fingers at the tone and tenor of these last 5 years, one doesnt have to look any further then the Governor’s office. He’s a disgrace.

  39. - one of the 35 - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:26 pm:

    “One protestor said they were “working” for the governor. Another said the governor paid for the bus. One said that Madigan is “against the people.” A few tried to prevent anyone from talking to the press.” Sheesh! Were these guys wearing brown shirts?

  40. - You got it - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:26 pm:

    - Budget Watcher - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 12:29 pm:

    You win the prize. The only twist on that one is how the Senate handles the amended BIMPs. It’s hard to believe that there is a groundswell of support there for letting Rod circumvent the GA.

  41. - Southern Right - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:28 pm:

    Every little eight second sound bite adds up. I keep waiting for James Carville to pop out behind a curtain.

  42. - MTP - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:29 pm:

    That’s quite an accusation about Madigan supposedly calling Watson. Two points:

    1. Did this actually happen?

    2. So what, Madigan wasn’t part of the Capital bill deal — one had nothing to do with the other.

    Nice try Emil, but to paraphrase yourself: “you still don’t have an honest bone in your body”

  43. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:31 pm:

    The governor used very slimy tactics here. He will never serve another term.

  44. - Busload of KoolAid - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:38 pm:

    My questions are where do they find these people and how much do they get paid to do this kind of stuff?
    Also does anyone trust guv’s campaign people?
    And finally where’s Quinn?

  45. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:39 pm:

    Quinn Who?

  46. - Downstater - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:39 pm:

    Hey L.S. - where in the world does it say they were state workers? That’s a pretty offensive remark.

  47. - Southern Illinois iPhone - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:41 pm:

    What a bunch of Bush league sorry behavior by Blago’s paid staff. Get them on a bus from Chicago to boo Madigan. Sorry bunch of clowns.

    I say throw them out of the Thompson Center NOW.

  48. - Jaded - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:43 pm:

    Labor paid for the buses? I’d be willing to bet none of the labor unions will want to fess up for that one.

  49. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:45 pm:

    Maybe it was a double switcheroo by Mikey to make the gov look lowborw..if he needed any help.

  50. - Crimefighter - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:51 pm:

    If I was there I would had tried to start a counter Impeach Hot Rod chant.

  51. - Bleeding - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:51 pm:

    Promise this busload of losers a steak dinner, tickets to ball game and they’ll jump off a bridge for you.

  52. - jwscott72 - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:54 pm:

    Keep twisting the tiger’s tail, Roddy! Soon that big cat will turn around and swallow you whole.

  53. - Just wondering - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:55 pm:

    Any videotape or pics of these Madigan bashers?

  54. - fedup dem - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:55 pm:

    Did anyone note the license plate number of the bus? If so, it won’t be difficult to trace the bus operator and in turn, find out who paid for this immature stunt (my duess it was someone who has a polling place at Horner Park in Chicago, and a BIG office on the 16th floor of the Thompson Center).

  55. - Ernest T. Bass - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:55 pm:

    I thought Blago was entered in the Elvis impersonator contest in Nashville? I just saw his picture on

  56. - Central Illinoisan - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:55 pm:

    To those who say these shenanigans will be enough to keep Blago from being re-elected I disagree. Most Illinoisans don’t follow the budget proceedings nearly as closely as those on this site do. Most base their opinions on party affiliation and sound bites from the news.

    Blago’s talk of health care and fighting for the little guy has worked before, and there’s no reason to think it won’t work in 2010. Remember it’s not important who’s right or wrong, but who can convince the voters they’re right. As for an indictment Fitzgerald’s office moves very deliberately so don’t count on seeing that soon.

  57. - Jaded - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 2:59 pm:

    Of course, maybe labor did pay for it. Conversation might have went something like ths

    Flashback to last week:

    Gov Staff: “Hey Ken, we wrote this letter for you to sign and send to the Gov and Emil. Are you OK with that?”
    Swanson: “No I am not”
    Gov Staff: “Cool thanks. Ok guys Swanson is in. Go ahead and put his name on the letter.

    Flash forward:

    Gov Staff: “Hey Ken, we want you to pay for a bus full of people to come down and boo Madigan. Is that cool?”
    Swanson: “Hell no! Are you people crazy?”

    Gov Staff: “Cool thanks. Ok guys Swanson says the IEA is good for $5k for the bus trip.”

  58. - DISTRACTION - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 3:03 pm:

    Rodovic Blagojevich loves the fact the the budget mess has so wonderfully distracted the media and public from the fact that HE IS UNDER A FEDERAL INVESTIGATION.

    Emil (Yes Sir Rod) Jones loves the fact that the media and the public aren’t talking about the way he and his family is milking the taxpayers with big ComEd and State contracts for the step son. Hey and lets not forget about the big State jobs and raises for the wife and son.

  59. - Beerman - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 3:04 pm:

    Was Bill there? Just kidding.

  60. - Crimefighter - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 3:05 pm:

    BTW, Mayor Daley called the $500 million in cuts “dangerous” and Blago is dividing the party.,daley081507.article

  61. - Greg - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 3:05 pm:

    Central Illinoisan,

    You’re dead-on. Too many people on this blog forget that the average voter can name 1 of his US senators, maybe his US rep, governor, and that’s about it. I work among a highly intelligent, highly-compensated workforce, and I did a brief survey: basically no one can name a state legislator. Names like “Madigan” are vaguely familiar, but forget about anything else.

    As much as I wish it weren’t true, Blago’s gamble isn’t necessarily a dumb one. A Tribune headline is all that most voters read.

  62. - And that's the truth, Ruth - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 3:08 pm:

    Labor paid for the buses? I’d be willing to bet none of the labor unions will want to fess up for that one.

    Well, SEIU brought lots of them to Gov’s Day last year. So did the Teamsters, who like the Laborers want a capital bill. And all three are joined at the hip with Rod, so no surprise if any combination of them were behind it.

  63. - Democrat - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 3:09 pm:

    Great rally today! The Governor, President Jones, Treasurer Giannoulias, and Congressman Davis did awesome. They hit the nail on the head. Its time for Democrats to fulfill their committment to Healthcare and Education.

  64. - Crimefighter - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 3:12 pm:

    “Democrat” is one of Blago’s paid robots to chant his lines.

  65. - Lula May - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 3:25 pm:

    Now we all see what the Mell family has had to put up with.

  66. - Democrat - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 3:28 pm:

    Sorry “Crimefighter” Your right, working families shouldn’t have access to affordable healthcare. Also, we shouldn’t invest more in our schools so our kids can receive a better education.

    I am a Blagojevich supporter. I’ve always believed that everyone should have access to healthcare. Everyone should be able to see a doctor if they become ill or get hurt. What is wrong with that vision? The Governor’s plan helps people who have jobs, but their jobs do not provide health insurance coverage.

  67. - Wacker Drive - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 3:32 pm:

    Democrats committment to healthcare and education
    is all a huge ruse to exploit and extract money from the people of Illinois.
    You think HMO’s are bad wait till the state takes over healthcare.

  68. - Crimefighter - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 3:39 pm:

    What’s wrong with that vision? He’s openly violating the state constitution to put it in place! Like I said, you’re a robot chanting your lines. Why don’t you put your script down and think for yourself.

  69. - Esteban - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 3:39 pm:

    If I understand this situation correctly, Blago
    can say that he’s “moving” money all he wants-but
    Dan Hynes writes the checks….or doesn’t, if he
    feels that pying something would violate the law
    or the constitution. Checkmate?

  70. - Silvis - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 3:42 pm:

    Blago cut the funding for our local grade school to be rebuilt, though it was PROMISED by him. Where’s his humanity in that one? What about the kids Governor? They have water pouring into the ceiling as well as other major problems. Mold is a major problem there. At least they can go to the doctor since you seem to only be concerned with health care.

  71. - Cookie Monster - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 3:44 pm:

    “Democrat”. Healthcare should be a national issue and not a state issue. I am a healthcare provider who does not participate due to lack of reimbursement and time of reimbursement. If I need to see an all kids, etc, I just do the work at no charge to avoid the hassel. Anytime the government gets invloved, let’s just say it’s a “Cluster” if you get my point! Your boy Blago committed an act of fraud in my opinion by reallocating the funds that our duly elected representatives sent to him!

  72. - NimROD - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 3:46 pm:

    “Also, we shouldn’t invest more in our schools so our kids can receive a better education.”

    Democrat - please show me any, ANY empirical evidence of a direct correlation between the amount of money dumped into public schools and the quality of education. Test results (where the testing standard are NOT modified year to year to optimize results), graduation rates held to the same control standards, etc. would be acceptable proof. Before you waste lots of time trying to gin up the data - don’t bother. It doesn’t exist.

    ‘Give more money to the schools’ is nothing but Helen Lovejoy ‘won’t someone please think of the children’ feel-good simplistics. You want more money for the bottomless well? Show me the results. Paying more for failure is like….paying state politicians. Oh yeah - I forgot….10% more for a job NOT done.

    Please spare us the governor’s talking points - we get enough of that from his army of press people.

  73. - stg - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 3:48 pm:


    One thing that makes me suspicious - I highly doubt anyone who truly works for the Governor would openly admit that to a reporter who confronted him or her about booing Madigan.

    Either this guy was a plant, a random supporter who THINKS we works for the Gov, or a really stupid staffer.

  74. - Jacques Strappe - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 3:49 pm:

    Let us not forget the most important news of the day: who won the race between Rich and the four flackies of the apocolypse?


  75. - Objective Dem - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 3:52 pm:

    Today’s Chicago Tribune Metro section headlines are “Governor vows budget pork cut - Tensions increase as legislators see projects on block.” The average person won’t read beyond the headlines. They will end up thinking the Governor is fighting waste and his opponents are just trying to protect their “pork.”

    The headline may be misleading but the editor was able to be witty by saying “pork cut” and referencing the cutting “block.” I hope they are proud of themselves.

  76. - Greg - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 3:56 pm:

    Way to show him, Rebecca!

  77. - Anon - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 4:00 pm:

    I’m surprised she got the horse to go in the right direction. This year ceases to amaze me.

  78. - Mom - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 4:04 pm:

    It’s always been a contention of mine that to hold public office, one should have a law degree, and economics degree and some courses in political science. I’m adding psychiatric evaluation to my criteria.

  79. - Just asking - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 4:04 pm:

    Who was Rebecca’s jockey?

  80. - Great Caesar's Ghost - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 4:14 pm:

    With all the Blago shenanigans and the constant need to play off an enemy I see the ghosts of the Dan Walker administration at play. Gee, they were such a success …

    BTW, Look at the JCAR roster and see maybe two of the twelve as votes that can be counted on to further the scheme … sounds like a real winner to me … and, as I recall Madigan was a constitutional convention delegate who has a more pure perspecive about what’s permissive and not … notwithstanding his being a party here.

  81. - Spanky - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 4:15 pm:

    Hey Democrat, EVERY person in Illinois has access to health care NOW. Don’t think so go to any Emergency room and see how many people(legal and other wise) are treated. If they are not insured we the people foot the bill anyway. There is nothing that states healthcare is a Right anywhere.

    As for spending more money on education, if you throw more money on a pile of Crap without fixing it, you only get a bigger pile of Crap.

  82. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 4:17 pm:

    One positive outcome of all this may be that many Illinoisians who previously were only vaguely aware of something called pork in state government expenditures may get a lot more interested in finding out where theirs is…or is not. Is every community getting something they want. If not, why not. After all, it’s the taxpayers’ money, not the Democrats money, Blago’s money, Emil’s money…..
    everybody should get a little something.

  83. - DCM - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 4:17 pm:

    Hey, Rich…

    Just thought I’d let you know. Yesterday, Jerry Lack longtime aid to Lane Evans, announced he would run against Rep. Mike Boland for the 72nd house seat in a primary. Should be a good race, BOland is not the most loved Quad City politician. Also, Dennis Ahern who ran against Boland four years ago may run again…

  84. - Kramer - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 4:23 pm:

    Sounds like all of RR’s experience in dealing with a horse’s posterior really paid off!

  85. - PJ - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 4:28 pm:

    I think everyone should have the right to a new car every 3 years. Why is that not in the constitution?

    When our country was founded there were no entitlement programs and people came over here ready to work. And our country prosperred. So why do the democrats continue to push this idea that it’s the job of government to redistribute wealth and try to make everything fair?

  86. - Jaded - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 4:35 pm:

    I’ll handle this one for you Rich.

    Hey DCM, You really should subscribe.

    (translation: Rich informed his subscribers of this yesterday).

  87. - cermak_rd - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 4:46 pm:

    I don’t equate a new car with healthcare. People need healthcare just to stay alive or keep from becoming even worse off. Yes, you can go to an ER, but if you can’t pay, that hospital will pursue you like one of the horseman of the Apocalypse and if you still can’t pay they’ll sell the obligation to a collection agency. One of the top reasons for mortgage foreclosures is ill health, that people lose their job due to becoming sick. Once sick, they can’t get new work and if they were insured through their employer, after COBRA runs out (if they can afford it) there goes their insurance.

    Nope, I don’t equate needing healthcare with being a greedy tax-sucking person. I guess other people do.

  88. - Just My Opinion - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 4:47 pm:

    And the SJ-R, in their editorial before the fair parade, had the unmitigated gall to ask us to refrain from booing the governor. It’s not a level playing field. We have adults vs. kids - us vs. Blago.

  89. - Little Egypt - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 4:48 pm:

    To Democrat: I am a democrat also. I support White, Hynes, LMadigan, Alexi however you spell his last name, Quinn, and a bunch of other politicos but I don’t hesitate to claim that I will never support Blago. That doesn’t make me a worse Democrat. It makes me a better one because I’m not a Kool-Aid drinker.

  90. - Giddy-up - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 4:51 pm:

    Gotta tell ya, Rebbecca won, but Rich took all the style points today…looked good in his silks!
    Like any good lobbyist–he finished 2nd to the elected official!

  91. - sitting and watching it unfold - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 4:57 pm:

    to Silvis…i highly doubt that the 650,000 your state rep got would pay for a school…

  92. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 5:00 pm:

    Hey LE, “Democrat” sure writes like our old pal Bill…

  93. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 5:12 pm:

    Lots of tension in the (internet) room!

    My wife was there and told me the crowd was loud, obnoxious and rude. Hmmm…that sounds like a certain head of state…

    Romney is busing people in for tomorrow’s straw poll. He was too busy shaking hoofs and paws in Iowa to show up.

  94. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 5:21 pm:

    People have a right to be here. No matter what their views. If someone supports the governor’s position, argue the merits. Enough with the insults. There’s way too much one-sidedness in comments, and it’s partly because some people are ridiculed just because they support the position of the governor. And so they don’t bother to come back.


  95. - Anon - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 6:04 pm:

    I am a state employee and sick of hearing about health care. Yes I have health insurance and I pay for it for my daughter….I had not used an emergency room in over 20 years….my daughter was sent to an e.r. room by a clinic about two months ago….after 4 hour wait she was finally seen….meanwhile those with no health insurance were taken for variou minor problems,,,and guess what - they will have no bill (charity care) as they have no insurance…..meanwhile I owe over $500 for her visit…..fortunately, she is ok so I will be glad to pay it, but it burns me up that services are totally free for those who have no insurance….

  96. - downhereforyears - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 6:15 pm:

    Hey Rich chill out, people are reacting to months, no years, of PR stunts and immature leadership by this administration. Rod needs to understand he’s an embarassment to all of us here in Illinois, democrat or republican. The notion that he and his followers would hire people to chant anti-Madigan slogans at the fair is disgusting. I’ve never been a Madigan person but given the alternatives, he’s my guy.

  97. - Princeville - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 6:31 pm:

    Glad that ‘Anon’ daughter is okay, as a state worker family myself, I understand where you are coming from. Myself on Christmas Eve taken to the hospital ER with chest pains was asked to make my $200 co-pay while still sitting on the cart and barely out of the ambulance. While I recieved excellent care once past the dogs at the door and can’t say enough about the wonderful ER staff, I could not help but feel angry that the hospital itself could not even wait ten minutes before before requiring payment. I do not mean to deny care to anyone and believe the true needy should have access to care, I resent as a insured person being treated differently than a government program like medicade, ect would be treated. I must pay my co-pay before services, not even able to wait until services rendered.

  98. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 6:31 pm:

    Rich, I haven’t commented today mainly just waiting for all the confetti from the shredded constitution to settle and clear the air. I also wanted to hear Madagin’s viewpoint. I guess I’ll just wait til the amendatory vetoes are Official and then watch the gov’s steady march through the valley of impeachable offenses. The candlepower of his PR Machine is near blinding. We must be patient while this resolves itself.

  99. - fomer legislative intern - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 6:54 pm:

    As usual, MJM was understated.

    What Blago did was not simply “contrary to the constitution” it was illegal and stupid.

    Emil proved what a inept leader he is also. He may lose at least 4 of his members needlessly in 2008.

  100. - Viva Madigan - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 7:07 pm:

    I would not be at all surprised if it turns out the imported goon squ- - um, I mean, “disruptors” were SEIU members. Rod has been pandering to them and trying to make them a counterweight to AFSCME for some time now, trying to split the memberships and weaken them when it comes time to broker a new contract, then bribe and romance factions into working for the campaign in expectation of gifts later.

    Next to find out: who from the governor’s staff recruited and rehearsed them. Seth is long gone now, so he can’t be the fall guy for this one. My guess is they will throw one of many “disposable” PIO’s under the bus for it, claiming they were rouges acting alone. Hopefully, said person will flip and spill the beans on the internal workings.

  101. - Emily Booth - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 7:14 pm:

    People should not be impoverished by health care needs. And, the medical establishment needs to be more sensitive in collecting their fees. FYI whenever someone enters a hospital with no insurance, an application is taken for Medicaid, if the hospital accepts Medicaid. If they meet the eligibility requirements (it takes more than just being sick), then Medicaid, a joint federal/state program, pays within the Medicaid standards (which is not high. There’s the secondary issue with the state being very behind in their payments). Hospitals are required under the Hill-Burton Act to treat the indigent in the community they serve. Blagoyevich is playing the budget battle very shrewdly. People (outside of state gov) like him for speaking up about healthcare and looking out for the little guy. Healthcare is a hot issue in this country and he’s saying all the right things. This is going to turn into a win-win situation for him.

  102. - PrairieWind - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 7:22 pm:

    Is it possible the Governor explained his healthcare plan to Rebecca’s horse prior to the race and the horse was heading to Indiana? Rich, I think the race was fixed.

  103. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 7:35 pm:

    I can’t understand how Illinois government can even function after this ? How can you sit across the table from someone and negotiate in good faith ? Knowing how he has lied to your face and played you for a sucker ? Yes I’m talking about Emil. Impossible.

  104. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 7:40 pm:

    Speaking of the SEIU…

    FIELD ORGANIZER/UNION ACTIVIST. Springfield, IL area. A Job you can believe in! Grass roots union seeks field organizers to work with low-income people for social change and economic justice. Recruit low wage workers and their families into a strong movement that wins decent wages, benefits, dignity and respect, and builds power for thousands of low-income families across the Midwest and country. Strong commitment to social justice needed. Salary and full benefits. Car needed. E-mail resume to

  105. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 7:41 pm:

    Gov Mongoed Rich’s steed.

  106. - JK - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 7:58 pm:

    Rich, Next year you will get to pick your driver and horse. Nice try today but Rebecca had more whip today.

  107. - Fake Bill - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 8:09 pm:

    To - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 7:40 pm:

    What is “social change and economic justice”. Take my money and give it to a person who doesn’t want to work hard or who didn’t go to school as long as I did?

    Take your cheap and sleazy ad and publish it somewhere in the Southside. Most people that read this blog are educated and are probably laughing at you right now.

  108. - Dem Bob - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 8:11 pm:

    Those enthusiastic Hillary Clinton volunteers seemed to be getting an awful lot of petition signatures throughout the fairgrounds from a lot of people with Obama buttons.

  109. - No end in sight - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 8:11 pm:

    to “former legislative intern”: Emil could lose four seats and still be the Senate President. Its not like Watson is a political mastermind, he’ll be lucky to have 20 members following the next election especially if its going to be a big Democratic year

  110. - So Blue Democrat - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 8:12 pm:


    The attacks against supporters of the Governor are clearly understandable. There are many individuals, including many Democrats who do not appreciate the tactics of his supporters. What happened at today’s rally is a prime example. This Governor has no morals, and he is not truly promoting the expansion of health care coverage. People will not be covered-especially since he is talking about delaying Medicaid payment even further to pay state bills. This means delaying current fiscal year payments until the next fiscal year. This happens all the time in state government; however, this is the “man” that stated last week the General Assembly’s budget was not balanced.

    He is the “man” that is only interested in promoting himself. That is why his name is on the IL Cares Rx brochure not once (as normal for most Governors), but five times.

  111. - B Hicks - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 8:15 pm:

    Post it or not, I was right next to you and Rebecca when the booing took place. They were not the Governor’s people. Nice hat.

  112. - Save a horse, Ride a Harley - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 8:32 pm:

    So how is it going to be a “big Demcratic” year? The poll numbers for the Legislative bodies in DC are at an all time low. Remember the “100 hour” pledge by Pelosi? Where are those accomplishments? In the state of Illinois, while having a slam dunk majority in both houses and occupying the executive branch, what have the “donkeys” done for the state? Dan Hynes said it best when he apologized and said we deserve better. I spoke with someone from out of town who was in Illinois for the electric rate relief negotiations. He used the same terminology; this state deserves better than Rod and Emil. He said Madigan could be trusted and taken at his word. The term he used for Rod and Emil rhymes with rakes but starts with an “s.”

  113. - RJW - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 8:32 pm:

    Hey Rich:

    Your scolding of people is too much. Either this is a blog or it isn’t. People can criticize whomever they want. If they leave that’s their problem.

  114. - RJW - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 8:38 pm:


    I completely respect your viewpoint. I too think everyone should have access to health insurance. But it can’t be done by decree. Everyone has to be on board or it won’t work. If I were a legislator right now I would oppose the Governor just because of his actions. I don’t care what he proposes - good or bad. He needs to get out of this King complex he has and play nice with others. He would be a lot more successful with his plans and his message.

  115. - Gregor - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 8:41 pm:

    Let’s FOIA the records for the bus trip and see where the money for the plants came from. Of course, Blago’s office will stall that FOIA request as they have all others. To qoute one of the reporters screaming at the press conference yesterday:

    “WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF !?!?!?!”

  116. - cookie monster - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 8:51 pm:

    The Gov wants to provide healthcare to the poor, but according to the Tribune one of the ways the Blago can save money/redistribute it is to delay paying the providers even though they take a reduced fee. Payment to providers is very slow in the first place. As a provider of healthcare I have overhead to take care of, and I can’t just decide not to pay,or delay my payments. Blago needs providers for his Grand Plan. This isn’t the way to treat them

  117. - Blah - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 8:58 pm:

    Actually many schools were receiving small grants - in the $30,000 range- in the member’s “pork.” No $650,000 isn’t going to fund an entire school, but $30,000 means a lot to a school. In my own district, most of the money was going to schools and any that wasn’t went to local parks and libraries.

    Hey Gov - you just cut education!! Thanks!

  118. - Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 8:59 pm:

    - Save a horse, Ride a Harley,
    Pelosi passed pretty much everything she said she would in House. Unfortunately, all those Republicans that were chanting “give us an up or down vote” during their majority days, suddenly found filibuster a useful tool and have blocked pretty much everything the House passed in those first 100 hours.

    While you’re right that this state deserves better than Rod, Emil and Mike, 2008 will still be a big Democratic year as the R’s locally and nationally are even more screwed up than the D’s. Don’t believe me? Just watch and cry.

  119. - Blah - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 9:01 pm:

    We owe Medicaid providers $2 billion right now. However, the Gov’s office never brings it up. Fix what we need first, then expand.

    Guess that’s not good press though.

  120. - No end in sight - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 9:07 pm:

    -Save a Horse, Hynes can’t take a leak without permission. He does a good job signing checks.

  121. - It's Broken - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 9:08 pm:

    “Man, is that racing some fun stuff.”

    A future lobbyist?

  122. - ChokingCub - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 9:08 pm:

    I was approached by three separate individuals at the fair in a span of about 5 minutes to sign a document supporting Hillary for President. I told them I would rather pull out my toenails instead of signing the document. They didn’t seem surprised. I got the impression they weren’t getting many signatures….

  123. - ChokingCub - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 9:16 pm:

    The Gov didn’t attend the Governor’s Sale of Champions last night. It was reported that no one can remember the last time a Governor didn’t attend the event. He sent his wife instead and she bought a brand new pair of boots for the event. Another blunder by Blago…. Maybe he should send his wife to the budget negotiations next time.

    Also, I worked the fair today as I did last year on Governor’s day. I have never seen so many people throw trash (fliers, campaign material) directly onto the ground; this happened last year also. Do they have people in Chicago who regularly run around a pick up trash after these fine citizens?

  124. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 9:18 pm:

    Rich, did RR’s horse have any statement after the race?

  125. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 9:23 pm:

    Rich, the answer is nnnnAAAAAAAAA !

  126. - hmmmm - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 9:26 pm:

    Watching the news tonight, it is hard to believe the booing was coming from a few “paid plants.”

    It sounded like half the crowd was booing loudly.

    Face it - madigan can’t expect a crowd he asked blagojevich to invite to be supportive of him.

    People who support the governor are going to be booing madigan right now. No question. I think madigan expected that.

    I am just surprised he showed up knowing the lashing he would get.

  127. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 9:32 pm:

    Statesmanship, Gentleman, Leader!

  128. - new boots for the Mrs. ...because it's getting deeper - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 9:46 pm:

    Those new boots, were they Tony Lama’s or Tony Rezko’s?
    or Manolo Blago’s?

  129. - plutocrat03 - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 10:07 pm:

    To our dear Democrat friends…

    While healthcare shoud not impoverish anyone, niether should taxation.

    We pay all the income taxes, sales taxes, baloney governmental agency taxes and 3-4% (of EAV) annually increased property taxes, not to mention our own health care insurance.

    For that our end of the state gets bupku. We have roads and bridges that have needed repair or replacement for more than 20 years, and when we need a school WE have to pay for it, not Springfield.

    I dread the day that government take over the health care sector, because the costs will rise at a higher rate, the service will get worse and where will we go then? As stated before somewhere else, governmentally controlled health care combines the efficiency of the Post Office with the compasion of the IRS.

    I see no examples of where the vaunted Public funding of health is a charm. In Cuba, you get marginal health care in exchange for your liberties, in Canada you get care if you can afford to wait long enough, In Germany your first line of defense are herbs. England has a public health ysystem so bad that people still need to buy their own health insurance,,,,,

    When you examine the $$ your Governor has spent with his programs, you will find it would have been cheaper to buy every one actually helped an actual insurance policy.

    I’m just glad that I am mobile enough I can leave this state or midwest and let the economy implode. Look east toward Michigan, we are next.

    Pork and waste, thy name is Blago

  130. - laborpol - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 10:27 pm:

    Stop all the conspiracy theories about SEIU booing Speaker Madigan. It didn’t happen. Plain and simple. SEIU was not asked to bring people to Democrats Day this year. Since I run the SEIU political operation I would know if our members were there today and I can say emphatically that they were not. Case closed. Why don’t you guys spend some time doing the people’s business rather than spreading vicious rumors. Get over yourselves already!

  131. - jake - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 10:43 pm:


    Early in the summer fiasco, you wrote that any talk of impeachment was crazy, and absolutely off the table—period. Has it moved any closer to not being crazy?

  132. - It's Broken - Wednesday, Aug 15, 07 @ 10:48 pm:

    The Zapruder film clearly shows a man in an SEIU teeshirt on the grassy knoll to the left of the Speaker.

    Oliver Stone has been contacted.

    Sorry, couldn’t resist. Go Labor!

  133. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 7:54 am:

    Hey Laborpol
    The mopes who were booing left the rally after their stunt walked away and onto one of your buses. Perhaps you need to get a little more engaged in your job?

  134. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 8:13 am:

    Hicks, I saw people in light blue Blagojevich t-shirts booing. I was standing next to Cindy at the time.

  135. - Anon - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 9:08 am:

    Rich, “Ricard (sic) Nixon”’s last comment was over the top and should be deleted.

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