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Disunity Day

Thursday, Aug 16, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I doubt the Republicans will be able to top yesterday’s Democrat Day events for newsworthiness…

Warring factions of Illinois’ Democratic Party turned unity day Wednesday at the Illinois State Fair into a display of name-calling, booing and apologizing for a feud that almost shut down state government.

Organizers tried to focus on their common goal of electing Sen. Barack Obama president, but the diversion couldn’t paper over deep cracks within the party, fissures caused by the caustic 10-week budget stalemate between Democratic leaders.

“It’s embarrassing — it’s not the way people envision their leaders acting,” Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias said. “I think the public is getting sick and tired of this.”

House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) and Senate President Emil Jones (D-Chicago) accused one another of being untruthful.

* And, as I told you yesterday, there was plenty of jeering

Members claiming to be from a Chicago job training group that’s received hundreds of thousands of dollars in state contracts courtesy of Gov. Rod Blagojevich showed up at a Democratic rally Wednesday to boo the governor’s chief political rival — House Speaker Michael Madigan.

“Veto Madigan,” the nearly two dozen people chanted when Madigan, also chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party, took to the microphone during the annual Democratic rally at the Illinois State Fair.

The group immediately left the rally and headed to buses bearing signs for United Services of Chicago. Group members said they were told not to comment to reporters but said they were with United Services and that Blagojevich paid for the bus trip. […]

United Services of Chicago was awarded a nearly $775,000 contract this year from Blagojevich’s economic development agency. And last year, state auditors red flagged nearly $30,000 in state payments to United Services by the state’s transportation department. The department was missing files and could not explain why United Services got a potentially $900,000 job training contract over others.

United Services is led by Eddie Read, a key supporter of former Cook County Board President John Stroger and chairman of the Black Independent Political Organization. That organization gave $2,500 to Blagojevich’s 2006 campaign.

The governor’s campaign denied any involvement, which nobody really believed, of course.

* There was also some booing yesterday in Chicago

Mayor Daley accused Gov. Blagojevich Wednesday of engineering a legally shaky and “dangerous” end-run around the General Assembly that threatens to jeopardize the mayor’s chances of getting sorely needed funding for the CTA and Chicago Public Schools.
One day after Blagojevich vowed to cut $500 million from the new state budget and redirect it toward his failed health care initiative, Daley openly questioned the legality of the maneuver as well as the political wisdom of it.

“Something like this really kind of separates people. . . . You’ve got Democrats and Republicans in the House. Once you start dividing them and divide the Senate, that is very, very dangerous in regards to — not only politics, but government,” he said.

* Madigan and Jones went after each other as well…

Senate President Emil Jones has promised to use his power to protect the governor from any attempt to override a half billion dollars in line item vetoes to free up money for the governor’s program, but House Speaker Michael Madigan vowed to try anyway and he accused Jones of reneging on a deal.

“I’ll be kind and I’ll say that I think Senator Jones changed his mind. For myself, I plan to keep my word and move to override,” Speaker Madigan said.

Jones fired back saying, “He’s not a man of his word, Keep his nose out of the [Senate’s] business, period.” When asked if he feels like the speaker double-crossed him, Jones answered emphatically, “Yes.”

* More on that topic

Jones, who is also a Chicago Democrat, accused Madigan and Senate Republican Leader Frank Watson of “a collusion” to breach the leaders’ agreement by derailing a capital bill for state construction projects. The bill failed last week in the Senate.

“So that’s why I changed my mind. That’s a fact,” Jones said Wednesday. “(Madigan) should not have interfered in what we were doing on capital.”

Madigan said Jones’ assertions are untrue.

* More on the Democrats’ “Disunity Day” activities…

After acting like carnies who claim their games are legit, Democratic leaders have developed such a surfeit of mistrust over a monthslong budget battle that Comptroller Dan Hynes decided to make a public apology.

“We’ve let you down, and there is no excuse for this,” Hynes said in opening the day at the traditional Democratic County Chairmen’s breakfast. “It’s supposed to be a day of unity. It’s certainly supposed to be a day of celebration. Frankly, I don’t feel there’s a lot to celebrate today.”

But even Hynes’ act of contrition became the subject of squabbling. Gov. Rod Blagojevich contended that Hynes apologized for “standing in the way” of state worker paychecks, which the comptroller has denied. The governor said he had nothing to apologize for as long as he kept pushing plans for expanding health care.

* The Hynes vs. Blagojevich feud was an interesting side affair

“In a best-case scenario, he is going to expand our Medicaid deficit by $500 million,” said Comptroller Dan Hynes. “In a worst-case scenario, he is defying the Constitution.”

* And things got plenty weird

A day after Gov. Rod Blagojevich, a Democrat, infuriated legislators in his own party by vowing to go around them for health care expansion, he seemed to thumb his nose at them — in fact singing about the issue at one point in a Democratic Party rally at the Illinois State Fair.

“I’m just a red-blooded boy and I just can’t stop thinking about health care! Health care! Health care! Health care!'’ Blagojevich sang to the tune of Elvis Presley’s “Girls, Girls, Girls.'’

* More stuff compiled by Paul…

* Editorial: One man’s pork is another man’s health care plan

* Democrats clash on budget

* Editorial: State salaries bumped in the middle of the night

* Eric Zorn: State balancing act not for the faint of heart

* Internet predator law now in effect


  1. - hollywoodhendon - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 9:46 am:

    The big story was what a huge turnout Hillary had. I know you mentioned they bussed in two loads of people. It sure seemed like more than that.

  2. - Wumpus - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 9:53 am:

    As a republican I am happy about the disunity of the dems. I will not celebrate too soon as the problem seems to be Blago and Jones vs other Democrats (Madigan, Hynes and Gianullius is staying above the fray).

  3. - Macbeth - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 9:53 am:

    Okay, someone has to say it, so I will: the singing about healthcare is weird. Just plain weird.

    It has the pungent whiff of something Hugo Chavez would do — dancing around, preening, singing populist ditties.

    HST *would* have had a good time with all this. Where is that documentary crew? The weird have turned pro — and they’re having an outstanding time about it.

    I’m surprised — and genuinely so. This just keeps getting better — and weirder.

  4. - I was there - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 9:54 am:

    This governor has no sense of shame.

  5. - Dem Bob - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 9:54 am:

    It also seemed that the phalanx of Clinton folks were getting a lot of petition signatures from people with Obama buttons and shirts.

  6. - Patriot - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 9:58 am:

    In-fighting is what Illinois gets for electing children with borderline personality disorders to public office.

  7. - L.S. - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 9:58 am:

    So, the boo-birds were contract state employees afterall…shocking.

  8. - In the Know - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 10:00 am:

    Does anyone think there will be a capital bill now? Highly unlikely as Blago and now Jones are seen as not trustworthy.

  9. - Ike - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 10:00 am:

    Seriously…there is something wrong with Rod.

  10. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 10:03 am:

    I think I noticed J & T (new code to get past the censor) sobbing cause BlunderBoy doesn’t sing about girls anymore

    Bet that use of federal job funds to ship in performers for the rally earns Fumbles and Giggles a trip to Dearborn street. They are thre a lot anyway to see Stu, Ali and Donny so what is another stop in the Grand Jury buffet line?

  11. - One_Mcmad - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 10:03 am:

    Mayor Daley should not have anything to say about what the Governor does; whether right or wrong. He needs to focus on the city budget, the Chicago Police Department, the Office of Professional Standards. His house is not clean and so he should decline comment on the conditions of someone elses house.

  12. - Southern Right - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 10:06 am:

    Mark your calendar folks. August 15, 2007 the beginning of the end for Illinois Democrats. Our Governor has counted on the fact that 95% of the voters only read the sound bites. That appears to be changing. I predict more deer in the headlights very soon.

  13. - Levois - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 10:07 am:

    I know this is off-topic, but I just have to make a comment on Mike Flannery’s shirt story that I saw after the story about the Democratic leaders disunity. I’m laughing, very funny.

  14. - From the Sidelines - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 10:08 am:

    While posts have jokingly questioned the sanity of the governor, I truely believe the man has lost his mind. Are there any psychologists out in blogland willing to render a diagnosis? -Patriot 9:58 am- I think you may be right.

  15. - Guy Fawkes - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 10:09 am:

    When the Democrats arrived at the fair, did they all come together in a ridiculously small car like say, clowns at a circus?

  16. - hillarywho - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 10:09 am:

    If there were two busloads of hillary fans there, they sure couldn’t be heard.

    Even Alexi complimenting Hillary only got a smattering of polite claps.

    80 hillary people in a crowd of 1,500 obama fans doesn’t seem as newsworthy as you are trying to spin it to be.

  17. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 10:11 am:

    When Blagojevich announces who gets cut from the budget, the political benefits he thinks he is getting will end.

    We are broke. There is not enough “pork” in this budget for Blagojevich to take. With each proposed cut, there are representatives and senators that will howl in protest. The news media will begin running stories about how Blagojevich will deny communities infrastructure maintenance, firetrucks, police protection, highways, bridge repairs and other daily necessities.

    Enjoy it now Blagojevich. By the way, when Elvis was referred to as “the King”, they didn’t mean it in a governmental sense. It seems you don’t know this.

  18. - Cassandra - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 10:16 am:

    What the Democrats in this state need is a viable Republican party.

    Talk about being careful what you wish for. They wanted all the power. They got it.

  19. - MTP - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 10:23 am:

    I’d really like the Senate President to quit whining about how Madigan won’t let him run the Senate the way he wants.

    Note to Emil: It’s not Madigan’s chamber, its your chamber. Step up and be a man.

    And consider the fact that part of the reason so many of your members were off the reservation this year was because it was clear from day one you were looking out for yourself, and just throwing your collegues under the bus. Just ask Gary Forby.

  20. - Garp - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 10:23 am:

    I never knew state politics was so much fun. I mean this is really starting to get good. When Daley starts chiming in, you know the gloves are off. This has only just begun.

  21. - Captain America - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 10:30 am:

    I just can’t to dislike the Governor personally. He gave a great campaign speech at the Democratic County Chairman’s Breakfast and on the Fair Director’s lawn. His staff did an excellent job of orgnanizing the rally on the Director’s lawn. Thank goodness, the Governor and Senator Clinton bussed people to the Fair for the rally, or attendance would have been dismal. Even though I am supporting Senator Obama, I welcomed the presence of Hillary supporters since she is a native daughter of Illinois.

    I thought Dan Hynes’ remarks at the breakfast were entirely appropriate, and I was very sorry he didn’t come to the rally at the Fair to repeat them. Neither Lisa and Dan attended the rally. Mike Madigan was a good sport for showing up at the rally - I was sorry he was booed - he doesn’t seserve this disrespect, given that he is the most competent of the top three Democratic leaders. Lou Lang was everywhere - Friday evening at Boone’s and he was kind enough to tell me about Alexi G’s hospitality event at the Alamo. I was disappointed that Lisa’s fundriaser at Floyd’s Thirst parlor was cancelled because the Senate was in session.

    I give the Governor and his staff credit for thinking creatively, if not constitutionally, in declaring their new health care strategy. I enjoyed the SJR editorial yesterday about process. But I recommend that everyone read Eric Zorn’s take on the current situation in today’s Chicago Tribune for a healthy perspective. Zorn view’s the Governor’s latest declaration of intent as a “clever poker play” enhancing his bargaining position in terms of giving the Governor some leverage in trying to achieve a scaled back version of his Illinois covered initiative.

    Senator Jones will rue the day he double-crossed Mike Madigan. I can’t believe that Jones blamed Madigan for sabotaging the capital bill - it lacks the ring of truth and reflects an inferiority complex, as well as political paranoia. My opinoin is that blaming Madigan for his own ineptitude is a convenient rationale for breaking his word to Mike Madigan on the veto override. Senator Jones has become a prevaricator,as wll as a hog feeding at the trough.

  22. - Anon - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 10:31 am:

    Looks like Rod’s political future is as dead as Elvis.

  23. - Slugo - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 10:31 am:

    It’s hard to fathom the extent of wrongness in what’s happening in Illinois. Rich’s ‘disunity’ column above is chock full of examples of the depths to which our political leaders have lead state government. The worst of them, Blagojevich and Jones, have no shame. What a pathetic crew. I’ll give Dan Hynes some credit for appearing to try to do the right thing.

  24. - Another Pro-gunner - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 10:50 am:

    Last time I checked, Jones had the 36 votes he needs to pass anything he wants. If he cannot get members of his own party in the chamber he is supposed to run to vote for measures he feels are critical, then how is that Madigan’s fault? But if Madigan CAN exert more influence than Jones in the Senate, both with Ds and Rs, perhaps that simply means Jones needs to find another job, and leave D Senate Leadership to someone more capable. Calling out the guy who you imply is more influential with folks you are supposed to lead, as well as those from the opposition party you both share, just seems a stupid admission that you are woefully ineffective.

  25. - snidely whiplash - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 11:03 am:

    I’d say the Governor has overdosed on testicular virility. He’s made some powerful enemies within his own party, and he better prepare to get the H*** out of Dodge in four years.

  26. - hollywoodhendon - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 11:08 am:

    Hillarywho…80 volunteers IS a lot in any campaign. There is no doubt Obama had more support, but it does illustrate that not everyone from Illinois supports Obama. The reason no one clapped when Alexi referenced Hillary has more to do with the fact that people think he is such a goof than anything to do with Hillary.

  27. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 11:12 am:

    “Hollywood,” please. Alexi was very well received there yesterday. Nobody clapped for Hillary because very few there supported her, despite her bussed-in ringers.

  28. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 11:20 am:

    They have everything: all six constitutional offices, both chambers, both senate seats and a majority in the Congressional delegation. Yet nothing gets done. I think the Dems shot for the stars and are realizing their ship is heading straight back down to earth. I also am curious as to why MJM was a co-chair for Blago’s 2006 re-election campaign. It seems as though it was nothing more than face-saving move that wound up backfiring more than helping.

  29. - Captain America - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 11:50 am:


    I agree with Rich that Alexi G was well-received. His hosptality event on Tuesday evening at the Alamo was very well-attended. At least he had a fair-related event - Lisa had to cancel hers for legal reasons. He looks like a guy with a bright political future to me. I’m not xure why you characterize him as a “goof”. He seems to being a good job as the State Treasurer.

  30. - Check the Contract - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 12:12 pm:

    The Auditor General reviewed Eddie Read’s IDOT contract and now needs to revisit to review the billings. The governor’s campaign denied any involvement with him being there - and pigs fly.

  31. - Champ - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 12:31 pm:

    I still can’t believe the gov keeps reminding everyone that his health care plan is “as constitutional as it gets.” Legislative approval of the plan and the necessary appropriations for it would be as constitutional as it gets.

    And on top of that, his spokespersons are complaining about how unbalanced the budget is…just wait until the unilateral imposition of a totally unfunded campaign tactic.

  32. - steve schnorf - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 12:39 pm:

    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at the Southtown editorial.

    If they really believe they are accurately communicating what has happened over the last four years with legislative pay raises it’s enough to make you cry.

    If they are knowingly using facts plus omissions to paint a false picture, then I guess I would laugh at any claim of integrity by the editorial writer (and I fear it may be a writer whose work I have long admired: I certainly hope not).

  33. - really now - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 1:10 pm:


    Hynes embarassed himself with comments about being concerned about folks getting their paychecks at the breakfast. Thanks to AFSME, we all know the people could have been paid but he wanted to play a political game which he lost. He’s finished.

    Alexi was a class act speaking at both the breakfast and on the fairgrounds.

    Rod was very well received…I watched the popularity of his message grow for healthcare after he spoke.

    Clinton people were a minority and Emil shone all day.

  34. - FAN of CAP FAX - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 1:31 pm:

    What a joke…hollywood hendon calling anyone else a “goof”. He does know goofy.

  35. - Anon - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 2:03 pm:

    It was too hot in the afternoon to really enjoy any of the speeches, but in the morning the Governor was the best I’ve ever seen him. Regardless of where you stand on the content of his remarks, he was passionate and seemingly completely off-the-cuff. I haven’t ever seen him give that good of a speech.

    I thought that the Speaker came off dignified and classy. It was clear that the day was set up to gang up on him a little and he just came off like the bigger man. Not that he cares much about his own PR, but hat’s off to him.

    I was impressed that the AG directly challenged the Governor, but really disappointed that she made a point of leaving before he gave his remarks. I’m old fashioned, if you are going to call someone out, don’t run away when they have the opportunity to respond.

    And Alexi continues to shine.

  36. - Lula May - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 2:11 pm:

    Why would you call the Hillary supporters bussed in ringers? I don’t think you referred to the Obama supporters as ringers ?

  37. - Hmmmm? - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 2:56 pm:

    Are you saying the govs office lied about bringing people in? No! I can’t imagine that. Shocking! That’s what it is. Shocking! Mr. Fitzgerald, please help.

  38. - Marbley - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 3:02 pm:

    Alexi continues to shine. For sure, he is a guy to watch. He makes his Mother and Father proud. Keep up the good work for The People.

  39. - KantStandit - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 3:23 pm:

    This may be going back too far in the subject matters covered here, but I can see one or two different ways by which the Governor could constitutionally expand eligibility for health care, which is all he’s said he’s doing, and get the additional services paid for. I think everyone’s confused by his rhetoric and braggadocio. It’s really not much of a problem, especially if he doesn’t get as much demand for the new program as he’s estimated.

  40. - Fed up State Employee - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 5:44 pm:

    Speaking of “disunity,” check out the picture of MJM shaking hands with Rod (Patty sitting next to him) on the front page of the Springfield SJ-R today.

    “What were they thinking?”

    You can also see it online at Click the link for “‘07 Illinois State Fair - Aug. 15.” It’s the second picture.

  41. - sundaymorningnews - Thursday, Aug 16, 07 @ 8:26 pm:

    I volunteered at the fair for Hillary. There were no bussed in ringers. Rich, your statement has no basis in fact. We all met in Greek Town at 5:45 a.m. and carpooled down to Springfield to be there by 9:00 a.m. I, and many others, worked hard the entire day gathering signatures and passing out materials in 100 degree heat because we believe in Hillary Clinton. Frankly, I resent your comments Rich. Plus, Rich, where would these bussed in ringers come from? There isn’t a ward organization in Chicago that would help Hillary. Come on Rich, you are better than this. Make sure it is true before you print it.

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