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Budget roundup

Tuesday, Aug 21, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sneed had this tidbit today…

Rumble is Gov. Blagojevich plans to jettison/veto the latest budget bill today.

* We’ll just have to wait and see. Meanwhile, stories like this continue to pile up…

Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s plan to chop $500 million out of the state budget could affect emergency equipment for police and fire departments, services for the disabled and even efforts to clean up drinking water. […]

But most of the more than $150 million in “member initiatives” would address fundamental needs.

A central Illinois organization that serves people with cerebral palsy is in line for $50,000 to buy equipment that lifts people out of their wheelchairs. Right now, United Cerebral Palsy Land of Lincoln offers day services for 62 people but has only one lift.

“When we found out it might be vetoed, we were dismayed. I was just in shock,” said the group’s president, Brenda Yarnell. “This is not fluff. We would welcome the opportunity to show anyone the work we’re doing and see how difficult it is.”

* And the waiting game is causing some hardship out there…

Karla Miller, the widow of an Illinois State Police trooper who died while on duty, was surprised to learn Monday that her next survivor-benefits check won’t arrive until state government gets a new budget.

She got another surprise when she tried to alert Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s legislative office to her situation. Miller said the man she spoke to eventually hung up on her. She didn’t get his full name.

“He was very flippant and just said, you know, we’re all worried about the budget and we’ll get it fixed and that kind of thing,” she said. “He started to get a little testy with me, and I started to get a little testy back, and then he hung up on me.” […]

Upon hearing about Miller’s experience, Blagojevich spokeswoman Abby Ottenhoff shifted the blame to Comptroller Dan Hynes. She said his office received the paperwork needed to process survivor benefits a couple of weeks ago.

In case you’re wondering, Ms. Miller and I aren’t related.


  1. - Esteban - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 9:46 am:

    The guv and his “people” KNOW that Dan Hynes
    does not have the authority to send out those
    payments in the absence of a State budget.


  2. - Just My Opinion - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 9:55 am:

    It would be nice if just for once Abby and the rest of the press corps would say “The Governor takes full responsibility…” There are times when a governor must make tough choices and I thin we all recognize that and accept that. However, this guy is never wrong, and therein lies the problem.

  3. - anon - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 9:56 am:

    No surprise at this veto from a gov who likes to governer remotely from Chicago. Now he can continue to shoot down pork from home.

    SB0518 John J. Cullerton
    (Dan Reitz)
    WILDLIFE-REMOTE HUNTING 08/20/2007 Senate Governor Vetoed

  4. - Captain America - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 9:59 am:

    The Governor and his staff want to blame Mike Madigan and Dan Hynes for everything.It isn’t going to work. We all know who to blame Governor - you and Emil Jones are the primary culprits. The editorial pagesw won’t let you get away with shifting the blame to others. You will be held acconuntable in the next Democratic primary. Nonetheless, good luck with your health care plan for the uninsured. You’ll need it!

  5. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 10:04 am:

    Anon, the governor vetoed the Senate bill because it was identical to a House bill that he signed, HB 201. Please, try to get your facts straight on things. This sort of veto happens all the time, so you really need to check first. A simple Google News search of Blagojevich Internet hunting would have found this story.

  6. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 10:05 am:

    When Mr. Blagojevich pulled up his pants last week and we all saw this mouse roar, I predicted that reality will force Mr. Blagojevich’s hands.

    First off, there is no $500 million in pork. He is lying.

    Secondly, as he sits on this pot and refuses to piddle, everyone is on hold. He works for US, right?

    Lastly, the media will start writing hard luck stories with Mr. Blagojevich as the villian.

    Mr. Blagojevich got everyone’s attention last week. This week, life moves on without him.

  7. - GA Watcher - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 10:22 am:

    Why is it always someone else’s fault with this Governor?

  8. - Macbeth - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 10:29 am:

    Blagojevich’s response to Ms. Miller is shameful.

    Blagojevich is morally bankrupt and enjoys every bit of pain he is inflicting on the very people he purports to “care” about. He doesn’t care about the citizens of the state, never has cared about the citizens of Illinois, and has only a selfish, self-centered interest in his job.

    He has national aspirations and hopes that his no-tax pledge combined with his healthcare plan will propel him into the national spotlight.

  9. - Tessa - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 10:45 am:

    As has become the norm, Blagojevich shows he has no shame, nor do the people who work in his office. It’s sad what they will do for the paychecks they receive.

    It’s not just people in the state system getting caught up in his “wrong-doing” now, but “regular” people who rely on the state to exist, the checks that are to come in a timely manner in order to get meds, food and shelter they need.

    Shame on the Governor for his actions, or should I say, lack of action this year. He should be thinking about the people of Illinois and not himself.

  10. - Huckleberry - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 10:57 am:

    Replacing a sprinkler system in a high school, a fire truck for a town that doesn’t have one, life, health and safety equipment for police and firfighters are not pork projects. If the gov is not careful in what he line items out, he’s going to tee off a lot of locals.

  11. - Big Red - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 11:09 am:

    “If the gov is not careful in what he line items out, he’s going to tee off a lot of locals.”

    Yes, but he doesn’t care and as long as he holds Chicago it won’t matter.

  12. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 11:17 am:

    I watched Blago’s Governor Day speech at the State Fair on Illinois Channel. What parallel universe does this guy live in? Is it always someone else’s fault? Apparently, the governor can do no wrong and others can do no right.

    And VanMan is right. $500 million in pork is open to debate. When I think of pork, I think of John Murtha adding $150 million in pet projects to the FY2008 military spending bill. I don’t think wheelchair ramps or squad car repairs for a dirt-poor town in southern Illinois constitutes pork. Organizations and small or poor towns need that money to get by.

  13. - 105th Blues - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 11:30 am:

    I personally know Ms. Miller is a high ranking ADM salaried employee (=was a Vice President of the Company when I was there) and hardly has any financial discomfort or distress. While I disagree with how she was treated by a government employee, I think this mainly was a PR stunt and blown out of proportion designed to further attack the administration.

  14. - dc - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 11:54 am:

    Question to 105th Blues: If Ms. Miller wasn’t a salaried employee, would the story have melted your cold heart a little more? I don’t care if she makes $1 million a year in a Lottery annuity — the issue is not her “need” for the money, the issue is the Governor’s public disdain for, well, the public. If those dang pesky people affected by his actions, and the legislature, and JCAR, and that guy Finke at the SJ-R would just leave Rod alone, how much better of a world would it be? The only PR stunt here that deserves to be attacked is the one originating from the 16th floor of the James R. Thompson Center.

  15. - Traveler - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 11:55 am:

    Blago - “Another vat of hot oil over the turret … the subjects are beginning to scale the wall!”
    Ottenhoff - “But, Emperor! Some are in wheelchairs, some are school children and others are widows?!?”
    Blago - “DUMP THE BOILING OIL - then tell everyone Hynes and Madigan broke into my castle and they did it!”

  16. - El Salsa - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 12:27 pm:

    Shame on Dan Hynes for trying to politicize the widow of a slain officer. It is terrible that she has not recieved her check, but we all know that Hynes has been pulling the “worst case” scenarios to try and politicize the budget impasse for personal gain and political ambitions. This is a new low.

  17. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 12:31 pm:

    El Salso, that was a bit much. Have you ever even glanced at the state’s Constitution?

  18. - El Salsa - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 12:32 pm:

    PS. I also love how everyone tries to blame the Governor. Blago is fighting to help people like this widow along with veterans, senior citizens, and low income families. He is taking a tough stand for those most in need. However, it seems Madigan (the lone democrat) doesnt want to do ANYTHING to help those people. All he cares about is making Blago look bad.

  19. - Cassandra - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 12:36 pm:

    I can’t help but think that Hynes has more options than he is letting on.

    Emergency rule? Emergency legislation? As I said before about the state employees, there is always a way. What would happen if he just issued the checks? Public execution? Banishment? I don’t think so.

  20. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 12:37 pm:

    - El Salsa -
    Let’s just have Hines sign the budget - then he can be subject to criticism, but not until then. It is the GUV who has and continues to fail to act and govern and lead. Gov should just get the heck out of the way and let those with the competence to govern do so.

  21. - Fan of the Game - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 12:58 pm:

    El Salsa,

    The governor always had the opportunity to negotiate the budget, but he failed to negotiate in good faith.

    He has the authority to sign the budget and release funds, but he refuses to do so, hinting, instead, that he will try an unconstitutional ploy to fund the budget items he desires.

    There are plenty of people to blame for this budget impasse, but Governor Blagojevich bears the greatest portion of the responsibility.


    That may be, but I have to read anything anywhere about other options. If they existed, I think someone would have mentioned them by now.

    As for these questions: “What would happen if he just issued the checks? Public execution? Banishment?” Are you advocating that a duly elected Constitutional officer of the state ignoe the Constitution and break the law? Would you give the same advice to the governor?

  22. - The little guy - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 12:59 pm:

    One of my employees called the Gov.’s office to question when my business would get our checks (we are 70% state subsidized) and when she made the comment that if I don’t get paid she doesn’t get paid and how would she make her rent and feed her 5 year old son she was told- “Well there are agencies that can make sure you don’t go homeless.” What a way to care about the people who elected you Rod!

  23. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 1:01 pm:

    Cassandra, unless you want to unilaterally jettison the Constituion, Hynes has no options. He did take an oath when he was sworn in, if you will recall.

    The state has money in the bank but can’t legally dispense it because there is no approp law in place. Until the governor signs or line-items the budget, nothing can be done. It’s all on him right now.

  24. - Cassandra - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 1:05 pm:

    But couldn’t emergency legislation overrule that?

  25. - Non-profiteer - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 1:07 pm:

    I am still amazed…as a provider, we just got our August contractual payment today…didn’t think we had a budget approved beyond July. Last week I wrote wondering if I was missing something…I still am.

  26. - Fan of the Game - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 1:12 pm:


    The GA isn’t going to let the governor off the hook for a responsibility that is his. There won’t be any emergency legislation.

  27. - dc - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 1:16 pm:

    Cassandra, there is no such thing as “emergency legislation” — the closest thing you will see to that is an 11th hour add-on to a conference committee report literally minutes before a vote. You may be confusing the legislative process with the rulemaking process, which involved JCAR. There is an “emergency rulemaking” provision for issues that are an immediate threat to life, health or safety.

  28. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 1:24 pm:

    And emergency rules have to have some kind of statutory authority or else JCAR can suspend them.

  29. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 1:27 pm:

    What emergency legislation, Cassandra? They passed the budget. All he has to do is sign or line-item the durned thing and it’s done.

  30. - Hynes is right - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 2:07 pm:

    Cassandra and El Salsa…Please read the state constitution before you throw people that actually do know and do thier jobs right under the bus…Hynes is right! No $600 make-up artist, or outrageous hair cut needed.

  31. - El Salsa - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 2:11 pm:

    Hynes also initially said that state workers couldnt be paid also citing the constitution. That was overturned.

    My main point was that Hynes is doinig his best to gin up these types of situations by alerting the press for political motivations.

    He is using innocent people caught up in a budget impasse (of which he apologized for being part of) for his gain and to stick it to the Governor. Simple.

  32. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 2:14 pm:

    Whether or not he is using those people is besides the point. They are innocent and they are caught in the middle and they would be PAID if the governor would simply take action on the budget. End of story. It’s really that simple.

  33. - Huckleberry - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 2:15 pm:

    Not only that, no “emergency” legislation can circumvent the constitution, at least legally. But I guess I’m nitpicking.

  34. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 2:21 pm:

    The GA sent the governor the budget bill 8 days ago.

    While I often advise people to back off the guv in comments, on this particular item he has absolutely no defense. Eight days is way more than enough time. There’s no use passing the buck.

  35. - ChampaignDweller - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 2:23 pm:

    El Salsa, the only person I see using innocent people for gain and to stick it to others is the Governor (and maybe Emil Jones). I’m not sure how this guy sleeps at night.

  36. - Hynes is right - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 2:31 pm:

    Actually, Hynes again was right.

    In the absence of Approp authority, the Comptroller can’t issue warrants… The only way the he could issue those checks was if a court ordered him to..As I recall, that was exactly what he was hoping for. (A temporary stay by the courts does not overturn the constitution)

    Furthermore, he brockered the deal to get ALL state employees paid…under the FLSA arguement by AFSCME, only a handful of employess would have have been paid…He actually hepled prevent the State Shut-down…

    I hate Political gamesmanship, but Hynes has been a true leader and I think it’s disingenious to fault him for any of this… There are truly very few honest politicians out there. He has been nothing more than a class act.

  37. - Demgrrl - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 3:23 pm:

    I’ve been on hiatus for a while, but I couldn’t help but respond to some of these ridiculous comments about Hynes.

    Let’s face it. On the whole, Hynes is totally irrevelent. Neither the media, public nor capitol insiders usually care about what he says or does. If they did, Senator hynes would be backneching it in Washington, DC. Just as Eric Krol of the Daily Herald once put it, if Hynes were to walk down Chicago’s Michigan Ave. after being in office for 10 years or so, he’d still go completely unnoticed.

    The only time he’s made himself relevent is (1) when he attacks his democratic governor or (2) well, number 1 is about the only time he’s ever made himself relevent. So, I guess he’ll keep sticking to it since so many people like to Bash the Gov and he’ll continue picking up lots of brownie points by doing so.

    And let’s face this fact — regardless of all the constitutional mumbo-jumbo, if Hynes wanted to cut checks to schools, providers or state employees, he could do so. If he thought it was important enough to broker a deal to pay state employees — which he did because he fears the rath of AFSCME — then he should do the same for our kids and stop with the constant whining about the gov.

    If Hynes was as truly sincere as some give him credit for, then he would have loudly and unambiguously rejected this budget as passed. If he thinks that hundreds of millions in pork is necessary — when he complains regularly about the state’s debt being so high — then he should say so publicly. He’s lost his credibility on that end.

    As for the gov not rubber stamping the budget bill, his office needs the time to take out the pork and other spending that he doesn’t believe should be included in that budget. The constituion gives him 60 days to sign a bill. That’s the law.

  38. - El Salsa - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 3:50 pm:

    So brokering deals to pay state employees is more important than brokering deals for the low income people who cant get their govt checks. Guess they cant write as big of checks to Hynes campaign like AFSCME.

    Dont forget Hynes trying to make himself relevant by parading around for Obama. Its almost comical to see how desperate he is to make good on the guy that beat him!

  39. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 3:55 pm:

    ES, once again I would just say that if the governor just did something with the budget bill there wouldn’t be a problem. I don’t get why you can’t somehow grasp this very simple concept.

  40. - DHS Employee - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 3:56 pm:

    A deal with AFSCME was brokered to avoid a lawsuit to force the payment of employees. This deal is good only for the month of August. As far the low income people getting their checks, anyone on grant or food stamp assistance will continue to get their money / food stamps. This was settled via a lawsuit the last time the state went into overtime without a budget.

  41. - Demguuy - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 4:04 pm:

    Demgrrl… Welcome back! Did you go on vacation with Mr. Filan? (if i were looking for pork in the budget and sincere about getting my job done on time, now wouldn’t be the time to go on vaction)

    If Hynes is so irrelevant, why does the Governors office seem to try to blame thier shortcomings on him? Hynes called on the Governor numerous times to sign a budget…Instead the self-proclaimed constitutional scholar at Pepperdine advised a fellow constituional officer to break the law.

    I believe constitutional mumbo-jumbo says a budget should be in place by May 31st. We are now 21 days into August and counting.

    I don’t know about you, but I rather walk down Michigan avenue with my integrity intact rather than be the noticable clown with $600 make-up.

    Rich, maybe you should close-up comments on this thread… I think its being hijacked by the Governors spin machine

  42. - annon - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 4:26 pm:

    it’s just a damn shame all around. enough of the foolishness governor, sign the bill ! if he’s that concerned & passionate about these various assundried issues then try again in the spring session. you win some & you lose some..get over it, sign & move on.

  43. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 4:31 pm:

    Hynes’ agreement w/ the court to allow payments was based on the need for additional time to develop the merits of the lawsuit. That additional time runs out in a bit under 10 days. By then either a budget is in place or gov has the albatros of state shut down and abject failure to govern hanging directly on him, no one else. The damage he causes will be immense - organizations will close down a some may never reopen, employees will go unpaid (both direct state employees and those secondarily employed by providers of services to the disabled, mentally ill, etc.) Oh, welcome back drmgrrl, I had hoped rehab would have sharpened your grasp on the reality of destruction gov has wrought.

  44. - Demgrrl - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 4:35 pm:


    Wow. You are so original.

    So anytime someone has something remotely positive to say about he gov it’s his “spin” machine. I’m sure you could do better than that, but probably not.

    And, you just made my point — Hynes has been calling on the gov over and over to sign this budget, attacking him on nearly a daily basis. Why? Because no member of the media would bother to quote what he has to say or would bother to call him for a quote unless he was going on the offensive attacking the governor. He’s taking a page from the likes of Jack Franks and others who also were totally irrelevent until they discovered that they could get their names in the papers on a regular by going after the governor.

    So, if you think that hundreds of millions of pork is worth defending, then you will be in good company with Mr. Hynes. Have fun. oink, oink!

  45. - JolietJake - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 4:43 pm:

    Are Blagojevich supporters so desperate that they have to attack money going towards services for disabled people as pork? I’m not one to defend everything that the 500 million is going towards but please show some discretion.

    Next thing we’ll see is Blagojevich referring to Bush, Madigan, and Karla Miller as the “anti-health care axis of evil!” This situation is getting out of hand.

  46. - jwscott72 - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 4:44 pm:

    Where are those vetoes he promised last week? The fact remains that the Governor recieved the budget over a week ago and has yet to do anything. It’s all on him.

    If “greasy pork” is so easily identifiable, then it should have taken a total of two days to veto. Hynes gets the blame today, Filan’s vacation is the excuse tomorrow. What’s Thursday’s excuse? I’m interested as to what the Governor considers pork. Please clue us in Rod.

    Demguuy-just ignore Demgrrl and Bill like I do. You’ll find your day will be so much brighter!

  47. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 4:48 pm:

    Demgrrl, I, too, welcome you back. However, I would ask you to point out… oh… let’s say $10 million in outrageous pork in this budget, aside from Sen. Jones’ unspecified pile. I know you have the list.

  48. - Demgrrl - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 4:48 pm:

    A Citizen,

    All the rehab in the world wouldn’t save you from your bad habit of bad cliches. But I must admit that I missed you a bit.

    Again, at the end of the day, Hynes cowered to the will of AFSCME. That’s why state employees got paid. If only he felt compelled to cower to the will of school districts that deserve their money, which he has at his disposal. Instead, he’s going on the offensive and placing blame at the gov’s door instead of those who dragged the budget process along to a grinding halt at the end of May, which led us into overtime.

    If Hynes was truly sincere and cared about the well-being of our schools and medicaid providers, then he would have demanded back in May that the gov, jones and madigan come together to work out a good budget before the clock ran out. But he didn’t. He’s only attacking the Gov for political gain, as usual.

  49. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 4:55 pm:

    Demgrrl, this is just ridiculous. If you’re so concerned about those schools and providers, then tell the boss to act on the stupid budget bill one way or another. Stop trying to pass blame. Enough of this crap.

  50. - JolietJake - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 4:59 pm:

    Amen Rich!

    “You can’t be called a leader when you have no followers.”

  51. - Demgrrl - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 4:59 pm:


    Pork is about anything added to the budget that circumvents the normal course of a public, legislative process where money can be thrown at projects and programs that don’t get their money like the far majority of other providers and associations do. Nine out of ten times, groups and associations go through a grant process to get the funding they need. They don’t just get it handed to them in the 11th hour before a budget is passed — a budget that virtually no one saw before it was passed overwhelmingly.

    Just look through the budget bill and you’ll see what I mean. Is it more important that volleyball courts, bike trails and opera house renovations get funded than programs that help people stay alive and healthy or fund schools that need help the most?

    I think there are lots of good projects among the pork, but also lots of bad ones - enough to justify getting rid of most or all of them. If the good projects are really worthy, then they should go thru the same process as others do to get the money they need.

  52. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 5:01 pm:

    In other words, unless the governor hands it out, it’s pork. When a legislator puts grants for his/her own district into a bill that’s duly passed by both chambers of people elected by their constituents, it’s pork. Thanks for the clarification.

  53. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 5:02 pm:

    AA thinks something is rotten in Denmark, and not because of Filan’s vacation.

    If Ms. Miller is the widow of a State Trooper who died in the line of duty, she and her minor children are receiving benefits from SERS.
    SERS and the other State Pension Funds are not stuck in this budget battle because of the continuing appropriation language written into the 1995 funding law. (40 ILCS 15/1.2) This says that the pension systems receive one-twelfth of their requested contributions each month, with or without a budget. In the current situation, all that is required of the funds is to send vouchers for those amounts to the Comptroller and they must be honored.
    A quick look at the Web sites of the Funds shows almost identical language on the home page at each one saying “benefit payments are not affected by the budget impasse..”

    It pains me a bit to say this, but Abby may be spot on the truth in this situation.

    May bear further review..

  54. - Demgrrl - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 5:04 pm:


    I’m not blaming Hynes — what I’m saying is that all he does is whine and complain. He doesn’t offer up any solutions. His schtick is to attack the gov so he can get into stories and place the blame on him. There are many people to blame for why we got here, not just the governor.

  55. - Demgrrl - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 5:11 pm:


    You are welcome.

  56. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 5:12 pm:



  57. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 5:13 pm:

    Drmgrrl, you never disappoint, you are a bit more intense than my friend Bill, but you have the ability to stay on target as if you existed in that same parallel universe gov does, you know, the delusional, denial of reality, accept no responsibility one. Please have gov sign that sucker so we can move to the next level of “discussion”. This level has been exhausted and gov is left with the responsibility. You can stand tall and save his bacon - just have him sign it.

  58. - Demgrrl - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 5:21 pm:


    If I had that kind of pull, I’d be kicking it back in Aruba…at least after the hurricane died down.

    And yes. It’s easy to become delusional working in/dealing with the Patch, which is why some of you guys actually believe it was the gov who dragged us into overtime instead the man who pulls all the strings in this town. I’m sending my rehab bill to him.

  59. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 5:28 pm:

    Drmgrrl, you can send your rehab bill to Rich, but I doubt he’ll pay it.

  60. - Demgrrl - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 5:49 pm:

    Oops — I should have been more specific…I meant the other guy, aside form Rich, who pulls all the strings in the patch. :)

  61. - Demguuy - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 5:57 pm:

    Demgrrl…Now I need a vacation.

    I won’t just bash anyone, but you can’t be serious if you blame the budget impasse on Hynes…Did the governor ask Hynes for any solutions?

    For once, I’d like the Governors office to accept some responsiblity for the sorry mess we find ourselves in…If He shows this kind of leadership, I’ll be first one on his bandwagon.

  62. - Demgrrl - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 6:05 pm:


    Again, I am NOT blaming Hynes for the budget impasse. Read my comments. I doubt that Hynes needs permission from the Gov to offer up solutions. He was elected to statewide office three times by the people of this state, so he should have shown some leadership by telling them what he thinks the leaders should have done to avoid the impasse rather than whining after the fact, as usual.

    While I actually don’t speak for the Gov’s office, contrary to what other commenters write, I will say that it’s also time for others to admit that it’s not just the gov who’s to blame for being in overtime. Everyone involved in leadership shares the blame.

  63. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 6:17 pm:

    Impasse is over WHEN gov signs AV Budget. Gov has NOT signed AV Budget. Gov bares sole RESPONSIBILITY. Lesson over.

  64. - Demguuy - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 6:25 pm:

    Demgrrl…You have to be included the process to be able to offer up solutions….Is it safe to say that hasn’t been the Governor’s forte this GA? Also Hynes did accept responsbility and apolgized to the public for the inability of the ILL. Democrats to pass a budget.

    My questions is why are still fighting about this? Where are the other constitutionals? At least Hynes spoke up, and to just condemn him and say he’s playing politics or that he whines and complains is really a bit much…

    Nonetheless, Welcome back!

  65. - Huh? - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 7:15 pm:

    HURRAH - blago has signed the legislation naming the GoldRush apple the state’s official fruit. Now we can all kick back and relax now that important piece of legislation is law.

  66. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 7:25 pm:

    Is Filan really on Vacation? Or is he interviewing for another job in another state with a real Governor?

  67. - Disgusted - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 8:37 pm:

    I’m anxious to hear what Demgrrl has to say if our infamous governor pulls everyone’s pork but Emil’s. I bet there is more than one item in that list that we would all think was not worthy, like more funding to Chicago State when they can’t seem to graduate a goodly number of their students. Mr. Jones sure has made a pile for himself and his family by his allegiance to Milarod.

  68. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 8:53 pm:

    I must confess, I don’t know where the name Milarod comes from - is that his given name or what? Also, why don’t we ever hear about his parents? Are they deceased?

  69. - Hynes recommendation... - Tuesday, Aug 21, 07 @ 11:48 pm:

    Hynes did offer a solution. I believe it was “Sign the budget”.

  70. - Lainer - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 5:49 am:

    Yes, Milorad is his given name (Serbian).

  71. - Bill - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 8:09 am:

    I love you but lay off Danny!

  72. - Bill - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 8:16 am:

    Go ahead and ignore us just like everyone in the Capitol ignores you.

  73. - Big Red - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 10:45 am:

    “And let’s face this fact — regardless of all the constitutional mumbo-jumbo, if Hynes wanted to cut checks to schools, providers or state employees, he could do so.”

    Let’s face this fact- there are some of us who appreciate a constitutional officer who follows the law and doesn’t consider the expressed will of the people to be “mumbo-jumbo.” Anybody who considers the constitution to be “mumbo-jumbo” really doesn’t have any place in government. One could also argue anybody who considers the law to be “mumbo-jumbo” doesn’t really have any place in commenting on government, for that matter.

    Comptroller Hynes neither originates budgets nor signs them. The legislature, legislative leadership, and King Rod I are the ones responsible for this mess. Hynes has been the only helpful one in the bunch- trying to point out payment processing due dates and working to get court direction to pay employees.

    To say Hynes is only trying to use the situation get his name in the media is inaccurate and disingenuous in my opinion. To say Hynes “should have shown some leadership by telling them what he thinks the leaders should have done” is also byproduct of the south end of north bound horse.

    First off his opinion and “should have” plan would have carried as much weight with Blago as I do, and secondly a commenter on here would have said he doesn’t sign or originate budgets, needs to keep his mouth shut, and was only commenting to get his name in the media.

    No two ways about it. This one is on Rod.

  74. - Get Real - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 11:17 am:

    I have a friend that is worried about paying the high cost of gas and other things like medication, food ect. Are leaders gave their selves a pay raise and I believe still receive their pay check. My friends spouse died while working for the State has lost the check for this month, called the office of the Gov. and was told just go get a loan or try to apply for assistance (What a answer!)

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