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The buck-passing incompetence continues

Wednesday, Aug 22, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I haven’t been giving this story nearly the play it deserves. That ends today. Here’s some background

Chicago and more than 20 other school districts around Illinois have been denied $150 million in construction money. Gov. Rod Blagojevich said the districts were ineligible because their paperwork had not been filed on time, according to irate lawmakers and school officials.

* The schools have been promised this money for years, but Blagojevich has never followed through.

The project funding was included in the supplemental appropriations bill. which passed both chambers in late May, and was sent to the governor by the Senate in mid June. The governor signed the bill last week. He waited because it also included a legislative cost of living pay raise, and he was playing games with the bill.

* But there’s a problem…

But the governor’s office said the schools cannot get the money because they should have completed agreements with the Capital Development Board, a state agency overseen by Blagojevich that supervises construction projects, before the end of the fiscal year that ended June 30.

The schools couldn’t do that because CDB was apparently not taking applications since the bill wasn’t signed into law, and even though the governor had the bill in his possession two weeks before the end of the fiscal year, he waited until long afterwards to sign it. A Catch 22 situation, to be sure.

* As the Daily Herald rightfully points out…

The Democratic governor isn’t always a stickler for procedure.

He has twice spent money on stem cell research without legislative approval. Last year, he started sending emergency repair money to Carterville High School even though it isn’t on the priority list. Last week, he announced he would expand health programs that lawmakers had refused to fund.

* The governor’s response? More buck-passing

Blagojevich says the answer is for legislators to approve a new construction bill.

So, in other words, unless the General Assembly approves the allegedly “pork hating” governor’s heavily porked-up, multi-billion dollar capital bill, the schools in question will continue to be denied the funds they’ve been promised for years.

Just ducky.

* He also is doing a bit of disengenuous attacking

Blagojevich’s office circulated vote tallies Tuesday to show the lawmakers calling for the schools’ money voted against the plan to grant it.

Except, remember, Chicago is in line for a big chunk of that money. And most Chicago legislators voted for the supplemental approp.

* Meanwhile, the Comptroller can’t send out new state aid checks to schools because the governor hasn’t yet signed the state budget. Schools were promised no-interest loans to help make it through any budgetary glitches, but there’s bad news

The Illinois State Board of Education developed a plan with the Illinois Finance Authority to provide districts an advance on general state aid at no interest. However, that program was suspended before any money was funneled out because Gov. Blagojevich announced his veto would not affect general state aid, said spokesman Matt Vanover.

More likely, the administration realized that the program was ill-devised and possibly illegal. Once again, the press release was put before the work-horse.

* Somewhat related: Budget woes could impact toddlers in early intervention - Contracting therapists not getting paid

* And: Chicago Heights may lose state money

Scully told the council he had done his job in trying to obtain resources from Springfield, and said that although he does not know how Blagojevich will decide what to trim from the budget, “he has pretty much specifically said the House Democrats are gonna get their projects cut.”

[Chicago Heights Mayor Anthony DeLuca] expressed his bewilderment that Blagojevich, a Democrat, would look to cut funding from the communities of his fellow party members.

“It seems these days, the governor’s doing a lot of things that are shocking, so I guess it’s not surprising,” DeLuca said.


  1. - Just My Opinion - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 11:40 am:

    A lot of us saw this coming. You give me my capital spending bill and I’ll release money to the schools. Blago says the schools missed a June 30 deadline, but once he gets his capitol spending bill, a miracle will occur - the money suddenly CAN be released. That doesn’t mean it WILL be but it CAN be. Again, Blago feels it necessary to hold something or someone hostage and in this case it’s our children. This will lose votes for him faster than any other ploy he tries to create. To quote the old Bolivian miner in Butch Cassidy, “Morons, I’ve hired morons.” That’s the caliber of person we have as the leader of Illinois.

  2. - Squideshi - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 11:41 am:

    The games are driving me insane.

  3. - s - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 11:49 am:

    And yet no blame for the legislators who were to gutless to have their payraises stand on their own?

    So they stuck it in a bill with all kind of goodies?

    That’s fine if you don’t want to blame them, but I will.

  4. - Dante - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 11:49 am:

    It’s like the movie “groundhog day” but in this case the movie never seems to end!

  5. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 11:54 am:

    “s,” you make a very good point. However, the guv could’ve simply line-itemed out those raises months ago.

  6. - Milorad - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 11:56 am:

    I don’t know why anybody is suprised about this bufoonery. Blago has been doing this for years. Book of the month club, flu vaccines, out of country medicine…etc.

  7. - Captain America - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 11:59 am:

    My understanding of this issue is limited, but it is apparent to me that the schools who allegedly did not complete their paperwork on time were trapped in a classic “Catch 22″ situation. I recall reading yesterday that one school system begged to complte its paperwork before the deadline, but was denied the opportunity to do so.

    It’s another outrageous instance of sophistry, disingenuity, and buckpassing by the Blagojevich administration.

    Governor, we are not decieved by your efforts to blame everyone else for these problems. These schools have become pawns/victims of your political agenda.

  8. - Belle - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 12:03 pm:

    Exactly how many ways, how many times, does this excuse for a governor have to prove his incompetence? The arrogance he displays in pointing the finger at others is just amazing to me. Is he that dense? Does he really think there are people left who don’t see him as the fraud he is??? I hope Emil Jones is happy. He showed his stripes in enabling the unneccessary financial fiasco affecting the schools, caregivers, widows of police killed in the line of duty, permanently disabled ex state employees, state employees worrying about September paychecks,every vendor the state does business with is getting stiffed, and all the businesses that will lose revenue from all these sources suddenly not having income.
    Oh I forgot, FILAN’S on VACATION!!! Will that be the next excuse - nobody to do the math?

  9. - Highland Online - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 12:08 pm:

    The State pulled something similar on the City of Highland with Build Illinois member initiative funds.

    Our State Rep (Stephens) or State Senator (Watson) presented us with one of those big photo op. checks for a road project. When it came time to pay up the State said the money was never appropriated.

    Some blamed Blagojevich, some blamed the legislators. Both sides pointed fingers at each other. Bottom line - the taxpayers of Highland got stuck with a big bill that they had every reason to believe the state was going to assist with.

  10. - What a GOOF! - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 12:14 pm:

    It’s time for Governor Blagojevich to resign!
    Save Illinois from the embarrassment of indictments or impeachment.

  11. - OneMan - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 12:15 pm:

    Could someone come up with some banner ads about this whole mess? Please! If the Ill GOP wont pay for them I might at this point.

  12. - Tunes - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 12:19 pm:

    This poor excuse for a gobvernor never ceases to amaze me. He does what he wants with whatever or whomever he wants and has to answer to no one! …and you can bet your sweet bippy that Cook County will re-elect him in three years (unless he appoints himself to the U.S.Senate- go Barack!). I see that as our only hope to get us out of this mess- barring an indictment of course (which I’ve heard nada about recently)- He is much more crooked than George Ryan ever pretended to be!

  13. - Wacker Drive - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 12:29 pm:

    Blago is laughing at each and everyone of us everyday.

  14. - game plan - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 12:31 pm:

    I listened to the debate when it passed the house and Cross personally had every school district read into the record who was to receive CDB dollars and how much. There’s no excuse for this lack of leadership. He seems to be the only one standing up for districts here.

  15. - Big Red - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 12:45 pm:

    “They’re owed the money,” said House Minority Leader Tom Cross (R-Oswego). “No one is disputing they are owed the money. … Pay them the money. It’s kind of simple.”

    Blago says he can’t because of the rules. But just paying in spite of the rules is exactly what he wants Hynes to do with state bills.

    Can’t have it both ways Rod.

  16. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 12:48 pm:

    Big Red shoots! He scores!

  17. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 12:48 pm:

    An interesting, bigger question is - why is there a state-funded construction program for schools in the first place? It’s not big enough to pay for all school construction, so most schools pay for their construction themselves. But a lucky few apply, get their costs paid for by state taxpayers instead of local taxpayers, and the rest of us wind up subsidizing people moving to high growth areas as well as paying local taxes for our own schools. I don’t think the program should exist in the first place. Let me people moving to high growth areas bear the full cost of their choices.

  18. - Anon - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 1:00 pm:

    Now it has gone beyond grandstanding, sound bites, and personal egos. Now people across the state are starting to feel the effects, and no one is liking it.

    Be careful, politicians. The ripples you cause today could come back as waves on Election Day.

  19. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 1:01 pm:

    It is time for a short term September budget to be worked on before this state, schools, etc. shut down. At the same time, serious debate should occur on proceeding with impeachment of the gov. This is not intended as a snarky comment but rather a very serious proposition.

  20. - game plan - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 1:02 pm:

    In fact, I remember them trying to read these into the record with the Democrats pushing back not wanting to do so. Again, appropriate $150 million with no direction to whom it should go gives the Gov admin carte blanche.

  21. - Truth - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 1:16 pm:

    Hynes’ office was right, Blag’s hypocrisy knows no bounds. My initial reaction is that impeachment talk has no place here and looks petty.

    Yet it is evident that Blago’s actions are hurting this state and its people. He has fostered an environment of distrust that has put our government in gridlock. Maybe there is some merit to the discussion of impeachment.

  22. - Esteban - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 1:23 pm:

    I wish the Dems would develop some backbone and remove this oaf from office.

  23. - Marbley - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 1:23 pm:

    Rich, Did you hear? Is It time for Governor Blagojevich to sign the budget today?

  24. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 1:51 pm:

    Could someoone check to see of BozoBillMorris is still getting a fee for the phony school loan program? He was at the IFA board meeting to promote the scam.

  25. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 2:06 pm:

    The schools are being held hostage…classic commercial in the works.

  26. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 2:11 pm:

    Madagin, Brown, and Mapes should steal the Autopen and put this mess in order. I’ll never tell.

  27. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 2:14 pm:

    I agree with Anon 12:48 about the distribution of funding to build schools. There should be one fund and monies should be distributed according to clear and clearly understood criteria instead of according to the political clout of local politicians or imprecise valuations of need.

    It appears that some of the schools that were promised funding went ahead and built whatever they were planning to build using local funds and issuing bonds. Would they have done this anyway if the funds had not been promised? Maybe not, but probably. Perhaps the promise of funding was used to jump-stair the project with the belief that once construction started, local taxpayers would pony up the cash. And they did. So they apparently could afford it.

    State tax monies belong to all the people of Illinois, not just the temporarily powerful and their constituents.

  28. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 2:39 pm:

    Citizen, that was pretty funny.

    Blaming someone else is easy. Taking the fall is hard. It seems as though Blago did learn something during his school days. Then again, you also have to be good at the trick, so maybe he wasn’t paying attention.

  29. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 2:41 pm:

    If gov AVs Emil’s member initiatives lumpsum that would probably release Emil from his no veto overide pledge that he so mistakenly made. You can’t have a trust agreement between those who can’t be trusted. Emil should show his support for his membership not the gov.

  30. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 2:44 pm:

    Perhaps Emil has done just that and that is why the gov refuses to release the budget back into the process?

  31. - one of the 35 - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 3:23 pm:

    Rich: I don’t pretend to be an expert on state finances but I have a question. We don’t yet have a signed state budget. We do have court permission to pay state workers. How then did we conduct a state fair and incur obligations for goods and services without a signed state budget to authorize such expenditures?

  32. - muon - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 3:25 pm:

    A couple of the comments suggest that these school projects are member initiatives. These were projects initiated back in 2001 or 2002 under the School Construction Law. This is a competitive grant program for downstate schools. There are statutory factors for need and project type. Chicago automatically gets 20% of the money appropriated for these projects.

  33. - Siyotanka - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 3:52 pm:

    35…most if not all of the Fair’s obligations were most likely incurred prior to June 30 deadline. Lapse period spending from prior approps has to be done before Sept 30. These were probably contracts let sometime during early 2007.

  34. - West Central - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 4:07 pm:

    I think when school construction money becomes available CDB contacts the school districts so that the schools came submit their proposals in a timely manner. In mid June they only had two weeks to make a request and CDB was told to sit on it and keep it a secret until the deadline passed.

  35. - Oh My... - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 4:09 pm:

    ..his continuing crap just wants to make you cry.

  36. - Papa Legba - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 4:31 pm:

    Rod is just treating the people of Illinois the way he was treated on the playground as a child.

  37. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 5:25 pm:

    Thanks for the info on the School Construction Law.

    However, I still wonder how free of politics the process of deciding on grants is…regardless of who is in power.

    Also, if, as it appears, some of the districts due funds were able to go ahead and build anyway,
    does that suggest that perhaps the state funds were not needed. Or will local taxpayers get their money back, so to speak, if the money is ever disbursed?

    Are these the funds that the guv intervened with last year, at least to the extent of changing their order on the list of schools awaiting disbursement?

  38. - Fan of the Game - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 5:35 pm:

    Certain criteria were contrived for the “interest-free loans” the governor has touted to help districts offset the lack of state-aid payments.

    If my information is correct (and I am sure that it is), only 30 districts in the entire state are eligible under those criteria. So while the governor proclaims the loans as a remedy for his refusal to sign the budget, many districts that are experiencing cash flow problems will never see a dime of “interest-free loans.”

  39. - muon - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 5:55 pm:


    As you note, there were some of the 23 school districts that went ahead with construction anticipating state aid to make up part of their overall funding package. Those districts incurred extra debt that will be paid by the taxpayer and can reduce the possibility of other projects. Release of the money this year can provide debt service and alleviate the taxpayer’s burden.

    As to your last point, these are the funds that the guv intervened on. He arbitrarily moved Carterville to the top of the priority list. That is the list that should be governed by the statutory factors in the School Construction Law.

  40. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 6:28 pm:

    But why should ANY school get its local construction needs met from state taxpayers, instead of local taxpayers. It’s not fair, even if it’s in a statute with “criteria” insulated from politics. Every other district built their schools with local money; what makes the fortunate few worthy of having their local taxpayers let off the hook by dipping into everyone else’s pockets?

  41. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 6:38 pm:

    I’m kinda getting used to this no budget thing! We are saving an absolute fortune. Sure a few thousand or more folks may be suffering or even dying but that is the wisdom of the gov. They probably weren’t paying taxes anyway, had no political influence/power, so no harm no foul, right? And state employees and their contract brethren have and are virtually volunteering their services, free of charge. This is because the “court order to pay” runs out 8/31/07. And the schools - they need to figure out some other source for the billions they so desparately need because it’d not coming out of the phantom budget. YES, we are saving a fortune - disregard all those bodies writhing in pain in Blago’s wake of abject failure to lead!

  42. - uncle db - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 6:52 pm:

    to Papa Legba…right on the money. Blago the Destroyer acts just like the kid from “back in the day” that takes his ball home cuz we don’t play by their rules. Thing is, somewhere, someday, that kid gets his… get the picture. Wise up Blags, the pendulum swings the other way eventually.

  43. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 6:55 pm:

    Ahhh! The Pit and the Pendulum with blago as the starring victim, How appropriate. I think MM has the tickets.

  44. - Bill - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 6:59 pm:

    You are having entirely too much fun during this “crisis”!

  45. - dupage progressive - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 7:00 pm:

    “s” — You have GOT to be kidding.

    This missive goes out to you and anyone else for that matter, who continues to point fingers as if to say “Blago and/or Jones really didn’t do anything wrong. But, ah, if they did, what about X,Y, Z that others did.”

    It’s pathetic and you know it.
    It reminds me of the reckless way this administration acted during the first few months blago took office. They treated state employees with no respect and fired people with no regard for them as human beings. Their response when questioned? “If Republicans were taking over after long-time Dem rule, they would do the same thing.” Shame on you — then and especially now.

    Everyone on this blog (who obviously are more sophisticated) get it — they know what you’re doing and it’s not okay.

    They get the fact that this Governor is only concerned with positioning himself for the next election.

    They get the fact that Emil has made one whopper of a deal with him, so he had to point fingers AGAIN to make himself feel better about lying to all the leaders.

    They get the fact that the immaturity and games are not only completely embarrassing, but are inexcuseable to put at the feet of taxpayers, schools, kids, people with disabilities and special needs.

    They get the fact that folks down state who were hammered with astronomical electric bills (because they were screwed by the utilities, and eventually the utility-loving senate leader) are now hit once again with school districts who cannot pay their bills.

    They get the fact that we’re stuck in a bad movie — one where no one can be trusted.
    From today’s news re. schools promised the moon and other groups promised everything from the Governor, it has the feeling of a bad lifetime TV movie where 5 women finally get together in a room & discover they have ALL been played by the same man who secretly married them & took all their $.

    Ok, that’s a bit much, but is everyone just NOW getting the fact that this guy promises the moon & stars in every meeting, then doesn’t follow through??

    Why are there no consequences for him?
    Why no consequences for a legislative leader, elected by his peers, who talks out of all sides of his mouth, and then plays the victim??

    When does this stop?

    See you all after labor day when this BAD soap opera/ lifetime movie continues.

    Until then, I’m doing what Bill Black suggested to do, wear a hat & sunglasses and avoid all conversations about the world known as the IL state legislature.

    If anyone in the few coveted decision-making positions is reading this, PLEASE do all of us a favor — put some respect back into this state government.

    You are embarrassing yourselves, and all of us who typically enjoy what we do and enjoy trying to make a difference to help people, not hurt them. You’re making fools of the rest of us too.

    With all due respect, please grow up — it’s not too late.

  46. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 7:14 pm:

    I really do wish I could say that I am having fun or even too much fun. But I believe yo know as I do that this has gone into the real danger zone. If the gov is going to AV the budget then let him do so well before the 8/31 crisis point and move on. I know you think highly of him, and if he truly merits your admiration he would get the budget in place and engage in the political process of negotiation and compromise for the coming budget process to get his priorities started. At this point his methodology is actually seriously damaging the people and the process of democracy.

  47. - Bill - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 7:35 pm:

    C’mon lighten up. If Rod is going to veto my pork I would rather that he just veto the whole thing and start over.The term “methodology” is giving him a little to much credit,I think. This whole waiting game is beginning to get old. Only Rod and Rich know the master plan. When will it ever end?

  48. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 7:45 pm:

    Bill. we are weeks into what is supposed to be the FY2009 budget preparation process. We have no FY2008 budget to base it on. Are you suggesting a biennial budget?

  49. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 7:55 pm:

    -Bill- -Drmgrrl-
    Okay, time to fess up. You two were gone for the same period of time. We all want to know - where’d you too go on your honeymoon? Met on eHarmony or CapFax? Now tell us the truth!

  50. - Bill - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 7:58 pm:

    Another one month temp budget would be better than this. It would take the pressure off a little bit and allow the leaders to craft a budget that would do more to appease the Gov.. I think that they are finding that leaving him out of the process was maybe not such a good idea. Rod is in office for at least three more budgets and we can’t expect anything during an election year. Let’s get it done now once and for all. If they do it right in ‘08 then ‘09 will fall into place.

  51. - Bill - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 8:01 pm:

    Some of us have to work for a living! Demgrrl has been to busy to blog and I have been enjoying watching her work.

  52. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 8:03 pm:

    But he Promised to deliver the Budget with his Amendatory Vetoes LAST Friday. Surely none of us, especially you, would want him to fail to meet that committment/promise. I expect him to meet that obligation - it is, afterall, the Constitutional process. Doing two budgets for the same FY is not!

  53. - Bill - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 8:07 pm:

    I think that he may be having a hard time actually finding that half billion in bacon. Failing that he may just decide to sit on it. Who knows?

  54. - ChokingCub - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 8:09 pm:

    I believe the time has passed to “do it right in 08″. That ship sailed months ago. This has moved from incompetence and arrogance to embarassing. But it is nice that Blago is so self-absorbed that he can sit there and watch people suffer as he pouts like a spoiled school boy.

  55. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 8:14 pm:

    “…may just decide to sit on it. . . . ” - what will result? The whole unamended budget becomes law? What kind of “victory” would that be for anyone? By that time the state structures will be in a shambles. His Legacy? Probably! He should deliver the AV Budget. I think the term is “Checkmate”. Clear the board and set up for the FY2009 game. A good decision!

  56. - ChokingCub - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 8:18 pm:

    I believe he has already secured his “legacy”.

  57. - Gregor - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 8:19 pm:

    Bill said:

    “Rod is in office for at least three more budgets and we can’t expect anything during an election year. Let’s get it done now once and for all. ”

    Well, you’re half right.

  58. - How is it - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 8:19 pm:

    the things the governor is doing not breaking the law? Why can’t someone step in & stop the chaos!? Just because he says it - does not make it so! Also - to A Citizen, I hope you were being sarcastic in saying they’re saving tons of money by operating without a budget in place…in the agency I work at - that is sooo not the case. They continue to order equipment just as much, if not more, than was done before - and that’s all agencies across the board. We’ve not seen a drop in purchasing (or should I said ordering, guess it’s not purchased until it’s paid for!) at all!

  59. - Bill - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 8:20 pm:

    That still could happen and probably will but I am starting to smell another strategy beginning to be implemented. Again, who knows? I’m done trying to predict what will happen.

  60. - ChokingCub - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 8:25 pm:

    Another strategy? You mean he actually had one before?

  61. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 8:29 pm:

    Bill, “Smell” would definitely be the operative descriptor regarding any new strategy. He promised to deliver the AV Budget last friday. Let’s meet at least one promise allbeit late.

  62. - Bill - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 8:34 pm:

    Don’t count on it.

  63. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 8:39 pm:

    But Bill, He PROMISED! What are you trying to tell me? Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus ? Be gentle Bill, this is a family blog.

  64. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 8:45 pm:

    Tomorrow’s Sun Times Headline: “Blagojevich Massacres Easter Bunny, says there’s no Santa Claus, and Tooth Fairy is a Fraud! Entire State Population in Shock!” Gov unavailable for further comment. Rausch and Nix seen sobbing in outer office.

  65. - Bill - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 8:47 pm:


  66. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 8:55 pm:

    “?” So what do you believe that this impostor EVER commits to, promises, or takes an oath to? Even you must have a limit to your faith in this guy. I have admired your loyalty but I must confess I believe it is 100% misplaced. And I think you also know this.

  67. - Just Watching - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 8:58 pm:

    If the Governor has a new budget strategy, shouldn’t he direct staff to update his web site? There is a press release prominently posted there that might make him look bad when he announces the new plan. Or is that just a ploy to get the hounds off his scent until he can devise a new escape plan?

  68. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 9:21 pm:

    Gov: ” I have fought the good fight for the things I believe in and I have achieved some of those goals.
    Madagin: ” The gov has fought the good fight and I admire his perseverance.”
    Emil: “We have fought hard for our shared goals.”
    Balagjevich: “However, I think the time has come, for the good of the state to sign this budget and get on with the peoples’ business.” “Tomorrow, I will propose my new initiatives for Fy2009 and invite the members of the GA to engage with me in negotiations and compromises so we can accomplish great things for the people of this great state.”
    A diplomatic resolution to this quagmire.

  69. - Papa Legba - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 9:43 pm:


    You wrote to A Citizen - “Another one month temp budget would be better than this. It would take the pressure off a little bit and allow the leaders to craft a budget that would do more to appease the Gov.”

    Appease the Governor?!?!? How about doing right for the state and the people living in it?

    Enough false idol worship and cut Rod and Emil out of the picture.

    It’s time for the legislature to stand up, band together and lock those two in a closet.

  70. - Bill - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 9:59 pm:

    That’ll never happen.

  71. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 10:05 pm:

    Maybe not, but it does present a delightful mental picture!

  72. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 10:22 pm:

    We need some more Special Sessions. Whatever happened to the first twelve of them? I didn’t hear any “sine die” stuff. What’s going on?

  73. - college student - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 10:32 pm:

    have all you with college age children realized that since there is no state budget in place, all our state student loans are now cancelled! forget about the school districts not getting their money. now you have to come up with more for your own kids college or pay penalities and added fees!

  74. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Aug 22, 07 @ 10:58 pm:

    Yet another segment in pain and suffering due to this gov’s inaction on our state budget. When will it end? When will the bleeding and hurt STOP!

  75. - Truth - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 8:50 am:

    When he’s gone.

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