Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Hastert to resign in November? *** Updated x1 - Schock has new poll ***
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Hastert to resign in November? *** Updated x1 - Schock has new poll ***

Thursday, Aug 23, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Updated and bumped up for higher visibility.]

This is from Bob Novak’s subscriber-only publication and appears to be true…

An Illinois Republican source tells us former Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) plans to resign November 6 this year instead of finishing out his term. This would create a vacancy and trigger a special election in the 14th District.

Under Illinois statute, the governor, Rod Blagojevich (D), would get to pick the date of both of the special general election and the special primary election (with separate ballots for each party). The general election would have to be within 120 days of the vacancy (meaning by early March, if the November 6 resignation date holds). February 5 is the date for Illinois’s presidential and congressional primaries, and slating the special election — either the primaries or the general — on that date would save state money.

The effect of the placing either the special primary or the special general on the same day as the presidential primary is impossible to determine at this point. If one party is seeing a more competitive presidential primary by that date, it could benefit from boosted turnout. The presence of Illinois Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) on the primary ballot could help Democrats.

In any event, a special election would entail a much briefer campaign, which would favor the more well-funded candidates. That would be businessmen Jim Oberweis (R) and Bill Foster (D).

On net, Hastert’s early resignation, by stirring the pot, gives Democrats a slightly better chance in this Republican district.

*** UPDATE *** State Rep. Aaron Schock seems to be wasting no time in his congressional bid. Billy Dennis posted a press release from Schock at his blog yesterday…

For voters interested in the Republican nomination for Congress to succeed retiring Congressman Ray LaHood (IL-18), the Aaron Schock campaign is publicly sharing recent polling results showing Schock in a commanding position to win the Republican nomination and to go on to trounce his Democrat opponent in the general election as well.

Schock now leads his nearest possible competitor Darin LaHood by a two-to-one margin. Two other candidates, Peoria ex-city councilman John Morris and Heartland Partnership official Jim McConoughey trail far behind Schock and LaHood with only 3% each. […]

The poll showed Schock overwhelming Grawey by 33% of the vote. While Morris beat Grawey by only 8 points; McConoughey beat Grawey by only 7 points, and Darin LaHood beat Grawey by 18 points. With Schock beating the Democrat by almost twice as high a plurality than Darin LaHood and four times as much as the other two Republicans, it proves Schock is by far the strongest candidate Republicans can put forward in the Fall of 2008, which might be yet another difficult year for Republicans, especially in Illinois.

Shearer said he wouldn’t trade Aaron Schock’s position with any other potential candidate—Republican or Democrat.

You can download some of the poll results by clicking here.


  1. - Dan Johnson-Weinberger - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 8:30 am:

    This is refreshing: when an elected official resigns, there is a special election to fill the vacancy. State law only requires this for congressional vacancies. We should change state law and apply the rule for all vacancies in office: state legislators, local elected officials and to fill vacancies in nomination.

  2. - Wumpus - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 8:31 am:

    Well, that could provide a lot of comic releif watching, more like listening to Bi-Polarweis ™ run. Which Jim will run this time. What new positions will he embrace and what groups will he now alienate…stay tuned for your answer.

  3. - Ghost - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 8:37 am:

    Interesting, I wonder why Hastert is doing somthing that would trend towards helping the democrats.

  4. - Leigh - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 8:41 am:

    I don’t think Hastert would be doing it to help the democrats but possibly to make it more difficult on certain republicans??????

  5. - kane county watch - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 8:46 am:

    if Hastert pulls this stunt, it’s only to derail Lauzen. Chris would need a lot a money, but the guy is a HARD worker and there’s things money can’t buy….for those times use American Express and sweat and grassroots. Obie will use $$. Gosh, has Denny’s advisors lost their minds?

  6. - The Watcher - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 8:55 am:

    Hopefully Governor Blagojevich will wait until after Lt. Gov. Quinn’s recall law passes. Then, the Gov. can cooridinate the election for Hastert’s seat with his own recall vote.

  7. - Lance Stevens - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 9:06 am:

    I don’t know how you can call it a “stunt”. He doesn’t want to serve anymore. Isn’t resigning the right thing to do?

  8. - game plan - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 9:08 am:

    Anything that Lauzen presents in the Senate is DOA. He is not effective for his constituents. Hard working - that’s only in shaking hands and kissing babies.

  9. - Anon - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 9:09 am:

    Hmm, Blago will certainly be torn about what action to take. On the one hand, according to Novak, he could help out Democrats by placing the special Feb. 5. But on the other, he could wait until the last possible minute to act, meaning an early March primary, and cost the state money at the same, two of his favorite pastimes. Novak takes a lot for granted assuming Blago will be logical.

  10. - Pat Collins - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 9:12 am:

    Lauzen is rather well known in the district. I think a “quickie” election helps him.

    As for anything he does in the Senate being DOA, well, given how well that body performs, I would say that’s a badge of honor.

  11. - Squideshi - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 9:17 am:

    In case anyone hasn’t already noticed, not only is the Green Party running a coordinated campaign of congressional candidates in districts bordering this one; but Greens have also recently become more active in this district itself. In other words, I think that it would be safe to assume that there might be three candidates for this office, rather than simply two.

  12. - Pay Back Time - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 9:19 am:

    This type of an election; primary, and/or general, will not be determined by television ads, bill boards or mass regional media televised debates, but rather field organizations, and Hastert’s endorsement.

    Oberweis has name recognition and a track record; which is not perceived as good, even in his “hometown” area. He could put together and fund a field organization, but if his past staffing model persists, then the invasion of the body snatcher crowd will likely prove equally as effective as they have in the past for him.

    Just a hunch, but I do not think you will see Hastert’s endorsement going to Oberweis. He might even prefer the seat going Democratic at this juncture.

    Lauzen has name recognition within a large part of the 14th District; a track (voting) record, and some money; the ability to raise more, and some semblance of a field organization, although they are more passive than this type of “hand to hand” street campaign might require over a short run.

    I am sure Lauzen has asked for Hastert’s endorsement by now; and perhaps under the right circumstances he might get it, although it is far too pre-mature to serve that up when he hasn’t even resigned the position yet.

    I suspect that Lauzen would owe a far greater debt of gratitude to Haster however, then the other way around, and this type of race could be an opportune time to repay old debts; perhaps in spades.

    Assuming that Haster is not going to pull a Madigan/Lipinski/Hynes on the electorate, then another candidate could emerge from the shadows that might receive the Speaker’s nod.

    Boyd Ingemunson would likely have little trouble raising sufficient money to run a credible sprint race like this. He has good name recognition in the fastest growing part of the 14th District, and there are enough people throughout the balance of the district (outside the territory represented by Lauzen) that owe enough gratitude to the Speaker to follow his lead on something like this, even if that would not have been their own first choice independently.

    When you are the Speaker of the House; there are very few people that you owe a debt of gratuitude to; which you have not already found a way to repay somewhere along the way if you were inclined to do so.

    This would certainly be a unique opportunity to repay some gratitude; that would be the next closest thing to setting up your own off-spring to have the best opportunity to win this race.

    In the end; despite the national trends; or temporary statewide or district inclinations to vote Democratic for some candidates. I do not see this district going Democratic, so long as Hastert is alive and well to campaign for the Republican candidate in the end.

  13. - kane county watch - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 9:21 am:

    Hard working = walking the district and organizing your base. Obie wants to BUY his base and there are a lot of “consultants” who love his mother’s milk… Lauzen has been running for the 14th for over 3 years, while Obie was trying to be elected to other offices because his ego is not satisified. I’m a Chapa La Via supporter and sad to see Linda bail out. Lauzen will be my next Congressman.

  14. - OneMan - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 9:25 am:

    Ok, this is a bit of a dumb question. But election costs are covered by county clerks and election authorities in Illinois, right?

    If so I can see how having the primary on the primary day saves some cash for the counties, but not for the state.

    Also unless he resigns today I don’t see how they could do a primary before the normal primary.

  15. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 9:25 am:

    Squideshi, I was wondering why a viable/recognized political party like yours didn’t have a “day” at the Illinois State Fair like the Dems and Repubs. Is yours going to be at DuQuoin?

  16. - game plan - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 9:33 am:

    Chapa La Via SHOULD be the candidate. I was very dissappointed that she didn’t do this. I really wish people could stick to the script on voting. Besides giving someone a leg up, what other benefit is there to retiring early?

  17. - Bill Baar - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 9:34 am:

    The presence of Illinois Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) on the primary ballot could help Democrats.

    If it seems a shoe in for Obama in Illinois, and a shoe in for Clinton Nationally, I think the primary looks pretty boring for Dems in Illinois.

    Ron Paul’s anti-war stand may look attractive to them and they’ll pull GOP tickets to who knows what effect.

  18. - game plan - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 9:36 am:

    pay back time, who does Lauzen owe? Roeser…that’s they type of person he is. Would Lauzen be beholding to Hastert or his purse strings Roeser? Once you’re in people don’t care except where the money comes from.

  19. - GOP - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 9:41 am:

    I think that Hastert’s health is the problem, but that is only rumor in DC.

  20. - Rob_N - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 9:41 am:

    Gee, all those poll numbers and not a dime spent by the DCCC yet… (the NRCC is still in debt right now to the tune of -$2.1 mil — and the RNC is unlikely to bail them out in a presidential year).

    Polls this far out are little better than a Magic 8 ball. But good luck to Mr. Schock nonetheless if he thinks such a poll proves anything other than people are tired of kingmakers handing seats to their princes.

    Bill, Ron Paul’s various other stands may look like poison to Dems, though I agree with the notion he’ll keep libertarian swing votes in the (R) fold.

    PS - still waiting for your answer about Seals and Footlik.

  21. - Squideshi - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 9:44 am:

    “Squideshi, I was wondering why a viable/recognized political party like yours didn’t have a ‘day’ at the Illinois State Fair like the Dems and Repubs. Is yours going to be at DuQuoin?”

    We should have had a day. The state fair is partially funded by taxpayer dollars, but this is just another example in the long list of ways that we face discrimination as a political party; and with petitioning, and the upcoming elections, I don’t think that anyone had time to follow up on this particular issue (That doesn’t mean they won’t.) On the flip side, however, I was able to negotiate with my local county fair association and convince them to agree to sign a Memorandum of Understanding indicating that they would designate a “Green Day” at next year’s county fair.

  22. - Undercover - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 9:50 am:

    I am also a Chapa LaVia supporter and was sad to see her drop out. I have to wonder if Hastert’s decision to resign had anything to do with Linda deciding not to run.

  23. Pingback Faithfully Liberal - » Hastert to resign early, what’s my old district to do? - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 9:55 am:

    […] Hastert to resign early, what’s my old district to do? By Aaron Krager Well this is news from yesterday but I am glad to see it.  Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert is getting set to resign effective November 6th according to columnist Bob Novak. (Via Capitol Fax)  I grew up and went to high school in the rural western part of the district.  I know it fondly and I have the memories (and scars) of how conservative the vast majority of the district is, sadly enough. […]

  24. - Dan Johnson-Weinberger - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 9:59 am:

    OneMan, I think you’re right. The counties and the local election authorities in the district would foot the bill for the special election. The state doesn’t foot the bill (except, I think, the state reimburses for some election judges’ cost. I don’t know if that would apply for a special election). And perhaps Hastert’s motivation for his timing is that it just makes sense to have a special primary election on the same day as the regular primary election. Just a thought.

  25. - Rob_N - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 10:07 am:


    “Word” on the street is that Hastert didn’t get his way amongst the county GOP chairs and so he’s throwing the doors open by leaving early. Don’t how true that is, and I don’t really see how this action benefits the Dems either….

  26. - Bill Baar - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 10:23 am:


    This question: where is your evidence that Mr. Seals or Mr. Footlik espouse the sentiments you describe?

    I have none. I know little about the candidates other than one of them attended Kos. I think they’re questions to be asked of any candidates for Congress. Especially if they were at that subject conference.

    I’d ask them of Lauzen… I’ll probably see him at the Campton Township GOP picnic.

  27. - Bill Baar - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 10:26 am:

    as I think about it: boring Illinois Dem Primary equals Dem cross overs to Ron Paul equals a vote for Oberweis.

    just a guess…. knowing some of the people with these Ron Paul signs in their front lawn already.

  28. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 10:35 am:

    Why should anyone be shocked by Denny’s actions? He doesn’t like any GOP candidates in the race, so he’s doing the typical politician dance and not helping anyone. The party propped him up and he was the top dog in the House (ceremoniously, not literally) for 7 1/2 years. He should at least feel the need to help keep the seat in GOP hands.

    However, I’ve heard rumors that the NRCC is so concerned about keeping the 10th and 18th CDs in Illinois that they are willing to allow Oberweis the chance to fund his own campaign, this freeing up funds for other districts. It’s risky but I wouldn’t be surprised if the NRCC folks felt the same way about Oberweis that Illinois GOP faithful do.

    As for Schock, I’m not surprised. Darin hasn’t even really announced yet. That doesn’t mean he could beat Schock, but it could indicate that some voters don’t know of Darin or don’t know whether he will run or not.

  29. - True Observer - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 10:48 am:

    Assuming that elections must be held on Tuesday, if Hastert resigns on November 6, 2007, the earliest date for the primary for the special would be January 22, 2008. There is not enough time to certify the results of the special primary for the run-off to be held on February 5, 2008.

    Likely scenario is that the primary for the special will be on February 5, 2008 with the run-off on March 4, 2008.

    There is the very real possibility that the winner of the special primary may not be the same as the winner of the general primary for the 2008 election.

    In that event, provided he is willing he could decline the nomination ala Lane Evans and let the precint committeemen of the 14th replace him for the special run-off. However, because of the required notices for scheduling the meeting of precint committeemen, it may not be possible to get it done in time.

    When LaVia decided not to run, that was the signal that it’s going to be Oberweis or Lauzen.

  30. - kane county watch - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 10:56 am:

    okay, then why is Geneva Mayor Kevin Burns in the race? ego? stupidity? I don’t get it? anyone have a clue? won’t Schmitz or a kane county board member like Hoscheit have more name ID throughout the 14th than a mayor of a town of only 23,000 and county population of 490,000?

  31. - True Observer - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 11:07 am:

    To run, Schmitz has to give up his seat and Burns does not.

    Schmitz like LaVia were viable candidates. Burns is not.

    Burns is going for a hail Mary because he is a moderate and Oberweis and Lauzen are true conservatives.

  32. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 11:08 am:

    Kane, Tim Schmitz already announced he isn’t running. To me, he should stuck with it and let Denny’s people push him to the forefront. If Denny’s hand-picked successor were to run, the NRCC would re-think their strategy.

  33. - fedup dem - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 11:25 am:

    Schmitz is apparently smart enough to not risk throwing his political career away. If Hastert had wanted Schmitz to succeed him, he should have resigned a few months ago, allowing Schmitz a free shot at running without sacrificing the option of seeking re-election to the General Assembly if things didn’t pan out.

    Instead, the Republicans will likely have to choose from Burns (whose mayoral term runs until 2009), Lauzen (whose State Senate term runs until 2010) and Oberweis (who does not hold elective office). If you are a Republican voter in that district and you don’t like those choices, blame Denny for staying around too long this year.

  34. - So Ill...who is now actually No Ill, and sometimes just Ill - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 11:47 am:

    From Novak:

    “Under Illinois statute, the governor, Rod Blagojevich (D), would get to pick the date of both of the special general election and the special primary election (with separate ballots for each party). The general election would have to be within 120 days of the vacancy (meaning by early March, if the November 6 resignation date holds).”

    The Governor Responds:

    Gov. Rod Blagojevich said Wednesday he is going to take his time designating a special election day because he is “suspicious” of a document that requires him to do so quickly.

    “I’m suspicious when a piece of paper like the state Constitution is telling me there is a deadline for signing the bill,” said Blagojevich, who likened it to being pressured by a used-car salesman. “When the Constitution is saying you only have three, four months to hold an election or else, I think it is prudent to be a little suspicious and to take a good look and look at the fine print in the document. We’ll see if we can make the deal better or not.”

  35. - True Observer - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 1:32 pm:

    For a special election for congress there are 3 requirements set in stone.

    1. The governor must call the election within 5 days of the vacancy and it must be no later than 115 days from the date he calls it.

    2. The date for the primary for the special election must be set for the 72nd day from the day the State Board of Elections announces the date.

    3. There are 22 days to circulate and file petitions. This is 50 days prior to the date of the primary. The number of signatures is the same as for a regular primary. Challenging of petitions procedure is the same. Each party has its own primary. If there is only one candidate for a party, there is no primary for the party.

  36. - the wonderboy - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 1:43 pm:

    There is A LOT of info missing from those poll results. Telling me that the firm was done by one of the most respected firms in the nation doesn’t mean anything. How was the sample drawn? Sample size? Questions asked? Was anyone disqualified based upon answers? Too much info is missing for this to mean anything, especially with how early it is in the cycle.

    Shearer is trying to scare off the competition, but I have a feeling it will take a little more to scare off a LaHood. Call me crazy, but that is a pretty politically savvy family and Shearer’s usual tactics aren’t going to be enough to frighten the competition.

    By the way, I love how the press release talks about Schock’s greatness based upon his “inspirational campaigns” and the millions spent on television to increase name ID and favorability. Impressive that this is how Shearer defines experience and the qualities necessary to be a representative in Congress. Thanks for pointing out what is wrong with our system and furthering such shallow qualifications of politicians. Add to that the fact that Schock is DREAMY and I’m not sure if we should make him President or second coming of Christ.

    Here’s to you, Steve Shearer. You are what’s wrong with our democracy.

  37. - Steve - O - Thursday, Aug 23, 07 @ 3:30 pm:

    Wonderboy, those were my exact thoughts as I read that. The LaHood name is still great, and Ray LaHood has always been such a class act.

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