Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » This just in… Governor’s veto of court funds “inadvertent”
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This just in… Governor’s veto of court funds “inadvertent”

Friday, Aug 24, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 2:37 pm - The House Republicans met via conference call today and, I’m told, there was “overhwelming” sentiment in the caucus to vote to override the governor’s budget vetoes, even though Blagojevich included almost all of their pork projects in that budget.

Apparently, somebody in the guv’s office [(cough!)Harris(cough!)] was telling people that the governor had locked up the House Republican vote against the override, which would have prevented the motion from reaching the Senate, therefore taking the heat off Senate President Jones.

Not gonna happen. At least, not now.

You can bet the HRepubs will be threatened with losing their pork money if they vote to override the vetoes. The projects might be in the budget, but that doesn’t mean the governor has to release the money.

* 3:12 pm - The governor flew over some flooded areas today before holding a press conference to announce that he had declared four counties a disaster area. It wasn’t all smiles

Blagojevich’s suburban tour and disaster declaration come just a day after he cut thousands of dollars worth of flood control projects for the area, calling them unessential “pork.”

The sudden turnabout angered the Cook County lawmakers who pushed for $100,000 for Des Plaines River flood control efforts in Prospect Heights and $80,000 to shore up Buffalo Creek only to have the governor eliminate the funding.

“I think that it’s really wrong to go to one area of flooding and say, ‘I’m going to do everything I can,’ and the day before having cut $100,000 for flood relief out of the budget,” said state Rep. Elaine Nekritz, a Northbrook Democrat.

Those vetoes are gonna continue biting him in the posterior.

* 3:18 pm - More on the vetoes from this brief AP story…

In two cases, he approved half the money for a bridge to be repaired but vetoed the other half.

* 3:39 pm - Oh, this is rich. From the Daily Law Bulletin we have a story about the governor’s vetoes of budget items for the Supreme Court…

By early Friday afternoon, an administration official reached out to the chief justice and the director of the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts to say the cuts affecting the judicial branch were inadvertent, and that the governor would work with the courts to restore funding. […]

In a telephone interview early Friday afternoon, Administrative Office Director Cynthia Y. Cobbs initially said she was “concerned” about the cuts. But she called back minutes later to say she had just been contacted by the governor’s general counsel, William J. Quinlan Jr.

According to Cobbs, Quinlan contacted her and Chief Justice Robert R. Thomas to say the vetoes of court funds were “inadvertent.”

“He gave assurances that those vetoes were in error and that they intend to work closely with us to rectify the situation,” Cobbs said.

[Empasis added.]

Once you veto the money, it’s gone. The courts will have to wait for a supplemental appropriation bill. And considering the climate, who knows when that might be.

The competence continues.

… Adding… So, let’s see…

The governor whacked Dan Hynes’ budget good, including almost $2 million for court reporters. Their vengeance apparently got out of hand.

They also reduced probation services by over $2 million, sliced $200,000 out of court administration, with acompanying reductions in pension and Social Security contributions, took over a hundred large out of electronic data processing and slashed more than $400,000 from contractural services.

Inadvertent. Right.

* 4:06 pm - More from the AP on those goofy vetoes, with some slight editing changes to make it more understandable…

* CUT: $65,000 for West Deerfield Township for a handicapped-accessible van.

* SPARED: $45,000 for the Snyder Village Senior Center for a handicapped-accessible van.

* CUT: $20,000 for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Illinois for youth mentoring programs.

* SPARED: $50,000 for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Illinois for a youth mentoring program.

* CUT: $50,000 for the Village of Hanover Park for a bike path.

* SPARED: $500,000 for the Village of Romeoville to create a bike trail.

And the list goes on and on and on…

* 5:00 pm - Governors budget cuts hit CPS - Money for after-school programs and capital improvements ends up on the chopping block… Sidebar: What the governor cut, what he spared


  1. - Wumpus - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 2:50 pm:

    SO what is our “Right Wing Republican Gov” to do?

  2. - s - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 2:53 pm:

    This is an easy win for the Gov:

    They are having conference calls figuring out how to stop him from providing healthcare to more people, while he is tending to disasters around the state.

    Mother Nature (God?) is on Rod’s side this week.

  3. - Rich Miller - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 3:10 pm:

    It’s nice that he’s out at the flood zone. Wonder when he ever might get to Rockford or the Metro East?

  4. - deloris - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 3:13 pm:

    I’d like my lawmnaker to explain why will not be getting money if he throws away his vote to help democratic house members.

  5. - Princeville - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 3:15 pm:

    I don’t understand the reasoning above in ’s’ stating that this situation is an easy win for Blago. He’s tending to business, his job, while the House Republicans are tending to their buisness, their job. Doing a fly around and inspecting to declare emergency situations is his job, di you expect as the lawmakers toride along? I’d be concerned about the way this governor is forcing his way with a budget, and the method he’s used to do it, ramming health programs down our throats whether we want them or not while he vetos/slashes payments to care givers disabled, elderly, and children/ parents already on health care.

  6. - Anon - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 3:15 pm:

    He will never get to Rockford, they raised their sales tax to fix their own roads and put up signs pointing out which roads are state responsibility—the roads with all the potholes.

  7. - pchappel - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 3:16 pm:

    But really, what difference does it make, other than to perhaps illustrate how broken the system is? The House gets to “win” by overriding the vetoes, at least “on paper”. The SRubs get a “win” saying that “If only we could have voted, we’d override them too…”… Of course Senator Jones and the governor get their “win” as well by blatantly abusing the system by playing on a technicality within the rules. So, totally legal, but good political capitol, if only there were an opposition party… And of course, the only “losers” under this scenario are us folks out here :-)

  8. - Rich Miller - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 3:21 pm:

    “s,” considering the 3:12 pm post, I don’t think this is an “easy win” for the guv.

  9. - stallion - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 3:33 pm:

    As a Democrat, Im glad the Republicans didnt fall for the extortion (members incentive) money. You run on the ticket at election time as a D or R, but at the end of the day we are all human, trying to make a better life for ourselves and family. The divisiveness that this Gov. has displayed is the worst I have ever seen. He is looking for allies at any expense. The insanity of playing politics with the members initiative money allocated for the needy is not what this country or this state stands for. Some media need to pin this down and make sure that the average voters are aware of this dictatorship. The political junkies like ourselves understand, but the people that this is having a serious effect on need to demonstrate there frustration. If this were a book, I would be afraid to read the ending, cause it doesnt look good !!!!!

  10. - stallion - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 3:36 pm:

    So if the flooding was in one of MJM’s State rep. districts, the Gov. wouldnt act like an adult????

  11. - steve schnorf - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 3:44 pm:

    Rich, regarding the courts, in fairness to the administration and OMB, I doubt that anyone can make that many line-items and reductions in that short a time without some errors. I remember one time we funded a grant for the wrong Stephenson House (we funded the one in Bloomington, the money was supposed to go to the farm up in where, Lake County?

  12. - Rich Miller - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 3:46 pm:

    Steve, you would think that they’d have taken care to avoid shafting the entire court system. This is not just a simple typo.

  13. - So Blue Democrat - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 3:49 pm:


    There is a major difference between a cut for the courts, and not knowing what Stephenson House was funded. The incompetence of this administration can readily be displayed not only in the Governor’s Office, but in every state agency.

  14. - Downstater - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 3:51 pm:

    This is NOT “inadvertant.” This is a case of simply going through the budget and marking out anything that belongs to a House Democrat and keeping anything that belongs to a House Republican no matter what it said. He just crossed it out. If there’s ever a time to take him to court, the time is now since he has upset the court system.

  15. - capitol view - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 3:54 pm:

    sounds like a “trailer” approp. bill is in the works for the judiciary and other corrections — if not a total reworking of the FY 08 omnibus budget bill, superceding/repealing the current one.

    Emil Jones never said a word about a follow-up bill and what he might do with it.

  16. - Ghost - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 3:55 pm:

    Just because the Gov says it was a mistake doesn’t mean it was. His reputaion is a bit tarnished.

  17. - Crimefighter - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 3:55 pm:

    Excuse me, if you looked at some of the items he veto’ed, they were HEALTH CARE PROGRAMS…so the governor VETO’ED health care items, exactly the things he was wanting to move money to! Did this governor just stick sheets of the budget on the wall and throw darts at them???

  18. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 4:03 pm:

    I look forward to the next three weeks of press regarding budget cuts with glee.

    And Rich, did you mean to say “the competence continues”? If you did, it was tongue-in-cheek I trust.

    I hope someone can explain how the Governor supposedly vetoed $141 million in pork, yet the Senate Democrats, House Republicans, and JCAR members’ projects all remain. Did we change the definition of “pork” while I wasn’t looking?

  19. - annon - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 4:08 pm:

    when is this arrogance going to end ?? his inability to lead and to govern is more than apparent, why aren’t we looking at the very least, hearings into his office & his operation, blunders. this is simply wrong. this thing, this budget is so chopped up now…it’s almost ineffective. the longer this goes the worse it is & will get. it’s like the guy threw darts. he’s an embarrassment to our state & the nation.

  20. - Rich Miller - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 4:12 pm:

    Capitol View, he said “Case closed.” That’s pretty definitive. Besides, who would trust him now?

  21. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 4:16 pm:

    The $90 million Medicaid appropriation vetoes net only half-value to the state because the federal government pays for the other half. So the actual savings is only $45 million.

  22. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 4:18 pm:

    Let’s see Fumbles Harris dropped the Nerf ball again with his claims about HGOPs.

    Slick Willie Quinlan screws the courts.

    Sen. Jones’ wife agency gets whacked.

    Where’s Giggles? Maybe on vacation with Filan!

  23. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 4:20 pm:

    And I forgot:
    CUT: $20,000 for Elk Grove Village Sister Cities for hosting a delegation from Sicily.
    SPARED: $20,000 for the Rainbow Push Coalition for educational programs.
    Pass the Olive Oil!

  24. - ISBE - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 4:24 pm:

    I like the one where he item vetoed $150,000 for civic education out of the Board of Educations’ budget.

  25. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 4:29 pm:

    Deloris -

    I can explain to you pretty simply why your Republican State Rep. would vote to override the Governor’s veto, even if it means that he might take retribution on their local projects:

    1. Your State Rep. promised to.

    2. The extortion never ends with the Blagojevich administration. The project might be spared for now if they don’t override the veto, but the Governor will want another vote, then another vote, then another one… Simply put, there’s no negotiating with Dictators.

  26. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 4:33 pm:

    annon - I expect the House will be holding hearings on all kinds of things in the coming months, including the impact of budget vetoes.

    Personally, I hope the Speaker finally allows State Rep. Jack Franks to invoke the subpoena power of committee chairs, so we can have lengthy subject matter hearings into some of the goings-on within the administration.

  27. - A Citizen - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 4:34 pm:

    He was just practicing - now he’ll call Durbin and Obama and try to get them to withold Fitz’s funding. That might amount to Teflon for our inadvertent gov. Does anyone seriously believe he ever does anything inadvertently ? Incompetently though yes!

  28. - who woudda thunk it - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 4:34 pm:

    mal·fea·sance = the performance by a public official of an act that is legally unjustified, harmful, or contrary to law; wrongdoing (used esp. of an act in violation of a public trust).
    mis·fea·sance = the wrongful performance of a normally lawful act; the wrongful and injurious exercise of lawful authority.
    non·fea·sance = failure to perform an act that is either an official duty or a legal requirement.
    im·peach: to accuse (a public official) before an appropriate tribunal of misconduct in office.

  29. - Truth - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 4:35 pm:

    Can anyone imagine a group of people that could screw things up any worse than these stooges?

  30. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 4:39 pm:

    Maybe Franks will issue the subpoena for Tusk so he can explain why he did not tell the rest of us to adios IL when he did.

  31. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 4:39 pm:

    It’s probably worth pointing out to concerned bloggers that a reduced line item can be restored by a simple majority, while a completely eliminated line-item must be approved by a super-majority in both chambers.

  32. - s - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 4:46 pm:

    Again, can someone explain to me how critical any of these things are (the ones cut and the ones left in) if they weren’t important enough to be in the budget until they got slipped in during one week in August?

    I say cut it all out!

  33. - Truth - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 4:49 pm:

    Cutting it all out would be fair. Cutting some, but not others is where the outrage enters the picture and causes people to wonder who sold out and for what.

  34. - A Citizen - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 4:50 pm:

    The process has to be allowed to be called and each chamber to vote. Emil said he would not. Madagin obviously the better statesman will. Maybe the pressures on Emil will bare results and the AVs will be allowed to be heard and voted up or down.

  35. - Cassandra - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 4:57 pm:

    I can’t get too excited about court systems getting a little money cut. They are generally stuffed with unnecessary patronage employees and their existence encourages an approach to social and legal problems which emphasizes litigation in lieu of mediation and throwing people in jail when they could safely be maintained in the community.

    The more judges and support court personnel, the more court cases. It’s a primitive system.

  36. - A Citizen - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 5:06 pm:

    Gov is still irrelevant - he cannot regain relevancy by alienating the entire political landscape of Illinois. Sure, he can do great damage with his negativity, however, nothing positive is accomplished to be proud of, only ashamed.

  37. - HighwayMan - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 5:08 pm:

    I can’t speak for all of the vetoed line items… But, I know about those two bridges for which the Guv vetoed half of the money. They are definitely not pork projects.

    One was closed due to the flooding and is now under water!

    Are they supposed to repair or replace only one-half of the bridge?

  38. - Trafficmatt - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 5:10 pm:

    This is starting to sound like the scene in the movie “Dave” where he brought in his accounting buddy, who had absolutely no experience in government, to “fix” the budget while munching on a pastrami sandwich. The difference is that in the movie, Dave was trying to really help people. In Blago’s case, he is doing everything he can to hurt and undermine as many people as possible.

  39. - A Citizen - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 5:27 pm:

    Meeks must be so totally disappointed in the outcome of his “deal” with the gov. Just another person in the long line of those DUPED by the gov. Will they/we ever learn? The gov is a total charlatan and con artist.

  40. - SeerSucker - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 5:37 pm:

    Highway man,
    I hear that they plan to take the half that’s left and build one-quarter of the bridge on each side and make everyone cross it ala Bo and Luke Duke.
    That said, I think the local school’s going to need a faster bus.

  41. - gordot - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 6:16 pm:

    If MJM is smart - and we know he is - he’ll tie new legislation restoring the “inadvertent” cuts made to the courts to other cuts and make Emil sweat.

  42. - Esteban - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 7:01 pm:

    If I understand this correctly, the House could
    bote to restore the money for the courts but if
    the Senate voted to override as well then a vote
    on ALL of the guv’s cuts would have to be voted
    up or down. Is this correct?

  43. - plutocrat03 - Friday, Aug 24, 07 @ 10:16 pm:

    the Republic is lost.

    Everyone for themselves

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