This just in… Filan on vacation… Ryan’s conviction affirmed… Bail granted, for now…
Tuesday, Aug 21, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * 10:41 am - Well, this is a little bizarre. The state’s chief * 10:51 am - Big news from the Tribune…
* 10:53 am - You can download the Ryan decision here. * Excerpts from the majority opinion…
* KANNE, Circuit Judge, dissenting…
* 11:46 am - DuPage County may actually see a contested race for Democratic Party chairman. * 12:46 pm - I’ve been curious when Ryan will have to report to prison. CBS2 fills us in…
* 3:28 pm - From the US Attorney’s office…
* 4:09 pm - AP…
* 5:39 pm - From the US Court of Appeals…
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Tuesday, Aug 21, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Tuesday, Aug 21, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller First, the setup, from today’s Rockford Register-Star editorial page…
Now, the question: Should public school teachers be allowed to strike? Why or why not? Explain fully. Also, please do your very best to confine your responses to the question at hand. Thanks.
Budget roundup
Tuesday, Aug 21, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * Sneed had this tidbit today…
* We’ll just have to wait and see. Meanwhile, stories like this continue to pile up…
* And the waiting game is causing some hardship out there…
In case you’re wondering, Ms. Miller and I aren’t related.
Credibility seriously damaged
Tuesday, Aug 21, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller My syndicated newspaper column this week is about something that most outsiders won’t really care about, but which is still sending shockwaves through the Statehouse…
Go read the whole thing before commenting, please. And keep in mind that even with a 750-word column, there’s not always enough room to fully explain things. That happened this week with my piece as well. It’s my opinion that the Senate Republicans did not break their agreement with Senate President Jones. They were asking for some additional time because their demands for memoranda of understanding on the capital bill arrived very late. Jones wasn’t willing to give them additional time, probably because he realized that he didn’t have the votes in his own caucus to pass the Chicago casino bill, which was supposed to fund the capital projects, so the SGOPS were a convenient scapegoat. Also, I forgot to post this yesterday until very late in the day, so I figured I’d wait until this morning.
Weber vs. Weller?
Tuesday, Aug 21, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * I’m not sure whether he has a chance or not, but Jerry Weller may have a new Democratic opponent…
This is a 2008 congressional camaign open thread.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (Use all caps in password)
Tuesday, Aug 21, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
Morning shorts
Tuesday, Aug 21, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * Blagojevich nixes higher truck speed limit * Schools awaiting building funds blast governor * Schools, others still waiting for state aid * Property tax hike may be Daley’s only option * Bill solves dilemma for small public bodies * Budget battle jeopardizes transit money * Opinion: Transit chaos is the next stop
* Editorial: Crucial funding for interchange awaits Gov’s approval * Governor acts on hunting, health care bills * Now tougher for teens to get licenses * Teen driver’s licenses now harder to get * Illinois’ new law for teen drivers * Governor signs new driving rules for teenagers * Sweeping new rules of the road * More supervision required for teen drivers * More rules on teenage drivers * Law tightens infection control rules in hospitals