This just in… Part 4
Thursday, Aug 9, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * 8:52 pm - OK, this will hopefully be the last thread of the evening. In case you missed it from Part 3, Sen. John Cullerton’s 90 cents per pack tax hike on cigarettes, which also allows counties to raise their taxes by a buck a pack, passed the Senate tonight, 34-24. It now moves to the House, which has adjourned until tomorrow morning. Lots of stuff may still happen in the Senate, but not until after committee hearings end at, I’m guessing, eleven o’clock or so. I figure they might just try everything tomorrow, but who knows. It’s up to commenters to keep track of things on the blog from here on out. Audio and video are here. I’ll try to get back to you later on whether Mayor Daley does or does not support the Chicago casino bill. * 9:52 pm - Chicago registered as ‘no position’ in Sen. Exec. SGOPs have walked out of committee, angry at the way the SDEMs were jamming bills thru without time to look at them. The SDEMs say that’s not true. SGOP staff & nenbers were fully informed and involved they claim.
This just in… Part 3
Thursday, Aug 9, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller *** 5:39 pm - Various updates after tracking down numerous rumors *** * There are lots of rumors flying around that Senate President Emil Jones is somehow playing around with the budget bill. Those appear to be wrong. The changes appear to be technical in nature, mainly due to drafting errors. * Also, once the gaming bill is finally drafted (which could be from any minute to who knows when), the Senate will assign it to committee, wait the hour for the posting, bring it to the floor and vote on it. That’s the intention, at least. The gaming/capital bill might be voted on tomorrow, depending how late it gets, but the gaming bill is said to be completely separate from the operating budget bill, contrary to rumors. * Speaker Madigan is not expected to call the gaming bill for a vote, of course. He prefers to wait a couple of weeks to do anything more, except perhaps a veto override of the budget. * We can probably expect a floor vote this evening on the cigarette tax in the Senate. * 5:59 pm - Remember that letter I wrote about a little while ago in Part 2 from labor leaders to the Senate President? An identical letter was sent to the governor, as well. Both letters urged opposition to the budget bill passed by the Illinois House today. Well, one of those unions didn’t agree to sign the letter. A spokesman for the Illinois Education Association said a few minutes ago that Ken Swanson, the top dog at the IEA, was asked to sign but declined. By the way, guess who was asking labor leaders to sign a letter to the Senate Prez and the governor? If you answered “the governor’s office” you win the Buick. So, apparently, the governor’s office pasted Swanson’s signature onto the letter even though Swanson said he didn’t want to sign it. Brilliant. * 7:15 pm - The governor is doing an availability right now. I’ll see if I can get audio for the blog in a bit. * 7:18 pm - I received this e-mail from AARP hours ago and didn’t see it. Oops…
* 7:40 pm - Senate honchos are attempting to round up their members as I write this to get them ready for floor action. So, it may not be long now. The Senate Dem leaders are still telling members that their intent is to do the operating budget, gaming/capital bill and the governor’s health insurance bill tonight. * 7:44 pm - Rep. John Fritchey (verified) just posted this in comments…
* 7:48 pm - The governor wouldn’t answer questions about whether he would sign the operating budget bill or whether he would veto the pay raise out of the supplemental. He also didn’t answer a question about Madigan’s statement that Chicago is against the Chicago casino bill. Last night, by the way, the governor stunned the other leaders by claiming that Daley was “irrelevant” to the casino negotiations. * 8:04 pm - Madigan’s spokesman just told me that Chicago’s lobbyists down here told the Speaker that they were informing Democratic Senators that the City is against the gaming bill. The governor’s chief of staff, however, is reportedly telling people that Chicago will register in favor of the bill at committee. The governor’s press office is saying the same thing. * 8:10 pm - The Senate is reconvening. Listen or watch here. * 8:21 pm - Senate Exec and State Government and Veterans Affairs committees are meeting at 9:25 tonight. Judiciary Civil Law and Local Government will meet at 9:40. Education is meeting at 9:55 tonight. Approp 2 meets at 10:10. * 8:28 pm - As predicted earlier, while they’re waiting for committees to meet, the Senate is now taking up Sen. John Cullerton’s cigarette tax hike proposal. * 8:32 pm - Here’s the audio of the governor’s media availability, provided by my great pal Ryan Hermes at WLS Radio… * 8:34 pm - Sen. Cullerton’s cigarette tax hike bill, HB 556, has just passed, 34-24.
This just in… Part 2
Thursday, Aug 9, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * 3:16 pm - That old thread was getting long and unwieldy. Click here to read AFSCME’s lawsuit to keep state paychecks coming even if the governor doesn’t sign the budget. * 3:27 pm - From the Tribune’s operating budget story…
If the governor doesn’t veto the budget and simply refuses to sign it, the House and Senate may have no choice but to approve a one-month budget next week. That’s why Senate President Jones getting a new appropriations vehicle bill was so important today. He could use that for a one-monther. …Adding… Sen. Jones would likely come to the guv’s rescue to prevent further problems by running a one-month budget, so then the onus would be on Madigan and the House GOP to also pass it or cause a possible shutdown. * 3:45 pm - Contrary to rumors, the cigarette tax hike proposal is not dead yet. Sen. John Cullerton’s amendment containing the 90 cent statewide tax hike and allowing counties like DuPage to increase the cig tax by a buck a pack passed the Senate today with 34 votes. But it’ll need 36 votes on 3rd Reading, so Cullerton is drafting a new amendment which deletes the immediate effective date and changes the implementation day to June 1st, 2008. Therefore, Cullerton will only need to get 30 votes to pass it over to the House. Sometimes, legislators have a way of jumping off a bill to keep it from passing no matter how low the bar is dropped, so passage is not a completely sure thing, even with the 34 votes on the amendment. And there’s still the House. * 3:57 pm - AFSCME says its lawsuit will be heard tomorrow afternoon at 1:30. And John Bambenek made a good point in comments…
* 4:01 pm - Senate President Jones is telling members to expect to vote on a gaming/capital bill today. * 4:06 pm - It could be an hour or so before the Senate goes back into session and takes up the operating budget, the cigarette tax and gaming (if they have the votes). Stay close, however. Once the Senate starts, I may bail on blogging because you’ll be able to listen to everything yourself online. * 4:14 pm - Michael Miner reports on a very interesting development in the federal lawsuit against Illinois Chief Justice Bob Thomas. * 4:25 pm - AFSCME’s motion for a temporary restraining order can be downloaded here. * 4:30 pm - IlliniPundit is not happy at all with the Republican role in the state budget process…
* 4:35 pm - I forgot to tell you about this…
* 4:41 pm - This was not exactly unexpected, considering the foul mood in Springfield right now…
* 4:52 pm - The rationale…
Frankly, I don’t blame him. I was honestly worried about the man’s safety if he marched in that parade. * 5:06 pm - I didn’t think Flannery’s shirt was ugly at all. Kinda green, but not ugly. * 5:16 pm - Union leaders allied with the governor and the heads of the two teachers unions have sent a letter to Senate President Jones asking him not to support the budget passed by the House. Read the letter here. The teachers unions sent a separate letter to all legislative leaders and the governor, which ends thusly…
This just in…
Thursday, Aug 9, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * 11:10 am - The House is debating the operating budget at the moment. Listen or watch here. * 11:26 am - Rep. Jay Hoffman, the governor’s floor leader, warned members earlier that the operating budget under consideration now in the House will never be signed. The governor’s office, meanwhile, is dissing the document…
* 11:36 am - From a press release…
* 12:33 pm - Just nine House members voted “No” on the operating budget. * 12:36 pm - Good news, I suppose. Speaker Madigan just announced that the Senate has finally agreed to put the now agreed operating budget on a House bill that’s sitting in the Senate, pass it today and send it over to the House, so the House can then vote on it today and send it to the governor right away. Subscribers know what this means. The trust level between the House and Senate is growing and the governor will be on the spot. * 12:34 pm - It’s not posted at the moment, but the House roll call of the budget bill can be found here. * 12:55 pm - Remember this? On April 15th this year, nothing had even started yet. * 1:06 pm - The House is recessed until 4 o’clock, when they will vote on the 7 percent solution bill and, likely, the operating budget. * 1:30 pm - House members voting against the operating budget today were Arroyo, Black, Dunkin, Granberg, Hoffman, McCarthy, Phelps, Reitz and Ryg. * 1:40 pm - Some days have ups and downs. Today’s Alton Telegraph editorial quoted my line about the governor’s “flailing, wild-eyed, veto-threatening man behind the curtain” behavior, while an illiterate, barely readable hack at the Peoria Journal-Star who I never heard of before saw fit to call me stupid. She explained in a subsequent e-mail that she was just trying to get my attention. She succeeded. That Gatehouse Media crowd and I just can’t seem to get along this week. * 1:55 pm - Something to consider… The House vote on the operating budget today and Jones’ intention to run a different but identical bill in the Senate means Jones now has a vehicle bill (the one that passed the House today) that he can shell out and use for other budgetary purposes, like the gaming/capital stuff or a one-month budget. * 2:27 pm - OK, there’s quite a bit of confusion out there about the House passing a budget and then the Senate using a different bill to pass an identical budget. A friend of mine and I just had this conversation on AIM about what has happened so far today. I’ve slightly edited it…
Jones is now preparing a gaming bill, a capital bill and a bond authorization bill. Not sure what vehicles he will use yet, when the votes will take place, or what Madigan will do with them in the House if Jones can pass them. * 2:52 pm - If you’re still confused, “Ghost” posted this in comments, for which he gets an A+…
Question of the day
Thursday, Aug 9, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller First, the setup. The state has a new law banning license plate covers….
The problem…
The question: Do you agree or disagree with this new law? Explain.
End in sight? Don’t hold your breath
Thursday, Aug 9, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * Don’t get your hopes up…
If the House runs the budget on a shell bill that hasn’t yet been sent over by the Senate, the earliest the Senate could vote on the measure would be Saturday, not Friday. But subscribers know there are still some glitches to be dealt with. * Despite about a $2 billion increase in spending over last fiscal year (8 percent), and one of the biggest ever increases in education spending without a tax increase, the governor’s people are still complaining…
* More on the spending…
* More…
* You can see more details here. * The gaming negotiations continue, but without Speaker Madigan’s input…
* And, of course, there’s plenty of pork to go around, but not nearly the sort of spending that the governor wants in the capital bill…
* But there’s a key difference in how the projects are funded…
* Meanwhile, gaming opponents are starting to gear up…
* More budget stuff, compiled by Paul…
More on DeFraties and Casey
Thursday, Aug 9, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller The transcript of Judge Patrick Kelley’s ruling in the case of Dawn DeFraties and Michael Case can be downloaded here. Important excerpt…
He can say that again. * Background…
* The administration’s response…
* An important point overlooked by the handful of DeFraties/Casey detractors…
DeFraties and Casey were used as campaign scapegoats by a governor under siege by the US Attorney and the FBI. Pure and simple. Blagojevich was desperate to claim he was rooting out corruption, so he had two people fired - even though his own patronage office was allegedly putting extreme pressure on those two to bend and break state hiring laws. This has been a disgusting affair all around. The governor’s office is expected to push for an appeal. DeFraties and Casey may return to work as early as Monday.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (Use all caps in password)
Thursday, Aug 9, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
Morning Shorts
Thursday, Aug 9, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * Higher fares, fewer buses for CTA; more here and here and here * Cook Co. has the largest black population in the country * Sun-Times Editorial: Governor’s delay on electricity rate relief bill costs us more * Teen driving laws could get tougher * Winemakers not toasting new legislation * Chicago mail ‘most improved,’ but still nation’s worst; more here
* Sun-Times Editorial: Indiana’s awful new automatic pay system
* Challenger rips McHenry Co. prosector