DeFraties and Casey reinstated *** Updated x1 ***
Wednesday, Aug 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller The long wait is finally over for the “CMS 2”
*** UPDATE *** From the AP…
Caption contest!
Wednesday, Aug 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller I didn’t think I was a “paid site,” but whatever…
Adding… I’m not sure what he’s talking about. By the way… I did send Schurter a question, as he suggested, but haven’t heard back yet. I’ll let you know when or if I do. Hey, I just realized, even if the SJ-R is totally wrong, we can still continue our caption contest. They might be spoil sports, but we can’t let them interrupt our fun. Just go here and then come back and comment.
This just in…
Wednesday, Aug 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * 11:20 am - Remember, just because they have an agreement to move an operating budget doesn’t mean this session is over. There’s still a capital plan/casino and the governor’s health insurance plan to deal with, and the governor has said he won’t sign a budget until he gets those two things…. [UPDATED at 11:54 am - Jones
* 11:24 am - Rep. Bill Black, a House institution, has sent a letter to his House Republican colleagues announcing that he’s not running for re-election. I’ll have the letter uploaded in a minute or so. From the letter…
* 11:50 am - Yet another House Republican is announcing his retirement. This time, it’s Rep. Jim Meyer (R-Naperville). Meyer said this morning he will serve out his term. “I love this place,” Meyer said. More in tomorrow’s Capitol Fax about both of these retirement developments. *** 11:54 am *** A House Republican spokesman just said that it was his understanding that the chamber wouldn’t vote on an operating budget until tomorrow. But, he said, the people who gave the HGOPs that schedule are the same ones who said there’d be a vote last Friday, so take it for what it’s worth. *** 12:18 pm *** It looks like that House GOP spokesman was right and Sen. Jones was mistaken, for whatever reason. The House has adjourned until tomorrow morning.
They may be “hopeful” that it won’t be needed because it is so screwed up. * 12:33 pm - As subscribers already know, there’s a renewed push to increase cigarette taxes in the Senate. The proposals are being taken up in the Senate Revenue Committee today. Revenue is also hearing the “7 percent solution” measure today. Adding, the House Approp committees will be holding “testimony only” hearings later this afternoon. House Dems are being briefed on the operating budget as I write this. * 12:55 pm - Russ Stewart’s latest newspaper column, “Blame the Republicans,” has been posted at Illinoize. * 2:44 pm - From WBBM Radio…
* 3:55 pm - The Senate is back in session. Go here to listen or watch. Posting may be light for the rest of the day as I have lots of work to do. Commenters are encouraged to jump in and post updates as they develop.
Question of the day
Wednesday, Aug 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller Now that you’ve spent almost your entire summer in Springfield, and therefore have probably had an opportunity to experience it more than most years, what would you do to improve the town?
Movement, or just motion?
Wednesday, Aug 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * There’s a basic agreement on a state budget, but lots of issues are still up in the air…
* There was also a long meeting last night in the governor’s office…
* Ryan Hermes adds…
Yep. * More budget and end of session stories, compiled by Paul…
Constitution, schmonstitution
Wednesday, Aug 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * The governor and AFSCME claim that state and federal law require the comptroller to issue pay checks to state workers even if no budget exists. They didn’t actually cite any specific statutes, however, and the state’s Constitution is pretty specific…
* The Daily Herald got a bit sarcastic about the situation…
* The State Journal-Register, which often advocates for state employees, also parted ways on the issue…
Exactly right. For the governor, at least, this is about shifting blame for the lack of a budget. * Lisa Madigan was asked her opinion yesterday…
* So, why did AG Madigan refuse to issue an opinion?
* But the hooplah is a bit overblown on both sides…
In other words, today is the day that Hynes would normally begin processing pay checks. He could probably set up a contingency plan to process them now and issue them as soon as a budget deal was reached. Compromise would be nice.
Add another waffle to the stack
Wednesday, Aug 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller The governor is all over the map on everything from whether he’d support more casinos to whether a state government shutdown is inevitable. He flip-flops so much that you need a scorecard to keep track. Fortunately, John Patterson keeps his scorecard by his side at all times. Remember earlier this week when the governor said he has always supported the idea of citizen recall of elected officials?
Well, not really. From comments the governor made in 2003…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s issue of Capitol Fax (Use all caps in password)
Wednesday, Aug 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
Morning Shorts
Wednesday, Aug 8, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * NEW Illinois statehouse press corp big winners at journalism awards ceremony * Not all saying cheers to wine bill
* Illinois lawmakers OK bill covering wine purchases * Missouri, Illinois working on a bridge plan * U of I hopes to land world’s fastest computer * Vrdolyak pleads not guilty to new federal charges * Illinois beaches rank high in grime
* Minority firm win more city business * Daley joins Sharpton rally * Worker claims Shakman violations *Alderman like revamped Olympic Village * EPA cites 6 coal plants in IL * Union election growing volatile * New lawsuit hits union official - It’s at least the 5th to target candidates in Local 150 election * Keyes backers to attend Ames straw poll