Friday, Aug 3, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller Time for a little “me” time. Head to Illinoize to keep talking…
This just in…
Friday, Aug 3, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * 9:46 am - The House is adjourning until tomorrow at 9 o’clock, and will come back on Sunday at 5 pm. How much do you want to bet that the governor will throw some sort of fit about this and try to disrupt what is essentially a weekend break? *** 10:49 am *** Lots of rumors are floating around the Statehouse this morning about a budget “deal,” but it’s more like a tentative plan of action if Senate GOP Leader Frank Watson doesn’t get on board with the other leaders. There’s been a dispute over how to distribute revenues from a Chicago casino and if they’ll even do a Chicago casino. The other legislative leaders might go ahead without Watson - at least, that’s an idea being seriously batted around now. Yes, they are hoping to run something next Tuesday, yes, the approp staffs are busy (as they would be if they’re going to do a budget on Tuesday). But there are a ton of individual meetings today with lots of scurrying around, and several unresolved issues, so nothing is quite finalized yet. The soup is on the stove, but the meat ain’t cooked all the way through yet. For instance, Gov. Blagojevich is in Senate President Jones’ office as I write this. Fun stuff. * 11:03 am - The governor emerged from Jones’ office a bit ago. He said that he, Jones and the other Republican leaders want a capital plan (notice the ommission). He also listed his priorities, including his health insurance proposal, but repeatedly put education at the top of the list (which is Jones’ thing). * 11:13 am - If you read somewhere else this morning that the General Assembly will vote on a budget this weekend, disregard it with extreme prejudice. Members are being told they have to be back here on Monday. The census will be way too low this weekend to run a budget, and the deal’s not done yet anyway. There are a couple of updates, though…
Question of the day
Friday, Aug 3, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller I’m finding it difficult to get excited about the Illinois State Fair this year, what with the overtime session and all…
After a long week of negativity and weirdness, let’s all try to look at the bright side today. Question: What do you like most about the Illinois State Fair? Try to avoid snark and downer comments, please. Let’s keep this an “up” thread if we can.
The games continue
Friday, Aug 3, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * As I told you yesterday, there’s disagreement over whether the governor has to sign the rate relief bill today…
Marty knows better. I saw somewhere yesterday where Cohen brought up $7 as typical ComEd “relief.” But if your rates went up by $15 a month, then you’ll get about $7 in relief. * More…
Nobody mentioned it, but that letter from state legislators to the governor included this tasty bit…
It’s always more games with this governor.
One-two punch thrown by Chicago papers *** Updated x1 ***
Friday, Aug 3, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * “Governor Irrelevant” seems to be sticking. From the Sun-Times…
* Apparently, both papers want him to remain irrelevant. The Tribune says so specifically, running an editorial today with the headline: “Stick to ‘irrelevant,’ Governor”…
* Dan Hynes was apparently making the rounds of editorial boards yesterday…
* The SJ-R ran an accompanying editorial…
*** UPDATE *** I forgot about Krol’s weekly column today. Sorry, Eric…
Morning shorts
Friday, Aug 3, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller I really miss Paul. Running late, again, so talk amongst yourselves. * Report: Illinois’ grad goals aren’t high enough * Peoria GOP politician will run for LaHood seat - Former councilman first to declare 2008 candidacy * Nearly 10 Percent Of Illinois Bridges Have Structural Issues * Transportation official: Don’t fret about general bridge safety * Some fear even sound spans * Burke revs up city boycott of BP - Targets oil giant, banks, McDonald’s over Ind. pollution plan… More here * Education leaders will be grand marshals for State Fair parade * Gamblers line up, ante up for new Casino Queen * Random Drug Testing on Harness Races * SIU speaks out on student loan probe * Daley starts over in hunt for top cop - Stuns police by asking board for nationwide search, apparently passing over all three finalists
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Friday, Aug 3, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller