Mother Hubbard and Gov. Blagojevich have something in common
Thursday, Sep 6, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller The Sun-Times had this brief bit in today’s edition…
Scofield told me the same thing when I called him about this over a month ago. He also claimed that Blagojevich had put off his annual funder because of the overtime session fights. So far, though, I haven’t heard of any major fundraising activity yet. The governor has shown time and time again that he can raise lots of cash at the drop of a hat, so I’m not sure this means too much. Then again, the longer he waits to raise money, the more speculation will abound that he may not be running for a third term, which will make him a lame duck in some minds. Thoughts?
- Bluefish - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 9:03 am:
I have to wonder if the prolonged budget battle, low approval ratings and looming federal investigations have damaged Blago’s ability to raise money “at the drop of a hat”. The fact he’s not active right now would indicate a yes.
- Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 9:39 am:
What if they gave a fundraiser and nobody came?
The governor has shown a remarkable ability to tick people off lately (including many dems and donors). Donors may want to sit on their wallets for a while to see how the power play will shake out. If they show up for a party, they would probably minimize their donations. And the gov’s people know that any “big” fundraiser would be compared to past efforts. A poor showing would look bad and make the news big time.
- Team Sleep - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 10:04 am:
I don’t think he will run again.
Call me crazy, but he’s continually fighting for Illinois Covered in part to keep his name in the national spotlight. Thus, his stance on healthcare and political/policy-oriented cred amongst Democratic presidential candidates will remain high enough to put him in a position for a cabinet spot. All three major contenders support some form of nationalized healthcare, and Blago is at the forefront of the issue. He can use his experience in trying to secure healthcare for all as a selling point when it comes time to fill the HHS post or perhaps even a newly-created administration opening.
Or, Rod will ride into the sunset after two terms and retire. I’m sure that his wife’s real estate business, combined with his pension, will allow them to be comfortable in their “retired” life.
- Mr. W.T. Rush - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 10:05 am:
Wonder where they are hiding the $$$ Maybe Uncle Tony opened some accounts in the Middle East for them
- Three words - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 10:32 am:
Off-shore investments!
- Lula May - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 10:39 am:
Somethings up. There is nothing in this world Rod loves more than fund raising. He gets an adrenaline rush from seeing all the money he can raise.
If you remember the first term he never stopped and that’s why they are being investigated.
I suspect some of this would have to do with corporations wanting nothing to do with this guy. There would be a big possibility the feds would ask you to open your books. This guys radioactive.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 11:06 am:
“which will make him a lame duck in some minds.”
Anyone who doesn’t already see Blagojevich as a lame duck hasn’t been paying much attention to the news during this summer, have they?
- Garp - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 12:10 pm:
I can’t believe he spent it all against JBT. Where did all the money go?
- Lula May - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 12:20 pm:
Another thing. The people with the money are the same ones he’s been calling “BIG FAT CATS” that don’t pay their fair share.
- blogman - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 12:43 pm:
It seemed that he was raising $ without fundraisers during his first term. So an event should not be necessary. Could giving Blago $ upset Madigan, who does control what legislation gets to the floor of the House?
- DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 12:49 pm:
Who is footing a bill for all the legal fees that he keeps creating?
- Little Egypt - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 1:27 pm:
Mr. Blago, the Feds are much smarter than you. I’m guessing your buddies have money somewhere waiting for you to campaign again in the event an indictment does not come down beforehand. We’re not all as naive as you believe us to be. IF you don’t run again, there is money stashed away for your use and IF you do run again, it will suddenly be made available for you through some conjured up series of fundraisers that never happened. How else could you report a sudden onslaught of money to the BOE? But you’ve not disappointed me in the area of craftiness. That money is somewhere for your use or to support your family in the event you go to Club Fed. You don’t raise millions each year and suddenly stop for no reason.
- Crimefighter - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 1:33 pm:
I thought Blago can’t run for a third consectutive term?
- Anon - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 1:56 pm:
Crimefighter: And THAT is why we have people like Blago in office. Most are way too uninformed.
- Danny - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 2:31 pm:
You have to wonder if this “moral crusade” is to help save grace and put a more positive light amid the fed’s pressure… just like Ryan went on the crusade to free wrongly accused with investigations swirling. Hopefully he could get some sympathizers on a jury. It didn’t help Ryan too much did it?
- Weary State Worker - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 2:38 pm:
Someone check the Cayman Islands
- Papa Legba - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 2:39 pm:
Lame duck? It seems to me that he has already “quacked” up, as in a bit unhinged.
- capitol view - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 3:30 pm:
here’s a scary thought — Blago pulls a Bloomberg,and sets himself up as an independent. Runs against both a Democrat, a Republican, a Green Party on the Left, and a Libertarian on the right. Wins re-election with 28-29%.
Doesn’t need a lot of dollars, with the state government bureaucracy pumping out press releases. And the lazy press reporting on everything he says, nonsense or not. The question is - will his major remaining supporters these days, the unions, follow him down this path???
It’s either that, or Bloomberg’s midwest running mate. Brad Tusk is the link to both of them…
- Bill - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 4:09 pm:
Little E,
I may finally be willing to admit that Rod is possibly not the brightest bulb in the chandelier but I wouldn’t place too much faith is the “Feds”. After all, George W Bush is president and Bozo Gonzales, the soon to be ex AG, is not exactly a Mensa candidate.
- A Citizen - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 4:27 pm:
My guess is that Gov has “Prepaid” 20 or 30 Million in legal defense costs with Winston and Strawn . Would definitely be a wise and foresightful move on his part.
- Cassandra - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 4:27 pm:
This federal indictment talk seems like such a long shot for Blago although perhaps not for some of the folks he hired. But they’ll have to take care of themselves.
I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t run for re-election either. Would either Hillary or Barack give him a big job in Washington? Seems iffy but he’ll know before the Illinois primaries. I suppose he could always assign himself to replace Barack if he won but what fun is the Senate after being governor. Senators seems to be going the other way these days, looking at Corzine.
The 2010 Dem primaries could be great sport in Illinois, as by that time we will have recovered from the 2008 presidential and be looking for more political entertainment. And Blago, I suspect, will give it to us.
- Princeville - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 4:39 pm:
(cringing) Cap. View @ 3:30, please don’t put all unions in that one basket of supporters for Blago. Or maybe lets leave it at not all union members who work for the state don’t belong in that basket. Gee, he thinks of us as leeches on society. He sold us out quicker than you can blink. Fooled us once, shame on him, but he sure didn’t fool us twice which would have been shame on us.
- Rastaguy - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 6:06 pm:
Don’t speculate whether or not the Fed’s will get Rod just because nothing has happened yet. They are expert bakers and the cake will not come out of the oven until it’s ready.
- Little Egypt - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 6:44 pm:
Bill, what a home run. You just knocked it out of the park.
- Gregor Samsa - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 7:51 pm:
Remember the dictum from Watergate… follow the money. It will eventually lead toi his comeuppance.
- Gregor Samsa - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 7:52 pm:
Maybe he spent all his campain money on a loan to the state, to improve Illinois Healthcare?
( I crack myself up)
- ChokingCub - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 9:19 pm:
“Team Sleep” - I agree. I think the past 6 years or so, he has focused on one thing: life after Illinois. He has been building his resume and accumulating cash at the expense of Illinois. The Feds have probably derailed his plan for now, but I have always believed that his goal is to be elected to a national position. Blago loves Blago…
- Disgusted - Thursday, Sep 6, 07 @ 10:18 pm:
I think that the governor has alienated so many people that he will have a hard time duplicating his first term fund-raising. I’m sure that Hollywood won’t turn out like they did before, he’s too tainted. Unions are waivering, Democrats also. And now that the Green Party is available, deserting Demos can go there. What a wasted opportunity to do some real good for this state. Shame on you, sir.