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More thuggery from Peraica

Thursday, Sep 13, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* So, what kind of state’s attorney would Tony Peraica be if he has people like this working for his campaign?

He called her a bitch.

He called her worse.

And each time, the caller to Cook County Commissioner Liz Gorman ordered her to “work with” rival Republican Commissioner Tony Peraica.

Now, a onetime campaign staffer to Peraica is charged with making the obscene and disparaging calls to Gorman.

* And how did Peraica meet this person?

Peraica said they met after he represented Ichniowski on a criminal charge in 2002 of slashing the tires of several cars belonging to nuns. Records show Ichniowski also has a previous conviction for telephone harassment.

The guy slashes nuns’ tires, and he’s recruited for the Peraica campaign? What the heck?

* There are those who say that Peraica’s infamous march to the County Building on election night last year was simply an unfortunate, isolated incident, despite the obviously stupid move of leading a drunken mob across town. But Tony apparently loves him some thugs, and likes to have them do his bidding.

Those calls to Gorman were made on Peraica’s behest. Not directly. He just “encouraged” his posse to call Gorman and tell her to get in line with him. The Southtown has more today

Gorman said she regularly received harassing calls from the same man but only notified police after he grew more angry and vulgar in late February, when the county board was in a budget battle and she ran for GOP chairman.

The caller said Gorman was “acting like a bitch” and “that c— better learn to work with Peraica or she’ll find herself out of a job.”

Gorman said “whenever (Peraica) and I were on opposite ends of an issue, the calls would come. (Peraica’s) name always came up.”

“Peraica thinks everything is a fight, but it takes two to fight, and I won’t be part of this,” Gorman said. “He’s tossed too many grenades. One was bound to backfire on him.”

One did.

* By the way, check out Peraica’s “issues” page on his campaign website. Empty.

* Meanwhile, Mike Quigley says he might run for state’s attorney as well. Listen to the audio below…



  1. - Jay - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 8:14 am:

    Is anyone really surprised by this? I mean, it’s Peraica we’re talking about here. And don’t get me started on Gorman and her lousy job as Cook GOP chairwoman.

  2. - Ginsu - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 8:21 am:

    But wait…there’s more. It has been stated by at least one poster here that The Powers That Be will leak anything to prevent Peracia from winning this election.

    However, who could even make up a story about slashing nuns’ tires? Maybe, just maybe Family Guy creator Seth MacFarland for shock value.

    Fish in the barrel.

  3. - Johnny USA - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 8:28 am:

    Whew! Makes me glad I voted for Todd Stroger…

  4. - Ginsu - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 8:32 am:

    Johnny U, let’s not get TOO carried away…you should check out some of that guy’s posse as well…

  5. - wndycty - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 8:43 am:

    The Illinois GOP has to do something about this guy. As a Democrat I love that he will be at the top of the Cook County GOP ticket for the second straight election. However for this guy to be the face of the Cook County GOP is bad for the statewide party.

    Over 3/4 of the state’s population is in the Chicago metro area and given the amount of local media coverage he gets he is quickly becoming the face of the Illinois GOP.

  6. - Skeeter - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 8:52 am:

    We are talking about a guy who can’t lead a mob in the right direction.

    The best story of election night was still that the mob started going to the wrong way, and needed to be turned around.

  7. - Tom - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 9:03 am:

    Does any serious observer of Cook County politics believe that Peraica has a chance? As wndycty noted, having this guy at the top of the ticket will doom the republicans. Above all, Mark Kirk should be a little concerned about that as well.

  8. - Joe in the Know - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 9:06 am:

    Peraica’s problems stem from his connection to Melrose Park and his “Chief of Hacks”, Mike Manzo. Manzo, you may recall, ran for Mayor of Melrose Park, was booted as President of the District 209 because he lived in Oak Brook! Ask any, and I mean ANY, elected official in Tony’s Cook County District and they will tell you that Manzo routinely calls them to get them to fall in line with the “Peraica Principle”.

    So let’s look at the score card:

    One Chief of Staff to Peraica is fired because he has a serious drug addiction;

    One Chief of Hacks to Peraica was booted from a powerful position because he lied about his residency;

    One Peraica hack is charged with harassment to an elected, public official at Tony’s urging. And the hack met Tony after Tony defended him from a case involving slashed tires on nuns’ cars.


  9. - Wumpus - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 9:08 am:

    Well, maybe the guy went to Catholic School with some vicious nuns. Maybe he wanted revenge for too many rulers to the knuckles.

    Sounds like a typical City of Chicago employee. This is bad, but still not as bad as the current admin…but still very bad.

  10. - Ginsu - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 9:14 am:

    This is getting better faster than I thought. Joe, what, pray tell, is the Peraica Principle, and what if anything, is the Peraica Prescription?

    (Apologies to Dr. Lawrence J. Peter)

    Does it include rhyming campaign your slogans “audit the books–lock up the crooks?”

    Is he running for State’s Attorney or Irving Berlin?

  11. - Tom - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 9:22 am:

    Ginsu:”Is he running for State’s Attorney or Irving Berlin?”

    I think that is more of a Gershwin-y lyric.

  12. - I'm Just wondering here? - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 9:28 am:

    There is no way that Peraica can distance himself from this man, he paid him a small stipend every week

    Ichniowski, Fred
    8748 W 98th St
    Palos Hills, IL 60465 $150.00
    9/29/2006 Expenditure
    Citizens for Peraica staff salary
    Citizens for Peraica

  13. - Levois - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 9:31 am:

    I wrote about this last night on my blog. I supported Peraica last year, I don’t think I will again.

  14. - Gene Parmesan - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 9:42 am:

    Peraica’s future prospects are looking pretty dim. He barely won his Lyons Township Committeeman race (2978 to 2882 or 50.8% to 49.2%) against a political newcomer. He barely won his Cook County Board seat as well (35,599 to 33,930 or 51.2% to 48.8%). He spent a lot of money on these races and his Cook County President race. His thuggery has been exposed. With his support in his district sliding, the State’s Attorney race may be his last shot.

  15. - DuPage Toupee - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 10:30 am:

    Tony is so duplicitous, he is morphing into John Kerry (”I voted FOR it before I voted AGAINST it”).

    Case in point: Tony was a co-sponsor, with Larry Suffredin, Robert Steele, and Bill Beavers (champions of the taxpayers all (HA!) of a Cook County Resolution approved on July 31, 2007 urging the legislature to pass Senate Bill 572, a funding bailout of the RTA and CTA.

    Less than 30 days later, Tony issued a letter to Speaker Madigan adamantly opposing the very same SB 572 on the grounds that it hurts taxpayers. Which one is it Tony?

    Are there TWO Tony’s running around out there? One should hope not!

    Tony has peaked and the Dems, who once feared a populist Tony, now relish the idea of running against him because he is such a joke.

  16. - Ginsu - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 10:30 am:

    Tom: You’re probably right on that, either way it was corny annd weird; also I misspoke when I observed that this was getting “better” faster than I thought. I should have said “worse” as really do not want Howard Brookins to become Cook County State’s Attorney. I personally would rather have Peraica, as I have seen Brookins in action, legally and politically and am not impressed in the least.

    Gene Parmesan: You took the words right out of my mouth. Forget about the Board Presidency; when a sitting Cook County Commissioner barely wins re-election and barely wins his committeeman seat (in Lyons Township) to a recent high school graduate, what is wrong with this picture?

    Is it the fact he was a Democrat until he did not want to wait his turn, and saw an opportunity in the other party?

    How is this different than Froehlich? Pucinski? Oberweis? Martin?

  17. - Wumpus - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 10:42 am:

    at least it should be awide open race next time. Perhaps John Cox will drop his aspirations for POTUS and run for this.

  18. - GOP'er - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 10:50 am:

    Peraica is a disgrace to an Illinois GOP that few thought could be disgraced any more at this point.

    This is a guy who the Dems got sick of, and now Republicans are sick of. Look out Green Party, Tony needs a new home!

  19. - so-called "Austin Mayor" - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 11:10 am:


    Point of order: Is Tony Peraica’s boy, Ichniowski, actually a “thug” or is he really a “goon”?

    While I grant that the hands-on act of slashing the tires of nuns is a very thuggish, his current campaign of drunken, harassing phone calls to a woman strikes me more like the behavior of a goon. Is he a thuggish goon? A goonie thug? A hoodlum?

    Could someone with a deeper knowledge of Cook County politics please clear this up for me?

    – SCAM (

  20. - Rob_N - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 11:15 am:

    DuPage Toupee,

    John Kerry didn’t have staffers running around slashing nun’s tires and intimidating opponents within his party with harassing phone calls.

    Grow up.

    Money quote from the S-T:

    “Ichniowski, charged with misdemeanor telephone harassment, told police he was drunk when he made the calls around 9 a.m.

    How much do you have to drink to be drunk when you first clock in for work?

    SCAM, “hooligan” is, I believe, the noun you seek.

  21. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 11:15 am:

    Thug: A cutthroat or ruffian; a hoodlum.

    Goon: A thug hired to intimidate or harm opponents.

    So, the headline is fine, but “goon” it is.

  22. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 11:16 am:

    Hooligan: A tough and aggressive or violent youth.

    Goon is better.

  23. - A Citizen - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 11:23 am:

    This is more fun than arguing applicability of Leader, Statesman, Paragon of ___?____.

  24. - West Suburban Conference - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 12:22 pm:

    How about Gooligan?

    Also, Rob_N, did this guy even have a job? You may be giving him too much credit.

    He may not have had a job, and probably didn’t.

    Not everyone is as fortunate as Peraica’s son who works for Circuit Court Clerk Dorothy Brown, and whose salary is posted with every other county employee’s on his website, because, as we all know, the insinuation from Tony is that they are up to no good. If that is not the insinuation, what is it Candidate Tony…that they are OVERPAID? The correctional staff especially would disagree, after they are done cleaning up after the inmates defecated and urinated on them…

    Yes, those doctors, nurses, correctional staff, clerks, etc. are really wasting our tax dollars.

  25. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 12:27 pm:

    The GOP is already in shaky ground in the suburbs. We don’t need to be any worse off in Cook County than we already are (which is pretty bad to begin with).

    I’m not even going to insinuate any actions by the Dems. Peraica’s guy got caught, which means the Dems have PROOF that Peraica’s organization is acting inappropriately.

  26. - irishpirate - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 12:35 pm:

    There are moments in life where God smiles down upon us and snickers. This is one of them.

    Slashing nuns tires.?!? Time for the GOP to run away from Tony P.

  27. - wndycty - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 12:49 pm:

    May I offer up Jack Ryan? He does have a JD from Harvard. I do believe Barack would have beat him regardless, but if the GOP kept him he would have at least made it a race. I believe the minute Todd Stroger was named the Democratic nominee the GOP should have dumped Tony and drafted Jack. I wouldn’t vote for him but I think Ryan can win the burbs and challenge in the city.

    If experience is a problem look no further than Lisa who is doing a fine job.

    That’s it no more free advice for the GOP.

  28. - DuPage Toupee - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 12:58 pm:


    I hate to burst your bubble, but please see the link to the attached article:,2933,137323,00.html

    While the victims weren’t “nuns”, the tires were indeed slashed by Kerry supporters, one such supporter was the son of a congresswoman!

  29. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 1:01 pm:

    DT, the huge difference is that Peraica hired this clown to work on his campaign AFTER he slashed those nun tires.

  30. - GOP'er - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 1:19 pm:

    At least Peraica will still have his gig as a contributing blogger to the conservative Illinois Review website.

  31. - Jerry Sharko - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 1:26 pm:

    GOP’er: Don’t be so sure. Also, don’t be so sure he’s a real conservative.

    Also, DuPage Toupee, your table is waiting, as always, at Jerry Sharko’s.

  32. - Gene Parmesan - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 1:27 pm:

    Interesting to see no coverage of this nonsense at Illinois Review save Dierson’s morning collection of stories.

  33. - Skeeter - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 1:36 pm:

    Gene Parmesan wrote: “Interesting to see no coverage of this nonsense at Illinois Review save Dierson’s morning collection of stories.”

    Sure. Illinois Review missed the Peraica story. They had more important things to cover.

    Unlike the slack reporting here, at Illinois Review they cover stories that really MATTER to Illinois, like the possibility of man/cow combinations coming to Illinois labs.

    Miller may have gotten the “beating up nuns” thing, but he completely blew the story that really matters. Imagine what kind of damage a man/cow hybrid could do on Peraica’s payroll?

  34. - Skeeter - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 1:39 pm:

    For people who want REAL news, here is the “man/cow” link:

  35. - DuPage Toupee - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 1:49 pm:


    I agree with you that this is a huge difference. I was trying to refute Rob_N’s assertion that John Kerry’s supporters weren’t capable of slashing a tire here and there.

    Also, Rich, Peraica’s situation here, with a crack-pot staffer, reinforces what some have written: that he has lacks common sense about the people he surrounds himself with. Mike Manzo, Ichniowski, the guy who’s name escapes me that was his former aide who was fired for drug use, are all examples of the adage: you are judged by the company you keep.

  36. - Island of Lost Souls Pet Shop - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 1:51 pm:

    I do not always agree with Skeeter; but this an outrage. Will it be considered human–or animal? Or will there be a new protected class of voters known as Manimals, entiled to more rights than conventional humans?

    I wish I were laughing.

    The answer, of course, is yes. Viva Blagojevich!

  37. - Chicago Mike - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 2:01 pm:

    The problem is no one is minding the hen house. Tony goes an hires random people to run the show, then they don’t show up. Happened the last time too.

    His campaign manager, Kurt Mercadante, is running in his own race in Grundy County, for county board. Who’s race do you think he’s gonna work harder on, his or Tony’s?

    Probably the reason why they haven’t been able to put a lid on this thing yet.

    I also like how Tony tried to say he’s a volunteer and then this guy’s name is all over Tony’s D-2s.

    Nice work, Peraica.

  38. - No nickname - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 2:14 pm:

    Quiqley for State’s Attorney? What a joke. Who would vote for him besides the jeft wing liberals in his district? They already like Larry Suffredin more than him anyway.

    He’ll chicken out again like he did when Forest Claypool made him step aside 2 years ago.

  39. - paddyrollingstone - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 2:23 pm:

    Even for the esteemed Tony P, this is a new low. Ichniowski, the Nun-tire slashing, morning drunk and obscene phone caller, could easily come from the pages of Carl Hiaasen or Elmore Leonard. Fantastic.

  40. - Rock Lobster - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 2:28 pm:

    Why would Sufferdin give up his lucrative lobbying practice, coupled with his Commissioner’s salary, to run for, let alone become, State’s Attorney?

    What, if anything, am I missing?

  41. - Feldman - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 2:46 pm:

    You should see the political staff Peraica employs. We’ve heard about the guy making 9AM drunken phone calls on his $150 a month stipend from Team Peraica (he had to have been drinking Schlitz). For God’s sake, he has a hack on his staff that calls himself Mad Dog. I also hear he employs a former professional wrestler. Maybe Tony should quit the County Board and start a traveling carnival…because he clearly surrounds himself with burn-out hacks.

  42. - Suburbanite Republican - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 2:47 pm:

    I supported Peraica in his bid for Board President and saw his true colors then, but it will be hard to find a Democrat worth spit in that race to vote for. I hope the dems find someone good so I can vote against Peraica this time. Better yet, I wish my party would just stop letting this guy be their standard bearer in these races. It’s disgraceful.

    And does anyone notice that when he appears on radio programs beats up on fellow republicans all the time…unless they are on the show with him? Come on Tony. Grow a set and be a man. Let the people see who you really are all the time. Not just when there is no one there to dispute your phony facts.

  43. - ZC - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 3:17 pm:

    I actually taught one of the tire-slashing students mentioned in an earlier post. Without in any way defending that behavior, which I condemn, I will only point out that one other difference is he did it when he was early 20s. A stupid and criminal act, but something hopefully he will learn from and turn himself around in the future about.

    Ichinowski apparently slashed nun tires when he was _58_. I see some differences in the personal character, between what someone does when he’s young and dumb and 21, and when he is pushing 60.

  44. - Super Mega - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 3:26 pm:

    I have heard of this “Mad Dog.” That is how the guy introduces himself.

    Instead of “Peraica for State’s Attorney,” with the crew he has over there, they should call it “Tony Peraica’s 100% Cook County Clown-Time Solution.”

  45. - West Suburban Conference - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 3:38 pm:

    What will Peraica’s next move be?
    And will another GOP candidate make the race?

  46. - Super Mega - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 3:44 pm:

    Instead of hiring street-thugs and no-names, hire someone with a sterling reputation and someone who knows how to win elections as a Republican.

  47. - Jay - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 3:51 pm:

    Team Proft strikes again.

  48. - Ginsu - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 3:55 pm:

    1. What exactly are the Peraica Principles that Joe in the Know spoke about? This could be hypocritically hilarious.

    2. Super Mega: There are about three people in Cook County that you describe. The rest are consulting class charlatans and dare I say it–hooligans? ready to pluck any and all pigeons.

    3. Nun-bashers (or should I say slashers?) are a lot less expensive alternative for a thrifty guy like Tony P!

    4. Was his law partner disbarred?

  49. - agtmccarthey - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 4:00 pm:


  50. - Glencoe - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 4:05 pm:

    A fundraiser on a major Jewish holiday?

  51. - Captain America - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 5:02 pm:

    Suburban Republican, Au contraire

    The leading Democratic candidates running for State’s Attorney are fairly impressive. Each of the top three declared candidates is superior to Peraica by a longshot.

    Peraica’s political career has been over since his infamous election night march storming the Cook County Clerk’s Office. This latest wierdness by one of his loyal minions is just another nail in the coffin.

    I think maybe the Republicans should consider rehabiliating Jack Ryan, since the talent pool in the Cook County Republican Party appears to be very shallow at present. I’d vote for him if Todd Stroger were the Democratic nominee for Cook County Board President in 2010. People might be willing to give Ryan another chance. His kinky sexual proclivities did not rise to the level of the Senator from Louisiana or Craig in terms of hypocritcal/criminal behavior.

  52. - M - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 5:11 pm:

    From what I read before, Peraica and Forrest Claypool were pushing reforms to clean up the Stroger Kingdom. I mean, it’s bad about this crank caller getting paid by Peraica’s staff. At least this guy was only getting 150 bucks a month. Stroger appointed his cousin as the CFO of the largest county in USA. I guess that’s 200K a year plus all the other patronage below the waterline.

    The storieson his site ( are pretty decent. Here’s a good one about Stroger’s family:

  53. - M - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 5:17 pm:

    Wow, his godson just passed away… OK, maybe threatening a County Commissioner is bad, but such a well-timed death is quite a lot worse.

    Maybe he just had a heart attack from all the embarassment.

  54. - M - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 5:18 pm:

    “his godson”:

    Orlando Jones, a former high-ranking Cook County government official and longtime political insider, was found dead in southwestern Michigan late Wednesday, sources familiar with the situation said today.

    Jones is the godson of ex-County Board President John Stroger. Jones was found dead in Berrien County, Mich.

    Jones recently had been the subject of media reports in Las Vegas accusing him of wrongdoing regarding hospital contracts. Jones told the Chicago Sun-Times last week that he did nothing wrong.

  55. - Super Mega - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 5:24 pm:


    Here’s what I’m saying. Hire someone who’s worked on a winning campaign, doesn’t have a rap sheet, and is respected.

    I agree that there are a lot of “consulting class charlatans” out there. He needs to hire one of the three people in Cook County that you reference.

  56. - Melanie - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 6:08 pm:

    This is a joke Rich. He is some 60 something year old guy that may have made some money from a Peraica campaign. He is not an employee of Peraica. He is not a family member of Peraica. He is not on his staff. He is not acting on his behalf.

    Do you want to go into conversations that Victor Reyes, Tim Degnan, Tom DiPiazza, Bob Milan or many other people had on behalf of Daley and Devine?

    This is a minor story and minor issue.

  57. - Anon - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 6:56 pm:

    Daley’s brother in law pleaded guilty to bribes–does Miller post “More Daley Thievery”?

  58. - FED UP - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 7:03 pm:

    rich walter burnett is a convicted armed robber obama admits breaking the law using drugs Matt oshea beats up a rival campaign worker gets arrested and then elected committeeman hve you meet some of dick mells better govt association workers(muscle) Cook Co. Politics isnt for the weak. My god we have a body in michigan this is better than the family secrets trial. Perica is an idiot but if gorman cant take the heat she should get out of the kitchen. ITS THE CHICAGO WAY.

  59. - Wow - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 7:10 pm:

    From Channel 2

    Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica says Jones’ untimely death, while firstly is a human tragedy, also raises many questions about the Cook County president’s office.

    “Some of these matters Jones was involved in that are currently being investigated by the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office are reaching to the highest level of county government,” Peraica said.

    In a classic McCarthy attempt to make something true simply by saying it, Tony could barely hold back to talk to the media on the death of Orlando Jones and then FALSELY links any investigation of Jones to Todd Stroger.

    This is an outright lie and he should be called on it.

    Completely outrageous. Perhaps more outrageous than his drunken goons threatening nuns.

  60. - Rob_N - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 7:16 pm:


    I said “John Kerry staffers”, not just ’supporters’ as you keep trying to switch the topic to.

    There’s little a candidate can do about supporters other than chastise them.

    But as has been noted (and as “West Suburban Conference” apparently ignored), Mr. Ichniowski was a paid staffer of the Peraica campaign. And he was hired after slashing those tires.

    Why are you and West Suburban trying to defend the indefensible.

  61. - Ginsu - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 7:26 pm:

    Super-Mega: We’ll see what happens. Ironically, he may have to hire a Democratic strategist/consultant as some past successful Cook GOP candidates have done.

    Off-topic to everybody: Whew, what a day on all fronts. I am glad the posters were here to try and make sense of it all.

  62. - The Right Thing - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 7:41 pm:

    All the Cook County GOP committeemen should hold a press conference and call for Peraica to step down from all of his Republican positions.

    Republicans already have enough problems, especially in Cook. Having this bully, this buffoon in a high profile role is devastating. Peraica is alienating women especially.

    Come on you Republican wimps, your female GOP Chairman has been disrespected by a thuggish goon. How about acting like men and standing up for Liz Gorman!

    And don’t forget, this latest outrage is hardly the first time Peraica and his goons have been caught red handed being morons.

  63. - DuPage Toupee - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 7:43 pm:


    I think you missed something. I am not defending that ass clown Peraica. Kerry actually said what I repeated about Tony’s duplicity. Try reading the meaning of what’s written instead of reading between the lines.

  64. - Super Mega - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 7:57 pm:


    I’m unaware of any GOP candidates hiring Democrat strategists. Not sure that would be a good idea, not sure their loyalty would lie with their client.

    I know of one Dem strategist that had been working for some GOPers, but I saw a recent article that he had been shot during a disagreement.

  65. - West Suburban Conference - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 8:10 pm:

    I was not defending this mope–but I should have added a transitional phrase (or two separate posts) as I was trying to make two separate, but related points.

    The telephone guy was/is a bum. He was hired after allegedly slashing the tires.

    This, while at the same time, Peraica posts the salaries of all county employees to suggest they are doing something wrong.

    I was trying to point out that the the goofball was unemployed, hence his drunkenness at 9 a.m. I was in no way defending this. Actually, upon further review, he may have been ordered by the campaign to do exactly what he did.

    Contrary to popular belief, you can fire a volunteer.

    Let’s see how involved with the campaign he gets as it progresses.

  66. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 8:14 pm:

    “M”-whoever you are, you are a jagoff. Don’t dishonor the dead (before they are even buried) to score a cheap political point.

    Besides, there seems to be a clear majority here that think Tony is such a tool that his parents shoulda named him “Snapon.”

  67. - Concerned - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 9:06 pm:

    It is unfortunate that the GOP needs to add another “Peraica Principle” antic to many issues it has been attempting to overcome this past decade. It is clear that negative leadership issues occur in government. When a leader is telling people, especially his workers and volunteers, publicly to call another public officials office to harass them about an issue that is truly despicable. Peraica says that the timing of this is ironic yet it has been being investigated since February and the facts are now coming out on this latest “goon tactic”.

    Over the years Mr. Peraica has stooped to the lowest of lows so many times and the Republican leaders know it! Actions like this have become typical of Peraica. Somehow, unfortunately so, he has become one of the most noteworthy republicans in the state – the face of our party so-to-speak. Is this who we want getting a majority of the press for our party – I certainly do not!

    I am concerned that the Republican Party, on numerous occasions, has not taken proper action to deflect the negatives of a few other republicans before us.

    Given this most recent attack on our Cook County GOP leader the Republican Committeeman should formally vote on whether to request Peraica’s resignation. Peraica is a disgrace to government and represents exactly what so many constituents have come to hate with the political process. What a message this would send to the voting public, most importantly, that we would hold our party leaders accountable.

    On the other hand the Democrats would prefer we do nothing as they know he is of no threat to anyone. Is Peraica a person we want to support for any offfice?

    We all know that we will rarely all be in agreement and as professionals we agree to disagree. This never has applied to the “Peraica Principle”! Disagree with Peraica and he will attack and harass you! Again, the Republican leaders have seen this time and again. Do we really need to continue to deal with this type of charachter? Does he have any integrity?

    Indications are clear that a super-majority of republican committeeman lack respect for Peraica. Part of the healing process for the Republican Party is for us to take time to come together and formally take the step to vote on whether we should request his resignation!

    Commissioner Gorman, please call an emergency meeting of your party to start the Cook County Republican healing process and formally request Peraica’s resigation!

    GO AWAY TONY…You’re no good, you’re no good, Tony You’re no good….I’m gonna say it again, you’re no good, you’re no good, Tony you’re no gooooooodddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  68. - Frank Sobotka - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 9:18 pm:


    I hope Fred Ichniowski didn’t write the press releases for the fundraiser:
    “Come on down to 3500 N Clark to support Peraica! Be there or be square! See yoU Next Thursday!!!”

  69. - The Right Thing - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 9:32 pm:

    The Cook County GOP should show that it’s capable of doing SOMETHING. Showing Peraica and his thug operation the door would be some real progress, the first in years.

    Hit the road Phony Tony, and don’t you come back no more, no more, no more, no more…

  70. - Eliptical Orbit - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 10:38 pm:

    Melanie, I assume by your name that you are a female. Ichniowski called Chairman Gorman a c**t, do you find that “trivial?” Last year the Daily Southtown carried a story about pusillanimous Peraica using the “c” word in reference to four distinguished women from our party. Liz was one of the four. You, as a woman, should be most insensed by this behaviour, instead you dismiss it as trivial. We’re not talking about some teenage street urchins using vulgarity as a right of passage. We’re talking about grown men. One who is an elected public official, and the other a blind follower. Peraica is the worst kind of coward, one that plays on the misery of others and capitalizes on their tragedies. This horse’s ass had the nerve to show up to a funeral of a one time political powerhouse just to campaign. This horse’s ass marched to and converged on John Stroger’s home demanding to see his medical records. Well, I want to see some records too. Peraica’s son’s arrest records, DUI conviction records, felony home invasion court transcripts and his personell file and time cards to rule out ghost payrolling. That’s not trivial. It’s criminal, just like what Ichniowski did. If he wants to clean-up corruption he needs to start with himself and then work outward toward his inner circle of misfits and Soprano wannabes.

  71. - Rob_N - Thursday, Sep 13, 07 @ 11:54 pm:

    DT and West Sub,

    Try repeating “Rhetorical Comebacks 101″ during this fall semester. Your bizarre backtracking from your earlier over-the-top statements leaves much to be desired.

    (And no need to read between any lines there you two.)

  72. - Thomas - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 12:47 am:

    Rich, You are right–this guy who called Liz Doody Gorman is a goon, thug, goof, nut, criminal whatever. If he slashed nuns tires he is even worse.

    However, this is not the most serious news issues. Many politicians and many people, including many women get phone calls far worse in politics and out. Even if there was a technical “assault” or threat–or “just” (not that just is bad) swear words like b-tch or c-nt.

    The question in my mind IS:
    1. Was he acting on behalf of Commissioner Peraica–what a lawyer would call agency relationship–and it does not seem that way.

    2. Is this much beating up on Tony Peraica (compared to relative or comaprative thuggery of many other elected officials and campaigns) deserve righteous indignation of Rich Miller or a second page news piece. There was no physical altercation. There was no trial. There was no physical violence. It was not Peraica himself nor a current paid staffer.

    3. $150 per week or 2 weeks or month which at most is $600 for month for a political campaign (which many times attacts many types of people and very few times is there time or money or resources for a background check) is not a lot it certainly is not the same connection of a highly paid consultant. It is not a government job. It is a campaign job for a guy that I doubt, or there is no proof of, that Peraica knew slashed nuns tires.

    4. What exactly did this goof (or thug or goon) say? It wasn’t taped. There is no documentation. All we have is Liz Doody Gormans word (who leaked it to the press)(and it was given to a Devine news source) and a partial admission (but not complete agreement) from this goof/goon who said he was drunk at 9AM.

    5. If Peraica did not have him working at the time or if Peraica did not tell him to do it and he was acting on his own making prank phone calls or even threats–HOW IS PERAICA RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT???? Maybe Peraica made a bad call by giving him $150 for working on his campaign or maybe Peraica should of made a background check.

    6. Comparative (the Sun Times had it on a page 2 story) to other stories of Genocide in Sudan, Iraq, CTA mess–a goon that has a tenous connection with a current Commissioner and candidate is not big or real news or page 2 news.

    7. Rich Miller seems to have too much indignation yet didn’t talk about Senator Martin Sandoval having Al Sanchez on staff (now indicted and connected to far worse). There are many campaign worker, consultant, staff, and other connections of many campaigns that are deleted, not discussed or dismissed.

    8. One key State’s Attorney (who I will leave unnamed because he has a purple heart son in Iraq), but a key member of the Devine staff had a DUI and a battery in Will County–that is not Devine’s fault. There is far worse on the Devine staff but it would be deleted here even if it was true and provable.

    9. What about Mike Noonan or Mike Kasper or lawyers or consultants for campaigns who use “muscle” on campaigns–the Daley people used the same guy who testified for Joey “the Clown” Lombardo as a character witness, there were articles by Laurie Cohen in the Sun Times how Dick Mell used Raymundo Rolon and the Latin Maniac Disciples–how many convicts, drug dealers are on the city payroll through HDO, the CBG, the 11th ward.
    Should we get into violent people in the Polie Department? Jon Burge? The Sheriff’s office? Kevin Joyce and the Joyce’s? Mike Joyce?
    Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

    If Tony Peraica told this goon/goof to call Liz Doody Gorman–FRY PERAICA!!!

    If Tony Periaca knew that this guy slashed nuns tires and still hired him as a political worker–FRY PERAICA!!!

    If Peraica had any knowledge or gave orders—than INDICT PERAICA!!!

    If there is violence–make it FRONT PAGE NEWS!!

    But if Peraica DID NOT KNOW–he is not guilty.

    If Peraica did not know his background AND MOST CAMPAIGNS DON’T DO BACKGROUND CHECKS, just want the workers and don’t do background checks–than this is just not a big deal.

    This is NOT a big nor real story. It is a contrived political story to hurt Peraica.
    Peraica has no real involvement in this.
    It is not even bad judgment. It is hardly a guilt by association. It shows that the powers that be are afraid of Peraica.
    Rich Miller’s indignation does not seem to have real priority or reality.

    To Epiletical Orbit:
    If we want to talk about people’s sons (and if Tony Peraica’s son committed crimes he should be punished) should we talk about Cong Dan Rostenkowski daughter’s drug use, or other elected officials kids DUI’s or Patrick Daley (the son of Mayor Daley’s) Baseball batting a Filipino kid into a coma (Toots Caruso kid did felony jail time for something similiar)
    Or maybe Orlando Jones (the godson of John Stroger)who may have committed suicide and likely committed many crimes, and fraud
    Or maybe the John Daley (brother of the Mayor of Chicago and Chairman of the County Finance)—and his inlaws the Briattas–and the City and gambling, and overtime bribes, and ghost payrolling, and mob connections. If Peraica’s son did a home invasion (don’t know if he did or not but did hear about a DUI) than send him to prison and it is a page 10 story and sad.
    But machine Democrats better be careful about guilt by association, swearing, phone calls threatening people (maybe recent phone calls and meetings and what Victor Reyes, Al Sanchez, Mike Noonan and Senator Munoz called Senator Iris Martinez), criminal records and past of campaign workers, volunteers, municipal workers etc.
    Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

    This is not a real story.
    This is not a good reason to not support Tony Peraica.

  73. - Spokesmen? - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 1:59 am:

    Where’s Proft and Mercadante? They’ve collected a lot of cash from Tony to be quiet now when he needs them.

  74. - DuPage Toupee - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 9:18 am:


    You have no idea what you are talking about. I have done nothing but call Tony out for being the cretin that he is. You’re clueless, bud.

  75. Pingback Potato, Pot-ah-to … Peraica, Pariah « Illinois Reason - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 5:26 am:

    […] Long story short, the Sun-Times and Daily Southtown got a hold of the story late last week and political journalist Rich Miller followed that up with a column and a blogpost of his own. Altogether, we have a pretty clear timeline: 2002: Tony Peraica represents Fred Ichniowski in court on charges that he slashed a bunch of nuns’ tires. Mr. Ichniowski had a previous charge of making harassing phone calls […]

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