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A disturbing pattern

Friday, Sep 14, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

I know we had a long discussion on this topic yesterday, but since I chose it as my Sun-Times column we’ll have to do it again

What do you do with a guy after he’s arrested for slashing tires on cars owned by a bunch of Catholic nuns?

Why, you put him on your campaign payroll, of course.

And what do you do if the same guy also has a prior conviction for telephone harassment and apparently likes to get drunk early in the morning?

Well, it’s only obvious that you’d “encourage” him to call a political opponent to “urge” her to cooperate with you.

Not a good idea, you say? Pretty stupid? Downright idiotic, even?

Meet Tony Peraica.

As the Sun-Times’ Steve Patterson reported this week, Peraica brought Fred Ichniowski onto his campaign staff after his law firm represented Ichniowski in the nun tire-slashing case. Lately, Ichniowski has allegedly been making very nasty, harassing phone calls to Cook County Commissioner Liz Gorman, who has been on the outs with fellow commissioner Peraica for months. Ichniowski told the coppers that Peraica had encouraged his supporters to call Gorman’s office and admitted that he was drunk when he phoned Gorman at 9 a.m. one day.

Go read the whole thing before commenting, please, because the analysis is further down.

Also, there’s a mistake on the CS-T website. The last line in the online version of the column (as of this morning), “Peraica has proved to be his own worst enemy,” is a stray that somehow migrated from the middle of the column to the end.


  1. - Johnny USA - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 8:49 am:

    With every one of these stories that comes out, I become happier and happier I voted for Todd Stroger.

  2. - Objective Dem - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 8:59 am:

    I agree with your assessment. I was on the fence regarding Peraica when he ran for Board President. I had a limited but generally favorable opinion because everyone said he was a reformer and competent. Then I saw the election night stunt and my opinion became negative, but with the idea that this could be an isolated situation. This last story locks in a very negative opinion of Peraica. It will be next to impossible for Peraica to change these opinions and I don’t see much future in politics for him.

    The worst part is Ichniowski would have landed a plum job if Peraica was elected. Could you imagine working for him?

  3. - Anon - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 9:03 am:


  4. - GOP'er - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 9:03 am:

    I have to say, you nailed it Rich. Good work.

    Peraica is just the latest in a long line of thugs in the Illinois GOP. It’s time for decent people to say enough is enough.

  5. - plutocrat03 - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 9:09 am:

    Based on the newspapers Mr. I is a person to be distanced from.

    However I don’t see the same kind of revulsion for thugish appearing members of the Chicago Democratic organization.

    I would feel better if higher standards were to be used by all in public office. Unfortunately as pointed out in this space, there is a convicted felon working in the Governor’s office and a US Representative seems to think it is OK. There is a legion or two in City Hall. Perhaps you can ask the line workers ther how it is working for those bullies?

    I do not find it comforting that a person could ever be pleased to have voted for Tod (I want my own elevator) Stoger.

  6. - Suburbs - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 9:18 am:

    At least when Peraica loses big in the State’s Atty race he might see the light and retire…at least we fellow Republicans can hope!

  7. - Levois - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 9:56 am:

    He’s making the small Cook Country Republican Party look bad. Gorman doesn’t seem that great either, but Peraica doesn’t seem much better now. Kind of unfortunate and even worse Republicans don’t mind turning on each other.

  8. - Wumpus - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 10:12 am:

    So what, he likes to drink early. The bars are too crowded at night and he does mor edrinking before 11am than most of us do all day.

  9. - Gene Parmesan - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 11:08 am:

    Well, nobody seems willing to come to the defense of Peraica here, but one brave and misguided soul attempts to do so at IlinoisReview. Here’s the link.

    Let’s all remember that Peraica and his advisor Mercadante are contributors to the site.

    They try to focus on Mr. I being a “volunteer”, not a paid campaign worker as Peraica’s campaign records confirm. Sad.

  10. - Anon - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 11:25 am:

    This is getting blown out of proportion because certain people just don’t like Tony Peraica.

    Last time I checked, Peraica doesn’t have any top aides under felony conviction and going to federal prison; is not going to federal prison himself; is not under federal investigation; does not have Chrysler and other creditors suing the bejeezus out of him for millions; and does not have the entire State government on the brink of shutdown.

    He has, however, been a determined voice (and at times a very lonely voice) for reform and against waste on the County Board.

    Unlike members of the “Political Aristocracy of Illinois”, Peraica is a self-made man who pulled himself up from literally nothing, and has had to fight for every single thing he has ever achieved or received in this world, financially, politically or otherwise. That has, unfortunately, caused him at times to see everything as a fight to be won at all costs.

    This entire incident was dumb, and will hurt him, and he very well might be his own worst enemy. But there needs to be a bit of balance to this picture.

  11. - cermak_rd - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 11:48 am:


    Your column today was full of snark! Good work! I read almost the whole thing to my partner on the way to work (we carpool, he was driving). He was chuckling pretty hard by the time I finished.

  12. - DuPage Toupee - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 12:20 pm:


    Are you blocking my postings? If so, how come?

  13. - Independent - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 12:39 pm:

    Nice analysis, Anon, esp. regarding why Peraica views everything as a fight.

    It’s easy to play the easygoing, genteel candidate when you grew up with a silver spoon in your mouth and Daddy fought most of your battles.

  14. - Ghost - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 12:40 pm:

    The criminaly insane need jobs too!

  15. - Gene Parmesan - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 12:49 pm:

    Anon and Independent, it doesn’t matter where or how Peraica grew up, you don’t hire a guy who slashes the tires of nuns and has a history of harassing phone calls for your campaign staff and then encourage him to make phone calls to your political rival. Kudos to Peraica for working to get where he is, but that doesn’t justify these actions.

  16. - Berwyn GOP - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 12:54 pm:

    Now I know why we as Republicans are so successful in Cook County the behavior that many on this thread are protraying is a classic “Blame the Victim” mentality

    Of course she was attacked, did you see the clothes she was wearing on the street..

    Well, unfortunately, that dog wont’ hunt, and with this behavior, you are only stretching out the story..

    My only question is where is Proft and Mercantde when we need them

    Now dont’ get me wrong, word around the campfire is that Proft broke with Periaca when he broke with Larry Dominick, but dont’ quote me on that one

  17. - Independent - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 1:10 pm:

    Gene, I never tried to justify Peraica hiring Ichniowski. I was reinforcing what Anon wrote about why Peraica is so confrontational.

    A smile comes easily when you’re a Stroger, Daley, Hynes, Lipinski, Madigan, et. al. and know Daddy has paved your road with gold.

  18. - Captain America - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 1:13 pm:

    Just another sad commnentary on the State of the Republican Party in Cook County. Peraica’s campaign is over 14 months before election day. Given his attempted election night alcohol- fueled “putsch” attempt,it was really over long before it started. Peraica has become a caricature, much like Natarus became in the later stages of his career.

  19. - Cassandra - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 1:35 pm:

    Isn’t the wacky volunteer problem one that has faced numerous campaigns across the country, even presidential campaigns. Or the wacky campaign aide who is found to be selling drugs or accessing porn sites or whatever. There have been a few national stories on these types of incidents lately, although I don’t recall the details.

    I suspect it’s an occupational hazard.

    Peraica should make sure this person isn’t a volunteer any more, cool out on the conspiracy theories, and keep trying if he wants to although I must say he’s a long shot for SA. Chicaga is owned by the Dems. And, other than some really cool buildings on the lakefront, that really hasn’t gotten us much.

  20. - Truthful James - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 1:54 pm:

    Unlike most of you, I did a little research and asked Steve Patterson, the author of the Itchy article of the dichotomy between the headling indicating that the lad was employed by Tony P. and his text that he was a former worker.

    Turns out the headline was wrong. His reply to me in full

    “Nice catch ….

    “well, he is a one-time campaign staffer to be exact.

    “He was on their payroll during the campaign and shortly afterward.
    “Told police he was still a volunteer for him in February.
    “BUt state records show last payment to him was in December.

    “Hope that clears it up. Thanks for pointing that out, too.”

    Tony P. has warts, no doubt. But let us try to get the facts straight about the Fred Ichniowski case, at least.

    Not that it matters to most of you.

  21. - Anon - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 2:09 pm:

    The evidence that Peraica knew and approved of the calls is what, exactly?

    Let’s see, Ichniowski says Peraica never had him do it, and Patterson relies on innuendo from a single supposed comment from a police report. And even that comment supposedly was “Peraica encouraged his volunteers to contact (Gorman) and expressed his disapproval of her new position.”

    Point One: Gorman was elected last February. If Peraica was speaking of her “new” position, that comment came a long time ago.

    Point two: According to Patterson’s article, Gorman says she was getting crank calls from Ichniowski before her election in February, and they intensified as she was running for County GOP Chairman. So it could not have been Peraica’s post-election statement and request that started him on the calls.

    Point three: Even if the comment is accurate, Peraica expressed his “displeasure” over Gorman’s election, but never told anyone what to say. Encouraging supporters to call an official is not exactly unheard of in American politics.

    As far as this Ichniowski character, some “staffer”. He was paid a whopping $75 a week from July 2006 thought the election to make calls and do menial office tasks. The later D-2s show no payments to him since November 2006, nearly a year ago. I’m suspect Peraica saw it as a means of keeping a poorer client in lunch money.

    But now Peraica’s a “Goon.” This is a story that is short on facts, but long on invective. That is what is sad.

  22. - phocion - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 2:10 pm:

    Gee, Rich, where was your outrage against Todd Stroger when it came out during his campaign that his top staff included wife beaters and assorted other thugs and theives. You listen to Noonan too much.

  23. - irishpirate - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 2:13 pm:

    This amuses me to no end.

    What kind of eeeeejit takes help from someone he defended for slashing the tires of nuns? Shouldn’t a little light gone off in Tony’s bald head and said “not a great idea.”

    We need a real State’s Attorney. Someone serious. Someone who will give the democrats and republicans in this county heartburn. Patrick Fitzgerald for State’s Attorney.

  24. - R.A. - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 2:57 pm:

    Allow this to serve as a warning to the other former defense attorneys who are thinking about running for State’s Atty. (Suffredin, Quigley, Brookins, Allen.) Your old clients can resurface and embarrass you.

  25. - Anon from BB - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 3:55 pm:

    Gee, it sounds as if some people are saying “Sure, he slashed some nuns’ tires, but at least he didn’t kick any puppies or eat any babies!”

  26. - phocion - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 4:23 pm:

    BB, no one is saying that. Nobody like this loser should be on anybody’s payroll - Period. Peraica shouldn’t be given a pass, and he isn’t. But the public sector attracts an inordinate amount of creeps and thugs, and pols who employ them don’t get whole columns bashing them for it.

  27. - Super Mega - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 4:33 pm:

    Peraica has/had the ability to be a very strong Republican candidate. His campaign for Cook County Board President hadn’t created that kind of buzz amongst Republicans and Independents since Jack O’Malley was State’s Attorney in the ’90s.

    That said, Tony needs to surround himself with a better class of people. He’s using a method that is common in the city as a Democrat, but doesn’t work when you’re trying to run strong in the suburbs as a Republican.

    He needs to cut back on the rhetoric and really focus on what he needs to do to get elected. He needs to find a new campaign manager to begin with. A professional would not let this story go on for as long as it has, or let their candidate go out and say the person in question was a volunteer, when anyone can go look at the D-2s and see that he was on the payroll. Combine this with the “Election Night Putsch of 2006″ and Commissioner Peraica’s actions come into serious doubt with Cook County voters.

    Peraica needs to right the ship and do it now.

  28. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 4:43 pm:

    Phocion, have of John Kass’ life is devoted to that topic. Please, get real.

  29. - snidely whiplash - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 5:07 pm:

    It seems to me that much of the press (and the posters here) have no practical political experience. So, Peraica has a loon as a volunteer. Guess what? So does everyone else! The difference is that everyone elses’ loons-goons offenses are brushed aside and don’t make the paper, because the incidents conveniently never make it to the police and press. I’ve seen countless incidents that make this look like nothing, but nobody ever read about that in the paper. Peraica’s habit of making enemies out of everyone with a shred of political power or influence understandably incliens them to go out of their way to nail him.

    This really isn’t a story, and I find both the timing and the amount of attention given to this to be highly suspicious.

  30. - Joe in the Know - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 5:09 pm:

    Peraica has had several years to show us something. He has been on the County Board for 5 years and other than bash his opponents, what has he contributed? Show me one ordinance that he has advanced that has a positive message. His M.O. is destroy, demolish, and demean. Then he wants to ride on his high horse wearing a costume of a reformer. But he can’t be a reformer because he surrounds himself with people like the nun-tire-slashing nut who harasses elected officials.

  31. Pingback The Repub Big-Wigs’ Really Weak Week « Illinois Reason - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 5:55 pm:

    […] Still on a sour note, a certain Republican former County Board Presidential candidate and current State’s Attorney candidate seems to have a definite pattern of questionable, nigh deviant behavior. You see, back on the night of Election Day last year — indeed, in the wee hours of the morning after Election Day — conservative Board President candidate Tony Peraica led a gaggle of goofs up and down deserted Loop streets (they first headed the wrong direction on Boul Mich) as they left their election night ballroom and headed for the County Building and Clerk David Orr’s office, where the votes were being tallied overnight. When they got there, they pounded on the glass and generally acted like grizzled hooligans. As if that bizarre incident wasn’t enough, it now turns out the Mr. Peraica hired a known thug to his campaign staff (he met the guy while defending him on charges that he slashed a bunch of nuns’ tires). This fellow has since proceeded to make harassing calls to Mr. Peraica’s political opponents in drunken stupors (at 9 in the morning no less), cursing them out for voting against Mr. Peraica’s interests. He is now claiming that Mr. Peraica encouraged his supporters to make these calls. Illinois political journalist Rich Miller calls it, “A disturbing pattern” and notes that this fellow wants to represent us as our State’s Attorney. As others have pointed out, can you imagine if a supporter who slashes tires and makes obscene calls to opponents was given a job in the offices of the Board President or State’s Attorney? And, again, partisan conservatives (as opposed to honest conservatives) at Illinois Review decide to try and defend the indefensible not by explaining Mr. Peraica’s “disturbing pattern” but by … blaming other people, like reporters, for bothering to talk about it. (Of course, that same group of partisan conservatives at Ill Review counts Mr. Peraica as a contributor and an advertiser.) […]

  32. - Nick - Friday, Sep 14, 07 @ 9:53 pm:

    Where is crazy Joe Sallas when you need him?
    Some of the “old timers” may remember the name. The guy who went to FLA. and killed the wrong guy!
    How many “political people” did he work for?
    Makes the telephone harassment charge seem pale.

  33. Pingback Potato, Pot-ah-to … Peraica, Pariah « Illinois Reason - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 5:26 am:

    […] And now we have Mr. Peraica’s side which sluffs off the slashing of the nuns’ tires as a chance at redemption; completely ignores the middle of the night raging march on the county building; and also doesn’t comment at all on any role Mr. Peraica’s own words or actions may have played in this incident… In fact, most of Mr. Peraica’s “explanation” boils down to a raging slam against Ms. Gorman as he says her record “speaks for itself”. While Rich Miller calls this “a disturbing pattern” on Mr. Peraica’s part, it seems a longer view is in order as it appears to be a disturbing pattern on the part of many conservative partisans. This blog and others have commented before on the effects over-the-top vitriol from partisans can have on “rogue” activists who skate the line between activisim and violence, sometimes committing the unthinkable. […]

  34. Pingback Ill Reviewers earn their dunce caps « Illinois Reason - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 5:12 pm:

    […] John “Poopy Head” Ruskin compares a journalist — Rich Miller — who covers Springfield and other Illinois political matters to Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber. Why? Because Miller posted a few facts that put the lie to the spin being promoted by a comrade of Ruskin’s. In his role as a reporter, Miller has gone after Dems, GOPs and even Greens with equal aplomb when they fib, flop or go flakey, as Sen. Steve Rauschenberger has been doing of late in his anti-Obama zeal. This isn’t the first time the pseudonymous Ruskin has flailed around spewing crap instead of keeping his bizarre inanities to himself… (What’s that? There’s a financial stake for the denizens of Illinois Review to prop up the head of the United Republican Fund, an organization that so many of them also help operate? Go figure…) […]

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