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Peraica responds, and Cross talks about the circular firing squad

Monday, Sep 17, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

Tony Peraica blasted out this e-mail yesterday…

Dear Friends:

In recent days, you may have read some troubling stories in the newspaper about harassing phone calls made to Cook County Commissioner Liz Gorman by an individual who formerly volunteered on our Cook County Board President campaign.

It’s important that you know the full story - and hear the facts from me.

First, this individual has had a troubled past, and I once represented him in my capacity as an attorney. Afterward, he committed to cleaning up his act. I believe in second chances, so when he asked to volunteer on our campaign, I allowed him to do so. We paid him a small twice-monthly stipend as reimbursement for his mileage. In October of 2006, he was unable to control his behavior and we required him to leave our campaign.

In February 2007 - long after he was a volunteer with our campaign - this individual was working with another Republican organization. During that time, he made harassing phone calls to Cook County Commissioner Liz Gorman.

Let me be clear - these actions were reprehensible. This individual made these calls without my knowledge or approval.

Ms. Gorman, who has long been an ally of the Cook County Democratic Machine, knows I had nothing to do with this individual’s actions - yet she has sought to blame his actions on me.

Why has she gone public with this issue seven months after this individual made the phone calls? Why is she falsely accusing me of having anything to do with this situation? Is an employer to be held responsible for the actions of a former employee (or, in this case, a volunteer)?

The answer to the above questions is simple: the Democrats are fearful of our campaign for reform. They know that we are a real threat to win the State’s Attorney’s office and restore accountability to the top law enforcement office in the county. Because of this fear, they have enlisted the help of their ally, Liz Gorman, to smear and attack me.

The record of Liz Gorman speaks for itself. She has proven herself to be a committed ally of the Democrats - a close associate of indicted political insider Ed Vrdolyak and the disgraced Shaw brothers.

Gorman also has been a staunch ally of Todd Stroger - recruiting Stroger’s former spokesperson, Sean Howard (who was arrested last year for harassing a woman) to join her public relations team at the Cook County GOP. She supported Todd Stroger’s disastrous budget. She has supported the Stroger position against numerous and even bi-partisan reform efforts. She has gone out of her way to oust good Republicans from Cook County GOP committeeman positions - in favor of Democrat shills that will toe her “party line.”

Liz Gorman’s motives are clear: she is smearing me now to provide herself a reason to slate a primary opponent against me for State’s Attorney. Rest assured that any Liz Gorman-backed candidate will be an enemy of reform, and a friend of the corrupt, Democratic machine.

There is a long road ahead before Election Day in November of 2008. The Democrats and Gorman allies will spend the next 13-plus months slinging mud at us … because they fear us. And fear us they should - because our campaign for honest reform will win and put them out of business.

We will not be bowed. We, and now you, know the truth, and we will continue our campaign for honest reform.

I appreciate your continued support. Together, we will reform Cook County.


Tony Peraica

It’s nice that Peraica has finally distanced himself from Fred Ichniowski, but since my column appeared about the Peraica situation, I’ve received some calls about other alleged strong-arm tactics from Peraica’s campaign and at least one more nasty phone call allegedly from Ichniowski to a different committeeman. Perhaps we’ll be seeing more about this soon.

Also, to the heart of the matter, it wasn’t Liz Gorman who blamed Peraica. Fred Ichniowski told the cops after he was busted that Peraica had encouraged volunteers to call Gorman’s office.

Meanwhile, House GOP Leader Tom Cross was at a Downstate function over the weekend and talked about Demcratic disunity, but added

Cross encouraged Republicans to seize the chance to work together as a party among all the squabbling. He said the keys to success will be repairing the GOP image, team building and encouraging the involvement of young people in government to lead the future.

“We fight too much. We fight among ourselves too much. We can’t give up,” Cross said.



  1. - Redbright - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 9:10 am:

    I hope someone can elaborate on (Republican Chair) Gorman’s ties to the Democratic Party. I know a relative (brother?) ran for Alderman last winter.

  2. - Skeeter - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 9:14 am:

    Per Tony: “the Democrats are fearful.”

    I am so tired of hearing Republicans say things like “Democrats are afraid of . . .”

    Why in the world would any Democrat fear any Cook County Republican? Cook County Republicans never win anything, ever.

    They need to stop talking about “fear.” It makes them look like even worse than is their custom.

  3. - fedup dem - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 9:14 am:

    Republicans keep setting up their circular firing squad formation at the state and national levels, so should it a surprise to anyone that we se it taking place here?

  4. - Cassandra - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 9:23 am:

    Unity is fine but first the Republicans have to find some Illinois supporters. And they seem to be doing little in that direction. They are just lazy. I wonder how much money the Repub leaders are taking out of the party for themselves. Quite a bit, I would guess. Rich and lazy. Or maybe the right wing wackos have really taken over.

    I am an example. Although I am not a registered anything, I gave money to JBT and to Christine Radogno in 2006 because I think both of them were excellent candidates and I also think that more women should hold high office in Illinois. And I would never vote for Blago because of the corruption and patronage brought by his administration, even though I appreciate his
    efforts to keep my taxes from going through the roof.

    You’d think I’d have heard from the Repubs if they were seriously trying to build a voter base. People who give money have to be a target group for Republican activists trying to build back the party. Not a peep, not a mailing, from the Repubs. Again, I think they’re just lazy. I’m seriously thinking of voting for Lisa if she runs, which means I’ll vote in the Dem primary this time and vote Dem in the next election.

    I would guess that many moderate Republicans and independents who used to lean Republican are
    thinking similar thoughts.

  5. - Bill - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 9:25 am:

    It is really hypocritical for Tony, a flipped democrat, to complain about Gorman. Nobody fears you Tony. You are just another bad joke perpetrated on the public by the Republican party of Illinois

  6. - Bill - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 9:27 am:

    Welcome to the right side, Cassie!

  7. - Gus Frerotte's Clipboard - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 9:28 am:

    “We fight too much amongst ourselves” is usually a code phrase for “my wing of the party is correct and those who disagree with it should fall in line.” Both the moderate and conservative wings of the Illinois GOP have refused to cede turf to the other, and so the party remains divided. It’s hard to see that changing soon, although of course it’s equally hard to see the Democrats all pulling together in the next four years.

  8. - Hmmm - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 9:31 am:

    My thought is that Mr. Peraica came awfully close to violating attorney-client privilege when he acknowledged that his stooge was a former client and had a “troubled past.”

  9. - Truthful James - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 9:34 am:

    My sainted grandfather told me never to pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel. In the information age he might have added never oppose someone who controls a Blog.

    Nevertheless. I previously posted the email I got from Steve Patterson — the reporter who raised the Itchy matter in the Sun Times — I would have hoped that everybody had read it. It confirms in advance the material in the communication from Tony P. Steve’s text was right. The headline was dead wrong. It was that headline that crated the furor.

    Each of us will be interested in a follow up from Rich Miller regarding the ‘phone calls’ he has gotten. Let’s get this out in the open by all means. Substantiation is an important thing.

    There is no doubt as well that there is no love lost between Tony P and Liz Gorman. Unity among the Republicans on the County Board is a matter of contention. One could hope that Mr. Peraica hones down his blusterbuss and saves his energy for his campaign for reform. The election of the State’s Attorney for Cook County will be a pivotal one in securing both reform in the County and the future of the Republican Party in Cook County.

    It is going to be an interesting election season

  10. - Rich Miller - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 9:38 am:

    TJ, you may think that it was the headline, but I would strongly disagree.

  11. - GOP'er - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 9:48 am:

    This is the final proof that Tony Peraica has serious, serious mental problems.

    This is absolutely despicable. He’s the vile creature who has the nerve to smear the victim - the victim of his own goonish tactics.

    He wants to accuse Liz Gorman of being a Democrat shill?! Peraica ran as a Democrat - TWICE! And that wasn’t long ago.

    And ties to Ed Vrdolyak? Peraica welcomed his help and that of Betty-Loren Maltese when he first “became” a Republican and first sought a seat on the County Board.

    Peraica never left Vrdolyak, Maltese, or the Democrats before that - they all got sick of HIM! And it’s easy to see why.

    Tony Peraica is a vile, divisive, pathetic excuse for a man.

    Any Republican who defends this trash, should be written off as trash.

    Peraica lashes out at anyone who beats him - and he has been beaten many times. Republican or Democrat, if you tell the truth about this guy, expect to be the target of vicious, insane attacks.

    Just one other quick example. Recall back on April 25, 2006, Republican elected officials, Suzie Bassi, Patti Bellock, Beth Coulson, Rene Kosel and Carolyn Krause had a letter in the Daily Southtown standing up for State Rep. Eileen Lyons. Peraica had been on the warpath against Lyons, calling her an “extortionist”, “threatening” and “spiteful.”

    Eileen’s crime? She wouldn’t endorse Peraica for GOP Townwhip Committeeman last year.

    There are countless other examples of Peraica going on the attack against decent people who wouldn’t support his ego driven delusions of grandeur. And his problems with women are well known. Tony’s goon just took the same obscene insults that Tony himself has been heard to hurl at respected women officials.

    Peraica is a disgrace, and if the Republican men like Tom Cross had any spine or decency (they don’t), they would be standing up and calling for Peraica to step down from all of his GOP offices.

    As it is, Peraica continues his assaults on women, and only GOP women seem capable of standing up to him.

    I don’t know who is a bigger disgrace, Peraica or the other “men” in the Illinois Republican Party.

  12. - Ghost - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 9:51 am:

    I did not see his e-mail as truly distancing himself from the conduct. He used the incident more as a vehicle to launch his conspiracy theory attack. “Ms. Gorman, who has long been an ally of the Cook County Democratic Machine, knows I had nothing to do with this individual’s actions - yet she has sought to blame his actions on me.” The e-mail comes across almost as imbalanced as Ichniowski. He spent more time ranting about demcocrats overall. I would say this does not create distance, but instead strings him close to Ichniowski.

  13. - Bill - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 9:52 am:

    YES! Tell us how you really feel. Id say it is a tie for “bigger disgrace”!

  14. - I'm Just Saying - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 9:58 am:

    So the story was dying a slow death, probably would have been nto mentioned for a while and he has to put fuel on the fire

    Brilliant :)

  15. Pingback Potato, Pot-ah-to … Peraica, Pariah « Illinois Reason - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 9:58 am:

    […] UPDATE: Rich Miller has also received messages “about other alleged strong-arm tactics from Peraica’s campaign and at least one more nasty phone call allegedly from Ichniowski to a different committeeman.” …And the dots around Mr. Peraica become easier to connect. Why does anyone continue to associate with him, let alone the self-proclaimed “conservative crossroads” of Illinois Review which has almost literally wrapped its arms around him (and he them). Blogroll […]

  16. - Ron Burgundy - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 9:59 am:

    Should’ve stopped the letter about paragraph six where you called the conduct reprehensible, Tony.

  17. - Super Mega - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 10:04 am:

    Who is Curt Mercadante?

  18. - Fun(d)-Raiser - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 10:32 am:

    We briefly touched on the timing of the leak last week. You will note that the Democrats did not slate a candidate at their session, leaving the primary wide open. I believe that’s the answer.

    It is possible that a very weak Democratic candidate will attain the nomination.

    Peraica, like it or not, has a chance to win this thing against such a candidate.

    The Powers That Be cannot have that.

    A lot of suburban and lakefront voters who voted for Tony last time may do so again.

    On the Northwest Side, I think he ran 2-1 against Todd.

    Many voters do not follow politics closely and are unaware of Tony’s foibles (or the foibles of his eventual opponent.)

    They are just fed up with the status quo, and Stroger, generally.

    I’d like to see if The Powers run someone against him in the GOP primary.

    Peraica makes a LOT of mistakes (we all forgot about him announcing his candidacy on County property during our discussions here last week)
    but he seems to get more votes in areas where he is less known. Case in point: the committeeman’s race which was pathetic.

    “Thomas”, who posted much later in the evening–I saw it over the weekend–raised some good points that are worth revisiting about “volunteers” and the glass houses some of Tony’s critics seem to be living in.

    There’s thugs everywhere, and as reprehensible and vile as Itchy’s behavior was, I do not believe this would have been an issue seven months after its occurrence if The Powers noticed that the landscape looks a little different after Devine’s announcement that he would not seek another term.

  19. - I'm Just Saying - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 10:40 am:

    OH Yeah, he will do realllllllly well with the Women voters on this one……..

  20. - Rob_N - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 10:58 am:

    Super Mega,

    Curt Mercadante is a
    - Republican operative, most recently working for Revere Strategies, LLC (a political consultancy he co-founded)
    - A Chamber of Commerce operative and consultant
    - contributing writer to Illinois Review blog (as is Peraica), among other conservative and Big Business oriented blogs
    - apparent candidate for Grundy County board

  21. - snidely whiplash - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 11:13 am:

    “The Democrats” don’t specifically “fear” Peraica winning the office; they “fear” putting him in a position to control the investigative and prosecution functions of the office with respect to political corruption. Larry Suffredin’s statements to the slating committee pretty much reinforce this view. So, of course, they will resort to “the smear campaign” tactic.

    I think that Gorman’s long history with 19th Ward politicoes and her actions since being elected to the county board should be considered before dismissing the possibility of her being a “Democratic shill.”

    And not that Peraica is necessarily a “victim” in all this: his own tactics of smear are now being thrust back upon him. How long did he think he could ruthlessly smear every official who doesn’t bow down to his extortionate demands before they started to tire of him and return the favor?

    These kids should be left alone on the playground to fight their own little battles, without everyone giving them the attention they so obviously crave.

  22. - Anon - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 11:15 am:

    I ran into Tony this morning. He reports he has affidavits, and has demanded (or will demand, it was a bit unclear from a brief conversation), a meeting with the Sun-Times Editorial Board to present his side of the story and discuss the matter. Let’s hope the Sun-Times will have the guts to do it, and not just hide behind the masthead.

    In the end, this was nothing more than a smear on Peraica planted by Liz Gorman with Mr. Patterson. It’s sad that so many, including the Sun-Times, rose to the bait.

    Hey GOP’er, you are quite the person to talk about “vicious, insane attacks”. You win the Pot & Kettle Award for the day! LOL

  23. - R.A. - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 11:44 am:

    Response to Fun(d)-Raiser’s post:

    If “The Powers That Be” were really worried about Peraica, they would get together behind a solid Democratic candidate — something they haven’t done.

    It’s hard to believe. Maybe things have changed, but for years Cook State’s Attorney was always seen as one of the top three or four jobs in the state (after Gov., Chicago Mayor, and maybe AG or Sec of State.) Yet no one of any consequence seems to want the job right now. And what’s more, none of the political heavyweights in town are really pushing a candidate. Who is Daley, Madigan, Blagojevich, Burke, Mell, the 19th Ward, or Stroger backing? They all seem apathetic.(I know, Stroger is no heavy hitter, but he could move some committeemen votes and he has a huge vested interest in who the next SA is.)

    Is a candidate with a name and some substance lurking in the shadows? Or does the office of State’s Attorney not mean much anymore, particularly with all the action at 219 S. Dearborn?

    What do you think, Rich?

  24. - Reddbyrd - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 11:52 am:

    Great combo item, Capt. F. Shows you still have sense of humor.
    Fast Tony P.(aka Ediie V stooge) confirms his role in the hate calls via this late, limp denial.

    It will be good to have him on the County ballot in ‘08.

    And before you can stop laughing there is TomCross & The Sock Puppets gabbing about how bad the Ds are doing. He is ignoring BushCheney, the War, Scooter Libby, Sen. Craig….I must stop.
    Nice try Tom, but you will a whole lot more dysfunction or the memory eraser from Men in Black if you want to climb the mountain.

  25. - Rich Miller - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 11:55 am:

    I think the only thing that really worries the Dems is that their candidate could stumble badly in the fall and Peraica might then win. Other than that, I don’t think they’re much worried about TP.

  26. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 12:04 pm:

    If Peraica couldn’t beat Todd Stroger, given all of the negatives that had piled up on Stroger and his less than stellar support among rank-and-file Democrats, how does he hope to beat any Democratic candidate in a Presidential election year?

    And what makes Peraica think he can win the county’s top law enforcement job after defending a guy who slashed a nun’s tires?

    Peraica might be right about Gorman, but his delusions of grandeur are apparent, and his defense sounds like paranoid rantings.

    I think he’s already making excuses for his defeat.

  27. - Anon - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 12:20 pm:

    It’s early YDD, very early. I wouldn’t get that smug just yet. Let’s see who comes out of the Dem. primary first. Peraica will be an underdog no matter what, but some dogs are stronger than others.

  28. - R.A. - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 12:27 pm:

    No, Rich. I wasn’t looking for your take on TP. I was wondering what you think about the weak line-up of Dems, and the fact that none of the party bigwigs seem to care who their candidate is, and whether or not you think the office of SA has lost the prestige it once had.

  29. - Rich Miller - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 12:29 pm:

    They care. They can’t agree. Some care a lot.

  30. - Rich Miller - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 12:34 pm:

    …Adding, if the Democrats were scared of Peraica even a little, I assume they would have tried a bit harder to agree on a slated candidate.

  31. - Fun(d)-Raiser - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 12:36 pm:

    R.A.: It is strange, that’s for sure. But I agree with Rich’s answer that they are worried somewhat. To what degree is the question. If anyone saw Howard Brookins’ performance on Fox News Sunday eight days ago, or knows him professionally, you’ll know what I am talking about. That’s why they are trying to throw dirt at TP early, whether or not his gaffes are self-inflicted.

    You ask the $64,000 question: who are these “Powers That Be” (my term but you articulated who I meant) really backing and is there someone waiting in the wings (in either party–see my previous post.)

    The fact that Mike Noonan is running Brookins’ campaign is significant. Maybe we’ll even see Bob Coleman as a candidate after all is said and done.

  32. - Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 12:51 pm:

    RE: Cross

    Both political parties are in disarray in the state, as well as nationally. At the state level, it seems there are “red” and “blue” factions (relatively speaking) within each party that are clawing for power and influence, and who can’t agree on a whole lot.

    Sometimes the gridlock can be a good thing, as it insulates the people from the worst excesses of government. A continued gridlock, however, produces overtime GA sessions, threatened CTA service, and non-payment of providers of essential services for the most needy in the state.

    As nature abhors a power vacuum, the situation will stabilize sometime. At this point, Madigan, and to a much lesser extent Cross, seem to be the chief beneficiaries as they strategize how to gain power and advantage in the short term.

    In the meantime, chaos creates opportunity, and some will be able to take advantage. Be on the lookout for who is taking advantage (esp. behind the scenes) when there is no one to mind the store.

  33. - R.A. - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 1:44 pm:

    Fun(d)raiser: I did not see the Fox piece, but what I’ve seen of Brookins on TV has NOT been impressive. Also, I heard him on Tom Roeser’s radio show and he was very shakey.

  34. - True Observer - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 2:11 pm:

    Peraica is the highest profile Republican available to step forward for State’s Attorney. Moreover, he’s not afraid to mix it up. There aren’t too many Republicans like that. Most of them are namby-pamby don’t make waves and get what you can types.

    Republican’s have won State’s Attorney even when Richard J. Daley was leading the Democrats.

    Voter’s have no problems voting for Republican States’ Attorneys and Attorneys General. They seem to want checks and balances.

    A high turnout helps the outsiders because it can overcome the built-in base of the entrenched and their families, friends and payrollers.

  35. - Fun(d)-Raiser - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 2:19 pm:

    R.A. Yes, that is what I meant. (Man, I have to be more specific with you guys and will do so. I guess I think that politically astute people are mind-readers.) He is horrible. Terrible. I have seen him in action. If his father was not an alderman, he would not even be where he is. (Sound familiar?)
    My original point being, he will win a non-slated Democratic primary against umpteen white candidates, then, in November, Tony Peraica will win, then, in December, hypocritical, disagreeable or not, will use the subpeona powers of his office to go after just about everybody in Cook County Government, except for himself and his son.

  36. - Super Mega - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 2:28 pm:

    Peraica needs to shift the focus to the Democrats and not let this issue get out of control.

  37. - Super Mega - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 2:43 pm:

    BTW, I believe Rob_N is Curt Mercadante. Just smoked him out…

    Curt is not an operative, he appeared out of nowhere after his stint with the US CofC. He has not run a campaign before, this is why I believe Peraica is having some of the problems he’s having.

    I’m not writing this as an attack, but as an example of why GOP candidates have to hire people who know what they’re doing, not people who set up fly-by-night operations and asking for piles of cash.

  38. - Truthful James - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 2:53 pm:

    Is this the same Curt Mercadante who is running for the Grundy County Board? How can a person do both?

  39. - paddyrollingstone - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 3:04 pm:

    True Observer noted two things:

    “Republican’s have won State’s Attorney even when Richard J. Daley was leading the Democrats.” While this is true, the percentage of Cook County voters who were Republican used to be a lot higher than it is now.

    “Voter’s have no problems voting for Republican States’ Attorneys and Attorneys General. They seem to want checks and balances.” Maybe. But the last two GOPers to win for State’s Attorney and Attorney General were Jack O’Malley (1992) and Jim Ryan (1998) and Tony doesn’t have their ballot names, their backgrounds or really anything else going for him. I agree that you never underestimate your opponent but I don’t think the Dems are all that worried about Tony.

  40. - R.A. - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 3:11 pm:

    Fun(d)raiser, allow me to be more specific too: As bad as Brookins has looked, he would still be favored to beat Peraica. Cook County is so overwhelmingly Democratic and Tony P brings too much baggage. The smart money would have to be on Brookins. As other posts here have pointed out, If Tony couldn’t beat Todd, I’m not sure he can beat anyone. Brookins would be even further aided by presidential election coattails.

    I’ll acknowledge Peraica has a shot to beat Brookins, but it’s an extreme longshot. He has no shot at all against any other candidate.

  41. - snidely whiplash - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 3:13 pm:

    Question (and I’m not trying to be “snide”, just honest curiousity) to Rich: If you feel the Dems aren’t worried about Peraica, and you write on state issues, and with the huge stalemate going on in Springfield, why did you make this relatively minor Peraica matter the subject of your SunTimes column? I just can’t figure that out.

  42. - stop the bs - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 3:43 pm:

    Better for the Republicans if they slate no candidate, if the alternative is a goon like Peraica. Anyone who can’t understand this most obvious of political realities should get their head examined with Peraica.

    And just stop it with this crazy conspiracy theory stuff. Peraica is a goon, he has goon supporters, and Gorman finally had enough. No normal person would blame her for simply speaking up and trying to stop at least some of the worst assaults. It’s pretty simple and straight forward. Gorman has been open and honest, and has acted reasonably. Peraica has acted reprehensibly.

    Peraica never had a chance before, now he’s just a running joke. To say the Dems had anything to do with Peraica’s goons doing something so stupid, is just the height of insanity.

    Even talking about the idea that Peraica might ever be state’s attorney is just silly. Peraica should be more worried about his goon de jour singing like a canary downtown right now.

  43. - True Observer - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 3:44 pm:

    From Chicago Sun Times February 23, 2000:

    But O’Malley, who comes from a Chicago Democratic background and early in his public career worked for Ald. Edward M. Burke (14th) and former Mayor Jane M. Byrne, tried to have it both ways. While asserting that he believed in nonpartisanship, O’Malley played footsie with the Democrats.

  44. - Fun(d)-Raiser - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 3:56 pm:

    I disagree that Rob_N is Curt Mercandante, based in the fact that Rob_N connects to a website unrelated to that.

    Keep using nicknames–you will learn a lot more when you look at the subject matter of the posts without the prejudice you may have if you personally know the poster. I think I know who some of the people are, and them, me, but that’s fine. Don’t call them out. Exchange ideas instead.

    Truthful James: Not both, well.

    paddy: I see your point, but this is why discussion boards are valuable. My point was they do not want to take the chance.

    In the 1996 General Election, there were a lot more Devine signs than Clinton or Durbin ones in the the 11th Ward windows. Priorities, priorities, priorities.

  45. - Ginsu - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 4:09 pm:

    Super-Mega: I posted about the pigeon-plucking money-sucking consulting class last week.

    So, I second your 2:43 and raise ya. Unfortunately. I may have picked the wrong profession for myself.

    The consultant charges you to borrow your watch to tell you what time it is and breaks it in the process.

  46. - Anon - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 4:21 pm:

    stop the bs -

    Did you actually use the word “goon” five times in one post, or did I miscount?

    That must be some sort of record.

    Monkey hear, monkey say.

  47. - Anon - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 4:48 pm:

    Well now here’s a development! Liz Gorman just published her rebuttal, in an e-blast of a “Newsletter”, UNDER THE LETTERHEAD OF THE COOK COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY.

    Anyone here think that she got a vote of a majority of the Committeemen before turning the County Party into her personal platform to attack Peraica? Potential donors, please take note of what your hard earned money pays for.

    From Ms. Gorman: “When individuals, regardless of their affiliations, (if any), become abusive or potentially dangerous, actions must be taken. That is what I was faced with when harassing and obscene phone messages were aimed towards me. Actions were taken that were intended to protect myself and my family. Any inference that I did anything other than that is baseless and represents a further disintegration of politics in our county.”

    Translation: “Gosh, I just HAD, repeat HAD to plant the story with Steve Patterson, and include swipes at Tony Peraica, to protect my family. And anyone who believes otherwise is contributing to the downfall of America.”

    Oh, my.

    It’s a sad day for the Cook County GOP. Come to think of it, these days every day is a sad day for the Cook County GOP.

  48. - Captain America - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 4:53 pm:

    Ditto on what YDD says: Peraica could not beat a terrible candidate, Todd Stroger. Consequently he has no chance of beating any Democrat with any intelligence, substance, and serious interest in the State’s Attorney position. Many people in the Republican Party detest him.

    Most Democrats, particularly those on the lakefront,did not vote for Tony Peraica - they voted against Todd Stroger. Peraica has little/no chance of beating any Democrat who emerges as the victor from the open primary. That’s because each of the major Democratic contenders is light years better than Stroger. Those who think Peraica does have chance, must be counting on a Brookins victory in the primary and must see Peraica as a “great Republican white hope.” I believe those racially polarized times are behind us. I’ll be voting for Suffredin in the primary, and then voting for Allen or Brookins in the general election,if either of them defeats Suffredin.

  49. - stop the bs - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 5:09 pm:

    I’ll only say this once to all the goons out there, so listen up. When your thugs get caught assaulting and threatening a woman, you don’t get to cry about the way your thuggery was exposed.

    Peraica and his goons strike me as the typical schoolyard bullies. They push the girls around and talk a big game, but as soon as someone stands up to them, they just start crying like little babies.

    Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time dum dums.

  50. - Anon - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 5:24 pm:

    Hey “Stop”-

    So how are things in Carpentersville?

  51. - Feldman - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 7:16 pm:

    Let’s lay it on the table…Peraica is trying to salvage what has been a disaster of a political career. He couldn’t hack it as a Democrat, so he conveniently got religion and became a Republican. Now, he is in the last throes of his tenure because he has rendered himself irrelevant. Like Jim Oberweis and John Cox before him, he believes that running for every office in the land will maintain his relevancy. What he fails to recognize is his political and governmental impotence. I wonder if Pfizer makes a pill for that?

  52. - Anon - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 7:34 pm:

    Ok, let’s put the cards down.

    He’s been elected Cook County Commissioner, which then and there puts him ahead of Oberweis, Cox, and any number of others who have never won a primary, much less a general.

    He’s been and re-elected County Commissioner, despite the best efforts of the Democrats and all those supposed Peraica haters out there, beating a very legitimate candidate in Gomolinski.

    He’s been the most successful GOP countywide candidate in about a decade.

    Some “disaster of a political career”! LOL

    Tell me, what planet do you guys live on?

  53. - Super Mega - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 8:01 pm:

    Truthful James-

    Exactly, what fool would hire someone else who’s running for office to run their campaign? It’s insanity.

    Must be rubbing off on Peraica!

  54. - Super Mega - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 8:02 pm:

    Anon 7:34- The most successful GOP countywide candidate in recent memory was Jack O’Malley.

    If you don’t know who that is, he was the State’s Attorney before Dick Devine.

  55. - Eliptical Orbit - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 10:04 pm:

    Has anyone considered the idea that Peraica, who has zero prosecutorial experience, might just want that office to put the kabosh on any attempts at exposing his own criminal associations? His Chief of Staff currently owns and operates a “mens club” in the western suburbs replete with cash card games and individuals of less than dubious character frequenting the establishment.

  56. - snidely whiplash - Monday, Sep 17, 07 @ 11:44 pm:

    Sheesh, the smear campaign continues. E.O., if you know these “facts”, why not direct them to the appropriate law enforcement agency?

  57. - Reddbyrd - Tuesday, Sep 18, 07 @ 8:09 am:

    Looks like TC & The Sock Puppets need to do a litle unification work in Cook County. As soon as he is done ‘plain’ Rudy and the Iraq Study Commission he’ll be right over

  58. - GOP'er - Tuesday, Sep 18, 07 @ 8:29 am:

    Next year was already going to be bad enough for Republicans, especially in Illinois.

    If the Illinois GOP had any brains at all (an open question obviously) they would completely disassociate from this Peraica goon. Peraica is going to drive women away from the GOP in droves.

    The Democrats saw what a divisive trainwreck this guy was years ago, and they pushed him out. Like some vile locust he then moves over to the Republican Party and starts the destruction.

  59. - Limerick - Tuesday, Sep 18, 07 @ 3:39 pm:


    I know. I voted for him. Devine was elected in 1996. That’s why I said in a decade not recent memory.

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