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This just in…

Wednesday, Sep 5, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 3:50 pm - The Senate is coming back to town on Monday and Tuesday. Agenda items reportedly include a slightly different transit bill than the House tried to pass yesterday (not much by way of changes, but some) and the capital package.

Details in tomorrow’s Capitol Fax.

* 6:11 pm - From Crain’s

A spokeswoman for Senate President Emil Jones said only that the session would involve “discussion of a transit issue.”

But Sen. John Cullerton, D-Chicago, said he believes the Senate will consider a slightly different version of a CTA bill sponsored by state rep. Julie Hamos, D-Evanston, that the Illinois House rejected Tuesday. “I think we’re going to try to pass the bill Julie tried yesterday,” said Mr. Cullerton, who often handles CTA-related bills in the Senate. “It puts pressure on the House to do something. We can’t just sit around and do nothing.” […]

Mr. Cullerton said he would not be surprised if the Senate also took another run at voting on a bill to allow a casino in Chicago as part of a plan to raise money for a statewide capital plan. Such a bill failed earlier this summer and President Jones had declared the issue dead, but House Republicans have insisted on a capital bill as a condition for them providing the necessary votes for a transit bill.

* 6:33 pm - From ABC7

But next Monday, the Senate will give it another try with transit and infrastructure bills that would be paid for with three new casinos. That approach has been tried before unsuccessfully.

I don’t think that’s totally right. Mostly, but not totally. Tomorrow’s Capitol Fax will have more.


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Wednesday, Sep 5, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Wednesday, Sep 5, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

Normally, we try to stay as far away from national politics as possible. The discussions generally devolve into regurgitated party-line talking points.

So, let’s try this today without the afore-mentioned brainless, automaton rhetoric, shall we?

Rate Barack Obama’s presidential campaign to date.

…Adding… I think some of you may be jumping the gun a bit. As Bill Baar noted in comments, “Always keep this graph in mind when talking about the primaries.”


On transit and traffic

Wednesday, Sep 5, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This excuse is understandable politics, but it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense in the long or short term…

House Republican leader Tom Cross of Oswego said transit funding should be addressed at the same time that a broad-based capital program is taken up to fund construction of schools, roads, bridges and other projects.

“For us to say we’re only going to take care of one component of a two-part problem is a mistake,” said Cross, who voted against the proposal. Suburban drivers, he said, expect the roads to be widened because they are “sick and tired of sitting in traffic.”

* Widening the expressways will probably just invite more cars onto the roads

Widening and building new highways actually causes, not relieves, traffic congestion in Cincinnati and other major U.S. metropolitan areas, according to a new study presented [in 2000] to the 79th Annual Transportation Research Board in Washington, DC. The study estimated that up to 43% of traffic in Greater Cincinnati is caused just by expanding the area’s road network. The study also says that Tri-State traffic congestion would have grown less rapidly if no new or wider highways were built at all, contrary to what highway planners have predicted.

The study, “Analysis of Metropolitan Highway Capacity and the Growth in Vehicle Miles of Travel,” used data from the Texas Transportation Institute’s most recent database for 70 urbanized areas from 1982-1996. Using three models with different variables, the study found that highway-induced traffic in the Cincinnati area (including Northern Kentucky) increased by 14%-43%. Highway-induced traffic estimates for nearby metropolitan areas were 12%-35% in Columbus; 13%-30% in Cleveland; 20%-50% in Indianapolis; and 34%-77% in Louisville. The national average was 15%-45%.

“Simply put, this study adds to the growing evidence that traffic congestion has been made worse, not alleviated as road builders claim, by more and bigger highways. It follows that to reduce traffic congestion, and therefore air pollution and suburban sprawl, we need to stop building and widening sprawl-causing highways,” said Glen Brand, director of the Cincinnati office of the National Sierra Club. “Instead it would be smarter to plan our communities better so that we aren’t forced to drive everywhere, and to provide greater transportation choices such as commuter light rail and expanded bus service.”

The study’s authors, Robert Noland, University of London Center for Transport Studies and William A. Cowart, ICF Consulting in Fairfax, VA., conclude that “induced travel effects strongly imply that pursuit of congestion reduction by building more capacity will have short-lived benefits. This may be evidence for a strong sprawl inducing impact of large increases in lane mile capacity relative to the existing infrastructure.

* More

There is no shortage of hard data. A recent University of California at Berkeley study covering thirty California counties between 1973 and 1990 found that, for every 10 percent increase in roadway capacity, traffic increased 9 percent within four years’ time.3 For anecdotal evidence, one need only look at commuting patterns in those cities with expensive new highway systems. USA Today published the following report on Atlanta: “For years, Atlanta tried to ward off traffic problems by building more miles of highways per capita than any other urban area except Kansas City…As a result of the area’s sprawl, Atlantans now drive an average of 35 miles a day, more than residents of any other city.”· This phenomenon, which is now well known to those members of the transportation industry who wish to acknowledge it, has come to be called induced traffic.

The mechanism at work behind induced traffic is elegantly explained by an aphorism gaining popularity among traffic engineers: “Trying to cure traffic congestion by adding more capacity is like trying to cure obesity by loosening your belt.” Increased traffic capacity makes longer commutes less burdensome, and as a result, people are willing to live farther and farther from their workplace. As increasing numbers of people make similar decisions, the long-distance commute grows as crowded as the inner city, commuters clamor for additional lanes, and the cycle repeats itself. This problem is compounded by the hierarchical organization of the new roadways, which concentrate through traffic on as few streets as possible.

The phenomenon of induced traffic works in reverse as well. When New York’s West Side Highway collapsed in 1973, an NYDOT study showed that 93 percent of the car trips lost did not reappear elsewhere; people simply stopped driving. A similar result accompanied the destruction of San Francisco’s Embarcadero Freeway in the 1989 earthquake. Citizens voted to remove the freeway entirely despite the apocalyptic warnings of traffic engineers. Surprisingly, a recent British study found that downtown road removals tend to boost local economies, while new roads lead to higher urban unemployment. So much for road-building as a way to spur the economy.·

More here.

* Even so, people love their cars, likening them to “personal freedom,” and they don’t like to be told anything that might disrupt their views of life. A suburban politician has to be in favor of building more roads and widening current byways or s/he is dead political meat.

And then there’s the very real problem that people like those who live in Cross’ district face. They don’t have easily accessible mass transportation options, even if they work in the Loop.

Until those people have viable alternatives, it’s impossible to tell them that mass transit should be in the mix.

Then, of course, there’s the problem of Downstate, which resents any cash spent on Chicago-area transit, even though Downstate gets more than half of all road money, with less than half the population.

* But hiking fares too much can backfire

Metra’s letter cited ridership losses resulting from fare increases during the 1980s to deal with worn-out equipment the agency acquired when it took over commuter rail operations from private freight carriers.

“We have brought this system back [from] the depths,” Pagano said. “The bottom line is if we don’t get the money … we will go back to where we were.”

Ridership is up right now because of high gas prices. It’s the same principle. Rising prices in one sector causes consumers to flee to alternatives. Solutions are not easy, which is why the leadership vacuum in this state right now is so frustrating.

* More transit stories, compiled by Paul…

* House rejects CTA bailout as cuts near

* Illinois House blocks bill to aid mass transit

* Bethany Jaeger: Transit trouble

* Chicago Public Radio: RTA still needs cash

* Lawmakers reject measure to raise regional sales tax

* Fare hikes more likely as transit bill fails

* Lawmakers say bridge needs are great, but money still a question


On Vallas and recall

Wednesday, Sep 5, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The next gubernatorial election is more than three years from now, yet

Exactly how bad are things in Springfield? Horrible.

What words do politicians, even members of his own party, use when speaking of Gov. Blagojevich?


What name is back in play as a possible contender to run for governor in 2010?

Paul Vallas.

That’s how completely crazy it is in the state Capitol. We only just re-elected the current governor 10 short months ago. We’re in the grinding, seemingly endless throes of a presidential campaign that jumped off earlier than we’ve ever seen. And now somebody out there is actually ready to talk up the next governor’s race?

The governor’s bizarre antics, which have led to a never-ending legislative session and tanked poll numbers, are more than enough to make one pine for some grown-up leadership. Paul Vallas would have had his troubles, most definitely, but I highly doubt things would have been this bad.

Still, he lost. A long time ago. There’s no sense in looking back at what might have happened.

* That being said, the story about the state spending over a hundred grand to replace the interior of the governor’s airplane is politically horrifying and is enough to make one fervently wish for a change at the top…

A spokesman for the Illinois Department of Transportation, Mike Claffey, said, “That’s the kind of preventive maintenance that extends the life of the aircraft.”

But we’re not talking about changing the spark plugs or replacing worn tires, as one might on an old car. In this case, the “preventive maintenance” includes replacing carpeting and upholstery that’s “a little frayed around the edges.”

It’s the governor’s priorities - and the nerves of fellow Illinoisans - that are “a little frayed around the edges.”

How can the governor talk about cutting “special projects and other spending that we simply can’t afford” while going ahead with revamping his plane?

* Meanwhile, the SJ-R hosted a “debate” this morning on its op-ed page about the recall issue…

* * Brian Gaines: Voters have brains- let them use them for recalls

Illinois voters have all the defects of modern electorates, but Illinois’s politicians seem to have vices beyond the average, as evidenced not only by the inability of the current government to pass a budget but also by a long, sordid history of corruption and conviction. The Land of Lincoln can use more democracy, not less.

Bring on recall!

* Jim Nowlan: Idea of recall is tempting, but it is best resisted

Voters are good at making big decisions, for example, that the country is headed in the wrong direction and change is needed. Voters are less capable on complex matters, especially on statewide issues where huge sums of money are often spent to propagandize an emotional issue. For example, in 1978 voters enacted Proposition 13 in California, which capped property taxes; in doing so, they eviscerated a once fine public school system, which has never recovered.

Yes, the idea of recall is tempting. But for me, let’s keep temptation out of harm’s way.

I would disagree with Nowlan on this only to the point of saying that recall is one of those “big issues” that he says voters are capable of dealing with. I just don’t think that recall is a good idea. The voters elected them, they should be stuck with them.



Morning shorts

Wednesday, Sep 5, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson

* City’s absentee ballots probed - Constituents being questioned about election, Stone says

Ald. Bernard Stone (50th) said Tuesday that the city’s inspector general is investigating absentee ballots cast in the election earlier this year that returned him to the City Council for a 10th term in a probe that Stone contended “is occurring all over the city of Chicago.”

“Some of you aldermen had better be advised that [Inspector General David Hoffman] is going all over different wards in this city issuing subpoenas to various people in this city,” Stone said at a meeting of the council’s Budget Committee. “I didn’t know whether he had authority to do that, but he’s doing it.”

But other aldermen said later they were unaware of any investigations in their wards and added that their colleague’s surprise announcement was the first hint they had gotten of a probe. […]

Stone said he has talked to attorneys, whom he declined to name, who have told him they are representing people in other parts of the city who also have received subpoenas. The activity began about four weeks ago, he said.

* Madigan: No decision yet on vote to override veto

* Governor supports school bill

* Lawmakers: School cash a victim of politics

* Daley accuses Springfield of short-changing schools

* Eric Zorn: On special sessions lawsuit

* Conflict between Illinois governor, lawmakers continue

* ComEd customers vent

* State earmarks $16 million for I-57, I-294 interchange

* New state law assists student journalists

* Illinois Attorney General sues home developers

* Luciano: Ryan angling for stay at ‘Disneyland’

* Brookins officially in the race to replace DeVine as State’s Attorney

* Brookins makes bid for top prosecutors post

* Fee can be used for O’Hare expansion; more here and here

* Daley’s proposed hiring office moves ahead

* Hiring oversight office advances to full council

* City promises ‘unique vision’ in Olympic letter

* ArchPundit: IL-14, the panic sets in


* Reader comments closed for the weekend
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Pritzker's proposed homeless program cuts criticized
* ILGOP calls out Jewish governor for 'vile, antisemitic attacks" (Updated)
* RETAIL: The Largest Employer In Illinois
* It’s just a bill
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* Stop Credit Card Chaos In Illinois
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Live coverage
* Yesterday's stories

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