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This just in…

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 1:27 pm - The House is planning a Committee of the Whole. The press release didn’t come through properly, so I’ll get back to you in a few minutes.

Also, I’m told by the governor’s office that a hearing scheduled for today on the governor’s lawsuit against the House clerk has been postponed until tomorrow. The governor wanted the court to force the clerk to retroactively enter the guv’s veto message into the House Journal for Sept. 4 - the last time the House was in session. A Sangamon County judge (Kelly) has been holding meetings with both sides to try to work out an agreement, but no luck so far.

If the House had entered the veto messages into the journal on the 4th, they would have been required to take some action on the override by today.

* 2:25 pm - Thanks to some commenters, it needs to be pointed out that the Senate did not enter the governor’s vetoes into its journal on Monday, as the governor claims the Constitution requires in his suit against the House Clerk. The governor has vetoed several Senate bills since the last time that chamber was in session.

I’m sure the guv won’t be taking the Senate Secretary to court, however.


Arrr… I forgot

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

No drivelswigger, I, my landlubber brain forgot that it’s Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Let’s talk about those bilge rat Cubs like we’re pirates, eh, maties?

And thanks to me pal, David for reminding my addled self.


Question of the day

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

First, the setup

Today, [George] Ryan will appear with his wife Lura Lynn in Springfield. Mrs. Ryan will be signing the book “At Home with Illinois Governors: A Social History of the Illinois Executive Mansion.” The book sounds like a fine piece of work. And we certainly understand why Mrs. Ryan, as a co-author, would show up at a book signing.

But if George Ryan wanted to show some class and remorse — if he is actually capable of that — he would stay away from such events. This man tied Illinois up in a web of corruption for years. He enriched his friends with public contracts while receiving lots of financial favors in return. […]

Those who truly care about clean, honest government will refuse to fete Ryan as an honored former governor in a tea-and-cookies ceremony such as today’s. To do so is to diminish the serious crimes he committed.

Question: Do you agree or disagree with the SJ-R editorial?


He’s come undone

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This fight over whether to move the Children’s Museum to Grant Park is just downright bizarre. Earlier this week, Mayor Daley exploded at Ald. Brendan Reilly’s refusal to allow the museum to move from Navy Pier to Grant Park, which is supposed to be free of development…

Mayor Richard Daley strongly endorsed a proposal Monday to build a new Chicago Children’s Museum in Grant Park, and he questioned whether race is playing a role among the project’s critics.

Despite opposition by residents of high rises near the proposed museum site, Daley insisted that “we have a lot of support” to go forward.

“You mean you don’t want children from the city in Grant Park?” Daley said. “Why? Are they black? Are they white? Are they Hispanic? Are they poor? You don’t want children? We have children in Grant Park all the time. This is a park for the entire city. What do you mean no one wants children down there? Why not? Wouldn’t you want children down there?”

* The mayor wants to go over Reilly’s head

Daley is so determined to place the museum at Daley Bicentennial Plaza near Millennium Park that he will push for the matter to be decided by all 50 aldermen, violating the long-standing City Council tradition of abiding by the wishes of the local alderman on zoning and development issues.

Daley has also been pressed recently by Jean “GiGi” Pritzker, the chair of the museum board whose family donated millions for the construction of Millennium Park. The park’s Pritzker Pavilion would be linked to the grounds of the new children’s museum by the snake-like BP Bridge.

* Apparently, things got a little tense at a recent neighborhood meeting…

Rev. Michael Pfleger, pastor of the predominantly black St. Sabina Catholic Church… said he recently discussed with the mayor an incident he says occurred last week at a New East Side neighborhood meeting over the museum project.

According to Pfleger, one woman asked him why the museum wasn’t being built in a black neighborhood and another suggested it be moved to Foster Park at 83rd and Loomis.

* Anyway, things deteriorated further yesterday

“I hope all 49 [other] aldermen, I hope everyone in the city, understands what this fight is about,” the mayor said. “It’s a fight for the future of this city. That is why I am very strong on this. If you lose this one, you lose the strength of our city. I have never seen anything like it in the city of Chicago in my term of office. This is worth fighting for. If we don’t fight for our children, who are we going to fight for?” […]

Misstating his name, Daley declared, “Ald. Brendan O’Reilly—and I quote—said ‘Grant Park is not a kids’ park.’… Parks are not for kids? He says [Grant Park] is a people’s park, and kids are not invited. I think everybody should be outraged that the people think the children can’t go to a museum to be educated.” […]

Informed of Daley’s heated comments, [Reilly] said that “obviously somebody misquoted me”—a point ultimately confirmed by Daley’s office—and gave no hint of caving in to the powerful mayor, though Reilly has been in office only since May after winning the first election of his young political career.

* The mayor may face an uphill fight in his battle to take away Reilly’s aldermanic privilege on this issue…

Of 17 aldermen surveyed by the Sun-Times on Tuesday, only one — Patrick Levar (45th) — declared his intention to side with Daley. The other 16 were either undecided or chose to uphold the long-standing City Council tradition of abiding by the wishes of the local alderman on zoning and development issues.

“I believe strongly in aldermanic privilege — even though it happened to me,” said Ald. Howard Brookins (21st), who is still trying to persuade his colleagues to approve the Chatham Wal-Mart they rejected three years ago.

“Today, it’s him. The next day, it could be me,” said Ald. Freddrenna Lyle (6th).

* And not only is Daley pimping for a rich donor (again), there is (as always) another connection to the project

[Daley’s nephew] Patrick Thompson, is the attorney who represented the museum at community meetings.

* Today’s Tribune editorial put it about as bluntly as possible

This debate is not about people who’ve chosen to live near a park that welcomes people of all races and incomes suddenly wanting to exclude poor minority kids. This is about rich people certain that they have enough influence over you to claim a part of Grant Park for their project. […]

The issue here, Reilly correctly wrote, is “the future of Grant Park” — whether uncounted generations of Chicagoans will enjoy the same open space that’s under the stewardship of this generation. What will we bequeath to them? […]

Chicago offers several good locales for sizable public facilities. There are several locales that wouldn’t present the traffic hazards and headaches of the proposed Grant Park site along three-tier Randolph Street.

* And added…

What’s not reasonable is a suddenly livid mayor characterizing people who’ve accepted Chicago’s invitation to live in a rapidly expanding part of downtown as child-loathing racists.

Why the hysteria, Mr. Mayor? Why set out to divide Chicagoans by race and class?


Madigan on the hot seat

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Tribune has a pretty good summary

The state Senate on Tuesday bypassed a long-term fix for Chicago area mass-transit systems, instead passing a plan for a massive public works program that would expand gambling and offer stop-gap funding for public transportation.

The move was the latest attempt by Senate President Emil Jones (D-Chicago) and Gov. Rod Blagojevich to pressure House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) to take up the same issues in his chamber by testing the resolve of rank-and-file House members who want money for local projects.

Madigan, who has cast doubt about a major gambling expansion, favors a mass-transit bill that would ease the cash crunch with a sales-tax increase. Jones’ allies had said as late as Friday that they would call a version of that legislation for a vote this week.

* What’s next?

Despite the Senate’s action, there are doubts by many that the proposal will ever advance in the House, which is controlled by Speaker Michael Madigan. Both Madigan and House Minority Leader Tom Cross, R-Oswego, have expressed reservations about the size of the gambling expansion, which would also allow the state’s existing casinos to add gaming positions.

Madigan spokesman Steve Brown said history shows that large-scale gambling expansions generally do not win legislative approval. When the House returns next month, Brown said the focus will be on a long-term solution to Chicago’s mass transit needs. […]

“This thing is dead on arrival. It was an exercise in futility,” said state Sen. William Delgado, D-Chicago, who voted “yes.”

* And

The House could tweak the Senate’s plan to do a limited expansion of gaming, but that risks being shot down in the Senate again. As Hendon said, “I just hope the House doesn’t tweak so much ‘till it’s dead on arrival when it gets over here.”

* The pressure will be on Madigan now

Sen. John Sullivan, D-Rushville, said the Senate vote may force Madigan to change his mind.

“If the bill is in his chamber, there will be a tremendous amount of pressure from his members and other constituents to ask him to call that for a vote,” Sullivan predicted.

Senate Minority Leader Frank Watson, R-Greenville, a major proponent of the capital program, said he was aware “there will be some problems in the House.”

“We know this isn’t the last bill we will see,” Watson said. “We want to send a message that capital is important.”

* This is a key point, which could help break the deadlock…

Senate Majority Leader Debbie Halvorson, D-Crete, said the proposal could spur negotiations with the House on millions of dollars in budget cuts Blagojevich made last month that have drawn the ire of many lawmakers.

* The lack of a real resolution on mass transit funding will also be part of the next step

“I don’t know if this gets much farther,” said Madigan spokesman Steve Brown. “The darnedest thing . . . is it doesn’t deal with the RTA/ CTA problem in any way.”

Brown said the top House priority will be passing a sales tax increase in Cook County and the collar counties and a new real-estate transfer tax in the city to fund mass transit.

The Senate plan does not deal with the CTA’s looming pension crisis and requires the $200 million be repaid if the state sets up a reliable funding stream for transit.

* What’s in the capital plan?

Mass transit: $200 million loan to the RTA to stave off cuts until next June. RTA must pay it back with a funding source to be determined later.

Gambling: Puts a casino in Chicago and two more at locations to be determined later. Existing casinos get access to more slots, table games.

School funding: $259.7 million for general state aid and $1.9 billion in construction over three years, with the first $150 million going to 24 districts waiting since 2002.

Roads and bridges: $4.8 billion in construction spending over six years.

* The Senate roll call is here.

* Gov. Blagojevich’s remarks after the vote…


* More stories, compiled by Paul…

* Russ Stewart: Doomsday scenario for Gov. Blagojevich?

* Illinois Senate backs casino expansion

* Senate OKs casinos to end transit woes

* Chicago Public Radio: Senate votes for transit bailout and casinos

* Senate OKs package with three casinos

* Carol Marin: Casino plan isn’t worth the gamble

* Indiana casino’s watch Illinois moves with interest

* Editorial: School districts continue to be caught in the crossfire

* Editorial: Don’t treat government as a game


Weller under siege, may not run

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I was told by some top Republicans yesterday that Congressman Jerry Weller is not yet circulating his nominating petitions. Kristen McQueary reports today that Weller’s donors are getting indications that he may not run for reelection. And that’s bringing up the possibility of a hotly targeted race featuring a prominent Illinois Democrat, who is in the middle of a four-year term…

Senate Majority Leader Debbie Halvorson (D-Crete) is considering running for the 11th District congressional seat, in part because of hot pursuit from Emily’s List, a prominent fundraising group in Washington, D.C., that supports pro-choice Democratic women. Halvorson is meeting with Emily’s List recruiters this month to discuss a possible congressional bid.

Rumors are circulating that Weller may decide against another term, particularly in light of the bad press he is receiving over his Guatemalan financial interests. Phone calls, I’m told, have been made to his top donors indicating he may be preparing to “hang it up.” His family, after all, lives in Guatemala. That’s a long commute. […]

“I don’t know if I want to be one person out of 435,” [Halvorson] said Tuesday. “Compared to, possibly, being the first-ever woman Senate president, I don’t know. It’s a big decision.” […]

Either way, Weller will have to face questions about the Nicaraguan land deals and whether he reported or hid them on his congressional disclosure forms. Then there’s the Central America Free Trade Agreement vote that may have benefitted him directly and the questions that arise every election cycle about where he really lives - Morris, D.C. or Guatemala. He is scheduled to address the Joliet Chamber of Commerce later this week. Will he make a big announcement? Address the media? Or slink away in his Jaguar without taking questions?

* Meanwhile, the news just gets worse for Weller

Rep. Jerry Weller (R-Ill.) has landed on a Washington watchdog group’s list of the “22 most corrupt” members of Congress – and, separately, been subpoenaed in a criminal case linked to disgraced former Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham of California.

The “most corrupt” list, an annual compilation of the group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, includes several congressmen and senators reportedly under investigation for ethical issues, including Reps. John Doolittle (R-Calif.), Alan Mollohan (D-W.Va.) and William Jefferson (D-La.) and Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska).

Weller makes the list, the group said, for a host of ethical questions, including his failure to report some Nicaraguan land deals on his financial disclosure form. The group also alleges Weller appears to have used his position to boost interests in Puerto Rico and Belize in exchange for campaign contributions.

The group’s report on Weller is here.

* And then there’s this

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.), House Republican Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) and 11 other members of Congress have been subpoenaed to testify in the trial of a defense contractor charged with bribing jailed former Rep. Randy ‘’Duke'’ Cunningham.

All of the lawmakers said they would not comply on the advice of House attorneys. […]

Rep. Jerry Weller (R-Ill.) was also subpoenaed.

This Weller situation has become a full-blown problem for the GOP.


Morning shorts

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson

* Gov mum on hiring convicted felon

* Blago mum on charges against Poshard

* Panel to look at plagiarism claims against Poshard; more here

* Cook Co. to cut off drugs for non-residents

* Legislation increases penalties for sex offenders

* Tenants stuck in hard place when landlord loses property

Illinois renters whose landlords default on their mortgage payments soon will be protected from eviction under a state law that will give them until the end of their lease or 120 days to find a new home - but tenants may suffer other effects of foreclosure not covered by the new law.

* Editorial: Quick reply needed on disaster status

* Chicago to unveil new Olympic logo’ more here

* DuPage State’s Attorney hires backed by board


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (Use all caps in password)

Wednesday, Sep 19, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

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