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Question of the day

Wednesday, Oct 24, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

On a scale of one to ten, with ten being the “best,” how would you rate the job performance of your own state legislators and US congresscritters? Identify the names of those people and explain why you rated them the way you did.


  1. - Respectful - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 9:52 am:

    Congressman Melissa Bean (8th) does a good job of representing her district. She’s a moderate, pro-business Democrat who voted with Republicans on major issues during the past four years. She’s much more visible in the district than her predecessor, Phil Crane. Consequently, she’s unlikely to have a close race next year.

  2. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 9:53 am:

    Don’t forget the rating. And don’t forget your state legislators (House and Senate). Thanks.

  3. - so-called "Austin Mayor" - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 10:01 am:


    I would give my congress-critter, Peter J. Roskam, a 2 of 10 because his office replied to a written inquiry with the following generic form letter:

    “Dear [Name removed],

    “Thank you for contacting my office with your concerns. It is good to hear from you. In our fast-paced world, I appreciate the fact that you took the time to share your views on the issues important to you.

    “I was elected to represent you in the U.S. House of Representatives; therefore, I will keep your views in mind should this issue be brought to the House Floor for a vote. Americans have many ways of being able to voice their opinions to their lawmakers. I am glad you took advantage of that right you have as a citizen.

    “Again, thank you for contacting me. If I can be of more assistance, please feel free to contact me in the future.”

    I give him a 2 instead of a 1 because the generic letter regarding “your concerns” and “the issues important to you” was not addressed to “Dear Citizen”.

    – SCAM

  4. - 10th Indy - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 10:14 am:

    Kirk 9 - Hard working, represents the district well.
    Peterson 5 - Don’t know too much about him.
    Sullivan 8 - Personable, gets out and talks to people, approachable.

  5. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 10:37 am:

    Kirk = 9 Works hard. Has a good grasp on finances and issues. Easy to get in touch with. Good listener. Studies hard and it shows when he speaks on matters.
    May = 2 Doesn’t have a clue as to finances. When questioned, usually goes into snipe mode instead of answering. After environmental issues, doesn’t bring home the bacon to her district. Needs to learn the meaning of “accessible.”
    Garrett = 9 (As a Republican it kills me to say this). Keeps her ear down to the ground and is good at spotting issues that concern us. Needs to become more independent of the Democrat follies again instead of quietly going along.

  6. - been there - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 10:38 am:

    Dunkin 1, Hunter, 5

  7. - been there - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 10:39 am:

    Davis, 1

  8. - jerry 101 - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 10:48 am:

    I give my state legislators, Ricky Hendon and Annazette Collins both 0’s because of the general mess in Springfield, and specifically because of the pending “doomsday cuts”. It doesn’t matter if they voted for SB 572, the fact that it hasn’t passed pisses me off. I will eagerly support anyone who runs against them.

    Luis Gutierrez gets an 8/10 from me. He’s been doing a rock solid job. I only knock him down from an 10/10 because of his unretirement. I’d like to see some new blood. He’s been in the Village forever, and new blood might bring us a more vocal leader in the Village.

    Durbin gets a 10. Obama gets an incomplete, due to his Presidential campaign.

  9. - lake county democrat - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 10:49 am:

    Rich: looks like you’ve got a lot of 10th districters here!

    Kirk = 2. He looks moderate and respectable from a distance and I used to be a strong supporter despite my moniker. But he’s actually a hypocrite who doesn’t vote his rhetoric. And then he sends these inane e-mails to me ducking every major issue and asking me to write him if I agree with Chuck Rangell that we should bring back the draft (*that’s* the opinion on the Iraq War he wants feedback from his constitutents). Jerk.

    7 - Susan Garrett State Senator. Tries to do her best with reform, votes repsonsibly.

    5 - Karen May. As high a grade I can give someone who supports Mike Madigan, the man whose campaign to elect his daughter Governor will be responsible for the re-empowerment of the state GOP.

    Not sure if senators are supposed to be here, but I give Durbin a 9 (did great work at the national Dems lowest moments) and Obama a 5 (sacrificed his immense political capital for his presidential ambitions, not to pass any legislation).

  10. - Anon - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 10:52 am:

    Joe Lyons - 7.5
    Good on budget and consumer issues, good guy, too close to the Catholics on health care and choice

    Jimmy DeLeo - 3
    Utter hack eager to shill for whatever moneyed, well-lobstered interest who’ll have him - and considering his leadership position, there are plenty. The Northwest Side was rid of Lechowicz years ago; now downtown canned Natarus. When can we dump DeLeo?

    Rahm Emanuel - 6
    Where DeLeo aspires to be an old-line Dem hack, Rahm is the newer model. Just as self-serving and devoid of principle, but far more wily.

  11. - Anon 101 - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 10:55 am:

    Congresscreep Lipinski - 0 (would have been a “1″ but that sham committee his old man created disgusts me)

    Kevin Joyce — 9 (a surprisingly good legislator, votes the district, not his own interests)

    Ed Maloney — 7 (a quite soul who keeps his nose clean. I wish he would take more initiative but nevertheless, votes his conscience)

  12. - jerry 101 - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 10:57 am:

    whoa…another 101? Hey, I own the trademark on the 101. :-P

  13. - Time for a change - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 11:01 am:

    Monique “CTU” Davis gets a big fat zero for her stance against allowing 10,000 children access to alternative schools.

    President Emil Jones gets a 5, he has got to straighten this mess up down there in Springfield.

    Congressman Rush gets a 5 he has been quiet lately…has he retired yet???

  14. - train111 - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 11:01 am:

    J. Dennis Hastert –5 I’ve voted against him in both elections I lived in the district, but you must admit that he brought lots of money into the district

    Randy Hultgren–2 Who??

    Mike Fortner–7 Much more in touch. I met him recently and he appears more down to earth.


  15. - Tom - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 11:09 am:

    Danny Davis 0 I can’t point to anything of note that he has done since joining the House, and I seriously doubt that he has River Forest’s interests in mind when voting

    Don Harmon 7 Disappointed that he supported Emil’s parliamentary dodge on the initial version of the rate freeze legislation, but he did recently vote to uphold the silent prayer veto after initially voting in favor of the bill. Has said he changed his position after hearing from his constituents.

    As for Deborah L. Graham, I can’t tell you anything of note that she has done, so I’ll give her an incomplete.

  16. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 11:09 am:

    Durbin-10. He’s been against the war from the start, he is very responsive to constituents, answers his mail, comes across as a little wimpy but actual deeds trump personality in my book.

    Obama-0. Doesn’t answer his mail. When I had a passport delay problem last spring, I noticed that I didn’t even think of calling Obama’s office because I knew it would be useless. He has continually waffled on the war. All talk, no substance. Illinois only has 1 senator.

    Deborah Graham and Don Harmon. 0. They are utterly useless to Oak Parkers; they really don’t represent Oak Park, they represent Chicago, which has different priorities. Oak Park needs to find
    another legislative district. We have increasing crime (we can no longer walk around safely especially at night), every-worsening schools, astronomical property taxes and virtually no help from the state beyond the usual rock-bottom allotments everybody gets for schools, etc.

    Danny Davis. 4 He’s pretty responsive although again he is far more interested in Chicago’s priorities. No suburbs should have to be hooked up to Chicago legislatively, either on the national or state level. They get lost in the urban sleaze.

  17. - Southern Ilinois Democrat - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 11:11 am:

    John Shimkus “1″… Nothing more than a Bush yes man.

    Ron Stephens “2″… I dont know if I have ever heard him say something positive about someone other than himself or Frank Watson.

    Frank Watson “4″… I dont like Angry Frank and feel his harsh words and attitude brought on the threatened closure of the Vandalia Correctional Center. But, he does look out for his district and is accessible.

  18. - plutocrat03 - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 11:11 am:

    Melissa Bean - 3 Votes with the party 89% of the time, is out of touch with her constituents, zero support for our veterans. Does nnot live in the district. Party allows her to vote a more conservative position when the vote does not matter to skew her record right. Too bad the Repub party in Illinois is a shambles.

    Durbin 3 is an embarrassment to the state and the country being amongst the most strident of the left leaning loony contingent (not that being left is loony, but the party is currently being controlled by the moveon contingent)

    Obama 4 So far has talked the talk, but has not made an impact as a sentator. Great marketer, but little can be chalked up as being done.

    Michael Bond 5 has been silent as a freshman in the Illinois senate, waiting to see if his conflicts with his teacher union connections will surface like they did when he was a school board member.

    Sandy Cole 6 quiet as freshman, needs to step up and show some fiscal responsibility.

  19. - Larry - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 11:15 am:

    Jay Hoffman 0 tied to the Governors hip. He will have real competition from Dwight Kay(Republican), who was the finance chair for the Karmeier Supreme court race. Kay can raise big money. Hoffman is not in touch with the district as much as the past.
    Bill Haine 5 Doesn’t do much
    Dick Durbin 0 Hates the military and is always negative.
    Obama 0 has done nothing
    Congressman John Shimkus 10 Seems to be more of his own man, since Hastert no longer speaker

  20. - ChampaignDweller - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 11:25 am:

    Durbin-0–the Dream Act speaks for itself; Obama-0–hasn’t done much since declaring himself a Presidential candidate; Frerichs-2–has 0 influence with Emil Jones

  21. - Macoupin Voter - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 11:25 am:

    Durbin - 9 - Gets a bad rap for speaking his mind.

    Obama - 5 - The jury is out since he’s spent most of his time in office on the campaign trail.

    Hare - 9 - Works his district hard and even harder in Washington.

    Demuzio - 2 - Ineffective. Pawn for President Jones who’s become a laughing stock for her rambling speeches.

    Jim Watson - 4 - Not a standout. Hurt by his messy divorce.

  22. - Anon - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 11:28 am:

    Cullerton - 0

  23. - Fan of the Game - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 11:30 am:

    Jim Watson–9–He would get a 10, but he’s 1) rather inexperienced and 2) he’s on the wrong side of the aisle to accomplish everything he would like.

    Deanna Demuzio–8–Filling her husband’s shoes is difficult and moving from his vunted position to a freshman senator means she doesn’t have the clout he did. However, she is accessible and answers her mail and phone calls.

    Ray LaHood–7–It’s a big district, and Rep. Lahood is sort of a lame duck right now. However, I like that he visits all of his district and is willing to listen.

    Richard Durbin–4–Hate his views on almost everything, BUT he does take his duties as a senator very seriously. I wish he would quit being a hack mouthpiece for Democratic leadership, though.

    Barack Obama–2–Hate his views on almost everything, and I don’t see that he does anything for Illinois other than give us a face. Durbin is the better senator (can we get another Alan Dixon?)

  24. - Humboldt Park - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 11:32 am:

    Congressman Luis Guiterrez gets a 8, he has been solid and represents the district consistently.

    Sen Iris Martinez gets a 10, she is being targeted now by HDO because Emil named her as a leader and Victor “Individual A” Reyes wanted Sen Tony “State Legislator A” Munoz named as the leader.

    Rep Rich Bradley gets a zero, he is giving up his seat so he can do what HDO wants him to do in going after Sen Martinez. He is half Mexican but only recently acknowledged that half. He has always had the green and white lawn signs and literature going on when he was acknowledging his real ethinic background of Irish American. Vote him and his want to be hispanic wife out, Water Reclamation Commissioner Cynthia Santoloupolus but she shortened her maiden name to Santos to take advantage of the hispanic surname. They are going to retire with FOUR pensions, enough is enough…

  25. - Elmhurst 1 - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 11:33 am:

    Roskam -7- It’s still early, but I was impressed with his grass roots campaigning. I spent 30 minutes talking with him about issues important to me when he was going door to door in Elmhurst. That’s why I voted for him, now we’ll see how he does in office.
    Cronin and Biggins -Incomplete- Tough to grade a Republican in Illinois government. As a resident of Illinois I am embarrassed by how we “do” politics.

  26. - God's Country - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 11:47 am:

    Durbin - 3 I’d rate him higher if he’d shut up.
    Obama - 0 I’d rate him higher if he did something.
    Weller - 4 But I’m not sure what it converts to in Guatemalan.
    Halvorson - 4
    Dugan - 6

  27. - Downstater - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 11:55 am:

    Shimkus - 10 - Very approachable and down to earth. He’s got a logical and well thought approach to his votes and positions. We’re lucky to have him.

    Reis - 8. He’s growing in the job.

    Sen. John O. Jones - 8. Very straight shooter.

    Durbin and Obama - 3 They have good visibilit as Illinois’ senators, BUT they pander to the fringe left WAY TOO MUCH. Perfect example - They both voted against drilling in ANWR (when oil was $50/barrel) because of the potential envionmental harm that might come from drilling. Here in Central/Southern Illinois, we have drilling rigs going up next to high schools, junior colleges, state parks, and food processing plants. All are safe.
    If safety from drilling was such a big issue, I would think both Durbin and Obama would be down here trying to protect the environmental interests of the state and its citizens.

    Safety is not a problem, and they both know it. Rather, they want the political points that come from feeding the wacko left. Certainly not a “profile in courage” on eithers part.

  28. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 11:59 am:

    Durbin-7 never forgets the Rock Island Arsenal
    Obama- 1 is he still my Senator?
    Hare- 5 continuing the tradition of Evans- pushing labor and veteran issues, but nothing to stimulate economy
    Boland-3 Controlled
    Jacobs-3 Uncontrollable

  29. - jerry 101 - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 12:05 pm:

    There’s oil in central/southern illinois? since when?

  30. - regular working slob - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 12:11 pm:

    Durbin 10-Loud, strong voice against the Bush war machine.He makes me proud to be from Illinois

    Obama 10-”its not white america or black america its the YEWNITED STATES of AMERICA”… Priceless

    Little Lip 1-Too conservative on stem cells, choice(actually the lack of it),and supports the war.At least he says he is a democrat even if he doesn’t act like one.

    Joyce-10-Honest, hard-working, helps his neighorhood and district, goes above and beyond to help people.

    Maloney-10-Life long educator, Strong advocate for higher education, dedicated, honest and very hard working.

  31. - yinn - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 12:15 pm:

    My state rep is Bob Pritchard, state sen is Brad Burzynski. They are both old-school Republicans, solid, honest as far as I can see and connected pretty well with their constituencies. I’d rate them both at about 6.5 and will continue to vote against them because what this state could really use are reformers with some imagination, a bit of fire in the belly.

    Denny’s mine too. I rate him a 1 because I think he’s fantastically corrupted and I haven’t felt my interests have been adequately represented for quite a long time. His new on-again, off-again resignation game is really annoying, too.

  32. - yinn - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 12:19 pm:

    You know, downstater, I really get tired of hearing people connect “whacko” and “loony” with liberalism and the left. It’s unoriginal and incorrect. Last I checked more than half the country is leaning Democratic. Get with the program.

  33. - Old Shepherd - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 12:22 pm:

    Jerry 101:

    Check out the following link. There’s lots of oil in Southern and Central Illinois.

  34. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 12:25 pm:

    Durbin-2. He speaks his mind, not sure what if anything he’s done for Illinois. His waffling over the years on abortion, smoking on airplanes is shambolic. Too bad he’ll get reelected due to voter stupidity and ILGOP impotence.

    Obama-3. Hasn’t done much in the Senate, squanders his time on a quixotic POTUSA run.

    Emanuel-7. Gets some cash money for Chicago projects, he has responded to my inquiries in the past. I don’t like his politics and he has higher ambitions but he gets credit for being responsive.

    Greg Harris-2. The fact that Larry McKeon resigned before the election so Harris could take over is shambolic.

    Carol Ronen-1. Thankfully she gawn. Her usual trick of carrying water for Blago has gone sour, so she’s leaving.

  35. Pingback Politics: Job performance ratings - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 12:26 pm:

    […] The indispensable Rich Miller is asking readers to rate the performance of their state and federal legislators. Ray LaHood got a 7. I’d like to see the Peoria area represented a bit more in this poll, so go over there and vote. And now, a brief message from YouTube … Watch the latest videos on … We now return to our regularly scheduled program: No Comments, Comment or Ping […]

  36. - Just My Opinion - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 12:26 pm:

    Rich Brauer - 0. He decided to donate his Special Session money to a charity after he realized how stupid he looked claiming he needed the extra money to pay for dry cleaning. He will get back in though because the most qualified people around this district won’t climb down from their tractors to run for that office. Farmers here feel that’s a step down and not a step up.

    Larry Bomke - 10++++. I think he’s the only GOP in the Senate who has any integrity left.

    Durbin - perhaps a 7 or 8. I like him but I’m afraid he’s been there so long he’s becoming a company man and forgetting us back in Illinois.

    Obama - ?. I don’t pay enough attention to him to know what he stands for or believes in. But I’m sure the people in Iowa and New Hampshire do.

  37. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 12:27 pm:

    I really have grown tired of people with hardline positions who think everyone else is “stupid” just because they vote a different way.

    That, my friend, is the real stupidity.

  38. - Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 12:28 pm:

    Don’t worry yinn-

    There are plenty of whackos on the other side, too. And a country that “leans” Democratic or Republican, as it nearly always does, is really centrist, all things considered. Of course, when there is an excess of whackos on both sides, it’s like putting one foot in a bucket of ice and the other foot in a bucket of boiling water, and proclaiming to feel “average”.

  39. - Billy Dennis - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 12:29 pm:

    jerry 101: “There’s oil in central/southern illinois? since when?”

    Answer: Pretty much since the dinosaurs died.

  40. - JD - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 12:37 pm:

    Durbin-7 (you may not like what he says but at least he is heard)
    Obama-5 (would like to have seen him wait a few years before runing for President but he’s a good man)
    Hare-3 (press conferences and nothing else)
    Jacobs-7 (is looking more promising as time goes by)
    Verschoore-5 (very low key)
    BLAGO-0 (even if he’s not on the list)

  41. - Chicago Guy - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 12:46 pm:

    Durbin - 5 I think his general policies are fine. But I strongly disagree with his focus on Ethanol. I don’t think he has effectively fought the Bush administration.

    Obama - 8 I generally agree with his approach and positions and support his run for president.

    Emmanuel - 9 I think he really helped the dems take control of the house and does a good job of representing my positions.

    Feigenholtz - 5 While I know her values align with mine, I can’t point to anything she has ever done. I also don’t think she is effectively addressing the CTA issue.

    Cullerton - 5 same as above.

  42. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 12:49 pm:

    Durbin-2. Good constituent service is the only reason Pudgy Dick didn’t get zip. Too many times caught saying one thing back home and another inside the beltway. Also has a great family.
    Obama-3. Lousy constituent service, inattention to current job, but a great guy.
    LaHood-7. Great service, keeps his word, not tied to the caucus or administration position. -2 for the Bradley fiasco.
    Bomke-8. Again, good service, returns phone calls, honest and trustworthy, attentive to needs of the district. Never should have trusted Blago.
    Brauer-6. Honest, down to earth good listener very attentive to his constituents. Occasionally wanders off the reservation.

  43. - downhereforyears - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 1:03 pm:

    Ed Sullivan- 7 does a pretty good job
    Bill Peterson- 5 I can’t think of any tough vote he’s ever taken
    Bean-5 would give her more but I’m a repub but I do like her.

  44. - Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 1:08 pm:

    Weller de Montt de Rios de Sosa - 10, if you are a businessman in Guatemala who trades under CAFTA. Incomplete, if you live in the 11th. He did help eliminate the marriage penalty and brought back a lot of $ to the district back in the day, but wisely declined to run again, since he has seemed to have lost interest in his day job.

    Dahl - 8 for effort, 1 for results. Can’t blame him, it’s the way of a state Senate Republican these days. His donation of his Senate paycheck to charity is a nice symbolic touch, but he’s got more $ than he needs, anyway.

    Mautino - 9 - brings home the bacon, good listener, personable guy, remembers where he came from, and his wife Lena makes an awesome pizza.

  45. - Southern Ilinois Democrat - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 1:12 pm:

    I didnt rate Durbin and Obama before. I would give Obama a 6. I like him but think he needs to stay put rather than try and move up the political ladder so quick. I agree with Durbin on most issues (healthcare, war) but am on opposite ends of him with immigration. So, I give him an 8.

  46. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 1:26 pm:

    Fritchey - 8, works hard, is responsive and accessible.

    Cullerton - 6.5, Appreciate his sponsoring the CTA bill, but wish he was more assertive, independent and visible. It’s a shame to see him waste his spot, but that’s the price of admission I guess.

    Emanuel - 7.5, not a nice person, but an excellent strategist and he delivers for his district.

  47. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 1:27 pm:

    Should have read: “…a shame to waste his Leadership spot,”

  48. - Keep Smiling - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 2:03 pm:

    Cassandra, try getting Oak Park wiggled into Rep. Bob Biggins district. His latest consituent mailer shows he’s ALL about crime. ALL ABOUT CRIME. I can walk safely outside in my west Cook neighborhood at night, so I give him a 5.

    Rich, BTW, what the heck happened to Rep. Bill O’Connor (R-Riverside)? Seems like he disappeared after only one term in office. He was a great guy and so I’m giving him a 10, anyway.

    Cronin - 7. Smart. Reasonable. But I have never seen him east of Mannheim Rd.

    Little Lipinski - 2. He’s still voting like he’s representing the good folk of Tennessee. On the plus side, his office was proactive in writing me an informative, issue specific letter when I voiced an opinion on an energy/environmental issue. But I’ll never get over how he got into office. Never.

    Durbin - 9. He’s very good and he listens carefully to concerns from all parties. He handles very complex issues with intelligence and diplomacy. Even if you’re a loony republican like me :)

  49. - Captain America - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 2:05 pm:

    Durbin 9 - Likely to become the Senate Majority Leader, which would be a real plus for Illinois, regardless of your party affiliation. If Clinton loses the Presidential race, she could leapfrog over him to become majority leader.

    Obama 7.5 Only rating him 7.5 because he is spending most of his time runnung for President rather than being a U.S. Senator. I am enthusiastically supporting him for President. If Obama stays in the Senate instead of moving up, his perfromance as Senator will improve. I think his storngest assets are intellect and an ability to work effectively with members on the opposite side of the aisle. His charisma and prodigious fundraising ability will make him a major player in the US Senate and the Democratic Party, but I don’t see him becoming a legislative superstar.

    Schakowsky 10 She works extermely hard for her constituents and the Democratic Party. Greatly respected as a spokesman/leader of the progressive wing in congress. Also very down to earth and friendly.

    Hamos 10 Probably one of the best policy minds in the State legislature.

    Schoenberg 9 Represents his Distric ably - hard working, also excellent in dealing with policy issues.

    Emanuel 10 (I have doen a lot of political volunteer work in the Lkkefront section of his district.)He’s probably the most politically potent member in the Illinois ongressional delegation. If he stayed in the House he would eventually become Speaker.

  50. - steve schnorf - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 2:22 pm:

    Over the years I have known very few legislators to whom I would give a rating of “0″ or “1″. Many of the office holders commented on above are not people that I know well, or have had much opportunity to observe. Having said that;

    Speaker Madigan would get an almost perfect rating, say “9″. He is disciplined, involved, and a person of his word.

    Senator Frank Watson would get a very high rating also, again perhaps near a “9″. He is one of the most decent and sincere people you could ever want to know. His word is absolutely his bond. What many people think of as his temper is nothing more or less than a reflection of how seriously he takes being a legislator.

    As to Senator Durbin, I don’t know him well, but a whole lot people seem to vote for him every time he runs.

    I think the commenter above is giving Senator DeLeo a bad rap. Senator DeLeo is a very effective legislator, and his word is good, something I’ve come to believe is more important than ever.

    There are many others who I would comment on, but it would grow into a lengthy piece. Many of you may well disagree with me, but if you do, do all of us the favor of telling us what direct or personal experience you’ve had with the person you’re evaluating.

  51. - The Mad Hatter - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 2:30 pm:

    Monique Davis - 0. The only time I hear from her is election time.
    Emil Jones - 0. Can I please, please use negative numbers?
    Bobby Rush - 0. How many years has this clown been in office? Name me one piece of legislation he’s authored.

  52. - Judgment Day Is On The Way - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 2:40 pm:

    Denny Hastert - 9 out of 10. He’s done good for his district, and for the State of IL. Staff is really top notch, has went to bat for any number of different infrastructure projects here in the state.

    Richard Durbin: 5 out of 10. Not my cup of tea politically, hasn’t stood up for IL when it truly counted (remember Arthur Anderson). But I will give his staff serious credit, they do take IL interests seriously. To echo a prior poster, I also wish he would quit being a hack mouthpiece for Democratic leadership.

    Barack Obama: -4 I think the guy is just flat out hopeless as a US Senator. He’s just a pretty face who falls into the “Talking Head” category. His staff is a flat out joke, and IMO that reflects directly back on him.

    Rep. Patricia Reid Linder (R-50). 4 of of 10. Nothing special. Has her interests, and that’s the beginning and end of it. If your issues are outside of her issues, you are just SOL.

    Sen. Chris Lauzen (R-25). 7 of of 10. Like the guy, pays attention to his district, deals with a lot of mundane issues that would otherwise far by the wayside. Have been especially impressed by his willingness to function as a go-between dealing with development issues, local government body conflicts, etc.

  53. - Highland Online - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 2:48 pm:

    John Shimkus - 3 for being a nice guy, but clueless. He’s clearly a follower, not a leader.

    Frank Watson - 6 for taking care of his district, but getting tired of the angry partisan act.

    Ron Stephens - 3. Maybe even more hateful then Watson, and not to crazy about comeback after the self-prescription of pharmaceuticals.

  54. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 2:59 pm:

    Durbin - 7.5

    Obama - ?

    LaHood - 10

    Bomke - 8

    Poe - 1

    I like Durbin personally. He’s a nice guy and works very hard but some of his staff is pushy and a lot of his responses to constituent concerns are long, confusing and say little. People who say he is extreme need to listen to a speech by officials like Tancredo and Hensnarling.

    I have had no interaction with Obama and have no idea how much he does (or did before he announced. But I like his staff.

    Ray LaHood is awesome. He takes on people he doesn’t like, he calls ‘em like he sees ‘em, his staff is great and he works very hard. I’m sad to see him go.

    Larry Bomke is friendly and represents the capitol area and Sangamon County very well.

    Raymond Poe does nothing for me. If someone better than Sam Cahnman had run last fall, I think Poe would’ve lost. He’s not too bright and looks lost when he’s in a social setting. He also takes credit for WAY too much in the Springfield area.

  55. - Anon agin - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 3:08 pm:

    Schnorf wrote: I think the commenter above is giving Senator DeLeo a bad rap. Senator DeLeo is a very effective legislator, and his word is good

    The question wasn’t “how much do you trust” whoever. I absolutely trust that Jimmy DeLeo is going to shill for utilities, hospitals, banks and currency exchanges, etc. I also trust he’s going to vote with President Jones 100% of the time. And you’re right, he’s effective at those things. But I judge the folks I send to Springfield and Washington on what good they do for the everyday common working people of my district and the state at large, and on that count, DeLeo is a failure.

  56. - Sangamon County - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 3:25 pm:

    Rich Brauer = 3. He’s an extremist conservative and from my perspective is largely irrelevant. I would rate him lower if he were threatening enough to actually accomplish anything. Its like having no representative at all. I’ll call Poe if I want anything done.

    John Shimkus = 2. The same can be said for John Shimkus’ ineffectiveness, plus he’s a national embarrassment for his role in the page scandal cover-up and comments about Iraq (the baseball game analogy and suggesting a dictatorship is a good idea). His agenda appears to be set by George Bush and energy industry lobbyists.

  57. - Anon - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 3:28 pm:

    I have tried several times to post factual information and criticism of my elected official and they refuse to post it. I just think it should be known that this blog is monitored by a bunch of partisan snakes.

  58. - Downstater - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 3:32 pm:

    I apologize if I offended anyone with my comments. It’s just very frustrating living with the hypocrisy of even a simple issue like oil exploration.

    It seems that Senator Durbin and Obama can’t have it both ways. If drilling in ANWR is environmentally dangerous, why is drilling near populations in Southern and Central Illinois any less so?

    Senator Durbin used to represent this area in Congress. In becoming a Senator, he transformed from a conservative Democrat to a VERY liberal one. Did he become smarter, dumber or just more of a panderer? I pick door number three.

    And, Yes - there are times that I believe the left has staked out positions that are rather “wacko”. The environmentalist’s insisted that controlled fires in the forests of the West coast were unnatural and damaging. Well, this week we get to “enjoy” their vision of nature. The fires out West are largely due to the lack of controlled burns that the left succesfully stopped several years ago.

    The same is true of ANWR (I promise I’ll get off my soapbox soon - before I get banned). Just as for Senators Durbin and Obama, if the envionmentalists are truly concerned about environmental impact of drilling in one of the remotest places on earth (with little animal or vegitative life) then they should be scrutinizing those new wells going up in much denser and dangerous areas in the US. Apparently, their convictions to the issue run only so deep.

  59. - Downstate weed chewing hick - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 3:35 pm:

    Bill Black (R) Danville-10. Wil there be anyone left in Springfield to openly admit the total mess things are in in both parties when he retires.

  60. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 3:43 pm:

    anon 3:28 pm. Are you referring to this blog? Because I just did a search for your IP address and came up empty, including the deleted archives. You must be banned on another IP address. I guess I’ll have to update the banned list.

  61. - Niles Township - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 4:03 pm:

    -Coulson: 9; GOPer who does well in district that should be rep’d by a Dem. It tells you something.
    -Schoenberg: 8; He’d score higher in my book if he wasn’t so tied to the hip of Jan Schakowsky’s organization.
    -Schakowsky: 5; if she spent more time on policy and less on party politics maybe she’d score better.
    -Durbin: 4; same statement as Schakowsky above, but I still think he wouldn’t score so high.
    -Obama: Incomplete; ran for president before he did a thing as senator. Big mistake. A great orator does not make necessarily make a great president.

  62. - Anon for this one - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 4:15 pm:

    Sommer: 0 Where is he? What does he do? Very much a back bench guy, he only puts up 3 bills/yr. Mention his name in the State House and people say “Who’s that?”

    Sen. Rutherford: 7-8 Good guy, very responsive to constituent needs. Would rate him higher, but he’s got an R by his name.

    Rep. Weller: 10 for Central America, 2 for the district. He shows up for photo ops, but hasn’t been much help to residents. Takes credit for grants when he didn’t help get them.

    Durbin: 10 Great service, willing to be out front even when it’s not popular, very accessible.

    Obama: 5-10 When the rock star thing settles down we’ll know for sure.

    Madigan & Jones: 2(qualified) They might be fine for their districts, but most of us don’t get to vote for them. They have too much power over the agenda.

  63. - Trafficmatt - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 4:38 pm:

    My Representative is Hastert

    9 over the last 10 years. He has done a lot for the District and overall I think he has been fairly representative of the views of the District. In the last year, he has been closer to a 6 just because he has become somewhat of a lame duck

    Durbin: 1 - He has spent far more time playing politics and trying to get on camera than he has working for the state. His comments about the troops have been an embarrassment.

    Obama: 3 - I think he has tried to do well as a freshman congressman. However, the presidential election has been a huge distraction. Not sure a lot is getting done for the state at this point.

  64. - Anon sequitor - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 4:43 pm:

    Roskam - 4.9 He is the typical bland Suburban Republican who does just enough to be elected, but not enough to be significant. His staff is very average too so I’ll have to give an almost perfect average grade. We can’t all be Lake Wobegon.

    Hultgren - 4.8 He is following the Roskam model thus his slightly lower grade.

    Fortner - 7 I like Mike. Mike is “approachable” which is VIP in my book. The Professor’s Fermilab and local government background seem to combine well with his job as State Rep. As a result, he is an excellent representative of his district.

  65. - Sangamon County - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 4:59 pm:

    Downstater, your talk radio fueled anger against environmentalists is out of touch with reality.

    Environmentalists I know generally support controlled burns. Do you have a source that proves otherwise other than Fox “news” or whatever talk show host you listen to? Environmentalists were warning that lack of controlled burns was going to become a problem years ago.

    I strongly encourage you to do some actual research to learn why drilling in ANWR is a very different issue than drilling in Southern Illinois. You might learn why its such a bad idea and how little we would benefit from it.

  66. - zatoichi - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 5:03 pm:

    Jim Watson–9–He has said from day one that you have to live within a budget and plan for the future not let it go to another day. I like the guy. Hopefully he sticks around and develops some clout.

    Deanna Demuzio–8 Like her too. Yeah she is not Vince, but watched her show up at several rallies at Capitol to override veto. Don’t see her as a shill for Jones. She is at least willing to talk and consider your ideas.

    Ray LaHood–7 He is OK. Seems like your standard pro political (parades, fly ins, Kiwanis, etc.). Has done some very good things for his area and has not made any huge mistakes. I do agree with the lame duck comment for right now.

    Richard Durbin–7 Speaks what he thinks and has plenty of pull. Seems like a decent guy who does most stuff behind the scene. Met him a couple of times. Like his views on Iraq.

    Barack Obama–3 Wish he would do something besides give speeches and actually do real work for Illinois. Has not earned the varsity jacket yet. Think he has the potential, but right now he seems to enjoy his reflection from the crowd and it is wearing thin. Needs some substantial accomplishments that show weight behind the thoughts/statements.

  67. - Rod sez I'm pork - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 6:00 pm:

    Lang - 3 Sound and fury signifying exactly what?
    Silverstein - 4 A nice boy. A bit of a schlmeil. Should spell check.
    Durbin - 6 Seems to be a man of integrity, but could flex his cojones muscle a bit more.
    Obama - 5 I love the man, although since running for Prez, he is less of a senator and more a candidate.

  68. - Senor Senador - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 6:22 pm:

    0 for Sandoval…comes across as to pompous and only cares about cicero/berwyn. Plus he is an HDO hack even though he will deny it. Marty, we know where you come from. Get in my belly!!!

    5 for D.Burke…indifferent, havent really seen or heard from him

    0 for lil’ LIP…backdoor shenanigans in getting into office lost ALOT of credibility. His current discoveries are going to dip him below the zero mark.

  69. - Downstater - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 6:53 pm:

    Sangamon County: Nice try attempting to put my arguments into a tight little box.

    First of all, I have more than 15 years experience in the Southern Illinois Oil Industry.
    Second, my info on ANWR comes from my visits to Alaska, and my friends visits to ANWR.

    The leftist were just as effective at smearing the Nucler industry, as they were the timber industry. Remembr the 80’s when a “safe” nuclear power plant couldn’t built, just because the left said so? All the while, we placated the leftist wackos, France went merrily along building a safe infrastructure for powering 1/2 of their country’s energy needs. The US was left woefully behind.

    I sat in the hearings in Martinsville, IL, where the lefty “expert” railed against any form of storage system for nuclear waste in that county. In the end, he admitted there wasn’t one place in the US that he thought was safe for nuclear storage.

    So, while we danced to the leftist tune for almost 30 years on issues of nuclear plants, today we find ourselves completely unprepared to offer affordable, clean energy to the country.

    I didn’t learn this by listening to talk radio….I lived it.

  70. - kj - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 7:30 pm:

    Boland 4 -Does he even go to work
    Jacobs 6 - Hot Head
    Hare - 9 - Work with education=great
    Durbin 9 - Brings home the bacon
    Obama - 8 - Will do great as President…done well as Senator!

  71. - MadCoMan - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 8:26 pm:

    Frank Watson–8 good man, disagree with on lot of issues

  72. - Little Egypt - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 8:38 pm:

    Downstater - I can think of a couple of differences in ANWR and Southern Illinois. It’s been a month of Sundays and then some since I’ve seen any caribou, polar bears, or penguins south of I-80.

  73. - GlenEllyner - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 8:48 pm:

    Pihos - 0.0 - Absolutely worthless legislator. I would love to know what she has done for our District
    Cronin - 6 - Kind of effective. This coming year will tell a lot about his service.
    Obama - 1 - I like the man but we elected him to be a US Senator…not a candidate.
    Durbin - 8 - Don’t like the man but think that he has Illinois’ best interest at heart and works for our state.
    Roskam - 2 - meh. Too early to tell but I’m not a big fan.

  74. - Springfield Guy - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 9:30 pm:

    Poe: 3 Never a leader on any issue even when the GOP had the gov’s office and GA. Always carrying the water for AFSCME. Never seen a state agency he didn’t think needed more staff.

    Bomke 7: Works hard, responds to his voter but like Poe, loves state jobs and thinks we more.

  75. - There you go again - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 10:35 pm:

    Durbin - 9 Works downstate hard

    Obama - 5 Juries out, but he’s got tremendous talent.

    Hare - 7.5 Exceeding expectations in Western IL

    Mike Jacobs - 7.5 Backbone. Stands up.

    Mike Boland - 4.5 Ready to run statewide.

    Pat Verschoore - 7.5 Pretty solid. Works hard.

  76. - hatter,mad - Wednesday, Oct 24, 07 @ 10:47 pm:

    Blago 0 - Beam me up Scotty!
    Durbin 5 - Play big or go home.
    Obama 9 - Mr. President?
    Hare 3 - Which way does the wind blowing?
    Jacobs 8 - Widely quoted. Rising stock.
    Boland -1 - Somebody helps us.
    Lack 5 - Better than Boland.

  77. - Anon - Thursday, Oct 25, 07 @ 7:43 am:

    Ravenswood Right Winger

    Rep Larry McKeon resigned after the 2006 primary and supported another candidate other than Greg Harris to be appointed. McKeon beat the Chicago machine in 1996 and remained independent of the machine for 10 years.

    The machine took the seat back with the appointment of Harris.

  78. - Downstater - Thursday, Oct 25, 07 @ 8:22 am:

    Little Egypt:
    You do realize that the animals you mentioned not inhabiting Southern, Illinois also don’t inhabit ANWR. There’s little or no vegitation there for them to live off of.

    Even if penquins did inhabit ANWR, why would Durbin be more concerned about their interests than those of college students in Mattoon, who have an oil well less than 1/4 mile from their classes?
    And don’t cite the cold conditions of ANWR as the excuse. The US and Britain have been drilling in far worse conditions than ANWR for decades. Do you think drilling in the North Sea is inherently safer than drilling on the frozen tundra of ANWR?

  79. - Sangamon County - Thursday, Oct 25, 07 @ 12:20 pm:

    Downstater, I see you didn’t respond to any of my points and chose to change the issue. You’re sounding more like a talk radio host all the time. I’ll take your lack of a response to the burning issue as an admission that you’re wrong.
    You have a funny idea of “clean” energy. Nuclear waste doesn’t sound very clean to most people.

  80. - Sangamon County - Thursday, Oct 25, 07 @ 12:26 pm:

    And another thing downstater. If we had really listened to the “leftists” we’d have plenty of clean energy from wind and solar by now. Blame your friends in the Coal industry for the lack of state support for clean energy.

  81. - Downstater - Thursday, Oct 25, 07 @ 2:32 pm:

    Sangamon County:

    Here’s just a brief snippet from one article: Forest Service’s controlled burns draw fire
    Posted Saturday, July 19, 2003 - 10:28 pm

    By Raju Chebium

    A Forest Service employee uses a drip torch along a control line to ignite a prescribed burn in the Cherokee National Forest.The Forest Service says the low-intensity fires helps dwindling tree species survive by giving them room to multiply.
    e-mail this story


    WASHINGTON — The government burns too many acres of national forests in the southern Appalachians, environmentalists say, rejecting a view that large fires help keep the wilderness healthy.
    Old U.S. Forest Service records an employee found recently prove that the agency is overzealously carrying out what are called controlled or prescribed burns, critics say. They also accuse the government of suppressing the data because it contradicts official fire policy.

    The Forest Service argues that carefully set and monitored fires help dwindling tree species survive by giving them room to multiply.

  82. - Downstater - Thursday, Oct 25, 07 @ 2:33 pm:

    Sangamon County:
    I love the line about wind and solar power! It we just had forced Henry Ford to build only battery power or steam engine cars, we could have avoided this as well.

    It must be great to drive the bus, while looking out the back window!

  83. - Disallusioned - Friday, Oct 26, 07 @ 3:25 am:

    Rockford will never be the same without Zeke Giorgi. Lame, just not the same. All the area legislators together can’t deliver what he could in his sleep!

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