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Tribune puts governor back in the bunker

Wednesday, Oct 31, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The governor is in the bunker again

NBC 5 was unable to track down Blagojevich to ask him directly what he thinks about the Madigan plan — but it isn’t for lack of trying.

In looking for Blagojevich, NBC 5 came first to his Ravenswood campaign office on the third floor. With no sign of the governor there or at his house on the Northwest Side, his staff finally told NBC5 Blagojevich was working out of the Thompson Center looking for a solution to the CTA crisis — just too busy to talk or for his staff to talk, either.

* That Tribune editorial musing about a possible recall is undoubtedly a big reason why he’s unavailable, but this governor has spent more time in the bunker than out during the past few years, so it’s no big surprise that NBC 5 couldn’t find him. Speaking of the Trib’s editorial, the SJ-R didn’t think much of it…

There is no doubt that Blagojevich has angered a lot of people, and that he has failed to act as an effective leader in many instances. But the Tribune’s insistence that Blagojevich is the last straw and that Illinois now must become the 19th state to allow for recall comes across less as a sound public policy than a personal vendetta.

* Even Mayor Daley got into the act

Daley may well agree with some or all of the Tribune’s assessment. But he’s not about to support removing the two-term governor from office.

“Calling [for] a recall is unnecessary. I may have differences with the governor. But I really believe his mind is on public transportation and on infrastructure as [much as] everyone else. You can’t say just because I’m upset with [him about] an issue, two issues that you’re gonna have a recall. I disagree with that,” the mayor said.

“He is very, very smart. He’s been a state representative. He’s been congressman. He’s elected twice governor of the state of Illinois. It’s unfair. He’s a very smart and bright and emotional governor. Let’s be realistic.”

Hizzoner really wants the Olympic games to go that far.

* The Tribune was apparently so pleased with the responses to that recall editorial that it’s now soliciting comments about another issue

What do you think? Do you support a regional sales tax increase for mass transit? Why or why not?

I wonder how they’ll respond if the public disagrees with their position in favor of the tax hike.


  1. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 9:42 am:

    I thought some bigwig was quoted as saying a few weeks ago that the condition of the CTA would not affect the Olympics because should Chicago get the nod, temporary transportation systems would be constructed regarldess. This could all be a red herring.

    I think Daley just wants more money for his business pals and for his pharoah-like building projects. And money is fungible, after all. If he doesn’t have to kick in as much for the CTA, he can spend it elsewhere. How about a new library
    IN the lake? Or a park in the lake? A Chicago space shuttle?

    You Chicagoans voted him in again and again, after all. Not surprising that he has a pharoah complex.

  2. - Bill - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 9:42 am:

    I am glad that our governor is busy trying to solve the looming transit crisis and not wasting time pandering to the media. I have faith that if anyone can solve this crisis it is Governor Blagojevich. Thank you, Rod, for doing the people’s work even though doing the right thing may not be politically expedient.

  3. - Anon Fun - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 9:45 am:

    “Hizzoner must really want the Olympics to go that far”

    Hizzoner wants the Governor to sign SB837, a bill that gives the Mayor $200 million that the gov needs to sign by next Wednesday.

  4. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 9:46 am:

    Bill is back on the bus, or has tongue firmly planted in cheek.

  5. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 9:57 am:

    We can’t get too worked up over Blagojevich. He’s repeatedly proven that even he doesn’t know what he’ll say daily. It looks like Madigan and the General Assembly has determined to once again solve this problem sans The Governor, and hopes Emil doesn’t derail anything.

    The Tribune caught a spark with these editorials, and isn’t that the point of editorials? In today’s poisonous political atmosphere, any rational discussion regarding recall will be difficult, so we need to let Blagojevich wreck Illinois until 2010. Some lessons are learned the hard way, aren’t they?

    That Bill! He is absolutely hilarious! How he brightens our day with his Pollyannish take on our situation. If he were with Nero while Rome burned, I bet he would have looked over the flames and hellish chaos and congratulated Nero on his urban renewal projects.

  6. - Mr. Wizard - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 10:04 am:

    For those wanting reform in the Legislature, ethics laws, etc., Blago is the best thing that ever happened to Illinois. In his own strange way, he is putting those issues front and center.

  7. - OneManBlog - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 10:05 am:

    Good to see you back Bill….

  8. - True Comparison - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 10:14 am:

    Wiz, one problem. Emil cares less about ethics than Blago.

  9. - EL SALSA - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 10:28 am:

    I would like to call on the Tribune to release how many total positive and how many total negative responses they recieved on their ludicrous editorial?

    They only printed 4 or 5 that did not support the recall, but how many did they recieve total?

    Did they pick and choose what to publish to support their editorial?

  10. - Sounds from the ground - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 10:31 am:

    Attention Media!
    Here’s a good place to catch Governor Blagojevich
    I-355 South Extension Grand Opening
    Sunday, November 11, 2007
    9:00 a.m. - 20-Mile Bike Ride
    10:00 a.m. - Community Festivities
    11:30 a.m. - 5K Run/Walk/Roll
    1:00 p.m. - Dedication Ceremony
    At I-355 South Extension, near the new 127th Street Interchange in Lemont.
    Governor Blagojevich would be more than happy to answer all the questions about corruption he’s helped perpetuate.

  11. - plutocrat03 - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 10:32 am:

    I’d like to have a double whatever Bill is drinking to be so optimistic.

    Based on what I have seen, the Governor and his pals, cronies and supporters have been using the resources of the State of Illinois to position him for some sort of higher office. He has taken self interest ot a height never achieved in the annals of Illinois politics.

    He has confirmed the worst fears of his detractors and apparently has disappointed the vast majority of his supporters. (if the polls are accurate)

    I’m glad someone is in his camp.

  12. - EL SALSA - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 10:42 am:

    You are SO COOL “sounds from the ground.”

    Dont you think that the administration will be inviting media to a “media” event? Kinda hard to have a press conference without the press.

    So if in your juvenile way you were trying to hurt the Governor you plan was woefully inept.

    Stay hot. Maybe as your next brainbuster you can go steal a key from a state agency and leak some confidential reports to the Tribune.

  13. - More Spin - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 10:43 am:

    Seem to remember in several of Blagojevich’s campaign speeches how he was going to do away with the Illinois Tollway. But now he’s going to open a new one. And Blagojevich doubled tolls to boot.
    Hope the media ask some tough questions for a change.

  14. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 10:46 am:

    “Media events” do not necessarily mean “media availability,” el salsa. The guv is infamous for not taking questions.

  15. - Sounds from the ground - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 10:47 am:

    EL SALSA - Sensitive aren’t we? See ya at the festivities.

  16. - Bill - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 10:50 am:

    Better on the bus than under it.

  17. - Cup of Blues - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 10:54 am:

    Nobody has to steal any keys to expose Governor Blagojevich. He does that all by himself.

  18. - True Comparison - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 11:00 am:

    Bill, best to just stay away from the bus.

  19. - Mr. Glamourous - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 11:30 am:

    If Governor Blagojevich shows up at the so-called media event on November 11th. He’ll be surrounded with so many handlers and state troopers the media will be hard-pressed to even get a photo of him running away, let alone ask him any tough questions. Any media member who should throw a hard ball will be escorted away.

  20. - South of I-80 - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 12:04 pm:

    Maybe “The Gov” will take a page out of the FEMA press conference book?

  21. - Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 12:18 pm:

    Seem to remember in several of Blagojevich’s campaign speeches how he was going to do away with the Illinois Tollway. But now he’s going to open a new one. And Blagojevich doubled tolls to boot.

    Wrong Governor, “More Spin”.

    George Ryan made a lot of noise about getting rid of the Illinois Tollway, but actually did a quiet turnabout, and tollway staff laid the groundwork for the toll raise and Open Road Tolling while he was guv. Rod Blagojevich and the new tollway staff carried it across the finish line. FWIW, I consider the Illinois Tollway improvements to be one of the most positive accomplishments of Blago’s career so far.

  22. - Captain America - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 1:23 pm:

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the governor can run, but he can’t hide forever from his miserable performance during this entire legislative session. His most loyal ally in he Senate, Carol Ronen is retiring. He has few political friends left.

    The polls suggest that the public, including his Cook County base, is hip to his scams - press releases and media events will not suffice to repair the damage. Blago has no good will left in the Democratic Party or with the general public.

  23. - More Spin - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 1:25 pm:

    Six Degrees of Separation
    Yep, they carried it across the finish line alright they sold Illinois Tollway bonds to help perpetuate the Illinois Tollway for another 50 years. Anyone can accomplish things when you’ve been given a blank check. Just ask Rezko, Kelly & Cellini.

  24. - Blago's Defense Fund - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 1:41 pm:

    Hiding, not available and prepared soundbites…..
    Blagojevich behaves more like spoiled dictator than he does an elected governor.

  25. - Blago's Defense Fund - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 3:08 pm:

    - EL SALSA - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 10:42 am:
    How would the media hurt the Governor by answering questions posed to him ( truthfully?

  26. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 3:45 pm:

    The guv no longer has enough credibility to make his press events, speeches, answering questions etc. worth doing. His word is no good, he fails to keep promises or commitments. I really see no purpose being served by his appearances. Madigan, on the other hand has a reputation of intellectual honesty and his word is absolutely solid. When he has press conferences he answers questions honestly and to the point or simply states he can’t answer that one at this time. I find him candid, knowledgeable, and trustworthy. Sure, he is a fantastic chess player, but I find that a compliment not a criticism. If we had all of these attributes in the guv’s office we would have a gov’t to be proud of. Assuming Emil also falls into line.

  27. - EL SALSA - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 4:13 pm:

    A Citezan… Ummmm, didnt Madigan boycott and run away from the media for almost two years over what he considered unfair treatment by them towards his daughter after her election?

    And BDF, I wasnt saying that answering questions would hurt the governor. I was merely making fun of A Citezans attempt to TRY and hurt him.

  28. - Bill - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 4:14 pm:

    Spoken like a true minion.Give it a rest. If it wasn’t for the recalcitrant Speaker all of the budget problems would have been overcome by now.

  29. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 4:21 pm:

    -El Soulsa-
    “…making fun of A Citezans attempt to TRY and hurt him.”
    Make all the fun you want - it won’t change the white stripe down his black furry back. Guv is his own worst enemy - I was simply describing what his record is - he can try to improve on his reputation in the future but the past is cast in granite. Would be nice if he tried to emmulate Madagin though, certainly would be a refreshing improvement.

  30. - JakeCP - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 4:30 pm:

    Nothing that the governor does, surprises me. I wonder what his plans our next for the 2010 election. I heard that he might run for President and that Lisa Madigan might run for governor. President Blagojevich…..I’m sure that was enough scare for Halloween.

    To make it plain: The Governor just isn’t fit to run the State of Illinois. He can’t get along with people in his own party and runs like a scolded dog everytime a new crisis comes up. I really wish we could recall this guy.

  31. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 4:31 pm:

    - Bill -
    At least you have a bus to ride on! How’s our campaign bus coming along, AA was wondering too.

  32. - Poolside at Hotel Ibiza - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 4:35 pm:

    So where is Rod today, anyone REALLY know?

  33. - steve schnorf - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 11:36 pm:

    6 degress,

    I couldn’t agree more. The improvements on the Tollway system will be a Blagojevich legacy. Most people in the Ryan Administration knew that tolls needed to go up, but we stopped the Tollway from doing it for a variety of reasons. The open road toll system, the expansion of I-PASS, and the new extension could only have been done with toll increases.

  34. - steve schnorf - Wednesday, Oct 31, 07 @ 11:38 pm:

    BTW, credit to us where it is due, the Ryan administration started the process of eliminating toll booths at some interchanges.

  35. - $250,000 + - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 8:44 am:

    Are the huge signs ($250,0000 worth) that bear Rod Blagojevich’s name also considered improvements on the Illinois Tollway system? They will be part of Blagojevich’s legacy of self promotion.
    I’m sure the cost of those signs will go up when they open the I-355 Extension on November 11th. More Rod Blagojevich signs reminding everyone who’s in charge.
    They have money for signs but no 2008 Budget.

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