Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » This just in… *** Blagojevich offers up another temporary funding plan *** RTA: No more temporary bailouts *** Comptroller says not all temporary bailout funds have even been disbursed yet to RTA/CTA ***
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This just in… *** Blagojevich offers up another temporary funding plan *** RTA: No more temporary bailouts *** Comptroller says not all temporary bailout funds have even been disbursed yet to RTA/CTA ***

Thursday, Nov 1, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 10:06 am - Another secret plan perhaps? From a press release…

Prior to departing for Springfield for legislative negotiations, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich will hold an availability with the media to discuss his efforts to resolve the mass transit funding issue and avoid service cuts and fare hikes on Sunday.

WHO: Governor Rod R. Blagojevich

WHAT: Governor Blagojevich will hold media
availability in regards to mass transit funding.

WHEN: 12:00 pm

WHERE: Signature Flight Support O’Hare Airport (VIP
Patton Road, Building 800
Chicago, IL. 60666

* 10:28 am - This morning, the Pantagraph reported that military veterans were losing guard jobs at National Guard sites in Illinois. Ironically, according to a press release from the governor, November is “Hire a Vet Month”…

Building on his commitment to help the state’s Veterans get the opportunities they have bravely earned, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today encouraged employers to hire the state’s military heroes during “Hire a Vet Month” in Illinois. The state will host several job fairs for Veterans this month and the Governor reminded employers of the new state income tax credit available of up to $600 for every qualified Veteran they hire.

* 10:30 am - Very, very bad news. A thousand high-paying factory jobs in Illinois are about to disappear

On Thursday, Chrysler planned to announce the elimination of third shifts at the Toledo North plant in Ohio and the Belvidere plant in Illinois in the first quarter of 2008, according to two congressional aides with knowledge of the announcement. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

The decisions will eliminate 750 jobs in the Toledo plant, which makes the Jeep Liberty and Dodge Nitro, and 1,000 jobs at the Belvidere plant, where Chrysler assembles the Dodge Caliber, Jeep Compass and Jeep Patriot.

* 11:36 am - From Save Chicago Transit, here’s the “big board” totals from the first mass transit bailout vote in the House. The bill was put on “Postponed Consideration” so there’s no official roll call on record. As you can see, even if the “absent” members return tomorrow, they still have a long way to go to get to three-fifths…

* 12:19 pm -
The House is now in session. Listen here.

* 12:27 pm - The House is adjourning. That was quick. They’re headed to caucus now. Mass Transit Committee is meeting after the caucus.

* 12:47 pm - Every “insider” I talked to yesterday said the exact opposite of this report from WBBM Radio…

Despite some misgivings among House Republicans, the betting among insiders on both sides of the political aisle is that House Speaker Michael Madigan can win passage of a transit bill that contains a quarter of a percent hike in the regional sales tax.

We’ll see what the week brings. Madigan has been burning up the phones, but there are serious impediments ahead, including the governor’s 5 House Democratic “No” votes in Blagojevich’s pocket.

*** 1:00 pm *** Without providing specifics, Gov. Blagojevich told reporters today that he’ll come up with another short-term bailout for mass transit if a permanent solution isn’t approved by Sunday, the CTA’s “doomsday” deadline. Blagojevich reportedly said that permanent solution is looking less and less likely as the deadline approaches.

*** 1:59 pm *** From the AP

Gov. Rod Blagojevich says he’s hoping he and legislative leaders can agree on a transportation bill.
But Blagojevich says - if they can’t - he has a contingency plan to give Chicago-area transit agencies the cash needed to avoid massive service cuts and fare increases slated to start Sunday.

The governor says there’s state money available to delay the crisis, but he stresses that the Regional Transportation Authority and the Chicago Transit Authority will have to accept the cash.


“I was more optimistic at the beginning of the week,” CTA Chairman Carole Brown said Thursday at a news conference after an RTA board meeting. “As we get closer to Sunday, I’m getting more nervous.”

*** 2:00 pm *** Check this out from the Daily Herald

RTA Executive Director Stephen Schlickman said the board will not support another stop-gap solution, such as temporary funding. Without the transit bill’s passage, he promised the RTA will pull the trigger Sunday as planned.

“I suspect there is a chance for additional votes, but I have no guarantee that it will actually pass,” he said this morning.

“I’m not feeling good at all. We’ve threatened all of our riders with poorer service for higher fares and I think, if we go forward with that, it’ll be an injustice to them.”

[UPDATED: OK, I may have misread his remarks. Still, it’s weird that they would rather see those fare hikes and poorer service go through than accept some money that (see below) they haven’t even received yet.]

*** 2:13 pm *** Well, this is interesting. Most of the original promised bailout money has not yet been distributed to the RTA, according to the comptroller’s office. From a Comptroller Dan Hynes letter to the governor dated October 25th…

As you are aware, our office issued payments for $37,318,100 to the RTA/CTA on September 20 as part of the agreement approved by the Board and authorized by [IDOT]. It was our office’s understanding… that an additional $54 million would be disbursed in two installments within the following two weeks as part of an additional advance…

To date, we have received no such request or any response from your staff to a recent inquiry on the issue…

You can download the complete letter here.


  1. - Skeeter - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 10:19 am:

    I’m still trying to figure out, with the CTA crisis and no state budget, he’s flying down there.
    Budget cuts are for the little people, apparently.

  2. - Mort - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 10:20 am:

    Because it’s getting cold in Chicago and the weather is a little warmer in Springfield for the daily jog in Washington Park. Better leash the dogs…..

  3. - Pat collins - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 10:21 am:

    VIP room :)

  4. - Lefty - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 10:23 am:

    Done nothing so far… just some rhetoric about a secret plan…Oh, how I wish nobody showed up at O’Hare due to the lack of interest.

  5. - Anonymoose - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 10:30 am:

    The secret plan to solve both the transit and health care “crisis” is to give every person in Illinois their own Medivac helicopter. Each child’s helicopter will also have a book in it.

  6. - GoBearsss - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 10:34 am:

    A lot of anti-sales tax responses on the Trib site.

  7. - Bluefish - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 10:34 am:

    Wouldn’t it work better if Blago was in Springfield at noon addressing legislators with his “plan” instead of addressing the media in Chicago? Silly me.

  8. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 10:37 am:

    The responses looked fairly balanced to me, GoBearsss. But that’s just what they posted.

  9. - Don't Worry, Be Happy - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 10:37 am:

    If you read the description, it’s not about the funding solution - it’s about the gov’s supposed efforts to resolve it.

    In other words, he’s going to blame Madigan.

  10. - GoBearsss - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 10:39 am:

    Good point. And sorry about the link.

    To me it was a lot, since the ratio of anti-sales tax responses to positive sales tax responses was even.

    That compares to the recall response that was overwhelming in one direction.

    But if the responses were even in general, why did the editorial page include nothing but pro-sales tax responses in the print edition today?

  11. - Fan of the Game - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 10:40 am:

    Chrysler and the UAW seal the deal on a new contract, and Belvidere loses its Chrysler plant. What perks did the UAW receive in exchange for selling out its workers and a part of the Illinois economy?

  12. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 10:41 am:

    ===But if the responses were even in general, why did the editorial page include nothing but pro-sales tax responses in the print edition today?===

    Because it’s the Tribune. There have long been rumors that the Trib doesn’t publish poll results that it disagrees with.

  13. - Greg - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 10:42 am:


    Chrysler’s cutting salaried and temp jobs

  14. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 10:45 am:

    It’s the third shift, Fan, not the whole plant. Still, it ain’t good at all.

  15. - Skeeter - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 10:45 am:

    Fan of the game,

    It sure beats closing the entire plant, as was discussed many times over the years.

    Chrysler recently invested a lot of money in that plant, which kept it open. That investment was a double win for Illinois — union manufacturing jobs along with the union construction jobs for the upgrade.

    Times are tough. The news is very unfortunate, but you need to give both Chrysler and the UAW credit for at least keeping the two shifts running. It beats the heck out of closing the plant and sending all the jobs to Mexico like other manufacturers have done.

  16. - Cookie Monster - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 10:49 am:

    From what I understand, several vet’s in Springfield are losing their jobs as security for Camp Butler, and a Swedish firm has been hired by the state for security. What, these men and women are good enough to fight for our country, but not acceptable for securing a National Guard base?

  17. - Deep Blue Sea - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 10:49 am:

    Also heard about an hour ago Aon Corporation -Chicago is laying off too.

  18. - Fan of the Game - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 10:53 am:

    Thanks for the clarification.

  19. - plutocrat03 - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 11:21 am:

    The reason that the Chrysler plant is going back to two shifts is that the models produced there are not selling enough to warrant the third shift.

    The best hope is that the new owners of Chrysler will be able to fine tune the product produced there so that the American public will want their vehicles.

    What we need is some news about govenment departments consolidating and laying off people so that the taxpayer can have a reduced burden.

    Remember these recently laid off people will not be paying taxes on their income anymore, so there will be fewer taxpayer dollars available…….

  20. - Pat Collins - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 11:42 am:

    So why did ChapaL-V and Franks vote no?

    And RINOs Mattias and Mulligan vote yes? Even Linder and Beaubien voted no. So Odd…….

  21. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 11:45 am:

    Franks always votes against any tax hikes, and Chapa LaVia does so as well, for the most part.

  22. - Lainer - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 11:52 am:

    If I’m not mistaken, the sales tax being proposed for the transit “bailout” is 1/4 of 1 percent. That’s a fraction of a penny per dollar. That’s all of 25 cents on a purchase of $100. Doesn’t sound like a huge burden to me; in fact I would barely notice it, and believe me I am not rich. So why is everyone making such a big deal out of it?

  23. - Dooley Dudright - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 11:57 am:

    Re: Chrysler/Belvidere.

    Okay, Sherman, set the Way Back Machine to 2005:

    You read it right, boys and girls: we taxpayers ponied up $36 million for Chrysler’s retooling in Belvidere. (And dontcha love the Rod and Abby gush and goo!!!)

    Perhaps all the incentives and credits haven’t been allocated yet.

    But HELLOOOOOOOOOO………did we get some sort of “money back guarantee” this time? As we most assuredly did NOT with such turkeys as Mitsubishi in Normal, Motorola in Harvard, Sears in Hoffman Estates, Comiskey/Cellular One Park, Arlington Park Racetrack, the Collinsville and Springfield hotels, blah, blah, blah?

    Ya know, I think I’ve really, really had it with these ridiculous corporate giveaways.

    If on this Belvidere deal there were no strings………!!!!……….well, please, somebody hand me my blood pressure medications. I can’t take it anymore.

  24. - Lawman - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 11:58 am:

    A couple of thoughts regarding the reduction in the Chrysler assembly plant…

    1. We all lament the reduction and loss of jobs, but how many commenters drive vehicles that are produced by the companies with Ill. assembly plants? Each sale helps the companies. Chicago recently bought a large number of vehicles, but they were not from companies with Ill. assembly plants. Without support, the Ill. assembly plants will close. And before anyone talks about quality, drive one of the new vehicles assembled in Ill.and compare it. Look at the current owner satisfaction surveys and then decide.

    2. With its’ poisonous business climate, when was the last time that an automobile assembly plant was built in Ill.? The Ill. Workers’ Compensation Law by itself would stop a company from locating a new assembly plant in Ill. Add on the other anti-business rules, regulations and laws and not only does Ill. not attract new assembly plants, but we are slowly driving out the plants that are here. I predict that within 10 years, Ill. will have no autobile assembly plants, no jobs, and none of the taxes flowing into the Ill. treasury from those jobs. But then our Governor has told us for months how bad these companies really are. Maybe they are getting the message that Ill. is not a good place to do business.

  25. - Peter Zenger - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 12:07 pm:

    Guess Blaggo expected to be 2o min late for his nooner ast OHare
    Anyone surprised?

  26. - Peter Zenger - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 12:09 pm:

    opps left something out
    Guess what! Blaggo expected to be 2o min late for his nooner ast OHare
    Anyone surprised?

  27. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 12:11 pm:

    PZ, could you please get a finger transplant to replace your ten thumbs? lol

  28. - Skeeter - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 12:12 pm:

    A few quick notes from that story:

    Chrysler spent 10 times that amount itself for those renovations ($419 million, with $36 million from the state). That’s $419 million worth of construction and engineering jobs. That alone makes it a good deal for Illinois.

    Also, the story references adding a second shift. It was such a good investment that they actually added a THIRD shift. The third is what is being cut.
    The taxpayers paid to help add the second shift, and even with these cuts, they still are keeping the second.
    I’m usually first in line to bash Blago, but that deal looks like one of his best ever.

  29. - More Smokin' Mirrors - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 12:12 pm:

    Blago’s plane had to stop and refuel somewhere between Ravenswood and O’Hare.
    Sure hope the media ask some tough questions and demand answers for a change. But I doubt it.

  30. - Skeeter - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 12:17 pm:

    Crespo no and Froehlich yes?
    That’s interesting for the two northwest suburban Dems.

  31. - Levois - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 12:26 pm:

    The Governor doesn’t know the definition of self-lessness. WOW!

  32. - Gregor - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 12:51 pm:

    You have to wonder where the Blago people got their PR training based on the wording of that release… “yes, I’m talking to the press from the VIP room at a private hangar before going into my private plane for a fast commute, about how Mike Madigan is insensitive to the plight of Chicago’s mass transit riders. ”

    That’s priceless work, there, Bex, keep it up. Genius.

  33. - Chrysler stuff - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 12:58 pm:

    Just read this morning that they’ve decided to stop making the PT Cruiser as well.

    You know what needs to happen, is one of the third or fourth-biggest car companies just retool to do nothing but hybrid conversions to other maker’s vehicles. There’s an article on fast Company magazine this month about a guy that converts a stock Hummer to give over 100 MPG with better-than-California-standards emission quality, and drive 50 miles or more faster, using mostly off the shelf GM parts. He also converts other cars to electrics or hybrids. He can’t keep up with all the orders, and even Governor Swartzenegger is a client.

  34. - General Indignation - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 1:01 pm:

    Governor Blagojevich touting that we should promote the hiring of more veterans. That makes me laugh a hearty belly laugh. From the same guy who is constantly manipulating the hiring rules to allow his cronies to get around veteran hiring requirements. This would be like getting family planning and parenting advice from Britney Spears.

    These people have no sense of irony at all. At all.

  35. - Bill - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 1:02 pm:

    How can McCarthy continue to vote against the public transit that thousands of his constituients use to get downtown everyday? How can he expect to get re-elected? Oh yeah,I forgot, he doesn’t. If he does run,I will personally be working the Metra train stations on election day passing out his voting record.

  36. - Greg - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 1:07 pm:

    Who are WBBM’s insiders on both sides of the aisle? I’d like to bet them on passage of that sales tax hike? I’d like to bet them a lot.

  37. - A Citizen - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 1:22 pm:

    guv:”…another short-term bailout for mass transit …” Where does he go to get these funds? It seems like a bottomless well of largess. Maybe he could do a “another short-term bailout” for the FY07 budget. There’s only eight months left for that one. Ahh yes! Blags the magician. Illinois’ Davie Copperfield.

  38. - A Citizen - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 1:23 pm:

    Ummm, Fy08.

  39. - jerry 101 - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 1:30 pm:

    Screw you Blago. You are the only thing standing between the fix and doomsday.

    No more short-term bailouts. Fix it. Now.

  40. - Rock Star Rod - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 1:37 pm:

    So the “Secret Plan” is there is “NO PLAN”
    because there no specifics says Gov. Blagojevich.
    You need a press conference for that?
    Give a break. What a waste of state resources.

  41. - A Citizen - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 1:39 pm:

    Reporter walks up to guv and says “The Empty Suit says what?” and guv says “What?”.

  42. - Napoleon Has Left The Building - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 1:40 pm:

    I look at that shot of the board and I see how he can get to 71, sorry Rich but I throw down with WBBM - I think they can pass it.

  43. - da people - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 1:42 pm:

    So did Governor Hairdo answer any substantial questions? Did the media light their lighters for an encore?

  44. - Princeville - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 1:45 pm:

    Greg @ 1:07, the article that had me scratching my head from WBBM was yesterdays, where that lobbyist Caldwell was yakking about phone conferences where everyone but God and Obama took part in!? (article at 9:34 am 31 Oct 2007 by Bob Roberts “CTA Bus Drivers Union Calls Off Suit”)

  45. - mark/marcus/transituser - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 1:49 pm:

    I thought the RTA has made it very clear that they will not accept another short-term bailout. So then what happens? Will Blago blame them if 572 falls short?

  46. - PhilCollins - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 1:49 pm:

    Family-Pac calls on Illinois House to defeat
    CTA Sales Tax Hike Proposal

    For Immediate Release For Further Information Contact:
    Thursday, November 1, 2007 Paul Caprio, Family-Pac
    Phone: 312-670-4238

    Family-Pac, Illinois Leading Conservative Political Action Committee today announced its opposition to a CTA bail out proposal, which would increase the state sales tax by a quarter of a percent for taxpayers in suburban areas.
    Said Paul Caprio, Director of Family-Pac “this proposed tax hike is a classic case of robbing Peter to pay Paul.” Caprio said that suburban commuters presently pay two state motor fuels taxes…ever increasing train fares and the highest gas prices in America. “Why should the heavily taxed suburban commuter now be asked to pay for the mismanagement of the Chicago Transit Authority? Let Chicago pay their own way for a change. The state has done nothing to demand that the CTA put its fiscal house in order and now is the time to make that demand, rather than making suburban families the fiscal scape goats. We are seeing how one Party Chicago Government discriminates against millions of taxpayers in Illinois, who want only to pay their fair share.”
    Caprio urged Governor Blagojevich to honor his pledge and veto this tax hike if passed by the Legislature. Caprio also announced that Family-Pac has begun a statewide grassroots campaign to contact nearly 100,000 voters in key legislative districts to energize opposition to the tax hike proposal.

  47. - disgusted in chi boogie - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 1:50 pm:

    The RTA folks have said several times already in public that they’re not going to accept another temporary bailout.

  48. - Bill - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 1:57 pm:

    Ok Caprio settled it. Everybody vote no.

  49. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 1:58 pm:

    ===The RTA folks have said several times already in public that they’re not going to accept another temporary bailout.===

    They may have no choice.

  50. - Holdingontomywallet - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 2:00 pm:

    Goodie, he has another short-term plan for a bailout. I guess everyone can stop worrying; he has an excellent track record of getting things done for Illinois.

  51. - disgusted in chi boogie - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 2:03 pm:

    Yes, Rich and the Governor could choose to stop being a meshuggah

  52. - Wondering - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 2:10 pm:

    Besides Hoffman and Granberg, who are the governor’s five votes?

  53. - A Citizen - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 2:13 pm:

    Looks like guv and his PR Empire figure that if they can keep coming up with short term bailouts they never “Hit the Wall”. How many “Short Terms” are there between now and 6/30/08? This is really a New way to govern, no budget and short term fixes - for a whole year? Guv is to govern as Illinois is to ???.

  54. - Greg - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 2:16 pm:


    Maybe I’m confused with your interpretation, but isn’t Schlickman’s “that” referring to “poorer service for higher fares,” not the loan?

  55. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 2:19 pm:

    I think you’re right. Updated.

  56. - Johnny USA - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 2:34 pm:

    RTA Executive Director Stephen Schlickman said the board will not support another stop-gap solution, such as temporary funding.

    Being a beggar, you aren’t exactly in a position to make demands, Mr. Schlickman.

    Now is not the time for gamesmanship, sir. You will do whatever it takes to keep your trains and buses running, and you will not use commuters and their daily commute as ‘leverage’ in order to get a chip in the game. If Springfield wants to dole you out funding one dollar at a time, you will gladly accept them, and use them to keep your vehicles operating.

    Please do not let your title of “Executive Director” fool you. You will march to the beat of the lawmaker’s drum. If you want to play ‘power executive’, please apply to United Airlines or FedEx.

  57. - FED UP - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 2:37 pm:

    Any updated info on how much Gov Elvis flyng a private plane is costing Illinois taxpayers. It sure must be nice in a publicly funded private plane when our buses stop coming monday morning I have to work, but I dont hang out in the VIP lounge so Blago doesnt care.

  58. - Cassandra - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 2:41 pm:

    So…if they haven’t even asked for all of the original bailout money yet….why the fuss.

    Young Ron and Carole and Schlickman are overdoing the wolf bit.

  59. - Captain America - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 2:43 pm:

    No more temporary solutions or secret plans.

    Doomsday cometh! Let the chips fall where they may. Several political careers hang in the balance. I can already see the newspaper editorials.

    We all know who to blame: Governor Rod Blagojevich has become Public Enemy Number One. Personally, I’ll be glad that the Governor will be politcally crippled when hs gets blamed for the failure of the Hamos Plan. He’s never succeed in passing the blame/buck to Mike Madigan because too many of us know the truth.

    The Hamso Plan would have passed easily before May 31 - the Governor’s recalcitrance was the only the obstacle - he’s all testicular virility, but no brains! Poltical castration seems to be the only cure for what ails our Governor - Sic Semper Tyrannis!

    Irate CTA/PACE riders should wage a peacefil siege outside the Governor’s resdience to protest his “reign of error.”

  60. - Loop Lady - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 2:47 pm:

    Let’s get it straight–the government bails out car companies–NOT mass transit!!

  61. - the commuter once known as So Ill - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 2:52 pm:

    Cassandra —

    I think you’re misinterpreting the “they” part of this. The letter was written to the Governor’s office. HIS office hasn’t provided the okay for distributing the extra cash.

    That doesn’t mean the CTA and RTA haven’t asked for it and/or don’t want it. It means they haven’t received it.

    Don’t you think that if your scenario was the case, that Transit really hadn’t asked for the money, that the Gov’s office and those against the tax hike would be trumpeting that all over the place? “We put out the money, they said they would ‘grudgingly’ take it, and now they don’t need it”. Sounds like a tremendous press pop to me.

    Nah, that can’t be the case. Most likely is that someone in the Gov’s office realized that the best chance they’ve got to pay all of the state’s bills is to pay only one of them at a time, and it’s not yet transit’s turn this month.

  62. - OneManBlog - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 3:03 pm:


  63. - Captain America - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 3:06 pm:

    Purely from a poltical strategy standpoint, for someone interested in really destroying Blago, another interim solution might work well.

    Take the temporary money for two more months. Pass the bill in January with a simple majority and force Blago to veto it - sealing his political doom! But Blago’s political self-destruction will not solve the mass transit funding issue.

  64. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Nov 1, 07 @ 3:09 pm:

    Let’s start a fresh thread. Go here. Thanks.

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