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This just in…

Friday, Nov 9, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** Post updated on Sunday. Scroll down for more. ***

* 2:10 pm - Bill Dennis has a very interesting scoop today…

On May 31, 2007, the Illinois House of Representatives voted 90-20 to approve its version of SB 1621, a law that requires state pension funds to divest their holdings in foreign companies that are doing business with Iran’s energy industry, which is financing Iran’s efford to develop nuclear weapons.

Schock was among the 20 who voted against this measure.

So, Schock would threaten nuclear holocaust with China over Iran but wouldn’t vote for economic pressure? Oof.

* 2:38 pm - The governor has sent a letter to the legislative leaders and Mayor Daley…

…While I have postponed a mass transit ‘Doomsday’ twice, inaction by the General Assembly has also meant two missed opportunities for a final solution that works for people. We all agree that we cannot wait until another ‘Doomsday’ is upon us. Last Friday, Speaker Madigan and Leader Cross set a 7 to 10-day deadline to deliver a funding solution. This coming Monday will be the 10 th day.

It is important that we respect this deadline and avoid more ‘Doomsday’ situations. This past Tuesday, Speaker Madigan, Leader Cross and Leader Watson indicated that they believe they are making progress. This is a good sign. However, we must learn the obvious lessons from this fall, and not substitute progress for action.

I note with great interest the Mayor’s comments in today’s Sun-Times demanding that we all come to an agreement on a long-term funding plan for mass transit by December 1 st. I believe we all share his frustration with the lack of action. We need to work more quickly to provide certainty for the people who use the buses and trains every day.

With your participation, we can move this process along, and reach a solution in short order. Accordingly, I invite each of you, along with the Mayor, to a meeting in my Chicago office at 10:00 a.m. this Wednesday, November 14 th to work through any differences. We have promised the people a capital bill and a long-term funding source for mass transit.

*** Sunday *** So, apparently, this Pershing missile proposal from Schock wasn’t such a “deeply thought-out policy” after all. Larry fills us in

Ronald Reagan signed the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty in 1987 and it was ratified in the US Senate in 1988. The INF Treaty banned Intermediate Range Nuclear Missiles and the last one was destroyed (outside of museum pieces) in 1991. [In other words], we haven’t had any Pershing Missiles since Aaron Schock was 10 years old.


* Also, Schock told Bernie Schoenburg this about his vote against the Iranian divestment proposal…

“With each additional restriction that’s placed on a pension fund in Illinois, it further prohibits those pension managers’ ability to make wise decisions, to keep those pension systems solvent,” Schock said.

The final version of the Iran bill applies only to the five state pension systems, not local police and fire pension systems.

Though he said the General Assembly shouldn’t delve in foreign policy, Schock said that doesn’t mean he would vote against all resolutions in that field.

“Ultimately, you have to make a decision based on what you’re presented with,” he said. “But I don’t think it’s wise for us to get involved with foreign policy, as a rule of thumb.”

Bernie didn’t mention it, but a check of the Sudan divestment vote showed Schock voted for that proposal.


  1. - jerry 101 - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 2:29 pm:

    So…he was for nuclear iran before he was against nuclear iran?

    Or is it that he doesn’t care about nuclear iran, but loves war?

  2. - SouthernILRepub - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 2:31 pm:

    Here in lies the problem, the State of Illinois should not be engaging in matters of foreign policy. The federal courts have rules that parts of the Illinois law on Sudan divestment violated the federal governments ability to conduct foreign policy. Those 20 votes are not endorsement for the support of Iran as a terrorist state.

  3. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 2:32 pm:

    ===The federal courts have rules that parts of the Illinois law on Sudan divestment violated the federal governments ability to conduct foreign policy===

    OK, but his own proposal would violate international treaties on nuclear arms sales.

  4. - SouthernILRepub - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 2:34 pm:

    You are right, certainly he should have been better advised on nuclear arms proliferation treaties. There needs to be a separation of the issues. In the end not a good week for the Young Representative from Peoria.

  5. - True Observer - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 2:41 pm:

    So the US Congress has no say so about International Treaties?

    That Schock would put forward a plan is a heck of a lot more than candidates going around shaking hands and kissing babies.

  6. - ArchPundit - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 2:45 pm:

    ===#That Schock would put forward a plan is a heck of a lot more than candidates going around shaking hands and kissing babies.

    More is not always better.

  7. - Anonymous - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 2:46 pm:

    Ratification or de-ratification of treaties is a matter for the Senate, not the House. Does he know what body he’s running for?

  8. - capitol view - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 2:48 pm:

    The Iran Divestiture bill was significantly better (more likely to be upheld) than the Sudan bill. The federal courts have clearly permitted a role for states in managing their internal finances in a manner that reflects a public policy, even foreign policy.

    The House floor debate was more about letting the pension funds maximize their earnings without public policy intrusions of any sort, rather than a referendum of Iran.

    It was a stupid vote on his part, for an ambitious politician considering higher office - look at the reaction this week. But some commentators may be reading too much into it.

  9. - steve schnorf - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 2:50 pm:

    Looks like the Gov is trying to take the high road. That may have great implications for the future.

  10. - Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 2:50 pm:

    That’s the beauty of it. As a potential member of the House, he could be acting in a strictly “advisory” capacity to the US Senate, without any real authority to influence such a policy issue.

    Not that many would take him seriously :-)

  11. - Gene Parmesan - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 2:52 pm:

    Nice scoop, but I sure could have done without the last paragraph. Disagree with Schock on the issues, that’s great, but don’t hit him up with sophomoric lines about playing video games, etc. People need to get beyond the age thing and assess Schock based on his ideas. Don’t vote or not vote for him based on his age.

    That being said, he has proposed a massively dangerous and foolish foriegn policy here, and he needs to back off of it. It’s early enough to recant, but if he continues to defend this policy he’s gonna get chewed up in both the primary and general, assuming he gets there.

  12. - Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 2:53 pm:

    The high road will be very congested and in a state of disrepair if transit and capital bills are not passed.

  13. - Kenzo - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 2:53 pm:

    This makes it quite clear that what I have been saying since I first read about Schock is true. He was cooked up in a lab by PR people and right-wing interest groups. He is not an actual person. His incendiary remarks on foreign policy make for schocking(sorry-had to)copy and will win the votes of downstate reactionariy “Kill ‘Em All” types. He could not possibly deep down inside believe that “freedom fighters” are a good idea. An educated man who has lived a day in the real world knows that. Although he may paint himself as the freedom-loving hawk, he will vote down any measure that will interfere with the free market philosophy of the people who give him money. He’s playing it at both ends.

  14. - Whatever Chuckie - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 2:55 pm:

    That’s a funny letter, Blago touts everything he isn’t.

  15. - GoBearsss - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 2:56 pm:

    In the spirit of Kenzo -

    How many people endorse the man’s confrontational “Schock and Awe” foreign policy approach?

    Then again, that could be a good campaign slogan for him…

  16. - Anon - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 2:57 pm:

    Good point, Steve. However, more than the Gov taking the high road, it has been the Speaker taking the low road that has left us without a resolution to this issue. It is time that the Speaker quit playing games and demonstrate some leadership. Finish up this gaming/capital bill, get the funds to the city and burbs for mass transit, and get the funds to the rest of the state for necessary infrastructure projects. Madigan cannot continue to deny the state what it needs just because he doesnt want to allowthe Gov to cut some ribbons.

    Lisa will have her shot, Mr. Madigan. Please shoot straight here, work with the others, and get the people’s work done.

  17. - MOON - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 3:00 pm:


    This Gov. idea of the future is 5 minutes and not a second more.His idea of the high road is a bridge over the Chicago River.

    What has happen is Daley finally got his telephone tax( absent Blago’s signature ). With the tax in place Daley is free to speak out. Blago is very concerned about what Daley could do to him in a political sense; thus Blago is now kissing up to Daley. The mayor has about as much respect for Blago and Houlihan as does the Speaker. Blago’s days are numbered!!!

  18. - steve schnorf - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 3:03 pm:

    I would think “disingenuous” would be the kindest thing that could be said of an attempt to lay the blame for where we are at Madigan’s feet. The culprits have been legion, there’s plenty of blame to go around.

  19. - MOON - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 3:07 pm:


    Why don’t you read Chambers recent column; and after doing so, if you still think Madigan is taking the low road, I will send you my address and you can send me some of that funny stuff you are smoking.

  20. - DC - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 3:15 pm:

    Anon’s argument assumes that Madigan must approve any capital/gaming bill without question, without input from voters solely to be seen as someone who is doing what is right. If the Governor was THAT interested in a comprehensive package for gaming and infrastructure, he would have got it passed during the legislative session. All he’s doing is making a mockery of the legislative branch of government through this and arguable abuse of the emergency rulemaking process. In one breath he’s taking the high road for bringing people together, and quietly, without fanfare, he introduces a multi-million dollar boondoggle emergency rule - a rule that would have the force of law - without any statutory authority to do so.

    We need progress and hopefully Steve is right. Hopefully the Governor has seen his poll numbers and recognizes he needs to show leadeship to avoid being a lame-duck Governor for the next 36 months.

  21. - Spoiled Kid - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 3:18 pm:

    Considering Blago’s motives the letter sounds more like a thinly veiled ultimatum.
    More like, do as I say or else!

  22. - Billy Dennis - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 3:25 pm:

    Gene: Agreed. I’ve removed the last two graphs.

  23. - Hawk Harrelson Says... - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 3:40 pm:

    Roddy: It’s time to hunker down; strap it up; and git ‘er done. You’re the gov.; go LEAD.

  24. - Transit Supporter - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 3:50 pm:

    I am sure the Mayor will be happy to leave the vote on his 2008 budget in the City Council on the 14th to rush over to the Thompson center to referee the “game.” Great scheduling…..

  25. - Levois - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 3:52 pm:

    Let’s see if the gov and our state legislative leaders might be successful on this transit issue.

  26. - Truthful James - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 4:10 pm:

    HB 1621 exerts no more pressure on foreign corporations than a gnat’s footprint on an alligator’s back.

    It is a feel good, look-at-me-Ma, piece of legislation and the only people that might be hurt is if the pension fund has to reinvest in a lower yeilding asset are…guess who.

  27. - Anon - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 4:30 pm:


    “Speaker Madigan and Leader Cross set a 7 to 10-day deadline to deliver a funding solution. This coming Monday will be the 10th day. It is important that we respect this deadline … [a]ccordingly, I invite each of you, along with the Mayor, to a meeting in my Chicago office at 10:00 a.m. this Wednesday, November 14th to work through any differences.” [Emphasis added.]

  28. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 4:45 pm:

    Dumber Than You Think
    In the next move to confirm this new Admin. slogan Slick Willie Quinlan has one of his hacks out other state officials than when JCAR balks at the new unlegislated health care give away Blaggo will declare JCAR unconstitutional and demand all IL docs, hospitals and Rxers begin treating the 400% FPLers. Should be a fun week.

  29. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 5:14 pm:

    The Governor states:

    “This past Tuesday, Speaker Madigan, Leader Cross and Leader Watson indicated that they believe they are making progress. This is a good sign. However, we must learn the obvious lessons from this fall, and not substitute progress for action.”

    Three leaders think they are making progress. Missing in action? Jones? Blagojevich? Aren’t they part of the “they?” Did he really mean to say this?

  30. - Gambling is bad finance - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 5:34 pm:

    Why does anyone think that funding highway construction with gambling is a good idea? With all the calls for a fare increase for transit, why isn’t anyone calling for an increased gas tax?

  31. - Lil Petunia - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 5:49 pm:

    I am glad Schock is running for Congress. He will not win his primary, will not be in the State House, and hopefully go back to Minnesota from where he came.

    He is a zealot and his grasp of international affairs is on par with the same administration in the White House that has caused the needless deaths of thousands of our servicemen and countless tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians.

    It is his uneducated, uniformed rhetoric that kills. He does not belong in the US Congress.

  32. - NoGiftsPlease - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 6:56 pm:

    Because a gas tax is a tax on “people” whereas gambling is a tax on “gamblers”…see the difference? te he. Maybe we can solve the problem with gambling on transit?

  33. - steve schnorf - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 8:17 pm:

    If the Governor continues (big question mark) the statesmanlike, high-road approach, I think it creates real problems for the other players in terms of what their strategy should be.

    Cooperate, and govern with a guy who acts like he wants to govern, or take a chance on having the tables turned on them where they become the obstructionists?

  34. - disingenuous - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 8:22 pm:

    disingenuous is the Governor and Mr. Jones… The gaming/capital bill is not a long term solution to mass transit….Please read the bill! The CTA claims that if the over $200 million from the bill is in form of a grant, they’ll take it. However,if it’s a loan, they can’t repay it. The gaming bill cooked up by Mr. Jones and his pals carely does not address this…How is this Madigan’s fault?

  35. - Rayfan - Friday, Nov 9, 07 @ 9:31 pm:

    Maybe the leaders could threaten to sell nuclear weapons to the Governor’s neighbors to get him to act like a real Governor.

  36. - GOP'er - Saturday, Nov 10, 07 @ 8:50 am:

    Let’s face it. Schock isn’t ready to be a Congressman. He’s a kid with no significant life experience beyond promoting himself for this or that office. But I think after Feb. 5th he’ll have the chance to get some private sector experience.

  37. - Larry McKeon - Saturday, Nov 10, 07 @ 10:07 am:

    Like Blago, Schock is a good fundraiser and campaigner. Beyond that there is little substance.

  38. - AnonR - Saturday, Nov 10, 07 @ 4:12 pm:

    Rich: I got get back to the Illini game, just testing to see if you know the comments are open/


  39. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Sunday, Nov 11, 07 @ 3:28 am:

    Schnorf: If it were anyone else, I would agree with your logic. Unfortunately for Rod, the voters have made their minds up about him.

    Early on, his incompetence was only well-known in Sangamon County and by those of us who intensely observe, and sometimes participate in the process of public policymaking, whether we be public officials ourselves, or political campaigners, or public opinion shapers.

    Now, most of Illinois sees that The Little Emperor wears no clothes.

    What do you think Republicans are likely to do in JCAR this Tuesday?

    Acquiesce to the Governor’s attempts to circumvent the Democratic process, and institute a plan that is unformed, unplanned, unprojected in expense, untried anywhere else, and unconstitutional?

    Or do you think they’re going to accuse him of acting like a petty little dictator?

    The easiest story to tell people is always one that they already know. I think the public has got rod pegged.

    “Governor, your effort to launch a program that creates a bottomless pit of debt for Illinois taxpayers without a single comprehensive public hearing is foolhardy at best.”

    How about this question:

    “Governor, doesn’t this just create another government entitlement program?”


    “By spreading our tax dollars so thinly, aren’t we diverting resources from those who need it the most?”


    “The Blagojevich Health Care Bureau wants to force the middle class into socialized medicine.”

    Don’t get me wrong. I’m a strong supporter of universal health care. It’s the right idea and the right message for the Democratic Party.

    But Rod Blagojevich, like Hillary Clinton, is the wrong messenger.

  40. - Levois - Sunday, Nov 11, 07 @ 10:31 am:

    It must be a holiday for closing comments, yes?

  41. - Ray's Patio Inn - Sunday, Nov 11, 07 @ 10:47 am:

    I’m not Schocked. See ya, Aaron, thanks for coming.

    No potential leader should care more about video games than government.

  42. - Ray's Patio Inn - Sunday, Nov 11, 07 @ 11:05 am:

    He’s from Minnesota, too? That explains everything. Bye, Aaron, bye.

  43. Pingback Peoria Pundit » Politics: Schock explains vote against Iran divestiture … to a Springfield reporter (UPDATED) - Sunday, Nov 11, 07 @ 3:49 pm:

    […] UPDATE: Rich Miller looked it up and found out that Schock voted FOR the Sudan divestment bill. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” Trouble is, Ralph never defined which consistencies were foolish, and which ones were wise. […]

  44. - Bill Dennis' Shadow - Sunday, Nov 11, 07 @ 7:09 pm:

    Aaron the Nuke had some in Washington (IL) scratching their heads Sunday when he showed up at a Vets Day observance. He must have read Dick Versace was a featured speaker. Versace was there to talk his brotherRocky, who was a Vietnam POW who died in capitivity and was a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor about 35 years after his execution.
    Mr. Nuke looked lost, shook a few hands and scampered away quickly.
    Maybe he will borrow “The Dumber Than You Think” from Blaggo.

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