Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » This just in… Madigan claims “shouting and threats” at leaders meeting *** Governor suggests Madigan a racist *** New meeting scheduled *** Moment of silence law blocked by judge ***
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This just in… Madigan claims “shouting and threats” at leaders meeting *** Governor suggests Madigan a racist *** New meeting scheduled *** Moment of silence law blocked by judge ***

Wednesday, Nov 14, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 11:14 am - Miracle upon miracles, I’m told the governor actually showed up on time for the big confab this morning with the four legislative leaders and Mayor Daley. The AP has a quick brief

Mayor Richard Daley and Chicago Transit Authority officials are in a morning meeting with Governor Rod Blagojevich and top legislative leaders in the governor’s Chicago office.

Blagojevich and lawmakers have yet to agree on a plan on how to get money for the cash-strapped CTA and suburban mass-transit agencies.

The governor is supposed to travel to Wisconsin today for a “summit” on energy and climate change, so I’m not sure how long Blagojevich is planning to stick around.

* 11:26 am - There’s been a lot of chin-scratching about where a Chicago casino might be, with reporters and columnists speculating about Navy Pier and Northerly Island, among other places. This is from Chicago Public Radio today

DALEY: First of all, you can’t select a site. You can’t do that, you can’t select a site, because every real-estate developer would rush in there and buy around the site.

But Daley will say what’s off limits. It’s a no-go for McCormick Place, Navy Pier and Northerly Island. That leaves plenty of real estate left for developers to wonder about.

I’ve been hearing for months that the Congress Hotel is a prime spot. The workers there have been on strike forever, so organized labor would like to turn it into a more union-friendly locale by snatching it away from the owners. The place is a dump, so it would have to be completely gutted out, providing lots of construction jobs. I haven’t seen it mentioned in print before, but keep your eye on that spot.

* 11:29 am - Mayor Daley just left the leaders meeting. The others are still inside.

According to a friend who is there, the mayor said he is optimistic about the future and claimed that the CTA had done its job. More later.

*** 12:05 pm *** Shouting and threats? Wow

Mayor Richard Daley says he’s “very optimistic” after meeting with Governor Rod Blagojevich and top legislative leaders about mass-transit funding.

But House Speaker Mike Madigan walked out of the meeting, saying it deteriorated to shouting and threats, NBC 5’s Mary Ann Ahern reported.

Daley emerged from Wednesday morning’s meeting in the governor’s Chicago office after more than an hour without saying what was being discussed. He said he left because lawmakers and the governor were getting down to the particulars.

* 12:15 pm - The meeting is over.

*** 4:04 pm *** There’s more in the subscriber section, but here’s a Daily Herald story about today’s “action”…

“It is not a one person show,” said Senate President Emil Jones, a Chicago Democrat, of Madigan’s refusal to go along. “If he wants to kill money for the CTA, the monkey will be on his back.”

The backdoor meeting also included Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, who laid out his preferences for a city-owned casino and transit bailout. Daley declined to publicly back any specific plan to bailout the transit agencies.

Meanwhile, Madigan refused to comment further on the shouting and accusations, but he said he was unhappy most of the talk focused on casinos instead of transit.

Jones said the dispute was between Madigan and Democratic state Sen. Ricky Hendon over mandatory minority ownership and revenue sharing rules tied to the new casinos.

Blagojevich used that dispute to indicate Madigan was racist.

“Speaker Madigan is the only one who doesn’t agree that African Americans ought to participate in the ownership of the casinos,” Blagojevich.

*** 4:48 pm *** Another leaders meeting is scheduled for 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. All leaders are invited. As a consequence, the governor is not going to Wisconsin for the energy summit after all.

*** 4:57 pm *** Federal judge finds new state law “likely unconstitutional“…

A federal judge today found that a new state law requiring school districts to begin each day with a moment of silence or prayer is “likely unconstitutional” and he will for now stop a northwest suburban school district from following the requirement, a ban that the judge could extend statewide Thursday.

The preliminary ruling by U.S. District Court Robert Gettleman was a win for atheist activist Rob Sherman, who filed a lawsuit concerning the new law being applied at Buffalo Grove High School, where his daughter is a freshman.

*** 5:53 pm *** More from the Tribune

Gettleman asked the parties in the case to return to the Dirksen U.S. Courthouse Thursday when he could consider making the injunction statewide. The Illinois attorney general’s office is considering stepping into the litigation.

Gettleman said the Silent Reflection and Student Prayer Act isn’t specific enough about what is a “moment” and when it should take place. It also may cross the line into unconstitutionality by giving students a choice to pray, the judge said. […]

Gettleman said he also is concerned about whether a child could or would do something physical in an act of prayer, such as take out a Bible or a Muslim prayer book.

There are only two choices given by the statute, he said. “One is an endorsement of prayer,” he said. “If that’s the way it’s being interpreted, then I think we have a problem.”

* 6:05 pm - Zorn

The state can either fight for this unnecessary and intrusive law by waging an expensive court battle, or members of the General Assembly can attempt to re-write and pass a similar law that overcomes the Constitutional objections.

Best advice: Drop it.


  1. - MOON - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 11:19 am:

    The sooner Blago leaves the sooner these issues can be resolved by the true leaders!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. - phocion - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 11:32 am:

    There is no way Alderman Fioretti will let the Congress Hotel be the home of Casino Chicago.

  3. - Nicholas - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 11:41 am:

    How about a Bridgeview Casino? Then Richie could walk to the .99 Prime Rib dinner.

  4. - Ghost - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 11:43 am:

    on a side note, the situation in France shows the danger of depending upon mass transit to get about. The transport system has been shut down because governemtn thinks large pension plans for retirment at the age of 50 are to costly. Silly government, now you have no transport. Viva-la-Union. City brought to a halt on an issue supported by at most 1/3 of the population.

  5. - Niles Township - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 11:44 am:

    Congress Hotel seems like a no-go to me because of the electrical, telecommunications and computer wiring that is necessary for a modern casino. The retrofit cost for that building just for wiring would be huge. I still think one the large, empty tracks of land just south of the Loop and west of McCormick Place is the likely spot for a new build-casino.

  6. - Funny - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 11:48 am:

    God help the participants in todays “Energy and Climate Summit” in Wisconsin if Blagojevich shows up. Blago will work his magic with other states….

  7. - Levois - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 11:49 am:

    I wonder if they’ll choose an impoverished neighborhood to place the casino. Especially if the mayor believes that real estate people might come in and buy up some of the land around the casino.

  8. - 2016 Summer Olympics - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 11:53 am:

    Those lucky Olympians will be able to walk to the casino(s). They won’t be lucky for long.
    ;-) Daley

  9. - Orland (D) - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 11:59 am:

    Hey Nicholas, why would Daley want the casino to be in the suburb of Bridgeview? Did your “very intelligent” post mean to say Bridgeport?

  10. - GettingJonesed - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 12:03 pm:

    Aounds like meeting over

  11. - Aaron Shock - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 12:14 pm:

    Maybe US Congressman Aaron Schock can sell nuclear missles to Rod and then he can finally achieve is secret ambition, the Destruction Of Illinois.

  12. - Leave it to Rod - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 12:21 pm:

    Hope the gov has plenty of Maalox Plus on his plane when he departs for Cheeseland later today.
    Shouting and threats? Sounds reminiscent of the Senator Jacobs incident.

  13. - Ghost - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 12:23 pm:

    Shouting and threats? From a meeting with our Governor? Next you will spin a yarn about him releasing a press release which contains no substance of a plan, but just has the gov saying we need to fix the problem now, and demanding the leaders do somthing.

    More “leet”ership from our gov.

  14. - Sigur Ros - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 12:29 pm:

    Again the governor skips his medications. The guys in the white coats will be waiting at the airport Rod.

  15. - 312 - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 12:55 pm:

    When will our governor (little g) grow up? I can’t wait to see his spin on this one. ‘We were arguing over pizza or chicken for lunch?’

    Where-ever that casino goes (Trump, old post office, Roosevelt + Clark) I’m sure everyone will be watching closely to see it Patti gets involved in that real estate deal.

    I still vote for the aircraft carrier / casino so people can still land their planes downtown!

  16. - Common sense in Illinois - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 12:55 pm:

    Kind of makes seem that everyone was on their best behavior when the Mayor was present and then pulled out the knives…makes me recall first grade whenever the teacher left the classroom.

  17. - South of I 80 - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 1:01 pm:

    Are not ya-all just a little bit embarrassed of the way your elected officials act? It’s sad these clowns are in charge of our state.

  18. - Northside Bunker - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 1:06 pm:

    It’s offical - Governor Blagojevich is really Dean Vernon Wormer.

  19. - DC - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 1:10 pm:

    He’s more like Ed Rooney, the principal from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off… or, better yet, Principal Vernon from The Breakfast Club, walking out of the bathroom with protective paper on his pants, declaring “I will not be made a fool of!”

  20. - GettingJonesed - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 1:12 pm:

    Guess we can ashcan Capt. Fax’s suggestion that was going to be an important big meetin’
    Word is Blaggo wants another meetin’ Thursday

  21. - DC - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 1:14 pm:

    It wouldn’t be beyond the Governor to call a special spession next Wednesday; nothing would be surprise me at this point.

  22. - Justice - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 1:15 pm:

    I got a good laugh out of the comment Daley made “…he left because lawmakers and the governor were getting down to the particulars”. That is a very nice way to put it from a great politician. Interpreted, I see it to mean they are at each others throats! Hilarious! As to the location of the casino, one would think they would want it where it could take advantage of the city infrastructure, assets, and help boost the downtown business. After all, Chicago is a world class city. Why move this jewel of profit and economic impact to the burbs?

  23. - jerry 101 - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 1:17 pm:

    I’ve seen the Congress Hotel site talked about. Reportedly, the owners are not interested in selling the hotel.

    I don’t know how that place stays open. Who would stay there?

  24. - OneMan - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 1:26 pm:

    As for the Congress Hotel, the city could get them to sell. By having so many city inspectors all over the place that the owners would taste the Brylcream…

    As for the meeting I would have to agree with DC, hello special meeting perhaps next Thursday…

  25. - What planet is he from again? - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 1:30 pm:

    Why not put a casino at Soldier Field? After all, it just sits idle 357 days of the year anyway!

  26. - MOON - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 1:41 pm:

    Hendon, Jones and Blago are fronting for a group who want a casino in Country Club Hills. They will do or say whatever it takes to get their way. They are only in it for the money they will get if their friends in Country Club Hill’s win.

  27. - Levois - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 1:43 pm:

    I just read the updates did the Governor start acting up again? Assuming that what Madigan said was true.

  28. - RadioActive Rod - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 1:51 pm:

    If Governor Blagojevich calls a special session next Wednesday, everyone (including legislatures) should boycott it.

  29. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 2:07 pm:

    It took me a few minutes to realize that next Thursday is Thanksgiving — and that Blago might be just crazy enough to call a special session next week… or else sue somebody… perhaps his currently least favorite and formerly “obscure” group of legislators :)

  30. - DC - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 2:10 pm:

    Let me clarify my comment on special sessions was not based on rumor or gossip - just simply an ironic suggestion based on past history to schedule special sessions to agitate lawmakers. It would not be beneath the Governor to do that… even carp have something between them and the bottom of the river…

  31. - Bill - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 2:14 pm:

    As usual you don’t have a clue as to what you are talking about. The last place Emil would want a casino is Country Club Hills. He would rather not have one at all.

  32. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 2:17 pm:

    How about some land along the river in bridgeport, I hear the city just bought some expensive overpriced land there.

  33. - OneMan - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 2:19 pm:

    Why not, because it helps the ‘wrong guys’?

    Also if it had the CSU % on it would that be enough to push Emil?

  34. - MOON - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 2:23 pm:

    Bill ( Blago in drag)

    As usual, you do not know what you are talking about.

  35. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 2:29 pm:

    I don’t believe that Bill wears dresses…. at least not in public.

  36. - Mr. Cub - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 2:56 pm:

    Hey What Planet, welcome to Earth. Soldier Field is used more than 100 days per year … and generates more than $10-million profit annually for the city’s parks, after expenses. Perhaps you forgot about all the times the Club Lounge is rented out for not-for-profit fundraisers and cultural events.

  37. - Wacker Drive - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 2:58 pm:

    When Blagojevich acts up, they have name fer dat up dar in Wisconsin.
    He acts and behaves like a “sausage”.

  38. - Levois - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 3:20 pm:

    Do you mean Blagojevich is going to get cooked?

  39. - What's in a name? - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 3:21 pm:

    I think Chicago will end up with a casino. I would take Da Maer at his word about no putting it on Northly Island and Navy pier, but I think McCormick Place would be a logical location. Tear down the ugly black behemouth and replace it wth a world class casion on the lake.

    Another option is Block 37.

  40. - What's in a name? - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 3:22 pm:

    Sorry about the typo’s.

  41. - GA Watcher - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 3:29 pm:

    The City won’t put the casino near McCormick Place if it is serious about its bid for the 2016 Olympics. The sites being considered for the Olympic Village are very close to McCormick. The IOC would never approve Chicago if a casino is near the Village.

  42. - Bill - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 3:38 pm:

    You got it. I have to go pick up my dress at the cleaners now.

  43. - OneMan - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 4:02 pm:

    Did anyone else see this in the Daily Hearald story…

    from the story….
    Meanwhile, Madigan refused to comment further on the shouting and accusations, but he said he was unhappy most of the talk focused on casinos instead of transit.

    Jones said the dispute was between Madigan and Democratic state Sen. Ricky Hendon over mandatory minority ownership and revenue sharing rules tied to the new casinos.

    Blagojevich used that dispute to indicate Madigan was racist.

    “Speaker Madigan is the only one who doesn’t agree that African Americans ought to participate in the ownership of the casinos,” Blagojevich.

  44. - Captain America - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 4:08 pm:

    With respect to Senator Jones’comments in the Daily Herald about the onus for failure to fund the PACE and the CTA.

    Senator Jones, you’re wrong. When the Hamos Plan passes the House in January, the monkey’s going to be on your back. If you don’t pass the bill in the Senate,everyone will know who to blame - you! Furthermore, should you see the light and pass the Hamos Bill in the Senate to ensure your political survival, then Blago will do irreparable harm to his political career by vetoing the Hamos bill.

    Senate Democratic caucus: Senate President Emil Jones has got to go. At least compel him to support the Hamos bill, before re-electing him as
    Senate President. Oops, I forgot - Jones is a liar, who csn’t be trusted to keep his word when he gives it.

    Blago’s not helping anyone by calling Madigan a racist for refusing to cave in to Jones and Hendon “greenmail” endeavors with respect to the casino deal. Hogs feeding at the trough are just plain old hogs,regardless of color.

  45. - Rod sez I'm pork - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 4:27 pm:

    “Blagojevich used that dispute to indicate Madigan was racist.”

    Perhaps G-Rod needs a new style. I suggest the strong SILENT type.

  46. - GettingJonesed - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 4:28 pm:

    Wow did Blaggo step on it or what?
    First he fields primary candidates, then he calls Madigan a racist
    “Dumber Than You Think” must be the new slogan

  47. - OneMan - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 4:29 pm:

    Rod B…
    Dumber than advertised

  48. - What can I say? - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 4:40 pm:

    How is Madigan being racist? Unless I misread something, he didn’t say he was against African American participation in ownership, just that it shouldn’t be a determining factor. What if there are no takers? Do the plans get scrubbed? Please correct me if I’m wrong.

  49. - What can I say? - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 4:45 pm:

    I forgot to ask about Mrs. B’s commission once the site is announced…..not that it will have anything to do with the location.

  50. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 4:50 pm:

    I think she’s withdrawing from the real estate business.

  51. - JD shadow - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 4:50 pm:

    To bad Tony Rezko got caught, must be driving him nuts about all the money he could be making, stealing or screwing someone out of.

  52. - Common sense in Illinois - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 4:50 pm:

    Mr. Miller, my head hurts…can I go home now?

  53. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 4:53 pm:



  54. - EL SALSA - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 5:06 pm:

    Im a Blagojevich supporter, but why would Madigan not want minority ownership? Is that a personal swipe at Jones?

    Of course, the media will continue to portray Rod as the obstructionist, but Madigan is not innocent. He has done everything in his power to sabotage any revenue that would make a capital bill possible.

    My thoery: He doesnt want Rod cutting ribbons. He wants to starve the state of construction projects until Lisa can ride in on her white horse in three years. That way its Lisa holding the scissors - not Blago.

  55. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 5:10 pm:

    ===why would Madigan not want minority ownership?===

    As of last week, it was more than just Madigan, but that may have changed. I think the feeling is they don’t want to just make rich black people richer, which is, by the way, shared by several members of the House Black Caucus. They want minority contract guarantees at the boats, and money for school districts in depressed communities instead.

  56. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 5:11 pm:

    And it’s not about ribbon cutting, it’s about Rod using the capital bill to mess with MJM’s hold over his caucus. It’s always all about control with Madigan.

  57. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 5:29 pm:

    If Blags was Mr. Speaker and M Madagin was Gov would this be playing out any differently? Well at least we would have a guv who could be counted on to keep his word. Might help.

  58. - just the facts - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 5:34 pm:

    Look at the Senate bill - Emil and Ricky tucked in 2% of the revenues for Chicago State. And yes Bill, they want to put the casino in Country Club Hills, which is why the Gatlings, who own the property, were in Springfield testifying on the bill earlier this year.

  59. - RightGirl - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 5:37 pm:

    Not that Ricky Hendon is no oh-so-interesting, but does anyone know what happened in the ballot position lottery today at State Board of Elections?

  60. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 5:44 pm:

    The list is posted, as far as I can tell.

  61. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 5:45 pm:

    My bad. Not yet.

  62. - Just the Facts - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 5:49 pm:

    Hey - who hijacked my name @ 5:34?

  63. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 6:02 pm:

    A Citizen said, “If Blags was Mr. Speaker and M Madagin was Gov would this be playing out any differently? Well at least we would have a guv who could be counted on to keep his word. Might help.”

    Except Speaker Blagojevich could never hold a majority of his own caucus. I count less than 30 votes for him as Speaker. Yes, this would most definitely play out differently (and better for taxpayers and those that believe in government) if Madigan was governor. Not a Madigan, Micheal Madigan.

    I wish Rod was still in Congress where he couldn’t screw up as many important things. Sheesh. Plus, playing the race card is like playing the Nazi card: first to use it loses the argument. Period.

  64. - Levois - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 6:10 pm:

    I agree with Zorn!

  65. - Bill - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 6:43 pm:

    Not the facts @5:34,
    I didn’t say that CC Hills didn’t want a boat, I said that Emil Jones didn’t want the boat in CC Hills. Sure the Gatlings were testifying about their land but not at the invitation of Jones. The 2% for Chicago State is no different than the ransom that Pate Phillip got for U of I in the last gaming bill. Why is that a problem? Nobody complained when the already rich U of I got a windfall. If you don’t understand the local politics then you should either learn about them or don’t comment.

  66. - um... - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 6:50 pm:


    All due respect, why don’t you go double-check whether or not Emil has had discussions with the Gatlings about helping them, before telling me not to comment.

  67. - Bill - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 6:54 pm:

    Well, Um, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if there is one and where it goes. Wanna bet?

  68. - some former legislative intern - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 7:06 pm:

    Gaming is the wrong way to go for transit funding. Blago is in over his head. First he campaigned against an expansion of gambling. Now, it looks like there may be casinos all over the state once 2011 rolls around.

    Gaming is not a sustainable source of revenue for mass transit. It ebbs and flows with the economy and tourism to and from the location.

  69. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 7:50 pm:

    Does “minority ownership” mean African American, or would it also include Tony Rezko?

    My question to Emil and Governor Blagojevich: Why not Latino ownership or Native American ownership, have they not been historically oppressed enough?

    Like Madigan, I remember how minority ownership of the Emerald Casino worked out, proving once again that the system is colorblind as long as you’re filthy rich and well-connected.

  70. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 8:00 pm:

    Pancho - Yes. Cisco - No
    Lone Ranger - No. Tonto - Yes
    Amos and Andy - In character - Yes. In person - No

  71. - Bill - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 8:14 pm:

    You are showing your age.Who are Amos and Andy? Cisco?

  72. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 8:22 pm:

    - Bill -
    Then how do you know I’m show’n my age? You’re messing with me, Bill, you know who they are as well as Big John and Sparky, The Green Hornet, Sam Spade etc. You know, back when the world was in black and white. Simpler times!

  73. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 8:28 pm:

    Bill you may have a point - it has been quite some time. Maybe we need the Emil and Jesse show? Or Reverand Sharpton and Cosby? What do you think? They both should be fun. Barack and Hillary? Nawww.

  74. - anon - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 10:11 pm:

    Does any one else just find it disgusting with Blago using the race card on Madigan? Nothing surprises me anymore. I mean basically his intent is that african americans will believe this nonsense. In a sublime way this is the most racist of comments as in “african americans are not capable of seeing the forest through the trees.” Madigan is a politician not a racist. For a sitting governor to make such inflamatory comments says it all. Let’s call it Amatuer Night.

  75. - Well DUH! - Wednesday, Nov 14, 07 @ 11:42 pm:

    So, if you’re in favor of letting those who put forth the highest bid you’re racist, but if you want to guarantee that an African American who just so happens to be Emil Jones’ best friend gets a contract, you’re not?

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