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Morning shorts

Tuesday, Nov 27, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson

* Change of Subject: Song parody contest calls for entries. Plus, review of entries so far

* Daily Herald’s in-depth look at Illinois education:


* Lawsuit stirs debate over program that some say leads to ‘academic bankruptcy’

But legislatures are starting to get involved — at least at the public school level — because of financial issues, Nassirian said. The more times a student can withdraw from a class or get grades forgiven, it “may induce existing students to sort of hang around” as perpetual students, he said.

That means the state is paying more for a frequent-repeater student’s education than someone who goes straight through. Meanwhile, eligible students trying to enroll can’t get in because the seats are full.

“So it becomes a kind of subsidy issue,” Nassirian said.

In Texas, the legislature recently voted to limit students to six withdrawals during a student’s career, Nassirian said.

* Kadner: A primary election on Christmas Day?

The oddity was first noticed by my SouthtownStar colleague, John Hector, who was glancing at the State of Illinois Candidates Guide for 2008 when a date jumped out at him.

Under a category labeled “Annual Municipal Election,” there was a subsection marked “Municipal Primary (if required) … Dec. 25, 2007.

“As far as I know, no one else in the state has noticed that,” said an official at the state elections board. “And I mean every candidate in Illinois looks at that thing. How the heck did you spot it?”

* Deadline changed for write-in filing in Will Co.

* New Politics Institute: Social networking as 2007 campaign tool

By leveraging “friend” connections and using virtual “word-of-mouth” marketing, these social sites offer an opportunity to break through the media cacophony. On sites like Facebook, trusted people spread political messages in a way only dreamed of in the age of mass media.

Social technology assists politicos and advocacy organizations in five key areas – branding, voter registration, fundraising, volunteering, and voter turnout.

* Bridget in the 6th: Even Tony Peraica gets it

I’m not a big fan of Tony Peraica, but I have to say that I am impressed that he had the cajones to do his own damn petition challenge against the other Republican running for Cook County States Attorney.

* Tribune Editorial: Getting through to the Stroger 9

First, this is the holiday season, when local governments often get away with unpopular outrages because some citizens are too busy to protest loudly.

Second, Stroger knows that — unless pressure from voters changes one or two minds — soon — he probably can pass big tax increases. Nine of the 17 County Board members have told the Tribune in recent weeks that they think Stroger’s government needs more revenue from taxes.

* Lack of support may postpone vote on Stroger’s $888 million tax plan

* Clout Street: Vote on Stroger tax hike plan may be delayed

* Editorial: State auditor should dig out duplication

Auditor General William Holland found out there is no master list of programs operated by state agencies.

Holland sought such a list at the request of the Legislative Audit Commission, which wanted to see whether services were being duplicated by more than one agency or program. But before Holland could get to that stage, he had to ask each agency for a list of their programs; there was no master list.

His request turned up about 1,750 programs - and Holland suspects the list is incomplete.

* Lawmakers in Illinois hear about nursing home buyout; more here

A panel of Illinois lawmakers on Monday was urged to scrutinize closely the pending sale of 31 Illinois nursing homes to a private-equity firm.

The hearing of the state’s House Committee on Aging centered on Washington, D.C.-based Carlyle Group’s $6.3-billion leveraged buyout of Toledo, Ohio-based Manor Care Inc. Manor Care operates more than 500 nursing homes and other facilities nationally, including 31 Illinois facilities that care for a total of 3,500 residents.

* Hastert resignation now official- gives Gov just enough time to schedule primary on Feb. 5th; more here and here

* GOP leaders, contenders laud Hastert’s hard work

* Wurfwhile: 14-CD candidate burns TV ad seems stiff, won’t get job done

* PrairieStateBlue: Roundup of Congressional race in IL-03

* Open Minds blog: Green party congressional candidate posts youtube videos

* Jackson says ‘unscrupulous lenders targeting minorities’

* Black Sox archives suddenly surfaces- another reminder why we all should support the North Siders :-)


  1. - Leigh - Tuesday, Nov 27, 07 @ 9:27 am:

    Rich- Have you no editorial control over Paul? While I find his work impressive quite often, this outrage of disparaging the Sox and suggesting we all support the northsiders, Blasphemy.

  2. - Wumpus - Tuesday, Nov 27, 07 @ 9:28 am:

    Someone tell Rev Jackson, it is about credit rating, not income. It seems like he is talking about two different animals; the brokers who provide money to finance homes and these crazy companies who offer to save one and all from foreclosure.

  3. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 27, 07 @ 9:44 am:

    Leigh, I agree. Paul should be publicly pilloried. lol

  4. - Bears by 10 - Tuesday, Nov 27, 07 @ 9:45 am:

    FYI- I saw an add for an investigative report Mike Flannery has put together called “Exposing Blagojevich”. It’s scheduled to run Wed. at 10:pm. The promo seems to indicate that the story has to do with the Governor doing more goofing off than actual governing.

  5. - Cassandra - Tuesday, Nov 27, 07 @ 9:50 am:

    Auditor Holland’s effort to identify duplicate programs is laudatory but somewhat quixotic.

    Having been involved in efforts to get rid of some highly duplicative township programs, I can say with certainty that even if you do find substantive duplication, getting rid of one of the duplicates is close to impossible. Every
    effort in this direction is a huge protracted fight, because political jobs and political control over program monies are involved.

    Illinois state government needs a huge “synergizing” and not just in programs that duplicate each other. There is also a lot of duplication and inefficiency within programs, especially in pork farm agencies. Duplication = Democratic patronage jobs and contracts for Dem contributors. In Illinois, the needs of politicians will always trump good government.

  6. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 27, 07 @ 10:03 am:

    “Bears by 10″ I would suggest you watch Channel 2 tonight. From what I know, it’s a fun story.

  7. - Ghost - Tuesday, Nov 27, 07 @ 10:04 am:

    That Dailey Herald piece is pretty good,nice detail to support the discussion.

  8. - Sidelines - Tuesday, Nov 27, 07 @ 11:24 am:

    This Holland guy has been in his job around 10 yrs? and he is just discovering duplication of programs and services, DAAA we need to get rid of him for being blind for so long next he’ll be telling us gas is to high and state workers get to much time off keep up the good work aud holland
    it seems you need more to do also

  9. - What can I say? - Tuesday, Nov 27, 07 @ 11:25 am:

    Wumpus, you make a good point. Also, if one can read the terms of the loan, you would think that those loans would be passed on. Is it an education issue or, as you stated, based upon credit?

  10. - DumberThanYouThink - Tuesday, Nov 27, 07 @ 12:15 pm:

    Jackson: ‘Unscrupulous lenders’ target minorities
    FORECLOSURES | Wants City Council to hold hearings
    BY FRAN SPIELMAN City Hall Reporter
    The Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. on Monday demanded City Council hearings and plans a Dec. 10 march on LaSalle Street to shine the light on a mortgage foreclosure epidemic he warned could trigger a “sustained depression” as early as next year.

    Jackson accused “unscrupulous lenders” of targeting minorities for high-cost loans in a “form of redlining and racial profiling.” He pointed to a study by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition that shows African Americans of all income levels in the Chicago area were more than twice as likely as whites to receive the subprime and ballooning adjustable interest rate mortgages that can be a prelude to foreclosure……”

    Hey what’s going on here? We don’t pay attention to much, but Jackson was the guy who reminded us to suspend HB4050 to protect predatory lenders. Now he wants to close them down.
    Geez. Wondr if Madigan will be on the March.

  11. - Wumpus - Tuesday, Nov 27, 07 @ 1:15 pm:

    What can I say, you make a good point by stating I make a good point. I used to work for a SubPrime, analyzing things, not swindling people. Looking through those terms of the mortgages, it was scary how much/little people made and what amounts they were given at what rates. It is a double edged sword; everyone wants a home, but some people should not have the opportunity to own a home (or their selected home) based on their creditworthines and income. For semireputable companies, they are charged with discrimination if they loan out money at higher rates to people who are deemed riskier or choose not to make those loans based on credit. I do know, AfAmericans tend to have worse credit, regardless of income than whites. Perhaps that is discriminatory in the reasoning behind that, but that is the way it is (often).

  12. - TheFutureIsGreen - Tuesday, Nov 27, 07 @ 4:22 pm:

    Hmm, That Alan Augustson fellow should give Rahm Emmanuel something to worry about should Augustson has an effective GOTV.

    Good luck to the Greens.

  13. - Alan Augustson - Tuesday, Nov 27, 07 @ 4:29 pm:

    Thanks for the mention. But I’m not here to give Rahm a scare — I’m here to give him a pink slip.

  14. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Nov 27, 07 @ 4:46 pm:

    Sidelines, get back on the bench. You must have played too often without a helmet.

    Holland is one of the most competent and ethical guys in government, bar none. His office’s work is proscribed by law and by resolutions of the Legislative Audit Commission. The duplication of services audit came from the latter. If you actually read the report, or even the summary digest, you would find, albeit low-key and professionally written, an obvious measure of frustation on the Auditor General’s part at the lack of cooperation received from the “Administration” at even compiling an inventory of State programs. Let’s not forget that Holland’s good works were recognized by Gov. 23% with a 30%+ budget reduction this year, most of which was overridden. Your cheap shot is both fallacious and out of line.

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