*** IMPORTANT UPDATE *** As I said twice below, don’t jump to too many conclusions here. I just spent some time on the phone with someone close to Joe Cari, and this AP story may seem groundbreaking at first, but maybe it ain’t.
Remember, Cari has already pled guilty and he’ll be testifying for the feds in Tony Rezko’s trial under oath. So, when I hear that there was nothing untowards about that meeting with Blagojevich (although there was, indeed, plenty that seems untowards about the alleged stuff that the governor and his pals did), then we should probably walk this AP story back a bit.
“Joe does not have a memory of whether he set the meting up. He thinks one of his law partners set it up. The meeting had to do with hospitals in Illinois. One of his partners represented a number of hospitals across the state, and he represented a handful of hospitals. The meeting was related to hospitals in the state. It had nothing to do with anything.”
I may have more in a bit. Just take a deep breath and watch the show as it plays out.
*** ANOTHER IMPORTANT UPDATE *** This is from Joe Cari’s spokesman. It’s quite the quote…
“There was a heavy interest in a period of time by the Blagojevich people to get Joe on the team to raise money. That recruitment effort - late 2003 and 2004 - was led by Tony Rezko, Chris Kelly, Stu Levine and Gov. Blagojevich. Joe politely declined every request, saying he had retired from politics.”
Although he is a Democrat, Cari had helped Jim Ryan’s 2002 campaign against Blagojevich. Levine, a close Jim Ryan pal, was probably instrumental in pointing Cari out as someone the Blagojevich crowd should bring into the fold.
*** 12:27 pm *** Obviously, this doesn’t look good, but let’s not jump to too many conclusions today…
Records show a Democratic fundraiser who pleaded guilty in a state pension scandal met with Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich just weeks before he attempted to shake down a firm seeking state business.
Blagojevich’s appointment calendar was reviewed by The Associated Press. It shows Joseph Cari met with the governor at his state office in Chicago on March 16th, 2004.
Cari admitted he attempted to pressure a firm in May of 2004 to pay a sham consulting fee before it could get state pension business. It was part of a scheme to raise campaign cash for a high-level officeholder.
*** UPDATE 1 *** Here’s some background on what this could mean…
Fifty-two-year-old Joe Cari was a behind-the-scenes political player who raised big bucks for democrats.
In a seventeen-page plea agreement, Cari admitted telling an investment firm that it had to hire a politically-connected consultant or else it would not get a multi-million dollar deal with the State Teachers Retirement System.
Cari told the feds he did that for his law firm’s client, the now-disgraced Stuart Levine. Then a pension board member, Levine’s now facing trial on two separate indictments, allegedly having stolen millions of dollars.
Cari said Levine told him: “A high-ranking Illinois public official/Public Official A” acting through two close associates was selecting consultants for the investment firms that appeared before the Teachers Pension Fund. Levine said this was part of a fundraising strategy by Public Official A and that Public Official A and his associates were going to pick law firms, investment banking firms, and consultants that would help Public Official A with campaign contributions.
Sources tell CBS 2 News they believe Public Official A is Governor Rod Blagojevich and the two associates are Blagojevich fundraisers Chris Kelly and Antoin Tony Rezko.
Right after the governor’s election, he assigned Kelly and Rezko to recruit and screen candidates for his cabinet, as well as hundreds of policy-making positions.
*** UPDATE 2 *** More background on Cari’s connections to Stu Levine, Chris Kelly and Rod Blagojevich from a column I wrote a while back…
Blagojevich’s role in all of these allegations - and they are still allegations - is still not totally clear. We do know that Levine paid to fly Blagojevich and his top people out to New York on two separate occasions for fundraising events. Also on the trip were admitted felon Joe Cari and Chris Kelly, who flatly denies he has ever done anything wrong, as has Cellini, as has Rezko.
The governor raised about $120,000 in campaign contributions on the first trip and a few weeks later the contributors got some big state contracts. The governor says this was all a coincidence.
There are a lot of coincidences in this administration. For instance, the governor initially claimed it was just a coincidence that two friends of Tony Rezko each ponied up $25,000 to Blagojevich’s campaign fund right around the time the governor appointed them to a state board that governs hospitals. Turns out, that board was more crooked than anything George Ryan was ever accused of. Stu Levine was reappointed to the board by the governor and then proceeded to cut all sorts of corrupt deals. Tony Rezko was also allegedly in on the scam at that board.
*** UPDATE 3 *** Also, you may recall, the alleged pension fund scheme wasn’t the only shadey bidness in which Cari claims he was involved with Blagojevich. Here’s another one of my newspaper columns…
Cari told prosecutors and Firm 4 that he had been through this sort of thing before with Public Official A [whom sources say is Blagojevich].
“Cari said that his private equity firm had agreed to hire a consultant in order to get funding from another State board.”
*** UPDATE 4 *** Cari was also an issue in a California campaign involving Democratic Comptroller Steve Westly. Here’s part of a script from a TV ad run by Westley’s opponent last year…
“This is Joe Cari,” the narrator intones. “He’s a corrupt Chicago businessman who gave Steve Westly thousands in campaign contributions.”
Westly’s picture appears, and the narrator continues: “Westly then steered public pension funds to Joe Cari’s investment company….
UPDATE - One of Cari’s advisors just told me that Westley’s opponent was eventually embarrassed by the ads because it turned out that he, himself, had hounded Cari for contributions and fundraising help for months.
Obviously, having a record of a meeting with this figure is not something that seems all that favorable to Gov. Blagojevich. But, again, let’s not jump to too many conclusions today. Thanks.
*** UPDATE 5 *** One other thing to remember here. Cari has promised to cooperate with the feds, so it’s highly likely that he’ll be testifying in Tony Rezko’s upcoming federal trial. We could find out a lot more then about what went on in that alleged meeting with Blagojevich. [See the update at the top for more on this point.]
- Northside Bunker - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 12:38 pm:
What have I been telling you for months/years.
Stay tuned!
- I.D.O.T. Bleachers - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 12:41 pm:
Don’t forget the Illinois Tollway. Their fingerprints are all over that Illinois agency.
- DumberThanYouThink - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 12:42 pm:
We agree with Capt. Fax 100%. No make that 1000%. I am sure that Cari gave Madigan money so let’s tell the SpinSisters to say he was a Madigan double agent trying to trick Kelly and Tony and Wymaramaba and Doug and David and …. oh heck everybody and …so they could ruin our big adventure.
Is it time to leave for the Rose Bowl yet?
- Crimefighter - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 12:46 pm:
Here we go, and it’s about time…the end game cannot come soon enough on this investigation. If they’ve found the smoking gun…it’s all over.
- fedup dem - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 12:46 pm:
If the Governor is that Public Official A, it is just a question of when George Ryan gets to tell Rod, “You have to take the upper bunk.” I would not want to be his defense attorney right about now.
- * L - A - W * - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 12:47 pm:
There is nothing Rod Blagojevich’s posse of lawyers can’t handle.
- Pat Collins - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 12:51 pm:
Someone tell me again why the state just shouldn’t use Vanguard or some other low cost fund provider?
- siyotanka - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 12:51 pm:
posse of lawyers paid for by the taxpayers of IL
- MOON - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 12:53 pm:
You are correct! Blago’s lawyers can handle anything………including all the fees they will get before the FEDS are thru with him!!!
- A Citizen - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 12:59 pm:
Rich asked “but let’s not jump to too many conclusions today…” so I am going to respect that request! I am, I am, I am. Rich, this is not going to be easy.
- Niles Township - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 1:00 pm:
We might actually see a Goveror Pat Quinn in this state (albeit for the remainder of the term only).
- Harry Tuttle - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 1:02 pm:
Maybe there is a Santa after all.
Unfortunately Rod’s legal fees will be all paid for by the taxpayers of Illinois.
- He makes Ryan Look like a Saint - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 1:04 pm:
So why is his campaign paying a Hi profile law firm around 1 million dollars for legal advice? Because of Coincidences?
- DC - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 1:18 pm:
I bet Rodney wishes he were going with Mayor Daley to Italy right about now.
The “it’s just a coincidence” excuses will certainly make for good campaign commercials.
I’m saddened that Rebecca Rausch is not leading the immediate defense of the Governor on this story. I was truly looking forward to reading her pearls of wisdom, explanations and President Bush references.
- North of I-80 - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 1:18 pm:
Records show”… does this mean that reporters are looking into Gov B? The IL AG office is doing it? That the Feds have already done this or will be? What’s next?
- He makes Ryan Look like a Saint - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 1:21 pm:
They were probably talking about Hockey.
- Mark Johnson - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 1:23 pm:
Maybe this explains the recent bunker mentality that was covered by Andy Shaw. Blogo has seen this coming for weeks. Didn’t know when it was going to break and didnlt want to have a camera in his face when asked quesyions about it.
- Justice - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 1:24 pm:
Then….A lot of cash in the government coffers and wide eyed questionable characters looking at it and wringing their hands, just tasting the great windfall. Now….pointing fingers and trying to save their own hide. This will provide some great entertainment for the months to come. I still believe the Rezko connection will eventually come back to haunt Barrack. I’d whole lot rather see the trail lead to Blagojevich.
- Hard Working Taxpayer - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 1:26 pm:
Yeah, but how many months or years before Rezko comes to trial. The waiting is killing me.
- Chicago Cynic - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 1:31 pm:
Rezko trial is February.
- 312 - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 1:36 pm:
Did I just hear ‘the other shoe drop?’ Or did the bus ONLY run over someone else?
I’m keeping my ears tuned for any ‘fat lady singing’…
Oy Vey!
Hey, was GRod in Springfield Monday night, or did he fly back to Chicago?
- Dan, a voter - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 1:52 pm:
Were are all of the Blago backers today? Have they jumped like rats on a sinking ship?
- Flossing Illinois - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 1:58 pm:
Is there any way to withhold paying your state income taxes? I certainly do not want to pay the bill to defend Rod Blagojevich and neither should any other Illinois taxpayers.
- GoBearsss - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 2:00 pm:
I agree with Rich - I wouldn’t assume this is new news. It is just new to the AP, since they just now asked for the Gov’s schedules and went digging for stuff.
I assume the Feds have known for 2 years what meetings he has had with Blago. And I don’t remember anything like this being discussed in his plea agreement that was released a while back.
- fed up - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 2:05 pm:
where there is smoke there is fire and Blago’s office is starting to look like malibu with the winds blowing.
- He's Right - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 2:05 pm:
HE WAS RIGHT WHEN HE SAID THAT WE SHOULD NOT ELECT ALEXI! *See News Reports About the Sweet Little Old Lady Who Got Swindled…
* See News Reports On the Subprime Crisis…
* See News Reports On the Blago Scandles…
Who?????? Mike Madigan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Streetlife - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 2:13 pm:
The press should campout on Blagojevich’s doorstep until answers questions.
- Vinron - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 2:18 pm:
Is this Joseph Anthony Cari, Jr.? Illinois ARDC has JAC, Jr. admitted to practice in 1978, with a New York City address (but a Chicago phone number) as still licensed to practice law in Illinois. If its the same guy and he’s been convicted of something, why isn’t there any disciplinary action noted?
- He makes Ryan Look like a Saint - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 2:19 pm:
Would you people get off the Governors back, he is way too busy trying to solve the RTA crisis to answer questions!!
- phocion - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 2:29 pm:
Don’t blame me, I voted for the green M&M…
- Ever Wonder If - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 2:34 pm:
I wonder if Blago’s State crisis is a strategy designed to keep the media focused on the GRT/Budget/RTA Mess instead of the Corruption Investigations. If so, then the Govenor is a heck of a tactition.
- beavis - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 2:35 pm:
Rich see what you’ve done by asking us to calm down and not jump to conclusions? Everyone with a brain has refrained from commenting completely.
Um - “he’s right” what’s with the all caps?
“yeah, yeah, he’s a moron”
- It's a Tick's Life - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 2:42 pm:
5:00 Press Release:
@#$%^&*((*&#$%^&(I()*&^%%$ - R. Blagojevich
- Where is Bill - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 2:43 pm:
Bill, where are you? I want to hear a pearl of wisdom and “truth” from the only Blago backer on here?
- fed up - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 2:47 pm:
I hope blago comes up with something original. I am not a crook has already been used. If the feds are going back to 2003 whats the statue of limitations kick in for blago?
- The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 3:06 pm:
And Rich said not to jump to too many conclusions today. lol
- Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 3:10 pm:
Pat-TRS and every other large institutional investor does use index funds, like Vanguard, for a portion of their investments. They also pay a hell of a lot less than you and I do for those funds. No good investor would put all their money in one fund or just in stocks, no matter how cheap the fees are. Do some homework before you make an ignorant post.
- Hockey Buddy - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 3:12 pm:
All wishful thinking blogging campers, Governor Blagojevich is as clean as a “houndstooth”.
- OneMan - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 3:25 pm:
Perhaps they will work this into the show on the 16th
- HFPB Puzzle Games - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 4:03 pm:
Hmmmmm. Let’s connect all these dots now and see what the picture looks like.
- Little Egypt - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 4:10 pm:
I just talked with the fat lady and she’s warming up.
- Angry Chicagoan - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 4:12 pm:
As clean as a hounds tooth that needs to be pulled, that is.
Kind of sad that he’s gotten so far off base politically that we’re pulling for the attorneys to find enough wrongdoing for an indictment. And to think in 2002 he arrived in state government (if not necessarily Springfield) with the interpersonal skills and the mandate to do something great with the office.
- A Citizen - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 4:21 pm:
- A Citizen - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 12:59 pm:
Rich asked “but let’s not jump to too many conclusions today…” so I am going to respect that request! I am, I am, I am. Rich, this is not going to be easy.
Well here it is almost 4:30 and I still have refrained from jumping to conclusions - Not been easy! Hope I haven’t missed the last train out .
- Anon - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 4:26 pm:
But what is so new here?
Levine and Cari shook down contributions for Blago - that’s been asserted for months. Los Federales are quite interested in Blago’s role in it all, if any. Old news.
I think a lot may break after the Sorich appeal comes down from the 7th Circuit, and Fitzgerald’s crew learns whether their current theories of criminal culpability in public corruption cases will hold water. The Ryan decision was some indication that the Feds will win in Sorich, but don’t bet the farm just yet. It could go the other way quite easily, given some recent precedents.
The Sorich decision could hugely affect the way the U.S. Attorney’s Office structures future indictment allegations, so they are being cautious. Smart.
Until then, we just wait . . . I think?
- Bronx Dogs - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 4:27 pm:
If there’s nothing to this, why post it in the first place?
- Levois - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 4:29 pm:
This is a mess!
- Bronx Dogs - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 4:32 pm:
A mess of who’s doing?
- Bill - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 4:41 pm:
The governor is an honest man who has not done anything wrong. No matter how much they investigate they won’t find anything because there is nothing to find. You are all going to be really disappointed in a couple years when the trials and investigations are over and Rod is still governor. Maybe Rich can work out a group discount for your anti-depressants.
- Trafficmatt - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 4:42 pm:
If we start seeing Governor Hairdoo start diverting funds from Transportation into cushy digs at the State Pen, then we know something is up.
I don’t care, I’m going to jump to conclusions (Tip of the Hat to “Office Space”)
- ChgoMike - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 4:59 pm:
Please, don’t blame me. I voted for Paul Vallas.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 5:11 pm:
Bronx Dogs, the answer should be simple to you, but I’ll explain.
The story was posted by the AP - which reaches into every corner in the state - earlier in the day. So, I posted it here. Then I did my own follow-up and concluded much later that it might be a bit overblown.
Hope you understand now.
- Leigh - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 5:17 pm:
Bill- Are you telling us it really isn’t Christmas for the Republican party? Just when I thought I heard the distant sounds of jingle bells…..
- DuPage Dave - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 5:29 pm:
This process has taken quite a long time, but I am confident that the full story will come out and our Governor will end up looking rather bad. Only a few know the details of the transactions involved, but many of us have had to live with the current maladministration of the state, and all of us can see the man’s character for what it is.
- Anon - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 5:44 pm:
I can kinda see corners at the northern border, but not the southern. Maybe the AP reaches both corners of the State>
- DumberThanYouThink - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 6:02 pm:
Bill was busy explaining how Madigan should be blamed for the budget crisis that Hynes is promoting.
Now he will explain how Madigan is responsible for Kelly, Tony, David, Wymarambama, Cheryl and, oh there are too many to name, who corrupted our plan to change the world.
What time is kick-off?
- commonsense on the road - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 6:05 pm:
So, let me get this straight…business groups sue the governor for highly questionable actions that may violate the constitutio and the net day this? Where have we seen this pattern before?
- I want to be like Mike - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 6:08 pm:
Way too much smoke for there not to be fire somewhere. It’s just going to take a long time for everythingto play out. Look how long the Fawell and Ryan sagas took to play out.
- A Citizen - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 6:29 pm:
Most things, like my computer, work on smoke! You let it out and kablooey, they quit on you. Politicians are much the same, I think.
- Little Egypt - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 7:04 pm:
Bill, please tell me where I may have your humble pie delivered.
- anon56 - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 7:18 pm:
could the Rezko trial have a downside for Obama?
Hmmmm, we’ll see
- Papa Legba - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 7:37 pm:
I hear that Rezko isn’t cooperating with the Fed’s. I wonder how he will perform at his trial in Feb.
Geez, not cooperating, came back voluntarily from the Middle East. Is Tony as dumb as Rod? I am going to enjoy watching this play out. There just may be some surprises.
But. As Rich said, this news today is nothing new.
- Poolside at Hotel Ibiza - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 7:42 pm:
Honesty is not a strong suit of Rod Blagojevich, as a matter of fact his only strong suit is spin.
Oh, and of course his fine taste in expense Italian suits.
Pingback Reverse Spin » Cari boxes in Blago - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 7:49 pm:
[…] The real significance of indicted Democratic fundraiser Joe Cari’s public statements, through his lawyer today and through sources in this important story, is that they don’t allow Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich to blame the federal pension investigation on former Republican Stuart Levine. […]
- Paul's My Guy - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 7:50 pm:
ChgoMike - I couldn’t have said it better myself.
- Patty Melt - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 8:13 pm:
Any word on an investigation into the business dealings of Mrs. Patty Mell Blagojevich?
- 'nuffsAnuff - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 8:15 pm:
So just to be clear: Todd wants to raise taxes and will get back to us later with a budget. Mayor D. went through the process of developing a budget which a majority of the 50 probably didn’t read before voting yes. Meanwhile The mayors CTA runs over budget by hundreds of million on their two major capital projects while neglecting to creasote the ties on the line to O’Hare. How is it that all this leads to the conclusion that Rod is the devil? He remains the only state leader standing tall on his fundemental campaign promises. More Health care funding, more money for education and no new taxes on the voters. gee now I see why so many hate him. not.
- Esteban - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 8:21 pm:
Oy vey…….This may not, by itself, mean an
indictment for Hot Rod but it does tell us a
bit more about the quality of his friends.
- A Citizen - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 8:34 pm:
Attention CapFax Bloggers - This was a test, this was only a test! Had this been real it would have been accompanied by a video/audio clip by Fitz. Provided through the auspices of Rich Miller. You may now resume normal state of anticipation!
- Glug, glug, glug - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 10:00 pm:
Well, it is another tightening of the screws of public opinion and media scrutiny, which cancels out all the cooked-up media razzmatazz that Rod thrives on. And you can see Blago’s composure continues to deteriorate all year, as evidenced by his behavior in meetings with the tops and with that legislator that almost got into a fist fight with him, the stupid stunts with calling special sessions to nowhere, the recent outburst in front of Shaw and his inability to shrug off the Flannery thing and look him in the eye this week.
Remember in the first term, whenever anything negative was thrown at him, he tried to smile and shrug it off and act big about it and talk your ear off until you capitulated. Rich has commented in the past on how Rod used to go out of his way to cheerfully confront and convert critics, taking it as a challenge to his charisma and personal magnetism.
Not now.
Now it is the bunker mentality and rose garden strategy. Hiding behind lawyers and press aides, only going to highly scripted staged events, not being available for open questions. Looking for fall guys, throwing anybody under the bus. Crying about how unfair everything is, how everything is a conspiracy against him and his noble plans. All at the same time he’s trying to subvert the process and cheat around the rules. He’s gone from Horatio Hornblower, straight thru William Bligh, right to Captain Queeg. If you know that last movie, the legislature and the tops have pretty much acted all along just as the crew and officers did in that film. And meanwhile the ship of state just keeps sinking.
What’s left?
All I know is if he shows up looking like Johnny Depp in dreadlocks and carrying a sword, we’d all better jump overboard. Arrrr!
- HFPB Puzzle Games - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 11:15 pm:
“But. As Rich said, this news today is nothing new.”
“Joe does not have a memory of whether he set the meting up. He thinks one of his law partners set it up. The meeting had to do with hospitals in Illinois. One of his partners represented a number of hospitals across the state, and he represented a handful of hospitals. The meeting was related to hospitals in the state. It had nothing to do with anything.”
The AP story attempts to draw a connection between Cari’s meeting with the Governor and the role that he admittedly played in the TRS contributions for investment assets scheme.
Cari’s comments through the spokesperson today re-directs your attention to prospective ex parte discussions on issues which may have already been, or in the future might be expected to come before the HFPB.
If Cari had any involvement in any of the subsequent shenanigans at the HFPB, and did not previously disclose that in a proffer to the U.S. Attorney in his plea deal, then he has no immunity from prosecution for anything that may have been hatched in meetings with anyone on issues before that board.
Maybe all he and his partner needed to advance the ball forward on behalf of their clients at the HFPB was to get the “right people” appointed to the board.
Where would they have to go to do that?
- Poolside at Hotel Ibiza - Thursday, Dec 6, 07 @ 11:25 pm:
- DumberThanYouThink - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 8:58 am:
Wait til CaptFax reads today paper’s
My Ed is really kicking in
I’ll need to have three press conferences.
SpinSisters make a list.
First let’s announce we are selling the state parks to pay for health care.
Then let’s get an Indian Tribe to open a Casino next to Trump Tower — they don’t need the legislature to roll those bones. See if Wymaramabama has a client
Then we’ll declare this Rose Bowl day in IL.
Hey don’t forget to blame Madigan too