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Question of the day - Annual awards

Friday, Dec 7, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

I’m thinking we should do an end of the year award thingy.

Believe it or not, I don’t want to make it snarky or negative. And I’d like to make this an annual thing, so the categories have to be broad. I’ll have certificates made up and somehow present them to the winners.

So, for instance, “Most independent state legislator” might be a category, or “Most effective rank and file state legislator” could also be an idea. “Least partisan US Congressman” could be something to ponder.

What I’d like you to do today is start brainstorming on categories. No snark. No negativity. Put some thought into it. We’ll start the voting next week.


  1. - Anon - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:08 am:

    Best blog commenter

  2. - Anon - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:09 am:

    To my last post, I vote for Bill as best blog poster, followed closely by Demgrrl

  3. - GoBearsss - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:11 am:

    nice idea, Rich.

    How about in honor of all their time in Springfield and away from home:

    - Best commitment to family while in Springfield

    Did someone send Abe Lincoln gifts home every week? Did someone make a 3-hour commute each night, instead of staying in Springfield, just to kiss his daughter goodnight?

  4. - the Other Anonymous - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:12 am:

    I think it’s appropriate to recognize the politician who has taken the biggest risk on a matter of principle.

  5. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:13 am:

    No voting until it’s started, please.

  6. - GoBearsss - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:14 am:

    Longest Floor speech?

    The honorary “Bill Black Speech” award? - awarded to the best impression of a bill black speech.

  7. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:14 am:

    Best attendance of any legislator. Who attended al those “special” sessions anyway?

  8. - GoBearsss - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:14 am:

    I like Best Attendance.

    We could also do a Worst Attendance, but that might be too negative.

  9. - Carl Nyberg - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:15 am:

    I think there should be an award for the Illinois politician who takes a risk to support a social justice issue on a tough issue. The issue can be tough because it gets little media attention or b/c there are more negatives associated with doing the right thing than positives. For example, taking a stand for social justice runs against popular sentiment or will antagonize a major interest group.

    A related award might go for taking a stand in favor of civil liberties.

  10. - Carl Nyberg - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:17 am:

    How about an award for a legislator who makes a courageous stand against an executive (POTUS, gov or mayor) who takes power not authorized or abuses authorized powers?

  11. - OneMan - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:17 am:

    Best Dressed…

    Most entertaining comment from the floor…

  12. - Carl Nyberg - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:18 am:

    How about an award for someone who has done the most to level the playing field for independent and minor party candidates to participate in elections?

  13. - Trafficmatt - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:21 am:

    Best Public Service Award

    - Which politician best empitomizes public service (i.e. sincerely helping politicians, lack of corruption, being there, etc.). This may be a politician that doesn’t necessarily get a lot of newspaper time, but is just working behind the scenes and getting stuff done.

    May be a category for state, county and local.

    In addition, there may be similar categories for non-politicians (i.e. Village Manager, State Department Head, County Executive, etc).

  14. - pickles!! - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:22 am:

    Best hair in satte politics…

    worst dressed politician….

    Best/worst public speaker….

    Best at answering press questions….

    most ridiculous state political item of the year….

    the list goes on….

  15. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:25 am:

    Positivity, please.

  16. - Little Egypt - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:28 am:

    How about the most ethical, little known, unrecognized politician/person who should run for governor but never will.

  17. - Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:37 am:

    Best Constituent Services - it’s not all about face time in Springfield or the media, you know.

  18. - Carl Nyberg - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:39 am:

    An award for the legislator and mayor (minus Four Tops and mayor of Chicago) who get the most mentions in the news according to Google News search?

  19. - Tom B. - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:39 am:

    Best/worst politician, statewide– This would have nothing to do with policy, would be completely what an elected did that was a smart political move or really dumb one. I think we all know who will win the worst.

  20. - Arthur Andersen - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:39 am:

    Best agency head.

    Best state agency.

    Best agency PIO.

  21. - phocion - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:41 am:

    Nyberg, post it on your own blog.

  22. - Beancounter - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:43 am:

    Most honor and integrity

  23. - Clean it up, man! - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:43 am:

    How about the Gov. Bissell Award (Il. Gov. 1857–1860). It was during Gov. Bissell’s administration that the notorious canal scrip fraud was brought to light, implicating ex-Gov. Matteson and other prominent State officials.

  24. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:47 am:

    Best Print Reporter
    Best Print Columnist
    Best Print Editorial Board
    Best Local Political Blog
    Best Freshman Lawmaker
    Reformer of the Year: Illinois Senate
    Reformer of the Year: Illinois House
    Best Website: Illinois House
    Best Website: Illinois Senate
    Best Website: Political Organization
    Best Public Advocacy Website
    Best Website: Constitutional Officer

  25. - General Assembly Watcher - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:50 am:

    How about the “can’t believe he or she said that” award?

  26. - Anon from BB - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:50 am:

    Most passionate legislator

    Local official (mayor, county board member, etc.) that has done the most for their area.

    Best protector of the taxpayer dollars.

    Legislator that best represents -fill in the issue-

  27. - Snidely Whiplash - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:53 am:

    Most effective local mayor
    Comeback politician of the year
    “Geez I shouldn’t have done that” Award

  28. - GA Watcher - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:53 am:

    I have two. How about an award to the sponsors of 1) legislation signed into law which will have the most positive impact on the people of Illinois, and 2) legislation that did not make it out of the GA which potentially could have the most positive impact on our State.

  29. - He makes Ryan Look like a Saint - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:56 am:

    Best PIO Quote of the Year

    Best Policial quote

  30. - one of the 35 - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 10:57 am:

    How about “best bi partisan coalition builder”? or “best statesman”?

  31. - with liberty for all..... - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 11:03 am:

    Most civic minded (no this is not a joke). What I am after is an award for the legislator that did the most for community services whether it be assisting a not-for-profit or helped bring a new park to a community…..something along these lines but, and this is the biggie, without using their position to obtain government dollars. Someone who helped on the side through fund-raising efforts or whatever else it took to make things happen and did so in an “average citizen” way. A legislator who showed real heart for their community and went above and beyond their position to make Illinois a better place.

  32. - Pot calling kettle - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 11:07 am:

    I like:

    Most Ethical
    Best Constituent Service
    Most effective at recruiting votes for an issue
    Oddest fit for a district
    Best at working with others (from both parties)
    Best at representing the Democratic Party
    Best at representing the Republican Party
    Best at representing a third party

    Highest percentage of signatures over the required # on a filed petition.

  33. - Ghost - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 11:08 am:

    Not sure what to call this, maybe best at sticking to their guns, an award for a politician that is consitent in holding to whatever principal or position they articualted during the elction after the election is over.

    Also something like the century award on both sides of a bill, for receiveing 100 or more vogtes in supoport of, and another award for bills that recieve 100 or more against.

    A Grass roots award for the canidate that is most accessible.

    And a Mulligan award for the canidate who takes a different positoins, trying to get a dovover on an issue by going in the opposite direction they had previously identified.

  34. - ZC - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 11:10 am:

    These all refer to members of the Springfield legislature (House or Senate, or separate categories for each):

    Best Leader
    Best Team Player
    Just Plain Nicest
    Best Dressed
    Most Eloquent
    Hardest Working
    Hunkiest / Angelina Joliest
    Rising Star

    It would be interesting to have a category for Best Underpaid Staffer, though that might break the code of silence. But you could take the votes and then ask the staffer in advance whether he / she would like the name to be made public. It could be a little honor on the QT.

  35. - Lake Tom - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 11:10 am:

    Best political Bar in Springfield (R.I.P Sam’s)
    Best member of leadership (minus the 4 leaders and the top)
    Best place to eat lunch on a session day
    Best painting/statue in the Capitol
    Best place to hang your coat in the Capitol
    Best place to have a smoke around the Capitol
    The best legislator at keeping their word.

  36. - Way South of the Border - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 11:15 am:

    The Promisekeeper, awarded to the elected official who best fulfills his or her campaign promises. We’re about to be inundated with campaign promises for the ‘08 cycle — it would be a bright spot.

  37. - Golly Gee - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 11:18 am:

    Perhaps we can recognize the legislator who sends ot the most thank you notes, get well cards, certificates and other really wonderful and positive stuff that people who visit this blog really want to know.

  38. - cermak_rd - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 11:27 am:

    How about an award for the politian who took a principled stand against legislation that would have hurt the average Illinoisan and succeeded in killing it? Not sure what you would call that? Best example of saying no?

  39. - Jake From Elwood - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 11:32 am:

    Borrowing from the wide world of sports. . .
    Rookie Legislator of the Year
    Most Valuable Politician (MVP)
    Coach of the Year–who is the Lobbyist of the Year
    Home Run Champ–Sponsor of Best Law passed this year
    Gold Glove–Who best saved the public from bad legislation?
    also. . .
    Most Entertaining Story of year
    Blogger of the Year

  40. - Cal Skinner - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 11:41 am:

    Most outrageous statement by a politician.

  41. - (618) Democrat - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 12:13 pm:

    Best year for a Constitutional office holder.

  42. - Boone Logan Square - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 12:45 pm:

    Some annual categories:

    Best innovation in state government.

    Best unheralded policy enacted.

    Best honorary resolution in the legislature.

    Most productive legislator.

    Most informative print journalist.

    Most informative on-line source.

    Best constituent response from a pol.

    Best constituent service from a pol.

  43. - Angry Chicagoan - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 12:54 pm:

    Absolutely have to have some journalist awards. Good political and government reporting is rare enough that it desperately needs to be recognized and promoted.

  44. - Moderate REpub - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 1:42 pm:

    Most bi partisan rank and file Senator, Rep.

  45. - Downstate weed chewing hick - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 2:14 pm:

    How about sponsor of the most needed legislation that never received a floor vote.

  46. - DC - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 2:31 pm:

    Best and worse sound bite by a member of the Governor’s Press team.

    Best media source for breaking political news coverage

    Best and worse sound bite by the Governor

    Highest frequent flier miles award for state directors or Governor staff (okay, slightly negative, but would be very interesting)

    Carlos Mencia “Deet Duh Dee” Award for the most insane action taken by a state official

  47. - Sweet Polly Purebred - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 2:33 pm:

    I would have to agree with Lake Tom’s choices. But, I would add Best political cartoonist - I know we can’t vote yet, but mine would go to Chris Britt!

  48. - Sir Robert Onion - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 2:46 pm:

    How about which lobbyist has the best parties?

    or the Curve Inn Award to the legislator/lobster you’d most likely be with when making bad decisions after midnight?

  49. - FG - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 3:06 pm:

    Best e-mail by an appointed officail

  50. - DC - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 4:09 pm:

    Board and Commissions with enough members to have a quorum

  51. - DC - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 4:10 pm:

    Oops that would be the Bill Brady Award for Active Boards and Commissions

  52. - It's Me - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 4:43 pm:

    George P. Shadid Award, this would be for the legislator/police commissioner/agency head who has “done the most” for Illinois Children. This could include and is not limited to:
    Health care
    Juvenille offender rights
    Community Service funding
    Park Clean ups

  53. - Gus Frerotte's Clipboard - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 5:31 pm:

    How about recognizing the most effective legislative committee(s)? Some committees do a great job of trying to shape legislation in a bipartisan way — it might be fun to recognize a whole group for their collective work.

    It might also be good to recognize the best staffers — each caucus and the governor’s office have dedicated people working hard, often trying to keep the trains running while their principals disagree.

  54. - Little Egypt - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 5:34 pm:

    How about the best lobbyist office to flop at overnight after you’ve tied on a good one and can’t drive home.

  55. - Little Egypt - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 5:37 pm:

    Plus I agree with having a best staffer award. Let’s not forget the people who keep the capitol running, in spite of the politicians’ effort to shut it down - janitors, any support staff, pages, committee clerks. etc.

  56. - Lotta Liaison - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 5:51 pm:

    Best Staffer is a good one

  57. - Whoa man - Friday, Dec 7, 07 @ 6:35 pm:

    “Most independent state legislator”
    I thought you didn’t want this to be snarky. He/she that gets this award is going to made fun of big time by his friends. Are you trying to ruin careers here?

  58. - Patriot - Saturday, Dec 8, 07 @ 6:24 am:

    How about an award for the person who makes the least hateful comments on this blog?

  59. - kj - Saturday, Dec 8, 07 @ 1:10 pm:

    What about both state legislator and member of the IL Congressional delegation that has done the most for the working people of Illinois.

  60. - Anon - Monday, Dec 10, 07 @ 11:10 am:

    Most overrated & underrated lobbying/political organization
    Best/Worst Rathskeller menu items
    Best/worst new law

  61. - Moline Maleman - Monday, Dec 10, 07 @ 11:46 am:

    Paul Simon Award to the House or Senate member that best reflects the high standards always associated with Simon. Also have an award for someone who does the work to get things accomplished and not just for the glory. This person would not be “best dressed” or gifted speaker, and the like, just someone who everyone knows will always complete the task. Name it after someone who was known for this sort of thing. Rich, assign a name to this award that carries the respect of everyone for this sort of thing.

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