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Reform and renewal, Parts 9,682, 9,683, 9,684, 9,685 and 9,686

Thursday, Dec 13, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As you know already, former Gov. Jim Thompson wrote a letter to the Tribune the other day attacking the paper for writing about Patti Blagojevich’s real estate business. Mrs. Blagojevich has, in the past, had clients who also were closely connected to state politics and government.

But Big Jim and his wife had a different standard when he was governor. Dan Curry dug up this 1987 Thompson quote…

[Jayne Thompson] no longer practices law because “I`m somewhat of a liability to some law firms. It precludes them from getting the kinds of state business they think they are entitled to and probably are.“

Sensitive to conflict-of-interest charges, she tries to avoid any hint of impropriety as wife of the highest official in the state.

* Meanwhile, the self-promotion at taxpayer expense continues…

llinois taxpayers could be on the hook for as much as $335,000 in the coming year to make sure Illinois politicians are photographed and videotaped at various state events.

According to state documents, the state has renewed the contracts of five video production companies in the northern part of the state to do the special public relations work.

The figure could rise even higher when the ink dries on contracts for private companies in other parts of the state.

Gov. Rod Blagojevich came under fire for the contracts last year when his gubernatorial opponent, Republican Judy Baar Topinka, called them an example of the governor using taxpayer money to promote his political agenda.

* The governor courts the Gucci loafer crowd

[A] quintet of clout-heavy players hoped to cash in on that generosity Wednesday with a small fund-raising gathering for Gov. Blagojevich at the Chicago Yacht Club.

“I am honored to be hosting this event along with my friends David Gustman, Michael Henneman, Michael Rumman and Roger Bickel,” attorney Brian Hynes wrote in the invitation.

The hosts: Hynes, a Springfield lobbyist; Gustman, an attorney and next-door neighbor of Tony Rezko, the governor’s indicted former adviser; Rumman, a Rezko business associate and former member of the governor’s Cabinet; Bickel, an attorney and former staff member of imprisoned ex-Gov. George Ryan’s, and Henneman, who owns a Downstate engineering company that has gotten a slew of government contracts.

* More fun stuff

Illinois law prohibits tax deadbeats from getting state business, but that hasn’t kept an associate of indicted gubernatorial adviser Tony Rezko from operating restaurants on state property.

Al Chaib owes the state $359,639 in unpaid business taxes dating back five years, yet his firm, Morpheus LLC, owns Subway sandwich shops at all seven Illinois Tollway oases, the Chicago Sun-Times reported in Thursday’s editions.

“We have asked the tollway and lawyers from the attorney general’s office to look into the ownership issue and make sure there is no conflict with state procurement rules,'’ said Abby Ottenhoff, spokeswoman for Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

* And the feds take over yet another case

Federal prosecutors have taken over a state investigation into allegations of influence peddling involving a fundraiser for Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

In 2005, Illinois State Police closed a case against Harish M. Bhatt, a Joliet pharmacist and major fundraiser for the governor, who had been accused of offering to help derail a fraud investigation into a Chicago pharmacist in exchange for a $25,000 campaign contribution to Blagojevich. Jatin Patel, who stopped payment on a $25,000 check he had given to the governor’s campaign shortly after writing it, has denied any wrongdoing.

The state has ordered Patel to repay $1.5 million in alleged Medicaid overbillings. Bhatt, who was also subject of a fraud investigation, has not had sanctions imposed by the state and says he did nothing wrong. Patel has told the Chicago Tribune that Bhatt had offered to help in Patel’s fraud probe in exchange for a campaign contribution, an assertion Bhatt denies. […]

Now, the U.S. attorney’s office in Chicago is subpoenaing state police files and taking over the investigation, The State Journal-Register has learned.


  1. - MOON - Thursday, Dec 13, 07 @ 9:14 am:

    Gustman is also the chairman of the Illinois Finance Authority.

  2. - Cassandra - Thursday, Dec 13, 07 @ 9:18 am:

    Any doubts about our Blago running for a third term should be quashed by that Chicago Yacht Club gathering. Same ole squiffy supporter types too.

    Time for those Democratic primary opponents to start fundraising–if there are any.

    And, speaking of sleazy fundraisers, Cindi Canary, where ARE you.

  3. - Ghost - Thursday, Dec 13, 07 @ 9:22 am:

    JCAR, FOIA, apparently the Gov and his agencies belive they are not required to follow any of the State laws.

  4. - TollwayRod - Thursday, Dec 13, 07 @ 10:13 am:

    Speaking of the Tollway oasis deal, has the developer ever paid the Tollway the back rent they owe?

  5. - I.D.O.T. Bleachers - Thursday, Dec 13, 07 @ 10:30 am:

    The fix is simply in at the Illinois Tollway and no one wants to investigate.

  6. - Truthful James - Thursday, Dec 13, 07 @ 10:37 am:

    The whole Illinois political apparatus is disheartening, the standard of low behavior approaches the level of the Mindanao Deep. Sleaze surrounds us like rancid cottage cheese through which we must daily swim and the politicians are like a bunch of antic Lilliputians without a Gulliver in sight.

  7. - Garp - Thursday, Dec 13, 07 @ 11:04 am:


    Is it possible he might be re-stocking his defense fund?

  8. - Deck the Halls with $$$$$$$$ - Thursday, Dec 13, 07 @ 12:04 pm:

    There are so many unnamed individuals that are in bed with the corrupt ways of the Blagojevich administration that it will blow people’s mind once it becomes public.

  9. - Bill - Thursday, Dec 13, 07 @ 2:09 pm:

    Way to keep an accurate count,Rich!

  10. - Huh? - Thursday, Dec 13, 07 @ 5:18 pm:


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