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Schock spanked by LaHood *** Updated x1 ***

Friday, Dec 14, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Retiring Congressman Ray LaHood won’t make an endorsement in the race to succeed him and is angry at state Rep. Aaron Schock for using his name in the campaign…

State Rep. Aaron Schock has been using his name without permission in campaign materials and showed immaturity by suggesting a foreign policy scenario that included the possible sale of nuclear missiles to Taiwan, U.S. Rep. Ray LaHood said Thursday. […]

LaHood said “there’s been at least seven references” to his name in Schock’s materials, and within the last week, he asked his district chief of staff, Tim Butler, who has also worked on LaHood’s campaigns, to call Schock’s campaign manager, Steven Shearer.

“He hasn’t called back,” LaHood said.

LaHood has approved the use of his name in ads by Jim McConoughey, however.

* The congressman also took a swing at Schock over that goofy idea to sell (nonexistent) nuclear missiles to Taiwan to force China to play ball on Iran…

“My advice on that is that he should have done his homework, and I think it’s an outrageous statement to be making,” LaHood said, “particularly when you have as your No. 1 employer in the Peoria area Caterpillar (Inc.), that has developed many, many relationships with the Chinese, including establishing facilities in China.

* But Schock wasn’t the only candidate that LaHood teed off on…

LaHood also said Thursday that Morris’ statements this week that millions of illegal immigrants should be deported once the nation’s borders are secure is a “silly solution” that is “not going to work.”

* More congressional stuff…

* Teachers union backs Footlik, not Seals, this year for Congress

* Hastert backs Oberweis, Burns drops out - Geneva mayor exits GOP primary race

* McConoughey calls for tax overhaul - Congressional hopeful seeks to extend tax deductions set to expire at the end of 2010

* Hanania: Challenge to Lipinski Still an Uphill Battle

*** UPDATE *** Billy Dennis gives us some context about the story on LaHood and Schock…

Months ago, a rumor was flying that LaHood was planning to endorse McConoughey. He supposedly decided against it because he didn’t to alienate Schock’s supporters against son Darin LaHood’s campaign for Peoria County State’s Attorney.

He also noted that the Peoria paper seemed to play down the story in its headline…

the [Peoria Journal Star] headline read “LaHood won’t weigh in,” while virtually the same column was headlined “LaHood raps Schock’s use of his name.” [in the State Journal-Register]

Frankly, I’m amazed that the Peoria paper even printed that story.


  1. - Crimefighter - Friday, Dec 14, 07 @ 10:04 am:

    I have yet another mailer from Schock. I’m probably now gonna vote for the opposition.

  2. - Crimefighter - Friday, Dec 14, 07 @ 10:07 am:

    >>LaHood also said Thursday that Morris’ statements this week that millions of illegal immigrants should be deported once the nation’s borders are secure is a “silly solution” that is “not going to work.”

    Excuse me…it HAS TO WORK, cause it’s the LAW, and they’re in VIOLATION. And you wonder why people are fed up with the illegals problem…and illegals committing violent crimes yet are not getting deported out.

  3. - Team Sleep - Friday, Dec 14, 07 @ 10:28 am:

    Schock is acting like he has already won the primary. While he has to be the prohibitive favorite, I cannot imagine why he is acting this way. He can strut around and trumpet all he wants if he victorious on the morning of February 6th. Until then, he should settle down.

  4. - Thinking - Friday, Dec 14, 07 @ 10:49 am:

    Both me and my wife probably would have voted for him. He lost my wife last week with the overall amount of mail we are getting. He lost me over the nuclear thing. Now I don’t know who to vote for, but it won’t be him.

  5. - Little Egypt - Friday, Dec 14, 07 @ 12:12 pm:

    My radar is on alert for Schock. I’m a little concerned about one of the first commercials I saw where he was touting being the youngest person elected to the Peoria school board. I’m OK with that. What I’m not OK with is his claim to have been “unanimously” elected as school board president. Most people who know anything about how school boards operate know that IF you are elected Vice President, then the following year you are “unanimously” elected President. On some boards, that’s not necessarily an honor or something you want to brag about. But nevertheless, I’m concerned at his ability to puff himself up with things that I consider insignificant in the way they occurred. I’m running from this guy as fast as I ran from Blago. I don’t know about the other two candidates, but I intend to educate myself about them and leave Schock out of the running. If he’s this good at distortions, think how good he will be in another 20 years.

  6. - Chief Kay - Friday, Dec 14, 07 @ 12:15 pm:

    Aaron, while maybe having some lapses, is the best candidate for this spot. He has shown the ability to work in his community with everyone and has earned their respect and vote.

  7. - Rayfan - Friday, Dec 14, 07 @ 12:25 pm:



    “Fairly high level of not doing your homework.”

    “Not using good political sense.”


    Endorsement or not, these words coming from LaHood and now in print hurts Schock severely. His whole campaign is centered on the notion he’s the only guy that can win. Beyond that, there’s not much to him. This, nukes, fed/state funds office debacle early on? Pelosi has to be licking her chops. With Vercace gone, they can find anyone that matches up well against Aaron if he makes it through the primary.

    This could get real interesting.

  8. - 11Bravo - Friday, Dec 14, 07 @ 12:30 pm:

    Cheif Kay, how can you say he has earned everyone’s respect when he hasnt!?!? The vast majority of theses posts alone, and on other blogs, are incredibly anti-Schock as are most news articles aside from Karen McDonald’s at the Journal Star. Let’s also not forget the MAYOR of the LAREST CITY IN THE DISTRICT of which SCHOCK REPRESENTS is ENDORSING MCCONOUGHEY. (sorry I got a little excited witht the caps)

    LaHood, who was once behind him, is obviously not supporting him either.

  9. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Dec 14, 07 @ 12:53 pm:

    Depending on how Schock is using LaHood’s name or image, he may have violated Illinois’ Code of Fair Campaign Practices:

    (4) I will not use campaign material of any sort that misrepresents, distorts, or otherwise falsifies the facts, nor will I use malicious or unfounded accusations that aim at creating or exploiting doubts, without justification, as to the personal integrity or patriotism of my opposition.

  10. - True Observer - Friday, Dec 14, 07 @ 12:59 pm:

    Everyone take a deep breath.

    And welcome Congressmen Oberweis and Schock.

    Now you can go back to hyperventilating about something else.

  11. - 11Bravo - Friday, Dec 14, 07 @ 3:19 pm:

    If Schock makes it through, I will vote Democrat for the first time in my life…

  12. - Chief Kay - Friday, Dec 14, 07 @ 3:21 pm:

    Your points are well taken, but the blogging is done in a partisan way on both sides. The voters have showed their confidence and “respect” supporting his candidacies in any office he run for. Winning the school board as a write-in, beating an incumbent democrat in a democrat district, winning re-election. He certainly has more maturing to do but his constituency seems to view him rather favorably.

  13. - Rayfan - Friday, Dec 14, 07 @ 3:37 pm:

    The arrogance of the Schock camp is apparent in True Observer’s comments.

    Perhap’s True Observer should ask LaHood to stop hyperventilating…. oh wait… they don’t ask LaHood.

    Looking at those quotes I listed earlier, they pretty well describe Oberweis, too.

    Funny that.

  14. - B. Paulson - Saturday, Dec 15, 07 @ 1:49 pm:

    Ray Lahood’s opposition to Aaron stems entirely from Schock refusing to step aside for his son when Darin Lahood expressed an interest in becoming a Congressman. To ascribe Lahood’s motivations as anything but spiteful is generous.

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