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Morning shorts

Wednesday, Dec 19, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson

* Illinois Issues picks SJ-R Heupel to be executive editor

* Press Release: Trial lawyers’ reaction to ‘judicial hellhole’ report

* Sun-Times Editorial: Field of schemes

Sam Zell needs to stop looking for sweet deals from taxpayers. The Tribune might have allowed him to gobble up its company with very little money down, but we aren’t so charmed by billionaires. Instead, he and his new company need to court the growing list of private buyers for their crumbling stadium. Remember whom we are talking about here. Samuel Zell is No. 52 on the Forbes rich list with a net worth of $6 billion. The Tribune is the third largest newspaper company in the country. Turn down the violins, please.

* Halvorson to Blago, ‘Get moving on the airport

Halvorson (D-Crete) said Tuesday she’s giving the Illinois Department of Transportation until March 1 to submit its airport layout plan to the Federal Aviation Administration. If IDOT doesn’t meet the deadline, Halvorson threatened to start publicly airing her grievances with Gov. Rod Blagojevich and his administration.

“After March 1, I’m not going to be quiet,” said Halvorson, a candidate for the 11th Congressional District seat being vacated by U.S. Rep. Jerry Weller. “I have been very cooperative so far.”

* Fermilab fiscal ‘disaster’ feared

Fermilab may have to shut down for a month or more and stop research on a pivotal new physics project if federal budget cuts passed by the House this week become law, according to the Batavia lab’s director, who said the fiscal woes amount to the biggest crisis in the facility’s 40-year history.

The physics lab’s overall budget would drop by $62 million under the new House-Senate compromise on the 2008 budget, said Fermilab director Pier Oddone. The lab had been planning for an operating budget of $372 million.

* Daley calls son’s city deal a ‘lapse in judgment’; video here

At that point, the always-emotional mayor choked back tears as he struggled to continue. “I hope those people understand that Patrick is a very good son,” Daley said. “I love him. And Maggie and I are very proud of him. I hope you will respect that I will have nothing more to say on this.”

With that, Daley changed the subject to the CTA’s financial crisis. Asked a few minutes later if he knew whether his son or nephew were involved in any other city contracts, the mayor said, “I don’t know.”

His press secretary, Jacquelyn Heard, said later that calls to contract officials in various city departments yielded no evidence that the mayor’s son, who is now in the Army, and nephew are involved in any other city business.

* Mayor says son erred in investment judgment

* Carol Marin: Taxpayers need Daley’s answers

* Monitor rips city hiring

The report by Noelle Brennan, who has monitored city hiring since August 2005, alleged that several high-ranking aides to Daley skirted hiring rules to give jobs to favored candidates. In other instances, preferred job-seekers were put on the payrolls of outside contractors to get around restrictions at City Hall, Brennan said.

Many city employees who violated hiring rules have not been punished, the report said. Brennan also alleged that city lawyers repeatedly provided false or misleading information about hiring problems, hampering her investigation.

* Talcum powder sent to Daley, aldermen in letters; more here and here

* Dozens of city grade schools could close

As many of them below capacity are clustered in a few neighborhoods, the district’s overall elementary enrollment has fallen by 41,000 over the last seven years.

Dispensa said that trend is seen elsewhere nationwide, as younger families have fewer children. The children of many Baby Boomers, meanwhile, have moved on to high school, where enrollment remains strong for now.

* Tribune Editorial: The 17% charade in Cook Co. budgets

Some officials may again try to exploit the 17 percent charade Wednesday, when they’re scheduled to discuss possible cuts of 10 percent for 2008. Expect to hear them whine about those 2007 cuts — followed by their blustery resistance to doing what mere taxpayers have to do whenever their income falls short of the amount of money they need: reduce spending.

The true story of the 17 percent started to unfold last week. The county’s budget director distributed a report on actual budget cuts for 2007. The report startled several board members who dutifully had cut 17 percent from their own office expenditures — and assumed everyone else in county government had done the same.

Not so.

* Officials set to oppose county cuts

Most of Cook County’s top officials are expected to testify Wednesday that they cannot sustain a 10 percent cut in their 2008 budgets.

Commissioner John Daley (D-Chicago), chairman of the Finance Committee, said he has received letters from most countywide elected officials and department heads, nearly all of them saying their operations could not withstand another round of spending reductions.


  1. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Dec 19, 07 @ 9:45 am:

    The mayor no doubt has plans for Patrick’s future which include a run for political office. All this chest-beating about his financial dealings with the city are likely not that emotional…a decision must have been made to fess up and hope it goes away and the ever-gullible Chicago voters chalk it up to youth and inexperience when Patrick runs for, yes, Mayor, to succeed his Dad. Or governor. The kid has a bright future in politics.
    Jackson family out.

  2. - plutocrat03 - Wednesday, Dec 19, 07 @ 9:53 am:

    Why is the story on school closings being played like it is a terrible thing?

    If there are schools operating under capacity, then it make sense to consolidate activities and close the ones that make the most sense to close.

    Many communities have done the same thing with no hand wringing. Why it it bad if it is Chicago?

  3. - DuPage Dave - Wednesday, Dec 19, 07 @ 9:53 am:

    Didn’t Richard J. Daley have similar comments about fathers and sons? Something like: what father wouldn’t want to help his son (by giving him a job or a contract)? I don’t recall the details, but someone probably can find the quote. So the generations march on in Daleyland.

    And God bless Patrick for serving his country, but that’s no reason to dodge questions about a very clear breach of public confidence in the Mayor’s administration.

    At least the current Mayor didn’t tell reporters that he had “mistletoe on his coattail”, like Pops did…

  4. - Ghost - Wednesday, Dec 19, 07 @ 9:53 am:

    All these complaints about corruption, unfair dealing with family members…. what ever happend to the axiom: “to the victor goes the spoils.” Just ask Emil, he should have no issue with Daley’s kid.

  5. - tubbfan - Wednesday, Dec 19, 07 @ 9:58 am:

    So Debbie Halvorson is threatening to start airing grievances against the Governor? Hmm, how do you think he’ll respond to that? Remember the fallout about her support for cervical cancer screening? Do you think the Governor would stoop so low as to volley a response to her reminding the public about this? I wouldn’t put it passed him.

  6. - DumberThanYouThink - Wednesday, Dec 19, 07 @ 9:59 am:

    How’s the week going so far?
    First DiceK’s little problem screws up the session and probably keeps him away from Mexico.
    Then Slick Willie Quinlan gets whacked between the eyes by Judge Zappa.
    Then the Dept. of Energy clouds the future of FutureGen — one our greatest victories. (thanks Murf)
    And Then CaptFax declares our bill signing not a bill signing (BTW Blagodiots signed bills have PA #s)
    Geez. can we leave for the Rose Bowl today?

  7. - Aaron Slick - Wednesday, Dec 19, 07 @ 10:09 am:

    Is it just me or is anybody else having a problem regarding Debbie Halvorsen’s comment that “unless she gets what she wants, she is no longer going to keep her mouth shut but is instead going to start airing her grievances about Blagojevich and his administration”?

    What does this say about Debbie Halvorsen? To me it says that “for the right price, you can continue to buy my silence.” Then again, I guess we already saw that quality in her with her willingness to do whatever she was told to do by Emil Jones. The things we do to further our political career! And kiddies, “do we know how to spell ‘political hack’?


    Yes, anybody that can vote for Debbie Halvorsen and yet sleep comfotably at night must surely be stopping at the “Lost & Found” while looking for their conscience.

  8. - shermans ghost - Wednesday, Dec 19, 07 @ 10:13 am:

    Maybe I’m alone in this, but getting very tired of blubbering politicians of both parties.
    Maybe Arrrrnooooooonnnnd had it right about certain types of men, and women too.
    Every time lately that I’ve seen these tearful performances, I’m reminded of the past. Can’t imagine some of the old time leaders, actual leaders, in the history of our country weeping into a mic or camera.
    Get over it !

  9. - Bill Baar - Wednesday, Dec 19, 07 @ 10:21 am:

    From the Trib,

    In addition, Oddone said, he would have to lay off up to 300 employees permanently and possibly shut down the main Tevatron accelerator, sending home the entire laboratory staff, for up to six weeks. Such an interruption could thwart Fermilab’s hopes to detect the Higgs boson, a key constituent of the universe that the facility is racing to discover before scientists in Europe do.

    Would it make sense to just let the Europeans find the bosons instead, and just buy them from them if we really want ‘em?

    German’s are building a new factory in Aurora now.

    I’d trade good blue-collar jobs for bosons any day.

  10. - Aaron Slick - Wednesday, Dec 19, 07 @ 10:24 am:

    I watched Mayor Daley give his emotionally charged reply to the Press about his son’s “youthful indiscretion”. As a parent, I can sympathize with his embarassing situation (although my kids have never done anything blatantly illegal like his son, Patrick).

    How did the expression “crocodile tears” get chosen rather than ‘alligator tears” or, are both expressions correct to use to show well-choreographed and false expressions of remorse when one gets caught?

  11. - cermak_rd - Wednesday, Dec 19, 07 @ 11:27 am:

    Good grief, is that third airport still on the table? Why? Surely Gary can pick up any need for excess capacity and, for that matter, Rockford might be good for freight. Why build a third airport in the region?

  12. - Bluefish - Wednesday, Dec 19, 07 @ 11:45 am:

    Cermak - because the “right” people don’t control the contruction contracts at Gary or Rockford. Other than that, either/both airport makes more sense than Peotone.

  13. - Snidely Whiplash - Wednesday, Dec 19, 07 @ 11:59 am:

    Boohoo! Please respect my wish not to say anymore but that I deny knowing anything about it. Yeah, who the hell are the taxpayers to know any details about his kid making money off of city contracts? My favorite was his reply of “I don’t know” when asked if Patrick had any other city business interests. Instead of “I don’t know”, how about, “I’ll investigage thoroughly, disclose and rectify any more if they’re found?” HEHEHEHEHEHEEEE! Right …

  14. - Leroy - Wednesday, Dec 19, 07 @ 12:14 pm:

    “Cermak - because the “right” people don’t control the contruction contracts at Gary or Rockford.”

    Not to mention the tax revenue stream.

  15. - DumberThanYouThink - Wednesday, Dec 19, 07 @ 2:11 pm:

    Time is running out on Wednesday
    Let’s reappoint Lulu and Erin — ComEd’s best friends — to the ICC. That will look pretty dopey

  16. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Dec 19, 07 @ 3:24 pm:

    the real story behind the Judicial Hellhole report is that the Madison County judicial system was able to implement its own reforms, which have been embraced by all parties, without the kind of legislative meddling that the ICJL so often advocates for, and which has been held unconstitutional time-and-time again.

  17. - FED UP - Wednesday, Dec 19, 07 @ 3:45 pm:

    Halvorson should be quiet untill she allows ethics reform out of the committee she controls. Halvorson is supported By Jessie Jr who is attempting to control an airport that has nothing to do with his district and is in another county than him. Halvorson Jackson and Emil Jones are whats wrong with Ill politics. No ethics and trying to build a new Crook Co. machine to control contracts and hiring in will co.

  18. - Independent - Wednesday, Dec 19, 07 @ 5:57 pm:

    I tried to give Patrick Daley the benefit of the doubt regarding his enlistment but with his unethical, possibly illegal foray into the family business cynicism has crept back in. It is reasonable to question whether his enlistment was part of an effort to burnish his image for a future mayoral campaign.

    He’ll return from his deployment, a deployment where it wouldn’t be shocking to see him protected more than the rest of the 82nd, and run for a state rep or senate seat. After a little political experience father will hand the reins off to son. I wish him a safe return but it is not unpatriotic to question his motives. Daley should not be allowed to wrap himself in the flag to avoid questions about his son’s dealings.

  19. - Alf - Wednesday, Dec 19, 07 @ 8:13 pm:

    Fermilab fiscal ‘disaster’ feared, so what, close Fermilab, all it’s full of is a bunch of prima-donnas anyway.

  20. - Hold on to your seats folks - Wednesday, Dec 19, 07 @ 8:31 pm:

    Budget impact on Fermilab
    The FY08 omnibus budget bill, expected to become law this week, will have a significant impact on Fermilab. Fermilab Director Pier Oddone will discuss the budget and what it means for the laboratory at an All Hands meeting at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Dec. 20, in Ramsey Auditorium. The meeting will be available via live video stream.

  21. - Bookworm - Wednesday, Dec 19, 07 @ 9:13 pm:

    “Aaron Slick,” I believe “crocodile tears” refers to the fact that crocodiles appear to cry while they are eating their prey. Alligators don’t have the same reaction.

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