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Tuesday, Dec 18, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Tuesday, Dec 18, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* First, the setup

…Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s own lieutenant governor is demanding that voters be consulted [before gaming is expanded] in a statewide referendum.

“I think this is a perfect example of where the voters are needed to weigh in on their opinion,” Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn said Monday.

He said he sent his boss an open letter reminding him that as running mates in 2002 and 2006 they both promised “to vote to oppose any large-scale expansion of gambling.”

But, the governor has now endorsed a plan for seven new Chicago area casinos that would more than triple the amount of casino gambling in the area.

“Before we go jumping into the casino approach to government, we better ask the voters if they think that’s a good bet,” Quinn said.

* Now, the question: Should Illinois hold a statewide referendum before expanding gaming here? Explain fully.


Guv’s lawsuit delayed until February

Tuesday, Dec 18, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The governor’s lawsuit against Speaker Madigan won’t move forward until February

It will be at least February before an initial ruling is made in a lawsuit filed by Gov. Rod Blagojevich against House Speaker Michael Madigan over the governor’s power to set the date and time of special sessions. Sangamon County Circuit Judge Leo Zappa Monday set a new schedule for the case. Under that timetable, the next hearing won’t be held until Feb. 1, when attorneys will argue over Madigan’s motion to dismiss the suit.

Even when a ruling is made, it won’t conclude the case, Zappa acknowledged. […]

Madigan’s lawyers responded with a 58-page motion outlining why the lawsuit should be dismissed. They said Blagojevich had misused his authority, calling special sessions at inconvenient times “for the apparent purpose of doing nothing more than punishing lawmakers who refused to pass his preferred legislation.” […]

Zappa told Blagojevich’s lawyers to file a written response to Madigan’s motion. He said he will consider that and Madigan’s response during the Feb 1 hearing.

In other words, the judge essentially dismissed the governor’s motion to dismiss Madigan’s motion to dismiss. Got all that?

* In other session news…

* Hynes: Legislature just got what it wished for… “In essence the General Assembly has given the governor a blank check for health care spending.”

* State tempted again by casino cash

* Editorial: Time to match federal funding running out

* Officials watching gaming expansion and smoking ban



FutureGen announcement *** MATTOON ILLINOIS SELECTED ***

Tuesday, Dec 18, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Bumped up to make the story more visible.]

Watch the FutureGen siting announcement at this link. The announcement speech is scheduled for 9 o’clock.


The FutureGen Industrial Alliance is scheduled to announce at 9 this morning whether a $1.75 billion experimental coal-fueled power plant will be built in Illinois or Texas.

Two cities in central Illinois, Tuscola and Mattoon, are competing with the Texas cities of Odessa and Jewett for the plant, called FutureGen, which will bring 150 permanent full-time jobs and 1,300 contruction jobs and the cachè of being the home of “the world’s cleanest coal-fueled power plant.”

The Energy Department conceived FutureGen in February 2003 as a way to advance so-called clean coal technology, and will contribute more than $1 billion for the project with remaining costs shared among members of the Future Gen Alliance, one of which is St. Louis-based Peabody Energy Corp.

States bidding for the project are pitching in, too. The Illinois General Assembly and Gov. Rod Blagojevich agreed to offer $80 million in tax breaks, grants and low-interest loans to win the project — a lot, but just a fraction of the $981 million being dangled by Texas.

*** UPDATE *** Mattoon, IL was selected as the site. That’s huge news for the state.

*** UPDATE 2 *** AP

A government and industry research project to learn ways to burn coal without emitting global warming gases took a major step forward Tuesday as an industry group said it would build the facility at a site in Illinois, choosing the location over two potential sites in Texas.

The futuristic $1.8 billion power plant, known as FutureGen, will be built on several hundred acres near Mattoon, Ill., where construction is expected to bring hundreds of jobs and boost the local economy.

More background

Officials in Texas and Illinois were willing to put up millions of dollars in incentives for the project, which will develop and test technology that will turn coal into a cleaner-burning gas and store carbon dioxide emissions deep underground.

Texas promised $260 million in cash and tax credits, while Illinois offered $80 million in grants, low-interest loans and tax breaks. Both states offered developers protection from liability in the event that carbon dioxide leaks from the ground.

*** UPDATE 3 *** But there’s also this ominous development…

Energy Department representatives did not take part in the announcement and last week told the industry group it was “inadvisable” to go ahead with a site selection at this time. The department said it was still examining some of the public comments received in response to environmental reviews of the four sites.

“We advised them not to move forward,” department spokeswoman Julie Ruggiero said Monday. She said the department had yet to issue a formal Record of Decision related to the environmental reviews that were formally issued Nov. 16, triggering a 30-day public comment period.

*** UPDATE 4 *** Sean Crawford at WUIS had a recent story about how FutureGen might never be built. The audio won’t work on my Mac (which annoys me to no end), but you can listen here.


Wrigley tax hike heading for North Side?

Tuesday, Dec 18, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Sun-Times has more on the proposed state subsidy of Sam Zell’s pending sale of the Chicago Cubs…

The 1 percent tax on downtown restaurant meals that helped expand McCormick Place could move north to the area surrounding Wrigley Field to finance either renovation of the landmark stadium or improvements in the neighborhood, officials said Monday.

Tribune Co. senior vice-president Crane Kenney, who oversees the Cubs, said extending the northern boundary of the downtown restaurant district at least seven blocks — from Diversey to Waveland — is one of several possibilities to finance stadium renovations if the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority agrees to a Tribune Co. plan to acquire and renovate Wrigley Field.

“The city and state could say, ‘Let’s leave Wrigley Field as is.’ But to the extent they do want to make improvements — and we believe there’s a real need for that — they have talked about a variety of ways, including extending the food and beverage tax to include the Wrigley Field area. Those monies would go to support bonds issued for renovation,” he said.

And then there’s this…

Another source said expanding the restaurant tax umbrella would be a way to finance neighborhood improvements tied to a $350 million renovation of Wrigley Field.

Former Gov. Jim Thompson, who chairs the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority, said he doubted that Mayor Daley would support such a plan. Daley has said that he won’t approve any tax increase to help the Cubs sell Wrigley.


Morning shorts

Tuesday, Dec 18, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson

* Prairie State Blue: 3rd Illinois Congressional district roundup

* Oberweis has no comment on lawsuit from collision; more here

* Clout Street: Geography lesson doled out in race to succeed Hastert

* Blagojevich’s donor choice frowned upon by Green Party

The Illinois Green Party on Monday slammed Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s recent appointment of a campaign donor to the Illinois Board of Higher Education.

Party leaders questioned the decision to name Illinois State University trustee Jay Bergman to the state oversight board, citing his oil company’s pollution record and his more than $40,000 in campaign contributions to the governor since 2002.

* Carle hospital files suit in tax issue

* Zorn: Political song contest winners

* Fed to unveil subprime home mortgage plan

* Editorial: Tough questions about Cook Co. budget would be a lovely idea

* Tribune Editorial: For Cook Co, it’s over

The future is a blend of new technology, fewer employees, lower budgets — and better services for the county’s 5 million citizen-taxpayers. The battle by Stroger, his board allies and the ward bosses to protect the county bureaucracy, and to add 1,100 workers, is a bleat from a dying era.

How long will it be until a single Web page for each parcel unifies all of the county’s property functions — assessor, recorder, clerk, treasurer, Board of Review? How long until an automation plan like that used in federal courts unifies records of the county’s chief judge, state’s attorney, sheriff and clerk of court? We know that future is coming. Taxpayers demand it.

* Clout City: Progress for progressives?

Between the lines, aldermen say that getting an independent/progressive/sometime-opposition bloc together has been slow and tough–or at least slower and tougher than initially expected. Call them smart or write them off as wusses, but several aldermen who’ve worked with Moore, Preckwinkle, and Munoz on particular issues, such as police accountability or affordable housing, have shown only tepid interest in appearing to join a group created as a Daley alternative. Others say they don’t want to give up their independence to the Independent Caucus any more than they want to hand it over to the mayor.

* Editorial: Don’t make letters into minefields

The decision had nothing to do with whether this newspaper leans Republican or Democrat, or if it loves or hates Obama or Oprah, or whether we purposely deny access to the Viewpoint page to those with whom we disagree.

It was the way Roeser wove fact and opinion into the letter. The result was implications that in one portion I considered a smear and in another portion potentially libelous. And though Roeser would be clearly identified as the letter’s writer, we steer clear of content that might result in a court date for The Courier News.

* Mobster pals give to pols

* Martire: Illinois must change approach to education, race

So what does all this mean? Taken together, it’s pretty clear education is truly the key to economic self-sufficiency, just not equally for everyone — particularly African-Americans. It also means it’s well past the hour for Illinois to break the 30-year stalemate on school-funding reform. This is the only way to ensure every child receives the quality education needed to become competitive in the global economy.

But the data also make it clear a quality education won’t eliminate racism — particularly as it affects opportunity for blacks. For that to happen, Illinois needs an honest dialogue recognizing the role of persistent racism, and a thoughtful approach to eliminating it.

* Officials tout tech program

“This new tool offers a great opportunity to help communities and organizations build capacity, improve quality of life and participate in the regional planning process,” said Walsh. “There is no doubt that with the significant growth we’ve experienced in the region and projections of 1.2 million people living in Will County by 2030 — if not before, this Technical Assistance Program can be very beneficial to many.”

* New law will ease use of gift cards

A state law taking effect next month aims to make gift cards and gift certificates more consumer-friendly by giving recipients five years to spend them.

In addition, the recipients won’t be charged fees that diminish the value of the card or certificate. Some gift cards presently charge consumers a fee if they don’t spend all of the card’s value within a specified period of time.

* Suffredin says he’d be tougher on corruption

Cook County Commissioner Larry Suffredin (D-Evanston), seeking the Democratic nomination for state’s attorney, will propose a “public corruption strike force” at a press conference today.

The strike force would handle cases involving elected and appointed officials, government vendors and police officers, Suffredin said.

“This kind of investigation has not been a priority for Devine,” Suffredin said.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s Capitol Fax (Use all caps in password)

Tuesday, Dec 18, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Reader comments closed for the holiday weekend
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Jack Conaty
* New state law to be tested by Will County case
* Why did ACLU Illinois staffers picket the organization this week?
* Hopefully, IDHS will figure this out soon
* Pete Townshend he ain't /s
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
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* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Yesterday's stories

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