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Morning shorts

Monday, Jan 7, 2008 - Posted by Paul Richardson

* Critics call for reform of toll collection system; more here

“This system just perpetuates bad public policy,” said Terry Pastika, director of the Elmhurst-based Citizen Advocacy Center, a good-government group.

For one, the tollway could be sending violation notices to the wrong addresses, leaving some drivers to miss out on chances to pay up before fines skyrocket or their driver’s licenses are suspended.

In addition, tollway officials say their license plate image readers have trouble discerning differences among the myriad of plate varieties, affecting about 25 percent of all plates on the road. This may result in fines being leveled against law-abiding motorists.

* Suffredin supported with endorsements, slammed by opponents

U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. and Secretary of State Jesse White bypassed the two African-American candidates Sunday and threw their support to Suffredin.
“Larry Suffredin is a serious lawyer who will transform the state’s attorney’s office,” said Jackson (D-Ill.).

Suffredin has painted public corruption as the No. 1 issue in the campaign and proposed creating a “public corruption strike force.” Jackson said corruption in county government is an especially acute problem.
As a county commissioner, Suffredin “knows where the bones are buried,” Jackson said.

* Delays plague studies of Illinois hospital safety

The Illinois Hospital Report Card Act was signed into law in 2003 and requires hospitals to report statistics such as infections, staffing levels and the ratio of patients to nurses.

At the time, it was to be the nation’s first move to document hospital-acquired infections, and health care advocates said it would allow people to choose hospitals based on how well they do.

But officials say the report card won’t be ready for public release until October.

* Schoenburg: Treasurer’s reorganization hits Springfield office

Eighteen employees of state Treasurer ALEXI GIANNOULIAS’ office in Springfield were sent notices at the end of 2007 that they are “subject to layoff” because of a consolidation.

However, SCOTT BURNHAM, spokesman for the office, indicated that most people would probably be able to stay on after reapplying.

* Discourage leaf burning, but don’t impose a state ban

* Stopping the flow of urban pollution

It’s a quest similar to those undertaken by neighboring communities after a six-year building boom that changed the landscape of the once mostly-rural suburbs southwest of Chicago. Since 2000, Will County’s population surged 33 percent, making it the fastest-growing county in Illinois and among the most rapidly expanding in the U.S.

Now that the building has slowed, many communities are taking a step back to identify areas straining under the weight of urbanization.

* Counties sue state over special election for Hastert successor

* Weis on hot seat today with Chicago city council


  1. - Old IDOTER - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 9:45 am:

    Critics call for reform of toll collection system
    More excuses from an already bloated bureaucratic State of Illinois money machine.

  2. - Illinois Stinks - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 9:49 am:

    Re: Treasurer’s reorganization hits Springfield office
    However, SCOTT BURNHAM, spokesman for the office, indicated that most people would probably be able to stay on after reapplying.

    YEA! Reapply at half your old salary!
    Why don’t you layoff all of Blagojevich’s high-priced pals.

  3. - Snidely Whiplash - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 9:49 am:

    I don’t trust Larry Suffredin as far as I can throw him. Remember who Bobbie Steele’s biggest supporter was, when everyone knew she was just pumping up her pension and would engineer her son’s succession to her county board seat. Remember who supported Todd Stroger. Remember who is a lobbyist for gambling and tobacco. He has actively supported the status quo, and actively worked, for pay, for some of the most insidious of special interests.

    Is it really true that as a public official who may have to deal with gambling issues, he is STILL a lobbyist for the gaming industry? Anita Alvarez’ charges need to be looked into.

  4. - Steve Fuller - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 10:07 am:


    great points. how dare an attorney have clients that are duly registered consistent with all applicable regulations? an outrage! how dare a democrat support a democrat for the county board presidency? should’ve supported peraica i guess. but hey, you got to use the word “insidious” so that’s fun. what is the relevance, my man?

  5. - Ghost - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 10:18 am:

    Nice endorsements for Larry Suffredin. Particuarly having Jackson on his side. The family has influence in chicago which is only increaing.

  6. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 10:19 am:

    Considering the garbage people say about other candidates when they AREN’T anonymous, anything anybody says about a candidate here should be taken with a truck of salt. (Yes, I recognize the irony of posting this anonymously . . .)

  7. - Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 10:24 am:

    The problem with the Tollway’s identification and collection of fines is understandable, and is one of the tradeoffs between going from a physical collection system where all vehicle tolls are manually collected by toll booth attendants to an electronic system that depends (among other things) of high speed cameras being able to read a license plate accurately at 50 mph or better, being able to correlate the number accurately with SoS records, having an accurate address to mail the violation notice to, and the owner to receive it promptly through our mail system. That’s four possible areas of breakdown in the new system vs. one in the old (error or crime in the toll booth, a la Quarters Boyle). IMO, there is limited opportunity to reduce the error rate til all vehicles have an electronic “tag” on them that can be accurately read by the electronic toll mechanism, or the cameras get better.

    “Ticket” systems like the Oklahoma Turnpikes, Indiana Toll Road and Ohio Turnpike seem to have few problems with toll violators or mis-identification; however, a ticket system would be less practical in IL due to the high volumes and shorter trips involved.

    Open Road Tolling was a great innovation and on balance is a great improvement, but it does have its issues. And the ISTHA will have to come up with something, however imperfect, to address the issue of toll violators and misidentification of violators.

  8. - Redbright - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 10:31 am:

    Sadly, Cook County really loses a lot in the upcoming election. Both Suffredin and Claypool (who will take a policy job in the Obama White House) will be replaced by the Stroger party people.

  9. - Cassandra - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 10:35 am:

    A state agency is actually consolidating something?
    Kudos to Alexi again.

    And for those who worry greatly about state employees getting laid off (while showing little interest in the plight of private sector employees who get laid off by the thousands annually), it sounds as is this is not a real layoff but rather a layoff into another position for most of those affected. In the neverland of state and federal government employment, actual out the door layoffs are extremely rare. It’s cradle to grave job and income security, like they have in the much denigrated European social democracies like, gasp, France. On American soil, no less.

  10. - Straw Man - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 10:40 am:

    Larry has no interest in the States Attorney’s office; and ths endorsement by Jackson is simply a carefully calculated quid pro quo by both parties.

    The deal is that Jackson is trading his support to Suffredin now, in exchange for Larry and more importantly Jan, agreeng to deliver the northern lakefront wards for Jackson when the time is right.

    Larry knows he can not win this race; and he does not really want to take the pay cut to do it either. Larry is setting himself up to gain wider name recognition and support for the 2010 Attorney General’s race when that seat is vacated. If its not he will still be well positioned with chits to call in hand in order to box out Claypool and Quigley for the County Board presidency. JJJR can have no hand in the COok County operation so long as Stroger is propped in place, but with Larry in there; thanks in large part to Jesse’s current and future efforts, JJ will have the red phone direct hot line to the top.

    The States Attorney’s office is far to small a stage for Larry. Before you go giving him too much credit however realize that this is all just part of Jan’s Grand Plan.

    To quote DA COACH:

    Larry Suffredin-who you crappin?

  11. - Old IDOTER - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 10:52 am:

    Oh! I forgot the Democrats invented electronic toll collection.
    More spin!

  12. - Redbright - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 10:59 am:

    While I appreciate the “plan” I don’t see Suffredin appealing to a 21st Century voter. He really does come across as old style, backroom politics. He is going to have to have a major personal makeover to appear to be as modern as Alexi, for instance, or even JJJr.

  13. - Flounder - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 11:02 am:

    Anyone know where Rod is today? Possibly Winston & Strawn’s office? Meeting with Big Jim?

  14. - Ghost - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 11:04 am:

    Larry would be in a much better position to run for AG if he wins the SA race though. I can’t beleive he has no interest in it, as it creates a perfect launching platform for AG. Also if he can’t pull it together for the SA race, I doubt this sets him upo better for a Statewide race.

  15. - Steve Fuller - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 11:04 am:

    that is a lot of moving parts straw man. all that’s missing is a way to trade cedric benson for draft picks. redbright, i don’t think that he’s in this race as a precursor to a makeover that will turn him into a 30 year-old greek man. i think he actually wants to be state’s attorney.

  16. - Carl Nyberg - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 11:19 am:

    Straw Man, why do you say Suffredin can’t win the race?

    I saw him last Thursday and he espoused what seemed like a reasonable strategy winning in the suburbs and along the lake front in Chicago while getting some votes in the African-American community.

    Having seen the candidates on two occasions, I heard nothing that indicated any of the other candidates were making an appeal to suburban voters.

    At the Proviso Township forum Ald. Tom Allen said the State’s Attorney prosecutes crimes brought to them by the Chicago PD. Maybe someone should tell Allen that half the county is outside the city limits.

    It’s weirder that Anita Alvarez and Bob Milan don’t talk about the suburbs in any specific terms. Alvarez lives in River Forest and IIRC Milan lives in Glenview.

    It seems to me that Suffredin’s strategy is a viable one for winning. Brookins also seems to have a viable strategy. He’s trying to dominate the African-American vote. If Black turn-out is high b/c of Obama, this seems like it could work. Alvarez would also seem to have a viable strategy. She’s hoping that a large number of voters vote by gender or ethnicity.

    It seems that Bob Milan’s strategy is to do well at candidate forums and endorsement sessions. I can see why the guy is effective as a prosecutor, but even if he did get almost all the endorsements they aren’t worth much in elections.

    The way I see it, Alvarez, Brookins and Suffredin are the three who could win.

    I don’t think the Peraica campaign is making it a secret they hope to run against Brookins.

  17. - Carl Nyberg - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 11:21 am:

    Ghost has a good point. Suffredin losing in the Dem primary hardly sets him up to run statewide.

  18. - Redbright - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 11:28 am:

    I assume Suffredin is running to win (regardless of anyone else’s plans). I don’t trust him either but that just puts him in a long line that includes all of his competitors. He’s not been that ‘reform-minded’ on the County board but he is better than anyone the Strogerites will come up with to replace him. BUT it may be that the Republicans get to replace him; that would give us a reformer.

  19. - Crimefighter - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 11:29 am:

    There has been a series of letters in the SJR last week and this week about people having problems with the tollway authority sending false tickets.

  20. - (618) Democrat - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 11:32 am:

    The consolidation and reorganization in the Treasurers office is why the people of Illinois elected Alexi Giannoulias.

    To make Government run more efficiently at less cost to the tax payers.

    Another job well done Treasurer Giannoulias.

  21. - Steve Fuller - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 11:41 am:

    evanston, new trier, niles etc. haven’t been republican since the russell arrington days. correct me if i’m wrong but i think that committeemen get to pick the replacement when he wins. and if he, schakowsky, etc., are as calculating as straw man claims don’t you think that has been worked out?

  22. - Redbright - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 11:51 am:

    At this point I think it is the existing suburban commissioners who fill an empty seat. It’s the committeemen who fill empty spots on the Ballot (which was the case when the winner of the County board Dem primary resigned and his son was appointed to take his place on the ballot in 2006 general election).

  23. - Steve Fuller - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 12:02 pm:

    somebody has to know the answer here. either way, it would be hard for me to imagine that it would be a republican.

  24. - Ken in Aurora - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 12:16 pm:

    Larry Suffredin? The guy who’s trying to pass an ordinance that will effectively ban most handguns in Cook County and cause most if not all federally licensed firearm dealers in Cook to shut down? As State’s Attorney?


  25. - Redbright - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 12:20 pm:

    From the IL Statutes: “If a vacancy occurs in the office of a commissioner from the towns outside the city of Chicago, the remaining commissioners from those towns shall appoint a suitable person from those towns to fill the vacancy.”

    Presumably what is on the state’s website is the current statute.

  26. - plutocrat03 - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 12:26 pm:

    Oops my bad. I thought he was appointed to the Illinois Senate after his loss to Bobby Rush (U.S. Representative) in ‘99

    He actually ran and won for his office in the Senate in ‘97

    Sorry, my bad

  27. - jerry 101 - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 12:33 pm:

    You know, I got a notice from the Toll Authority. I missed 20 tolls, probably due to my own negligence (I got a new car, and I don’t have the thingies to attach the transponder to my window anymore, so I have to hold it up). After the initial shock, (20 tolls missed at a fine of $20 each time - $400), I read the notice, called up the Toll Authority.

    It took 5 minutes for the situation to be resolved and for them to ding my transponder for the 20 missed tolls, and wipe away the fines.

    It was really pretty easy. The system could be easier. They had my license plate number. To buy a transponder you have to have to provide the license plate number for the car it’ll be used in. Why they couldn’t cross ref, I don’t know.

    But the phone call was quick and easy.

  28. - Steve Fuller - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 12:55 pm:

    ken in aurora:

    it’s clear that guns aren’t a problem in cook county. 32 dead cps students last year were all hit with bow and arrow. kane county thinking. certainly wouldn’t want a prosecutor who would be tough on guns. makes too much sense.

  29. - Squideshi - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 1:31 pm:

    I love the Citizens Advocacy Center.

  30. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 2:33 pm:

    Nope. Cook County has home rule and by ordinance has adopted a process for filling vacancies that supercedes state law. It is the committeemen for the district, just like in the case of state reps or senators, who fill vacancies. (Back before single member districts, when all the commissioners were elected at large either within the city, or in the suburbs, the remaining commissioners filled the vacancies. That was superceded when they went to single member districts. Check the County ordinances.) Now, whether that process is constitutional or not is another thing.

  31. - fedup dem - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 3:21 pm:

    Anon 2:33, don’t fret about it. Suffredin has about as much chance being elected State’s Attorney as he has becoming a prima ballerina!

  32. - Straw Man - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 4:02 pm:

    Suffredin is using this primary as a good opportunity to increase his name recognition and voter identification. Losing the primary will simply put him on equal footing with a whole host of other candidates, and yet he will be far more well known across Crook County, where a substantial number of Democrats in both the city and suburbs have no clue who he is now. He is taking the high road and not slamming any of his opponents so voters will keep that warm and fuzzy notion about him for next time.

    Just under 70% of the vote total in this race will come from the city, with about 30% of the vote from the suburbs. Aside from 50,49,48, and a little of 43, and less of 42, nobody knows or cares about Larry anywhere else.

    Evanston, New Trier, Niles, Northfield; Elk Grove, and perhaps a small part of Maine will not do the suburban trick for Larry either.Despite his endorsements I believe his support in Proviso and Oak Park is a mile wide and an inch deep.

    Try doing a telephone poll in Lyons,Stickney, Berwyn, Riverside, Orland, Palos, Worth, Lemont, Bremen, Rich, Bloom, Thornton, Calumet, Hanover, Barrington, Schaumburg, Palatine, Wheeling, etc… Larry’s voter ID does not register beyond low single digits.In most of these places if you say Suffredin to people loud and fast enough enough they are more apt than anything else to reply; gazeuntheit.

    How many votes will Jesse Jackson garner for him in his wife’s ward, or even in the South suburban townships in his district? Not enough to make a difference.

    The only time Larry can increase his voter id and name recogntion across the county like this is during an election period when prospective (partisan primary) voters are at least modestly paying attention. Much of the publicity now comes through free media. Larry will toss a few bucks into some paid media here shortly, but again not enough to make a difference.

    Compare that with Tom Dart, who’s name recognition is far better thn Larry’s, and he has found a different way to get himself on TV at least once or twice a week for months. If its not crooked cops in Harvey with cold case murder files, it is illegal video poker in taverns in the western suburbs, or illegal pit bulls in the city.

    Larry’s overwhelming opportunoty for free media is now. After this its back to throwing the faux Boston Tea Party for Larry at budget time, in the hopes that voters might forget how he took a duck on the proposed sales tax increase, when he was the decidng vote to kill it.

    Kind of ironic isn’t it that he went to hide behind the States Attorney using the old conflct question in order to avoid the vote so he could keep negotiating a lesser increase in the smoke filled back room?

    How would you like to be represented by someone in a legislative capacity that thinks they might have a conflict in votng AGAINST a sales tax increase? With that kind of leadership and courage of conviction you can imagine what a tough sell he can be. I have found out the hard way, and I am not alone. In our organization we are just going through the motions now hoping he can show a respectable third.

  33. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 4:05 pm:

    From the Cook County Ordinances (which, believe it or not, are now online):

    Sec. 2-71. Vacancies.
    (a) If a vacancy occurs in the Office of Commissioner, such vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the appropriate district committee of the political party in the County Board District of which the incumbent was a candidate at the time of the candidate’s election. If the incumbent Commissioner was appointed to the position, then such vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the appropriate district committee of the political party in the County Board District which appointed the incumbent. The appointee shall be of the same political party that the incumbent Commissioner was at the time of election or appointment.
    (b) The district committee of a County Board District shall consist of the committeemen of each ward or township contained in whole or in part within the County Board District. In making appointments under this section, each committeeman of the appropriate district committee shall be entitled to one vote for each vote that was received, in that portion of the County Board District which the committeeman represent on the committee, by the Commissioner whose seat is vacant at the general election at which that Commissioner was elected to the seat which has been vacated (or the Commissioner’s elected predecessor, if the Commissioner whose seat is vacant was appointed) and a majority of the total number of votes received in such general election by the Commissioner whose seat is vacant is required for the appointment of the successor.
    (c) Appointments made under this section shall be in writing and shall be signed by members of the district committee whose total votes are sufficient to make the appointments. Such appointments shall be filed with the County Clerk.
    (d) An appointment made under this section shall be for the remainder of the term.
    (Ord. No. 94-O-18, § 2, 3-1-1994.)

  34. - Ken in Aurora - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 4:44 pm:

    - Steve Fuller - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 12:55 pm:

    I’d be the last to have a problem with tough gun prosecution for violation of of just laws, but Suffredin is trying to create a whole new class of criminals out of previously law abiding citizens.

    But wait, it’s not about prosecuting the criminals, is it? It’s about those filthy, scary guns.

  35. - charlie - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 5:00 pm:

    logging jessie jr’s endorsement is not going to help him get elected, so why do it?

  36. - hal - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 5:23 pm:

    Sorry Steve Fuller, the lobbying question seems to be a real problem for Suffredin. He’s trying to position himself as a reformer/independent type…that’s hard to do when you have a lobbying business, unless all your clients are not-for-profits. A quick look at Larry’s lobbying history shows he’s worked for the tobacco industry, casinos, and the Illinois Restaurant Association — a potential conflict for him given his position as a county commissioner. The Restaurant Association has led the opposition to the county’s proposed sales tax increase.

  37. - Captain America - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 6:22 pm:

    Suffredin will be competitive becasue he will sweep the major newspaer endorsements and because his two major opponents are both mediocre Alderman. Suffredin belives he can capture enough Obama voters to put him over the top, since he will run strong in the suburbs and on the lakefront. Personally, I ma not convinced that Tom Allen is s atrong candidate, although I certinly respect his labor support.

  38. - Analyst - Wednesday, Jan 9, 08 @ 7:33 am:

    On the morning of February 6th, just after the headline that reads “Obama wins Illinois” will be another headline that reads “Alvarez wins historic race to become the first female and first Hispanic Cook County State’s Attorney.” All the polls are showing the same thing. That’s why Suffredin is doing photo shoots right now at he Mexican Fine Arts Museum and shooting robocalls to women in the burbs. Allen is doing the same outreach to women. Both are working feverously, albeit completely in vain, to try to wrestle votes away from the only woman in the race. It’s not going to happen. From the start, this blog pointed Alvarez as the likely winner and it was right.

  39. - Analyst - Wednesday, Jan 9, 08 @ 7:51 am:

    And lets not neglect to mention that Larry, while nervously trying to cast himself the reformer, is the posterchild of smoked filled back room politics of the days past and a far far far cry from a reformer. In this life, you pick elected office or lobbying - never one to become the other. Larry can’t buck the laws of political nature. Its anomalous that he has gotten away with it as long as he has. Any reasonable person with his kind of political pedrigee shouldn’t expose the first inch of their nose outside the door into the light. If you walk like a duck and quack like a duck…well you know the rest. Quack quack Larry.

    Brookins on the other hand can’t or just won’t pay his rent and is being evicted from his law office. Perhaps thats why he is seeking a new job with an office where the rent is far more reasonable - free. He apparently was a slum lord of sorts as well. Only in Cook County would you see someone like him with zero credibility or sense of integrity running for a spot that requires the highest degree of both. While Brookins thinks that a Harold Washington type victory in this race is in his future, a campaign that can best be describes as “Vote for me for no other reason than I am African American and you are African American” really belittles African American voters. The news about Brookins is just the tip of the iceberg and people have been doing their homework. There is much more to come. My bet is that some of his opponents are saving the best for last.

    Allen could be a serious candidate with labor behind him but its just not going to gain traction because he is counter-posed by Suffredin and he lacks any qualifications for the job.

    Who knows why Milan and Brewer are wasting their time - short of the three other guys and the only woman getting struck by lightning in another January heatwave, they don’t have a chance.

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