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Sauerberg: I’m not crazy

Monday, Jan 7, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is a pretty funny lede

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Steve Sauerberg says he’s got something unique to offer voters in today’s political climate: he’s “not crazy,” he’s “somebody normal.”

* Sauerberg bemoaned the fact that the media isn’t covering his candidacy and then added…

The newcomer and family physician from the Chicago suburbs slammed some current politicians for their “lack of competence.” About his own campaign, he said: “We offer competence, and we offer reasonable behavior and we’re just a solid campaign that is what politics should be about.”

* I’m not exactly sure who he was talking about. Perhaps his primary opponents. But as the Tribbies noted recently, there is some concern that Sauerberg may have some trouble next month, which could be why the state GOP endorsed him

The vote to back Sauerberg by the Illinois Republican State Central Committee, made up of GOP leaders from each of the state’s congressional districts, was an unusual move. The organization has largely stayed away from involvement in primary contests.

But it underscores potential concerns that Sauerberg of Willowbrook, in his first political race, may face name recognition problems in seeking votes for the nomination and the chance to face two-term incumbent Democratic U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin.

Sauerberg… said in a statement that his endorsement showed his campaign was “resonating with voters all across Illinois.”

Well, that last statement is kinda “crazy,” if you ask me. I doubt anyone knows who he is at this point.

* It’s likely he’ll get some coverage as the primary approaches (he’s right that it’s been sparse to date) and the presidential race settles down a bit (if it does), but he can’t rely totally on earned media. And, frankly, if he wants to go up against somebody as relatively popular and entrenched as Durbin, he needs to show he can raise money and run decent TV ads before anyone can even begin to think that he has a snowball’s chance.


  1. - Ghost - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 10:48 am:

    ===And, frankly, if he wants to go up against somebody as relatively popular and entrenched as Durbin, he needs to show he can raise money and run decent TV ads before anyone can even begin to think that he has a snowball’s chance.====

    This is the rub, the repubs are putting the cart before the horse with the endorsement, apparently hoping that the horse will catch up with it. They need a canidate with some chops to go up against Durbin. Durbin beat their last contender running adds that were just school children spelling his name! (great idea whoever came up with that).

  2. - Carl Nyberg - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 10:49 am:

    If someone were to ask me, the race that’s getting too little attention for its importance is the race for Cook County State’s Attorney.

    I would gladly sacrifice some coverage of presidential politics for more coverage of the Cook County State’s Attorney race.

    But covering the State’s Attorney race would require journalists to get up to speed on local issues in communities they don’t normally cover and interview people who aren’t already in their mobile phones.

  3. - Garp - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 10:56 am:

    Didn’t he used to punt for the Bears?

  4. - Rambler - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 11:02 am:

    On the bright side, he hasn’t compared the troops to Nazis.

    Already one up on Durbin.

  5. - Thirtysomething - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 11:11 am:

    In a year that has everyone talking about “change” and embracing the message of Obama, I would think that IL voters would welcome a candidate like Sauerberg.

    Durbin is Obama’s biggest supporter. Obama’s message about the system and people in Washington not working for the people is the centerpoint of his campaign.

    Durbin is part of the Washington game. He has been in Washington longer than Clinton and is an entrenched Washignton player, exactly the type of person Obama is running from.

    I give Sauerberg credit for trying to change the status quo.

  6. - reggaebusrider - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 11:17 am:

    Whats so crazy about a grassroots campaign for change?

    It’s about time someone stepped in this state and started taking on the establishment that has failed us for so long.

    If running on promises of change and questioning of the status quo are good enough to propel Obama then why can’t the same thing work for Sauerberg?

  7. - Rob_N - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 11:36 am:


    Please indicate when/where Durbin ever did what you claim he did.

    The fact the conservatives have relied on this lie for years now only serves to demonstrate some sort of collective pettiness.

  8. - Skeeter - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 11:49 am:

    “- Garp - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 10:56 am:

    “Didn’t he used to punt for the Bears?”

    No, but according to the Cook County Jury Verdict Reporter, he did testify for the plaintiffs in at least one recent medical malpractice trial. So much for his pro-tort reform position.

  9. - Rambler - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 11:51 am:


    I did you one better, I found the YouTube link so you can watch it.


  10. - Skeeter - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 12:06 pm:

    Did you actually watch the tape?

    Now, what did Sen. Durbin actually say?

    Did he compare all US troops to Nazis, or did he say that certain acts by US troops are similar?

    And not to digress, but what did they say at Nurenburg about similar conduct?

  11. - Rob_N - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 12:29 pm:

    As your video so clearly demonstrates (and as the full text of his Floor Statement reveals), he was discussing our Administration — essentially, what our commander in chief has asked our troops to do — not our troops.

    Why don’t you have similar enmity for the FBI? It was their report on Gitmo that Sen. Durbin was reading. Or, for that matter, why are you not disgusted that our President and his administration would even ask our stalwart men and women in uniform to do these things in our name?

    I would hope you’d rather not have our national motto be: “America: Still (a bit) better than Stalin.”

    If all Sauerberg’s supporters have to rely on is a lie that’s just sad. (And no matter how often you repeat it, it’s still a lie.)

  12. - Thirtysomething - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 12:41 pm:

    For a U.S. Senator to make such a comparison during a time of WAR is unforgivable.

    Did Durbin stop to think of how such a statement would make the troops feel?

    No. He played politics and he fed the enemy more propaganda.

    I am sure a good number of Veterans and members of the military will not forgive and forget.

  13. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 12:45 pm:

    He also apologized. Move along, please.

  14. - ChiCon - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 12:54 pm:

    His apology was an insult to apologies; he cried crocodile tears on the Senate floor. I doubt he ever felt any remorse for what he said, and I doubt that he ever changed his mind. Any truth in the allegation that Daley pressured him into “apologizing?”

  15. - Ghost - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 12:57 pm:

    Thirtysomething, those vets and memebrs of the military will probable remeber a lot of what he has done to increase veteran benefits and vet medical care in Illinois.

  16. - Skeeter - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 1:05 pm:



    What did the man say?

    He discussed specific acts and said that similar acts were done by murderous dictators. He never compared ALL U.S. troops. Your repeating your allegation will not make it true.

    The statements were limited to the individuals in question and were 100% accurate.

    Further, I have to say, I’m not too concerned about the “feelings” of any U.S. interrogators who would use torture as a matter of policy. I am far more concerned, as is Sen. Durbin, about the reputations of all rest of the U.S. interrogators who are tarred by association with those criminals.

    Frankly, I’m offended by the talk of a lot of the right-wingers here. Sen. Durbin limited his conduct to the guilty parties, but those on the right insist on tarring all U.S. troops due to the foul acts of the few. Why do those right-wingers hate U.S. troops so much?

  17. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 1:06 pm:

    Again, let’s move on.

  18. - Rob_N - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 1:11 pm:

    …Can o’ worms, Rich. It’s only going to get worse since this is about the only thing “the opposition” think they have on Sen. Durbin.

    Moving on — has anybody polled the GOP side in that race? Does Sauerberg really have anything to worry about from Mike Psak and the gang?

  19. - Thirtysomething - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 1:12 pm:

    Of what consequence was his apology?

    He did not have to step down from his leadership post, he was not censured.

    He barely apologized at that- had to put out a “statement of regret” before he was forced to admit his mistake.

    Even Mayor Daley, a friend of Durbin, called the comments a “disgrace.”

  20. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 1:13 pm:

    Last warning.

  21. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 1:15 pm:

    Now I see what’s going on.

    Thirtysomething, ChiCon, reggaebusrider and Rambler all have the same IP address. If this sock puppetry doesn’t stop now, you’re “all” banned.

  22. - PhilCollins - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 1:21 pm:

    Rob, Psak will win the primary. He’s the only pro-life candidate, in that race, and he’s been campaigning since 2003. His petition was signed by voters who live in 96 counties. Psak is pro-tax cuts, pro-spending cuts, anti-illegal alien, pro-gun rights, and anti-gay marriage. Please read his website,

  23. - Squideshi - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 1:28 pm:

    I don’t know Rich. I think that a Democrat or Republican could do pretty well with “earned” media. It’s pretty easy for them to get coverage–they just need to be doing something newsworthy.

  24. - Skeeter - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 1:28 pm:

    For what its worth — it doesn’t look like the Sauerberg people have done much. I don’t see a D-1 on file.

  25. - A Citizen - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 1:34 pm:

    - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 1:15 pm:
    “…Now I see what’s going on. …” Uh Oh! Busted! Don’t mess with the boss, he knows who has skidmarks. And, as I learned months ago, he can pull up what each of us said back to elementary school and point out our inconsistencies. Don’t tug on Sup’s Cape!

  26. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 1:38 pm:

    Skeeter, D-1’s are for state and local campaigns. He’s federal.

  27. - Skeeter - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 1:52 pm:

    “Skeeter, D-1’s are for state and local campaigns. He’s federal.”

    Too funny. I am starting to sound like Gov. Huckabee. Neither one of us has our facts straight.

    You can see where I do most of my work. I usually don’t touch that federal stuff.

  28. - Rob_N - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 2:57 pm:


    I was asking for hard data.

    “Polls” showed Hillary winning nationally… Heck, Iowa was statistically tied days before the caucuses.

    …Finally, Psak may have been running for Senate since 2003 but Alan Keyes has been running for both President and Senate longer to no avail.

  29. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 3:28 pm:

    Republican U.S. Senate candidate Steve Sauerberg says he’s got something unique to offer voters in today’s political climate: he’s “not crazy,” he’s “somebody normal.”

    I’ve seen how quickly Durbin morphs into whatever shape he needs to appear in.

    He morphs into normal better than most normal people. So, Durbin is endlessly appealing politically.

    How does he do this? He has no spine. But, then in politics, isn’t that a secondary issue? And it allows him those great parking spots!

  30. - Rob_N - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 4:38 pm:


    If Durbin had no spine, why are so many conservatives so adamantly opposed to his very existence in the Senate?

    He can’t both be spineless and so staunchly “liberal” that he draws such ire.

  31. - Captain America - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 6:11 pm:

    Even without Obama on the ballot, Dick Durbin is going to win this election by a landslide,no matter what the Durbin-bashers say.

    Sauerberg is a total political nonentity on a suicide mission that no Republican of any stature/consequence would undertake.

  32. - Levois - Monday, Jan 7, 08 @ 8:18 pm:

    Is it me or does the state party seem to have a tendency to attract minor leaguers to some nominations that would be very disatrous. If this man wanted to be a politician I could easily said that he should have started with a more minor office. If he wants to go bigger than that he’d better be ready.

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