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Reform and Renewal - Only when it’s about someone else

Tuesday, Jan 8, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This guest column by Jay Stewart of the Better Government Association is spot on

Firmly perched on his high horse, Gov. Rod Blagojevich recently chastised the media for focusing on the corruption scandals that threaten to swallow his administration. “You want to cover tangential, collateral things that have no impact or relevance to people,” he said.

It’s amazing how time changes one’s views. A 2002 candidate named Rod Blagojevich issued a never-ending stream of press releases, statements and attacks on then-Attorney General Jim Ryan for failing to stop the culture of corruption that flourished under George Ryan when he was secretary of state. […]

However, campaign commercials cannot hide the reality that the parallels between George Ryan and Blagojevich are becoming more pronounced every day. Both suffered from aggressive federal investigations of their administrations. Both had close colleagues indicted. Both increasingly hunkered down to avoid the media. Both have appeared as “Public Official A” in federal prosecutors’ court filings.

Whether the parallels continue to include an indictment and conviction on Blagojevich’s part remains to be seen, but only the foolhardy would dismiss it as an impossibility.

Blagojevich should drop his cheap media criticism, stop his pointless and mindless attacks on the General Assembly and instead come clean with the public about the roles his indicted friends, Chris Kelley and Tony Rezko, had in his administration and his campaigns.

According to Blagojevich, corruption is only an important and central issue when it involves someone else. When it’s about him, it’s “tangential.”

* This is from my syndicated newspaper colum this week regarding that press conference when he slammed the media for focusing on stuff that supposedly doesn’t matter

Chicago reporters wanted to ask [Blagojevich] about the latest allegations contained in a federal proffer that Blagojevich had bragged about how he could use state contracts to raise campaign cash. The governor was forced to spend most of his time denying that he was a crook and slamming the media for focusing on the negatives while he was trying to do what’s right for Illinois.

It was a real George Ryan moment. And we all know how that story ended.

Rod Blagojevich demanded action from Jim Ryan. Now, it’s his turn to act. Come clean, governor. Now.


  1. - one of the 35 - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 11:06 am:

    Jay Stewart has eloquently summarized the situation with our governor. The gov’s hypocrisy has become so transparent that even the man on the street has begun to recognize it.

  2. - Not My Usual Nickname - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 11:11 am:

    I have a hard time believing some of the things out of the mouths of the cooperators in the investigations of the Governor, i.e., “stick with us and you’ll do very well,” etc. Not that it wasn’t what the Governor thought or what the donors thought but that anyone came right out and said it. Therefore, for the Governor to “come clean,” he would have to say that of course they wanted to use state contracts to raise campaign cash but no one ever said it openly and it was never a real quid pro quo. It was all done nice and legal. Unethical? Sure. Against the anti-corruption platform he ran on? No doubt. Legal? Absolutely.

  3. - Ghost - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 11:18 am:

    === …and instead come clean with the public about the roles his indicted friends, Chris Kelley and Tony Rezko, had in his administration and his campaigns. ===

    WHile I agree this is needed, if he really has engaged in wrongdoing there is no way he could answer this question without potentially making greater trouble. Minimially he needs to acknowledge the topic is fair game, and just give a calm explanation, however far fetched, of why he thinks he is not Public Official A, and then go on. Maybe even repsond politely, I’m sorry I can’t discuss that right now, or please forgive me, I want to focus right now on a different topic, or whatever. In short, approach the media with a littl epoliteness and respect. His angery rhetoric against the media and GA smacks of somone losing control and in need of anger management. He makes things exponentialy worse. Refuse to anser with diginity not inane attacks.

  4. - Anon - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 11:19 am:

    Maybe it’s time to revive the list of offenses that have been or are being investigated and update each with status; pending, closed-no problem, closed-problem found, closed-problem hidden.

  5. - In the Sticks - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 11:22 am:

    Spiro Agnew used the term “nattering nabobs of negativity” for the press prior to his resignation. Perhaps that would be a good retro term for the gov to use.

  6. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 11:56 am:

    For those that have any doubts about where this is going, whether it’s illegal and how deeply the governor was involved, they really need to read page 43 from the Rezko Proffer and the supporting statements. Here’s the intro paragraph, and it just gets more disgusting from there. If proven, this will be the largest and perhaps most naked corruption scheme ever in Illinois history - and that’s saying something!

    “Public Official A asked about Cari’s fund-raising experience. Public Official A stated he had a lot of ways of helping his friends and that Rezko and Co-Schemer B were his point people in helping his friends and coordinating fundraising. Public Official A also informed Cari that he could award contracts, legal work, and investment banking to help with fund-raising. Public Official A ended the conversation with Cari by noting that he wanted to continue the dialogue with Cari about fundraising and that Rezko and Co-Schemer B would follow up with Cari.”

  7. - Macbeth - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 12:12 pm:

    Public figures tend to deny the loudest that which they are guilty of.

    This happens time and time again. You see it with politicians and religious “leaders” mostly. If they deny it — and deny it loudly — they’re usually guilty.

    I’m not saying Blagojevich is guilty of whatever obvious goofiness he is being accused of. But I’m saying there’s a pattern here, and Blagojevich is exhibiting the normal (or abnormal) symptoms.

    I’d like to see some of Chris Kelley’s bookie friends lay odds for a 2008 Blagojevich indictment.

  8. - Can't Use My Nickname - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 12:30 pm:

    To Not My Usual Nickname - In the state agency I work for, the phrase and practice of “Squeezing the Selection Committee” on the rewarding of contracts is common and very much alive and well. Top administration officials involved with the selection process know exactly what I am talking about. Is this legal - Not!

  9. - North of I-80 - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 12:43 pm:

    Very nice article that summarizes what we face. I second the suggestion of Anon @11:19…. how about a complete summary of every allegation, every known subpoena, how many IL, how many Fed probes, investigations were initiated, closed out, verified or found unfounded or are running now? Would also like to see his quotes [with dates/sources] where he flipped 180 degrees or contradicted himself.

  10. - Leave a light on George - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 12:53 pm:

    Not my uusal nick name somebody did come right out and say what Blago was doing - his father - in - law,Dick Mell.

    My worry is this - I’m afraid the feds wiil get him on fund raising stuff before the evidence of “endemic hiring fraud” sees the light of day. I work with some of the incompetent boobs placed by this admimistation. They don’t and never will have a clue what they are doing. My agency has been set back 20+ years in terms of professionalism. Serving the public is not even given lip service any more. Making sure local political hacks are taken care of is job one. George Ryan at least kept the really bad stuff contained to his inner circle. Today’s goofs export it everywhere to all levels and think it is perfectly okay to do so.

  11. - Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 1:12 pm:

    Spiro Agnew used the term “nattering nabobs of negativity” for the press prior to his resignation. Perhaps that would be a good retro term for the gov to use.

    Believe it or not, the Gov already used it on Aaron Chambers of the Rockford Register-Star.

  12. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 1:14 pm:

    Regarding the Rezko proffer:

    It will be truly amazing if, in this day and age, after all the heat that was on Ryan, it’s found that a Chicago politician who became governor directly and explicitly proposed pay to play.

    What happened to the grand tradition of a buffer, a bagman? Didn’t he ever see Godfather II? Didn’t he ever talk to his friend Sen. Jimmy D?

  13. - Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 1:21 pm:

    From Eric Zorn’s Change of Subject of March 7, 2005:

    First, a passage from Aaron Chambers’ Saturday column in the Rockford Register Star:

    (Gov. Blagojevich) shook a couple of hands, then pointed at me. “Nattering nabobs of negativism, right there!” he declared.

    The alliteration was compliments of Spiro Agnew, the GOP vice president who resigned from Richard Nixon’s administration amid scandal. Agnew used it to describe the press corps during a speech in 1970.

    And a follow-up from the Archpundit:
    When the press as a whole just hates you, laying a line on them that reminds them of the corrupt and soon-then-to-resign Vice President Agnew is not exactly the manner in which to get in their good graces.

  14. - Macbeth - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 1:33 pm:

    Where is the Trib with a detailed timeline of Blagojevich accusations/federal probes?

    With the spotlight soon to be on Illinois - and the current wretched state of the state — it’d be nice to read a long retrospective of what, exactly, is going on with Blagojevich.

    Nice, too, to see that the Rezko trial will go full bore while Obama fever picks up. Not good for Obama, but I’m sure it’ll make Blagojevich sweat.

    I bet Blagojevich goes home wondering it’s not him instead of Obama. I wonder if he realizes just how far he’s fallen in the eyes of voters.

  15. - In the Sticks - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 1:35 pm:

    Thanks Six. I had forgotten that encounter with Aaron chambers - although I do remember Spiro Agnew.

  16. - Dan S. a Voter - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 1:35 pm:

    Has this Governor ever seemed to worry about being in anyones good graces?

  17. - Garp - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 2:16 pm:

    It is an unnatural act for a person to cage himself and that is what coming clean would mean to this Governor. I would think he will listen to his lawyers rather than Jay Stewart and media reps.

  18. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 2:37 pm:

    Not my Usual Nickname…come on out, Bill!

  19. - Captain America - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 3:12 pm:

    Governor A is doomed. I tried to remain open -minded and objective about his legal problems, but that “Merry Fitzmas” Rezko proffer convinced me that he will eventually be indicted. When push comes to shove, I think Rezko and/or Kelly will flip and testify against the Governor to reduce their sentences. It’s not clear to me yet that the government will prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, but an indictment seems certain.

  20. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 5:04 pm:

    - Captain America -
    “…I think Rezko and/or Kelly will flip and testify against the Governor…” Those are just two possibilities. There are several more that come to mind that have been mentioned but not yet charged nor indicted. And there is always Dick Mell who would do whatever he could to keep Patti out of trouble.

  21. - Tollway employee - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 5:18 pm:

    To late to come clean! The horse left the gate many years ago. Good bye Rod…..

  22. - Disgusted - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 7:41 pm:

    Not only is he delusional about how serious this is, he has given up on the CTA business because he’s back with “health care for all” AGAIN. Just ordered a huge number of posters, even thought the program has not been passed or funded. He truly has a one-track mind. Plus he bypassed established procedures to get these printed on the QT.

  23. - Good for the Goose - Tuesday, Jan 8, 08 @ 10:24 pm:

    Of all the negative charges leveled against Jim Ryan in 2002; one of the most damning in the eyes of the public was:

    “[Jim Ryan] didn’t lift a finger to investigate the biggest scandal in Illinois history,” Blagojevich-2002 debate.

    Its effectiveness was greatly facilitated by a press corp unwilling or uninterested in challenging the assertion. I question whether this is due to the perception of the press that this charge was both true and legitimate.

    So far during the current scandal, both the Governor, and the press corp have been noticeably silent on the role of the current Attorney General in either uncovering, investigating, or prosecuting those involved. Even Pat O’Malley and Corrine Wood, have seemed to lose their tongues on this issue.

    This may well be just one more; of many ways, in which Jim Ryan feels vindicated. Perhaps more and more every day.

  24. - Goose Gossage's Baseball Card Collection - Wednesday, Jan 9, 08 @ 6:24 am:

    Good for the Goose makes an excellent point.

    Unless the FBI invites you to their investigation, you stay away. Even the illustrious Roland Burris said this on Chicago Tonight in 2002. Weisman called him on it.

    Note the letter from Patrick Fitzgerald to Lisa Madigan sent in June, 2006, asking her to stay away.

    Maybe it was requested.

  25. - Wacker Drive - Wednesday, Jan 9, 08 @ 7:43 am:

    To come clean is to admit guilt. Blagojevich only likes to be accountable for positive things.

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