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Question of the day

Thursday, Jan 10, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

My Treo is on its last legs. It’s been dropped too many times on the marble floors at the Statehouse, not to mention it once got caught in a ceiling fan blade and was sent hurling across a room.

I like the functions, but the Treos are big and heavy as a brick. So, I’m thinking about a Blackberry.

Question: If you’re a Blackberry user, would you recommend that I get one? Explain if you would, please.

Also, how’s your cell phone carrier’s service? I’d consider switching from Verizon if there’s something better out there.


…Adding… Thanks for all the suggestions so far. For those who have wondered, my requirements are:

* QWERTY keyboard (I post to the blog from my Treo during session days and need to continue doing so)

* Strong battery life (for those long Statehouse days and nights)

* Mac compatibility (That’s why I’m looking at the BBerry - there are programs to convert it to Apple)

* Camera (You just never know when that’ll come in handy)

* I don’t use the phone much for appointments or other applications. Calls, Internet, texting and e-mail make up 99.9 percent of what I do.

Thanks again.


  1. - Chillimon - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 10:42 am:

    Rich: I would suggest a Moto Q from US Cellular, I have had mine about 4 months now, works all across Illinois, including rural Fayette County. Has coverage in other areas of US that I have been to since getting the Q. Has internet and email, great screen among features.

  2. - E.T. - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 10:43 am:


    I had the 650 for ages, then upgraded to the 755p, smaller, better form factor, hugely reliable.

    The only plausible reason to go with the Blackberry is if your mail is coming through a server and you want it instantly pushed to you.

    But since you can have the Treo auto-check for mail up to every 5 minutes, i don’t even think that it is an issue.

  3. - anon - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 10:43 am:

    I’ve been a Verizon customer for 7 years. The coverage has gotten much better and the few problems I have had with usage/billing/changing service plans were taken care of in a very friendly and expeditious manner. Blackberries are a pain unless you like the expectation of being available 24/7. I don’t.

  4. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 10:45 am:

    I’ve got a Nextel Blackberry. Works great most of the time. Battery life is from 1-3 days depending on how hard you push it. The little keypad is a pain at first, but you adjust. I get cell, email and internet access with it. For those who lack self-control :-0, it can be a dangerous distraction while driving, as handy as it is.

  5. - NimROD - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 10:47 am:


    Ive had a Blackberry for about the last 5 years and I can recommend highly. It has been rock solid and absolutely reliable. I am currently on Nextel but I am thinking of switching to Verizon as they have better coverage in all of the areas I travel to.

    I currently support about 200 other Blackberry users all over the state (some in some pretty rural areas) and I can report virtually no problems at all. I would recommend against using AT&T as I have seen coverage issues with their units.

  6. - OneMan - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 10:47 am:

    I have a Blackberry Pearl, works fine, if you need to type on it a lot you may want to get the full keyboard Blackberry.

    I use T-Mobile I would not recomend them

  7. - whans2000 - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 10:47 am:

    I had a BB from T-Mobile for a couple of years and switched to AT&T for the iPhone (I definitely have much better coverage). While the iPhone is “cool”, I much prefer the functionality of the BB and miss it dearly.

  8. - In the know - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 10:48 am:

    Ceiling fan? We need an explanation on that one.

  9. - Anon - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 10:51 am:

    Get the BB Pearl with Verizon. I’ve used three providers (verizon included) in every corner of the state. Verizon was by far the best. Sprint was poor outside of mettropolitan areas, and nextel didnt work south of taylorville, or NW of the quads.

  10. - Anon - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 10:52 am:

    I had a blackberry and liked it. My company switched to the Moto Q and i was ticked. But the Moto Q is easier to use, faster and smaller. i highly recommend the Q.

  11. - Ghost - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 10:52 am:

    Rich I would recomedn the Samsung SCH-i760 over the blackberry, I prefer the smaller profile of this phone when your carrying it or do not need the keyboard. Plus I like the wide keypad versus the box blackberry style. This is a newer phone then the samsung Verizon Wireless XV6800, with similiar feature but I have never used it. I have tried Sprint, Cingular and tmobile. Not to sound like the add, but I find I can use the Verizon phone in places the others never worked,. They seem to have the best coverage.

  12. - Ken - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 10:52 am:

    Definitely go with the Treo 755p. I have one and use Chattermail. Its a $40 palm application far superior to Versamail that alllows you to get instant push email from any IMAP email server. Rather than paying $45 for the Blackberry service, I pay $10 for a data plan from Sprint.

  13. - NimROD - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 10:53 am:

    “I have a Blackberry Pearl, works fine, if you need to type on it a lot you may want to get the full keyboard Blackberry.”

    Seconded…the condensed keyboard versions are hard to use for anything much longer than yes/no replies. Most carriers offer an 8700 series BB which is full keyboard and very much easier to use.

  14. - Pat Collins - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 10:54 am:

    If you get the MOT Q world phone from AT&T it will work overseas - Europe, Asia, Mid East. I can’t speak to coverage outside Chicago area, though.

  15. - A Citizen - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 10:57 am:

    In this time of great affluence for CapFax I would recommend going with the most expensive status symbol you can find. Image is important. Find out what Donald Trump is using and go with that!

  16. - the Other Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 11:00 am:

    Having used a Treo and switched to a Blackberry, I can say that they fill two very different functions. The Berry beats the heck out of the Treo for e-mail and internet access. The Berry absolutely stinks as an organizer. The Treo has better compatibility for working with MS files, but the Berry has a slightly better interface for word processing, etc.

    Bottom line, for me: I’m keeping my Berry for e-mail access. But I don’t use it much for other functions.

    I’ve got ATT/Cingular as a provider. Coverage is (relatively) poor in the US, but ATT is the best American carrier for overseas. Unless you plan on starting an international edition of CapFax, you should avoid ATT.

  17. - Moderate REpub - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 11:02 am:

    Switch to ATand T (cingular) and get the new version of the 8125. Able to handle various email accounts and has the full slide keyboard and great screen. It runs windows office and huge data space. It has SO many options, i have it two years now and still dont know how to use it to it full capability. ITs a little pricy, but its the cadillac of messaging phones. Any salesman at ATandT will tell you that so you don’t have to take my word for it. WAY better than a blackberry. I had one, thought it was great, then I bought this and it changed my life. It works in sync with my inner office outlook, and outlook express work email, along with my yahoo accounts. No scroll or small buttons to deal with. Its the shizzy.

  18. - clj - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 11:03 am:

    I tried to switch to the MotoQ from a Treo. The expirement did not last longer than 48 hours. I couldn’t get over not having a stylus. The touch screen function is a necessity.

  19. - Getting Grumpy - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 11:06 am:

    Don’t forget to check out the I-Phone.

  20. - Victor - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 11:09 am:

    Have you tried a Palm Centro yet? (only offered through Sprint for now) If you are a moderate to heavy e-mail user, though, you may have a problem with the smaller keyboard. But it definitely addresses your concern about the treos being “big and heavy as a brick.” Also a little faster and less buggy that the other treos (much less battery life though).

  21. - Prairie Sage - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 11:15 am:

    Love my bberry but wish I had better interface w/ MS Outlook for managing contacts, so would consider Treo or another MS platform next time. The sync programs aren’t that great.

    But more importantly for you, I’m on bberry #4 in 4 years — but probably 2-3 nasty floor incidents a month. Unfortunately, I don’t have a data point for ceiling fan incidents — we definitely need more info on THAT one!

  22. - S. Illinois - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 11:18 am:

    I made the mistake of switching to AT&T a couple of years ago and switched back to Verizon even before my contract was up. Coverage is very spotty and I was losing calls even in metro St. Louis. I have the Moto Q 9m and it works well, but the processor is a bit underpowered and that might be a frustration for you. I do not miss the touch-screen at all. (I had a first generation treo and an XV 6700 before the Q)

  23. - Anon Sequitor - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 11:30 am:

    DO NOT get the Pearl. That tiny keyboard and screen are a pain in the…

  24. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 11:32 am:

    Ceiling fan incident…

    I don’t have a high ceiling in my office. I had my Treo in my hand when I stretched my arms over my head one morning. The fan was on and it whacked the Treo out of my hand. The phone went flying into the next room.

    It’s now being held together with packing tape. I’m catching a lot of grief for the way it looks. lol

  25. - Joe Schmoe - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 11:36 am:

    I agree with Ghost on the samsung xv6800 - flip out keyboard or pressure sensitive on the screen. If uyou have fat fingers (sorry about that), this is a great little buddy to have. Battery life is great with a quick recharge time. Lot of bells and whistles, good camera, great screen for video, speakerphone. Definitely Verizon.

  26. - Ken in Aurora - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 11:39 am:

    I moved from a 650p to a 755p after I bricked the first one during an upgrade. I have nothing but good to say about the 755p and Sprint’s service.

  27. - Kiyoshi Martinez - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 11:45 am:

    Rich: I use the BlackBerry 8700 from T-Mobile. It’s a side-scrollwheel, not the new trackball version.

    I’ve had it now for more than a year and like it. It uses the EDGE network, which isn’t as fast as the 3G network phones (kind of like a modem speed) but works for what I need it to do. I should point out that iPhones also use the EDGE network.

    If it’s sheer speed and transfer rate you’re looking for, you may want to consider a 3G phone. But most of those run on the somewhat awkward Windows Mobile operating systems.

    In comparison, the BB operating system is very clean, simple and I haven’t really had any issues with it yet. Also, BB is supported by a lot of third-party developers — especially Google. So, you can get Google Maps, Gmail, GoogleTalk, etc.

    While mine doesn’t have a camera, there’s plenty of other BB models that do. The battery life could be a bit better, but I charge it nightly, so it’s not an issue. Also, I’ve been able to use the BB as a tethered modem for my laptop when there wasn’t wifi around.

    My only beef is that BB doesn’t have a 3G model yet on any carrier. Instead, they’re beating a dead horse with EDGE. I should also point out that the last time I was in Springfield, I didn’t get an EDGE connection, instead the slightly slower GPRS. I’m not sure if this is a T-Mobile thing or just that Springfield doesn’t have EDGE.

  28. - Love my Q - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 11:46 am:

    I recommend the Motorola Q. I have Verizon service. I did quite a bit of research before I got mine. The first thing I did was download all available software updates for it. I’ve never had a single problem. I’ve had it for about a year. The camera is pretty good. The internet access is decent too, but i don’t use that much. I also had e-mail from multiple accounts pushed to the phone. That worked well, as did the calendar and contacts organizer. Also, you can open numerous file types for viewing although I don’t think you can edit.

  29. - Don't Worry, Be Happy - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 11:55 am:


    I use it for the same purposes you need, and it’s been great. The camera is 2 MP and works very well. You really need to consider it.

  30. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 11:58 am:

    Rich, I’ve been pleased with Verizon, but their high-speed EV-DO network has rolled out at a glacial pace through Illinois. Web access on the old network is sssllllooowww. Check the coverage map before you pull the trigger.

    Cell reception much better overall than AT&T; we have both in the family.

    I have the BB8700; no camera, but otherwise close to what you’re looking for. Very reliable and good battery life. Mine has kissed the concrete a few times with no troubles afterward.

    Lousy to use as a cellphone, esp. while driving. Bluetooth capability helps a little, but I still end up carrying the BB and a phone.

    Good luck.


  31. - Ghost - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 12:17 pm:

    Rich the xv6800 with verizon defnetly covers all the needs in your update. If yah get a chance, swing by the Verizon store over in Parkway, its in the strip mall next to the McDonalds, and try one out.

  32. - Pat Collins - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 12:19 pm:

    alls, Internet, texting and e-mail make up 99.9 percent of what I do.

    Ever check out the Sidekick from TMobile? Again, can’t talk to Springfield coverage, but I use TMO, and my coverage in Chicago and along the interstates is always good.

  33. - Smitty Irving - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 12:20 pm:

    Consider this - given a choice between the Treo and Blackberry, CMS chose Blackberry. Use this information as you see fit.

  34. - wndycty - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 12:28 pm:

    I’m on Blackberry like it a lot, but I’m considering the switching to the iPhone. The web browser on the Blackberry is disappointing.

  35. - Kevin Highland - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 12:32 pm:

    How about the AT&T Tilt….full qwerty keyboard, compatibly with Blackberry mail servers…runs windows mobile.

  36. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 12:46 pm:

    I use BB with Mac, and the newest pocketMac version works wonderfully. I would recommend the BB, as the batteries in the larger models (not the Pearl) are awesome. With the new Google Mobile Suite you can get news (possibly RSS) auto calendar/contact sync etc etc etc. Based off of your post and how hard you are on your phone, the larger BB may be perfect, I had one for two years, and i beat the crap out of it and it never stopped working until it was dropped into a pitcher of beer.

    I have Tmobile. They have the cheapest overall packages, and working throughout the state they seem to have decent coverage along 55/80/57/39 and all the cities I have been in.

    Since you use a Mac, and knowing what you are looking for I think you would be remiss if you did not strongly consider the iPhone. Lots of my friends/colleagues have one and they love it. The screen would make posting on the blog super easy. Only problem with the iPhone is the packages they offer do not offer enough minutes (I think they cap out at 1500 minutes/month).

  37. - Macbeth - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 1:07 pm:

    Isn’t the obvious answer to this question an iPhone?

    I’m surprised more folks haven’t pimped the virtues of what has proven to be the coolest, baddest, and most useful gadget in the past decade.

    Blackberry? Are you kidding? I didn’t even think they still sold Blackberries.

  38. - BehindTheScenes - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 1:07 pm:

    I’m sitting here talking to my son who happens to work for General Communications here in Spfld. He suggests a BlackBerry 8830 (which they handle). They are a Verizon agent. I have personally been with Verizon since waaaay before they were Verizon. VERY few problems with coverage or service, and what there have been were handled quickly and courteously. Coverage is excellent in Illinois & coast-to-coast. My son also mentioned that their store has been getting a lot of customers switching over from ATT/Cingular because of coverage and dis-satisfaction with Cingular being the new AT&T. Reply back and I’ll put you in touch with him. (He also suggests a site called, where you can compare as many as four phones specs side by side.)

  39. - Newc1 - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 1:22 pm:

    Get an iPhone. That battery life is not as great, there is no push e-mail support, but it’s very Mac compatible.

  40. - BehindTheScenes - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 1:23 pm:

    Don’t know if you have my e-mail from earlier posts, so I added it to this. My son called after he left and mentioned Verizon’s Voyager (their answer to I-Phone, but with a QWERTY keyboard hidden behind the screen). Neither of us are Mac users, so can’t speak to compatibility.

  41. - Phone Suggestion - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 1:46 pm:


    I have been with Nextel, Verizon and AT&T within the past several years and have been a compulsive phone switcher as well. I have had the Treo 700W, the MotoQ, the Blackberry 7130 and the Blackberry Pearl.

    As far as carriers go, I can say that you definitely want to stick with Verizon. AT&T’s edge data network is horrendously slow (unfortunately that is what I am stuck with right now) compared to Verizon’s EVDO and their voice network drops calls consistently. To make my case, when I tether my AT&T Blackberry to my laptop, everything drags on slower than dialup speed, but when I had my 7130 with Verizon, I was reaching near cable modem speeds. It was unbelievable.

    As far as phones go, I didn’t find the Windows based devices very stable (the Q and 700W). They were crashing all the time. The Blackberry 7130 was the best, most stable phone I have owned with Verizon service. The operations were seamless and the email was instantaneous. If I were you I would go with the Verizon 8830. You get the speed of the network, the ease of a blackberry, and with that phone even free gps directions with google maps.

    No questions about it.

  42. - Ghost - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 1:55 pm:

    So the giest of this topic is that Rich is just phoning it in now :)

  43. - The Pug is on the Prowl - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 2:15 pm:

    i love my bb, but a couple people i work with the iphone and swear by it…just a personal thing, the pearl with the predict-a-text is not so user friendly

  44. - JGatz - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 2:34 pm:

    I have the BB Curve. Good battery life and I like the track ball much better than the trackwheel. Its small and non-bulky. As others have mentioned, the web browser is a bit suspect, but overall a fine product.

  45. - Napoleon has left the building - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 2:43 pm:

    I spend as much time researching the smart phones as you do using yours. Bottom line is none are perfect, all have good and bad. So, I have concluded since I am mostly happy with Treo, I will stay with a Treo. I have a 700p with Verizon and am very happy with its phone and coverage. I use the contacts and calendar heavily. The 700p is notoriously buggy and that’s why I think I’m going to switch to the 750p soon, there are no new features on the 750 it’s just supposed to be “bug free” and a little lighter and without the antenna nub. I picked one up today at the Cingular store and it feels lighter and smaller.

    My wife has the Moto Q9m on Verizon the internet on it is great and faster than the Treo, email not as much. Phone is fine. But in general the Q is for more leisure users, not professional use.

    I have heard the Blackberry Pearl sux, the trackball can pop out and the ball gets stuff in it and it stops working. The Curve is supposed to be okay.

    Good luck.

  46. - Pat collins - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 2:45 pm:

    and their voice network drops calls consistently.

    As an FYI, that can vary QUITE a bit depending on the phone you have. In general, new ones are better than older ones. But it’s very phone specific.

  47. - Shelbyville - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 2:56 pm:

    If you are not sure that you want an iPhone, yet. Get a normal phone package and an iPod touch. I use the touch and verizon razr.

  48. - LG - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 3:48 pm:

    iPhone. it’s the only way to browse the internet (and read this blog.) the Edge network is not the fastest but it works everywhere. turn on the wireless when you have network access for high speed. i switched after 5+ years on Treo and Palm and would not go back. (Treo sync was never reliable.) the touch keyboard takes some time to get used to, but it has excellent predictive type. Email client push works easily with AOL. leave your laptop at home.

  49. - diane - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 4:25 pm:

    I’ve had a Blackberry for about 3 years and like it a lot. I’d say I love it, but I today I got my first hands on look at the iPhone. What a wonder. In any event my latest Blackberry has the scroll wheel and is silver which I like much better than the side thing. The Blackberry is great for email, posting to the blog, keeping yourself organized, much better than the Treo which my husband has. You’re right, the Treo is too bulky and not nearly as easy to use. If you need a camera in your phone, go with the Pearl. We have verizon and it’s just fine, signal is good almost everywhere.

  50. - vitaman - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 7:12 pm:

    Go to Use this e-mail address Get a centro or Moto Q9 or a Treo or a BB. Same coverage as Verizon. FREE Data. Absolute best deal I have ever seen.

  51. - muon - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 8:13 pm:

    I’ll also lend support to the Verizon XV6800. I’ve had mine for a little over a month replacing an older and clunkier XV6600. The keyboard is good, and the touchscreen works reasonably well with fingers so one doesn’t have to pull the stylus.

  52. - Z - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 8:30 pm:

    Just got the Treo 755p. Smaller than old Treo and lighter. - Verizon

  53. - A Citizen - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 8:31 pm:

    For dependability the rotary dial pulse analog set has been proven by the test of time. And the sound clarity cannot be beaten. Also it will break the ceiling fan not the other way around. Given your behavior it might be best!

  54. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 9:51 pm:

    Rich, I know your BS meter is already finely honed, but “vitaman’s” assertion that Sprint’s coverage is the same as Verizon’s is absolute hooey.

  55. - A Citizen - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 10:02 pm:

    And to followup on AA, women think Verizon users are very sexy AND they use a wavelength on transmissions that helps cure e.d.!

  56. - Levois - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 10:35 pm:

    Me personally I have no complaints about Cingular, but I don’t have a Blackberry type phone. Sorry. :-(

  57. - vitaman - Thursday, Jan 10, 08 @ 10:52 pm:

    AA’s comment is way off the mark if you get free roaming which the plan I suggested does. VZ and Sprint use each other’s tower’s when they don’t have a presence. I have fully covered the entire length and breath of this state and keep a signal.

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