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Morning shorts

Monday, Jan 14, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning

* New 10th Poll from Seals

Shows about the same race as in November with Seals steady at 58% and Footlik up from 6% to 10%.

* Election dates cause worries

* State health plan bothers Medical Society official

* Attorney General: No criminal investigation into Bianchi spending

* Ryan’s prison address would bar trip to accept Nobel Prize

* New ethanol venture may lead to cheaper fuel

* Devine endorses Milan; more here

* No smokes for prisoners; more here

* US Senate candidates differ on economic remedy

* A Q&A with Bill Gentes

* 8th District GOP hopefuls talk taxes, economic issues

* The cost of coal progress

“On Friday, U.S. Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) said he was worried that the Energy Department might scrap the project if its cost concerns weren’t addressed.”

* Republican candidates more likely to visit state

* Clinton, Obama Clash Over Race Issue; more here

* About those endorsements

* Michelle Obama: Husband No `Fairy Tale’

* Obama’s aircraft clips parked plane

* Women vs. Oprah

* State Presidential Primary and Caucus Dates


  1. - Ghost - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 8:40 am:

    The harder the Clinton campaign tries to smirch Obama the worse they end up looking. From the Fairy Tale comment to their repeated use of the teenage drug thing to trying to downplay the role of Martin Luther King jr in the civil rights movement! Her campaign used to have such an air of dignity and a Statesman like quality to it. Now she looks like a spoiled princess whining because she is not getting her turn to play with the toy and she is entitled to it.

  2. - kevinfanning - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 8:42 am:

    Couldn’t agree more Ghost

  3. - Ghost - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 8:46 am:

    Anyone else get the impression from press coverage of the primaries that the republican race has taken a seat back in the shadows? Here is the latest on the dem primary (insert lenghty deatil here); oh and BTW McCain and Rommney are also trying to get votes.

  4. - Snidely Whiplash - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:03 am:

    It HAS been a fairy tale. The national press reports next to nothing negative on Obama, and pushes him down our collective throats ad nauseum. The made a mistake with the King comment, but probably just an ill advised counter to Obama’s trying to cast himself as the new MLK in the black community, while casting himself as the new RLK among whites. He plays the race card quietly and through proxies among black voters (a subdued form of the Harold Washington “it’s our turn” theme), but shuts it off in front of a wider audience, knowing he can make himself looking dignified by saying what people want to hear in an eloquent way, while not bringing it up because he can rely on the press push and collective white guilt and political correctness to gather up white votes.

    On a national level, the Clintons are among the dirtier players. But, in this case, I don’t see them having any choice but to go negative, simply because the media refuses to reveal any of Obama’s negative baggage. They can’t say they’re being fair by not ramming home the Clintons’ scandals (Whitewater, ML, etc.) because they bombarded us with it on a daily basis for YEARS on end. Everyone knows about it. And the media knows it.

  5. - plutocrat03 - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:21 am:

    Politics ain’t beanball, but Snidely has a point.

    While BO talks about supporting the failed senate version of the immigration bill while talking to the members of the Culinary union, reporters just repeat change, change, change. When he talks about health care reform without an explanation of how we are to pay for his largess the reporters repeat change, change, change. If it is fair to dwell on the failings of Bill Clinton and George Bush, why is it unfair or racist to cover BO the same way?

    The coverage of this primary season is starting to look more like an episode of American Idol than an election.

    Change can be both a good thing as well as a bad thing. We will get change of some sort regardless who wins in November. The questions is the specific change be what the voters are looking for?

  6. - amy - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:25 am:

    turning the dial after football I found the
    Cook County State’s Attorney’s debate by
    chance. there’s another debate sometime
    next weekend. I recommend that as must
    viewing cause the one yesterday was
    political theater of the lowest and most
    absurd order. from bad questions and
    moderators to super testy answers from
    every one of the candidates and some of
    the worst examples who may end up in
    public office. Brookins talked about
    something like changing the appearance
    of the office, by which he meant vote
    for me, i’m african american, in my view.

    let’s just say it was WWFCook County. how
    Devine endorsed Milan should escape you
    if you saw that debate.

  7. - barry - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:39 am:

    why devine endorsed milan? a good question?

  8. - Snidely Whiplash - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:54 am:

    Why he DIDN’T endorse Milan to begin with is my question. He thought enough of him to make him his First Deputy. If Devine thought he was qualified for it and was doing a good job, that ought to make him by far the most qualified candidate in the field. So, either politics were at work, or Devine didn’t think Milan was capable enugh. At least, those are the only two alternatives that seem reasonable to me.

  9. - Garp - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:59 am:

    Jay Footlik has the toughest political name I have ever seen. Worse than Dick Devine. When he first ran people were asking me if he was a porn star. I know it is petty, but the name Footlik is an anchor. Then again, Devine won.

  10. - so-called "Austin Mayor" - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:10 am:

    Over the weekend, I heard that there was a big shakeup in the Seals campaign staff — true?

    – SCAM

  11. - cermak_rd - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:17 am:

    As I walked through Oak Park, along Lombard Ave, South Blvd, Home Ave and Lexington yesterday with my dog, I noticed several signs for the States Attorney race. So far, Suffredin has the lead in signs, but Tom Allen (somehow, Tim Allen keeps coming to mind) was not far behind. I saw no signs for any of the other candidates. Of course, signs don’t vote.

  12. - amy - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:19 am:

    the milan endorsement is especially weird because
    his performance in the debate was SO bad.
    his attitude should tube any chance he has to
    be a judge cause he flunks the temperment
    standard. then again, who knows what the
    insider regulars will do.

    maybe Suffredin is gaining too much traction
    for the regulars and they have to try and
    pull votes away from him. he seems to
    be the most broad leader, and the only one who can stop Brookins, who should be disqualified
    because of the building records.

  13. - Barrister - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:27 am:

    Why Devine endorsed Milan? Look at the field of candidates:

    A light weight Alderman (former Public Defender)

    An even lighter weight Alderman who’s beng evcted from his law office by the landlord for non-payment of rent, while an office equipment dealer is reportedly tryng to repossess the copy machines.

    A County Commssioner and former Public Defender who doubles as a casino and tobacco lobbyist, and who gave us Bobbie Steele’s pension baggage, and stumped like a madman for Stroger after the primary and then also hides behind a perceived “conflict of interest” to deny his constituents a vote AGAINST Strogers proposed sales tax increase.

    A non descript attorney with no administrative or elective experience that is begnning to challenge Ray Wardngly and Oberweis as the perrenial candidate of the decade; that can’t gain any traction with the voters no matter which office he runs for.

    Two experienced career prosecutors and executive adminstrators in his own offce who he has known and observed working there during his entire tenure as the leader, and each of whom he promoted several times.

    One is second in command in the office, and the other is third in command. He chose Milan over Alvarez before for their current postions, so it should probably not be that big of a surprise to anyone.

    Administrators, supervisors, parents, and coaches are often placed in the dfficult position to have to choose between two quality people, when only one position is available, and its never an easy decision to make.Given the field of candidates identified above I assume he felt compelled to make his feelings known.

    The one thing I can say about Milan from first hand experience, is that he is incredibly effective in the courtroom, especially in front of a jury that is trying to decipher a complex case. He can simplify a difficult case and connect both motive, opportunity and evidence in a way that jury’s can easily understand.

    I also have to give him credit for his work on identifying false confessions and wrongful convictions. That’s one true judge of integrity and character; how someone reacts when somethings gone wrong. You can recognize the problem, openly admit it, and work to solve it, or you can bury your head in the sand and try to hope nobody notices or pretend it does not exist. The fact that he’s apparently teaching prosecutors around the country about this strange phenomenon, seems to show some leadership ability as well.

    It would certainly benefit all of the people in Cook County if the head prosecutor at least had some experience, and a track record in prosecuting crime.

    We’ll see how

  14. - Anon - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:54 am:

    What’s up with this? Is that legal?

    “Milan doesn’t seem to understand that running for public office means his financial contributors are a matter of public record. He refused to divulge them to us.”

  15. - Mad as Hell - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:56 am:

    Milan is certainly rough around the edges. However, if a family member of mine was a crime victim, I would want Milan as the prosecutor.

  16. - plutocrat03 - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 12:32 pm:

    Kind os a stupid story about BOs plane striking another one. That author is trying to link the carelessness of the pilot to the issue of the Air traffic controllers and FAA.

    Sorry, nothing to do with the labor issue or the candidate.

    Another example of poor reporting and editing.

    By the way word to the candidate, the G-2 Gulfstream is an incredibly inefficent aircraft to lease, due largely to the high fuel burn. How about having your staff look for something a bit more environmentally friendly.

  17. - Anon - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 12:59 pm:

    Candidtates do not have to disclose their contributors until the end of January. So yes, it is perfectly legal.

  18. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 1:14 pm:

    You’re half right, Anon. Unlike previous years, there is no preelection report this year ostensibly because of the early primary. A-1’s for money raised this month are required, however, and must be filed within two business days.

  19. - Matlock - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 1:48 pm:

    I said something about this race last Friday. I thought it was time Devine endorsed Milan. He’s been defending him and the office since Day 1. I like Allen as a candidate, and Milan. Suffredin is too political and I don’t like the fact that he’s a corporate lobbyist. Is he an able Cook Co. commissioner? Probably. But I don’t want him as Cook Co. States Attny.

    Brookins is qualified to be States Attny, and these revelations about his landlord and paying rent show you that. How can he lead that office when he can’t lead his own law firm?

    Brewer is turning into Ray Wardingley, good call!

    Alvarez doesn’t have what it takes to be States Attny. I don’t get why she was so taken aback that Devine endorsed Milan. Dick Devine doesn’t owe you anything.

    I watched Allen’s video on Youtube with Jeff Berkowitz, and he has some good ideas. I would be pleased if either Milan or Allen wins the nomination.

    It’s a good thing the Suntimes is dying, their endorsements are getting worse and worse!

  20. - Captain America - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 2:41 pm:

    I don’t understand all the negative comments about Larry Suffredin. suffredin is significantly sharper than either of the two major opponents - Brookins and Allen - both are run-of-the-mill mediocre Alderman. Suffredin will sweep the majopr newspaper endorsements. He’s the only candiate trying to create a multi-ethnic, city-suburban reform coaltion that might enqable him to prevail over Brookins’s appela for racial solidarity.

  21. - barry - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 5:31 pm:

    run of the mill mediocre alderman? what you classify a county commissioner as?

  22. - Barrister - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 7:27 pm:

    A multi-ethnic, city-suburban reform coaltion is just what is needed in a County Board President, which seems to be why Larry has floated his name in this race. Its kind of difficult to wrap yourself in the mantle of reform however with the likes of Creamer lurking in the shadows of your campaign.

    Also; as a casino lobbyist, it would not be all that surprising to see just about anyone’s name appear on the federales invitation list leading up to the recent high profile gambling related indictment. Just who’s bidding was being done, and who was doing the bidding?. While this is currently couched as a “personal matter”, the way superceding indictments have come into vogue these days, this may only be the first layer of the onion beng peeled back.

    Given the G-men indicted and convicted 67 year old Leona Helmsely for ostensibly some of the same basic tax evasion charges, this current gambling related case would appear to be a layup. Who knows what one might proffer to when facing such long odds and playing against the house. I sure would not want to have been involved in any meetings or discussions on the topic of gam(bl)ing in the past few years. Even if you walked in clean chances are you would defnitely need to at least wash your hands afterwards, and some could probably even use a shower.

    I think we would be far better off if either of the two career prosecutors wins this office than someone just lookng to use it for broader name recognition and as a stepping stone to some other political offce down the road.

    If either Alvarez or Milan was interested in pursuing politics either could have done that a long time ago. The fact is that criminal prosecution appears to be their vocation, for which they have eached been professionally recognized and advanced in their careers. This campaign is just a necessary evil for th opportunity for either of them to hold the highest position in their chosen field. It’s a shame all these other politicians have gotten in the way. It would be a far more interestng and enlightening campaign if it were just the two of them in the race.

  23. - Captain America - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 8:18 pm:


    Although I would agree that the Cook County Board is a very ineffective legislative body, Mike Quigley, Forest Claypool, and Larry Suffredin have distinguished themselves by battling aginst the Strogers and the status quo in Cook County government on behalf of Cook County taxpayers and the citizens who really need health care services from the Cook
    County medical system. They have aligned themselves with suburban Board Republicans to establish a nucleus for real reform/change. But it’s tough to achieve results when the majority of Commissioners prefer the status quo.

    If you’re confused abou who might make the best Cook County State’s Attorney, just check your preferred editorial page for guidance. The Sun-Times has weighed in on behalf Of Larry Suffredin and I am confident that the Tribune and Daily Herald will do the same.

    I intend no disrespect to the dedicated public servants, Robert Milan and Anita Alvarez.But they are not considered top tier candidates because of their limited political experience, never having held any elective office. If prosecutorial skills were the most important requiremnt to be elected State’s Attorney, Richard M. Daley would not have been elected. Being Cook County State’s Attorney is a political/administrative/policymaking position, not a prosecutorial job.

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