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Question of the day

Monday, Jan 14, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Apparently, the Southtown-Star moved my syndicated column back a day this week. I’m not gonna wait for them to post this excerpt…

I was assured last Wednesday night that Gov. Blagojevich is definitely running for reelection. The governor’s Thursday announcement [about seniors riding free in every mass transit district in Illinois] sure looks like his first step down that road.

* Question: Has your head exploded yet? Explain.


  1. - Anon - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:40 am:

    I hope he does. He has done some great things for the state. Now its time for him to do great things for the democratic party.

  2. - bored now - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:40 am:

    when i saw that (the av), my first thought was: he’s running for re-election. i can’t wait for his next report. sorry, guv, but $283,782 ain’t going to cut it…

  3. - Just Because - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:41 am:

    It is really hard for me to believe that he can be so far removed from reality.

  4. - Crimefighter - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:43 am:

    Yeah let him run, and hopefully the state GOP will MAKE AN EFFORT to defeat him in 2010 with numerous ads illustrating his retarded behavior in office instead of completely wuss out.

  5. - Anonymous45 - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:44 am:

    yep, I am picking up the large pieces hoping to reassemble…

  6. - This Guy - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:45 am:

    IMHO, the best thing Blago could ever do for the Democratic party is become a Republican.

  7. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:46 am:

    That is how he operates, isn’t it?

    He pretends that everything is fine. And as a charming fluffy-haired 50 year old with the gift of gab, he will do what he does best - campaign.

    He hasn’t really tried governing yet, and doesn’t seem very interested in actually doing his job, so he will do what he likes to do, won’t he?

    With Rezko and Kelly gone he might find the teat running a tad low on campaign funds. Blagojevich will also need to decide to spend what funds he has available between legal fees and campaigning.

    So if he really wants to run again, he better start now. How much did he raise per diem during his first term? He’s going to need to match that and then some to keep in office and out of jail.

  8. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:46 am:

    As long as Blago is Gov., I expect the worst! My head has not and will not explode; I anticipate this charade of Blago’s to continue thru the 2010 election(unless God or the Feds intervene in the mean time)

  9. - Anon - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:48 am:

    Thus Guy, you’re thinking of Madigan. Blago has had great success in areas from health care to education to the environment to civil rights since being elected. He has promoted true democratic issues and has provided the opportunity for many in illinois to live better lives.

    He could have accomplished much more if not for the republican Madigan.

  10. - Bookworm - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:50 am:

    Anon 9:48, are you really Bill in disguise?

  11. - Ike - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:51 am:

    No….this is Illinois. It’ll take a lot more than this to make my head explode. God I hate this state.

  12. - curious george - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:52 am:

    Mama always said “Stupid is as stupid does”
    Forrest Gump. 1994

  13. - Trafficmatt - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:54 am:

    Nice to see the Blago supporters are out in force this morning. Make sure you send copies of your posts to the Guv so he can pat you on the back.

    Now to the post that I was going to make before I saw what the Blagophile had said.

    While my head is not ready to explode (since I’m a Republican, and this is oh so funny to watch), I’m sure the heads of the State Senate and House members are. Interesting that some of the same folks that the Guv has been tweeking over the last year are the same folks that were honorary campaign managers 2 years ago. While they held their noses to help him last time, I’m sure the gloves will be off in 2 years and there will be a much more credible candidate. While I don’t think my dear Republicans will be able to oust him and get their cumulative act together to mount a serious candidate, I would be willing to bet that he does not win the Democratic primary.

  14. - Muskrat - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:57 am:

    Look, just becasue a politician — any politician — has an exaggerated view of his own popularity and electability is no rea… KABLAAM!!

  15. - plutocrat03 - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:57 am:

    Looks like the Gov is now blogging as Anon.

    The successes in health care, etc. exist only in the mind of the Governor.

    Todays papers report that Illinois is 1.4 Billion behind in payments to organizations that provide needed services to residents.

    Is that the type of success the Governor and his acolytes want to claim?

  16. - GoBearsss - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:58 am:

    This news lends all the more credence to the word swimming around Springfield that Madigan is trying to pull votes off the mass transit bill in order to embarrass the Gov.

  17. - Garp - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:02 am:

    He will run provided there is still a state of Illinois left to run after he finishes this term.

  18. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:02 am:

    During his first term he never stopped campaigning or raising money. I think their FEC reports are due out shortly. It will be interesting to see if his contributors have distanced themselves from Blago and the Feds.

  19. - Dan S. a Voter - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:04 am:

    If he does run again it will just give me a chance to vote against him for a third time and I would hope and pray the rest of the eliglble voters would follow suit. It would be our chance at a recall if the Feds don’t get him first.

  20. - Anon Sequitor - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:05 am:

    If the Democrats of Illinois renominate Blago in the next Gubernatorial primary, they unfortunately will deserve what they wrought.

    And if the People of Illinois then re-elect him…wait, they can’t be that stupid can they?

  21. - DC - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:07 am:

    He can run for reelection but he can’t run from $1.7 billion in unpaid bills. He won’t win his own primary election. I’m not underestimating his campaigning ability - it’s all he’s been doing since being elected to Congress - but I think his base of voters in Chicago has changed their minds on his ability. Sure there are people lik Anon, Bil, Paula and a few others who, in all respect to them, believe he’s done some good things. He cannot win a primary election by alienating the Mayor and members of the legislature from the Chicago area who he needs.

    He is more polarizing than Hillary Clinton and I never thought anyone could claim that victory.

  22. - OneManBlog - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:07 am:

    My head esploeds when I think how we may win a second term….

  23. - Holdingontomywallet - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:10 am:

    He’s running again? Sounds like fun. Rich, you won’t have to look for things to write about. All he has to do is pander to Chicago. Free rides, free cell phones, free health insurance, free college tuition, free Wie games, free cable TV (w/Big Ten network), free, free, free. Go BLAGO in 2010!

  24. - OneManBlog - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:11 am:

    Vote Balgo-Claus

  25. - zatoichi - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:15 am:

    What else is he supposed to do? If he says he does not intend to run it looks like he running from the issues of the state and that lowers his attractivness on the national scene. By at least saying he is running he stays in the picture, looks like he is sticking to his guns, remains a thorn in Madigan’s plans, and stays open to the call to champion some issue like health care or education on a national basis after the next pres election. Whether the national groups have any real interest in him is irrelevent to keeping himself available.

  26. - Princeville - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:24 am:

    All the dark clouds will drift away and everything will be fine. Just fine. I half expected lightening to come through the windows and strike him.

  27. - dwlawson - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:27 am:

    I suspect Madigan has been setting the stage for his daughter to challenge Rod next term.

    I’m voting for Brady.

  28. - Snidely Whiplash - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:27 am:

    I said it as soon as it was announced. And, I’ll also say (as I’ve said before) that he has as good a chance as anyone (other than Lisa M, should she decide to run against him and risk her AG office) should he not be indicted prior to the election. The majority of people fall for this crap hook, line and sinker. How else did he get reelected? How else did Todd Stroger get elected. Illinois, Cook County and Chicago are the way they are because the majority of the electorate are not very politcally sophisticated. That’s why commercials and mailings work.

  29. - DumberThanYouThink - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:27 am:

    Capt. Fax calls it reelection announcement, but everyone at the Ravenswood Bunker calls it jury poll tampering. Seems to be working pretty good.

  30. - Levois - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:28 am:

    It will only explode if he wins his third term. I would expect him to if he’s just that deluded. If he was based in reality he wouldn’t even try it.

  31. - Snidely Whiplash - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:28 am:

    Oh, and let’s not forget George Ryan, who won his final election as governor when an indictment against him was imminent.

  32. - Undercover - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:32 am:

    I cannot imagine what he must be thinking. Lisa Madigan will wipe the floor with him in the primary.

  33. - Bill - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:36 am:

    Yeah, we are really political neophytes here in Chicago. We just don’t understand how things work unlike those sophisticated, well informed, tuned in downstate voters.

  34. - Johnny Boy - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:37 am:

    If he would win the primary I would vote Republican in the general. OUCH

  35. - Niles Township - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:37 am:

    No way! He will be in a major court battle by then. Even if he isn’t I don’t think he gets the Dem nod in a party primary. Downstate hates him, and he has roiled the city big time this past year.

    When was the last time a sitting governor was not renominated his own party?

  36. - Bookworm - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:38 am:

    Niles Township: in answer to your question, it happened to Dan Walker, a Democrat, in 1976.

  37. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:42 am:

    He’s pushing buttons people! He’s not going to run for anything except for his life as the Feds close in. By 2010, Elvis will be singing Jailhouse Rock to his new roommate, GRyan.

  38. - Stacker of Wheat - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:47 am:

    he needs to be able to raise capaign money for his defense fund

  39. - I Wrote In Krista Grimm - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:48 am:

    …and I voted for Rod. Twice. Because I am mentally retarded.

    Wake up, Illinois.

  40. - Ghost - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:52 am:

    28% of the people are behind him every step of the way. The gov is doing a fantastic job, just because more people would vote today for Ryan then him is no reason to curtail ambition.

    Look at the fantastic job he is doing, vetoing legislation to allow local governments send referendum to the local populace on tax increases (Gov did not have to actualy support the increase, just give voters the chance to decide on it, but he stopped that!); but agreeing to support an actual tax increase on CTA/RTA if he can toss in an unecessarily delayed piece for seniors to use for his campaign. Who would not want a leader who refuses to pass his ideas to the legislature on improtant bills but instead keeps them to insert with an AV….further dragging out the process and exposing legislation to increased chances to fail.

    With Blago as our leader we need no enemies. My prediciton, if Lisa Madigan runs blago won’t even make that 28% he is getting now.

  41. - MOON - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:52 am:

    Blago could never win the Dem. Primary for Gov. in 2010. I do not know who will beat him but I wouldn’t be surprised to see Obama in the running if his Pres. bid fails.

    Blago’s recent criticism of Daley all but seals Blago’s defeat(not to mention Blago’s possible legal problems).

  42. - Carl Nyberg - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:52 am:

    Something tells me Blagojevich will draw stronger opposition than Edwin Eisendrath in the primary. I also have a suspicion that if the 2006 primary were held today, Eisendrath would get more votes than he got in 2006.

    Governor Blagojevich is free to run for re-election, but the voters are free to ask, “What was he thinking?”

  43. - Leave a light on George - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:56 am:

    Anon 9:48 please tell me what Rod has done for the enviorment?

    He’ll run again. It is the only thing he does well. Running from the feds however will produce a different result. He should employee Mark McGuire as a spokesman. “I’m not here to talk about the past….” That worked out well for him.

  44. - Snidely Whiplash - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:58 am:


    Uhm … “downstate voters” would be included in the Illinois category. Yes, believe it or not, downstate Illinois is actually located in Illinois. I can direct you to an atlas for verification, if you don’t believe me. ;)

  45. - What planet is he from again? - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:02 am:

    “Blago has had great success in areas from health care to education to the environment to civil rights since being elected…”

    Or at least that the impression you get. Remember the Veteran’s health plan? (How many people signed up?) Healthcare for Kids? (Sure, but by stepping on the State Constitution?) He held the line on “no new taxes?” (Wait, what he *really* meant was “no new *state-wide* taxes) Books for kids? Ethics reform? Calling a 107-0 defeat a “victory?” Need I continue?

    My guess is that what impresses Anon are the leads from press releases from the Blago Ministry of Information.

  46. - so-called "Austin Mayor" - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:07 am:


    You are treading on thin ice:

    To establish a right to recover for the tort of Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress in Illinois, four elements must be proved:

    (1) Extreme and outrageous conduct on the part of the defendant;

    (2) Intent by the defendant to cause, or reckless disregard of the probability of causing emotional distress;

    (3) Severe or extreme emotional distress suffered by the plaintiff, and

    (4) An actual and proximate causation of emotional distress by the defendant’s outrageous conduct.

    To say that this is emotionally distressing would be an understatement!

    – SCAM

  47. - Captain America - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:13 am:

    I can not envision any circumstances in which Governor A could be renominated by the Democratic Party or re-elected. I guess it’s feasible for him to get one third of the votes if there are multiple major candidates in a contested primary. Or he could run as an independent next time, bypassing the need to win a primary. Campaign cash will be relatively scarce for him after the Rezko and Kelly trials.

    If Governor A avoids an indictment and runs again, there would be a tremendous opportunity for the Repblican Party to get back in the game, particularly since Todd Stroger may be on the ballot too.

  48. - Leigh - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:13 am:

    Looks like Tom Cross can win!

  49. - Macbeth - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:15 am:

    I’m no Blagojevich supporter, but I understand this: that unless Blagojevich is indicted, he will win.

    There’s simply no question in my mind that (a) the GOP will fall apart and (b) Blagojevich will pull the votes needed for victory.

    I know this because the same people that voted for him last time will vote for him again — and the state breakdown (downstate versus Chicago) will be identical. Blagojevich knows this — and knows that Chicago will always — always — give him the edge he needs over the rest of the state.

    I give him credit. He understands that this state is no gamble — and understands that he stands a near 100% shot at a third term.

    Sad to say, but I’ll put money on it.

  50. - Just My Opinion - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:16 am:

    Blago’s not running for a third term. He just wants to make it appear that way so he isn’t perceived as a lame duck for the next 3 years, even though he’s the only one who doesn’t already know he is a lame duck. Everyone else has this one figured out, including his staff whom you will begin to see jump ship en mass in the next 12-18 months.

  51. - Northside Bunker - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:19 am:

    So I guess it’s up to the Feds and Winston & Strawn.

  52. - Cassandra - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:21 am:

    This has been the most likely scenario since early in his second term.

    Seniors ride free is only the latest in a number of populist themes. GRT, universal health care,not raising taxes,and many smaller initiatives, all have pointed in the direction of another run. Even all these special sessions have a populist feel—I’m going to make the legislature work for its pay, even while I increase it substantially. Hard to argue with that.

    I still think he could beat any Republican. The question is, will the Democratic party take that chance or go with a contested primary. After all,
    Alexi and Lisa, his more likely primary opponents,
    are young. They can afford to wait. And incumbency
    carries huge weight.

    Our price for not maintaining a viable Republican party in this state.

  53. - wordslinger - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:22 am:

    What else is he going to do? Unless Obama wins and he can appoint himself Senator.

    Having said that I predict he will not run, even if he’s not indicted prior to the election (which I think he will be). Where can he raise money?

  54. - Niles Township - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:22 am:

    Bookworm, thanks. Walker totally slipped my mind. It’s a Monday morning. I need another cup of coffee.

  55. - Ghost - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:25 am:

    Macbeth right now Lisa Madigans support would crush blago like a beer can in a frat house. Lots of things can change bewteen now and 2010, but right now the Gov can not withstand a meaningful challenge.

    The repubs need to keep Blago in the primary if they want a shot at the title, so if they are smart they will cross over and be dems for the primary.

  56. - scoot - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:27 am:

    If he makes it to the Dem primary…and thats a really big “IF” he will not be able to beat the party backed candidate…Lisa Madigan or Dan Hynes. He will not have the $$$$…it will be frozen…and what he raises from now until then pays for his legal fees at Winston-Strawn.

    I see where he is going w/ the free rides…and he is using the elderly and disabled to help benefit him politically…and thats how he operates…nothing surprises me w/ this guy.

    And no my head hasnt exploded yet.

  57. - scoot - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:32 am:

    I should add…that this isnt free! They (CTA etc..) will have to raise fares in 2008-2009 to help cover the loss from this bogus idea. And no, I’m not against the elderly or disabled.

  58. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:37 am:

    I echo Cassandra’s sentiment - the GOP is a mess and the Governor would probably beat any one of its candidates, but the dem primary could be messy. Lisa may be young and willing to wait, but I’m not sure that her pops is. And Alexi is doing such a good job in his office that I’d be really interested to see what he could do to clean up the guv’s office. And, although some might think this is funny, I’m sure Hynes would like to take his shot too, although he wouldn’t be a real contender in my mind. Plus, the Madigans probably wouldn’t let him run. The Governor could have some real competition, especially if he continues to govern like he is now.

  59. - Stranger than Fiction - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:47 am:

    I’ll bet Rod’s head has been exploding for sometime now.

  60. - Fan of the Game - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:49 am:

    ~~picking up small pieces of gray matter and skull fragments with one hand and squeezing the Superglue tube with the other…for the third time in the last five years.~~

  61. - one of the 35 - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:50 am:

    Several thoughts following this anouncement. 1. Madigan won’t be chairing this reelection campaign. 2. If the federal subpoenas are produced by the Governor as required by the circuit court decision, that will be an interesting campaign issue. 3. The governor’s unsuccessful GRT proposal and stupid communication style may keep him from getting his own party’s nomination. 4. Does the average man on the street who is not familiar with the workings of state government understand the above? I know that the polls show he has only 28% approval but people always indicate they are generally unhappy with government. Will they vote accordingly? 5. How much extra expense has this governor’s self serving behavior cost the taxpayer’s of Illinois? 6. How much business has Blagojevich driven from the state?

  62. - Bookworm - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:52 am:

    So do I, “Niles” :)
    Now, if I remember correctly (from what I’ve read and heard; not personally, as I was only 12 years old at the time), Walker lost the ‘76 Dem primary because he didn’t get along with Mayor Daley Senior, who successfully ran someone else against him — can’t recall whom at the moment. Could the present Mayor Daley do the same thing? If so, could history also repeat itself in the general election, in the form of a GOP win?

  63. - Stranger than Fiction - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:55 am:

    Do you think Rod will be addressing the 2008 National Convention?

  64. - pickles!! - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 12:37 pm:

    Of course he’s going to run again. and it’s sad to say, unless the republicans can find a decent, well funded candidate, he’ gonna win

  65. - Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 12:50 pm:

    Walker lost the ‘76 Dem primary because he didn’t get along with Mayor Daley Senior, who successfully ran someone else against him — can’t recall whom at the moment.

    That would be then-Secretary of State Michael J. Howlett, who lost the general election in ‘76 (he only got 35% of the vote), which started the Big Jim Thompson Dynasty.

    Hard to believe a Republican could win 65/35 over a Machine candidate these days. But all politics is cyclical; George Ryan’s negative coattails are but a memory, and GWB’s will soon be.

  66. - BigDog - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 1:01 pm:

    I would imagine that his top opponent in the Dem primary (Lisa?) would probably have to eat a live baby on the 10:00 news in order to not defeat him. Seriously, where would his support come from next time around?? And with his swipe at Daley’s property tax increase this past weekend, he can count on the da Mare’s Chicago political army moving against him. Can we somehow get Vallas moved back into state in time to be eligible for the next primary ballot?? Please!?!?

  67. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 1:06 pm:

    Blago WILL NOT release the subpoenas. Even if this goes to the Supreme Court, he will destroy them before releasing them. Then we’ve got another entirely new court fight - obstruction of justice or whatever nail they can hang it on. So we’ll have to be content to speculate what’s going on and keep feeding the blog.

  68. - Springfield Watcher - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 1:11 pm:

    If Chicago and Illinois have not convinced you to vote Republican nothing will

  69. - Deep South - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 1:25 pm:

    Blago, or any other candidate for that matter, will not win any election based on legislative achievements. It is all a matter of perceptions and style. A case in point, this year’s crop of presidential contenders from both parties. As someone once said, “There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the candidates.” So if the Illinois GOP can put up a credible candidate, that may be a big if, who understands that the state and its people, that candidate will win by capitalizing on Blago’s perception problems. Lives in Chicago, can’t govern, bills taxpayers for personal air travel, allegations of corruption, well, the list can go on and on. For instance, free CTA travel for seniors don’t mean squat in Southern Illinois.

  70. - ivoted4judy - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 1:35 pm:

    First of all NEVER give them the perception that you are actually drowning. With the US Attorney getting closer, ROD MUST give the general assembly the impression that he is running again. It is the only card he holds. Now let us get back to reality. I can run the campaign against him from the retirement home. Run quips of Rod saying I won’t raise sales taxes, then show him flipping on the RTA bill. Then run a clip of the Chris Kelly is my friend, not like Tony R, he is really close to me. Then run the perp walk clips of Chris Kelly. Show the Minnesota bridge collapsing, and then run photos of all the deterioated Illinois bridges. Then finally, show clips of normal Illinois’ residents at work, and run the CBS clip of G Rod at the Hawks game. He is only running in his head, which given his I Q there is a lot of room for dreaming.

  71. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 1:36 pm:

    Lisa was on the local Sunday morning political talk shows this week. She is gearing up for the run for Governor.
    This is a blue state and the Republicans are a mess. If Lisa wants it, she’s got it.

  72. - train111 - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 1:52 pm:

    Having voted for Paul Vallas back in 2002, and then Edwin Eisendrath back in 2006, I think that Rod would give the Dem primary a good go. Just like the Clintons, never never sell Rod short when it comes to campaigning. He could convince people with his spin that he was actually helping Illinois families despite what the truth may actually be!! If he can raise any significant sum of money, then he can get into campaign and can possibly win. I do see him having much more significant opposition from within his own party however.
    If he gets through the primary, and the GOP puts up a reasonably credible candidate–a big “IF’ given their recent track record–then there will be a comeback for the Illinois GOP. If not, Rod could get through the general with the Greens significantly improving on Rich Whitney’s 2006 showing.


  73. - Sir Reel - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 1:55 pm:

    Rich’s original question: has your head exploded yet(a la Scanners). In my case, it’s not so much an explosion. It’s more like an accelerated withering. An implosion. As in the growing loss of reality, of hope, of faith.

  74. - mark/marcus/transituser - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 2:04 pm:

    A deviation of sorts…do we think the amendatory veto is going to be appproved on Thursday? If not, is there anyway to avoid doomsday?

  75. - Gus Frerotte's Clipboard - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 2:07 pm:

    Anybody on this site who made it through 2007 with their head unexploded should not have had it explode just from this announcement.

    Given that we don’t have the foggiest notion of what’s going to happen in 2008, let alone 2009, letting your head explode over something that may or may not happen in 2010 seems overly pessimistic. On the other hand, I suppose the idea that the next three years will be like 2007 are bad enough, and the idea that the next seven could be that way might be enough to give the professional Capitol types a head explosion.

  76. - Anon Sequitor - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 2:14 pm:

    Macbeth, I’ll take your bet.

    Who can we get to hold the stakes? No legislators, reporters, or lobbyists allowed, they can’t be trusted. How about Gaming Chairman Jaffee?

    This has to be one of the easiest money bets going. But then again, we are talking about Blago and the rules go out the window when he’s involved.

  77. - BERRY - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 2:19 pm:


    I’ve also heard from several people that Madigan is doing his best to pull votes off of the mass transit bill in the Senate. Talk about a certain type of ‘virility.’ Let’s not forget all the shenanigans he pulled in the Senate this past year (that being the reason Emil was went along with the Governor’s gut of the budget). I just find it hard to believe that he would do that on something as important as the CTA bill.

  78. - Napoleon has left the building - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 2:24 pm:

    Yes, my head has exploded. I have no more head.

  79. - Princeville - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 2:35 pm:

    This is the second place today I’ve seen this ‘rumor’ of Madigan trying to pull votes. Are you sure this isn’t Team Blago rumor leaking? Mr Madigan has stated since the pony announcement that he expects the AV to pass. I don’t see where Madigan would gain a thing by trashing the bill now, he said Friday night, let the millionaires ride free. The only one I can see hoping to gain from such rumor would be Blago so if the AV bill does not squeak through a second time he can blame that ‘evil’ Madigan.

  80. - HoyaJack - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 2:37 pm:

    This is “Alice Through the Lookinglass”, again, and again, and again. Does Blago live in a parallel universe from the rest of us? He has no respect for the the legislature and the process. Go ahead and run…I will support anyone but “Elvis!”

  81. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 2:42 pm:

    Enough with the goofy barbershop rumor ploy, please. If you have some evidence, send me an e-mail. Otherwise, stop it.

  82. - the commuter once known as So Ill - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 2:48 pm:

    Princeville, you may be right, but then Madigan didn’t have Daley’s implicit public support on Friday.

    Besides, I think the real question is whether the SENATE will pass the bill, not the House.

    Anyway, back to the question at hand. It doesn’t sock me that Rod will run again, not b a long shot. Will he win? Way too early to say. Results of the Presidential election could weigh heavily on that — is Obama on a national ticket? If so, who’s appointed Senator to replace? If not, does he decide he needs executive experience and run for Governor (unlikely but possible)? And either way, what happens when an enormously popular Attorney General with backing from the Madigan and probably Daley machines goes up against an enormously unpopular sitting Governor with a bully pulpit?

    It’d be fun to watch, no doubt.

  83. - Article IV Section 14 - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 2:55 pm:

    Last summer was too early to speak of impeachment, but it’s not now considering that Public Official A has been named in court documents as breaking the law.

    The House of Representatives can take its time and wait for the feds to take action, but they have an obligation to act whenever the governor is accused of a crime.

    Ryan’s excuse was that the crimes took place when he was Secretary of State and before he was elected governor. Lawmakers could rightly argue that they couldn’t impeach an office holder for something done in a previous office.

    That’s what separates Blagojevich from Ryan. Rod’s actions have taken place as governor. He’s a sitting governor who is accused of criminal behavior in office, not prior to taking office.

    He may still be just Public Official A, but as soon as he is named in court the legislature has a duty to act.

    I’m sorry, but not even the president of the Senate can not call an impeachment resolution passed by the House up for trial in the Senate.

  84. - Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 2:59 pm:

    Oh, and to answer the original question:

    No, my head has not exploded, but I’ll bet Rich Miller’s financial prospectus just did.

  85. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 3:12 pm:

    lol. i will be endorsing him. no doubt.

  86. - Anon - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 3:25 pm:

    Big Dog:
    Vallas is back. He and his family are living in the south burbs while he is commuting to New Orleans. I hope he seriously looks at this if Lisa stays put.

  87. - wordslinger - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 3:30 pm:

    If Vallas is back and commuting to New Orleans, I take it he has gotten over his fear of flying. That’s what wrecked his campaign here.

  88. - Boone Logan Square - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 3:40 pm:

    I look forward to the establishment of the ‘10 Rod Blagojevich for Governor Defense and Campaign Fund.

    Someone would primary him. Would it be Lisa Madigan? Would it be Alexi Giannoulias running on a “good government” platform? Would Dick Mell attempt to turn the Democratic primary into a Shakespearian tragedy? So many possibilities.

  89. - phocion - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 3:46 pm:

    Is it time to resurrect the “Draft Vallas” blog?

  90. - frustrated GOP - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 3:47 pm:

    Here’s the real question. Can his fundraisers really collect from other federal prisoners? Or will they ask that their community service be spent working on his re-election campaign?

    and I thought the give away to the seniors was just to be nice.

  91. - Bill - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 3:52 pm:

    ===If Lisa wants it, she’s got it.===
    That’s probably true, however, I think that she is too good of a Democrat and has too much class to run against an incumbent from her own party.
    Now, Alexi may be a different story!

  92. - Bill - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 3:53 pm:

    …and no, my head hasn’t exploded yet. What else is there to blog about?

  93. - phocion - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 3:54 pm:

    Or maybe a new one…”Draft Lisa”

  94. - DumberThanYouTHink - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 4:00 pm:

    Qucik Get the SPinSisters and their boy toys to the news stands to grab all the Chicago Magazines. The profile is less than flattering.

  95. - Elmo - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 4:21 pm:

    As an African-American, the Governor’s minstrel show like performance at the South Side church was appalling. His tone, demeanor and condescending attitude were incredibly insulting. (If it were Pat Robertson, Al Sharpton would hold a press conference about it.)

    If he is running again, I will personally drive the U-Haul with Paul Vallas belongings back to Illinois.

  96. - blagoman - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 4:26 pm:

    Anybody but Blago. I voted for Vallas in 2002 and would again. I vote Madigan. I guess I would vote for a green Party candidate again before voting for blago.

  97. - Independent - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 4:52 pm:

    No, my head hasn’t exploded yet. Rod’s greatest (and maybe only) strength is campaigning so it’s no surprise to hear he wants a third term. Given Illinois voters’ exceptionally high tolerance of incompetence and corruption I think he’d win again.

  98. - Garp - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 5:02 pm:

    Gee Elmo,

    I always thought African Americans thought it was cool when whiter than white candidates like Blago go to their churches and pretend to be black.

    Who knew it could be offensive or pandering?

  99. - DumberThanYouTHink - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 5:12 pm:

    Bill most believe yor head started in the exploded state. Or was that imploded?

  100. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 5:14 pm:


    yes, I cheated by commenting myself. But I’ve wanted to do that for a while now.

  101. - Joe Schmoe - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 5:34 pm:

    hunnert one. Anyone think Blago holds up at th house and is a ghost blogger all day???

  102. - and with liberty for all - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 5:38 pm:

    I think he can be re-elected. The election is far enough away that memories of this year will be forgotten by the general voting population if, and this is a big if, GRod plays nice with the legislature. They (the three dem leaders) can smile and take a few press photos together after some big bill is passed claiming victory for Illinois citizens. The voters will forget 2007 by the time they go to the polling booths. I hate to say it, but I believe he could out-campaign another candidate and have some programs or bills to brag about if he can get along. Big if, I know. Last campaign he drowned out every negative message by overwhelming everyone with his message. He will do it again.

    And just for the record, so no one thinks I am a Blago campaign staffer. After he was re-elected to a second term, I quit state government and left Illinois for another job. I still enjoy reading Cap Fax for purely entertainment purposes.

  103. - JJ - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 5:47 pm:

    Rich - I heard this “rumor” about Madigan trying to pull votes off - but heard it from some of your friends in the Springfield press corps.

    They should either write about it, if they have proof, or quit shopping this rumor around to stir up trouble.

  104. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 5:59 pm:

    ===heard it from some of your friends in the Springfield press corps.===

    Often, they’ll see a comment posted here and then start calling around. Ask the spokespeople. It’s pretty funny.

  105. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 5:59 pm:

    Elmo, perhaps you can enlighten us as to why the African-American churches embrace Blago and allow him to spew politics from their church pulpits? The ministers have to know he is pandering to the congregation. And how about the possibility of the churches losing their IRS tax exempt status for allowing politics to be so blatantly mixed with religion? I cannot think of one politician, no matter the party, no matter the subject, who would be invited or allowed to speak at my church for anything other than a funeral - and that’s even real iffy.

  106. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 6:01 pm:

    ===allowing politics to be so blatantly mixed with religion?===

    He’s the governor, he’s not on the ballot, and he didn’t explicitly advocate for anyone’s campaign. So, what, exactly, would be the problem?

    This fixation that some have on churches, mainly black churches, is a bit much sometimes.

  107. - GoBearsss - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 6:05 pm:

    “Often, they’ll see a comment posted here and then start calling around. ”

    Ummm… errr…. uhhh….

    I hear the Rich Miller has cooties.

  108. - A Citizen - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 6:09 pm:

    Those churches, including the black ones advocate voting for God! guv and others are an afterthought even though many of them, especially blags, have a competitive image of themselves!

  109. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 6:11 pm:

    Hey Rich, if you want to take the Empire public, now would be the time for an IPO. :)

    AA’s melon is remarkably in its original, well-worn condition.

    I would concur with the posters that POA’s own “work” the past 12 months will provide Gen. Madigan with a better set of TV shots than any original work.

    BTW, do y’all think he’s still holding on at 28%?

  110. - Garp - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 6:19 pm:

    The more I think about it, I don’t think Daley can let this transit bill pass.

    He can’t afford it. The estimate of losing 20 mil is probably 5 times off. Chicago alone will need to add extra police because seniors are easy targets. They will need to add seats to trains and buses, add information people, add conductors. There will be many more lawsuits from falls and injuries, there will be fights and arguements from paying vs. non paying customers. There will be a huge increase in usage by seniors adding to rush hour overcrowding. They will need to add more trains. They will need extra maintenace and cleaning employees and that is all I can think of at this moment but I am sure there will be more negative consequences, as there always is with poorly thought out programs.

  111. - downhereforyears - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 6:20 pm:

    Madigan 10 the Gov 0….check mate! I’m really beginning to feel sorry for him. I thought when legislators started calling him crazy and mentally challenged last session they were overreacting….I’m certain now that they were correct. What a shame!

  112. - GoBearsss - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 6:23 pm:

    “There will be many more lawsuits from falls and injuries”

    “They will need extra maintenace and cleaning employees”

    Bit of advice - don’t go spewing this around any senior centers, or you might get your rear handed to you…

  113. - Garp - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 6:38 pm:

    Go Bearsss,

    Actually, the seniors would appreciate someone discussing their safety on a system not ready to accommodate a huge influx of people who might have mobility impairments. If there are not enough seats, not enough safety rails, not enough conductors or information employees to assist customers-whether they are paying or not, and they get hurt or attached they have a right to sue. And they should win.

    As far as maintenance and cleaning employees goes, more people riding means more trash and more wear and tear on the system. I don’t think seniors want public transportation to be filthier or less safe than it already is regardless of the cost.

  114. - A Citizen - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 6:44 pm:

    There will have to be specially maintained, security manned, and personal assistant staffed trains and busses! Cost is not to be considered restrictive. Afterall these folks are responsible for the country (and Chicago) you are now enjoying! Seniors rule!

  115. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 6:58 pm:

    I don’t see how it will add a huge amount. Those who are riding now are the only real cost. Those who will ride in the future but didn’t ride before aren’t taking anything any money out of the system that would’ve been there anyway - unless there’s a truly gargantuan surge in ridership, requiring more trains, buses, lines, etc.

  116. - Garp - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 7:11 pm:

    A “gargantuan surge in ridership” is exactly what will happen. Of course, there is no proving this because absolutely no thought, no planning, no feasibility study has gone into this program. There is more planning done to add a washroom to O’Hare Airport than this spectacular embarrassment. Only in Illinois could a Governor spring this on a public and be taken seriously.

  117. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 7:15 pm:

    ===There is more planning done to add a washroom to O’Hare Airport than this spectacular embarrassment. ===

    Well, I’m sure they ran a poll and focus-grouped it. That’s “planning” right? lol

  118. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 7:24 pm:

    Rod has a fixation on black churches. Most politicians will pander to blacks, latinos, gays, and any other minority. A candidate doesn’t have to announce publicly that he/she is running for office to be campaigning. Blago doesn’t make one single public appearance ANYWHERE without it being for campaign purposes. Unfortunately, we’ve come to accept that from all politicians. However, Blago so disgustingly exploits minorities when, at this point, they are the only ones who will listen to him.

    Plus, I don’t think the IRS cares if it’s campaign season or not when it comes to non-profit churchs mixing politics and religion. They don’t like it period.

  119. - Garp - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 7:26 pm:

    Rich, As I am sure you know, they have consultants to determine whether a focus group or a poll is necessary. lol

    By the way, the “gargantuan surge in ridership” will be people who might require assistance and will need to be accommodated. That costs big money.

  120. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 7:27 pm:

    They don’t like campaign/candidate/ballot initiative specific politics. This sort of thing happens in most churches. But it’s usually only criticized when it happens in black churches, for some reason.

  121. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 7:30 pm:

    When was the last time Governor Press Release was seen in, for example, a Korean church or a predominantly latino Catholic church spewing his venom from the pulpit? He may go to other churches; however, it’s the press that picks up on his attendance at black churches. And how does the press know about his attendance? If he goes to other churches/denominations, then why doesn’t he tell us about it?

  122. - irishpirate - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 7:30 pm:

    The idea expressed by Shakespeare above(Macbeth) that Blago is a sure thang for re-election is mind boggling. Angelina Jolie is almost as likely to leave Brad Pitt and shack up with my 280 pound, balding self than Blago is to be reelected.

    I’ve seen some stupid stuff posted on blogs. I’ve posted some stupid stuff on blogs. I am an expert on stupidity and that statement that Blago will win is narcissism of metaphysical proportions. Macbeth is either mentally deranged or Governor Bobblehead himself. That is not meant to be mutually exclusive.

    Shakespeare said “All the world’s a stage.” But any play with that as an ending will do no business.

  123. - Just My Opinion - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 7:36 pm:

    Blago ought to be reading this blog today. He would find that his 28% approval rating is in error. He’s doing good to get 10% today. POA, the public is speaking. Are you listening to us?

  124. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 7:39 pm:

    ===Angelina Jolie is almost as likely to leave Brad Pitt and shack up with my 280 pound, balding self than Blago is to be reelected.===

    RRB is one of the best campaigners in the history of the governor’s office. He may be a lousy guv (or not), but he should never be underestimated on the campaign trail. Never.

    I don’t care if they’re hauling him off to prison in handcuffs on the night before the election, he’ll still be smiling for the cameras and wooing votes. And his operation will still be pumping out TV ads and raising money.

  125. - irishpirate - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 7:50 pm:

    ===RRB is one of the best campaigners in the history of the governor’s office. He may be a lousy guv (or not), but he should never be underestimated on the campaign trail. Never.

    I don’t care if they’re hauling him off to prison in handcuffs on the night before the election, he’ll still be smiling for the cameras and wooing votes. And his operation will still be pumping out TV ads and raising money.===

    I do enjoy any post that mentions Ms Jolie and handcuffs.

    As for hauling Blago off in cuffs of steel I think that scenario is the most likely of all. If it comes down to Blago or the Fitzgeraldnator I put my money on Patrick and his merry band of prosecutors.

    Unfortunately, the Fitzgeraldnator is slow and methodical and this could take years to settle. I guess we shall see.

    In any case it is good for the blog business.

  126. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 7:53 pm:

    We’ll just see how much he can raise now.

  127. - A Citizen - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 7:55 pm:

    We seniors use the bathroom much more often than the younger folks, therefore, there will need to be many more restrooms. Some of us smoke and some are on oxygen so busses and trains will need to have dedicated compartments so no explosions thin the herd.

  128. - Bookworm - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 7:56 pm:

    Some of us have a “fixation” on churches because it seems as if “liberal” churches can get away with political activity that more conservative churches immediately get called on the carpet for. For example, I recall some attempts being made in the past to strip the Catholic Church of tax-exempt status via federal lawsuits on the grounds that its pro-life activities violated the IRS rules on this point. It’s my understanding, however, that discussion of issues and events surrounding an election is permitted by the IRS rules, so long as no particular candidate is endorsed or opposed by name.

  129. - MIDSTATE - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 7:58 pm:

    If his whole operation is not in jail with him. LOL

  130. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 7:59 pm:

    federal lawsuits is one thing. the irs coming in on its own is another. but i guess i see what you’re saying. it’s tit for tat. kinda base.

  131. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 8:02 pm:

    JMO, try 20.

  132. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 8:06 pm:

    Also, Bookworm, Meeks is against gay rights and pro-life. Hardly your typical liberal.

  133. - irishpirate - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 8:10 pm:


    but I think people closer than associates might be considered targets. This will likely be deleted, but as Flip Wilson said “The Devil made me do it.”

    Are Montessori classes offered in the federal pen?

    The family that plays together stays……..well you get the broad idea. By the way that is not meant to be a pun.

  134. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 8:18 pm:

    Back away slowly please.

  135. - irishpirate - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 8:28 pm:

    This is off topic and backing away but tonights “Chicago Tonight” on WTTW Channel 11 was all transit related. Madigan, various legislative figures, all the Transit leaders and more were on the program for the full hour.

    It replays at 1:30 am and 4:30 am. I only caught bits and pieces of it so far, but it seems worth watching if anyone is interested in transit issues.

  136. - ArchPundit - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:07 pm:

    Yes. I reassembled my head and it exploded–again and again and again.

  137. - Just My Opinion - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:23 pm:

    Rich, thanks for the 20% statistic. I was too lazy to figure it up but I knew it wasn’t good.

  138. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:25 pm:

    Nah. That’s a new poll. Stay tuned.

  139. - JakeCP - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 9:42 pm:

    Anon 9:48 could you please explain what he has done for Civil Rights Issues? In fact let me just bring up something, when Civil Rights Activist and former congressman Lu Palmer died his funeral was held at Operation PUSH. My grandmother wanted to go so I went with her and tell me why Judy Baar Topinka showed up and spoke but yet where was Blago? Anyway to answer the question, my head hasn’t exploded it just has gone on a severe shutdown. I heard he was going to run for president.

  140. - Bookworm - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:09 pm:

    I had forgotten that Rev. Meeks was not a typical liberal. In fact, didn’t he threaten to run against Blago as an independent at one point?

  141. - Disgusted - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:26 pm:

    Let’s see, you tax the citizens of Chicago to add to the dwindling coffers of the CTA and RTA but then give 800 thousand plus possible riders a free trip. I may be a dumb down-stater but doesn’t that defeat the purpose of finding funding?

    Several posters think he’ll run again. Does that mean we have to keep on smiling at the pseudo-sophisticates in basic black that show up once or twice a week from the great north, who have no idea what they are supposed to be doing here but I’m sure they enjoy the plane ride and the mansion stays.

    Feds are starting to show up in Spfld, interviewing those who reported hiring corruption downstate.

  142. - In the Sticks - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 10:57 pm:

    I’ve attended church, more or less regularly for my whole life, and I’ve never seen a politician speak at any of the churches I attended. Maybe there was one or two that appeared to make a public service type announcement (blood drive, food drive or coordination of some community activity), but never anything like Blago’s appearances. Campaigning of any kind is just not done.

  143. - irishpirate - Monday, Jan 14, 08 @ 11:27 pm:


    Lu Palmer was never an elected official. Just google Lutrelle Palmer and see what pops up.

    He was instrumental in getting Harold Washington elected in 1983, but because of his stridency and divisive nature Washington kept him at a distance. Washington wanted to be “fairer than fair” while Palmer was more of a “it’s our turn” kinda guy. Washington was right or he would likely not have gotten reelected.

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