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Question of the day - Political mailers

Tuesday, Jan 15, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

I think we’ll make this a weekly thing until primary day.

What sort of mail or other contact have you received from you local legislative/congressional candidates since I last asked this question? Describe the contact(s) and tell us if it influenced your vote at all.


  1. - Trafficmatt - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 10:31 am:

    I’ve gotten several pieces from Obwerweis and Lauzen.

    As far as influencing my vote, I’m guessing that I’m a lot like the rest that read this blog - I follow politics enough that I know both candidate very well and had made up my decision months ago.

  2. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 10:33 am:

    Can you describe any of the pieces?

  3. - Bill Baar - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 10:41 am:

    Oberweis, Lauzen, Foster, Richmond (Il-50th), and McRunnels (Kane County Board Chair)…Richmond’s came as a Christmas card which left us baffled.

    Didn’t influence although there is some educational value.

  4. - Tin Foil Hat Crowd - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 10:46 am:

    Living in Sangamon county we haven’t gotten any mail. We did get a Ron Paul person at our door the other day. He gave my wife the Lit. but wouldn’t take it back after she told him we were voting for Obama. One piece was purely immigration (not in our top 10 issues here in sagamon county) and the other was an overview. Neither appealed to us.

  5. - Levois - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 10:46 am:

    NONE! In the last few years the only thing I recall getting from Jesse Jackson Jr. was a mailing about expanding transit on the south side. I’m going back maybe 2 or so years. Either expanding the CTA further south or expanding Metra further south in those communities that doesn’t currently have Metra service.

  6. - cermak_rd - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 10:50 am:

    I haven’t gotten thing one from either little Lip or any of his rivals.

  7. - jaundiced eye - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 10:52 am:

    I know they’re not printed materials but the Oberweis Dairy TV commercials are about as subtle as a Mack truck. “Taste and compare …” Aren’t there some legal restraints on co-mingling business and personal name-based political messages and funding/tax deductions for such ads(should be separate, or preferably nonexistent in my book).

  8. - anon - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 10:55 am:

    I got something from Jerry Bennett running against Lipinski. Bennett seems to be the best qualifed of the opponets but unfortunately Lipinski will most likely pull it out again.

  9. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 10:58 am:

    11th CD: Nuttin’

  10. - train111 - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 11:00 am:

    At my house in Ill-14—tons of stuff from Bill Foster, 2 copies — 1 to my mother in law who lives with us and 1 addressed to my wife and I. Also, mailers from Jotham Stein. His people came by to get signatures for the special primary a few weeks back. Nothing from Laesch at all.
    Right now I’m leaning towards Stein, if I vote in the Dem primary. This is not due to any mailers, but I find Laesch to have been pretty abrasive with his campaign 2 years ago and is the same this time around also. Foster, although he can self fund doesn’t really impress me–and I did read through some of his mailers. Joe Serra I’ve never heard of, so Stein is the compromise choice.
    If I vote in the GOP primary given all the stuff between Oberweis and Lauzen, I think I’ll vote for that guy who lives at the Evanston YMCA. At least he can relate to my life as I can’t go dump millions into negative campaigning and running down an opponent just like he can’t


  11. - Mike - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 11:03 am:

    I emailed Matt Murphy and Sidney M - maybe 2-3 times over the past 9 months. Have yet to receive any type of reply.

  12. - Peoria County Dem - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 11:04 am:

    I recieved a mailer from the Jehan Gordon campaign last week featuring Former Sen George Shadid and her. Basically it talked about Shadid endorsing her. Some stuff about her serving on the school board and her volunteering in the community.

    Got one from Allen Mayer too. Focused on his family and his experience on the county board. Said it cared about his family and our family. Wasnt as high quality as Gordon’s by far and very wordy.

    I was leaning Gordon anyway because of what Allen did to her, but I thought Gordons was a very nice piece. Shadid endorsement is gold in Peoria.

  13. - PeoriaDEM - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 11:06 am:

    I’ve gotten lit from both Jehan Gordon and her opponent in the 92nd House race, Alan Mayer. I’ve also had a canvasser from Gordon’s campaign stop bye and actually was the reason I committed to her campaign and stopped by the other day to pick up a yard sign. This was an older woman who made a very strong parallel between Sen. Obama’s race for the White House and Jehan’s race for the statehouse. Very pleasant woman who knew local issues well. The pitch between Sen. Obama’s race and Jehan’s was further reinforced in a PJS article a few days later talking about the surge in support Jehan is attracting due to Sen. Obama’s race.

    Jehan’s mail piece featured former Sen. George Shadid and made sure that the reader knew he has endorsed her along with the majority of the Peoria Dem. establishment. It was a nice blue piece with a good testimonial from the former Senator. I bet this piece will play well in the heavily Lebonease parts of town. I haven’t received anything from Alan Mayer’s campaign in the mail but did have someone leave his lit piece at my door when they were canvassing and I wasn’t home. The typical piece of pictures of him and his family, very unmemorable.

    One of the more striking things was that Alan’s piece is GOP red while Jehan’s is Dem blue. Not sure if that is on purpose or not but interesting none the less.

    I also attended the local Obama organizational meeting last night and most of the 60 some people there left with Jehan yard signs and had also commented that they had canvassers at their door recently for both Jehan and Alan. Alan did not seem to have any support there nor did he show up or have anyone from his campaign show up although Jehan’s mother did on her behalf.

    I’ve received one piece of lit from Aaron Shock’s campaign which is odd because I’ve never voted in a GOP primary. His campaign is the one that my GOP neighbors have received the most contact from in either door to door canvassers or mail.

    I think Jehan’s mail program will be strong since she has a lot of good endorsements to roll out and in talking to her mother last night I also found out Personal PAC has endorsed her, from what I remember they sent out some of the best pieces during the Ricca Sloan and Aaron Shock race, so I expect those to come.

    I wonder who will get on TV first between the two 92nd candidates, one can only think that putting Jehan’s face on TV will only help, she’s a beautiful young woman.

  14. - Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 11:11 am:

    Nothing in the 11th.

  15. - observer - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 11:54 am:

    Jerry Lack sent out third pieces of direct mail today. The first piece arrived last week and the second arrived Saturday and another fell today.

    The second piece was a killer. It featured a personal endorsement from Congressman Lane Evans to the voters. The ad featured a photo of Lane Evans wearing Jerry Lack’s campaign shirt. As most people know Lane Evans is a true icon in Northwestern Illinois and this piece will clearly move voters. The piece today is all about Jerry Lack’s work to help establish health care center in the counties of Rock Island and Whiteside.

  16. - Trafficmatt - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 12:01 pm:

    Rich - Sorry I didn’t describe them.

    They are some of the pieces that you have already discussed on the site in the last week or two. I got the mailer from Lauzen with the dead cows, and then there was a response mailer from Oberweis that went about the same degree of negative about Lauzen.

    One of the best mailers that I got from Oberweis was a VERY detailed outline of what he would do from an economic perspective. I had already decided to back Oberweis, but this one put me over the top. Very articulate. I thought how nice it would be to have a grown-up in DC that actually had a clue about how the economy works.

  17. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 12:08 pm:

    Still nothing other than the weak judicial candidate piece from last week. I’m really shocked. I’m in the Delgado/Moreno district and haven’t seen a thing from either of them. And, again, when are the other state’s atty candidates going to hit TV? Right now I would have to think that Tom Allen is the only candidate with name recognition throughout the city.

  18. - Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 12:13 pm:

    I moved within Forest Park and I get almost no mailers. I got one for some judicial candidate. And I get the stuff Dan Lipinski sends to every household with his Congressional franking privilege.

  19. - jerry 101 - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 1:09 pm:

    A couple of people have been handing lit out at the Damen Blue Line station. Got something from some Board of Review Candidate this morning. It was too cold for me to pay attention, but I believe the candidate himself handed me the lit. I forget the guys name, but he was endorsed by Schakowsky and Claypool, so I may vote for him if I can recall his name.

    A lot of lit lately from Eddie Winters trashing Annazette Collins for missed votes and touting his endorsements, which appeared to be pretty solid. When it comes to Springfield, I’m pretty much anti-incumbent, so Winters gets my vote.

    I got something at the Blue Line station last week from Amy Sue Mertens. Really low quality. Color bubble jet. Bio page mostly. But, I’m leaning toward her anyway. Haven’t heard anything from the other candidate going up against Hendon.

    I think I got something for MWRD, but I totally forgot who.

    I’m planning on voting this weekend, so I have to find some resources on these minor office candidates (and some lists of Judges to figure out who to vote for).

  20. - so-called "Austin Mayor" - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 1:34 pm:

    IL-6: Not a thing.

  21. - Sarah - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 1:35 pm:

    I don’t like Annazette Collins either.

    I got a piece from Eugene Moore that looks really good. He is running for re-election as Cook County Recorder of Deeds. It states all the things he promised and how he followed through on all of them (technology upgrades).

    I get a lot of information from Jonathan Bedi (running against Hendon) and it is always very high quality. This morning I got a card with him shaking hands with Congressman Bobby Rush.

  22. - The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 1:52 pm:

    7th state senate race. (Open Seat)

    Steans - 0 (but I’m waiting for my mailbox to overflow any day now.)

    Elder - 0 (doubt she can match Steans mailer for mailer)

  23. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 2:07 pm:

    jerry 101 - You’re talking about Jay Paul Deratany for Board of Review. He’s been all over the Blue Line.

  24. - bobby - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 2:12 pm:

    bill s. preston-i live in the delgado/moreno district too and i have gotten 4 mailers…all from moreno, ill be voting for him, i’m shocked that i haven’t seen anything from the actual senator…morenos stuffs pretty good

  25. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 2:47 pm:

    Bobby - I live exactly on the dividing line of the 2nd and 5th, so maybe that’s why I haven’t received anything? I’ll be voting for Moreno too. I met him while he was out collecting signatures. I have a special place for any candidate who does their own work.

  26. - Johnny Boy - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 2:52 pm:

    My Rep Mike Boland announced his desire to be our Governor, right in the middle of a heated primary election. He has expressed interest in many jobs over the last few years… Governor, Lt. Governor, LT. Governor, Treasurer, U.S. Congressman, State Senator.

    I got a very blah mailer yesterday then the article was in the paper today. I can’t vote for an elected official who is never happy with the job he’s been elected to. No matter what a pretty picture he tries to print of himself in his mailer.

  27. - Bill - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 2:57 pm:

    I got one from Pera today. One side has a money filled wallet with a gas pump hose wrapped around it. Caption: “Feeling squeezed?”
    On the other side a picture with W and Little Lip on one side and Pera on the other. Caption: “What have George Bush and Dan Lipinski done about it?”
    It is pretty stupid. I was considering voting against Little Lip but this nonsense changed my mind. What a waste of paper! I wonder whose paying for it.

  28. - River North Reader - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 3:19 pm:

    IL Sen 5th District

    Jonathan Bedi - Half Card Color
    Rickey Hendon - Angry Letter
    Sue Ann Mertons - Full Page Color on stock

    Don’t remember details, incumbent Hendon angry about opponents. Opponents basically saying the same thing about ex-offenders, transit, property taxes, etc. Impressed with the Merton piece. Also got two polling calls already.

  29. - NoGiftsPlease - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 8:30 pm:

    Don’t underestimate the ill-will of constituents in Lipinski’s district who still feel that the democratic process was subverted by the way the election was rigged.

  30. - The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Wednesday, Jan 16, 08 @ 7:35 am:

    John Notcita mailer.

  31. - Tax fighter - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 9:20 pm:

    Please vote out Mcconnaughay and the rest of the Board in Kane County. They have seen fit to give themselves fat raises and raise our budget by double in 2 years. They have burdened our tax payers to an unprecedented level. It time to stop the frivilous spending and be more responsible fiscally. Mr. Mcrunnels understands this message.

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