Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Governor: “I vetoed the tax hike” *** UPDATED X1 ***
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Governor: “I vetoed the tax hike” *** UPDATED X1 ***

Tuesday, Jan 22, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I wondered how long it would take before he used this line

“I didn’t (give in). I vetoed it. I rewrote the bill,” [Gov. Blagojevich] said when asked if since he gave in on this tax increase he might do the same to get a capital construction bill passed.

* Yep. He vetoed the tax increase for mass transit. That’s the line we’re gonna here for the next three years. “I didn’t sign it, I vetoed it.”

And reporters will eventually give up because Rod Blagojevich was born on message. He’ll say it over and over until even he believes it [if he doesn’t already] and then will spend millions on TV ads with the same message. “I vetoed the tax hike.”

Never mind that he officially certified the tax increase bill and with that certification he made the tax increase the law of the land. He won’t admit that, you see, because tax hikes are wrong…

“My guess is (House) Speaker (Mike) Madigan is going to push another tax increase, and the worst thing you can do during a slowing economy or an economy that’s going into recession is add more burdens to people and raise more taxes on people,’’ Blagojevich said. “I would oppose that.”

Raising taxes is “the worst thing you can do” except when it isn’t. Or something. Whatever.

* And what about adding “more burdens” on people? Here’s more of what the governor said yesterday

“I felt we should ease burdens on our seniors … and make it easier for you … for people who are seniors who are trying in the autumn years of their lives to get by.”

* Um, maybe the next time the governor goes on one of his statewide jaunts, he can visit Jacksonville

Modern Care Nursing and Rehab Center in Jacksonville is closing its doors in 90 days because of financial difficulties related to delayed state aid payments.

No burdens added to any seniors there. Just a bunch of old people who will no longer have a place to live because your administration can’t manage a budget. Thanks, Rod, for saving so many seniors from “unnecessary burdens.” You’re the best. Smooches.

* PS: That’s a nifty new website you got there, bub.

* PSS: Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. Nice rhymes

The first stop, a short statement at the annual PUSH Excel Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Breakfast, saw the governor break into a quick little poem.

“There were some dark clouds hovering over the CTA.

But those dark clouds have rolled away.

Now the sun is gonna shine

So you can get on the blue line, the brown line, the red line.

And everything will be just fine.”

* More stuff, compiled by Paul…

* Blago: Seniors should sign up

* Luck of the Irish and its proactive transit programs

* Illinois Democrats are bruised from months of infighting

*** UPDATE *** From the governor’s remarks in Peoria yesterday…

“Rosa Parks and the civil rights movement in a lot of respects began over a seat on a bus. And, uh, I’m here to talk about a different kind of way to get a seat on a bus. Not exactly Freedom Riders, but we would like to make those of you who are seniors have a chance to be able to ride for free.”


Listen to the full statement here.


  1. - Trafficmatt - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 10:04 am:


    I’m amazed at Governor Nice Hair’s ability to snow the general electorate.

    Since you are now tied in with the “Midwest Politics” website, you might have a better take than the rest of us.

    Is Governor Nice Hair’s ability to spin things like this as well as he has because:

    a) He is just more brazen than the rest of the midwest Governors
    b) It’s just as bad in other states
    c) Our main stream press (not including this site - you’re great!!!) just totally inept in letting the populace know about things.
    d) The rest of the politicians don’t hold a candle to Governor Nice Hair and therefore can’t refute him, or
    e) All of the above

  2. - MOON - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 10:11 am:

    Not only did Blago “veto the tax hike”, but he also was the first man on the moon!

    Facts mean nothing to this Gov.. I can only assume he is smoking something funny!

  3. - dc - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 10:16 am:

    Rod - and perhaps Rod alone- is the only other political figure in the United States who makes Hillary Clinton seem likeable and trustworthy. That is no easy feat. How quickly Rod forgets about his GRT plan that would ballooned taxes on business (I guess it’s okay to tax those mean republican businesses, they’re not people anyway, right?). How quickly he forgot that he publicly endorsed Skip Saviano’s plan that (if memory serves correctly) would have raised taxes.

    Blagojevich has an odd Al Gore quality about him. I think he should have stopped by that nursing home in Jacksonville to have his priopism for publicity examined. At some point, that medical condition will require medical attention, assuming of course there are hospitals and doctors left in Illinois that will accept his health care card. Who am I kidding - he would blame it on Hynes. He accepts no responsibility and no blame. He’s like a kid that cheats on a test and proudly proclaims he got an “A”. It truly makes me wonder how in the world he ever passed a bar exam.

  4. - one of the 35 - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 10:20 am:

    Rich: Is there any way to verify Rod’s claim that he got a “C” in constitutional law or if it was really a “D” or an “F”?

  5. - Bookworm - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 10:22 am:

    IMHO Blago is the epitome, the yardstick, the gold standard for how NOT to govern and for everything I do NOT want to see in a candidate for any office from dogcatcher to president. In fact one of the rules I will use to judge my choice for president will be “How closely do they resemble Blago?” The more they resemble Blago — whether in their stands on various issues or in their governing style — the LESS likely I will be to vote for them.
    I must add that this talk of nursing homes closing because of delayed state payments makes me even more disgusted with Blago, particularly since one of my parents is already in a nursing home and the other is likely to follow soon.

  6. - Bluefish - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 10:24 am:

    The reality is that when Blago touts his “I vetoed the tax increase” ads in 2010, too many uninformed voters will believe him. Sad.

  7. - Bookworm - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 10:25 am:

    DC, next thing you know Blago will be claiming HE “invented the Internet.” (A statement that Al Gore never actually made, by the way)

  8. - Wumpus - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 10:26 am:

    Hold on, did he veto it? I didn’t think he did, I jus thought he added on another freebie to the bill. I am confused, would Blago lie to me?

  9. - Garp - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 10:33 am:

    It might be better to admit signing a neccessary tax hike and properly funding mass transit than distorting facts an making yourself look more wishy washy than he already does. Naa. Then he wouldn’t be the Governor we all know and love.

    By the way, if a senior free ride program is going to be so popular why on earth does he have to tour the state to get seniors to sign up?

  10. - Anon - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 10:35 am:

    Perhaps he should just hold his nose and admit he rode the tax increase bus.

  11. - anon - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 10:36 am:

    Does anyone have a comprehensive list of all the rate and fee and other hikes the guv put in since being in office? Seems aweful hypocritical to claim no tax hikes when he’s been on a rampage increasing these things all along. Please advise - thanks

  12. - Fan of the Game - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 10:49 am:

    Bluefish - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 10:24 am:

    The reality is that when Blago touts his “I vetoed the tax increase” ads in 2010, too many uninformed voters will believe him. Sad.
    It is sad, and it’s one of the reasons I hate political press conferences and press releases posted as “news.” Politicians can make outrageous claims like this one, and that’s all the readers see.

    One of the reasons I like this blog so much, Rich. You keep us very well informed.

  13. - Levois - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 10:53 am:

    Has anyone’s head exploded yet? How can you say you vetoed the tax increase when all you did was add something to a bill? It would have been more genuine if he took out the tax increase in the form of a line-item veto and then been foolish enough to add a free transit rides for seniors.

    In fact maybe he just needs to stop the games and say hey I signed the bill that helped save Chicago transit. Too bad that he can’t do that because he’ll be stung by he broke his promise not to raise taxes.

  14. - IncrediblyDumberThanYouThink - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 11:04 am:

    Hickory, dickery dock
    His neck in the block

    The G is at his throat
    Pals are jumping boat

    Give some free rides
    And your jury decides
    To save both the hair & the hide!

    Actually the attempt to compare POA’s free ride “dream” to Dr. King’s bus boycott must have been amazing. Is there video of that any where? Sc

  15. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 11:27 am:

    Voters are not stupid.
    Blagojevich wins elections because a plurality of voters are unwilling to face reality without the safety net he promises. The fact that the net doesn’t work, or doesn’t exist is something voters are willing to worry about later.

    No - voters do not believe Blagojevich. They know the truth, and they will take into consideration his parade of lies and promises and then listen to what his opposition tells them. If those who wish to replace Blagojevich with a fully functioning adult are serious, then they will ensure that voters are given a non-Blagojevich choice they will feel as comfortable with.

    Voters will replace Blagojevich when they believe they will continue to get something for nothing from the other guy.

    Illinois has reached a point where the demographics favor a nanny state mentality. Those who are able to build businesses and grow families are leaving Chicago, leaving free riding seniors and dependants. These people vote and will ensure that Illinois will join Michigan in a long-term state of recession. With Democrats at the helm, Illinois watched the Bush economic boom of 2001-2007 pass by. Now that the cycle has ended, the new recession will continue to damage our state further.

    This situation enables nanny staters like Blagojevich.

  16. - Old Elephant - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 11:30 am:

    Nice web site?

    Shouldn’t surprise anyone that the first sentence is a lie: “Now, all seniors can ride mass transit for free in Illinois.”

    Not if you’re a senior living in in one of the 24 downstate mass transit districts that were excluded from the bill. Not if you don’t live in a mass transit district. Not if you are from out of town and are just visiting.

  17. - Marty - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 11:46 am:

    My (non-elderly) wife has multiple chronic conditions and we’ve wound up in the E.R. at the closest hospital twice in the last 6 weeks…each time, she had to wait more than 4 hours to be seen because the place was MOBBED. Both times, I couldn’t help but remember how Gov. Hair wanted to raise $billions in taxes and totally screw around with the entire health care system in the state, and was unwilling to work with the General Assy on something passable, rather than budget the comparatively moderate amount of money to get out of 1+ year arrears in Medicaid payments to hopsitals and pharmacies, and restore some sort of Trauma Network… but, no, not enough publicity in just doing incremental things that could really help real people in the here and now.

    “Disgusting” doesn’t even begin to approach this man’s mode of operation.

  18. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 12:14 pm:

    The Rosa Parks reference is one of the worst things I’ve ever heard. Worse than the Cold War reference from last week.

    Con-con should insert a provision requiring constitutional officers to pass an aptitude test. Maybe an aptitude test, a common sense test, and a mental stability test?

  19. - Gregor - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 12:20 pm:

    MLK: “I have a dream”
    RRB: ” I have a scheme”.

  20. - Sick Of It! - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 12:38 pm:

    I will be curious to see how Blago’s ads in the future manage to say both that HE solved the mass transit funding issue and how HE vetoed the tax increase that funds it!

  21. - Anon - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 12:45 pm:

    Maybe he’s dislexic and meant to say he “voted” for it.

    And, of course, he’s sold his soul to Santa.

  22. - Keef - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 12:51 pm:

    I really hate how Rod sums up his audience with stereotypes at these events and changes his manner of speech in an attempt to mimic them. At black churches, he adjusts his grammar and usage to sound “street” to the point of being one step above Amos N’ Andy, at senior events he turns on his Wilfred Brimley impression, down south around Carbondale, he tries to sound like he’s narrating the Dukes of Hazzard. Guess he really thinks we will fall for it. I’d be insulted. I AM insulted.

  23. - Truthful James - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 12:54 pm:

    Obama wins nomination and election. Blago appoints himself to the Senate seat to fill out the term (or resigns and has the new governor, Pat Quinn appoint him, don’t know the drill.)

    Out of sight, out of mind, he is elected happily ever after, thwarting Lisa’s or Dan’s run.

    Pat Quinn — we shall find out whether he is the governor that can control the circus, bring sanity, order and fiscal responsibility back into play, or if he is all hat and no cattle.

    But if Obama loses the nomination or the general, here we are stuck in the same muck.

    Perhaps PatFitz can become the saviour after all. The sentence — ten years in a Jacksonville Nursing Home.

  24. - IncrediblyDumberThanYouThink - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 1:08 pm:

    Check the Decatur story….he tries to compare himself to Dr. King and the bus boycott….Blaggodiot coming totally unglued.
    Wonder what happens when Hendon takes up SB750, passes it? Will the madman add free eduation for seniors and do his lemonade dance again.

  25. - Trafficmatt - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 1:10 pm:

    UPDATED comment.

    Someone, please, get this man a new speech writer. Free bus rides tied to Rosa Parks??

    Maybe get him a history book, too.

  26. - Anon - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 1:12 pm:

    Hmmm….I wonder if Fidel gives free bus rides to seniors too?

  27. - Bookworm - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 1:14 pm:

    Anon, does this mean that he really meant to provide free veterinary care for all canines because he wanted to be on DOG’s side?

  28. - This Guy - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 1:21 pm:

    I wonder if someone will put together a video montage of Blago’s various pandering dialects and use it in the 2010 race.

  29. - Lee Corso says: - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 1:48 pm:

    rich, you stated, I think, that Blaggo’s admin has mismanaged the budget. Not so, this is exactly according to his plan. Drain the medicaid budget by March creating a crisis which requires a “revenue” enhancement to keep nursing homes, hospitals and pharmacies open. Only by creating enough heat on the legislators can he get his way. the senior AV was a trial balloon to see if he could get away with it in a crisis situation.

  30. - Apollo - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 2:14 pm:

    This is why I pray everyday I get a call for these out of state jobs I’m applying for. God help this pathetic state.

  31. - anon - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 3:11 pm:

    If the headline read “Governor Lies About Veto,” maybe this kind of thing would stop.

  32. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 3:12 pm:

    Anon, do you think he really cares about negative headlines?

  33. - anon - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 3:17 pm:

    It’s hard to tell, since he gets so few of them.

  34. - Garp - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 4:12 pm:

    How about this question of the day? What was Blogo’s reply when his father asked him if he chopped down the cherry tree?

  35. - Limerick - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 5:44 pm:

    Geez, not even a limerick, and bad poetry to boot.

  36. - No More Card Tricks - Tuesday, Jan 22, 08 @ 9:03 pm:

    Rod Blagojevich is reminding me more and more everyday of the main character of Smokin’ Aces - “Buddy Israel”.

  37. Pingback In Chambers » Note to Guv: You Bought the Tax Hike - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 9:09 am:

    […] Now comes word that Gov. Blago is pretending he vetoed a sales tax hike for Chicago and surrounding communities. I was on the road yesterday covering an aging murderer, so I’m playing a little catchup here. Anyway, here goes: […]

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