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Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Remember when I told you about this?
The Northwestern University and Evanston communities are invited to attend the LEGISLATIVE LEADERS FORUM: January 23, 2008, 7:00 pm, in Ryan Auditorium, in Northwestern University’s Technological Institute, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston.
Participating will be:
EMIL JONES, President of the Illinois Senate;
FRANK WATSON, Senate Republican Leader;
MICHAEL J. MADIGAN, Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives;
TOM CROSS, House Republican Leader.
HENRY S. BIENEN, Northwestern University President, will moderate.
The four legislative leaders of the State of Illinois will meet to discuss top issues of today and the importance of civic participation, followed by written questions from the audience.
* The day is upon us, and Kiyoshi Martinez will be live-blogging the event over at Illinoize.
Be there or be square.
* Also, I was on some little radio show today.
…Adding… Apparently, the snow kept Kiyoshi from the event. Bummer.