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Question of the day

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

Are you still undecided about any primary races? Explain.

If you’ve made up your mind about all of them, let’s see your choices.


  1. - bored now - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 7:48 am:

    i already voted, so any race i was undecided about, i didn’t vote in…

  2. - Squideshi - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 7:57 am:

    I’m thinking Cynthia McKinney.

  3. - lake county democrat - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 8:30 am:

    Undecided — Obama is an insufferable phony and the media has given him a free ride. HRC has played too dirty to get my primary vote, though I’d vote for her in the general because the stakes are too big. So for now it’s Edwards and the hope against hope for a brokered convention. If John McCain needs my vote, I could switch parties simply to ensure that a sane person holds the white house come 2009.

  4. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 8:48 am:

    I am undecided.
    McCain-wrong on a lot of issues-but can possibly win (until the media falls out of love with him)
    Romney- please
    Thompson-dropped out before he got in
    Paul-his supporters are more annoying than Obama’s.

  5. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 8:58 am:

    Having seen the damage a charismatic but corrupt, vindictive, untrustworthy and excessively combative executive has done to this state, I am taking special care this year to look for a presidential candidate who will NOT be like that. I am having a hard time finding one on either side!
    There is a website called “Skeleton Closet” that compiles known and substantiated reports of scandal or malfeasance involving all current presidential candidates. It does NOT list mere rumors or tinfoil hat conspiracy theories and takes care to debunk rumors that are false or not proven.
    I believe candidates’ stands on various issues and their plans for what to do about the war, economy, etc. are very important. I also realize that no candidate is perfect and that all of them will have at least some skeletons in their closet.
    However, I will NOT vote for someone who has shown themselves to be clearly untrustworthy, grossly incompetent, or seriously corrupt in a previous public office, even if I happen to agree with what they currently stand for. None of that counts if you cannot trust them to respect their oath of office and the law itself.

  6. - What planet is he from again? - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 9:01 am:

    Until Illinois has an open primary, I remain undecided in every primary regardless of the candidates.

  7. - jerry 101 - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 9:02 am:

    I’m still working on finalizing my picks for judges. I need to track down some resources on that.

    For the other races, as I get ready to vote, I’m leaning:
    President - John Edwards, mostly as a protest against some of the things Senator Obama has said, which leads to…
    Delegates - All Obama
    State Senator - Amy Sue Mertens
    State Representative - Eddie Winters
    MWRD - Spyropolous, and I’m still trying to eliminate my way down to 2 other picks. I’ve eliminated 3, leaving me with 4 to pick from.
    State’s Attorney - Suffrendin
    Recorder - Smith
    Board of Review - Deratany
    Judges - I dunno.
    Unopposed positions - I’ll vote for the the incumbent/unopposed person (Durbin, Gutierrez, etc)

  8. - Joe in the Know - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 9:02 am:

    Pera (3rd Congressional Dist)

    Oh my goodness, am I turning into a liberal?

  9. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 9:03 am:

    Obama is an easy choice.

    In State House 26, Burns is also an easy choice (the field is strong, but Burns still an easy choice).

    I still don’t have a clue about the State’s Attorney race. I am considering Suffredin or Allen. It is “Anybody But Brookins.”

  10. - JakeCP - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 9:03 am:

    Even though I made an endorsement for the 26th District State Representative Race I still don’t know what the difference between Elga Jeffries, Will Burns,Phillip Jackson and Kenny Johnson except that Kenny Johnson and Will Burns have the most money. Jeffried is definetly not goin to win reelection.

    Also for those who are wondering today is a late start for me, Freshmen, Sophomores and Seniors start at 11:oo AM this morning.

  11. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 9:07 am:

    Ron Paul. Although I am not voting in the Dem primary, I hope Suzanne Elder beats the pseudo-progressive Heather Steans.

  12. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 9:08 am:


    You left out Chadra. It seems like he’s got a lot of money too (haven’t checked the numbers, but I receive something from him every few days).

  13. - JakeCP - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 9:18 am:

    Well I never heard of Chadra. That just shows where he is putting money. My grandmother keeps receiving flyers from Kenny Johnson and Will Burns and Kenny Johnson. Elga Jeffries sends one every now and then. Phillip Jackson will just have a heard of 20 or 30 people walk around holding up Phillip Jackson signs.

  14. - HillBillary - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 9:22 am:

    Obama will be toast after 2-5-08.

  15. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 9:24 am:

    I’m boycotting the primaries, due to the fact the date was moved up to favor the incumbents.

    Me boycotting the primaries hurts Illinois, because I am not a party voter and honestly vote for the candidate I think is best. I am not beholden to any political benefactor for my livelihood, so I have nothing to gain/lose. I am free to vote my conscience.

    Illinois needs more voters like me, not less.

  16. - so-called "Austin Mayor" - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 9:32 am:

    “Are you still undecided about any primary races?”

    My vote in the Democratic presidential primary will most likely be a negative vote. I may vote for Sen. Obama as a vote against Sen. Clinton. Or I may vote for Sen. Edwards as a vote against Sen. Clinton and Sen. Obama. Or I may vote for Dennis as a vote against big-money politics. Or I may vote for Sen. Clinton as a protest against voting sober…

    And as long as I’m talking about using my vote to punish — I will make certain that I do not cast a vote for Gayl Ferraro as an Obama delegate. Sending her as a delegate to the party convention — after her abysmal performance as DuPage Party Chair — would be the equivalent of awarding a Golden Parachute to a failed CEO.

    With regard to the 6th Dist race, I will probably vote for Stan because I don’t think that I can cast a vote for an Abu Ghraib apologist — even if she was “just following orders.”

    Down ballot, there just aren’t that many races in DuPage County that have multiple Democratic candidates. Fortunately, some folks are working on that.

    - SCAM

  17. - Levois - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 9:36 am:

    The local races aren’t very competitive where I’m from so it doesn’t matter. I know who I’m going to vote for president when I get be absentee ballot. Most of the judges I won’t even touch, there should be a constitution amendment about judge selection, perhaps they should be appointed.

  18. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 9:43 am:

    I will vote in the Republican primary this year in order to support Rudy. If he wasn’t running, or if Florida takes him out, then I will be voting in the Democrat primary in order to support a couple of local candidates. Obama, Clinton or Edwards haven’t earned my vote, so I wouldn’t vote for a presidential preference if I took a Democrat ballot.

  19. - Hillarywasalreadypresidentanditwasn'tgood - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 9:58 am:

    I have not decided between Obama or someone from the Republican side. I just know I do not want Hillary. And while I am on the subject, when is someone in the media going to start talking about Whitewater, and all that went with it. Or when is the fact that the Clinton’s left office and took things that did not belong to them and then had to return them going to come up? How can people give Bill any credibility at all when he lied to the American public and on the stand. Let’s face it the Clinton’s are dishonest! Let’s see them reveal as much as Obama has, I don’t think they can and stay out of jail. I can’t see how Hillary can stand there and accuse Obama about things that are so petty and are not backed up with any fact. The fact that she does and with no chagrin at all shows how cold and heartless she is. I wonder how she was able to summon the tears for her crying act, it had to be external stimulation because she does not have the capbility for feelings.
    I think I will back Ron Paul. We need a third party just to keep the other two on their toes.

  20. - Hillarywasalreadypresidentanditwasn'tgood - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 10:04 am:

    And let’s not forget NAFTA. That was a gift from BC&HC

  21. - amy - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 10:06 am:

    the state’s attorney’s commercials have me confused.
    where are the polls on this race? is anyone
    close to Brookins’ #s? I will vote for whoever has
    the chance to beat brookins, cause he will have
    a poor chance against Peraica in the fall. any
    info is appreciated.

  22. - cermak_rd - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 10:25 am:

    I’m still undecided on the Cook County State Attorney’s race. I’m leaning Alvarez, but that’s open to change.

    I haven’t looked at the bar ratings yet to decide on judges. I’m against merit selection because it will be gamed for political purposes, so might as well keep it in the voter’s hands.

    Top of the ticket is easy, Obama & Pera, it’s the lower races that are harder. Recorder of Deeds? Water Reclamation District members? I’ll sort it out before I get there!

  23. - 21st State - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 10:31 am:

    thanks for the question Rich
    our judges deserve just as much attention - please visit the link provided below for the Chicago Bar’s ratings

    Judges Mike Hyman, apppointed by Justice McMorrow(#100), Jesse Reyes (#81), James Shapiro (#108) Tom Mulroy (#107) Anna Demacopoulos (#110) have each demonstrated why they deserve our support


    Obama and McCain will square off in November - who will be their running mates?

    Art Turner for State Rep in my district
    Spryopoulos and Maragos for MWRD
    Suffredin for Cook County State’s Attorney
    Deratany for Cook County Bd of Rev

    Who’s running for Dog Catcher again?

  24. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 10:33 am:

    I’m probably going to vote in the Dem primary, but am tempted to vote Green so I can vote for Cynthia McKinney for POTUS.

    If I vote Dem, I will vote for Mark Pera over Lipinski for Congress. I will vote for Ed Smith over Eugene Moore for Cook County Recorder of Deeds.

    I’m not happy with any of the candidates for Cook County State’s Attorney. Tommy Brewer is the candidate least tainted by machine politics and ethics issues. He also shares my outlook that the office needs reform. But he hasn’t made the case he’s got much chance of winning.

    Larry Suffredin is an exceedingly capable lawyer who at least talks like he shares my desire to reform the office.

    I’m not sold on his community liaison program. I suspect it will become a few ASAs talking to a handful mayors and political bosses. This will warp justice to fit the views of the local bosses. This would be a step backward. At least in the Fourth District (western Cook County) we already have too much of this.

    Also, Suffredin gives a somewhat incredible answer to the question about him lobbying while being an elected official. Suffredin makes it sound like he was retained for legal work based on the firm’s legal expertise and then projects evolved into lobbying in a way that couldn’t be foreseen and couldn’t be handled by other firms or lobbyists.

    I’d have more respect for the guy if he said, “Illinois law is permissive. I want to make money beyond my commissioner salary. I took some lobbying gigs.”

    I’m an Obama leaner for POTUS, but could throw my vote to Edwards. When I’m most enthusiastic about Obama I see a deft decision maker who has the ability to get Republicans to support his legislation. When I’m most enthusiastic about Edwards I see value to a candidate calling-out how we leave in an era of diminished expectations for the middle class while the wealthy (top 1%) are making more money than ever.

    And my rule for judges is that if I see any yardsigns on public property, I vote against that candidate.

  25. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 10:37 am:

    sorry, “we live in an era…”

  26. - MOON - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 10:38 am:

    My greatest concern is the power play by Cook County Assessor Houlihan in the Board of Review race

    In the last election Assesor Houlihan spent in excess of $100,000 to elect his crony Brendan Houlihan to the Board of Review. Assesor Houlihan also persuaded Blago to appoint Ron Messina as Executive Director of the State Property Tax Appeals Board.

    The Board of Review and Property Tax Appeal Board are suppose to review, in an unbiased way, the work of Assessor Houlihan.Now Assessor Houlihan is donating in excess of $100,000 to the campaign of Mr. Deretany, candidate for the Board of Tax Appeals.

    If Assessor Houlihan is successful in his latest endeavor there will be no objective forum for property owners to appeal their assessment.All avenues for appealing the property assessment in Cook County will be controlled by Houlihan.

    This scenario is not only wrong, but puts property owners at a substantial disadvantage. In my humble opinion Assessor Houlihan’s support of these people is a direct conflict of interst.

  27. - train111 - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 10:44 am:

    I’m leaning Obama for POTUS.
    For 14th district Congress–I’m leaning towards Stein. I don’t really care for Laesch’s aggressive tactics and am not really turned on by Foster.
    I’m out in Western DuPage County, so that’s about it in terms of primary races.


  28. - "Anonymous 8:58" - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 11:04 am:

    I will say that based on the factors I cited above, I have definitely ruled out Giuliani and Huckabee on the Republican side and am close to scratching out Romney as well. (I plan to vote in the GOP primary)
    What I have read about Giuliani and Huckabee concerning their style of governance (combative, vindictive and at times attempting to disregard or bend the law) makes me fear that they would be Republican versions of Blago taken to a national level, which scares the crap out of me. Romney may not be as bad on those points but there is the issue of his chronically distorting his record and campaigning like a chameleon, telling voters whatever they seem to want to hear. That leaves McCain and Paul, who each have other issues. I am really having a hard time deciding this one.
    On the Dem side, well, I just plumb don’t agree with Hillary or Obama’s extremely liberal Democrat approach to many issues, so I can’t bring myself to vote for either of them at this point. Same with John Edwards. I don’t think the Rezko thing with Obama is all that serious, and I will give Obama credit for being more clean and honest.

  29. - cermak_rd - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 11:35 am:

    While I do find it troubling that Houlihan seems to be amassing power, I also find both Berrios and the Board of Review’s actions disturbing. It has practically come to the point where anyone who bothers to appeal to the Board gets a reduction. This is clearly unfair to those without the time or knowledge needed to appeal. Berrios, was one of the 2, the other was defeated by Brendan Houlihan, that really went out of his way to give breaks to owners of commercial real estate. Berrios also helped engineer young Stroger’s rise.

  30. - Bill - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 11:48 am:

    Houlihan and Rogers make it a little harder for MOON’s boss to make the big bucks.

  31. - MOON - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 11:51 am:


    The one defeated by Brendan Houlihan was Maureen Murphy, ………a Republican.Are you suggesting Berrios and Murphy acted in concert to reduce assessments of commercial property owners. I find that scenario hard to believe!

  32. - MOON - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 11:57 am:


    I own a business and employ over 200 people in Cook County. With the current state of real estate taxes I’am seriously thinking of relocating out side Cook.

    I’am my own boss so I dont know what you are referring to when you say ” Moons boss make more money”. Please explain?

  33. - Guillermo Richardson Lopez - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 1:04 pm:

    All you disaffected Dems:

    Before casting a protest vote for Edwards or Kucinich, you may want to check whether they have any delegates on the ballot in your C.D. If they don’t – and they don’t in a whole lot of the state – please think about protesting with Richardson.

    Richardson. A throw away protest vote you can be proud of.

    Thank you.

  34. - Lefty Lefty - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 1:21 pm:

    I’m definitely pulling for Edwards for POTUS. I react negatively to the Chicago way of politicking, and Obama is already a seasoned pro at it. I won’t vote for Clinton in the primary for the same reason I (probably) won’t vote for Foster in the 14th–the DLC/Emmanuel/Carville “third way” nonsense. Foster seems to be on the inside now so I am hoping Laesch or Stein can pull this off in November against one of the Goofball Twins.

  35. - Vole - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 1:23 pm:

    In what may end up being my only vote this year, it will be for Obama in the primary. Why maybe only one vote? If Hillary gets the nomination the missus and I will probably pass on the November vote. NO MORE DYNASTIES IN THE WHITE HOUSE!

  36. - Greg - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 1:39 pm:

    Just a word of appreciation that there are people on this site who create the wealth that allows these governments to function. Thank you, Moon.

  37. - Bill - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 1:47 pm:

    Sorry. From your posts I just assumed that you worked for the Speaker. Anyway, you can’t run from your obligations from society merely by moving to another county.If you really want to save on taxes I can recommend a good corporate tax attorney with clout. You have to hurry, however. He may have a lot less clout after the election.

  38. - Captain America - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 2:10 pm:

    Obama and his delegates.
    Schoenberg - State Senate
    Hamos - State Rep
    State’s Attroney - Suffredin
    Recorder - Smith
    Board of Review - Derataney. He’s snet two excellent direct mail pieces attacking Berrios. I’m with the Tribune - “complete the purge” at the Board of Review. Voting against Berrios, who seems to be doing a reasonably good job as the new Chairman of the Cook County Democratic Party, seems to be an excellent way to protest the slating shenannigans that led to the selection of Todd Stroger as the replacement nominee for Cook County Board President.

    Water Reclamation District - Kathy Meaney, I haven’t made up my mind about the other two slots yet. I’m considering Avilla,Maragos,Spyropoulis, and Stinson.

    Anne Burke - Supreme Court
    Alan Greiman and John Steele for Appellate Court

    Circuit Court Judges - Wolfson and Reyes for sure. I’ll be checking the newspapers and then posssibly some Bar Association recommendations to help me make make my decisions about judges. I’ll start with the slated Democratic judges, and then deviate from the slate appropriately based on what the newspapers and bar associations say.

    I also like Michelle Smith for 43rd Ward Committeeman to replace Peg Roth,who is not running for reelection, and Heather Steans for State Senate to replace Senator Carol Ronen. But I can’t vote for these two since I live in Evanston. (I do/have done some volunteer political work in Lincoln Park and Rogers Park.)

  39. - Garp - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 2:13 pm:

    I am voting for the likable enough Hillary. I will be voting for Tom Allen. I will be voting for Joe Berrios. I will be voting for Dean Maragos and Ed Smith for Recorder.

  40. - M.V. - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 2:17 pm:

    I’ve already voted in the first ever statewide Green Primary in Illinois history.

  41. - yinn - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 2:19 pm:

    Obama, but when it comes to delegates, 2 Obama and 2 Edwards.

    IL-14: I like Foster so much I wish I could’ve voted for him twice. Oh wait…

  42. - beavis - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 3:06 pm:

    I have made up my mind. I’m going to vote for Eisendrath in the primary and he loses I’ll probably vote for Topinka in the fall.


  43. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 3:17 pm:

    Obama and delegates
    Senate - Amy Sue Mertens
    House - Annazette Collins
    MWRD- Avila, Maragos, Santos (I was for Spyropoulos because I see her face everywhere, but then I looked at her disclosure yesterday and all of her transfers out were to her “endorsers” - which is sketchy and kind of distasteful. I know it happens, but I still don’t like it. And she has Schakowsky’s name spelled wrong on her website - makes me think she’s not serious.)
    CCSA- Swaying Tom Allen’s way because he has the least ridiculous commercial, but there’s still time for someone to step up.
    Recorder of Deeds - Ed Smith

    Haven’t made decisions on the judges.

  44. - River North Reader - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 3:18 pm:

    State Senate - Can’t decide between Bedi and Mertens, but probably Mertens.

    State Rep - Probably Art Turner

    Judges - Going with the alliance of bar ass’n guide

  45. - Garp - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 3:25 pm:

    I’m 6′4″, a big guy which is why I should be States Attorney. That has to be one of the silliest openings to a political commercial I have ever seen.

  46. - Alexi's Bill - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 3:28 pm:


    you’re talking about it aren’t you. its like the “by mennen”. plus that’s not why he should be state’s attorney. did you watch the rest or are you just hatin’?

  47. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 3:34 pm:

    Garp, I couldn’t agree with you more. Since all of the candidates seem to be equally qualified/unqualified, I’m going to vote based on what kind of staff/support they have. And whoever told Suffredin that was a good commercial is, to put it nicely, not very savvy. And I’d rather not vote for a candidate who surrounds himself with unsavvy people because, let’s face it, they’ll probably be following him into the office.

  48. - Alexi's Bill - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 3:38 pm:


    that sure seems well reasoned. the state’s attorney makes a bunch of commercials while in office.

  49. - Gene Parmesan - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 3:47 pm:

    Garp, good point. But having met Larry (briefly) I can’t say as I remember him actually being that tall. I’d put him at 6′2″ tops. Which is still pretty tall, but not quite tall enough for State’s Attorney now is it?

  50. - Garp - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 3:49 pm:

    I am not trying to be mean I just thought it was silly. I have nothing against the man and he would actually be my second choice for the office.

  51. - westside - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 3:53 pm:


  52. - B - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 3:57 pm:

    Bedi for State Senate
    Not sure about State’s Attorney

  53. - Mike - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 3:58 pm:

    Obama, Bedi, Collins, Brookins

  54. - Ms.America - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 4:08 pm:

    Clinton has my vote, since she seems to be the only worthy candidate.
    State Senate vote goes to Bedi bc Mertens seems to be dishonest.
    Winters and Turner for Reps.

  55. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 4:10 pm:

    Alexi’s Bill - You know perfectly well what I mean. If he has advisors who told him it was a good commercial they either 1) lied, or 2) lack the common sense that the good lord gave them. It’s unlikely that their poor judgment is confined to the realm of commercial making.

    But you are right, people are talking about it. Talking about how ridiculous it is, but maybe that’s enough. Too bad “6′5″ won’t be on the ballot…

    Larry Suffredin (D) - 6′5. Enjoys long walks on the beach and sending bad guys away for life.

  56. - Alexi's Bill - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 4:24 pm:


    remember roskam’s speedo ad?

  57. - NCRO - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 4:43 pm:

    Obama; Bedi; Turner all the way!!!!

  58. - 312 - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 4:47 pm:

    Most of mine are unopposed, but for those that aren’t…

    Obama + delegates
    Don’t know about State’s Attorney yet. Not Brookins or Suffer-in for sure. Who cares how tall he is??? Rich, do you have D2s for him to tell us who his media people are?
    Ed Smith for CCRD
    Maragos & ??? for MWRD
    Berrios (because of Play It Again Sam’s)
    Pat Dowell for 3rd ward committeeman

    Will take the CBA guide for judges, but Anne Burke & Al Greiman for sure.

  59. - Chicago Guy - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 4:48 pm:


  60. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 4:50 pm:

    AB- Unfortunately, yes. Gives me the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it. But it’s different, vote-wise at least. It was the general election and he was a Republican running in a conservative district. I don’t think it served to swing voters one way or the other. Plus, I would still maintain that his staff exercised poor judgment in running that ad.

    Peter Roskam (R)- Balding speedo fan. Turn-offs: illegal immigrants and trial lawyers. Turn-ons: embarrassing self in political advertisements.

  61. - Between Barack and A Hard Place - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 4:55 pm:

    Definitely Obama, Bedi, Collins & Brokins.

  62. - Seabiscuit - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 4:56 pm:

    Isn’t Axelrod doing Suffredin, aka, My Giant’s, media??? Maybe David’s slipping a bit.

    I’m voting for either Milan or Allen, probably Milan.

  63. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 5:14 pm:

    I thought Roskam loved personal injury lawyers. He was in that business himself.

  64. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 5:16 pm:

    To everyone regarding the CBA evaluations:

    Please don’t place too much emphasis on them. Their reviews are vastly overrated. Politics seems to play a role at least to some degree.

  65. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 5:24 pm:

    Really? Then maybe I should have described him as self-loathing too. He’s a lover of tort reform.

  66. - some former legislative intern - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 6:06 pm:

    Voted early for:

    Joe Biden for President: OK, so he is out of the race, but I really feel he put forth the only viable plan for Iraq. He has the most experience and has a compelling personal story. It was either Biden or Obama, and Barack will get, easily, 80-85% in my precinct and ward. There is no way in heck I would vote for Hillary now after he shameful performance in the debate last week and Bill’s b.s. speeches around the country attacking Obama. He was a good President, she is a good Senator, but God I am tired of the Clintons.

    Gene Moore for Recorder: Smith has no issue other than Moore lost his Proviso Committeeman’s race.

    Anita Alvarez for States Attorney: two ASA’s i know in the office said she was outstanding. Milan is wierd and mean, Suffredin is a lobbyist, and Allen is controlled by the Daleys. Brookins had a shot but seems too inexperienced and I don’t feel all the reforms he is talking about would be all that beneficial. Brewer is, well, Brewer.

    Water Rec District: Maragos, Avila and the Polish guy. The Poles have been getting the shaft in Chicago politics lately.

    Didn’t vote for Mattie Hunter either. Nice enough woman, but too close to Emil Jones. Wish there was an alternative in that race.

    Jay Paul Deranty for Board of Review. Joe Berrios is an old hack who is now sending mailers that he is in favor of tax caps. Uh, don’t we already have those, Joe? Time for a change there.

    Bob Fioretti for Committeeman? You’ve got to be kidding me. Didn’t vote in that race, even though he is unopposed. Someone could have given him a race. He finished the year with a little over $2,000.

    Wish I lived in the 42nd Ward instead of the 2nd. Then I could have a real Alderman and a decent Committeeman. Oh well, it is what it is.

  67. - Analyst - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 7:10 pm:

    Clinton - POTUS
    Deratany - Tax Appeals
    Alvarez - State’s Attorney
    Gene Moore - Recorder
    Hamos - State Rep

  68. - Annonymous - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 8:35 pm:

    What is up with this?!!! Isn’t the Presidential election over with? I thought that Ron Paul was declared the winner when his supporters managed to toss the election to him by corrupting every electronic straw poll published across the Globe!

  69. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 8:46 pm:

    Eugene Moore is a corrupt hack who leverages his patronage at the Recorder of Deeds to control Proviso Township High Schools (District 209).

    In spite of being a relatively affluent district (spends a little less than Oak Park, about the same as Lyons Township or Riverside-Brookfield and way more than York, Leyden, Morton and Elmwood Park) Proviso ranks 90th of 90 in test scores in the Chicago area.

    Two of Moore’s employees (Reatha “Sue” Henry, Moore’s cousin and chief of staff, and Brian Cross, Rich Miller’s buddy) sit on the Proviso board of education and supervise running the school into the ground.

    Moore was billing Proviso $18,000/month for being the district’s insurance broker, not that he did any work.

    Moore is a toady for Stroger at the Recorder of Deeds. When Stroger wanted a 17% across-the-board budget reduction Moore was the weak office holder who appeared with Stroger to say this was reasonable.

    And if you dig into Moore’s history…

    He was the only Black legislator to vote against the Bernadine amendment saying that universal health care would be a good thing.

    And Moore took a large contribution from UPS and a month later sponsored a bill allowing UPS to work drivers through their lunches without paying them extra.

    Moore has done nothing for taxpayers that didn’t in some way benefit himself.

    His deputy recorder complains the people Moore hires are “knuckleheads”.

    Even if Smith was just a so-so alderman with no special vision for the office, he’d still be a huge improvement on Moore.

    Moore is the kinda guy who whines that the Cook County Recorder of Deeds office is a dead end job b/c he can’t shakedown title companies for big contributions. Funny, it wasn’t a dead end job for Jesse White. And it wasn’t a dead end job for Carol Moseley Braun.

    But, then again, they weren’t losers.

  70. - Establishment Republican - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 11:07 pm:

    Mitt Romney for President of the United States, all the way!

    Steve Sauerberg for U.S. Senate (sorry Phil Collins).

    Otherwise, no real contests on my ballot, but will certainly be happy to cast votes for Mark Kirk for Congress, Matt Murphy for State Senate, Sid Mathias for State House, and Tony Peraica for Cook County States’ Attorney.

    Two suburban judicial candidates I am supporting are Cary Collins and Paul Pavlus.

  71. - T.J. - Wednesday, Jan 23, 08 @ 11:34 pm:

    I really want to vote for Rudy but am afraid it may not matter by February 5.

  72. - Snidely Whiplash - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 8:20 am:

    John Edwards - The only one with a chance who actually makes any sense, but still (cringe) actually considering HRC simply because it seems to between she and the Messiah, upon hearing whose name my skin crawls uncontrolably.

    State’s Atty.- A scary race. Suffredin claims to be a reformer, but anyone who’s actually observed his brand of reform (primary Bobbie Steele supporter, heavy backer of Todd Stroger who claims that “as a reformer, I stood up against Todd Stroger’s tax increases”) and his lobbying activities WHILE STILL IN OFFICE, should know better. I can’t really tell what Allen actually brings to the table. Brookins is running as “vote for me, I’m black too.” Alvarez is playing both the Hispanic and the female cards (candidates should really just play their own hands). Probably Milan by default.

  73. - Pro-Gunner - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 9:43 am:

    Suffredin is no supporter of Second Amendment rights.

  74. - Love & Live - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 5:48 pm:

    Voting: Obama, Suffredin, Jay Paul Deratany, James Shapiro

  75. - Kelly - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 5:54 pm:

    I’m for some different ones:

    Hillary Clinton
    Jay Paul Deratany (Board of Review)
    Ed Smith (Recorder of Deeds)
    Debbie Marcus (8th Judicial)
    Spyropolous, Jones, Maragos (Water Rec)

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