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Congressional roundup

Thursday, Jan 24, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I can’t help but wonder if the Chicago Tribune’s editorial board knew that Rep. Aaron Schock was gonna file this bill when they endorsed him for Congress…

Carrying a concealed firearm would be legal in Illinois under legislation state Rep. Aaron Schock, R-Peoria, has proposed.

Schock, a congressional candidate, recently introduced the Family and Personal Protection Act, which would require individuals to complete a training course in handgun use, safety and marksmanship before they could receive a permit to carry a concealed firearm in the state.

The proposed legislation, House Bill 4544, also would require an applicant to be at least 21 years old. Anyone convicted of a felony or with a history of mental illness, addiction or habitual alcohol use would be prohibited from obtaining a permit.

“I believe we are behind the times in being one of the last few states in the country to do this,” Schock said. “There have been a number of constituents that have contacted my office wanting to carry a firearm for their own personal protection. When states have implemented the conceal-carry law, their crime rate has decreased.”

The Trib endorsed Schock on January 17th. Schock introduced his bill a day later.

Either way, I’m told that polling shows Schock is way, way ahead in this race. It’s gonna be very tough to stop him almost no matter what.

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  1. - Levois - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 10:09 am:

    I wish I could vote for Schock for introducing that legislation. Though for right now, I know it will have a tough time passing. This is the most common sense law I have seen out there for allowing people to own handguns.

  2. - cermak_rd - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 10:15 am:

    You know, as long as the markmanship test requires really good weapon control and is similar to the testing that law enforcement goes through (where they have to quickly judge and shoot and make sure they don’t hit non-targets), I would have little trouble with this law, because the idiots (the ones I actually don’t want to have weapons) would probably not qualify.

  3. - GOP - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 10:17 am:

    Have you heard Lauzen’s annoying radio commercial? He’s whining (again). The problem is that if he wins, he will be emboldened and if he loses he will be even more aggravating (if that’s possible) in Springfield.

  4. - Shelbyville - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 10:20 am:

    I have no problem with that kind of law.

  5. - Frustrated Republican - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 10:25 am:

    Anybody notice Schock running Ag ads in the southern part of the 18th? Seems odd for a guy with the contest “in the bag.”

  6. - Truthful James - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 10:30 am:

    It will come as little surprise that regardless of the “Schock Treatment” on other issues, I favor concealed carry with cards showing firearms training.

  7. - Justice - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 10:31 am:

    Great idea whose time has come. I support this wholeheartedly. In addition this will be a great boon for the gun shops and drive-in gun shot clinics. Actually, my only hesitation here is the fact that the establishment of politicals are supporting Schock. That by itself worries me as it indicates to me he is bought off or soon will be by the same corporate contributors as those supporting him. It always concerns me when a relative newcomer has the huge financial resources to send out tons of mailings. Additionally, he makes claims of accomplishments that are borderline in truth. But hey, I’ve got to hand it to him and his handlers, the concealed carry is a huge plus. Oh, and by the way, here comes another fee!

  8. - ABolt243 - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 10:42 am:

    Ladies and Gentlemen! Congratulations!!! Your commments on the proposed CCW bill are the most sane I’ve heard!! I agree, Illinois needs to move into the 21st Century!!

  9. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 11:24 am:

    Whether you agree with the sentiment in Schock’s bill or not, it seems hard not to see it as pandering to try to raise his profile and fund raising numbers with NRA members and gun rights activists.

  10. - Truthful James - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 11:30 am:

    Carl –

    Why is it that you (and others on any question on one side or another, depending) use the word ‘pandering’ when you disagree with the purpose of an action?

    I am neither an NRA member nor an activist for gun rights, although you likely consider me to be becasue I favor CCH.

  11. - Doug Dobmeyer - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 11:31 am:

    OK pardnar - the wild west rides again! I love the signs in Minnesota w/a conceal and carry law - Firearms are prohibited in this nursing home. Or the Arizona signs that required homeless people to check thweir guns when registering for a place to stay.

    This is 2007 - the time has passed for the rugged indivisdualist to walk around w/their firearms. The NRA and their silly ideas that what was written in 1776 should all be true today! It’s just another money making scheme by the right wing.

    Doug Dobmeyer

  12. - ABolt243 - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 11:42 am:

    Doug, Look around, 48 states have some form of CCW!!! No bloodshet, no stop sign shootouts, no “wild west scenarios”. Most have been passed ni the last 10 years. In every case, after about 3 years of passage the “antis” will tell you that none of the above happened!! In fact, in most cases, crime rates go down!!!! Criminals are armed today. Why not give that 110# woman the tool to resist that 210# rapist?? The Journal of Criminal Law, not the NRA, has published that lawfully used guns are used to defend against criminals 6500 times……………..every day. Wake up, this is 2007, time for law-abiding citizens to take responsibility for their safety. After all, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away!!

  13. - Bruno - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 11:53 am:

    Though I agree with TJ on the policy, I have to say that Carl is likely correct on the motivation behind the bill.

    What I really, really like was sandbagging the lazy Tribune Editorial board.


    The right to defend one’s self (and others, if and when the need arises) is so beyond question that one wonders how seemingly intelligent people even question it.

    I know, in suburban/urban post-graduate land, we are all supposed to rely on the courts, the police, and the ‘restraining order’ to protect and defend us.

    Fortunately, all those hayseed ‘pardners’ know better than to trust their safety to the post-graduate political class. Too bad they aren’t more into self-reliance in other matters.

  14. - plutocrat03 - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 12:16 pm:

    So far statistics from the states that now allow concealed carry are positive. Chicago which has banned ownership of handguns for a long time, (much less CCW) does not enforce its laws against the criminal class, just the citizens who want to protect themselves and their families.

    It would be great to stop the persecution of otherwise innocent citizens by overzealous politicians and police departments as has happened in Wilmette and Gurnee

  15. - Bookworm - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 12:16 pm:

    “Frustrated Republican”, I wonder if it has to do with the possibility that well-known, longtime Peoria ag reporter Colleen Callahan may end up being his Democratic opponent. Visit Peoria Pundit’s blog for more details.

  16. - Greg - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 12:20 pm:


    Is that your best argument? A western stereotype? Tell that to the rugged western individualists in Vermont (which has basically no restrictions on it) and the other 47 states.

    I recall Rich’s posting of the Atlantic column recently. A (slightly) new addition courtesy of Doug: political posturing = my opponents’ ideas

  17. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 12:20 pm:

    Truthful James, do you believe Schock intends to do what’s necessary to pass this bill into law?

    This is a classic Dennis Kucinich move. He introduces bills that are popular with the activist base of the party and takes as much credit as possible. But then he doesn’t do any of the basics necessary to make the bill law.

    It’s pandering when Kucinich does it, and if Right Wingers had any self respect they realize when Republicans were playing them for chumps.

    TJ, why do you think Schock introduced this bill now? And why didn’t he introduce it earlier? And why not wait until after February 5? Is Wunderkin having trouble in his GOP primary?

  18. - Bookworm - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 12:47 pm:

    “Is Wunderkin having trouble in his GOP primary?” Maybe not in the primary, but see my last post… if this happens he will have a much more formidable opponent in the general than he was expecting due to her name recognition and knowledge of ag issues.

  19. - Sentinel - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 12:54 pm:

    Schock is running his ag ad districtwide not just in the southern part of the 18th. Callahan’s interest just became known and Schock has been on the air with that ad for a few days now. When you watch it, you can see it was filmed last fall when corn was being harvested. So it’s not in response to anything. It takes awhile to tape and edit ads, so if that ad is in response to Callahan’s interest in running it is remarkably fast turn around. I think he is airing ads because he can, not because he has to.

    This is also the time of year that state legislators have to file bills.

  20. - Doug Dobmeyer - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 2:04 pm:

    The remedy is to ban the private ownership of guns. The hunters, which I have been one could keep their hunting gun at a club and claim it when they are going to go out looking for game. Better yet they could rent a gun.

    Having so many guns in our society only fosters the prevelance of violence. CCW laws add to that perception and reality.

    This is not 1776 anymore. We can rise above the childish behavior of thinking walking around armed will make us a better person.

    Right wing elements like the NRA foster this kind of thinking and we have to be ever vigilent against that kind of thinking taking over the US.

    Doug Dobmeyer

  21. - Bill Baar - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 2:06 pm:

    Hannania’s got Pera pegged.

  22. - True Observer - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 2:24 pm:

    “This is 2007 - the time has passed for the rugged indivisdualist to walk around w/their firearms. The NRA and their silly ideas that what was written in 1776 should all be true today! It’s just another money making scheme by the right wing.

    Doug Dobmeyer”

    OK Pard.

    Dare you to walk around any inner city in the US.

    You wont.

    You could have in the Old West.

  23. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 2:28 pm:

    TO, you don’t know Doug very well. He’s a Chicago activist on housing issues. He’s walked through more tough neighborhoods than many. Without a gun.

    Try not to assume too much.

  24. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 3:47 pm:

    Truthful James, you spend your time arguing for conceal carry online. By my definition that makes your a gun rights activist.

    FWIW, I think conceal carry is one proposal in a long history of proposals to keep the gun issue going as a political issue and to raise money for organizations that argue for and against gun legislation.

    One side presents something reasonable that’s designed to antagonize the other side who argues it’s the camel’s nose under the tent. Both sides make a bunch of noise. They send out their fundraising appeals. Republicans use the issue to peal away rural male voters from the Democrats. Democrats use the issue to peal away suburban women from the Republicans.

    Lather, rinse, repeat.

  25. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 6:17 pm:

    Whether or not you like CCW, it’s not a new issue. The NRA is always looking for someone to sponsor a bill. They have it written and waiting. If this is such an important issue for Schock, why didn’t he introduce it last year or the year before?

    Simple explanation: it wouldn’t fly in his mostly urban State House district. Now that he is looking at a large, rural district and primary opposition, it’s a good fit. It plays to the base & gets some earned media. Look for a pulse of contributions followed by a steady stream from gun advocates.

    For this race, it’s a smart move.

  26. - ABolt243 - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 8:38 pm:

    Yep, total gun bans are working real well in U.K and Australia!

  27. - Kevin Highland - Thursday, Jan 24, 08 @ 9:23 pm:

    The above at least shows that Rep. Schock has sponsored similar legislation in the past. While he may be doing it this time to help get some more votes I at least think that he feels this would be good legislation.

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