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Question of the day

Monday, Jan 28, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

Tell us about the latest political mailers you’ve received, ads you’ve seen or heard, etc.


  1. - Rod sez I'm pork - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 10:31 am:

    We received a mailer from Berny Stone who is running against Ira Silverstein for committeeman. The cover displayed Ira riding an enormous arrow- shaped phallus, indicating his support for (large) tax increases.

    Berny has never been known for his subtlety, but this seemed gratuitous and pathetic.

  2. - Jon Cutler - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 10:33 am:

    I’ve received the following:

    Dean Maragos
    Lil’ Lip
    Mark Pera
    Joe Berrios - 3 different ones
    County Dems

    None caught my attention except for the negs slamming Lil’ Lip.

  3. - August - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 10:36 am:

    I received a letter from Art Tenhouse asking for money…I’m registered as a Hard R.

  4. - August - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 10:37 am:

    I meant Art Turner…

  5. - Bill - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 10:37 am:

    I get one from Dean Maragos everyday. Where does this guy get all the money?
    I got one from personal pac slamming Little Lip and quite a few from Pera.
    The best one was from the ward organization. I went immediately to the polls and voted for every endorsed candidate,including judges.

  6. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 10:41 am:

    The last thing I have time to do is read through junk mail. I sort out real mail and dump the rest.

  7. - Louis G. Atsaves - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 10:51 am:

    Got one from Dan Seals, so he is mailing to everyone, including Republican me. He is for “change, change, change.” He is now a “lecturer” at Northwestern. Before he was a full professor, then an adjunct professor, then . . . in April he will actually teach a class! Talk about Resume Puffing!

    It’s going to be a very long political season.

  8. - dan l - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 10:53 am:

    Broccoli is healthy.
    Cheese fries are not.
    Life isn’t fair.
    elect a judge who is.
    Maloney for Judge.

    Seen on a pace bus up in Niles.

    I took a picture with my camera phone. I’ll see if it turned out.

  9. - The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 10:53 am:

    The “At 6 foot 4 inches tall, Larry Sufrredin is a big guy” TV ad is hilarious.

    The guy couldn’t even running the gangbangers off Morse Avenue.

  10. - Anon - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 10:55 am:

    Received a couple from Lipinski & Pera in the 3rd CD. Also good one from Jerry Bennett.
    Dean Maragos has sent a couple. The ward org. dropped off a flyer for Tom Allen.

  11. - cool hand - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 10:56 am:

    3 mailers each from berrios & his opponent. (is berrios in trouble?) 2 pieces each from silverstein & stone for committeeman, (why does stone hyphenate “tax-payers”?)plus an ira lit drop. sharpest mail of the cycle? spyropoulos for water rec.

  12. - Wumpus - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 11:06 am:

    I’ve gotten a lot of judge mailers (Sub circuit 13).
    Paul Froehlich will say anything to get elected. He has gone from a moderate to conservative believer in many of Reagan’s ideals to an Obama/Hillary flaming liberal. Seems desperate. He and Monyhan are arguing over who is the real democrat.

    Monyhan basically states that Froehlic is pro-life and Froehlich says Monyhan’s firm defends big corporations.

  13. - jerry 101 - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 11:07 am:

    i saw that Maloney ad on a pace bus today as well.

    I stopped paying attention to the mailers. Some judicial candidate is hammering me. if I get another one, I may vote against her out of principle.

    Eddie Winters barely has money for a website, but he’s sending out almost as many mailers as Waguespack and Matlak sent - combined.

    It’s all junk mail at this point. I’ve pretty much made up my mind.

  14. - Rich Township - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 11:07 am:

    Been getting a lot of pieces from Al Riley. Looks like he will dispose of Ashmore(Blago) easily. Bye bye Toni.

  15. - Downstate in Chicago - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 11:09 am:

    I’ve seen lots of ads being run by Iris Martinez in the last 2 to 3 weeks…I see them multiple times a day. Saw my first Bradley ad a day or two ago. All of the Martinez ads were positive; the one Bradley ad was very negative and finished with I picture of her in between pictures of Rod and Emil.

  16. - Party Boy - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 11:13 am:

    I heard a Jim Oberweis ad on WBBM this morning.

  17. - train111 - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 11:14 am:

    Being from a ‘Democratic’ household out in Il-14(I’m personally not a Democrat, but my mother in law and wife are yellow dogs) I’ve seen more Bill Foster mailers than you can shake a stick at. Sometimes 2 or 3 different ones in a day. Laesch has sent 1 post card type mailer, and Jotham Stein has sent out several–the last being late last week.
    The Stein people came by gathering signatures for the special election ballot a few weeks back, and the Laesch people were by this weekend asking if they could count on our support. I told them I was undecided although I personally am leaning towards Stein. My wife is definitely pro-Stein and I do not know where my mother in law stands yet.


  18. - clj - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 11:31 am:

    I received one from Sen. Delgado with a blurry picture of Alderman Manny Flores looks like it was copied off his website, giving what appears to be a glowing endorsement although Manny’s name is not used along with the quote. And then received one from Joe Moreno, Delgado’s opponent with Joe and Manny walking down the street together and obvious endorsements of Joe by Manny.

    I guess you can give yourself an endorsement by anyone you want on your mail piece.

  19. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 11:32 am:

    I finally got a piece this weekend - mailer by Brady gun control group slamming Collins as an NRA supporter and endorsing Winters. Although I never quite believe mailers like that - there’s always some distortion involved - it’s effective on its face.

  20. - Karma - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 11:37 am:

    I’ve gotten a bunch from Al Riley and I’ve met him. I guess he’s got to do something, his obvious good looks, blooming personality and wholesome credentials (yeah right)must not be cutting it. Even more so, as many women and children than go missing on a daily basis, putting her on the back of a milk carton was horrible. By the way, Ms. Ashmore doesn’t get paid as a trustee on the library board and she missed 2 meetings (she was excused for)out of 8 because she was busy bringing jobs to the community at an economic development meeting. Do some research Rich Township.

  21. - The Soon to be New Rich Township - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 11:54 am:

    Riley, Bradford, Jones and Kelly aka the “Olympia Fields Mafia” will soon all be gone and forgotten. And shame on Robin Kelly for not remaining neutral. Shame on you Robin Kelly!!!

  22. - HappyToaster - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 12:09 pm:

    An endless stream of glossies from Foster, one from Stein plus a non-robo call. Nada from Laesch.

  23. - ZC - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 12:11 pm:

    There’s an El poster up on the Brown line for a judicial race that is hilarious. No discussion of qualifications, no endorsements. It just says against a plain white background, “Brian Sexton is TOUGH.” And there’s a profile of Brian Sexton, doing his best Urlacher impersonation. He looks like he wants to smash a chair over the closest hoodlum’s head.

  24. - Mike - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 12:16 pm:

    1 Cook County Dem Party Official slate
    2 copies of the IVI-IPO sample ballot
    5 from Berrios’s reelection campaign for Board of Review
    3 from Deratany’s campaign for Board of Review
    3 identical mailers from Gideon Baum for 8th Judicial Subcircuit
    3 from James Shapiro for 8th Judicial Subcircuit
    1 from Debra Marcus for 8th Judicial Subcircuit
    1 from James Byrne for 8th Judicial Subcircuit
    3 from Mariyana Spyropoulos for Water Rec District
    4 from Dean Maragos for Water Rec District
    1 from Tim Egan for 43rd ward Dem Committeeman

  25. - Mr. Dreamey - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 12:21 pm:

    My wife, a primary voting GOPer in the middle of LaHood;s CD, has got nothing in the mail from Mr. Dreamey or his non dreamy oppoonents.
    And she does not watch much tv

  26. - wordslinger - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 12:21 pm:

    Win a Date in Hollywood with Hillary or Chelsea.

    I’ve never seen this before. I don’t know how I got on the list, but Hillary and Chelsea have sent out emails where you could win seats at an upcoming debate in Los Angeles. They ask for contributions, but since technically it is a sweepstakes, there is a NO PURCHASE NECESSARY option.

    With Chelsea, if you win, you get to sit by her at the debate. Hillary’s was especially funny/strange. She writes that she likes to make eye contact in a debate audience with one person, and if you win, it could be you.

    I’m awaiting Bill’s offer.

  27. - Fender Bender - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 12:22 pm:

    Mailer for AmySue Mertens…

    “Rickey Hendon has been feeding himself at our expense… Taxpayers are after him because he taken $125K a year in two taxpayer funded salaries…”

    “Then, Rickey Hendon was rewarded by the Cook County President with two $24,900 contracts from Cook County without board approval.”

    Then it goes on about the payraise vote… and another one in the box the same day talks about how he turned his back on our kids…

    Funny stuff.

  28. - Thinking without the box - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 12:28 pm:

    Every mailer I’ve received has came from the Schock and Aww campaign. If he is everything he says he is we should just skip the congressional race and run him for President this year. Reminds me of a lady several years ago who applied for a job with the State Fair Agency. If you totaled up all her years of experience on her resume she would of had to start working when she was 6 years old.

  29. - Sarah - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 12:29 pm:

    I heard a radio ad for Jonathan Bedi on Power 92 and WGCI. I didn’t realize that Hendon and Obama did not get along. I checked it out online and saw a lot of stories about their bad blood. Funny that Hendon is putting Obama on all his signs!

    The radio piece was very professional.

  30. - Undercover - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 12:57 pm:

    Someone left a stack of Heather Steans’ handbills on my condo building gate. They flew all over the neighborhood. There are spelling errors on them, too.

    Berrios did the same thing, though his didn’t fly around everywhere.

    Recently I’ve been getting mail from Senator Clinton. Just a few.

    Barack has been running his ads with Kirk Dillard pretty often lately.

    The best ad I’ve seen this cycle is Larry Suffredin’s with Jesse Jr. and Forrest Claypool. It’s shot well, has some major players, and makes an impact. Toma Allen’s ads, which have dropped off in the past few weeks, are hilarious. His southside guy accent is too much.

    I’ve been at home ill, so I’ve had plenty of time to look for these things.

  31. - Blue in 60137 - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:06 pm:

    I live in the 6th CD, and I’ve received nothin’ nobody sent.

  32. - Richton Park - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:09 pm:

    I’ve been getting Riley mailers for the past two weeks; just got one from Democoupolus for judge last week. Olympia Fields mafia? Riley appears to have a good head on his shoulders - not sure about Ashmore, though. Will she be able to survive in Springfield? Also, that clip last week, here on capital fax - placing Ashmore as a puppet from the Governor’s office. That is quite a scary thought. I don’t want anyone from the Governor’s office to represent our area.

    Heard Howard Brookins ad on V103.

  33. - Kelly - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:12 pm:

    Joe Berrios is in big trouble. He pretends in his ads that he cares about schools and clean water. Joe Berrios only cares about himself, the machine and promoting his children.

    We’ve gotten four Berrios ads in the mail and they are complete lies!

  34. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:12 pm:

    Suffredin’s new ad is probably the best I’ve seen on t.v. He claims that the NRA and Todd Stroger are out to get him, then touts endorsements by Claypool and Jesse Jackson, Jr.

    Good luck getting your budget approved if you win, Larry. :-)

  35. - Harvey - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:12 pm:

    A terrible commercial and mailer from Rep. Mike Boland. I thought the mailer was junk. Just a picture of a desk bell on the front. You had to open it to see who it was from. I threw it out and heard the locals making fun of the mailer so I went home and dug it out. On the TV ad Mike Boland is wearing a kings’ crown. Someone said he was the “royal reader” but it looks more like he’s crowned himself king for life.

    Got a couple from is opponent Jerry Lack. There’s a picture of Lane Evans with him. The former congressman looks to be in very poor health.

  36. - Moki - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:15 pm:

    The anti- Joe Berrios ads are great. Joe Berrios IS in bed with Todd Stroger and they DO want to increase our sales tax by 2%.

    A 2% sales tax increase punishes the lower and middle classes. VOTE NO FOR JOE BERRIOS!

  37. - Undercover - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:21 pm:

    I have to agree that the Berrios pieces are a joke, as he is. Seems like he might be done this year.

  38. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:24 pm:

    I also saw the first Anita Alvarez tv ad this morning - it was pretty good. Much better than the other two goons. I also heard the tail end of a new Suffredin ad (not the tough giant ad), but not enough to fully mock it.

  39. - BB Lewis - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:25 pm:

    Wow, I’m so glad to have an option besides Joe Berrios this year. To me Joe Berrios seems to be the epitome of corruption in Cook County (along with Todd Stroger.)

    The Berrios mailings are incredible lies. What has Joe Berrios historically done for schools or the environment? My answer: nothing. His job deals with reviewing taxes, and he’s done a poor job of that.

  40. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:28 pm:

    Oh crap - I just heard a radio ad on 93.1 for Maragos. I had no idea he had raised so much money. I get a little annoyed when candidates don’t do their own voiceovers or don’t record their own ads - but I really think Maragos might be the best candidate for MWRD. If not the best, then certainly in the top 3.

  41. - BB Lewis - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:28 pm:

    Oh, and the Mariyana Spyropoulos ads are great. She seems very well intended for the position with some great support. I would go for her over Maragos, but I also like Diane Jones. Thank God we can vote for 3!

  42. - more like... - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:31 pm:

    Got a clever Obama/Fritchey piece about change (surprise) and a TON of judicial mailers. I like it that Fritchey is out mail even w/o opposition.

  43. - Deep South - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:32 pm:

    I’ve been seeing a Hillary TV spot lately. It runs on KFVS-TV in Cape Girardeau, so I suspect they’re after Missouri voters, not Illinois voters. I mean you gotta figure Obama has Illinois in the bag, don’t you?

  44. - reasonable 1 - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:33 pm:

    I’ve been getting Riley (who lives in Olympia Fields) mailers and it appears he and Madigan will paint a picture of Ashmore any way they can. How come no one is interested in the fact that he’s drawing 2 taxpaying salaries as Rich Township Supervisor and as State Rep? Or the fact that he was appointed as State Rep by his employee-The Rich Township Committeman (who lives in Olympia Fields) and then hired the committeeman’s daughter to run his district office? Not to mention he was appointed as Olympia Fields trustee, then appointed as the township supervisor, and now appointed as state rep? I’ve met both candidates, I think Ashmore will do fine, she’s done a great job bringing economic development to Matteson. What has Riley done other than take over what that Robin Kelly started? And even she gave 70% of her member initiatives to Olympia Fields. I guess it is a mafia and the North end of the district will continue to get nothing if he is elected. I know if I was running for anything and I wanted my opponent to lose, I’d probably put him/her next to Ryan, Blago or who ever else that wasn’t popular. Looks like a set-up!

  45. - BB Lewis - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:33 pm:

    I’d like to hear commentary about .coms as well
    can’t find a Maragos site

  46. - Ron Burgundy - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:38 pm:

    I got a solicitation for a contribution in the mail for Oberweis, with a return address of Virginia. I’m not in his district, something for which I am very thankful.

  47. - BB Lewis - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:39 pm:

    Ron, you sure are lucky. Oberweis would be horrible!

  48. - Lefty Lefty - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:47 pm:

    In IL-14, Foster’s come Plus, since my wife kept her last name, we are lucky enough to get 2 of each. And he’s back on the Iragi withdrawal campaign. I don’t know if it’s enough for Bill Baar’s vote, though.

    Stein sent his first to me over the weekend. He is stepping out of a box and it said something like, “Think outside the box with Jotham.” His future may be in comedy.

  49. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:48 pm:

    BBLewis - Something about Spyropoulos bugs me. She seems very disingenuous. I’ve seen her at a couple events and she has no personality. If she shows any excitement at all it’s when she’s talking about winning, not when she’s talking about what she plans to do or why the environment and clean water are important to her. Plus, as I stated before, I found her campaign contributions to her endorsers to be disconcerting.

    But I realize that I’m a cynic. Maybe she’ll be fine.

  50. - Former State Employee - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:48 pm:

    We’ve gotten a number of glossy mailings from the Schock campaign…..all done very well. Nothing from others running for the same spot

  51. - Skeeter - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:55 pm:

    In 26, I receive a ton of mail from Burns, Johnson, and Chadra.

    Burns stuff is good, but it tends to look the same. I have to admit that Johnson’s stuff looks better. That’s too bad, since Burns is the better candidate.

    So far, only one piece from Jefferies. Maybe she’s pulling a Natarus, and will drop five pieces a day now through the election.

  52. - Happy Camper in New Lenox - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 1:57 pm:

    The two from Balderman made me yawn. Nothing from Lee as yet. Wake me up when we swear in Halvorsen.

  53. - Happy Camper in New Lenox - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 2:02 pm:

    Oh,my sister says that Paula Gomora is dropping a lot of mail in her race for judge. Two pieces so far.

  54. - Karma - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 2:04 pm:

    Good point reasonable!!!! I know all about it (and some things you don’t know like why he is no longer teaching at Governors State) and more people should talk about it. I guess Ms. Ashmore is taking the high road because I would definitely expose him. His combined salaries total over $100,000 and he has the nerve to send out a money mailer about her and her husband, not to mention he had a contentious divorce not to long ago (all public record). I guess we (the constituents of the 38th district) should just call Madigan’s office if we have an issue, he seemingly will be running the 38th district, IF Albert was to pull this off.

  55. - Anon - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 2:04 pm:

    Bill S - I agree with the personality comment. Spyropoulos and Mertens both have NO personality. “Self-interest” is the phrase that comes to mind from both.

  56. - BB Lewis - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 2:05 pm:

    Bill, maybe you a right a bit. I think she is very passionate about the job though, which is what I’m concerned about. I did meet her and Diane Jones and like them both. I also really got a good impression of Debbie Markcus (well, and James Shapiro) for judges.

    Deratany seemed the most real of all of them, but Maragos was a friendly guy too.

  57. - Kay - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 2:07 pm:

    in terms of the websites, and are the most professional

  58. - Anon - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 2:09 pm:

    The Suffredin piece w/ Claypool reminded me that the States Attorney is also the top lawyer for the County Board. Which could have a HUGE impact on county budget battles and the dynamics on the board. You’d have to go back to John Stroger/Jack O’Malley from 95-96 to have the same dynamic, but the board did not have a strong core of reformers then. Circa 92, Phelan and O’Malley had their battles, with the States Attorney siding with the board members against the President.

  59. - BB Lewis - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 2:10 pm:

    Agreed, I like the one the best.

    It has the most information. is good too, but a bit boring.

  60. - Niles Township - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 2:11 pm:

    Jay Paul Deratney x 3 (Bd of Review)
    Larry Suffredin (State’s Atty)

  61. - Captain America - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 2:11 pm:

    Derataney is running a very aggressive direct mail campaign against Rarrios which effectively nails Berrios to the wall by skewering him for supporting the slating of Todd Stroger and also for supporting Stroger’s 2% sales tax increase.

    I think Berrios has got a race on his hnads since the major newspapers have endorsed his opponent. The electorate may be on the verge of a
    tax revolt, I think Berrios is in trouble. Who better to balme for Todd Stroger than the Chair of the Cook County Democratic Party???

    On the positive side, I thought the True Blue mail piece I received from the Cook County Democratic Party with the slated candidates was the best direct mail piece I’ve ever received from the CCDP. I actually felt compelled to look at it. It won’t affect my vote one way or the other, but it was nice attractive way to present the slated candidates.

  62. - reasonable 1 - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 2:19 pm:

    Karma - all I know is I’m tired of the negative mailers and I wish candidates would just focus on the status quo and what they plan to do in the future as it relates to their candidacy. I actually met Ms. Ashmore at my church (she spoke there), my pastor told me she is supported by all of the pastors in the district also. She is very intelligent, forthcoming, committed, pretty, currently does a great job (especially bringing back JC Penney to the community) and has issues that stick. I don’t believe a word of this Blago connnection! If her worst skeleton (and it I wouldn’t really consider it to be that) is missing 2 meetings and working hard to provide for her family, she has my vote! Let’s stick to the issues people!

  63. - Richton Park - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 2:25 pm:

    Reasonable1 and Karma:

    I have to comment on the following quotes from above.

    “think Ashmore will do fine, she’s done a great job bringing economic development to Matteson.”
    Being an economic development specialist and taking credit for all the economic development work in Matteson is somewhat of a rather long stretch. Quite frankly, she is a paper pusher; someone who files stuff and attends meetings. I doubt she is negotiating or meeting with high level personnel. It doesn’t give credence to her boss or the department, the mayor of Matteson, the South Suburban Mayors & Managers Association, Congressman Jackson (remember Green Day march!) and countless other economic development organizations in the region who have been fighting to bringing economic development dollars to the region. Sorry, just not enough experience in my book for Ashmore to do anything in Springfield.

    “I know if I was running for anything and I wanted my opponent to lose, I’d probably put him/her next to Ryan, Blago or who ever else that wasn’t popular. Looks like a set-up!”
    Ashmore stated in the Southtown Star that the Governor personally asked her to run for office. The same Governor who has all but depleted all of the funds available for purchase of the ALNA land. The same Governor who has held transit hostage for his no tax pledge - but finally succumb to reality this month - because there was no other alternatives available for mass transit.

  64. - BB Lewis - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 2:26 pm:

    I haven’t gotten that piece. I understand from reading a Trib article that Berrios somehow “forgot” to initally endorse Obama, so that is a bit of a concern for me as well.

  65. - YNM - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 2:31 pm:

    Here in the B-N area I’ve received a couple pieces about the Unit 5 school referendum. They were both well done informational pieces.

  66. - CHANGE please.... - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 2:38 pm:

    I live in Beverly and I have recently seen Stanley Moore for State Representative 27th District pieces begin to drop. Also Monique put out a negative piece on Stanley Moore last week but it was comical at best, as she is a 20 year plus incumbent and technologically out of touch. Monique and Madigan must be nervous, all of her pieces have been paid for by Friends of Michael J. Madigan…..

  67. - reasonable 1 - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 2:41 pm:

    Richton Park-I read that article and I asked Ms. Ashmore about it. She told me that he indeed asked her but she didn’t accept under his request. She had already been thinking about running but wanted to run on her own as she has been all of this time. Also, she is highly instrumental in the economic
    development negotiations. You should talk to some of the businesses, I have, and they love her, especially the ones that have her campaign literature on display. As for credence, Ms. Ashmore does it from 9-5, some evenings and weekends as well, I don’t think any of your aforementioned are putting in that kind of time. Additionally, Robin Kelly didn’t have any more experience than Ms. Ashmore, Senator Maggie Crotty had even less.

  68. - Karma - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 2:54 pm:

    CHANGE-they are nervous!!! Karma-Ironically, I’ve seen Ashmore’s lit in some businesses to and they do love her, however, they also told me the Committeman-Bradford was trying to strong arm them to remove her lit, they haven’t and said they won’t. Some of them even said that they were never approached by Riley until now and that he’s very arrogant and condescending.

  69. - Napoleon has left the building - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 3:04 pm:

    YDD - I agree the Suffredin ads are pretty good. I think Tom Allen’s are good too.

    I got some mailers from Brookins and I don’t live in Cook County. He is not going to win.

  70. - reasonable 1 - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 3:06 pm:

    Richton Park, if she isn’t doing it, then who is? The Village Administrator all by himself with all of those other departments to run? OH wait, the Mayor, who has been ill and is barely making the the board meetings? They don’t have a Community Development Director or even a Deputy Village Administrator. She’s next in line Richton Park….it pays to do your homework.

  71. - Anon - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 3:32 pm:

    As far as the Riley-Ashmore race. I am undecided. But let’s be honest guys. Ashmore is Governor Blagojevich’s candidate and Riley is Madigans. Say what you want but this is between those big shots. Riley has Madigan people working all over the district. I had a guy come to my door and he made a real good case for Riley. Ashmore is getting help from the governor. I hear he has been calling city organizations (23rd, 36th) for manpower on the weekends to blitz and put up signs for Ashmore. There are a lot of Ashmore signs in front of vacant homes in my neighborhood. I don’t even think anyone votes out of those homes. Can anyone convince me of who is the better candidate? Leave out all the unfair rumors about a divorce or job change Etc. Just the facts please.

  72. - pete - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 3:40 pm:

    broken heart,

    you really like to whine about stuff. is it the county commissioner’s job to “running the gangbangers off morse avenue”? it’s not. complain to the police or the alderman. you are awesome at grammar, though.

  73. - Y A J - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 3:42 pm:

    I’ve gotten great mail from both Pera & Jerry Bennett against Lil’ Lip. Bennett’s fake love letter from Lip to Bush was one of the best mailers I’ve ever seen.

  74. - Big Laugh - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 4:16 pm:

    Was just on the site. This is hilarious:

  75. - Bored in the 3rd - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 4:27 pm:

    Two from Bennett (Jerry) and 4 from Perra. Perra’s are good but both have the same message. They will cancel each other out.
    State’s attorney: Liked Alvarez ad, well done. She has great qualifications. Larry’s ad is a joke: “I’m a big guy” Milan’s ad is a joke as well. Correcting the spelling of his name? Alot of depth there.

  76. - K to the 3 - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 4:49 pm:

    I have gotten 2 robo calls from Jimmy Lee. The weird part is everyone in my household is a hard D!

  77. - Richton Park - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 4:51 pm:


    Visit both candidates websites. - legislative website about his work so far in Springfield. Definitely check out the news section and the legislative summaries.

    The fact is that Rep. Riley is endorsed by nearly all elected officials in the south suburban region, and there is a whole sleugh of endorsements on his campaign website at

    Ashmore does not have any endorsements, not even the mayor of Matteson is endorsing her candidacy.

    My vote goes to the most qualified person for this position.

    Robin Kelly had tons of experience over Ashmore. Comparing Ashmore to Kelly is like comparing a small house (ashmore) to the Taj Mahal (Kelly).

    BTW, the community development director position was posted last year, if she is next in line - why didn’t she get the job?

  78. - chiatty - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 5:03 pm:

    I think the Suffredin and Allen ads are funny because you have two politicians trying to act tough enough to be a prosecutor even though neither has been to a crime scene in their life. Suffredin’s ads look like a pitch for a new series, Flaw & Disorder.

  79. - anon - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 6:46 pm:

    Olympia Field Mafia???? where is it??? Madigan is paying for nearly all the mailers/staff and such for Riley. The Gov. is supporting ashmore. So much for the “mafia” and independence.

  80. - anon - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 6:55 pm:

    Monique Davis’ radio ad is “Monique D. Davis” leading the charge on mortgage foreclosure and such. Monique D. Davis also mentions she is a former educater. The Ad is only Monique D. Davis’ voice, and Monique D. Davis mentions Monique D. Davis name a few times.

    Stanly Moore has a ad with some familiar voices and its radio ad. “We desere more, Stanly Moore” is the theme. Its pretty good.

  81. - Unspun - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 7:03 pm:

    The Aaron Schock TV ad where he is in the farmer getup was well produced, covers the laudable goals of increased agriculture and ethanol production. However, I had a hard time swallowing Schock dressed up like a farmer. Were those Shaq’s gloves he was wearing? The farmer attire is a pretty sharp contrast to the day he strolled onto the House floor wearing a velvet “smoking jacket”. Maybe he has become an “outfit chameleon” to complement his status as “truth chameleon”? Or, maybe he plans to use that extra ethanol that he is pimping to fuel those antiquated nuclear missiles that we are giving to Taiwan to aim at China? It sounds like a well thought out plan, er…a mistaken position…uh, that is to say, a joke. you get the picture.
    The ad is such an overt attempt at pandering that he may as well hold the Gerber baby in front of the camera for a big smootch.

  82. - Nearly Normal - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 9:08 pm:

    Balderman mailers-2; other Republican candidates for the CD11–0.
    Senator Brady and Rep Brady are unopposed so no money spent on mailers from them.Ditto all the McLean County office holders.

  83. - anon - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 11:02 pm:

    Ashmore or Riley? It’s pretty simple. Do you go with Blago’s gal, or Madigan’s guy. I’ll take Madigan’s guy Riley. I told you this was simple.

  84. - Alexi's Bill - Monday, Jan 28, 08 @ 11:21 pm:


    just a crybaby as usual.

  85. - Anon - Tuesday, Jan 29, 08 @ 6:27 am:

    I received a third piece from Balderman yesterday, but like the other comments, I wasn’t really inspired. I heard Tim’s Fundraiser only had 20 people show up. Looks like he won’t have the training wheels off by the fall.

  86. - White Rabbit - Tuesday, Jan 29, 08 @ 6:38 am:

    Lou Bianchi, McHenry County State’s Attorney, sent out a couple of mailers that hit on successive days last week. His opponent, Dan Regna, had a palm card sized piece that fell out of the Northwest Herald about a week ago last Thursday.

  87. - reasonable1 - Tuesday, Jan 29, 08 @ 3:27 pm:

    Richton Park-You obviously don’t know anybody in Matteson or they don’t talk to you….as far as the position, maybe she didn’t want it, or maybe she thought it would be more ammunition for people like Riley to try and use. As far as endorsements, I guess when Madigan and Bradford send cronies around threatening people it works. I can post names of the cronies! Anon….can you even vote for either candidate, have you even met Ashmore, doesn’t sound like it?

  88. - The new Rich Township - Tuesday, Jan 29, 08 @ 11:13 pm:

    Anon- check out the Ashmore and Riley campaign disclosures–Madigan is Riley’s Godfather while Ashmore is like Cinderella

  89. - Joe Citizen - Wednesday, Jan 30, 08 @ 1:58 pm:

    I’ve seen all the ads for Cook County State’s Attorney and personally I think no one is more qualified than Bob Milan. I’m sick of politicians using important positions for personal gain. Bob is the one I want protecting my community not a guy who thinks because he’s 6′4″ he can do the job, not a man who talks with marbles in his mouth, not a person who’s running simply because she’s a woman, and certainly not a person who makes race an issue EVERY single time

  90. - Moki - Friday, Feb 1, 08 @ 12:47 am:

    I LOVE Jay Paul Deratany’s jib jab style ads that are on the site and also were being aired on a few stations tonight.

    The cartoonish ad is hilarious and really portrays the corruption of the Chicago machine and the characters that run politics.

  91. - Politically Astute - Saturday, Feb 2, 08 @ 5:08 pm:

    Anon - You commented that “Spyropoulos and Mertens both have NO personality. “Self-interest” is the phrase that comes to mind from both. Have you looked at Mertens’ background. She has worked almost exclusively for non-profit organizations. How does that translate to self interest??? As far as personality, if you want that, Rickey Hendon is your man. However, if you’re looking for good government, I think you may want to revisit your criteria.

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