Morning Shorts
Tuesday, Jan 29, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning * Ward superintendent charged with vote fraud; more here * Committee OKs landmark status for IBM building * Seniors’ free rides begin March 17 — if they have RTA photo IDs * 1st Chicago tavern busted for smoking * District 6 candidates accept reality of O’Hare expansion * Candidates have health care visions * 2 contend for GOP nod in 3rd District * Crowded field vying. for 3rd District Democratic nomination * Illinois trooper in fatal crash should be fired, lawmaker says * Sales tax could pay for Illinois levee repairs * Report cites substandard care for deaths at VA hospital; more here * Is Dan Seals Showing Impaired Judgment in Supporting Eddie Washington? * Judge candidates question factor of race in bar polls * Businessman challenges Schmitz in 49th District * WTVP required to raise a little more cash
* Illinois lawmakers want presidential election changes * Roskam’s response to State of Union address * State establishes scholarship fund for children of lost Armed Forces members * Big loan gets Rezko jailed; more here * Star witness has drug problem, defense says * Rezko put in jail; bail is revoked * Was Rezko as surprised as he looked? * Rezko not reason for Blagojevich no-show at Obama event * Bill Baar: Tony Rezko: “a philanthropist to the medical community” * Illinois representatives’ reaction to State of the Union * Illinois early voting ends Thurdsay * Foreclosures land Illinois in group’s top 10 list * Ralph Martire: Illinois tax policy generates far too many negatives
* Bush asks perseverance on sagging economy, patience on Iraq; read the transcript here * State of rivals’ union? Tense * Giuliani hints he may drop out if he loses Florida gamble
- Bruno - Tuesday, Jan 29, 08 @ 8:53 am:
Martire’s old saw about “maintainng public services” would be reasonable if by “public services” he meant;
1. funding childrens’ education, not pensions and pork, and bond and building schemes for an unproductive “education bureaucracy”
2. Funding Mass Transit, and not a Mass Transit Bureaucracy
3. Funding public works, and not a public employee bureaucracy.
Guiliani was never even in it. I wouldn’t be surprised if his entire campaign wasn’t more about laundering campaign cash instead of running for office.
Hence his popularity with Illinois Republican Establishment.
- plutocrat03 - Tuesday, Jan 29, 08 @ 8:59 am:
It appears that Mr. Seals has fallen for one of the oldest gambits in the book.
Endorsements (and seeking endorsements) of sitting candidates is old hat. What is odd is that Mr. Washington is at best a colorful figure (at worst what his opponents call him). Allying oneself to a controversial figure who is not directly aligned with your target constituency is a lose lose situation.
You will draw fire from opponents of thsi controversial figure and the support from his supporters will not really be helpful since many of them cannot vote for you.
It does allow for one to question Mr. Seal’s judgement.
- Patriot - Tuesday, Jan 29, 08 @ 9:07 am:
The Florida Polls are open. Has the media declared the winners yet?
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jan 29, 08 @ 9:26 am:
“It was a moment that called for extraordinary humility on my part”
Right, Senator Obama. Good thing you are not humble enough to tell everyone how humble you are.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jan 29, 08 @ 9:37 am:
Look at that quote again, and ask yourself if you ever said anything like that.
Obama didn’t say he was humbled. He didn’t say the moment was humbling. You or I would have said something similar to this, right?
Instead he tells everyone that he had to call up ‘extraordinary humility’ within himself, as if this is in itself an extraordinary thing to do.
The more I listen to this walking Hallmark card, the less I like him. And I voted for him twice - once in the primary and in the General. Obviously he doesn’t need our votes, since he has found within himself all the satisfaction necessary to justify his ambition, hasn’t he?
- Justice - Tuesday, Jan 29, 08 @ 10:14 am:
Don’t worry VM, the Rezko hammer wielded by Hillary will start pounding harder and harder. I think Obama forgot about ‘integrity’ when he was talking about humility. I for one can’t get past him wanting his slice of the pie at the expense of his integrity. Combine that with his inability to make a decision and he will ultimately lose.
- Dan S, a Voter - Tuesday, Jan 29, 08 @ 10:21 am:
Are the Feds putting pressure on Mr Rezko to get information or does the guy not understand what he is facing?
- Jon Shibley Fan - Tuesday, Jan 29, 08 @ 11:43 am:
VM, project much?
Your very premise is false. You are assigning your own biased feelings to someone else’s words, and then attacking the feelings that you, and not they, have expressed.
Questioning Obama or any other public official is fair game - they are the ones who have chosen to be in the public eye. But attacking what someone said, and not your jaundiced version of what they meant are two distinctively different things.
- Squideshi - Tuesday, Jan 29, 08 @ 12:23 pm:
“This month, Illinois lawmakers voted to join a movement that essentially dictates the use of the country’s popular vote to elect the president.”
The Illinois Green Party officially supports the abolition of the Electoral College and use of the popular vote in order to elect the President, and this position has been enshrined in the party’s national political platform for quite some time. Of course, we also support the use of Instant Runoff Voting in order to ensure majority winners.
Glad to see that the legislature is catching up.
- Ghost - Tuesday, Jan 29, 08 @ 3:14 pm:
Plug Pulled on FutureGen
Interesting, the private backers agreed to limit the money from the fed to the same amount the feds had already agreed to pay, to alleviate cost concerns. So this is nothing more then Texas did not get the deal, so the pres pulls the funding. I guess you can call this the pay to burn scandal. If your not his home State, and were blue to him in the elction, no govt grants for you.