This just in…
Wednesday, Jan 9, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * 4:30 pm - The House just passed the mass transit bailout bill that diverts $400 million from the state budget with no backfill. There’s trouble in the Senate for both versions, however the version without the backfill might be closer to fruition. Don’t get your hopes up because the SGOPs may be completely against anything.. * 5:10 pm - Sen. Terry Link prevailed today in Cook County court. His former Dem opponent had appealed a State Board of Elections ruling that kept Link on the ballot. * 5:20 pm - Uh-oh. From a press release…. “In a victory for the public and its right to access information, Sangamon County Circuit Court Judge Patrick Kelley ruled that the Better Government Association (”BGA”) and Dan Sprehe, the BGA’s Chief Investigator, have a right to copies of federal subpoenas served upon the Blagojevich administration”
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Link; Cross; Schmitz; Mitchell; Smith; Dunn; Hoffman; Krause (Use all caps in password)
Wednesday, Jan 9, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Wednesday, Jan 9, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * As you probably know by now, the Sun-Times is cutting staff to patch a $50 million budget hole…
These cuts come on top of previous mass layoffs at its other properties and others announced yesterday, plus a reduction in the paper’s size. Question: Will the Sun-Times still be alive a year from now? Two years from now? Explain. Also, do you care?
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s Capitol Fax (Use all caps in password)
Wednesday, Jan 9, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
Obama open thread *** UPDATED x1 ***
Wednesday, Jan 9, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller Wherein you can discuss last night’s astonishing results and the future of Obama’s presidential campaign. *** UPDATE *** For your perusal, exit polling…
Two bills, two votes, but what will happen? Plus: Some good news for a change
Wednesday, Jan 9, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * I broke this story for subscribers yesterday, and now the Tribune has it today…
* Maybe, maybe not…
The big question has been what Senate President Emil Jones will do, but his spokesperson said Jones “will call it for a vote and look for Republican support,” according to the Trib. * Meanwhile, there was finally a spot of good news. Madigan seems to be OK with the governor’s amendatory veto of the BIMP bill…
* More session stuff, compiled by Paul…
Morning shorts
Wednesday, Jan 9, 2008 - Posted by Paul Richardson * Dem candidate Foster goes after Bush, Oberweis * 9 counties, Aurora plan suit in race to replace Hastert
* Center affected by state’s unpaid bills * Jim Ryan to lead campaign for sales tax increase * Officials fume at lab cuts * Sun-Times Editorial: Police Supt. looks like a good fit * New student driver law thwarted due to privacy
* Safety net hospitals would get extra $600M under plan
* Local hospitals facing class war * Editorial: Gaps in state law on problem teacher puts students at risk * Rezko lawyers fear ethnic bias on jury * Rezko lawyers fail to delay trial * Mark Brown: A few choice words about banning swearing in taverns
* Phil Luciano: Smoking ban picks a tough fight
* Downstate drivers have toll troubles too * Sun Times debuts smaller paper size; more here