Iowa caucus open thread
Thursday, Jan 3, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller Just in case you want to talk about the results… * I’ll be watching my pal Jeff Mayers’ site IowaPolitics.Com * Mother Tribune’s Swamp * I guess I should also link to the National Journal’s Hotline On Call blog as well. * CNN Iowa * ABC News live caucus blog Add others in comments.
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Thursday, Jan 3, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Thursday, Jan 3, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller It’s a new year, so let’s have your predictions for 2008.
Police state
Thursday, Jan 3, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Blagojevich administration is looking more and more like the Bush administration every day…
The police won’t say how “random” their search is, but every time you walk into a casino you’re exposing yourself to police scrutiny - without any legal basis. Nobody wants to be put into the position of defending unregistered sex offenders, but imagine if you forgot to pay a speeding ticket and all of a sudden you find yourself being escorted out of the casino. This has to stop. If the General Assembly wants to give the police the authority to do this, fine. But until then, citizens shouldn’t be subjected to police background checks just because they want to pump a few bucks into a slot machine.
TV coverage roundup (what there was of it)
Thursday, Jan 3, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * This story about yesterday’s special session was a bit misleading…
Actually, 14 or 15 Senators showed up (depending on the count), while 70 House members answered the roll call. * And this piece puts all the onus on the General Assembly, while the governor gets the spin…
* What’s the connection? They’re both TV stories. As somebody pointed out in comments, the TV reporters tended to give the governor more of a benefit of the doubt than the newspaper reporters did. And, frankly, when it comes to impact on the citizenry, TV swamps newsprint. What just about everyone missed is that only eight Senate Democrats came to town yesterday. That’s eight out of 37 in a chamber controlled by the governor’s biggest ally.
To be more accurate, most Senators skipped the session. A clear majority of House members showed. * Meanwhile, I couldn’t find any Chicago TV stories about the governor’s pretty disastrous press conference yesterday. Fox Chicago put a Sun-Times piece on its website, but that was it…
As that commenter on yesterday’s item noted, blog writers and blog readers need to pay a whole lot more attention to what actually gets on TV, where the vast majority of people receive their news. We’re all tuned in, but it’s important to know how our info differs from just about everyone else’s. * More special session stuff, compiled by Paul…
We need a better explanation of Wrigley sale
Thursday, Jan 3, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * I think it’s time somebody finally figures out just what the heck has really been proposed for the Wrigley Field deal. This is one of the stories we’ve been fed…
* But this nugget is from today’s Sun-Times. It’s buried in an article about how Mayor Daley has changed his tune and is now keeping an open mind about a potential state buyout of the park…
A dollar would not qualify as a “huge up-front payment.” * The Tribune had this brief explanation in a story last month…
For a dollar? * And then there’s the benefits of a state sale for the new Cubs owners…
* And could a TIF district be involved? This is also from the Sun-Times…
TIF Districts are tax revenues by another name, Thompson.
Morning shorts
Thursday, Jan 3, 2008 - Posted by Paul Richardson * O’Hare again nation’s second busiest airport; more here * Phil Kadner: What people will NOT say in 2008 * Steve Chapman: Think positive about negative campaigning
* State in rush for primary * Lawsuit in 14th District: Reasonable deadlines sought for canvassing, absentee voting; more here
* Bernie Schoenburg: Illinois new primary date puts state in spotlight for Giuliani camp
* Candidate rejects campaign cash criticism in 8th CD
* Foreign policy center stage in 18th-CD debate; more here * Chicago Argus: It feels good for state primary to be relevant again * RubberStampRoskam Blog: Roskam gets perfect report card from big business * Voter registration deadline looms for IL residents * Laws on wine shipping leave bad taste in N.J., elsewhere
* Bars finding ways to aid those affected by the ban * Editorial: School bus law may be common sense, but it is necessary
* Program yields college saving from shopping; more here
* You don’t have to be a saint to get a street sign
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Thursday, Jan 3, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller