Question of the day
Monday, Jan 28, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller Tell us about the latest political mailers you’ve received, ads you’ve seen or heard, etc.
Lead, follow, or get out of the way
Monday, Jan 28, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * My syndicated newspaper column this week takes a look at how a looming national recession is spurring a hopelessly divided Washington, DC to take unifed action. And then I compare it to the current situation here in Illinois. The conclusion…
* Meanwhile, Kurt Erickson plays “Answer Man”…
* Bernie’s column is also pretty funny, but probably not intentionally…
* Related stuff, compiled by Kevin…
New poll shows support for senior freebie plan
Monday, Jan 28, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Post-Dispatch has a new poll out, and many of you are not going to like some of the results. For instance, when asked…
71 percent said they agreed with the plan, and just 18 percent said they disagreed. * Also, 42 percent said they had a favorable opinion of the governor (double the results in the last poll), while just 37 percent said the same about the Illinois Legislature. 54 percent said they viewed Dick Durbin in a favorable light. * 41 percent approved of Blagojevich’s job performance, while 59 percent disapproved. That ain’t great. * But, when asked…
52 percent agreed that it was the most important issue while just 33 percent disagreed. Go read the whole poll and discuss these and other results. …Adding… The poll may have a bit of good news for Blagojevich, but Obama doesn’t want him around…
The ol’ switcheroo
Monday, Jan 28, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * This is one of the older tricks in the political playbook…
Yep. That would be the answer. He wanted it to look like he had the personal finances to keep up with Oberweis. But then he repaid the loan a few days later, so he apparently doesn’t have the bucks to spend. * Meanwhile…
* And…
* More congressional stories, compiled by Kevin…
Morning shorts
Monday, Jan 28, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning * Union Rates Increase in 2007 * How cash, clout transform Chicago neighborhoods * Changes to smoking ban smoldering * Cook Co. clerk: Election is drawing young voters * Obama felt in state’s attorney race * State’s attorney candidates’ forum focuses on Burge * Untruths and Consequences * Cook state’s attorney candidates,tout plans allies as primary nears * Durbin a tough test for GOP in Senate race * U. of Illinois builds its first eco-friendly residence hall * Romney’s son visits Twin Cities with confident
This just in… Rezko arrested on reported bond violation
Monday, Jan 28, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * This can’t be good for Barack Obama’s post South Carolina momentum…
* More…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY: Today’s Capitol Fax
Monday, Jan 28, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller